Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.cos;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFObjectStreamParser;

 * This is the in-memory representation of the PDF document.  You need to call
 * close() on this object when you are done using it!!
 * @author Ben Litchfield
public class COSDocument extends COSBase implements Closeable {

     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(COSDocument.class);

    private float version = 1.4f;

     * Maps ObjectKeys to a COSObject. Note that references to these objects
     * are also stored in COSDictionary objects that map a name to a specific object.
    private final Map<COSObjectKey, COSObject> objectPool = new HashMap<>();

     * Maps object and generation id to object byte offsets.
    private final Map<COSObjectKey, Long> xrefTable = new HashMap<>();

     * List containing all streams which are created when creating a new pdf. 
    private final List<COSStream> streams = new ArrayList<>();

     * Document trailer dictionary.
    private COSDictionary trailer;

    private boolean warnMissingClose = true;

     * Signal that document is already decrypted. 
    private boolean isDecrypted = false;

    private long startXref;

    private boolean closed = false;

    private boolean isXRefStream;

    private ScratchFile scratchFile;

     * Used for incremental saving, to avoid XRef object numbers from being reused.
    private long highestXRefObjectNumber;

     * Constructor. Uses main memory to buffer PDF streams.
    public COSDocument() {

     * Constructor that will use the provide memory handler for storage of the
     * PDF streams.
     * @param scratchFile memory handler for buffering of PDF streams
    public COSDocument(ScratchFile scratchFile) {
        this.scratchFile = scratchFile;

     * Creates a new COSStream using the current configuration for scratch files.
     * @return the new COSStream
    public COSStream createCOSStream() {
        COSStream stream = new COSStream(scratchFile);
        // collect all COSStreams so that they can be closed when closing the COSDocument.
        // This is limited to newly created pdfs as all COSStreams of an existing pdf are
        // collected within the map objectPool
        return stream;

     * Creates a new COSStream using the current configuration for scratch files.
     * Not for public use. Only COSParser should call this method.
     * @param dictionary the corresponding dictionary
     * @return the new COSStream
    public COSStream createCOSStream(COSDictionary dictionary) {
        COSStream stream = new COSStream(scratchFile);
        for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : dictionary.entrySet()) {
            stream.setItem(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        return stream;

     * This will get the first dictionary object by type.
     * @param type The type of the object.
     * @return This will return an object with the specified type.
    public COSObject getObjectByType(COSName type) {
        for (COSObject object : objectPool.values()) {
            COSBase realObject = object.getObject();
            if (realObject instanceof COSDictionary) {
                try {
                    COSDictionary dic = (COSDictionary) realObject;
                    COSBase typeItem = dic.getItem(COSName.TYPE);
                    if (typeItem instanceof COSName) {
                        COSName objectType = (COSName) typeItem;
                        if (objectType.equals(type)) {
                            return object;
                    } else if (typeItem != null) {
                        LOG.debug("Expected a /Name object after /Type, got '" + typeItem + "' instead");
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    LOG.warn(e, e);
        return null;

     * This will get all dictionary objects by type.
     * @param type The type of the object.
     * @return This will return an object with the specified type.
    public List<COSObject> getObjectsByType(String type) {
        return getObjectsByType(COSName.getPDFName(type));

     * This will get a dictionary object by type.
     * @param type The type of the object.
     * @return This will return an object with the specified type.
    public List<COSObject> getObjectsByType(COSName type) {
        List<COSObject> retval = new ArrayList<>();
        for (COSObject object : objectPool.values()) {
            COSBase realObject = object.getObject();
            if (realObject instanceof COSDictionary) {
                try {
                    COSDictionary dic = (COSDictionary) realObject;
                    COSBase typeItem = dic.getItem(COSName.TYPE);
                    if (typeItem instanceof COSName) {
                        COSName objectType = (COSName) typeItem;
                        if (objectType.equals(type)) {
                    } else if (typeItem != null) {
                        LOG.debug("Expected a /Name object after /Type, got '" + typeItem + "' instead");
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    LOG.warn(e, e);
        return retval;

     * Returns the COSObjectKey for a given COS object, or null if there is none.
     * This lookup iterates over all objects in a PDF, which may be slow for large files.
     * @param object COS object
     * @return key
    public COSObjectKey getKey(COSBase object) {
        for (Map.Entry<COSObjectKey, COSObject> entry : objectPool.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getObject() == object) {
                return entry.getKey();
        return null;

     * This will print contents to stdout.
    public void print() {
        for (COSObject object : objectPool.values()) {

     * This will set the header version of this PDF document.
     * @param versionValue The version of the PDF document.
    public void setVersion(float versionValue) {
        version = versionValue;

     * This will get the version extracted from the header of this PDF document.
     * @return The header version.
    public float getVersion() {
        return version;

     * Signals that the document is decrypted completely.
    public void setDecrypted() {
        isDecrypted = true;

     * Indicates if a encrypted pdf is already decrypted after parsing.
     *  @return true indicates that the pdf is decrypted.
    public boolean isDecrypted() {
        return isDecrypted;

     * This will tell if this is an encrypted document.
     * @return true If this document is encrypted.
    public boolean isEncrypted() {
        boolean encrypted = false;
        if (trailer != null) {
            encrypted = trailer.getDictionaryObject(COSName.ENCRYPT) instanceof COSDictionary;
        return encrypted;

     * This will get the encryption dictionary if the document is encrypted or null if the document
     * is not encrypted.
     * @return The encryption dictionary.
    public COSDictionary getEncryptionDictionary() {
        return trailer.getCOSDictionary(COSName.ENCRYPT);

     * This will set the encryption dictionary, this should only be called when
     * encrypting the document.
     * @param encDictionary The encryption dictionary.
    public void setEncryptionDictionary(COSDictionary encDictionary) {
        trailer.setItem(COSName.ENCRYPT, encDictionary);

     * This will get the document ID.
     * @return The document id.
    public COSArray getDocumentID() {
        return getTrailer().getCOSArray(COSName.ID);

     * This will set the document ID.
     * @param id The document id.
    public void setDocumentID(COSArray id) {
        getTrailer().setItem(COSName.ID, id);

     * This will get a list of all available objects.
     * @return A list of all objects, never null.
    public List<COSObject> getObjects() {
        return new ArrayList<>(objectPool.values());

     * This will get the document trailer.
     * @return the document trailer dict
    public COSDictionary getTrailer() {
        return trailer;

     * // MIT added, maybe this should not be supported as trailer is a persistence construct.
     * This will set the document trailer.
     * @param newTrailer the document trailer dictionary
    public void setTrailer(COSDictionary newTrailer) {
        trailer = newTrailer;

     * Internal PDFBox use only. Get the object number of the highest XRef stream. This is needed to
     * avoid reusing such a number in incremental saving.
     * @return The object number of the highest XRef stream, or 0 if there was no XRef stream.
    public long getHighestXRefObjectNumber() {
        return highestXRefObjectNumber;

     * Internal PDFBox use only. Sets the object number of the highest XRef stream. This is needed
     * to avoid reusing such a number in incremental saving.
     * @param highestXRefObjectNumber The object number of the highest XRef stream.
    public void setHighestXRefObjectNumber(long highestXRefObjectNumber) {
        this.highestXRefObjectNumber = highestXRefObjectNumber;

     * visitor pattern double dispatch method.
     * @param visitor The object to notify when visiting this object.
     * @return any object, depending on the visitor implementation, or null
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs while visiting this object.
    public Object accept(ICOSVisitor visitor) throws IOException {
        return visitor.visitFromDocument(this);

     * This will close all storage and delete the tmp files.
     *  @throws IOException If there is an error close resources.
    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (!closed) {
            // Make sure that:
            // - first Exception is kept
            // - all COSStreams are closed
            // - ScratchFile is closed
            // - there's a way to see which errors occurred

            IOException firstException = null;

            // close all open I/O streams
            for (COSObject object : getObjects()) {
                COSBase cosObject = object.getObject();
                if (cosObject instanceof COSStream) {
                    firstException = IOUtils.closeAndLogException((COSStream) cosObject, LOG, "COSStream",

            for (COSStream stream : streams) {
                firstException = IOUtils.closeAndLogException(stream, LOG, "COSStream", firstException);

            if (scratchFile != null) {
                firstException = IOUtils.closeAndLogException(scratchFile, LOG, "ScratchFile", firstException);
            closed = true;

            // rethrow first exception to keep method contract
            if (firstException != null) {
                throw firstException;

     * Returns true if this document has been closed.
    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

     * Warn the user in the finalizer if he didn't close the PDF document. The method also
     * closes the document just in case, to avoid abandoned temporary files. It's still a good
     * idea for the user to close the PDF document at the earliest possible to conserve resources.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while closing the temporary files
    protected void finalize() throws IOException {
        if (!closed) {
            if (warnMissingClose) {
                LOG.warn("Warning: You did not close a PDF Document");

     * Controls whether this instance shall issue a warning if the PDF document wasn't closed
     * properly through a call to the {@link #close()} method. If the PDF document is held in
     * a cache governed by soft references it is impossible to reliably close the document
     * before the warning is raised. By default, the warning is enabled.
     * @param warn true enables the warning, false disables it.
    public void setWarnMissingClose(boolean warn) {
        this.warnMissingClose = warn;

     * This method will search the list of objects for types of ObjStm.  If it finds
     * them then it will parse out all of the objects from the stream that is contains.
     * @throws IOException If there is an error parsing the stream.
    public void dereferenceObjectStreams() throws IOException {
        for (COSObject objStream : getObjectsByType(COSName.OBJ_STM)) {
            COSStream stream = (COSStream) objStream.getObject();
            PDFObjectStreamParser parser = new PDFObjectStreamParser(stream, this);
            for (COSObject next : parser.parse()) {
                COSObjectKey key = new COSObjectKey(next);
                if (objectPool.get(key) == null || objectPool.get(key).getObject() == null
                // xrefTable stores negated objNr of objStream for objects in objStreams
                        || (xrefTable.containsKey(key) && xrefTable.get(key) == -objStream.getObjectNumber())) {
                    COSObject obj = getObjectFromPool(key);

     * This will get an object from the pool.
     * @param key The object key.
     * @return The object in the pool or a new one if it has not been parsed yet.
    public COSObject getObjectFromPool(COSObjectKey key) {
        COSObject obj = null;
        if (key != null) {
            obj = objectPool.get(key);
        if (obj == null) {
            // this was a forward reference, make "proxy" object
            obj = new COSObject(null);
            if (key != null) {
                objectPool.put(key, obj);
        return obj;

     * Removes an object from the object pool.
     * @param key the object key
     * @return the object that was removed or null if the object was not found
    public COSObject removeObject(COSObjectKey key) {
        return objectPool.remove(key);

     * Populate XRef HashMap with given values.
     * Each entry maps ObjectKeys to byte offsets in the file.
     * @param xrefTableValues  xref table entries to be added
    public void addXRefTable(Map<COSObjectKey, Long> xrefTableValues) {

     * Returns the xrefTable which is a mapping of ObjectKeys
     * to byte offsets in the file.
     * @return mapping of ObjectsKeys to byte offsets
    public Map<COSObjectKey, Long> getXrefTable() {
        return xrefTable;

     * This method set the startxref value of the document. This will only 
     * be needed for incremental updates.
     * @param startXrefValue the value for startXref
    public void setStartXref(long startXrefValue) {
        startXref = startXrefValue;

     * Return the startXref Position of the parsed document. This will only be needed for incremental updates.
     * @return a long with the old position of the startxref
    public long getStartXref() {
        return startXref;

     * Determines if the trailer is a XRef stream or not.
     * @return true if the trailer is a XRef stream
    public boolean isXRefStream() {
        return isXRefStream;

     * Sets isXRefStream to the given value. You need to take care that the version of your PDF is
     * 1.5 or higher.
     * @param isXRefStreamValue the new value for isXRefStream
    public void setIsXRefStream(boolean isXRefStreamValue) {
        isXRefStream = isXRefStreamValue;