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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.apache.parquet.hadoop;

import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static org.apache.parquet.Preconditions.checkArgument;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit;
import org.apache.parquet.Log;
import org.apache.parquet.Preconditions;
import org.apache.parquet.filter.UnboundRecordFilter;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat.Filter;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.RowGroupFilter;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterPredicate;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.InitContext;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.ReadSupport;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.ReadSupport.ReadContext;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.BlockMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ColumnChunkMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.GlobalMetaData;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.ConfigurationUtil;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.ContextUtil;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.HiddenFileFilter;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.SerializationUtil;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType;
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageTypeParser;

 * The input format to read a Parquet file.
 * It requires an implementation of {@link ReadSupport} to materialize the records.
 * The requestedSchema will control how the original records get projected by the loader.
 * It must be a subset of the original schema. Only the columns needed to reconstruct the records with the requestedSchema will be scanned.
 * @author Julien Le Dem
 * @param <T> the type of the materialized records
public class ParquetInputFormat<T> extends FileInputFormat<Void, T> {

    private static final Log LOG = Log.getLog(ParquetInputFormat.class);

     * key to configure the ReadSupport implementation
    public static final String READ_SUPPORT_CLASS = "";

     * key to configure the filter
    public static final String UNBOUND_RECORD_FILTER = "";

     * key to configure type checking for conflicting schemas (default: true)
    public static final String STRICT_TYPE_CHECKING = "parquet.strict.typing";

     * key to configure the filter predicate
    public static final String FILTER_PREDICATE = "";

     * key to turn on or off task side metadata loading (default true)
     * if true then metadata is read on the task side and some tasks may finish immediately.
     * if false metadata is read on the client which is slower if there is a lot of metadata but tasks will only be spawn if there is work to do.
    public static final String TASK_SIDE_METADATA = "parquet.task.side.metadata";

     * key to turn off file splitting. See PARQUET-246.
    public static final String SPLIT_FILES = "parquet.split.files";

    private static final int MIN_FOOTER_CACHE_SIZE = 100;

    public static void setTaskSideMetaData(Job job, boolean taskSideMetadata) {
        ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job).setBoolean(TASK_SIDE_METADATA, taskSideMetadata);

    public static boolean isTaskSideMetaData(Configuration configuration) {
        return configuration.getBoolean(TASK_SIDE_METADATA, TRUE);

    public static void setReadSupportClass(Job job, Class<?> readSupportClass) {
        ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job).set(READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, readSupportClass.getName());

    public static void setUnboundRecordFilter(Job job, Class<? extends UnboundRecordFilter> filterClass) {
        Configuration conf = ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job);
        checkArgument(getFilterPredicate(conf) == null,
                "You cannot provide an UnboundRecordFilter after providing a FilterPredicate");

        conf.set(UNBOUND_RECORD_FILTER, filterClass.getName());

     * @deprecated use {@link #getFilter(Configuration)}
    public static Class<?> getUnboundRecordFilter(Configuration configuration) {
        return ConfigurationUtil.getClassFromConfig(configuration, UNBOUND_RECORD_FILTER,

    private static UnboundRecordFilter getUnboundRecordFilterInstance(Configuration configuration) {
        Class<?> clazz = ConfigurationUtil.getClassFromConfig(configuration, UNBOUND_RECORD_FILTER,
        if (clazz == null) {
            return null;

        try {
            UnboundRecordFilter unboundRecordFilter = (UnboundRecordFilter) clazz.newInstance();

            if (unboundRecordFilter instanceof Configurable) {
                ((Configurable) unboundRecordFilter).setConf(configuration);

            return unboundRecordFilter;
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate unbound record filter class", e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate unbound record filter class", e);

    public static void setReadSupportClass(JobConf conf, Class<?> readSupportClass) {
        conf.set(READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, readSupportClass.getName());

    public static Class<?> getReadSupportClass(Configuration configuration) {
        return ConfigurationUtil.getClassFromConfig(configuration, READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, ReadSupport.class);

    public static void setFilterPredicate(Configuration configuration, FilterPredicate filterPredicate) {
        checkArgument(getUnboundRecordFilter(configuration) == null,
                "You cannot provide a FilterPredicate after providing an UnboundRecordFilter");

        configuration.set(FILTER_PREDICATE + ".human.readable", filterPredicate.toString());
        try {
            SerializationUtil.writeObjectToConfAsBase64(FILTER_PREDICATE, filterPredicate, configuration);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private static FilterPredicate getFilterPredicate(Configuration configuration) {
        try {
            return SerializationUtil.readObjectFromConfAsBase64(FILTER_PREDICATE, configuration);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Returns a non-null Filter, which is a wrapper around either a
     * FilterPredicate, an UnboundRecordFilter, or a no-op filter.
    public static Filter getFilter(Configuration conf) {
        return FilterCompat.get(getFilterPredicate(conf), getUnboundRecordFilterInstance(conf));

    private LruCache<FileStatusWrapper, FootersCacheValue> footersCache;

    private final Class<? extends ReadSupport<T>> readSupportClass;

     * Hadoop will instantiate using this constructor
    public ParquetInputFormat() {
        this.readSupportClass = null;

     * Constructor for subclasses, such as AvroParquetInputFormat, or wrappers.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses and wrappers may use this constructor to set the ReadSupport
     * class that will be used when reading instead of requiring the user to set
     * the read support property in their configuration.
     * @param readSupportClass a ReadSupport subclass
    public <S extends ReadSupport<T>> ParquetInputFormat(Class<S> readSupportClass) {
        this.readSupportClass = readSupportClass;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public RecordReader<Void, T> createRecordReader(InputSplit inputSplit, TaskAttemptContext taskAttemptContext)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Configuration conf = ContextUtil.getConfiguration(taskAttemptContext);
        ReadSupport<T> readSupport = getReadSupport(conf);
        return new ParquetRecordReader<T>(readSupport, getFilter(conf));

     * @param configuration to find the configuration for the read support
     * @return the configured read support
     * @deprecated use getReadSupportInstance static methods instead
    ReadSupport<T> getReadSupport(Configuration configuration) {
        return getReadSupportInstance(
                readSupportClass == null ? (Class<? extends ReadSupport<T>>) getReadSupportClass(configuration)
                        : readSupportClass);

     * @param configuration to find the configuration for the read support
     * @return the configured read support
    public static <T> ReadSupport<T> getReadSupportInstance(Configuration configuration) {
        return getReadSupportInstance((Class<? extends ReadSupport<T>>) getReadSupportClass(configuration));

     * @param readSupportClass to instantiate
     * @return the configured read support
    static <T> ReadSupport<T> getReadSupportInstance(Class<? extends ReadSupport<T>> readSupportClass) {
        try {
            return readSupportClass.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate read support class", e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new BadConfigurationException("could not instantiate read support class", e);

    protected boolean isSplitable(JobContext context, Path filename) {
        return ContextUtil.getConfiguration(context).getBoolean(SPLIT_FILES, true);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException {
        Configuration configuration = ContextUtil.getConfiguration(jobContext);
        List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

        if (isTaskSideMetaData(configuration)) {
            // Although not required by the API, some clients may depend on always
            // receiving ParquetInputSplit. Translation is required at some point.
            for (InputSplit split : super.getSplits(jobContext)) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(split instanceof FileSplit, "Cannot wrap non-FileSplit: " + split);
                splits.add(ParquetInputSplit.from((FileSplit) split));
            return splits;

        } else {
            splits.addAll(getSplits(configuration, getFooters(jobContext)));

        return splits;

     * @param configuration the configuration to connect to the file system
     * @param footers the footers of the files to read
     * @return the splits for the footers
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated split planning using file footers will be removed
    public List<ParquetInputSplit> getSplits(Configuration configuration, List<Footer> footers) throws IOException {
        boolean strictTypeChecking = configuration.getBoolean(STRICT_TYPE_CHECKING, true);
        final long maxSplitSize = configuration.getLong("mapred.max.split.size", Long.MAX_VALUE);
        final long minSplitSize = Math.max(getFormatMinSplitSize(),
                configuration.getLong("mapred.min.split.size", 0L));
        if (maxSplitSize < 0 || minSplitSize < 0) {
            throw new ParquetDecodingException(
                    "maxSplitSize or minSplitSize should not be negative: maxSplitSize = " + maxSplitSize
                            + "; minSplitSize = " + minSplitSize);
        GlobalMetaData globalMetaData = ParquetFileWriter.getGlobalMetaData(footers, strictTypeChecking);
        ReadContext readContext = getReadSupport(configuration).init(
                new InitContext(configuration, globalMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData(), globalMetaData.getSchema()));

        return new ClientSideMetadataSplitStrategy().getSplits(configuration, footers, maxSplitSize, minSplitSize,

     * This is to support multi-level/recursive directory listing until
     * MAPREDUCE-1577 is fixed.
    protected List<FileStatus> listStatus(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException {
        return getAllFileRecursively(super.listStatus(jobContext), ContextUtil.getConfiguration(jobContext));

    private static List<FileStatus> getAllFileRecursively(List<FileStatus> files, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {
        List<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
        for (FileStatus file : files) {
            if (file.isDir()) {
                Path p = file.getPath();
                FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf);
                staticAddInputPathRecursively(result, fs, p, HiddenFileFilter.INSTANCE);
            } else {
        }"Total input paths to process : " + result.size());
        return result;

    private static void staticAddInputPathRecursively(List<FileStatus> result, FileSystem fs, Path path,
            PathFilter inputFilter) throws IOException {
        for (FileStatus stat : fs.listStatus(path, inputFilter)) {
            if (stat.isDir()) {
                staticAddInputPathRecursively(result, fs, stat.getPath(), inputFilter);
            } else {

     * @param jobContext the current job context
     * @return the footers for the files
     * @throws IOException
    public List<Footer> getFooters(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException {
        List<FileStatus> statuses = listStatus(jobContext);
        if (statuses.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        Configuration config = ContextUtil.getConfiguration(jobContext);
        List<Footer> footers = new ArrayList<Footer>(statuses.size());
        Set<FileStatus> missingStatuses = new HashSet<FileStatus>();
        Map<Path, FileStatusWrapper> missingStatusesMap = new HashMap<Path, FileStatusWrapper>(

        if (footersCache == null) {
            footersCache = new LruCache<FileStatusWrapper, FootersCacheValue>(
                    Math.max(statuses.size(), MIN_FOOTER_CACHE_SIZE));
        for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
            FileStatusWrapper statusWrapper = new FileStatusWrapper(status);
            FootersCacheValue cacheEntry = footersCache.getCurrentValue(statusWrapper);
            if (Log.DEBUG) {
                LOG.debug("Cache entry " + (cacheEntry == null ? "not " : "") + " found for '" + status.getPath()
                        + "'");
            if (cacheEntry != null) {
            } else {
                missingStatusesMap.put(status.getPath(), statusWrapper);
        if (Log.DEBUG) {
            LOG.debug("found " + footers.size() + " footers in cache and adding up " + "to "
                    + missingStatuses.size() + " missing footers to the cache");

        if (missingStatuses.isEmpty()) {
            return footers;

        List<Footer> newFooters = getFooters(config, missingStatuses);
        for (Footer newFooter : newFooters) {
            // Use the original file status objects to make sure we store a
            // conservative (older) modification time (i.e. in case the files and
            // footers were modified and it's not clear which version of the footers
            // we have)
            FileStatusWrapper fileStatus = missingStatusesMap.get(newFooter.getFile());
            footersCache.put(fileStatus, new FootersCacheValue(fileStatus, newFooter));

        return footers;

    public List<Footer> getFooters(Configuration configuration, List<FileStatus> statuses) throws IOException {
        return getFooters(configuration, (Collection<FileStatus>) statuses);

     * the footers for the files
     * @param configuration to connect to the file system
     * @param statuses the files to open
     * @return the footers of the files
     * @throws IOException
    public List<Footer> getFooters(Configuration configuration, Collection<FileStatus> statuses)
            throws IOException {
        if (Log.DEBUG)
            LOG.debug("reading " + statuses.size() + " files");
        boolean taskSideMetaData = isTaskSideMetaData(configuration);
        return ParquetFileReader.readAllFootersInParallelUsingSummaryFiles(configuration, statuses,

     * @param jobContext the current job context
     * @return the merged metadata from the footers
     * @throws IOException
    public GlobalMetaData getGlobalMetaData(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException {
        return ParquetFileWriter.getGlobalMetaData(getFooters(jobContext));

     * A simple wrapper around {@link org.apache.parquet.hadoop.Footer} that also includes a
     * modification time associated with that footer.  The modification time is
     * used to determine whether the footer is still current.
    static final class FootersCacheValue implements LruCache.Value<FileStatusWrapper, FootersCacheValue> {
        private final long modificationTime;
        private final Footer footer;

        public FootersCacheValue(FileStatusWrapper status, Footer footer) {
            this.modificationTime = status.getModificationTime();
            this.footer = new Footer(footer.getFile(), footer.getParquetMetadata());

        public boolean isCurrent(FileStatusWrapper key) {
            long currentModTime = key.getModificationTime();
            boolean isCurrent = modificationTime >= currentModTime;
            if (Log.DEBUG && !isCurrent) {
                LOG.debug("The cache value for '" + key + "' is not current: " + "cached modification time="
                        + modificationTime + ", " + "current modification time: " + currentModTime);
            return isCurrent;

        public Footer getFooter() {
            return footer;

        public boolean isNewerThan(FootersCacheValue otherValue) {
            return otherValue == null || modificationTime > otherValue.modificationTime;

        public Path getPath() {
            return footer.getFile();

     * A simple wrapper around {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus} with a
     * meaningful "toString()" method
    static final class FileStatusWrapper {
        private final FileStatus status;

        public FileStatusWrapper(FileStatus fileStatus) {
            if (fileStatus == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("FileStatus object cannot be null");
            status = fileStatus;

        public long getModificationTime() {
            return status.getModificationTime();

        public int hashCode() {
            return status.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object other) {
            return other instanceof FileStatusWrapper && status.equals(((FileStatusWrapper) other).status);

        public String toString() {
            return status.getPath().toString();


class ClientSideMetadataSplitStrategy {
    //Wrapper of hdfs blocks, keep track of which HDFS block is being used
    private static class HDFSBlocks {
        BlockLocation[] hdfsBlocks;
        int currentStartHdfsBlockIndex = 0;//the hdfs block index corresponding to the start of a row group
        int currentMidPointHDFSBlockIndex = 0;// the hdfs block index corresponding to the mid-point of a row group, a split might be created only when the midpoint of the rowgroup enters a new hdfs block

        private HDFSBlocks(BlockLocation[] hdfsBlocks) {
            this.hdfsBlocks = hdfsBlocks;
            Comparator<BlockLocation> comparator = new Comparator<BlockLocation>() {
                public int compare(BlockLocation b1, BlockLocation b2) {
                    return Long.signum(b1.getOffset() - b2.getOffset());
            Arrays.sort(hdfsBlocks, comparator);

        private long getHDFSBlockEndingPosition(int hdfsBlockIndex) {
            BlockLocation hdfsBlock = hdfsBlocks[hdfsBlockIndex];
            return hdfsBlock.getOffset() + hdfsBlock.getLength() - 1;

         * @param rowGroupMetadata
         * @return true if the mid point of row group is in a new hdfs block, and also move the currentHDFSBlock pointer to the correct index that contains the row group;
         * return false if the mid point of row group is in the same hdfs block
        private boolean checkBelongingToANewHDFSBlock(BlockMetaData rowGroupMetadata) {
            boolean isNewHdfsBlock = false;
            long rowGroupMidPoint = rowGroupMetadata.getStartingPos() + (rowGroupMetadata.getCompressedSize() / 2);

            //if mid point is not in the current HDFS block any more, return true
            while (rowGroupMidPoint > getHDFSBlockEndingPosition(currentMidPointHDFSBlockIndex)) {
                isNewHdfsBlock = true;
                if (currentMidPointHDFSBlockIndex >= hdfsBlocks.length)
                    throw new ParquetDecodingException(
                            "the row group is not in hdfs blocks in the file: midpoint of row groups is "
                                    + rowGroupMidPoint + ", the end of the hdfs block is "
                                    + getHDFSBlockEndingPosition(currentMidPointHDFSBlockIndex - 1));

            while (rowGroupMetadata.getStartingPos() > getHDFSBlockEndingPosition(currentStartHdfsBlockIndex)) {
                if (currentStartHdfsBlockIndex >= hdfsBlocks.length)
                    throw new ParquetDecodingException(
                            "The row group does not start in this file: row group offset is "
                                    + rowGroupMetadata.getStartingPos() + " but the end of hdfs blocks of file is "
                                    + getHDFSBlockEndingPosition(currentStartHdfsBlockIndex));
            return isNewHdfsBlock;

        public BlockLocation getCurrentBlock() {
            return hdfsBlocks[currentStartHdfsBlockIndex];

    static class SplitInfo {
        List<BlockMetaData> rowGroups = new ArrayList<BlockMetaData>();
        BlockLocation hdfsBlock;
        long compressedByteSize = 0L;

        public SplitInfo(BlockLocation currentBlock) {
            this.hdfsBlock = currentBlock;

        private void addRowGroup(BlockMetaData rowGroup) {
            this.compressedByteSize += rowGroup.getCompressedSize();

        public long getCompressedByteSize() {
            return compressedByteSize;

        public List<BlockMetaData> getRowGroups() {
            return rowGroups;

        int getRowGroupCount() {
            return rowGroups.size();

        public ParquetInputSplit getParquetInputSplit(FileStatus fileStatus, String requestedSchema,
                Map<String, String> readSupportMetadata) throws IOException {
            MessageType requested = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(requestedSchema);
            long length = 0;

            for (BlockMetaData block : this.getRowGroups()) {
                List<ColumnChunkMetaData> columns = block.getColumns();
                for (ColumnChunkMetaData column : columns) {
                    if (requested.containsPath(column.getPath().toArray())) {
                        length += column.getTotalSize();

            BlockMetaData lastRowGroup = this.getRowGroups().get(this.getRowGroupCount() - 1);
            long end = lastRowGroup.getStartingPos() + lastRowGroup.getTotalByteSize();

            long[] rowGroupOffsets = new long[this.getRowGroupCount()];
            for (int i = 0; i < rowGroupOffsets.length; i++) {
                rowGroupOffsets[i] = this.getRowGroups().get(i).getStartingPos();

            return new ParquetInputSplit(fileStatus.getPath(), hdfsBlock.getOffset(), end, length,
                    hdfsBlock.getHosts(), rowGroupOffsets);

    private static final Log LOG = Log.getLog(ClientSideMetadataSplitStrategy.class);

    List<ParquetInputSplit> getSplits(Configuration configuration, List<Footer> footers, long maxSplitSize,
            long minSplitSize, ReadContext readContext) throws IOException {
        List<ParquetInputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<ParquetInputSplit>();
        Filter filter = ParquetInputFormat.getFilter(configuration);

        long rowGroupsDropped = 0;
        long totalRowGroups = 0;

        for (Footer footer : footers) {
            final Path file = footer.getFile();
            FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(configuration);
            FileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(file);
            ParquetMetadata parquetMetaData = footer.getParquetMetadata();
            List<BlockMetaData> blocks = parquetMetaData.getBlocks();

            List<BlockMetaData> filteredBlocks;

            totalRowGroups += blocks.size();
            filteredBlocks = RowGroupFilter.filterRowGroups(filter, blocks,
            rowGroupsDropped += blocks.size() - filteredBlocks.size();

            if (filteredBlocks.isEmpty()) {

            BlockLocation[] fileBlockLocations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(fileStatus, 0, fileStatus.getLen());
            splits.addAll(generateSplits(filteredBlocks, fileBlockLocations, fileStatus,
                    readContext.getRequestedSchema().toString(), readContext.getReadSupportMetadata(), minSplitSize,

        if (rowGroupsDropped > 0 && totalRowGroups > 0) {
            int percentDropped = (int) ((((double) rowGroupsDropped) / totalRowGroups) * 100);
  "Dropping " + rowGroupsDropped + " row groups that do not pass filter predicate! ("
                    + percentDropped + "%)");
        } else {
  "There were no row groups that could be dropped due to filter predicates");
        return splits;

     * groups together all the data blocks for the same HDFS block
     * @param rowGroupBlocks      data blocks (row groups)
     * @param hdfsBlocksArray     hdfs blocks
     * @param fileStatus          the containing file
     * @param requestedSchema     the schema requested by the user
     * @param readSupportMetadata the metadata provided by the readSupport implementation in init
     * @param minSplitSize        the mapred.min.split.size
     * @param maxSplitSize        the mapred.max.split.size
     * @return the splits (one per HDFS block)
     * @throws IOException If hosts can't be retrieved for the HDFS block
    static <T> List<ParquetInputSplit> generateSplits(List<BlockMetaData> rowGroupBlocks,
            BlockLocation[] hdfsBlocksArray, FileStatus fileStatus, String requestedSchema,
            Map<String, String> readSupportMetadata, long minSplitSize, long maxSplitSize) throws IOException {

        List<SplitInfo> splitRowGroups = generateSplitInfo(rowGroupBlocks, hdfsBlocksArray, minSplitSize,

        //generate splits from rowGroups of each split
        List<ParquetInputSplit> resultSplits = new ArrayList<ParquetInputSplit>();
        for (SplitInfo splitInfo : splitRowGroups) {
            ParquetInputSplit split = splitInfo.getParquetInputSplit(fileStatus, requestedSchema,
        return resultSplits;

    static List<SplitInfo> generateSplitInfo(List<BlockMetaData> rowGroupBlocks, BlockLocation[] hdfsBlocksArray,
            long minSplitSize, long maxSplitSize) {
        List<SplitInfo> splitRowGroups;

        if (maxSplitSize < minSplitSize || maxSplitSize < 0 || minSplitSize < 0) {
            throw new ParquetDecodingException(
                    "maxSplitSize and minSplitSize should be positive and max should be greater or equal to the minSplitSize: maxSplitSize = "
                            + maxSplitSize + "; minSplitSize is " + minSplitSize);
        HDFSBlocks hdfsBlocks = new HDFSBlocks(hdfsBlocksArray);
        SplitInfo currentSplit = new SplitInfo(hdfsBlocks.getCurrentBlock());

        //assign rowGroups to splits
        splitRowGroups = new ArrayList<SplitInfo>();
        checkSorted(rowGroupBlocks);//assert row groups are sorted
        for (BlockMetaData rowGroupMetadata : rowGroupBlocks) {
            if ((hdfsBlocks.checkBelongingToANewHDFSBlock(rowGroupMetadata)
                    && currentSplit.getCompressedByteSize() >= minSplitSize
                    && currentSplit.getCompressedByteSize() > 0)
                    || currentSplit.getCompressedByteSize() >= maxSplitSize) {
                //create a new split
                splitRowGroups.add(currentSplit);//finish previous split
                currentSplit = new SplitInfo(hdfsBlocks.getCurrentBlock());

        if (currentSplit.getRowGroupCount() > 0) {

        return splitRowGroups;

    private static void checkSorted(List<BlockMetaData> rowGroupBlocks) {
        long previousOffset = 0L;
        for (BlockMetaData rowGroup : rowGroupBlocks) {
            long currentOffset = rowGroup.getStartingPos();
            if (currentOffset < previousOffset) {
                throw new ParquetDecodingException("row groups are not sorted: previous row groups starts at "
                        + previousOffset + ", current row group starts at " + currentOffset);