Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.apache.openmeetings.util.OpenmeetingsVariables.ATTR_CLASS; import static org.apache.openmeetings.util.OpenmeetingsVariables.PARAM_STATUS; import static; import static; import static org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier.append; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.dao.file.FileItemDao; import; import; import; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.basic.Client; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.file.BaseFileItem; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.file.FileItem; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.openmeetings.util.NullStringer; import org.apache.openmeetings.util.OmFileHelper; import; import org.apache.openmeetings.web.common.NameDialog; import; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageContentStream.AppendMode; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle; import; import; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes.Method; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.JavaScriptResourceReference; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference; import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean; import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.github.openjson.JSONArray; import com.github.openjson.JSONObject; import com.github.openjson.JSONTokener; import com.googlecode.wicket.jquery.ui.widget.dialog.DialogButton; public class WbPanel extends AbstractWbPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WbPanel.class); private static final String PARAM_UPDATED = "updated"; private static final int UPLOAD_WB_LEFT = 0; private static final int UPLOAD_WB_TOP = 0; private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 640; private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 480; private static final int UNDO_SIZE = 20; public static final ResourceReference WB_JS_REFERENCE = new JavaScriptResourceReference(WbPanel.class, "wb.js"); private final Long roomId; private long wb2save = -1; private final Map<Long, Deque<UndoObject>> undoList = new HashMap<>(); private final NameDialog fileName = new NameDialog("filename") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, DialogButton btn) { String res = saveWb(roomId, wb2save, getModelObject()); if (!Strings.isEmpty(res)) { error("Unexpected error while saving WB: " + res); target.add(feedback); } } @Override protected String getTitleStr() { return getString("199"); } @Override protected String getLabelStr() { return getString("200"); } @Override protected String getAddStr() { return getString("144"); } }; @SpringBean private WhiteboardManager wbm; @SpringBean private FileItemDao fileDao; public WbPanel(String id, RoomPanel rp) { super(id, rp); this.roomId = rp.getRoom().getId(); if (rp.getRoom().isHidden(RoomElement.Whiteboard)) { setVisible(false); } else { add(new ListView<String>("clipart", Arrays.asList(OmFileHelper.getPublicClipartsDir().list()).stream() .sorted().collect(Collectors.toList())) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem<String> item) { String cls = String.format("clipart-%s", item.getIndex()); item.add(append(ATTR_CLASS, cls), append("data-mode", cls), append("data-image", item.getModelObject()).setSeparator("")); } }, fileName); } } @Override void internalWbLoad(StringBuilder sb) { Long langId = rp.getClient().getUser().getLanguageId(); if (!wbm.contains(roomId) && rp.getRoom().getFiles() != null && !rp.getRoom().getFiles().isEmpty()) { if (wbm.tryLock(roomId)) { try { TreeMap<Long, List<BaseFileItem>> files = new TreeMap<>(); for (RoomFile rf : rp.getRoom().getFiles()) { List<BaseFileItem> bfl = files.get(rf.getWbIdx()); if (bfl == null) { files.put(rf.getWbIdx(), new ArrayList<>()); bfl = files.get(rf.getWbIdx()); } bfl.add(rf.getFile()); } Whiteboards _wbs = wbm.get(roomId, langId); for (Map.Entry<Long, List<BaseFileItem>> e : files.entrySet()) { Whiteboard wb = wbm.add(roomId, langId); _wbs.setActiveWb(wb.getId()); for (BaseFileItem fi : e.getValue()) { sendFileToWb(fi, false); } } } finally { wbm.unlock(roomId); } } } Whiteboards wbs = wbm.get(roomId, langId); loadWhiteboards(sb, rp.getClient(), wbs, wbm.list(roomId)); JSONObject wbj = getWbJson(wbs.getActiveWb()); sb.append("WbArea.activateWb(").append(wbj).append(");"); Whiteboard wb = wbs.get(wbs.getActiveWb()); if (wb != null) { sb.append("WbArea.setSlide(").append(wbj.put(ATTR_SLIDE, wb.getSlide())).append(");"); } sb.append("WbArea.loadVideos();"); } @Override protected void updateWbActionAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attributes) { attributes.setMethod(Method.POST); } @Override protected void processWbAction(WbAction a, JSONObject obj, AjaxRequestTarget target) throws IOException { Client c = rp.getClient(); if (c == null) { return; } switch (a) { case createObj: case modifyObj: { JSONObject o = obj.optJSONObject("obj"); if (o != null && "pointer".equals(o.getString(ATTR_TYPE))) { sendWbOthers(a, obj); return; } } break; case downloadPdf: { boolean moder = c.hasRight(Room.Right.moderator); Room r = rp.getRoom(); if ((moder && !r.isHidden(RoomElement.ActionMenu)) || (!moder && r.isAllowUserQuestions())) { try (PDDocument doc = new PDDocument()) { JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("slides"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i) { String base64Image = arr.getString(i).split(",")[1]; byte[] bb = Base64.decodeBase64(base64Image); BufferedImage img = ByteArrayInputStream(bb)); float width = img.getWidth(); float height = img.getHeight(); PDPage page = new PDPage(new PDRectangle(width, height)); PDImageXObject pdImageXObject = LosslessFactory.createFromImage(doc, img); try (PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, AppendMode.APPEND, false)) { contentStream.drawImage(pdImageXObject, 0, 0, width, height); } doc.addPage(page); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();; rp.startDownload(target, baos.toByteArray()); } } return; } case loadVideos: { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("WbArea.initVideos("); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (Entry<Long, Whiteboard> entry : wbm.list(roomId)) { Whiteboard wb = entry.getValue(); for (JSONObject o : wb.list()) { String ft = o.optString(ATTR_FILE_TYPE); if ( || { JSONObject _sts = o.optJSONObject(PARAM_STATUS); if (_sts == null) { continue; } JSONObject sts = new JSONObject(_sts.toString()); //copy sts.put("pos", sts.getDouble("pos") + (System.currentTimeMillis() - sts.getLong(PARAM_UPDATED)) * 1. / 1000); arr.put(new JSONObject().put("wbId", wb.getId()).put("uid", o.getString("uid")) .put(ATTR_SLIDE, o.getString(ATTR_SLIDE)).put(PARAM_STATUS, sts)); } } } sb.append(arr.toString()).append(");"); target.appendJavaScript(sb); return; } default: break; } //presenter-right if (c.hasRight(Right.presenter)) { switch (a) { case createWb: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.add(roomId, c.getUser().getLanguageId()); sendWbAll(WbAction.createWb, getAddWbJson(wb)); } break; case removeWb: { long id = obj.optLong("wbId", -1); if (id > -1) { wbm.remove(roomId, id); sendWbAll(WbAction.removeWb, obj); } } break; case activateWb: { long _id = obj.optLong("wbId", -1); if (_id > -1) { wbm.activate(roomId, _id); sendWbAll(WbAction.activateWb, obj); } } break; case renameWb: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.optLong("wbId", -1)); if (wb != null) { wbm.update(roomId, wb.setName(obj.getString("name"))); sendWbAll(WbAction.renameWb, obj); } } break; case setSlide: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.optLong("wbId", -1)); if (wb != null) { wb.setSlide(obj.optInt(ATTR_SLIDE, 0)); wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbOthers(WbAction.setSlide, obj); } } break; case clearAll: { clearAll(roomId, obj.getLong("wbId")); } break; case setSize: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); wb.setWidth(obj.getInt(ATTR_WIDTH)); wb.setHeight(obj.getInt(ATTR_HEIGHT)); wb.setZoom(obj.getDouble(ATTR_ZOOM)); wb.setZoomMode(ZoomMode.valueOf(obj.getString("zoomMode"))); wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbOthers(WbAction.setSize, getAddWbJson(wb)); } break; default: break; } } //wb-right if (c.hasRight(Right.presenter) || c.hasRight(Right.whiteBoard)) { switch (a) { case createObj: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); JSONObject o = obj.getJSONObject("obj"); wb.put(o.getString("uid"), o); wbm.update(roomId, wb); addUndo(wb.getId(), new UndoObject(UndoObject.Type.add, o)); sendWbOthers(WbAction.createObj, obj); } break; case modifyObj: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("obj"); JSONArray undo = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i) { JSONObject _o = arr.getJSONObject(i); String uid = _o.getString("uid"); JSONObject po = wb.get(uid); if (po != null) { undo.put(po); wb.put(uid, _o); } } if (arr.length() != 0) { wbm.update(roomId, wb); addUndo(wb.getId(), new UndoObject(UndoObject.Type.modify, undo)); } sendWbOthers(WbAction.modifyObj, obj); } break; case deleteObj: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("obj"); JSONArray undo = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i) { JSONObject _o = arr.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject u = wb.remove(_o.getString("uid")); if (u != null) { undo.put(u); } } if (undo.length() != 0) { wbm.update(roomId, wb); addUndo(wb.getId(), new UndoObject(UndoObject.Type.remove, undo)); } sendWbAll(WbAction.deleteObj, obj); } break; case clearSlide: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); JSONArray arr = wb.clearSlide(obj.getInt(ATTR_SLIDE)); if (arr.length() != 0) { wbm.update(roomId, wb); addUndo(wb.getId(), new UndoObject(UndoObject.Type.remove, arr)); } sendWbAll(WbAction.clearSlide, obj); } break; case save: wb2save = obj.getLong("wbId");; break; case undo: { Long wbId = obj.getLong("wbId"); UndoObject uo = getUndo(wbId); if (uo != null) { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(wbId); switch (uo.getType()) { case add: { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(uo.getObject()); wb.remove(o.getString("uid")); wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbAll(WbAction.deleteObj, obj.put("obj", new JSONArray().put(o))); } break; case remove: { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(uo.getObject()); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i) { JSONObject o = arr.getJSONObject(i); wb.put(o.getString("uid"), o); } wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbAll(WbAction.createObj, obj.put("obj", new JSONArray(uo.getObject()))); } break; case modify: { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(uo.getObject()); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i) { JSONObject o = arr.getJSONObject(i); wb.put(o.getString("uid"), o); } wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbAll(WbAction.modifyObj, obj.put("obj", arr)); } break; } } } break; case videoStatus: { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(obj.getLong("wbId")); String uid = obj.getString("uid"); JSONObject po = wb.get(uid); if (po != null && "video".equals(po.getString(ATTR_TYPE))) { JSONObject ns = obj.getJSONObject(PARAM_STATUS); po.put(PARAM_STATUS, ns.put(PARAM_UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis())); wbm.update(roomId, wb.put(uid, po)); obj.put(ATTR_SLIDE, po.getInt(ATTR_SLIDE)); sendWbAll(WbAction.videoStatus, obj); } } break; default: break; } } } private static JSONObject getAddWbJson(final Whiteboard wb) { return new JSONObject().put("wbId", wb.getId()).put("name", wb.getName()).put(ATTR_WIDTH, wb.getWidth()) .put(ATTR_HEIGHT, wb.getHeight()).put(ATTR_ZOOM, wb.getZoom()) .put("zoomMode", wb.getZoomMode().name()); } @Override protected String getRole() { String role = ROLE_NONE; if (rp.getClient().hasRight(Right.presenter)) { role =; } else if (rp.getClient().hasRight(Right.whiteBoard)) { role =; } return role; } private JSONObject addFileUrl(Client cl, String ruid, JSONObject _file) { return addFileUrl(cl, ruid, _file, null); } private JSONObject addFileUrl(Client cl, String ruid, JSONObject _file, Consumer<BaseFileItem> consumer) { try { final long fid = _file.optLong(ATTR_FILE_ID, -1); if (fid > 0) { BaseFileItem fi = fileDao.getAny(fid); if (fi != null) { if (consumer != null) { consumer.accept(fi); } return WbWebSocketHelper.addFileUrl(ruid, _file, fi, cl); } } } catch (Exception e) { //no-op, non-file object } return _file; } private static JSONArray getArray(JSONObject wb, Function<JSONObject, JSONObject> postprocess) { JSONObject items = wb.getJSONObject(ITEMS_KEY); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (String uid : items.keySet()) { JSONObject o = items.getJSONObject(uid); if (postprocess != null) { o = postprocess.apply(o); } arr.put(o); } return arr; } private void clearAll(Long roomId, long wbId) { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(wbId); if (wb == null) { return; } JSONArray arr = getArray(wb.toJson(), null); if (arr.length() != 0) { addUndo(wb.getId(), new UndoObject(UndoObject.Type.remove, arr)); } wb = wbm.clear(roomId, wbId); sendWbAll(WbAction.clearAll, new JSONObject().put("wbId", wbId)); sendWbAll(WbAction.setSize, getAddWbJson(wb)); } private static void updateWbSize(Whiteboard wb, final BaseFileItem fi) { int w = fi.getWidth() == null ? DEFAULT_WIDTH : fi.getWidth(); int h = fi.getHeight() == null ? DEFAULT_HEIGHT : fi.getHeight(); double scale = 1. * wb.getWidth() / w; scale = scale < 1 ? 1 : scale; wb.setWidth(Math.max(wb.getWidth(), (int) (w * scale))); wb.setHeight(Math.max(wb.getHeight(), (int) (h * scale))); } @Override public void sendFileToWb(final BaseFileItem fi, boolean clean) { if (isVisible() && fi.getId() != null) { Whiteboards wbs = wbm.get(roomId); String wuid = randomUUID().toString(); Whiteboard wb = wbs.get(wbs.getActiveWb()); if (wb == null) { return; } switch (fi.getType()) { case Folder: //do nothing break; case WmlFile: { File f = fi.getFile(); if (f.exists() && f.isFile()) { try (BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(f.toPath())) { final boolean[] updated = { false }; JSONArray arr = getArray(new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(br)), o -> { wb.put(o.getString("uid"), o); updated[0] = true; return addFileUrl(rp.getClient(), wbs.getUid(), o, _f -> updateWbSize(wb, _f)); }); if (updated[0]) { wbm.update(roomId, wb); } sendWbAll(WbAction.setSize, getAddWbJson(wb)); sendWbAll(WbAction.load, getObjWbJson(wb.getId(), arr)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unexpected error while loading WB", e); } } } break; case PollChart: break; default: { JSONObject file = new JSONObject().put(ATTR_FILE_ID, fi.getId()) .put(ATTR_FILE_TYPE, fi.getType().name()).put("count", fi.getCount()) .put(ATTR_TYPE, "image").put("left", UPLOAD_WB_LEFT).put("top", UPLOAD_WB_TOP) .put(ATTR_WIDTH, fi.getWidth() == null ? DEFAULT_WIDTH : fi.getWidth()) .put(ATTR_HEIGHT, fi.getHeight() == null ? DEFAULT_HEIGHT : fi.getHeight()).put("uid", wuid) .put(ATTR_SLIDE, wb.getSlide()); if (FileItem.Type.Video == fi.getType() || FileItem.Type.Recording == fi.getType()) { file.put(ATTR_TYPE, "video"); file.put(PARAM_STATUS, new JSONObject().put("paused", true).put("pos", 0.0).put(PARAM_UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis())); } final String ruid = wbs.getUid(); if (clean) { clearAll(roomId, wb.getId()); } wb.put(wuid, file); updateWbSize(wb, fi); wbm.update(roomId, wb); sendWbAll(WbAction.setSize, getAddWbJson(wb)); WbWebSocketHelper.sendWbFile(roomId, wb.getId(), ruid, file, fi); } break; } } } private void sendWbOthers(WbAction a, JSONObject obj) { WbWebSocketHelper.sendWbOthers(roomId, a, obj, rp.getClient().getUid()); } private void sendWbAll(WbAction a, JSONObject obj) { WbWebSocketHelper.sendWbAll(roomId, a, obj); } private void addUndo(Long wbId, UndoObject u) { if (wbId == null) { return; } if (!undoList.containsKey(wbId)) { undoList.put(wbId, new LimitedLinkedList<>()); } undoList.get(wbId).push(u); } private UndoObject getUndo(Long wbId) { if (wbId == null || !undoList.containsKey(wbId)) { return null; } Deque<UndoObject> deq = undoList.get(wbId); return deq.isEmpty() ? null : deq.pop(); } private static class LimitedLinkedList<T> extends LinkedList<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void push(T e) { super.push(e); while (size() > UNDO_SIZE) { removeLast(); } } } public String saveWb(Long roomId, Long wbId, String name) { Whiteboard wb = wbm.get(roomId).get(wbId); FileItem f = new FileItem(); f.setType(BaseFileItem.Type.WmlFile); f.setRoomId(roomId); f.setHash(randomUUID().toString()); f.setName(name); f = fileDao.update(f); return; } private StringBuilder loadWhiteboards(StringBuilder sb, Client cl, Whiteboards wbs, Set<Entry<Long, Whiteboard>> boardSet) { for (Entry<Long, Whiteboard> entry : boardSet) { Whiteboard wb = entry.getValue(); sb.append(new StringBuilder("WbArea.create(").append(getAddWbJson(wb)).append(");")); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (JSONObject o : wb.list()) { arr.put(addFileUrl(cl, wbs.getUid(), o)); } sb.append("WbArea.load(").append(getObjWbJson(entry.getKey(), arr).toString(new NullStringer())) .append(");"); } return sb; } }