Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openmeetings.core.util; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import org.apache.openmeetings.IApplication; import; import; import; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.basic.ChatMessage; import; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.user.User; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.manager.IClientManager; import org.apache.openmeetings.db.util.FormatHelper; import; import com.github.openjson.JSONArray; import com.github.openjson.JSONObject; public class ChatWebSocketHelper extends WebSocketHelper { public static final String ID_TAB_PREFIX = "chatTab-"; public static final String ID_ALL = ID_TAB_PREFIX + "all"; public static final String ID_ROOM_PREFIX = ID_TAB_PREFIX + "r"; public static final String ID_USER_PREFIX = ID_TAB_PREFIX + "u"; private static JSONObject setScope(JSONObject o, ChatMessage m, long curUserId) { String scope, scopeName = null; if (m.getToUser() != null) { User u = curUserId == m.getToUser().getId() ? m.getFromUser() : m.getToUser(); scope = ID_USER_PREFIX + u.getId(); scopeName = u.getDisplayName(); } else if (m.getToRoom() != null) { scope = ID_ROOM_PREFIX + m.getToRoom().getId(); o.put("needModeration", m.isNeedModeration()); } else { scope = ID_ALL; } return o.put("scope", scope).put("scopeName", scopeName); } public static JSONObject getMessage(User curUser, List<ChatMessage> list, BiConsumer<JSONObject, User> uFmt) { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); for (ChatMessage m : list) { String smsg = m.getMessage(); smsg = smsg == null ? smsg : " " + smsg.replaceAll(" ", " ") + " "; JSONObject from = new JSONObject().put("id", m.getFromUser().getId()) .put("displayName", m.getFromName()).put("name", m.getFromUser().getDisplayName()); if (uFmt != null) { uFmt.accept(from, m.getFromUser()); } arr.put(setDates( setScope(new JSONObject(), m, curUser.getId()).put("id", m.getId()).put("message", smsg) .put("from", from) .put("actions", curUser.getId() == m.getFromUser().getId() ? "short" : "full"), m, curUser, true)); } return new JSONObject().put("type", "chat").put("msg", arr); } public static void send(IClusterWsMessage msg) { if (msg instanceof WsMessageChat) { if (msg instanceof WsMessageChat2User) { WsMessageChat2User m = (WsMessageChat2User) msg; sendUser(m.getUserId(), m.getChatMessage(), m.getMsg(), false); } else if (msg instanceof WsMessageChat2All) { WsMessageChat2All m = (WsMessageChat2All) msg; sendAll(m.getChatMessage(), m.getMsg(), false); } else if (msg instanceof WsMessageChat) { WsMessageChat m = (WsMessageChat) msg; sendRoom(m.getChatMessage(), m.getMsg(), false); } } else { WebSocketHelper.send(msg); } } public static void sendRoom(ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg) { sendRoom(m, msg, true); } private static JSONObject setDates(JSONObject o, ChatMessage m, User u, boolean immediate) { final FastDateFormat fullFmt = FormatHelper.getDateTimeFormat(u); final FastDateFormat dateFmt = FormatHelper.getDateFormat(u); final FastDateFormat timeFmt = FormatHelper.getTimeFormat(u); JSONObject obj = immediate ? o : o.getJSONArray("msg").getJSONObject(0); obj.put("sent", fullFmt.format(m.getSent())).put("date", dateFmt.format(m.getSent())).put("time", timeFmt.format(m.getSent())); return o; } private static void sendRoom(ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg, boolean publish) { if (publish) { publish(new WsMessageChat(m, msg)); } sendRoom(m.getToRoom().getId(), msg, c -> !m.isNeedModeration() || (m.isNeedModeration() && c.hasRight(Right.moderator)), (o, c) -> setDates(o, m, c.getUser(), false)); } public static void sendUser(final Long userId, ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg) { sendUser(userId, m, msg, true); } private static void sendUser(final Long userId, ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg, boolean publish) { if (publish) { publish(new WsMessageChat2User(userId, m, msg)); } sendUser(userId, msg, (o, c) -> setDates(o, m, c.getUser(), false), false); } public static void sendAll(ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg) { sendAll(m, msg, true); } private static void sendAll(ChatMessage m, JSONObject msg, boolean publish) { if (publish) { publish(new WsMessageChat2All(m, msg)); } send(a -> ((IApplication) a).getBean(IClientManager.class).list(), (t, c) -> doSend(t, c, msg, (o, cm) -> setDates(o, m, c.getUser(), false), "all"), null); } }