Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.enhance; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.J2DoPrivHelper; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes; import org.apache.openjpa.util.InternalException; import serp.bytecode.BCClass; import serp.bytecode.BCClassLoader; import serp.bytecode.BCField; import serp.bytecode.BCMethod; import serp.bytecode.Code; import serp.bytecode.Constants; import serp.bytecode.Instruction; import serp.bytecode.JumpInstruction; import serp.bytecode.LoadInstruction; import serp.bytecode.Project; import serp.bytecode.TableSwitchInstruction; /** * Factory for creating new {@link DynamicStorage} classes. Can be * extended to decorate/modify the generated instances behavior. * * @author Steve Kim * @nojavadoc * @since */ public class DynamicStorageGenerator { // prefix for generic generated classes. private static final String PREFIX = "openjpastorage$"; /** * Constant to throw an exception on invalid index passed to type set/get * methods */ protected static final int POLICY_EXCEPTION = 0; /** * Constant to not generate type set/get methods. */ protected static final int POLICY_EMPTY = 1; /** * Constant to be as silent as possible during invalid index passed * to set/get type methods. On getting an Object, for example, * null will be returned. * However, on primitive gets, an exception will be thrown. */ protected static final int POLICY_SILENT = 2; // wrappers for primitive types private static final Class[][] WRAPPERS = new Class[][] { { boolean.class, Boolean.class }, { byte.class, Byte.class }, { char.class, Character.class }, { int.class, Integer.class }, { short.class, Short.class }, { long.class, Long.class }, { float.class, Float.class }, { double.class, Double.class }, }; // primitive types private static final int[] TYPES = new int[] { JavaTypes.BOOLEAN, JavaTypes.BYTE, JavaTypes.CHAR, JavaTypes.INT, JavaTypes.SHORT, JavaTypes.LONG, JavaTypes.FLOAT, JavaTypes.DOUBLE, JavaTypes.OBJECT }; // the project/classloader for the classes. private final Project _project = new Project(); private final BCClassLoader _loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.newBCClassLoaderAction( _project, AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.getClassLoaderAction(DynamicStorage.class)))); /** * Generate a generic {@link DynamicStorage} instance with the given * array of {@link JavaTypes} constants and the given object as * the user key for generation. */ public DynamicStorage generateStorage(int[] types, Object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; String name = getClassName(obj); BCClass bc = _project.loadClass(name); declareClasses(bc); bc.addDefaultConstructor().makePublic(); int objectCount = declareFields(types, bc); addFactoryMethod(bc); addFieldCount(bc, types, objectCount); addSetMethods(bc, types, objectCount); addGetMethods(bc, types); addInitialize(bc, objectCount); decorate(obj, bc, types); return createFactory(bc); } /** * Return a class name to use for the given user key. By default, * returns the stringified key prefixed by PREFIX. */ protected String getClassName(Object obj) { return PREFIX + obj.toString(); } /** * Return the default field ACCESS constant for generated fields from * {@link Constants}. */ protected int getFieldAccess() { return Constants.ACCESS_PRIVATE; } /** * Return the name for the generated field at the given index. Returns * <code>"field" + i</code> by default. */ protected String getFieldName(int index) { return "field" + index; } /** * Return the policy constant for how to create type methods. */ protected int getCreateFieldMethods(int type) { return POLICY_EXCEPTION; } /** * Decorate the generated class. */ protected void decorate(Object obj, BCClass cls, int[] types) { } /** * Create a stub factory instance for the given class. */ protected DynamicStorage createFactory(BCClass bc) { try { Class cls = Class.forName(bc.getName(), false, _loader); Constructor cons = cls.getConstructor((Class[]) null); DynamicStorage data = (DynamicStorage) cons.newInstance((Object[]) null); _project.clear(); // remove old refs return data; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new InternalException("cons-access", t).setFatal(true); } } /** * Add interface or superclass declarations to the generated class. */ protected void declareClasses(BCClass bc) { bc.declareInterface(DynamicStorage.class); } /** * Implement the newInstance method. */ private void addFactoryMethod(BCClass bc) { BCMethod method = bc.declareMethod("newInstance", DynamicStorage.class, null); Code code = method.getCode(true); code.anew().setType(bc); code.dup(); code.invokespecial().setMethod(bc.getName(), "<init>", "void", null); code.areturn(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); } /** * Implement getFieldCount/getObjectCount. */ private void addFieldCount(BCClass bc, int[] types, int objectCount) { BCMethod method = bc.declareMethod("getFieldCount", int.class, null); Code code = method.getCode(true); code.constant().setValue(types.length); code.ireturn(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); method = bc.declareMethod("getObjectCount", int.class, null); code = method.getCode(true); code.constant().setValue(objectCount); code.ireturn(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); } /** * Implement initialize. */ private void addInitialize(BCClass bc, int objectCount) { BCMethod meth = bc.declareMethod("initialize", void.class, null); Code code = meth.getCode(true); JumpInstruction ifins = null; if (objectCount > 0) { // if (objects == null) // objects = new Object[objectCount]; code.aload().setThis(); code.getfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); ifins = code.ifnonnull(); code.aload().setThis(); code.constant().setValue(objectCount); code.anewarray().setType(Object.class); code.putfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); } Instruction ins = code.vreturn(); if (ifins != null) ifins.setTarget(ins); code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); } /** * Declare the primitive fields and the object field. */ private int declareFields(int[] types, BCClass bc) { bc.declareField("objects", Object[].class).makePrivate(); int objectCount = 0; Class type; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { type = forType(types[i]); if (type == Object.class) objectCount++; else { BCField field = bc.declareField(getFieldName(i), type); field.setAccessFlags(getFieldAccess()); } } return objectCount; } /** * Add all the typed set by index method. */ private void addSetMethods(BCClass bc, int[] types, int totalObjects) { for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) addSetMethod(TYPES[i], bc, types, totalObjects); } /** * Add the typed set by index method. */ private void addSetMethod(int typeCode, BCClass bc, int[] types, int totalObjects) { int handle = getCreateFieldMethods(typeCode); if (handle == POLICY_EMPTY) return; Class type = forType(typeCode); // public void set<Type> (int field, <type> val) String name = Object.class.equals(type) ? "Object" : StringUtils.capitalize(type.getName()); name = "set" + name; BCMethod method = bc.declareMethod(name, void.class, new Class[] { int.class, type }); method.makePublic(); Code code = method.getCode(true); // switch (field) code.aload().setParam(0); TableSwitchInstruction tabins = code.tableswitch(); tabins.setLow(0); tabins.setHigh(types.length - 1); Instruction defaultIns; if (handle == POLICY_SILENT) defaultIns = code.vreturn(); else defaultIns = throwException(code, IllegalArgumentException.class); tabins.setDefaultTarget(defaultIns); int objectCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { // default: throw new IllegalArgumentException if (!isCompatible(types[i], typeCode)) { tabins.addTarget(tabins.getDefaultTarget()); continue; } tabins.addTarget(code.aload().setThis()); if (typeCode >= JavaTypes.OBJECT) { // if (objects == null) // objects = new Object[totalObjects]; code.aload().setThis(); code.getfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); JumpInstruction ifins = code.ifnonnull(); code.aload().setThis(); code.constant().setValue(totalObjects); code.anewarray().setType(Object.class); code.putfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); // objects[objectCount] = val; ifins.setTarget(code.aload().setThis()); code.getfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); code.constant().setValue(objectCount); code.aload().setParam(1); code.aastore(); objectCount++; } else { // case i: fieldi = val; LoadInstruction load = code.xload(); load.setType(type); load.setParam(1); code.putfield().setField("field" + i, type); } // return code.vreturn(); } code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); } /** * Add all typed get by index method for the given fields. */ private void addGetMethods(BCClass bc, int[] types) { for (int i = 0; i < TYPES.length; i++) addGetMethod(TYPES[i], bc, types); } /** * Add typed get by index method. */ private void addGetMethod(int typeCode, BCClass bc, int[] types) { int handle = getCreateFieldMethods(typeCode); if (handle == POLICY_EMPTY) return; Class type = forType(typeCode); // public <type> get<Type>Field (int field) String name = Object.class.equals(type) ? "Object" : StringUtils.capitalize(type.getName()); name = "get" + name; BCMethod method = bc.declareMethod(name, type, new Class[] { int.class }); method.makePublic(); Code code = method.getCode(true); // switch (field) code.aload().setParam(0); TableSwitchInstruction tabins = code.tableswitch(); tabins.setLow(0); tabins.setHigh(types.length - 1); Instruction defaultIns = null; if (typeCode == JavaTypes.OBJECT && handle == POLICY_SILENT) { defaultIns = code.constant().setNull(); code.areturn(); } else defaultIns = throwException(code, IllegalArgumentException.class); tabins.setDefaultTarget(defaultIns); int objectCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { // default: throw new IllegalArgumentException if (!isCompatible(types[i], typeCode)) { tabins.addTarget(tabins.getDefaultTarget()); continue; } tabins.addTarget(code.aload().setThis()); if (typeCode >= JavaTypes.OBJECT) { // if (objects == null) // return null; // return objects[objectCount]; code.aload().setThis(); code.getfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); JumpInstruction ifins = code.ifnonnull(); code.constant().setNull(); code.areturn(); ifins.setTarget(code.aload().setThis()); code.getfield().setField("objects", Object[].class); code.constant().setValue(objectCount); code.aaload(); code.areturn(); objectCount++; } else { // case i: return fieldi; code.getfield().setField("field" + i, type); code.xreturn().setType(type); } } code.calculateMaxLocals(); code.calculateMaxStack(); } ///////////// // Utilities ///////////// /** * Clear code associated with the given method signature, and return * the empty code. Will return null if the method should be empty. */ protected Code replaceMethod(BCClass bc, String name, Class retType, Class[] args, boolean remove) { bc.removeDeclaredMethod(name, args); BCMethod meth = bc.declareMethod(name, retType, args); Code code = meth.getCode(true); if (!remove) return code; code.xreturn().setType(retType); code.calculateMaxStack(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); return null; } /** * Add a bean field of the given name and type. */ protected BCField addBeanField(BCClass bc, String name, Class type) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name == null"); // private <type> <name> BCField field = bc.declareField(name, type); field.setAccessFlags(getFieldAccess()); name = StringUtils.capitalize(name); // getter String prefix = (type == boolean.class) ? "is" : "get"; BCMethod method = bc.declareMethod(prefix + name, type, null); method.makePublic(); Code code = method.getCode(true); code.aload().setThis(); code.getfield().setField(field); code.xreturn().setType(type); code.calculateMaxStack(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); // setter method = bc.declareMethod("set" + name, void.class, new Class[] { type }); method.makePublic(); code = method.getCode(true); code.aload().setThis(); code.xload().setParam(0).setType(type); code.putfield().setField(field); code.vreturn(); code.calculateMaxStack(); code.calculateMaxLocals(); return field; } /** * Return true if the given field type and storage type are compatible. */ protected boolean isCompatible(int fieldType, int storageType) { if (storageType == JavaTypes.OBJECT) return fieldType >= JavaTypes.OBJECT; return fieldType == storageType; } /** * Throw an exception of the given type. */ protected Instruction throwException(Code code, Class type) { Instruction ins = code.anew().setType(type); code.dup(); code.invokespecial().setMethod(type, "<init>", void.class, null); code.athrow(); return ins; } /** * Return the proper type for the given {@link JavaTypes} constant. */ protected Class forType(int type) { switch (type) { case JavaTypes.BOOLEAN: return boolean.class; case JavaTypes.BYTE: return byte.class; case JavaTypes.CHAR: return char.class; case JavaTypes.INT: return int.class; case JavaTypes.SHORT: return short.class; case JavaTypes.LONG: return long.class; case JavaTypes.FLOAT: return float.class; case JavaTypes.DOUBLE: return double.class; } return Object.class; } /** * get the wrapper for the given {@link JavaTypes} constant. */ protected Class getWrapper(int type) { return getWrapper(forType(type)); } /** * Get the wrapper for the given type. */ protected Class getWrapper(Class c) { for (int i = 0; i < WRAPPERS.length; i++) { if (WRAPPERS[i][0].equals(c)) return WRAPPERS[i][1]; } return c; } }