Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.enhance; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.CodeFormat; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Files; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.ParameterTemplate; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMetaData; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.FieldMetaData; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes; import serp.util.Strings; /** * Generates Java class code from metadata. * * @author Abe White * @author Stephen Kim * @since 0.3.0 * @nojavadoc */ public class CodeGenerator { private File _dir = null; private CodeFormat _format = null; private ClassMetaData _meta = null; private Class _type = null; private ParameterTemplate _code = null; /** * Constructor. Supply configuration and class to generate code for. */ public CodeGenerator(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, Class type) { this(conf.newMetaDataRepositoryInstance().getMetaData(type, null, true)); } /** * Constructor. Supply configuration and metadata to generate code for. */ public CodeGenerator(ClassMetaData meta) { _meta = meta; _type = meta.getDescribedType(); } /** * The directory to write source to. Defaults to the current directory. * If the given directory does not match the package of the metadata, the * package structure will be created below the directory. */ public File getCodeDirectory() { return _dir; } /** * The directory to write source to. Defaults to the current directory. * If the given directory does not match the package of the metadata, the * package structure will be created below the directory. */ public void setDirectory(File dir) { _dir = dir; } /** * The code formatter for the generated Java code. */ public CodeFormat getCodeFormat() { return _format; } /** * Set the code formatter for the generated Java code. */ public void setCodeFormat(CodeFormat format) { _format = format; } /** * Return the type being generated. */ public Class getType() { return _type; } /** * Return metadata for the type being generated. */ public ClassMetaData getMetaData() { return _meta; } /** * Return the generated code, or null if {@link #generateCode} has not * been called. */ public String getCode() { return (_code == null) ? null : _code.toString(); } /** * Writes the generated code to the proper directory. */ public void generateCode() { // setup parameters String className = Strings.getClassName(_type); String packageName = Strings.getPackageName(_type); String packageDec = ""; if (packageName.length() > 0) packageDec = "package " + packageName + ";"; String extendsDec = ""; String extendsName = ""; if (!_type.getSuperclass().getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) { extendsName = Strings.getClassName(_type.getSuperclass()); extendsDec = "extends " + extendsName; } String imports = getImports(); String[] fieldCode = getFieldCode(); String constructor = getConstructor(); // get code template _code = new ParameterTemplate(); String codeStr = getClassCode(); if (codeStr != null) { _code.append(codeStr); _code.setParameter("packageDec", packageDec); _code.setParameter("imports", imports); _code.setParameter("className", className); _code.setParameter("extendsDec", extendsDec); _code.setParameter("constructor", constructor); _code.setParameter("fieldDecs", fieldCode[0]); _code.setParameter("fieldCode", fieldCode[1]); } else _code.append(getClassCode(packageDec, imports, className, extendsName, constructor, fieldCode[0], fieldCode[1])); } /** * Write the generated code to the proper file. */ public void writeCode() throws IOException { if (_code == null) return; File file = getFile(); Files.backup(file, false); _code.write(file); } /** * Write the code to the specified {@link Writer}. */ public void writeCode(Writer out) throws IOException { if (_code == null) return; _code.write(out); } /** * Return the necessary imports for the class. */ private String getImports() { Set pkgs = getImportPackages(); CodeFormat imports = newCodeFormat(); String base = Strings.getPackageName(_type); String pkg; for (Iterator itr = pkgs.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { pkg = (String); if (pkg.length() > 0 && !"java.lang".equals(pkg) && !base.equals(pkg)) { if (imports.length() > 0) imports.endl(); imports.append("import ").append(pkg).append(".*;"); } } return imports.toString(); } /** * Returns the set of packages that needs to be imported for this code. */ public Set getImportPackages() { Set pkgs = new TreeSet(); pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(_type.getSuperclass())); FieldMetaData[] fields = _meta.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(fields[i].getDeclaredType())); fields = _meta.getPrimaryKeyFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(fields[i].getDeclaredType())); return pkgs; } /** * Return code for a primary key constructor for the given class. */ private String getConstructor() { FieldMetaData[] fields = _meta.getPrimaryKeyFields(); if (fields.length == 0) return ""; CodeFormat cons = newCodeFormat(); CodeFormat body = newCodeFormat(); // public <class> ("public ").append(Strings.getClassName(_type)); cons.openParen(true); // append args to constructor, and build up body at same time String propertyName; String fieldType; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { propertyName = fields[i].getName(); if (propertyName.startsWith("_")) propertyName = propertyName.substring(1); fieldType = Strings.getClassName(fields[i].getDeclaredType()); if (i > 0) cons.append(", "); cons.append(fieldType).append(" ").append(propertyName); if (_meta.getPCSuperclass() == null) { if (i > 0) body.endl();; if (propertyName.equals(fields[i].getName())) body.append("this."); body.append(fields[i].getName()); body.append(" = ").append(propertyName).append(";"); } else { // super (...); if (i == 0)"super").openParen(true); else body.append(", "); body.append(propertyName); if (i == fields.length - 1) body.closeParen().append(";"); } } cons.closeParen(); cons.openBrace(2).endl(); cons.append(body.toString()).endl(); cons.closeBrace(2); return cons.toString(); } /** * Returns the Java declaration and access method code for all declared * fields. */ private String[] getFieldCode() { CodeFormat decs = newCodeFormat(); CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); FieldMetaData[] fields = _meta.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) appendFieldCode(fields[i], decs, code); fields = _meta.getDeclaredUnmanagedFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) appendFieldCode(fields[i], decs, code); return new String[] { decs.toString(), code.toString() }; } /** * Append the declaration and code for the given field to the given buffers. */ private void appendFieldCode(FieldMetaData fmd, CodeFormat decs, CodeFormat code) { String fieldName = fmd.getName(); String capFieldName = StringUtils.capitalize(fieldName); String propertyName = fieldName; if (propertyName.startsWith("_")) propertyName = propertyName.substring(1); String fieldType = Strings.getClassName(fmd.getDeclaredType()); String keyType = null; String elementType = null; String paramType = ""; if (useGenericCollections()) { if (fmd.getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.COLLECTION) { Class elmCls = fmd.getElement().getDeclaredType(); elementType = Strings.getClassName(elmCls); paramType = decs.getParametrizedType(new String[] { elementType }); } else if (fmd.getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.MAP) { Class keyCls = fmd.getKey().getDeclaredType(); Class elmCls = fmd.getElement().getDeclaredType(); keyType = Strings.getClassName(keyCls); elementType = Strings.getClassName(elmCls); paramType = decs.getParametrizedType(new String[] { keyType, elementType }); } } String fieldValue = getInitialValue(fmd); if (fieldValue == null) { if ("Set".equals(fieldType)) fieldValue = "new HashSet" + paramType + decs.getParens(); else if ("TreeSet".equals(fieldType)) fieldValue = "new TreeSet" + paramType + decs.getParens(); else if ("Collection".equals(fieldType)) fieldValue = "new ArrayList" + paramType + decs.getParens(); else if ("Map".equals(fieldType)) fieldValue = "new HashMap" + paramType + decs.getParens(); else if ("TreeMap".equals(fieldType)) fieldValue = "new TreeMap" + paramType + decs.getParens(); else if (fmd.getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.COLLECTION || fmd.getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.MAP) fieldValue = "new " + fieldType + paramType + decs.getParens(); else fieldValue = ""; } if (fieldValue.length() > 0) fieldValue = " = " + fieldValue; boolean fieldAccess = !usePropertyBasedAccess(); String custom = getDeclaration(fmd); if (decs.length() > 0) decs.endl(); ParameterTemplate templ; if (custom != null) { templ = new ParameterTemplate(); templ.append(custom); templ.setParameter("fieldName", fieldName); templ.setParameter("capFieldName", capFieldName); templ.setParameter("propertyName", propertyName); templ.setParameter("fieldType", fieldType); templ.setParameter("keyType", keyType); templ.setParameter("elementType", elementType); templ.setParameter("fieldValue", fieldValue); decs.append(templ.toString()); } else { if (fieldAccess) writeAnnotations(decs, getFieldAnnotations(fmd), 1);"private ").append(fieldType).append(paramType).append(" ").append(fieldName) .append(fieldValue).append(";"); if (fieldAccess) decs.endl(); } custom = getFieldCode(fmd); if (code.length() > 0) code.afterSection(); if (custom != null) { templ = new ParameterTemplate(); templ.append(custom); templ.setParameter("fieldName", fieldName); templ.setParameter("capFieldName", capFieldName); templ.setParameter("propertyName", propertyName); templ.setParameter("fieldType", fieldType); templ.setParameter("keyType", keyType); templ.setParameter("elementType", elementType); templ.setParameter("fieldValue", fieldValue); code.append(templ.toString()); } else { // getter if (!fieldAccess) writeAnnotations(code, getFieldAnnotations(fmd), 1);"public ").append(fieldType).append(paramType).append(" "); if ("boolean".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) code.append("is"); else code.append("get"); code.append(capFieldName).parens(); code.openBrace(2).endl();"return ").append(fieldName).append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2).afterSection(); // setter"public void set").append(capFieldName); code.openParen(true).append(fieldType).append(paramType).append(" ").append(propertyName).closeParen(); code.openBrace(2).endl();; if (propertyName.equals(fieldName)) code.append("this."); code.append(fieldName).append(" = ").append(propertyName).append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); } } /** * Return a code template for a generated Java class. */ private String getClassCode(String packageDec, String imports, String className, String extendsName, String constructor, String fieldDecs, String fieldCode) { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); if (packageDec.length() > 0) code.append(packageDec).afterSection(); if (imports.length() > 0) code.append(imports).afterSection(); code.append("/**").endl().append(" * Auto-generated by:").endl().append(" * ").append(getClass().getName()) .endl().append(" */").endl(); writeAnnotations(code, getClassAnnotations(), 0); code.append("public class ").append(className); if (extendsName.length() > 0) code.extendsDec(1).append(" ").append(extendsName); openClassBrace(code); if (fieldDecs.length() > 0) code.append(fieldDecs).afterSection(); // default constructor"public ").append(className).parens(); code.openBrace(2).endl().closeBrace(2); if (constructor.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(constructor); if (fieldCode.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(fieldCode); code.endl(); closeClassBrace(code); return code.toString(); } /** * Appends the given list of annotations to code buffer. */ private void writeAnnotations(CodeFormat code, List ann, int tabLevel) { if (ann == null || ann.size() == 0) return; for (Iterator i = ann.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { if (tabLevel > 0); String s = (String); code.append(s).endl(); } } /** * Append the opening code-level brace to the code; this can be * overridden to add code to the top of the class. */ protected void openClassBrace(CodeFormat code) { code.openBrace(1).endl(); } /** * Append the closing code-level brace to the code; this can be * overridden to add code to the bottom of the class. */ protected void closeClassBrace(CodeFormat code) { code.closeBrace(1); } /** * Return Java file to write to. */ public File getFile() { String packageName = Strings.getPackageName(_type); String fileName = Strings.getClassName(_type) + ".java"; File dir = Files.getPackageFile(_dir, packageName, true); return new File(dir, fileName); } /** * Return a copy of the internal code format. */ protected CodeFormat newCodeFormat() { if (_format == null) return new CodeFormat(); return (CodeFormat) _format.clone(); } /** * Return a code template for the given class, or null to use the standard * system-generated Java code. To facilitate template reuse, the * following parameters can appear in the template; the proper values * will be subtituted by the system: * <ul> * <li>${packageDec}: The package declaration, in the form * "package <package name >;", or empty string if no package.</li> * <li>${imports}: Imports for the packages used by the declared * field types.</li> * <li>${className}: The name of the class, without package.</li> * <li>${extendsDec}: Extends declaration, in the form * "extends <superclass>", or empty string if no superclass.</li> * <li>${constructor}: A constructor that takes in all primary key fields * of the class, or empty string if the class uses datastore identity.</li> * <li>${fieldDecs}: Declarations of all the declared fields.</li> * <li>${fieldCode}: Get/set methods for all the declared fields.</li> * </ul> Returns null by default. */ protected String getClassCode() { return null; } /** * Return code for the initial value for the given field, or null to use * the default generated by the system. Returns null by default. */ protected String getInitialValue(FieldMetaData field) { return null; } /** * Return a code template for the declaration of the given field, or null * to use the system-generated default Java code. * To facilitate template reuse, the following parameters can appear in * your template; the proper values will be subtituted by the system: * <ul> * <li>${fieldName}: The name of the field.</li> * <li>${capFieldName}: The capitalized field name.</li> * <li>${propertyName}: The field name without leading '_', if any.</li> * <li>${fieldType}: The field's type name.</li> * <li>${keyType}: Key type name for maps, null otherwise.</li> * <li>${elementType}: Element type name for collections, null otherwise. * </li> * <li>${fieldValue}: The field's initial value, in the form * " = <value>", or empty string if none.</li> * </ul> Returns null by default. */ protected String getDeclaration(FieldMetaData field) { return null; } /** * Return a code template for the get/set methods of the given field, or * null to use the system-generated default Java code. * To facilitate template reuse, the following parameters can appear in * your template; the proper values will be subtituted by the system: * <ul> * <li>${fieldName}: The name of the field.</li> * <li>${capFieldName}: The capitalized field name.</li> * <li>${propertyName}: The field name without leading '_', if any.</li> * <li>${fieldType}: The field's type name.</li> * <li>${keyType}: Key type name for maps, null otherwise.</li> * <li>${elementType}: Element type name for collections, null otherwise. * </li> * <li>${fieldValue}: The field's initial value, in the form * "= <value>", or empty string if none.</li> * </ul> */ protected String getFieldCode(FieldMetaData field) { return null; } /** * Whether to use property-based access on generated code. * Defaults to false (field-based). */ protected boolean usePropertyBasedAccess() { return false; } /** * Return class-level annotations. Returns null by default. */ protected List getClassAnnotations() { return null; } /** * Return field-level annotations. Returns null by default. */ protected List getFieldAnnotations(FieldMetaData field) { return null; } /** * Whether to use generic collections on one-to-many and many-to-many * relations instead of untyped collections. * * Override in descendants to change default behavior. */ protected boolean useGenericCollections() { return false; } }