Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.enhance; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration; import org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfigurationImpl; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurations; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.log.Log; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.ClassArgParser; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.CodeFormat; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Files; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.J2DoPrivHelper; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.JavaVersions; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Localizer; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Options; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.AccessCode; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMetaData; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.DelegatingMetaDataFactory; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.FieldMetaData; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataFactory; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataRepository; import org.apache.openjpa.util.InvalidStateException; import org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException; import serp.bytecode.BCClass; import serp.bytecode.BCClassLoader; import serp.bytecode.Project; import serp.util.Strings; /** * Generates a class appropriate for use as an application identity class. * * @author Patrick Linskey * @author Abe White */ public class ApplicationIdTool { public static final String TOKEN_DEFAULT = "::"; private static final String TOKENIZER_CUSTOM = "Tokenizer"; private static final String TOKENIZER_STD = "StringTokenizer"; private static final Localizer _loc = Localizer.forPackage(ApplicationIdTool.class); private final Log _log; private final Class _type; private final ClassMetaData _meta; private boolean _abstract = false; private FieldMetaData[] _fields = null; private boolean _ignore = true; private File _dir = null; private Writer _writer = null; private String _code = null; private String _token = TOKEN_DEFAULT; private CodeFormat _format = null; /** * Constructs a new ApplicationIdTool capable of generating an * object id class for <code>type</code>. */ public ApplicationIdTool(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, Class type) { _log = conf.getLog(OpenJPAConfiguration.LOG_ENHANCE); _type = type; MetaDataRepository repos = conf.newMetaDataRepositoryInstance(); repos.setValidate(repos.VALIDATE_NONE); repos.setSourceMode(repos.MODE_MAPPING, false); loadObjectIds(repos, true); _meta = repos.getMetaData(type, null, false); if (_meta != null) { _abstract = Modifier.isAbstract(_meta.getDescribedType().getModifiers()); _fields = getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(_meta); } } /** * Constructs a new tool instance capable of generating an * object id class for <code>meta</code>. */ public ApplicationIdTool(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, Class type, ClassMetaData meta) { _log = conf.getLog(OpenJPAConfiguration.LOG_ENHANCE); _type = type; _meta = meta; if (_meta != null) { _abstract = Modifier.isAbstract(_meta.getDescribedType().getModifiers()); _fields = getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(_meta); } } /** * Return metadata for primary key fields declared in the given class. */ private static FieldMetaData[] getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(ClassMetaData meta) { if (meta.getPCSuperclass() == null) return meta.getPrimaryKeyFields(); // remove the primary key fields that are not declared // in the current class FieldMetaData[] fields = meta.getPrimaryKeyFields(); List decs = new ArrayList(fields.length); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) if (fields[i].getDeclaringType() == meta.getDescribedType()) decs.add(fields[i]); return (FieldMetaData[]) decs.toArray(new FieldMetaData[decs.size()]); } /** * Return false if this tool is configured to throw an exception on * an attempt to generate an id class for a type that does not use * application identity. */ public boolean getIgnoreErrors() { return _ignore; } /** * Set to false if this tool should throw an exception on * an attempt to generate an id class for a type that does not use * application identity. */ public void setIgnoreErrors(boolean ignore) { _ignore = ignore; } /** * The code formatter for the generated Java code. */ public CodeFormat getCodeFormat() { return _format; } /** * Set the code formatter for the generated Java code. */ public void setCodeFormat(CodeFormat format) { _format = format; } /** * The directory to write source to. Defaults to the directory * of the Java file for the set type. If the given directory does not * match the package of the object id, the package structure will be * created below the directory. */ public File getDirectory() { return _dir; } /** * The directory to write source to. Defaults to the directory * of the Java file for the set type. If the given directory does not * match the package of the object id, the package structure will be * created below the directory. */ public void setDirectory(File dir) { _dir = dir; } /** * The token to use to separate stringified primary key field values. */ public String getToken() { return _token; } /** * The token to use to separate stringified primary key field values. */ public void setToken(String token) { _token = token; } /** * The writer to write source to, or null to write to default file. */ public Writer getWriter() { return _writer; } /** * The writer to write source to, or null to write to default file. */ public void setWriter(Writer writer) { _writer = writer; } /** * Return the type we are generating an application id for. */ public Class getType() { return _type; } /** * Return metadata for the type we are generating an application id for. */ public ClassMetaData getMetaData() { return _meta; } /** * Return the code generated for the application id, or null * if invalid class or the {@link #run} method has not been called. */ public String getCode() { return _code; } /** * Returns true if the application identity class should be an inner class. */ public boolean isInnerClass() { Class oidClass = _meta.getObjectIdType(); return oidClass.getName().indexOf('$') != -1; } /** * Returns the short class name for the object id class. */ private String getClassName() { if (_meta.isOpenJPAIdentity()) return null; // convert from SomeClass$ID to ID String className = Strings.getClassName(_meta.getObjectIdType()); if (isInnerClass()) className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('$') + 1); return className; } /** * Generates the sourcecode for the application id class; returns * false if the class is invalid. */ public boolean run() { if (_log.isInfoEnabled())"appid-start", _type)); // ensure that this type is a candidate for application identity if (_meta == null || _meta.getIdentityType() != ClassMetaData.ID_APPLICATION || _meta.isOpenJPAIdentity()) { if (!_ignore) throw new UserException(_loc.get("appid-invalid", _type)); // else just warn if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) _log.warn(_loc.get("appid-warn", _type)); return false; } Class oidClass = _meta.getObjectIdType(); Class superOidClass = null; // allow diff oid class in subclass (horizontal) if (_meta.getPCSuperclass() != null) { superOidClass = _meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData().getObjectIdType(); if (oidClass == null || oidClass.equals(superOidClass)) { // just warn if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) _log.warn(_loc.get("appid-warn", _type)); return false; } } // ensure that an id class is declared if (oidClass == null) throw new UserException(_loc.get("no-id-class", _type)).setFatal(true); // ensure there is at least one pk field if we are // non-absract, and see if we have any byte[] boolean bytes = false; for (int i = 0; !bytes && i < _fields.length; i++) bytes = _fields[i].getDeclaredType() == byte[].class; // collect info on id type String className = getClassName(); String packageName = Strings.getPackageName(oidClass); String packageDec = ""; if (packageName.length() > 0) packageDec = "package " + packageName + ";"; String imports = getImports(); String fieldDecs = getFieldDeclarations(); String constructor = getConstructor(superOidClass != null); String properties = getProperties(); String fromStringCode = getFromStringCode(superOidClass != null); String toStringCode = getToStringCode(superOidClass != null); String equalsCode = getEqualsCode(superOidClass != null); String hashCodeCode = getHashCodeCode(superOidClass != null); // build the java code CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); if (!isInnerClass() && packageDec.length() > 0) code.append(packageDec).afterSection(); if (!isInnerClass() && imports.length() > 0) code.append(imports).afterSection(); code.append("/**").endl().append(" * ").append(_loc.get("appid-comment-for", _type.getName())).endl() .append(" *").endl().append(" * ").append(_loc.get("appid-comment-gen")).endl().append(" * ") .append(getClass().getName()).endl().append(" */").endl(); code.append("public "); if (isInnerClass()) code.append("static "); code.append("class ").append(className); if (code.getBraceOnSameLine()) code.append(" "); else code.endl().tab(); if (superOidClass != null) { code.append("extends " + Strings.getClassName(superOidClass)); if (code.getBraceOnSameLine()) code.append(" "); else code.endl().tab(); } code.append("implements Serializable").openBrace(1).endl(); // if we use a byte array we need a static array for encoding to string if (bytes) {"private static final char[] HEX = ").append("new char[] {").endl();"'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',").endl();"'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'").endl();"};").endl(2); } // static block to register class"static").openBrace(2).endl();"// register persistent class in JVM").endl();"try { Class.forName").openParen(true).append("\"").append(_type.getName()).append("\"") .closeParen().append(";").append(" }").endl();"catch").openParen(true).append("Exception e").closeParen().append(" {}").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); // field declarations if (fieldDecs.length() > 0) code.endl(2).append(fieldDecs); // default constructor code.afterSection().tab().append("public ").append(className).parens().openBrace(2).endl(); code.closeBrace(2); // string constructor code.afterSection().append(constructor); // properties if (properties.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(properties); // toString, equals, hashCode methods if (toStringCode.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(toStringCode); if (hashCodeCode.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(hashCodeCode); if (equalsCode.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(equalsCode); if (fromStringCode.length() > 0) code.afterSection().append(fromStringCode); // if we have any byte array fields, we have to add the extra // methods for handling byte arrays if (bytes) { code.afterSection().append(getToBytesByteArrayCode()); code.afterSection().append(getToStringByteArrayCode()); code.afterSection().append(getEqualsByteArrayCode()); code.afterSection().append(getHashCodeByteArrayCode()); } // base classes might need to define a custom tokenizer if (superOidClass == null && getTokenizer(false) == TOKENIZER_CUSTOM) code.afterSection().append(getCustomTokenizerClass()); code.endl(); code.closeBrace(1); _code = code.toString(); // if this is an inner class, then indent the entire // code unit one tab level if (isInnerClass()) { // indent the entire code block one level to make it // a propertly indented innder class _code = code.getTab() + Strings.replace(_code, J2DoPrivHelper.getLineSeparator(), J2DoPrivHelper.getLineSeparator() + code.getTab()); } return true; } /** * Writes the generated code to the proper file. */ public void record() throws IOException { if (_code == null) return; Writer writer = _writer; if (writer == null) { File file = getFile(); Files.backup(file, false); writer = new FileWriter(file); } PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(writer); printer.print(_code); printer.flush(); if (_writer == null) writer.close(); } /** * Return the necessary imports for the class. */ private String getImports() { Set pkgs = getImportPackages(); CodeFormat imports = newCodeFormat(); String base = Strings.getPackageName(_meta.getObjectIdType()); String pkg; for (Iterator itr = pkgs.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { pkg = (String); if (pkg.length() > 0 && !"java.lang".equals(pkg) && !base.equals(pkg)) { if (imports.length() > 0) imports.endl(); imports.append("import ").append(pkg).append(".*;"); } } return imports.toString(); } /** * Returns the collection of packages that need to be imported. */ public Set getImportPackages() { Set pkgs = new TreeSet(); pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(_type)); Class superOidClass = null; if (_meta != null && _meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData() != null) superOidClass = _meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData().getObjectIdType(); if (superOidClass != null) pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(superOidClass)); pkgs.add(""); pkgs.add("java.util"); Class type; for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { type = _fields[i].getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type != byte[].class && type != char[].class && !type.getName().startsWith("java.sql.")) { pkgs.add(Strings.getPackageName(type)); } } return pkgs; } /** * Return the code to declare all primary key fields. */ private String getFieldDeclarations() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { if (i > 0) code.endl();"public ").append(getTypeName(_fields[i])).append(" ").append(_fields[i].getName()) .append(";"); } return code.toString(); } /** * Return the type name to declare the given field as. */ private String getTypeName(FieldMetaData fmd) { Class type = fmd.getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type == byte[].class) return "byte[]"; if (type == char[].class) return "char[]"; if (type.getName().startsWith("java.sql.")) return type.getName(); return Strings.getClassName(type); } /** * Return the getters and setters for all primary key fields. */ private String getProperties() { if (AccessCode.isExplicit(_meta.getAccessType()) && AccessCode.isField(_meta.getAccessType())) return ""; CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); String propName; String typeName; for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { if (i > 0) code.afterSection(); typeName = getTypeName(_fields[i]); propName = StringUtils.capitalize(_fields[i].getName());"public ").append(typeName).append(" "); if (_fields[i].getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.BOOLEAN || _fields[i].getDeclaredTypeCode() == JavaTypes.BOOLEAN_OBJ) code.append("is"); else code.append("get"); code.append(propName).parens().openBrace(2).endl();"return ").append(_fields[i].getName()).append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); code.afterSection();"public void set").append(propName); code.openParen(true).append(typeName).append(" ").append(_fields[i].getName()).closeParen(); code.openBrace(2).endl();"this.").append(_fields[i].getName()).append(" = ").append(_fields[i].getName()) .append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); } return code.toString(); } /** * Return the string constructor code. */ private String getConstructor(boolean hasSuperclass) { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"public "); code.append(getClassName()); code.openParen(true).append("String str").closeParen(); code.openBrace(2).endl(); if (_fields.length != 0 || (hasSuperclass && _meta.getPrimaryKeyFields().length > 0)) {"fromString").openParen(true).append("str").closeParen().append(";").endl(); } code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Create the fromString method that parses the result of our toString * method. If we have superclasses with id fields, this will call * super.fromString() so that the parent class can parse its own fields. */ private String getFromStringCode(boolean hasSuperclass) { // if we are below a concrete class then we cannot declare any // more primary key fields; thus, just use the parent invocation if (hasConcreteSuperclass()) return ""; if (_fields.length == 0) return ""; hasSuperclass = hasSuperclass && getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(_meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData()).length > 0; String toke = getTokenizer(hasSuperclass); CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat(); if (_abstract || hasSuperclass)"protected ").append(toke).append(" fromString"); else"private void fromString"); code.openParen(true).append("String str").closeParen(); code.openBrace(2).endl(); // if we have any Object-type fields, die immediately for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { if (_fields[i].getObjectIdFieldType() != Object.class) continue;"throw new UnsupportedOperationException").parens().append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } if (toke != null) {" toke = "); if (hasSuperclass) { // call super.fromString(str) to get the tokenizer that was // used to parse the superclass code.append("super.fromString").openParen(true).append("str").closeParen(); } else { // otherwise construct a new tokenizer with the string code.append("new ").append(toke).openParen(true).append("str"); if (toke == TOKENIZER_STD) code.append(", \"").append(_token).append("\""); code.closeParen(); } code.append(";").endl(); } for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { if (toke != null) {"str = toke.nextToken").parens().append(";").endl(); }[i], "str")).endl(); } if (_abstract || hasSuperclass)"return toke;").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Returns the type of tokenizer to use, or null if none. */ private String getTokenizer(boolean hasSuperclass) { if (!_abstract && !hasSuperclass && _fields.length == 1) return null; if (_token.length() == 1) return TOKENIZER_STD; return TOKENIZER_CUSTOM; } /** * Get parsing code for the given field. */ private String getConversionCode(FieldMetaData field, String var) { CodeFormat parse = newCodeFormat(); if (field.getName().equals(var)) parse.append("this."); parse.append(field.getName()).append(" = "); Class type = field.getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type == Date.class) { parse.append("new Date").openParen(true).append("Long.parseLong").openParen(true).append(var) .closeParen().closeParen(); } else if (type == java.sql.Date.class || type == java.sql.Timestamp.class || type == java.sql.Time.class) { parse.append(type.getName()).append(".valueOf").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); } else if (type == String.class) parse.append(var); else if (type == Character.class) { parse.append("new Character").openParen(true).append(var).append(".charAt").openParen(true).append(0) .closeParen().closeParen(); } else if (type == byte[].class) parse.append("toBytes").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); else if (type == char[].class) parse.append(var).append(".toCharArray").parens(); else if (!type.isPrimitive()) { parse.append("new ").append(Strings.getClassName(type)).openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); } else // primitive { switch (type.getName().charAt(0)) { case 'b': if (type == boolean.class) parse.append("\"true\".equals").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); else parse.append("Byte.parseByte").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; case 'c': parse.append(var).append(".charAt").openParen(true).append(0).closeParen(); break; case 'd': parse.append("Double.parseDouble").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; case 'f': parse.append("Float.parseFloat").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; case 'i': parse.append("Integer.parseInt").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; case 'l': parse.append("Long.parseLong").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; case 's': parse.append("Short.parseShort").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen(); break; } } if (!type.isPrimitive() && type != byte[].class) { CodeFormat isNull = newCodeFormat(); isNull.append("if").openParen(true).append("\"null\".equals").openParen(true).append(var).closeParen() .closeParen().endl().tab(3); if (field.getName().equals(var)) isNull.append("this."); isNull.append(field.getName()).append(" = null;").endl();"else").endl();; parse = isNull; } return parse.append(";").toString(); } /** * Return an equality method that compares all pk variables. * Must deal correctly with both primitives and objects. */ private String getEqualsCode(boolean hasSuperclass) { // if we are below a concrete class then we cannot declare any // more primary key fields; thus, just use the parent invocation if (hasConcreteSuperclass() || (hasSuperclass && _fields.length == 0)) return ""; CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"public boolean equals").openParen(true).append("Object obj").closeParen().openBrace(2) .endl();"if").openParen(true).append("this == obj").closeParen().endl();"return true;").endl(); // call super.equals() if we have a superclass String className = getClassName(); if (hasSuperclass) {"if").openParen(true).append("!super.equals").openParen(true).append("obj") .closeParen().closeParen().endl();"return false;").endl(); } else {"if").openParen(true).append("obj == null || obj.getClass").parens().append(" != ") .append("getClass").parens().closeParen().endl();"return false;").endl(); } String name; Class type; for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { code.endl().tab(2).append(className).append(" other = ").openParen(false).append(className) .closeParen().append(" obj;").endl(); } // if this is not the first field, add an && if (i == 0)"return "); else code.endl().tab(3).append("&& "); name = _fields[i].getName(); type = _fields[i].getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type.isPrimitive()) { code.openParen(false).append(name).append(" == ").append("other.").append(name).closeParen(); } else if (type == byte[].class) { code.openParen(false).append("equals").openParen(true).append(name).append(", ").append("other.") .append(name).closeParen().closeParen(); } else if (type == char[].class) { // ((name == null && == null) // || (name != null && String.valueOf (name). // equals (String.valueOf ( code.append("(").openParen(false).append(name).append(" == null && other.").append(name) .append(" == null").closeParen().endl();"|| "); code.openParen(false).append(name).append(" != null ").append("&& String.valueOf").openParen(true) .append(name).closeParen().append(".").endl();"equals").openParen(true).append("String.valueOf").openParen(true) .append("other.").append(name).closeParen().closeParen().closeParen().append(")"); } else { // ((name == null && == null) // || (name != null && name.equals ( code.append("(").openParen(false).append(name).append(" == null && other.").append(name) .append(" == null").closeParen().endl();"|| "); code.openParen(false).append(name).append(" != null ").append("&& ").append(name).append(".equals") .openParen(true).append("other.").append(name).closeParen().closeParen().append(")"); } } // no _fields: just return true after checking instanceof if (_fields.length == 0)"return true;").endl(); else code.append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Return a hashCode method that takes into account all * primary key values. Must deal correctly with both primitives and objects. */ private String getHashCodeCode(boolean hasSuperclass) { // if we are below a concrete class then we cannot declare any // more primary key fields; thus, just use the parent invocation if (hasConcreteSuperclass() || (hasSuperclass && _fields.length == 0)) return ""; CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"public int hashCode").parens().openBrace(2).endl(); if (_fields.length == 0)"return 17;").endl(); else if (_fields.length == 1 && !hasSuperclass) {"return "); appendHashCodeCode(_fields[0], code); code.append(";").endl(); } else {"int rs = "); if (hasSuperclass) { // call super.hashCode() if we have a superclass code.append("super.hashCode").openParen(true).closeParen().append(";"); } else code.append("17;"); code.endl(); for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) {"rs = rs * 37 + "); appendHashCodeCode(_fields[i], code); code.append(";").endl(); }"return rs;").endl(); } code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Return true if this class has a concrete superclass. */ private boolean hasConcreteSuperclass() { for (ClassMetaData sup = _meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData(); sup != null; sup = sup .getPCSuperclassMetaData()) { if (!Modifier.isAbstract(sup.getDescribedType().getModifiers())) return true; } return false; } /** * Append code calculating the hashcode for the given field. */ private void appendHashCodeCode(FieldMetaData field, CodeFormat code) { String name = field.getName(); if ("rs".equals(name)) name = "this." + name; Class type = field.getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type.isPrimitive()) { if (type == boolean.class) { // ((name) ? 1 : 0) code.append("(").openParen(false).append(name).closeParen().append(" ? 1 : 0").append(")"); } else if (type == long.class) { // (int) (name ^ (name >>> 32)) code.openParen(false).append("int").closeParen().append(" ").openParen(false).append(name) .append(" ^ ").openParen(false).append(name).append(" >>> 32").closeParen().closeParen(); } else if (type == double.class) { // (int) (Double.doubleToLongBits (name) // ^ (Double.doubleToLongBits (name) >>> 32)) code.openParen(false).append("int").closeParen().append(" ").openParen(false) .append("Double.doubleToLongBits").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen().endl();"^ ").openParen(false).append("Double.doubleToLongBits").openParen(true) .append(name).closeParen().append(" >>> 32").closeParen().closeParen(); } else if (type == float.class) { // Float.floatToIntBits (name) code.append("Float.floatToIntBits").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen(); } else if (type == int.class) code.append(name); else { // (int) name code.openParen(false).append("int").closeParen().append(" ").append(name); } } else if (type == byte[].class) { // hashCode (name); code.append("hashCode").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen(); } else if (type == char[].class) { // ((name == null) ? 0 : String.valueOf (name).hashCode ()) code.append("(").openParen(false).append(name).append(" == null").closeParen().append(" ? 0 : ") .append("String.valueOf").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen().append(".hashCode").parens() .append(")"); } else { // ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode ()) code.append("(").openParen(false).append(name).append(" == null").closeParen().append(" ? 0 : ") .append(name).append(".hashCode").parens().append(")"); } } /** * Return a method to create a string containing the primary key * values that define the application id object. */ private String getToStringCode(boolean hasSuperclass) { // if we are below a concrete class then we cannot declare any // more primary key fields; thus, just use the parent invocation if (hasConcreteSuperclass() || (hasSuperclass && _fields.length == 0)) return ""; CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"public String toString").parens().openBrace(2).endl(); String name; Class type; String appendDelimiter = "+ \"" + _token + "\" + "; for (int i = 0; i < _fields.length; i++) { // if this is not the first field, add a + if (i == 0) {"return "); // add in the super.toString() if we have a parent if (hasSuperclass && getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(_meta.getPCSuperclassMetaData()).length > 0) { code.append("super.toString").parens(); code.endl().tab(3).append(appendDelimiter); } } else code.endl().tab(3).append(appendDelimiter); name = _fields[i].getName(); type = _fields[i].getObjectIdFieldType(); if (type == String.class) code.append(name); else if (type == byte[].class) code.append("toString").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen(); else if (type == char[].class) code.openParen(true).openParen(true).append(name).append(" == null").closeParen() .append(" ? \"null\"").append(": String.valueOf").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen() .closeParen(); else if (type == Date.class) code.openParen(true).openParen(true).append(name).append(" == null").closeParen() .append(" ? \"null\"").endl().tab(4).append(": String.valueOf").openParen(true).append(name) .append(".getTime").parens().closeParen().closeParen(); else code.append("String.valueOf").openParen(true).append(name).closeParen(); } // no fields; just use "" if (_fields.length == 0)"return \"\""); code.append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Code to convert a string to a byte array. * * @see org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Base16Encoder#decode */ private String getToBytesByteArrayCode() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"private static byte[] toBytes").openParen(true).append("String s").closeParen() .openBrace(2).endl();"if").openParen(true).append("\"null\".equals").openParen(true).append("s").closeParen() .closeParen().endl();"return null;").endl(2);"int len = s.length").parens().append(";").endl();"byte[] r = new byte[len / 2];").endl();"for").openParen(true).append("int i = 0; i < r.length; i++").closeParen().openBrace(3) .endl();"int digit1 = s.charAt").openParen(true).append("i * 2").closeParen().append(", ") .append("digit2 = s.charAt").openParen(true).append("i * 2 + 1").closeParen().append(";").endl();"if").openParen(true).append("digit1 >= '0' && digit1 <= '9'").closeParen().endl();"digit1 -= '0';").endl();"else if").openParen(true).append("digit1 >= 'A' && digit1 <= 'F'").closeParen().endl();"digit1 -= 'A' - 10;").endl();"if").openParen(true).append("digit2 >= '0' && digit2 <= '9'").closeParen().endl();"digit2 -= '0';").endl();"else if").openParen(true).append("digit2 >= 'A' && digit2 <= 'F'").closeParen().endl();"digit2 -= 'A' - 10;").endl(2);"r[i] = (byte) ").openParen(false).openParen(false).append("digit1 << 4").closeParen() .append(" + digit2").closeParen().append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(3).endl();"return r;").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Code to convert a byte array to a string. * * @see org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Base16Encoder#encode */ private String getToStringByteArrayCode() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"private static String toString").openParen(true).append("byte[] b").closeParen() .openBrace(2).endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b == null").closeParen().endl();"return \"null\";").endl(2);"StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder").openParen(true).append("b.length * 2") .closeParen().append(";").endl();"for").openParen(true).append("int i = 0; i < b.length; i++").closeParen().endl();"for").openParen(true).append("int j = 1; j >= 0; j--").closeParen().endl();"r.append").openParen(true).append("HEX[").openParen(false).append("b[i] >> ") .openParen(false).append("j * 4").closeParen().closeParen().append(" & 0xF]").closeParen() .append(";").endl();"return r.toString").parens().append(";").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Code to test if two byte arrays are equal. */ private String getEqualsByteArrayCode() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"private static boolean equals").openParen(true).append("byte[] b1, byte[] b2") .closeParen().openBrace(2).endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b1 == null && b2 == null").closeParen().endl();"return true;").endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b1 == null || b2 == null").closeParen().endl();"return false;").endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b1.length != b2.length").closeParen().endl();"return false;").endl();"for").openParen(true).append("int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++").closeParen().endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b1[i] != b2[i]").closeParen().endl();"return false;").endl();"return true;").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } private String getHashCodeByteArrayCode() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"private static int hashCode").openParen(true).append("byte[] b").closeParen() .openBrace(2).endl();"if").openParen(true).append("b == null").closeParen().endl();"return 0;").endl();"int sum = 0;").endl();"for").openParen(true).append("int i = 0; i < b.length; i++").closeParen().endl();"sum += b[i];").endl();"return sum;").endl(); code.closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Code defining a tokenizer class. */ private String getCustomTokenizerClass() { CodeFormat code = newCodeFormat();"protected static class ").append(TOKENIZER_CUSTOM).openBrace(2).endl();"private final String str;").endl();"private int last;").afterSection();"public Tokenizer (String str)").openBrace(3).endl();"this.str = str;").endl(); code.closeBrace(3).afterSection();"public String nextToken ()").openBrace(3).endl();"int next = str.indexOf").openParen(true).append("\"").append(_token).append("\", last") .closeParen().append(";").endl();"String part;").endl();"if").openParen(true).append("next == -1").closeParen().openBrace(4).endl();"part = str.substring").openParen(true).append("last").closeParen().append(";").endl();"last = str.length").parens().append(";").endl().closeBrace(4); if (!code.getBraceOnSameLine()) code.endl().tab(3); else code.append(" "); code.append("else").openBrace(4).endl();"part = str.substring").openParen(true).append("last, next").closeParen().append(";") .endl();"last = next + ").append(_token.length()).append(";").endl().closeBrace(4).endl();"return part;").endl(); code.closeBrace(3); code.endl().closeBrace(2); return code.toString(); } /** * Return the file that this tool should output to. */ private File getFile() { if (_meta == null) return null; String packageName = Strings.getPackageName(_meta.getObjectIdType()); String fileName = Strings.getClassName(_meta.getObjectIdType()) + ".java"; // if pc class in same package as oid class, try to find pc .java file File dir = null; if (_dir == null && Strings.getPackageName(_type).equals(packageName)) { dir = Files.getSourceFile(_type); if (dir != null) dir = dir.getParentFile(); } if (dir == null) dir = Files.getPackageFile(_dir, packageName, true); return new File(dir, fileName); } /** * Return a copy of the correct code format. */ private CodeFormat newCodeFormat() { return (_format == null) ? new CodeFormat() : (CodeFormat) _format.clone(); } /** * Usage: java org.apache.openjpa.enhance.ApplicationIdTool [option]* * <class name | .java file | .class file | .jdo file>+ * Where the following options are recognized. * <ul> * <li><i>-properties/-p <properties file></i>: The path to a OpenJPA * properties file containing information as outlined in * {@link Configuration}; optional.</li> * <li><i>-<property name> <property value></i>: All bean * properties of the standard OpenJPA {@link OpenJPAConfiguration} can be * set by using their names and supplying a value.</li> * <li><i>-directory/-d <output directory></i>: Path to the base * source directory. The package structure will be created beneath * this directory if necessary. If not specified, the tool will try * to locate the .java file in the CLASSPATH and output to the same * directory; failing that, it will use the current directory as * the base directory. * <li><i>-ignoreErrors/-i <true/t | false/f></i>: If false, an * exception will be thrown if the tool encounters any class that * does not use application identity or uses the identity class of * its superclass; defaults to true.</li> * <li><i>-token/-t <token></i>: The token to use to separate * stingified primary key field values in the stringified oid.</li> * <li><i>-name/-n <id class name></i>: The name of the identity * class to generate. If this option is specified, you must only * give a single class argument. If the class metadata names an object * id class, this argument is ignored.</li> * <li><i>-suffix/-s <id class suffix></i>: A string to suffix each * persistent class with to create the identity class name. This is * overridden by <code>-name</code> or by any identity class name * specified in metadata.</li> * <li><i>-codeFormat/-cf.<property name> < property value></i> * : Arguments like this will be used to configure the bean * properties of the internal {@link CodeFormat}.</li> * </ul> * Each additional argument can be either the full class name of the * type to create an id class for, the path to the .java file for the type, * the path to the .class file for the type, or the path to a .jdo file * listing one or more types. If a .java file already exists for an * application id, it will be backed up to a file named * <orig file name>~. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Options opts = new Options(); final String[] arguments = opts.setFromCmdLine(args); boolean ret = Configurations.runAgainstAllAnchors(opts, new Configurations.Runnable() { public boolean run(Options opts) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { OpenJPAConfiguration conf = new OpenJPAConfigurationImpl(); try { return, arguments, opts); } finally { conf.close(); } } }); if (!ret) System.err.println(_loc.get("appid-usage")); } /** * Run the application id tool with the given command-line and * given configuration. Returns false if invalid options were given. */ public static boolean run(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, String[] args, Options opts) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Flags flags = new Flags(); flags.ignoreErrors = opts.removeBooleanProperty("ignoreErrors", "i", flags.ignoreErrors); = Files.getFile(opts.removeProperty("directory", "d", null), null); flags.token = opts.removeProperty("token", "t", flags.token); = opts.removeProperty("name", "n",; flags.suffix = opts.removeProperty("suffix", "s", flags.suffix); // separate the properties for the customizer and code format Options formatOpts = new Options(); Map.Entry entry; String key; for (Iterator itr = opts.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { entry = (Map.Entry); key = (String) entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("codeFormat.")) { formatOpts.put(key.substring(11), entry.getValue()); itr.remove(); } else if (key.startsWith("cf.")) { formatOpts.put(key.substring(3), entry.getValue()); itr.remove(); } } if (!formatOpts.isEmpty()) { flags.format = new CodeFormat(); formatOpts.setInto(flags.format); } Configurations.populateConfiguration(conf, opts); ClassLoader loader = conf.getClassResolverInstance().getClassLoader(ApplicationIdTool.class, null); return run(conf, args, flags, loader); } /** * Run the tool. Returns false if invalid options were given. */ public static boolean run(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, String[] args, Flags flags, ClassLoader loader) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { MetaDataRepository repos = conf.newMetaDataRepositoryInstance(); repos.setValidate(repos.VALIDATE_NONE, true); loadObjectIds(repos, == null && flags.suffix == null); Log log = conf.getLog(OpenJPAConfiguration.LOG_TOOL); Collection classes; if (args.length == 0) {"running-all-classes")); classes = repos.loadPersistentTypes(true, loader); } else { ClassArgParser cap = conf.getMetaDataRepositoryInstance().getMetaDataFactory().newClassArgParser(); cap.setClassLoader(loader); classes = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) classes.addAll(Arrays.asList(cap.parseTypes(args[i]))); } if ( != null && classes.size() > 1) throw new UserException(_loc.get("name-mult-args", classes)); ApplicationIdTool tool; Class cls; ClassMetaData meta; BCClassLoader bc = AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.newBCClassLoaderAction(new Project())); for (Iterator itr = classes.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { cls = (Class);"appid-running", cls)); meta = repos.getMetaData(cls, null, false); setObjectIdType(meta, flags, bc); tool = new ApplicationIdTool(conf, cls, meta); tool.setDirectory(; tool.setIgnoreErrors(flags.ignoreErrors); tool.setToken(flags.token); tool.setCodeFormat(flags.format); if ( {"appid-output", tool.getFile())); tool.record(); } else"appid-norun")); } bc.getProject().clear(); return true; } /** * Set the object id type of the given metadata. */ private static void setObjectIdType(ClassMetaData meta, Flags flags, BCClassLoader bc) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (meta == null || (meta.getObjectIdType() != null && (!meta.isOpenJPAIdentity() || == null)) || getDeclaredPrimaryKeyFields(meta).length == 0) return; Class desc = meta.getDescribedType(); Class cls = null; if ( != null) cls = loadClass(desc,, bc); else if (flags.suffix != null) cls = loadClass(desc, desc.getName() + flags.suffix, bc); meta.setObjectIdType(cls, false); } /** * Load the given class name even if it does not exist. */ private static Class loadClass(Class context, String name, BCClassLoader bc) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (name.indexOf('.') == -1 && context.getName().indexOf('.') != -1) name = Strings.getPackageName(context) + "." + name; // first try with regular class loader ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.getClassLoaderAction(context)); if (loader == null) loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper.getContextClassLoaderAction()); try { return Class.forName(name, false, loader); } catch (Throwable t) { } // create class BCClass oid = bc.getProject().loadClass(name, null); oid.addDefaultConstructor(); return Class.forName(name, false, bc); } /** * Tell the metadata factory to load object id classes even if they don't * exist. */ private static void loadObjectIds(MetaDataRepository repos, boolean fatal) { MetaDataFactory mdf = repos.getMetaDataFactory(); if (mdf instanceof DelegatingMetaDataFactory) mdf = ((DelegatingMetaDataFactory) mdf).getInnermostDelegate(); if (mdf instanceof ObjectIdLoader) ((ObjectIdLoader) mdf).setLoadObjectIds(); else if (fatal) throw new InvalidStateException(_loc.get("factory-not-oidloader")).setFatal(true); } /** * Run flags. */ public static class Flags { public File directory = null; public boolean ignoreErrors = true; public String token = TOKEN_DEFAULT; public CodeFormat format = null; public String name = null; public String suffix = null; } /** * Interface implemented by metadata factories that can load non-existant * object id classes. */ public static interface ObjectIdLoader { /** * Turn on the loading of all identity classes, even if they don't * exist. */ public void setLoadObjectIds(); } }