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package org.apache.openaz.xacml.util;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

 * ObjUtil provides utilities for comparing objects in various circumstances.
public class ObjUtil {

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ObjUtil.class);

    protected ObjUtil() {

     * Determines if two objects of the same class are equivalent, including the case where both are
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @param obj1 the first object to compare
     * @param obj2 the second object to compare
     * @return true if both objects are null, or the first is non-null and <code>equals</code> the second.
    public static <T> boolean equalsAllowNull(T obj1, T obj2) {
        if (obj1 == null) {
            return obj2 == null;
        return obj1.equals(obj2);

     * Determines if two XML Nodes are equivalent, including the case where both are <code>null</code>. For
     * XML Nodes the .equals() method does not work (the objects must actually be the same Node). In this
     * project we want to allow XML with different textual layout (newlines and spaces) to be equal because
     * the text formatting is not significant to the meaning of the content. Therefore the
     * (Node).isEqualNode() method is not appropriate either. This method looks at the Node elements and each
     * of their children: - ignoring empty text nodes - ignoring comment nodes - checking that all attributes
     * on the nodes are the same - checking that each non-empty-text child is in the same order
     * @param node1 the first Node object to compare
     * @param node2 the second Node object to compare
     * @return true if both objects are null, or the first is non-null and <code>equals</code> the second as
     *         described in the method description.
    public static boolean xmlEqualsAllowNull(Node node1, Node node2) {
        if (node1 == null) {
            return node2 == null;
        } else if (node2 == null) {
            return false;

        // create deep copies of the nodes so we can manipulate them before testing
        Node clone1 = node1.cloneNode(true);
        Node clone2 = node2.cloneNode(true);

        boolean compareReturn = compareXML(clone1, clone2);
        return compareReturn;

     * Recursively clean up this node and all its children, where "clean" means - remove comments - remove
     * empty nodes - remove xmlns (Namespace) attributes
     * @param node
    private static void cleanXMLNode(Node node) {

        // The loops in this method run from back to front because they are removing items from the lists

        // remove xmlns (Namespace) attributes
        NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();

        if (attributes != null) {
            for (int i = attributes.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                Node a = attributes.item(i);
                if (a.getNodeName().startsWith("xmlns")) {

        NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();

        for (int i = childNodes.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Node child = childNodes.item(i);

            short type = child.getNodeType();

            // remove comments
            if (type == 8) {

            // node is not text, so clean it too


     * Recursively compare these two nodes and then compare their children.
     * @param node1
     * @param node2
     * @return
    private static boolean compareXML(Node node1, Node node2) {
        // compare the nodes
        if (!equalsAllowNull(node1.getNodeName(), node2.getNodeName())
                || !equalsAllowNull(node1.getNodeValue(), node2.getNodeValue())
                || node1.getNodeType() != node2.getNodeType()) {
            // these two nodes to not match their basic information
  "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' type: " + node1.getNodeType() + "  != Node2 '"
                    + node2.getNodeName() + "' type: " + node2.getNodeType());
            return false;

        // compare the attributes of the two nodes
        NamedNodeMap node1Attributes = node1.getAttributes();
        NamedNodeMap node2Attributes = node2.getAttributes();

        // null attributes == attributes with length 0
        if (node1Attributes == null) {
            if (node2Attributes != null && node2Attributes.getLength() > 0) {
      "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' attrs null != Node2 '" + node2.getNodeName()
                        + "' attrs non-null");
                return false;
        } else {
            // node1 Attributes is not null
            if (node2Attributes == null || node2Attributes.getLength() != node1Attributes.getLength()) {
      "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' attrs non-null  != Node2 '" + node2.getNodeName()
                        + "' attrs null or length not same");
                return false;

            // both attrs exist and are same length
            // check that all of list 1 is in list 2
            // no need to check attr from node2 exist in node 1 because the lists are the same length,
            // and since all attrs from node 1 exist in node 2 there cannot be any extra in node2
            for (int i = 0; i < node1Attributes.getLength(); i++) {
                if (node2Attributes.getNamedItem(node1Attributes.item(i).getNodeName()) == null) {
                    // attribute in node 1 does not exist in node 2
                            "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' attr: '" + node1Attributes.item(i).getNodeName()
                                    + "'  != Node2 '" + node2.getNodeName() + "' (missing attr)");
                    return false;

        // compare the children of the nodes
        NodeList children1 = node1.getChildNodes();
        NodeList children2 = node2.getChildNodes();

        if (children1.getLength() != children2.getLength()) {
            // they cannot be the same because the length is different
  "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' children: " + children1.getLength() + " != Node2 '"
                    + node2.getNodeName() + "' children: " + children2.getLength());
            return false;

        // children are supposed to be in the same order
        for (int index1 = 0; index1 < children1.getLength(); index1++) {
            if (!compareXML(children1.item(index1), children2.item(index1))) {
      "Node1 '" + node1.getNodeName() + "' != Node2 '" + node2.getNodeName() + "'");
                return false;

        return true;
