Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.oozie.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.oozie.BaseEngine; import org.apache.oozie.BuildInfo; import org.apache.oozie.cli.CLIParser; import org.apache.oozie.cli.OozieCLI; import; import org.apache.oozie.service.InstrumentationService; import org.apache.oozie.service.MetricsInstrumentationService; import org.apache.oozie.service.Services; import org.apache.oozie.service.ShareLibService; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.DagServletTestCase; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.MockCoordinatorEngineService; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.MockDagEngineService; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V1AdminServlet; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V1JobServlet; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V1JobsServlet; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V2AdminServlet; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V2JobServlet; import org.apache.oozie.servlet.V2ValidateServlet; import org.apache.oozie.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.oozie.util.XConfiguration; //hardcoding options instead using constants on purpose, to detect changes to option names if any and correct docs. public class TestOozieCLI extends DagServletTestCase { static { new HeaderTestingVersionServlet(); new V1JobServlet(); new V1JobsServlet(); new V1AdminServlet(); new V2AdminServlet(); new V2JobServlet(); new V2ValidateServlet(); } static final boolean IS_SECURITY_ENABLED = false; static final String VERSION = "/v" + OozieClient.WS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; static final String[] END_POINTS = { "/versions", VERSION + "/jobs", VERSION + "/job/*", VERSION + "/admin/*", VERSION + "/validate/*" }; static final Class[] SERVLET_CLASSES = { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.class, V1JobsServlet.class, V2JobServlet.class, V2AdminServlet.class, V2ValidateServlet.class, V2JobServlet.class, V2AdminServlet.class }; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); } private String createConfigFile(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".xml"; Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.set(OozieClient.APP_PATH, appPath); conf.set(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES, "node"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path); conf.writeXml(os); os.close(); return path; } private String createCoodrConfigFile(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".xml"; Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); conf.set(OozieClient.COORDINATOR_APP_PATH, appPath); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path); conf.writeXml(os); os.close(); return path; } private String createPropertiesFile(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".properties"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(OozieClient.USER_NAME, getTestUser()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.GROUP_NAME, getTestGroup()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.APP_PATH, appPath); props.setProperty(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES, "node"); props.setProperty("a", "A"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path);, ""); os.close(); return path; } private String createPropertiesFileWithTrailingSpaces(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".properties"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(OozieClient.USER_NAME, getTestUser()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.GROUP_NAME, getTestGroup()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.APP_PATH, appPath); //add spaces to string props.setProperty(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES + " ", " node "); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path);, ""); os.close(); return path; } private String createPigPropertiesFile(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".properties"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(OozieClient.USER_NAME, getTestUser()); props.setProperty(XOozieClient.NN, "localhost:9000"); props.setProperty(XOozieClient.JT, "localhost:9001"); props.setProperty("oozie.libpath", appPath); props.setProperty("mapred.output.dir", appPath); props.setProperty("a", "A"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path);, ""); os.close(); return path; } private String createMRProperties(String appPath, boolean useNewAPI) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".properties"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(OozieClient.USER_NAME, getTestUser()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.GROUP_NAME, getTestGroup()); props.setProperty(OozieClient.APP_PATH, appPath); props.setProperty(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES, "node"); props.setProperty(XOozieClient.NN, "localhost:9000"); props.setProperty(XOozieClient.JT, "localhost:9001"); if (useNewAPI) { props.setProperty("", "mapper.class"); props.setProperty("mapreduce.reduce.class", "reducer.class"); } else { props.setProperty("mapred.mapper.class", "mapper.class"); props.setProperty("mapred.reducer.class", "reducer.class"); } props.setProperty("mapred.input.dir", "input"); props.setProperty("mapred.output.dir", "output"); props.setProperty("oozie.libpath", appPath); props.setProperty("a", "A"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(path);, ""); os.close(); return path; } private String createPigScript(String appPath) throws Exception { String path = getTestCaseDir() + "/" + getName() + ".properties"; DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)); String pigScript = "A = load \'/user/data\' using PigStorage(:);\n" + "B = foreach A generate $0" + "dumb B;"; dos.writeBytes(pigScript); dos.close(); return path; } public void testSubmit() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); wfCount++; args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createPropertiesFile(appPath.toString()) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); MockDagEngineService.reset(); wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createPropertiesFile(appPath.toString()) + "x" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(null, MockDagEngineService.did); try { MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount); //job was not created, then how did this extra job come after reset? fail!! fail(); } catch (Exception e) { //job was not submitted, so its fine } return null; } }); } public void testSubmitPig() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); String[] args = new String[] { "pig", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-file", createPigScript(appPath.toString()), "-config", createPigPropertiesFile(appPath.toString()) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submitPig", MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); return null; } }); } public void testSubmitMapReduce() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); String[] args = new String[] { "mapreduce", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createMRProperties(appPath.toString(), false) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submitMR", MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); return null; } }); } public void testSubmitMapReduce2() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); String[] args = new String[] { "mapreduce", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createMRProperties(appPath.toString(), true) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submitMR", MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); return null; } }); } public void testSubmitDoAs() throws Exception { setSystemProperty("oozie.authentication.simple.anonymous.allowed", "false"); runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-doas", getTestUser2() }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertEquals(getTestUser2(), MockDagEngineService.user); return null; } }); } public void testSubmitWithPropertyArguments() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-Da=X", "-Db=B" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); assertEquals("X", MockDagEngineService.submittedConf.get("a")); assertEquals("B", MockDagEngineService.submittedConf.get("b")); return null; } }); } public void testRun() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-run", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); return null; } }); } /** * Check if "-debug" option is accepted at CLI with job run command * * @throws Exception */ public void testRunWithDebug() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); int wfCount = MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT; String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-run", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-debug" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(wfCount)); return null; } }); } public void testStart() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-start", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_START, MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(1)); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-start", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockDagEngineService.workflows.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); return null; } }); } public void testSuspend() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-suspend", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_SUSPEND, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-suspend", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockDagEngineService.workflows.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); return null; } }); } public void testResume() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-resume", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_RESUME, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-resume", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockDagEngineService.workflows.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); return null; } }); } public void testKill() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_KILL, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockDagEngineService.workflows.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); return null; } }); } public void testBulkSuspendResumeKill1() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-suspend", "-filter", "name=workflow-1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-resume", "-filter", "name=workflow-1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", "-filter", "name=workflow-1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockDagEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testBulkSuspendResumeKill2() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-suspend", "-filter", "name=coordinator", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-resume", "-filter", "name=coordinator", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", "-filter", "name=coordinator", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testBulkCommandWithoutFilterNegative() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-suspend", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-resume", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", "-jobtype", "coordinator" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); return null; } }); } /** * Test the working of coord action kill from Client with action numbers * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordActionKill1() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1", "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_KILL, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * Test the working of coord action kill from Client with action nominal * date ranges * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordActionKill2() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-kill", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1", "-date", "2009-12-15T01:00Z::2009-12-16T01:00Z" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_KILL, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testReRun() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-rerun", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_RERUN, MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockDagEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id -action 1 * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordReRun1() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1", "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_COORD_ACTION_RERUN, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id -date 2009-12-15T01:00Z::2009-12-16T01:00Z * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordReRun2() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1", "-date", "2009-12-15T01:00Z::2009-12-16T01:00Z" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_COORD_ACTION_RERUN, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * * Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id -action 0 -refresh * */ public void testCoordReRun3() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0", "-action", "0", "-refresh" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_COORD_ACTION_RERUN, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(0)); return null; } }); } /** * * Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id -action 0 -nocleanup * */ public void testCoordReRun4() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0", "-action", "0", "-nocleanup" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_COORD_ACTION_RERUN, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(0)); return null; } }); } /** * Negative Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id -date 2009-12-15T01:00Z -action 1 * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordReRunNeg1() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-date", "2009-12-15T01:00Z", "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * Negative Test: oozie -rerun coord_job_id * * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordReRunNeg2() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * * Negative Test: date or action option expected * @throws Exception * */ public void testCoordReRunNeg3() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } /** * Negative Test: Invalid options provided for rerun: eitherdate or action expected. Don't use both at the same time * @throws Exception */ public void testCoordReRunNeg4() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-rerun", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0", "-date", "2009-12-15T01:00Z", "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testCoordJobIgnore() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-ignore", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_CHANGE, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); // negative test for "oozie job -ignore <non-existent coord>" MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "ignore", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockCoordinatorEngineService.coordJobs.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testCoordActionsIgnore() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-ignore", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "1", "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_IGNORE, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertTrue(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); // negative test for "oozie job -ignore <non-existent coord> -action 1" MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "ignore", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockCoordinatorEngineService.coordJobs.size() + 1), "-action", "1" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); // negative test for "oozie job -ignore <id> -action (action is empty)" MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-ignore", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID, "-action", "" }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertNull(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testJobStatus() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-localtime", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-timezone", "PST", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "2" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + (MockDagEngineService.workflows.size() + 1) }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); return null; } }); } public void testJobsStatus() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "jobs", "-len", "3", "-offset", "2", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-filter", "name=x" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-localtime", "-len", "3", "-offset", "2", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-filter", "name=x" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-timezone", "PST", "-len", "3", "-offset", "2", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-filter", "name=x" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-jobtype", "coord", "-filter", "status=FAILED", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-filter", "startcreatedtime=2014-04-01T00:00Z;endcreatedtime=2014-05-01T00:00Z", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "jobs", "-filter", "startcreatedtime=-10d;endcreatedtime=-20m", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOBS_FILTER_PARAM, MockDagEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testHeaderPropagation() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); setSystemProperty(OozieCLI.WS_HEADER_PREFIX + "header", "test"); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-start", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_START, MockDagEngineService.did); assertTrue(HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.containsKey("header")); assertTrue(HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.containsValue("test")); return null; } }); } public void testOozieStatus() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-status", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertEquals("System mode: NORMAL\n", out); args = new String[] { "admin", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-systemmode", "NORMAL" }; out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertEquals("System mode: NORMAL\n", out); return null; } }); } public void testServerBuildVersion() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-version", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertEquals("Oozie server build version: " + BuildInfo.getBuildInfo().getProperty(BuildInfo.BUILD_VERSION) + "\n", out); return null; } }); } public void testClientBuildVersion() throws Exception { String[] args = new String[] { "version" }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertEquals("Oozie client build version: " + BuildInfo.getBuildInfo().getProperty(BuildInfo.BUILD_VERSION) + "\n", out); } public void testJobInfo() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-len", "3", "-offset", "1" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "2" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-len", "2" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "3" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-offset", "3" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + 1 + MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.offset, new Integer(1)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.length, new Integer(1000)); MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + 1 + MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-len", "10", "-offset", "5", "-order", "desc", "-filter", "status=FAILED" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.offset, new Integer(5)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.length, new Integer(10)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.order, "desc"); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.filter, "status=FAILED"); MockCoordinatorEngineService.reset(); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-info", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + 1 + MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-len", "10", "-offset", "5", "-order", "desc", "-filter", "status!=FAILED" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_INFO, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.offset, new Integer(5)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.length, new Integer(10)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.order, "desc"); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.filter, "status!=FAILED"); return null; } }); } public void testJobPoll() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-poll", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_STATUS, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-poll", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-interval", "10" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_STATUS, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-poll", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-timeout", "60" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_STATUS, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-poll", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "1" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END, "-interval", "10", "-timeout", "60" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_STATUS, MockDagEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testJobLog() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-log", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_LOG, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-log", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_LOG, MockDagEngineService.did); args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-log", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0", "-action", "0", "-date", "2009-12-16T01:00Z" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_LOG, MockDagEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testJobDefinition() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); MockDagEngineService.reset(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-definition", MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID + "0" + MockDagEngineService.JOB_ID_END }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_SHOW_DEFINITION, MockDagEngineService.did); return null; } }); } public void testPropertiesWithTrailingSpaces() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { MockDagEngineService.reset(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "workflow.xml")).close(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-submit", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-config", createPropertiesFileWithTrailingSpaces(appPath.toString()) }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals("submit", MockDagEngineService.did); String confStr = MockDagEngineService.workflows.get(MockDagEngineService.INIT_WF_COUNT).getConf(); XConfiguration conf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(confStr)); assertNotNull(conf.get(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES)); assertEquals("node", conf.get(OozieClient.RERUN_SKIP_NODES)); return null; } }); } public void testAdminQueueDump() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-queuedump", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Server Queue Dump")); return null; } }); } public void testInfo() throws Exception { String[] args = new String[] { "info" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); args = new String[] { "info", "-timezones" }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Available Time Zones")); } public void testValidateWorkFlowCommand() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { String validFileName = "test-workflow-app.xml"; String invalidFileName = "test-invalid-workflow-app.xml"; String validContent = "<workflow-app xmlns=\"uri:oozie:workflow:0.2\" name=\"no-op-wf\"> " + " <start to=\"end\"/> <end name=\"end\"/> </workflow-app>"; String invalidContent = "<workflow-app xmlns=\"uri:oozie:workflow:0.2\" name=\"f\"> " + " <tag=\"end\"/> <tag=\"end\"/> </workflow-app>"; File validfile = new File(validFileName); File invalidfile = new File(invalidFileName); validfile.delete(); invalidfile.delete(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); IOUtils.copyCharStream(new StringReader(validContent), new FileWriter(validfile)); String[] args = new String[] { "validate", "-oozie", oozieUrl, validfile.getAbsolutePath() }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Valid")); IOUtils.copyCharStream(new StringReader(invalidContent), new FileWriter(invalidfile)); args = new String[] { "validate", "-oozie", oozieUrl, invalidfile.getAbsolutePath() }; out = runOozieCLIAndGetStderr(args); assertTrue(out.contains("XML schema error")); return null; } }); } /** * * oozie -change coord_job_id -value concurrency=10 * */ public void testChangeValue() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-change", MockCoordinatorEngineService.JOB_ID + "0", "-value", "concurrency=10" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_CHANGE, MockCoordinatorEngineService.did); return null; } }); } /** * Could not authenticate, Authentication failed, status: 404, message: Not Found */ public void testSlaEvents() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "sla", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-len", "1" }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStderr(args); assertTrue(out.contains( "Could not authenticate, Authentication failed, status: 404, message: Not Found")); return null; } }); } public void testshareLibUpdate() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Services.get().setService(ShareLibService.class); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-sharelibupdate", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("ShareLib update status")); return null; } }); } public void testshareLibUpdate_withSecurity() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, true, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); // Need to pass "-auth simple" instead of allowing fallback for Hadoop 2.3.0 - Hadoop 2.6.0 (see OOZIE-2315) String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-sharelibupdate", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-auth", "simple" }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStderr(args); assertEquals("Error: E0503 : E0503: User [test] does not have admin privileges\n", out); return null; } }); } public void testGetShareLib() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Services.get().setService(ShareLibService.class); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-shareliblist", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Available ShareLib")); return null; } }); } public void testGetShareLib_withKey() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Services.get().setService(ShareLibService.class); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-shareliblist", "pig", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Available ShareLib")); return null; } }); } public void testJobDryrun() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Path appPath = new Path(getFsTestCaseDir(), "app"); getFileSystem().mkdirs(appPath); getFileSystem().create(new Path(appPath, "coordinator.xml")).close(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-dryrun", "-config", createCoodrConfigFile(appPath.toString()), "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-Doozie.proxysubmission=true" }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_DRYRUN); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testUpdate() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-update", "aaa", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.JOB_COORD_UPDATE); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testUpdateWithDryrun() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-update", "aaa", "-dryrun", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.JOB_COORD_UPDATE + "&" + RestConstants.JOB_ACTION_DRYRUN); assertFalse(MockCoordinatorEngineService.started.get(1)); return null; } }); } public void testFailNoArg() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStderr(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Invalid sub-command")); return null; } }); } public void testRetryForTimeout() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = "http://localhost:11/oozie"; String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-update", "aaa", "-dryrun", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-debug" }; OozieCLI cli = new OozieCLI(); CLIParser parser = cli.getCLIParser(); try { final CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args); cli.processCommand(parser, command); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains( "Error while connecting Oozie server. No of retries = 4. Exception = Connection refused")); } return null; } }); } public void testNoRetryForError() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-info", "aaa", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-debug" }; OozieCLI cli = new OozieCLI(); CLIParser parser = cli.getCLIParser(); try { final CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args); cli.processCommand(parser, command); } catch (Exception e) { //Create connection will be successful, no retry assertFalse(e.getMessage().contains("Error while connecting Oozie server")); assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("invalid job id [aaa]")); } return null; } }); } public void testRetryWithRetryCount() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = "http://localhost:11/oozie"; String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-update", "aaa", "-dryrun", "-oozie", oozieUrl, "-debug" }; OozieCLI cli = new OozieCLI() { protected void setRetryCount(OozieClient wc) { wc.setRetryCount(2); } public CLIParser getCLIParser() { return super.getCLIParser(); } }; CLIParser parser = cli.getCLIParser(); try { final CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args); cli.processCommand(parser, command); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains( "Error while connecting Oozie server. No of retries = 2. Exception = Connection refused")); } return null; } }); } public void testAdminConfiguration() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-configuration", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("oozie.base.url")); return null; } }); } public void testAdminOsEnv() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-osenv", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("JAVA_HOME")); return null; } }); } public void testAdminJavaSystemProperties() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-javasysprops", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("java.vendor")); return null; } }); } public void testAdminInstrumentation() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Services.get().setService(InstrumentationService.class); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-instrumentation", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("webservices.version-GET")); args = new String[] { "admin", "-metrics", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Metrics are unavailable")); return null; } }); } public void testAdminMetrics() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); Services.get().setService(MetricsInstrumentationService.class); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "admin", "-metrics", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; String out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("webservices.version-GET")); args = new String[] { "admin", "-instrumentation", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; out = runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(args); assertTrue(out.contains("Instrumentation is unavailable")); return null; } }); } public void testSlaEnable() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-slaenable", "aaa-C", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.SLA_ENABLE_ALERT); return null; } }); } public void testSlaDisable() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-sladisable", "aaa-C", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.SLA_DISABLE_ALERT); return null; } }); } public void testSlaChange() throws Exception { runTest(END_POINTS, SERVLET_CLASSES, false, new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { HeaderTestingVersionServlet.OOZIE_HEADERS.clear(); String oozieUrl = getContextURL(); String[] args = new String[] { "job", "-slachange", "aaa-C", "-oozie", oozieUrl }; assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); assertEquals(MockCoordinatorEngineService.did, RestConstants.SLA_CHANGE); return null; } }); } private String runOozieCLIAndGetStdout(String[] args) { PrintStream original = System.out; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); String outStr = null; System.out.flush(); try { System.setOut(ps); assertEquals(0, new OozieCLI().run(args)); System.out.flush(); outStr = baos.toString(); } finally { System.setOut(original); if (outStr != null) { System.out.print(outStr); } System.out.flush(); } return outStr; } private String runOozieCLIAndGetStderr(String[] args) { PrintStream original = System.err; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); String outStr = null; System.err.flush(); try { System.setErr(ps); assertEquals(-1, new OozieCLI().run(args)); System.err.flush(); outStr = baos.toString(); } finally { System.setErr(original); if (outStr != null) { System.err.print(outStr); } System.err.flush(); } return outStr; } }