Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.oozie.action.ActionExecutor.Context; import org.apache.oozie.action.oozie.SubWorkflowActionExecutor; import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient; import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowAction; import; import org.apache.oozie.service.ConfigurationService; import org.apache.oozie.service.Services; import org.apache.oozie.util.XConfiguration; import; public class OozieJobInfo { public static final String BUNDLE_ID = ""; public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = ""; public static final String COORD_NAME = ""; public static final String COORD_ID = ""; public static final String COORD_NOMINAL_TIME = "coord.nominal.time"; public static final String WORKFLOW_ID = ""; public static final String WORKFLOW_NAME = ""; public static final String WORKFLOW_DEPTH = "wf.depth"; public static final String WORKFLOW_SUPER_PARENT = ""; public static final String ACTION_TYPE = "action.type"; public static final String ACTION_NAME = ""; public static final String JOB_INFO_KEY = ""; public static final String CONF_JOB_INFO = "oozie.action.jobinfo.enable"; public final static String SEPARATOR = ","; private Context context; XConfiguration contextConf; private WorkflowAction action; private Configuration actionConf; private static boolean jobInfo = ConfigurationService.getBoolean(OozieJobInfo.CONF_JOB_INFO); /** * Instantiates a new oozie job info. * * @param actionConf the action conf * @param context the context * @param action the action * @throws IOException */ public OozieJobInfo(Configuration actionConf, Context context, WorkflowAction action) throws IOException { this.context = context; contextConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(context.getWorkflow().getConf())); this.action = action; this.actionConf = actionConf; } public static boolean isJobInfoEnabled() { return jobInfo; } @VisibleForTesting public static void setJobInfo(boolean jobInfo) { OozieJobInfo.jobInfo = jobInfo; } /** * Get the job info. * * @return job info * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public String getJobInfo() throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); addBundleInfo(sb); addCoordInfo(sb); addWorkflowInfo(sb); addActionInfo(sb); addCustomInfo(sb); return sb.toString(); } private void addBundleInfo(StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { addJobInfo(sb, BUNDLE_ID, contextConf.get(OozieClient.BUNDLE_ID)); addJobInfo(sb, BUNDLE_NAME, contextConf.get(OozieJobInfo.BUNDLE_NAME)); } private void addCoordInfo(StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { addJobInfo(sb, COORD_NAME, contextConf.get(OozieJobInfo.COORD_NAME)); addJobInfo(sb, COORD_NOMINAL_TIME, contextConf.get(OozieJobInfo.COORD_NOMINAL_TIME)); addJobInfo(sb, COORD_ID, contextConf.get(OozieJobInfo.COORD_ID)); } private void addWorkflowInfo(StringBuffer sb) { addJobInfo(sb, WORKFLOW_ID, context.getWorkflow().getId()); addJobInfo(sb, WORKFLOW_NAME, context.getWorkflow().getAppName()); addJobInfo(sb, WORKFLOW_DEPTH, contextConf.get(SubWorkflowActionExecutor.SUBWORKFLOW_DEPTH, "0")); addJobInfo(sb, WORKFLOW_SUPER_PARENT, computeSuperParent()); } private void addActionInfo(StringBuffer sb) { addJobInfo(sb, ACTION_NAME, action.getName()); addJobInfo(sb, ACTION_TYPE, action.getType()); } private void addCustomInfo(StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { addfromConf(actionConf, sb); } public void addfromConf(Configuration conf, StringBuffer sb) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = conf.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; if (entry.getKey().startsWith("")) { addJobInfo(sb, entry.getKey().substring("".length()), entry.getValue()); } } } private void addJobInfo(StringBuffer sb, String key, String value) { if (value != null) { sb.append(key).append("=").append(value).append(OozieJobInfo.SEPARATOR); } } private String computeSuperParent() { String superParentId = contextConf.get(SubWorkflowActionExecutor.SUPER_PARENT_ID); if (superParentId == null) { // Not a sub-workflow if (context.getWorkflow().getParentId() != null) { // return coord id as the super parent id return context.getWorkflow().getParentId(); } else { // return the current workflow id as the super parent id. return context.getWorkflow().getId(); } } return superParentId; } }