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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oodt.cas.pge.metadata;

//JDK imports
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.Vector;

//Apache imports
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;

//OODT imports
import org.apache.oodt.cas.metadata.Metadata;

//Google imports

 * A wrapper class to act as a facade interface to all the different
 * {@link Metadata} sources given to a PGE.
 * NOTE: 2 ways to update DYNAMIC metadata: 1) Create a key link to a DYNAMIC metadata
 * key, then change the value of the key link or 2) add metadata then mark the
 * key as dynamic and commit it.
 * @author bfoster (Brian Foster)
 * @author mattmann (Chris Mattmann)
public class PgeMetadata {

    public enum Type {

    public static final List<Type> DEFAULT_COMBINE_ORDER = Lists.newArrayList(Type.LOCAL, Type.DYNAMIC,

    public static final List<Type> DEFAULT_QUERY_ORDER = Lists.newArrayList(Type.STATIC, Type.DYNAMIC, Type.LOCAL);

    private final Metadata staticMetadata;
    private final Metadata dynamicMetadata;
    private final Metadata localMetadata;

    private final Map<String, String> keyLinkMap;
    private final Set<String> markedAsDynamicMetKeys;

    public PgeMetadata() {
        keyLinkMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        markedAsDynamicMetKeys = Sets.newHashSet();
        staticMetadata = new Metadata();
        dynamicMetadata = new Metadata();
        localMetadata = new Metadata();

    public PgeMetadata(PgeMetadata pgeMetadata) {

        Validate.notNull(pgeMetadata, "pgeMetadata cannot be null");


    public PgeMetadata(Metadata staticMetadata, Metadata dynamicMetadata) {

        Validate.notNull(staticMetadata, "staticMetadata cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(dynamicMetadata, "dynamicMetadata cannot be null");


     * Replaces or creates this {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata with given
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata. Also adds in the list of given
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata marked for promotion DYNAMIC
     * metadata and list of key links.
     * @param pgeMetadata
     *           A {@link PgeMetadata} whose metadata and key links will be added
     *           to this {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata and key links.
    public void replaceMetadata(PgeMetadata pgeMetadata) {
        Validate.notNull(pgeMetadata, "pgeMetadata cannot be null");



     * Replaces or creates this {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata with given
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata. The provided "group" will be used to
     * namespace the given {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata when add to this
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata. It will also namespace given
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s key links before adding then to this
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s key links. Also add in the list of given
     * {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata marked for promotion DYNAMIC
     * metadata.
     * @param pgeMetadata
     *           A {@link PgeMetadata} whose metadata and key links will be added
     *           to this {@link PgeMetadata}'s metadata and key links.
     * @param group
     *           The namespace which will be used to namespace given
     *           {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata and key links before being
     *           added to this {@link PgeMetadata}'s LOCAL metadata and key
     *           links.
    public void replaceMetadata(PgeMetadata pgeMetadata, String group) {
        Validate.notNull(pgeMetadata, "pgeMetadata cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(group, "group cannot be null");

        localMetadata.replaceMetadata(group, pgeMetadata.localMetadata);

        // Namespace link keys that point to either importing
        // metadata's local key or link key.
        for (String keyLink : pgeMetadata.keyLinkMap.keySet()) {
            String key = pgeMetadata.keyLinkMap.get(keyLink);
            // Check if key is was local key or a link key
            if (pgeMetadata.localMetadata.containsKey(key) || pgeMetadata.keyLinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
                key = group + "/" + key;
            linkKey(group + "/" + keyLink, key);

        // Namespace workflow keys that point to either importing
        // metadata's local key or link key.
        for (String key : pgeMetadata.markedAsDynamicMetKeys) {
            if (pgeMetadata.localMetadata.containsKey(key) || pgeMetadata.keyLinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
                key = group + "/" + key;

     * Use to mark LOCAL keys which should be moved into DYNAMIC metadata when
     * {@link #commitMarkedDynamicMetadataKeys(String...)} is invoked. If no 
     * args are specified then all LOCAL metadata is marked for move to
     * DYNAMIC metadata.
     * @param keys
     *           Keys to mark as to be made DYNAMIC, otherwise if no keys then
     *           all LOCAL metadata keys are mark for move to DYNAMIC.
    public void markAsDynamicMetadataKey(String... keys) {
        List<String> markedKeys = Lists.newArrayList(keys);
        if (markedKeys.isEmpty()) {

     * Use to commit marked LOCAL keys to DYNAMIC keys. Specify a list of keys
     * only if you want to limit the keys which get committed, otherwise all
     * marked keys will be moved into DYNAMIC metadata.
     * @param keys
     *           The list of marked LOCAL metadata keys which should be moved
     *           into DYNAMIC metadata. If no keys are specified then all marked
     *           keys are moved.
    public void commitMarkedDynamicMetadataKeys(String... keys) {
        Set<String> commitKeys = Sets.newHashSet(keys);
        if (commitKeys.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
        for (String key : commitKeys) {
            dynamicMetadata.replaceMetadata(key, localMetadata.getAllMetadata(resolveKey(key)));

    protected Set<String> getMarkedAsDynamicMetadataKeys() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(markedAsDynamicMetKeys);

     * Create a key which is a link to another key, such that if you get the
     * metadata values for the created link it will return the current metadata
     * values of the key it was linked to. NOTE: if the key's metadata values
     * change, then the metadata values for the link key will also be the changed
     * values. If you want to create a key which holds the current value of a
     * key, then create a new metadata key.
     * @param keyLink
     *           The name of the link key you wish to create.
     * @param key
     *           The key you which to link to (may also be a key link)
    public void linkKey(String keyLink, String key) {
        Validate.notNull(keyLink, "keyLink cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        keyLinkMap.put(keyLink, key);

     * Removes a key link reference. The key which the key link was linked to
     * remains unchanged.
     * @param keyLink
     *           The key link which you wish to destroy.
    public void unlinkKey(String keyLink) {
        Validate.notNull(keyLink, "keyLink cannot be null");


     * Check if the given key name is a key link.
     * @param key
     *           The key name in question.
     * @return True is the given key name is a key link, false if key name is an
     *         actual key.
    public boolean isLink(String key) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        return keyLinkMap.containsKey(key);

     * Find the actual key whose value will be returned for the given key. If the
     * given key is a key (not a key link) then the given key will just be
     * returned, otherwise it will trace through key link mapping to find the key
     * which the given key link points to.
     * @param key
     *           The name of a key or key link.
     * @return The key whose value will be returned for the given key or key
     *         link.
    public String resolveKey(String key) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        while (keyLinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
            key = keyLinkMap.get(key);
        return key;

     * Determines the path by which the given key (if it is a key link) links to
     * the key whose value it will return. If the given key is a key link and
     * points to a key then the returning {@link List} will be of size 1 and will
     * contain just that key. However, if the given key is a key link which
     * points to another key link then the returning {@link List} will be greater
     * than 1 (will depend on how many key links are connected before they actual
     * point to a key. If the given key is a key, then the returning {@link List}
     * will be empty.
     * @param key
     *           The path to the key whose value will be returned for the give
     *           key.
     * @return A key path {@link List}.
    public List<String> getReferenceKeyPath(String key) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        List<String> keyPath = Lists.newArrayList();
        while (keyLinkMap.containsKey(key)) {
            keyPath.add(key = keyLinkMap.get(key));
        return keyPath;

    public void replaceMetadata(PgeTaskMetKeys key, String value) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        replaceMetadata(key.getName(), value);

     * Replace the given key's value with the given value. If the given key is a
     * key link, then it will update the value of the key it is linked to if that
     * key is DYNAMIC or LOCAL. If given key is a key link and it links to a
     * STATIC key, then a new LOCAL key will be create.
     * @param key
     *           The key or key link for whose value should be replaced.
     * @param value
     *           The value to give the given key. Will replace any existing value
     *           or will be the value of a newly created LOCAL key.
    public void replaceMetadata(String key, String value) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(value, "value cannot be null");

        String resolveKey = resolveKey(key);
        // If key is a key link which points to a DYNAMIC key then update the
        // DYNAMIC key's value.
        if (keyLinkMap.containsKey(key) && dynamicMetadata.containsKey(resolveKey)) {
            dynamicMetadata.replaceMetadata(resolveKey, value);
        } else {
            localMetadata.replaceMetadata(resolveKey, value);

     * Replace all key values with the given key values in the provided
     * {@link Metadata}. If the key does not exist it will be created.
     * @param metadata
     *           {@link Metadata} to replace or create.
    public void replaceMetadata(Metadata metadata) {
        Validate.notNull(metadata, "metadata cannot be null");

        for (String key : metadata.getAllKeys()) {
            replaceMetadata(key, metadata.getAllMetadata(key));

    public void replaceMetadata(PgeTaskMetKeys key, List<String> values) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");

        replaceMetadata(key.getName(), values);

     * Replace the given key's values with the given values. If the given key is
     * a key link, then it will update the values of the key it is linked to if
     * that key is DYNAMIC or LOCAL. If given key is a key link and it links to a
     * STATIC key, then a new LOCAL key will be create.
     * @param key
     *           The key or key link for whose values should be replaced.
     * @param values
     *           The values to give the given key. Will replace any existing
     *           values or will be the values of a newly created LOCAL key.
    public void replaceMetadata(String key, List<String> values) {
        Validate.notNull(key, "key cannot be null");
        Validate.notNull(values, "values cannot be null");

        String resolveKey = resolveKey(key);
        if (keyLinkMap.containsKey(key) && dynamicMetadata.containsKey(resolveKey)) {
            dynamicMetadata.replaceMetadata(resolveKey, values);
        } else {
            localMetadata.replaceMetadata(resolveKey, values);

     * Combines STATIC, DYNAMIC, and LOCAL metadata into one metadata object. You
     * can restrict which metadata you want combined and change the order in
     * which combining takes place by specifying Type arguments in the order you
     * which precedence to be observed. For example, if you perform the
     * following: pgeMetadata.asMetadata(LOCAL, STATIC) then only LOCAL and
     * STATIC metadata will be combined and LOCAL metadata will trump STATIC
     * metadata if they both contain the same key. If no arguments are specified
     * then DEFAULT_COMBINE_ORDER is used.
     * @param types
     *           The Type hierarchy you which to use when metadata is combined,
     *           if no args then DEFAULT_COMBINE_ORDER is used.
     * @return Combined metadata.
    public Metadata asMetadata(Type... types) {
        List<Type> combineOrder = Lists.newArrayList(types);
        if (combineOrder.isEmpty()) {

        Metadata combinedMetadata = new Metadata();
        for (Type type : combineOrder) {
            switch (type) {
            case DYNAMIC:
            case STATIC:
            case LOCAL:
                for (String key : keyLinkMap.keySet()) {
                    List<String> values = getAllMetadata(key);
                    if (values != null) {
                        combinedMetadata.replaceMetadata(key, values);
        return combinedMetadata;

    public List<String> getAllMetadata(PgeTaskMetKeys key, Type... types) {
        return getAllMetadata(key.getName(), types);

     * Get metadata values for given key. If Types are specified then it provides
     * the precedence order in which to search for the key. If no Type args are
     * specified then DEFAULT_QUERY_ORDER will be used. For example if
     * you pass in Type args: STATIC, LOCAL then STATIC metadata will first be
     * checked for the key and if it contains it, then it will return the found
     * value, otherwise it will then check LOCAL metadata for the key and if it
     * finds the value it will return it, otherwise null.
     * @param key
     *           The key for whose metadata values should be returned.
     * @param types
     *           The type hierarchy which should be used, if no Types specified
     *           DEFAULT_QUERY_ORDER will be used.
     * @return Metadata values for given key.
    public List<String> getAllMetadata(String key, Type... types) {
        List<Type> queryOrder = Lists.newArrayList(types);
        if (queryOrder.isEmpty()) {

        String useKey = resolveKey(key);
        for (Type type : queryOrder) {
            switch (type) {
            case DYNAMIC:
                if (dynamicMetadata.containsKey(useKey)) {
                    return dynamicMetadata.getAllMetadata(useKey);
            case STATIC:
                if (staticMetadata.containsKey(useKey)) {
                    return staticMetadata.getAllMetadata(useKey);
            case LOCAL:
                if (localMetadata.containsKey(useKey)) {
                    return localMetadata.getAllMetadata(useKey);
        return new Vector<String>();

    public String getMetadata(PgeTaskMetKeys key, Type... types) {
        return getMetadata(key.getName(), types);

     * Returns the first value returned by {@link #getAllMetadata(String, Type...)}, if it returns
     * null then this method will also return null.
    public String getMetadata(String key, Type... types) {
        List<String> values = getAllMetadata(key, types);
        return values != null && values.size() > 0 ? values.get(0) : null;