Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.oodt.cas.cli.printer; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.oodt.cas.cli.action.CmdLineAction; import org.apache.oodt.cas.cli.option.*; import org.apache.oodt.cas.cli.option.validator.CmdLineOptionValidator.Result; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static org.apache.oodt.cas.cli.util.CmdLineUtils.*; /** * Standard {@link CmdLinePrinter}. * * @author bfoster (Brian Foster) */ public class StdCmdLinePrinter implements CmdLinePrinter { @Override public String printActionHelp(CmdLineAction action, Set<CmdLineOption> options) { return "" + getHeader(action) + "\n" + getDescription(action) + "\n" + getUsage(action, options) + "\n" + getExamples(action) + "\n" + getFooter(action) + "\n"; } protected String getHeader(CmdLineAction action) { return "** Action Help for '" + action.getName() + "' **"; } protected String getDescription(CmdLineAction action) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("> DESCRIPTION:\n"); if (action.getDetailedDescription() != null) { sb.append(" ").append(action.getDetailedDescription().replaceAll("^\\s*", "").replaceAll("\\s*$", "")); } else if (action.getDescription() != null) { sb.append(" ").append(action.getDescription().replaceAll("^\\s*", "").replaceAll("\\s*$", "")); } else { sb.append(" - N/A"); } return sb.append("\n").toString(); } protected String getUsage(CmdLineAction action, Set<CmdLineOption> options) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("> USAGE:\n"); sb.append(getRequiredSubHeader()).append("\n"); Set<CmdLineOption> requiredOptions = determineRequired(action, options); List<CmdLineOption> sortedRequiredOptions = sortOptions(requiredOptions); for (CmdLineOption option : sortedRequiredOptions) { sb.append(getRequiredOptionHelp(action, option)).append("\n"); } sb.append(getOptionalSubHeader()).append("\n"); Set<CmdLineOption> optionalOptions = determineOptional(action, options); List<CmdLineOption> sortedOptionalOptions = sortOptions(optionalOptions); for (CmdLineOption option : sortedOptionalOptions) { sb.append(getOptionalOptionHelp(action, option)).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } protected String getRequiredSubHeader() { return " Required:"; } protected String getRequiredOptionHelp(CmdLineAction action, CmdLineOption option) { if (option instanceof GroupCmdLineOption) { return getGroupHelp(action, (GroupCmdLineOption) option, " "); } else { return getOptionHelp(action, option, " "); } } protected String getOptionalSubHeader() { return " Optional:"; } protected String getOptionalOptionHelp(CmdLineAction action, CmdLineOption option) { if (option instanceof GroupCmdLineOption) { return getGroupHelp(action, (GroupCmdLineOption) option, " "); } else { return getOptionHelp(action, option, " "); } } protected String getExamples(CmdLineAction action) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("> EXAMPLES:\n"); if (action.getExamples() != null) { sb.append(" ").append(action.getExamples().replaceAll("^\\s*", "").replaceAll("\\s*$", "")); } else { sb.append(" - N/A"); } return sb.toString(); } protected String getFooter(CmdLineAction action) { return ""; } protected String getOptionHelp(CmdLineAction action, CmdLineOption option, String indent) { String argDescription = null; if (option instanceof AdvancedCmdLineOption) { argDescription = ((AdvancedCmdLineOption) option).getHandler().getArgDescription(action, option); } String argHelp; if (option instanceof ActionCmdLineOption && option.hasArgs()) { argHelp = " " + action.getName(); } else { argHelp = (option.hasArgs() ? " <" + (argDescription != null ? argDescription : option.getArgsDescription()) + ">" : ""); } return indent + "-" + option.getShortOption() + " [--" + option.getLongOption() + "]" + argHelp; } protected String getGroupHelp(CmdLineAction action, GroupCmdLineOption option, String indent) { StringBuilder helpString = new StringBuilder(getOptionHelp(action, option, indent)); Set<CmdLineOption> subOptions = determineRequiredSubOptions(action, option); if (subOptions.isEmpty()) { if (!option.getSubOptions().isEmpty()) { helpString.append("\n").append(indent).append(" One of:"); for (GroupSubOption subOption : option.getSubOptions()) { helpString.append("\n").append(getOptionHelp(action, subOption.getOption(), " " + indent)); } } } else { for (CmdLineOption subOption : determineRelevantSubOptions(action, option)) { helpString.append("\n"); if (subOption instanceof GroupCmdLineOption) { helpString.append(getGroupHelp(action, (GroupCmdLineOption) subOption, " " + indent)); } else { helpString.append(getOptionHelp(action, subOption, " " + indent)); } helpString.append(" ").append(subOptions.contains(subOption) ? "(required)" : "(optional)"); } } return helpString.toString(); } @Override public String printActionsHelp(Set<CmdLineAction> actions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); sb.append( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); sb.append("|").append(StringUtils.rightPad(" Action", 35)).append("|").append(" Description\n"); sb.append( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (CmdLineAction action : sortActions(actions)) { sb.append(" ").append(StringUtils.rightPad(action.getName(), 35)); sb.append(" ").append(action.getDescription()).append("\n\n"); } sb.append( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String printOptionsHelp(Set<CmdLineOption> options) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); List<CmdLineOption> sortedOptions = sortOptionsByRequiredStatus(options); sb.append(getHeader()).append("\n"); for (CmdLineOption option : sortedOptions) { sb.append(getOptionHelp(option, "")).append("\n"); } sb.append(getFooter()).append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } protected String getHeader() { return "" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "|" + StringUtils.rightPad(" Short", 7) + "|" + StringUtils.rightPad(" Long", 50) + "| Description\n" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } protected String getOptionHelp(CmdLineOption option, String indent) { String argName = option.hasArgs() ? " <" + option.getArgsDescription() + ">" : ""; String optionUsage = indent + "-" + StringUtils.rightPad(option.getShortOption() + ",", 7) + "--" + StringUtils.rightPad((option.getLongOption() + argName), 49 - indent.length()) + option.getDescription(); optionUsage = " " + optionUsage; if (!option.getRequirementRules().isEmpty()) { optionUsage += "\n" + getFormattedString("Requirement Rules:", 62, 113) + getFormattedString(option.getRequirementRules().toString(), 63, 113); } if (option instanceof AdvancedCmdLineOption) { if (((AdvancedCmdLineOption) option).hasHandler()) { String handlerHelp = ((AdvancedCmdLineOption) option).getHandler().getHelp(option); if (handlerHelp != null) { optionUsage += "\n" + getFormattedString("Handler:", 62, 113) + getFormattedString(handlerHelp, 63, 113); } } } else if (isGroupOption(option)) { GroupCmdLineOption groupOption = asGroupOption(option); optionUsage += "\n"; optionUsage += " SubOptions:\n"; optionUsage += " > Required:\n"; List<CmdLineOption> optionalOptions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (GroupSubOption subOption : groupOption.getSubOptions()) { if (subOption.isRequired()) { optionUsage += getOptionHelp(subOption.getOption(), " "); } else { optionalOptions.add(subOption.getOption()); } } optionUsage += " > Optional:\n"; for (CmdLineOption optionalOption : optionalOptions) { optionUsage += getOptionHelp(optionalOption, " "); } } return optionUsage; } protected String getFooter() { return "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; } @Override public String printOptionValidationErrors(List<Result> results) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Validation Failures:"); for (Result result : results) { sb.append(" - ").append(result.getMessage()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String printRequiredOptionsMissingError(Set<CmdLineOption> missingOptions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Missing required options:\n"); for (CmdLineOption option : missingOptions) { sb.append(" - ").append(option.toString()).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String printActionMessages(List<String> messages) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (String message : messages) { sb.append(message); } return sb.toString(); } }