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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.processors.cassandra;

import com.datastax.driver.core.ColumnDefinitions;
import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.AuthenticationException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.QueryExecutionException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.QueryValidationException;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumWriter;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.EventDriven;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.InputRequirement;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnShutdown;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnUnscheduled;
import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFile;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttribute;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttributes;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnScheduled;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.CapabilityDescription;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.Tags;
import org.apache.nifi.logging.ComponentLog;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessContext;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessSession;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.Relationship;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
import org.apache.nifi.util.StopWatch;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

@Tags({ "cassandra", "cql", "select" })
@CapabilityDescription("Execute provided Cassandra Query Language (CQL) select query on a Cassandra 1.x, 2.x, or 3.0.x cluster. Query result "
        + "may be converted to Avro or JSON format. Streaming is used so arbitrarily large result sets are supported. This processor can be "
        + "scheduled to run on a timer, or cron expression, using the standard scheduling methods, or it can be triggered by an incoming FlowFile. "
        + "If it is triggered by an incoming FlowFile, then attributes of that FlowFile will be available when evaluating the "
        + "select query. FlowFile attribute 'executecql.row.count' indicates how many rows were selected.")
        @WritesAttribute(attribute = "executecql.row.count", description = "The number of rows returned by the CQL query") })
public class QueryCassandra extends AbstractCassandraProcessor {

    public static final String AVRO_FORMAT = "Avro";
    public static final String JSON_FORMAT = "JSON";

    public static final String RESULT_ROW_COUNT = "executecql.row.count";

    public static final PropertyDescriptor CQL_SELECT_QUERY = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
            .name("CQL select query").description("CQL select query").required(true)

    public static final PropertyDescriptor QUERY_TIMEOUT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name("Max Wait Time")
            .description("The maximum amount of time allowed for a running CQL select query. Must be of format "
                    + "<duration> <TimeUnit> where <duration> is a non-negative integer and TimeUnit is a supported "
                    + "Time Unit, such as: nanos, millis, secs, mins, hrs, days. A value of zero means there is no limit. ")
            .defaultValue("0 seconds").required(true).addValidator(StandardValidators.TIME_PERIOD_VALIDATOR)

    public static final PropertyDescriptor FETCH_SIZE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name("Fetch size")
                    "The number of result rows to be fetched from the result set at a time. Zero is the default "
                            + "and means there is no limit.")

    public static final PropertyDescriptor OUTPUT_FORMAT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name("Output Format")
                    "The format to which the result rows will be converted. If JSON is selected, the output will "
                            + "contain an object with field 'results' containing an array of result rows. Each row in the array is a "
                            + "map of the named column to its value. For example: { \"results\": [{\"userid\":1, \"name\":\"Joe Smith\"}]}")
            .required(true).allowableValues(AVRO_FORMAT, JSON_FORMAT).defaultValue(AVRO_FORMAT).build();

    private final static List<PropertyDescriptor> propertyDescriptors;

    // Relationships
    public static final Relationship REL_SUCCESS = new Relationship.Builder().name("success")
            .description("Successfully created FlowFile from CQL query result set.").build();
    public static final Relationship REL_FAILURE = new Relationship.Builder().name("failure")
            .description("CQL query execution failed.").build();
    public static final Relationship REL_RETRY = new Relationship.Builder().name("retry").description(
            "A FlowFile is transferred to this relationship if the query cannot be completed but attempting "
                    + "the operation again may succeed.")

    private final static Set<Relationship> relationships;

     * Will ensure that the list of property descriptors is build only once.
     * Will also create a Set of relationships
    static {
        List<PropertyDescriptor> _propertyDescriptors = new ArrayList<>();
        propertyDescriptors = Collections.unmodifiableList(_propertyDescriptors);

        Set<Relationship> _relationships = new HashSet<>();
        relationships = Collections.unmodifiableSet(_relationships);

    public Set<Relationship> getRelationships() {
        return relationships;

    public final List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
        return propertyDescriptors;

    public void onScheduled(final ProcessContext context) {
        ComponentLog log = getLogger();
        try {
            final int fetchSize = context.getProperty(FETCH_SIZE).asInteger();
            if (fetchSize > 0) {
                synchronized (cluster.get()) {
        } catch (final NoHostAvailableException nhae) {
            log.error("No host in the Cassandra cluster can be contacted successfully to execute this query", nhae);
            // Log up to 10 error messages. Otherwise if a 1000-node cluster was specified but there was no connectivity,
            // a thousand error messages would be logged. However we would like information from Cassandra itself, so
            // cap the error limit at 10, format the messages, and don't include the stack trace (it is displayed by the
            // logger message above).
            log.error(nhae.getCustomMessage(10, true, false));
            throw new ProcessException(nhae);
        } catch (final AuthenticationException ae) {
            log.error("Invalid username/password combination", ae);
            throw new ProcessException(ae);

    public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session) throws ProcessException {
        FlowFile fileToProcess = null;
        if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
            fileToProcess = session.get();

            // If we have no FlowFile, and all incoming connections are self-loops then we can continue on.
            // However, if we have no FlowFile and we have connections coming from other Processors, then
            // we know that we should run only if we have a FlowFile.
            if (fileToProcess == null && context.hasNonLoopConnection()) {

        final ComponentLog logger = getLogger();
        final String selectQuery = context.getProperty(CQL_SELECT_QUERY).evaluateAttributeExpressions(fileToProcess)
        final long queryTimeout = context.getProperty(QUERY_TIMEOUT).asTimePeriod(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        final String outputFormat = context.getProperty(OUTPUT_FORMAT).getValue();
        final Charset charset = Charset.forName(context.getProperty(CHARSET).getValue());
        final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(true);

        if (fileToProcess == null) {
            fileToProcess = session.create();

        try {
            // The documentation for the driver recommends the session remain open the entire time the processor is running
            // and states that it is thread-safe. This is why connectionSession is not in a try-with-resources.
            final Session connectionSession = cassandraSession.get();
            final ResultSetFuture queryFuture = connectionSession.executeAsync(selectQuery);
            final AtomicLong nrOfRows = new AtomicLong(0L);

            fileToProcess = session.write(fileToProcess, new OutputStreamCallback() {
                public void process(final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
                    try {
                        logger.debug("Executing CQL query {}", new Object[] { selectQuery });
                        final ResultSet resultSet;
                        if (queryTimeout > 0) {
                            resultSet = queryFuture.getUninterruptibly(queryTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                            if (AVRO_FORMAT.equals(outputFormat)) {
                                        convertToAvroStream(resultSet, out, queryTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
                            } else if (JSON_FORMAT.equals(outputFormat)) {
                                nrOfRows.set(convertToJsonStream(resultSet, out, charset, queryTimeout,
                        } else {
                            resultSet = queryFuture.getUninterruptibly();
                            if (AVRO_FORMAT.equals(outputFormat)) {
                                nrOfRows.set(convertToAvroStream(resultSet, out, 0, null));
                            } else if (JSON_FORMAT.equals(outputFormat)) {
                                nrOfRows.set(convertToJsonStream(resultSet, out, charset, 0, null));

                    } catch (final TimeoutException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
                        throw new ProcessException(e);

            // set attribute how many rows were selected
            fileToProcess = session.putAttribute(fileToProcess, RESULT_ROW_COUNT, String.valueOf(nrOfRows.get()));

  "{} contains {} Avro records; transferring to 'success'",
                    new Object[] { fileToProcess, nrOfRows.get() });
            session.getProvenanceReporter().modifyContent(fileToProcess, "Retrieved " + nrOfRows.get() + " rows",
            session.transfer(fileToProcess, REL_SUCCESS);

        } catch (final NoHostAvailableException nhae) {
                    "No host in the Cassandra cluster can be contacted successfully to execute this query", nhae);
            // Log up to 10 error messages. Otherwise if a 1000-node cluster was specified but there was no connectivity,
            // a thousand error messages would be logged. However we would like information from Cassandra itself, so
            // cap the error limit at 10, format the messages, and don't include the stack trace (it is displayed by the
            // logger message above).
            getLogger().error(nhae.getCustomMessage(10, true, false));
            fileToProcess = session.penalize(fileToProcess);
            session.transfer(fileToProcess, REL_RETRY);

        } catch (final QueryExecutionException qee) {
            logger.error("Cannot execute the query with the requested consistency level successfully", qee);
            fileToProcess = session.penalize(fileToProcess);
            session.transfer(fileToProcess, REL_RETRY);

        } catch (final QueryValidationException qve) {
            if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
                        "The CQL query {} is invalid due to syntax error, authorization issue, or another "
                                + "validation problem; routing {} to failure",
                        new Object[] { selectQuery, fileToProcess }, qve);
                fileToProcess = session.penalize(fileToProcess);
                session.transfer(fileToProcess, REL_FAILURE);
            } else {
                // This can happen if any exceptions occur while setting up the connection, statement, etc.
                logger.error("The CQL query {} is invalid due to syntax error, authorization issue, or another "
                        + "validation problem", new Object[] { selectQuery }, qve);
        } catch (final ProcessException e) {
            if (context.hasIncomingConnection()) {
                logger.error("Unable to execute CQL select query {} for {} due to {}; routing to failure",
                        new Object[] { selectQuery, fileToProcess, e });
                fileToProcess = session.penalize(fileToProcess);
                session.transfer(fileToProcess, REL_FAILURE);
            } else {
                logger.error("Unable to execute CQL select query {} due to {}", new Object[] { selectQuery, e });

    public void stop() {

    public void shutdown() {

     * Converts a result set into an Avro record and writes it to the given stream.
     * @param rs        The result set to convert
     * @param outStream The stream to which the Avro record will be written
     * @param timeout   The max number of timeUnits to wait for a result set fetch to complete
     * @param timeUnit  The unit of time (SECONDS, e.g.) associated with the timeout amount
     * @return The number of rows from the result set written to the stream
     * @throws IOException          If the Avro record cannot be written
     * @throws InterruptedException If a result set fetch is interrupted
     * @throws TimeoutException     If a result set fetch has taken longer than the specified timeout
     * @throws ExecutionException   If any error occurs during the result set fetch
    public static long convertToAvroStream(final ResultSet rs, final OutputStream outStream, long timeout,
            TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {

        final Schema schema = createSchema(rs);
        final GenericRecord rec = new GenericData.Record(schema);

        final DatumWriter<GenericRecord> datumWriter = new GenericDatumWriter<>(schema);
        try (final DataFileWriter<GenericRecord> dataFileWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(datumWriter)) {
            dataFileWriter.create(schema, outStream);

            final ColumnDefinitions columnDefinitions = rs.getColumnDefinitions();
            long nrOfRows = 0;
            if (columnDefinitions != null) {
                do {

                    // Grab the ones we have
                    int rowsAvailableWithoutFetching = rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching();
                    if (rowsAvailableWithoutFetching == 0) {
                        // Get more
                        if (timeout <= 0 || timeUnit == null) {
                        } else {
                            rs.fetchMoreResults().get(timeout, timeUnit);

                    for (Row row : rs) {

                        for (int i = 0; i < columnDefinitions.size(); i++) {
                            final DataType dataType = columnDefinitions.getType(i);

                            if (row.isNull(i)) {
                                rec.put(i, null);
                            } else {
                                rec.put(i, getCassandraObject(row, i, dataType));
                        nrOfRows += 1;

                } while (!rs.isFullyFetched());
            return nrOfRows;

     * Converts a result set into an Json object and writes it to the given stream using the specified character set.
     * @param rs        The result set to convert
     * @param outStream The stream to which the JSON object will be written
     * @param timeout   The max number of timeUnits to wait for a result set fetch to complete
     * @param timeUnit  The unit of time (SECONDS, e.g.) associated with the timeout amount
     * @return The number of rows from the result set written to the stream
     * @throws IOException          If the JSON object cannot be written
     * @throws InterruptedException If a result set fetch is interrupted
     * @throws TimeoutException     If a result set fetch has taken longer than the specified timeout
     * @throws ExecutionException   If any error occurs during the result set fetch
    public static long convertToJsonStream(final ResultSet rs, final OutputStream outStream, Charset charset,
            long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {

        try {
            // Write the initial object brace
            final ColumnDefinitions columnDefinitions = rs.getColumnDefinitions();
            long nrOfRows = 0;
            if (columnDefinitions != null) {
                do {

                    // Grab the ones we have
                    int rowsAvailableWithoutFetching = rs.getAvailableWithoutFetching();
                    if (rowsAvailableWithoutFetching == 0) {
                        // Get more
                        if (timeout <= 0 || timeUnit == null) {
                        } else {
                            rs.fetchMoreResults().get(timeout, timeUnit);

                    for (Row row : rs) {
                        if (nrOfRows != 0) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < columnDefinitions.size(); i++) {
                            final DataType dataType = columnDefinitions.getType(i);
                            final String colName = columnDefinitions.getName(i);
                            if (i != 0) {
                            if (row.isNull(i)) {
                                outStream.write(("\"" + colName + "\"" + ":null").getBytes(charset));
                            } else {
                                Object value = getCassandraObject(row, i, dataType);
                                String valueString;
                                if (value instanceof List || value instanceof Set) {
                                    boolean first = true;
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                                    for (Object element : ((Collection) value)) {
                                        if (!first) {
                                        first = false;
                                    valueString = sb.toString();
                                } else if (value instanceof Map) {
                                    boolean first = true;
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
                                    for (Object element : ((Map) value).entrySet()) {
                                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) element;
                                        Object mapKey = entry.getKey();
                                        Object mapValue = entry.getValue();

                                        if (!first) {
                                        first = false;
                                    valueString = sb.toString();
                                } else {
                                    valueString = getJsonElement(value);
                                outStream.write(("\"" + colName + "\":" + valueString + "").getBytes(charset));
                        nrOfRows += 1;
                } while (!rs.isFullyFetched());
            return nrOfRows;
        } finally {

    protected static String getJsonElement(Object value) {
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            return value.toString();
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ");
            return "\"" + dateFormat.format((Date) value) + "\"";
        } else {
            return "\"" + value.toString() + "\"";

     * Creates an Avro schema from the given result set. The metadata (column definitions, data types, etc.) is used
     * to determine a schema for Avro.
     * @param rs The result set from which an Avro schema will be created
     * @return An Avro schema corresponding to the given result set's metadata
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs during schema discovery/building
    public static Schema createSchema(final ResultSet rs) throws IOException {
        final ColumnDefinitions columnDefinitions = rs.getColumnDefinitions();
        final int nrOfColumns = (columnDefinitions == null ? 0 : columnDefinitions.size());
        String tableName = "NiFi_Cassandra_Query_Record";
        if (nrOfColumns > 0) {
            String tableNameFromMeta = columnDefinitions.getTable(1);
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tableNameFromMeta)) {
                tableName = tableNameFromMeta;

        final SchemaBuilder.FieldAssembler<Schema> builder = SchemaBuilder.record(tableName).namespace("")
        if (columnDefinitions != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < nrOfColumns; i++) {

                DataType dataType = columnDefinitions.getType(i);
                if (dataType == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "No data type for column[" + i + "] with name " + columnDefinitions.getName(i));

                // Map types from Cassandra to Avro where possible
                if (dataType.isCollection()) {
                    List<DataType> typeArguments = dataType.getTypeArguments();
                    if (typeArguments == null || typeArguments.size() == 0) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column[" + i + "] " + dataType.getName()
                                + " is a collection but no type arguments were specified!");
                    // Get the first type argument, to be used for lists and sets
                    DataType firstArg = typeArguments.get(0);
                    if (dataType.equals(DataType.set(firstArg)) || dataType.equals(DataType.list(firstArg))) {
                    } else {
                        // Must be an n-arg collection like map
                        DataType secondArg = typeArguments.get(1);
                        if (dataType.equals(, secondArg))) {
                } else {
        return builder.endRecord();