Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mrql; import org.apache.mrql.gen.*; import*; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*; import*; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; /** A physical plan (a superclass for both MapReduce, BSP, and Spark plans) */ public class Plan { public static Configuration conf; static ArrayList<String> temporary_paths = new ArrayList<String>(); private static Random random_generator = new Random(); final static int max_input_files = 100; /** generate a new path name in HDFS to store intermediate results */ public static String new_path(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String dir = (Config.local_mode) ? ((Config.tmpDirectory == null) ? "/tmp/mrql" : Config.tmpDirectory) : "mrql"; Path p; do { p = new Path(dir + "/mrql" + random_generator.nextInt(1000000)); } while (p.getFileSystem(conf).exists(p)); String path = p.toString(); temporary_paths.add(path); DataSource.dataSourceDirectory.distribute(conf); return path; } /** remove all temporary files */ public static void clean() throws IOException { for (String p : temporary_paths) try { Path path = new Path(p); path.getFileSystem(conf).delete(path, true); } catch (Exception ex) { FileSystem.getLocal(conf).delete(new Path(p), true); } ; temporary_paths.clear(); DataSource.dataSourceDirectory.clear(); } /** return the data set size in bytes */ public final static long size(DataSet s) { return s.size(conf); } /** the cache that holds all local data in memory */ static Tuple cache; /** return the cache element at location loc */ public static synchronized MRData getCache(int loc) { return cache.get(loc); } /** set the cache element at location loc to value and return ret */ public static synchronized MRData setCache(int loc, MRData value, MRData ret) { if (value instanceof Bag) ((Bag) value).materialize(); cache.set(loc, value); return ret; } /** put the jar file that contains the compiled MR functional parameters into the TaskTracker classpath */ final static void distribute_compiled_arguments(Configuration conf) { try { if (!Config.compile_functional_arguments) return; Path local_path = new Path("file://" + Compiler.jar_path); if (Config.flink_mode) conf.set("mrql.jar.path", Compiler.jar_path); else if (Config.spark_mode) conf.set("mrql.jar.path", local_path.toString()); else { // distribute the jar file with the compiled arguments to all clients Path hdfs_path = new Path("mrql-tmp/class" + random_generator.nextInt(1000000) + ".jar"); FileSystem fs = hdfs_path.getFileSystem(conf); fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, true, local_path, hdfs_path); temporary_paths.add(hdfs_path.toString()); conf.set("mrql.jar.path", hdfs_path.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } } /** retrieve the compiled functional argument of code */ final static Function functional_argument(Configuration conf, Tree code) { Node n = (Node) code; if ("compiled")) try { // if the clent has not received the jar file with the compiled arguments, copy the file from HDFS if (Compiler.jar_path == null) { Path hdfs_path = new Path(conf.get("mrql.jar.path")); String local_path = Compiler.tmp_dir + "/mrql_args_" + random_generator.nextInt(1000000) + ".jar"; FileSystem fs = hdfs_path.getFileSystem(conf); fs.copyToLocalFile(false, hdfs_path, new Path("file://" + local_path)); Compiler.jar_path = local_path; } ; return Compiler.compiled(conf.getClassLoader(), n.children().nth(0).toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("*** Warning: Unable to retrieve the compiled lambda: " + code); return ((Lambda) Interpreter.evalE(n.children().nth(1))).lambda(); } else if (code.equals(Interpreter.identity_mapper)) return new Function() { public MRData eval(final MRData x) { return new Bag(x); } }; else return ((Lambda) Interpreter.evalE(code)).lambda(); } /** comparator for MRData keys */ public final static class MRContainerKeyComparator implements RawComparator<MRContainer> { int[] container_size; public MRContainerKeyComparator() { container_size = new int[1]; } final public int compare(byte[] x, int xs, int xl, byte[] y, int ys, int yl) { return, xs, xl, y, ys, yl, container_size); } final public int compare(MRContainer x, MRContainer y) { return x.compareTo(y); } } /** The source physical operator for binary files */ public final static DataSet binarySource(int source_num, String file) { return new DataSet(new BinaryDataSource(source_num, file, conf), 0, 0); } /** The source physical operator for binary files */ public final static DataSet binarySource(String file) { return new DataSet(new BinaryDataSource(-1, file, conf), 0, 0); } /** splits the range min..max into multiple ranges, one for each mapper */ public final static DataSet generator(int source_num, long min, long max, long split_length) throws Exception { if (min > max) throw new Error("Wrong range: " + min + "..." + max); if (split_length < 1) if (Config.bsp_mode) split_length = (max - min) / Config.nodes + 1; else split_length = Config.range_split_size; DataSet ds = new DataSet(0, 0); long i = min; while (i + split_length <= max) { String file = new_path(conf); Path path = new Path(file); SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(path.getFileSystem(conf), conf, path, MRContainer.class, MRContainer.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); writer.append(new MRContainer(new MR_long(i)), new MRContainer(new Tuple(new MR_long(i), new MR_long(split_length)))); writer.close(); ds.source.add(new GeneratorDataSource(source_num, file, conf)); i += split_length; } ; if (i <= max) { String file = new_path(conf); Path path = new Path(file); SequenceFile.Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(path.getFileSystem(conf), conf, path, MRContainer.class, MRContainer.class, SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE); writer.append(new MRContainer(new MR_long(i)), new MRContainer(new Tuple(new MR_long(i), new MR_long(max - i + 1)))); writer.close(); ds.source.add(new GeneratorDataSource(source_num, file, conf)); } ; return ds; } /** splits the range min..max into multiple ranges, one for each mapper */ public final static DataSet generator(long min, long max, long split_length) throws Exception { return generator(-1, min, max, split_length); } /** The source physical operator for parsing text files */ public final static DataSet parsedSource(int source_num, Class<? extends Parser> parser, String file, Trees args) { return new DataSet(new ParsedDataSource(source_num, file, parser, args, conf), 0, 0); } /** The source physical operator for parsing text files */ public final static DataSet parsedSource(Class<? extends Parser> parser, String file, Trees args) { return new DataSet(new ParsedDataSource(file, parser, args, conf), 0, 0); } /** merge the sorted files of the data source */ public final static Bag merge(final DataSource s) throws Exception { Path path = new Path(s.path); final FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); final FileStatus[] ds = fs.listStatus(path, new PathFilter() { public boolean accept(Path path) { return !path.getName().startsWith("_"); } }); int dl = ds.length; if (dl == 0) return new Bag(); Path[] paths = new Path[dl]; for (int i = 0; i < dl; i++) paths[i] = ds[i].getPath(); if (dl > Config.max_merged_streams) { if (Config.trace) System.out.println("Merging " + dl + " files"); Path out_path = new Path(new_path(conf)); SequenceFile.Sorter sorter = new SequenceFile.Sorter(fs, new MRContainerKeyComparator(), MRContainer.class, MRContainer.class, conf); sorter.merge(paths, out_path); paths = new Path[1]; paths[0] = out_path; } ; final int n = paths.length; SequenceFile.Reader[] sreaders = new SequenceFile.Reader[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sreaders[i] = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, paths[i], conf); final SequenceFile.Reader[] readers = sreaders; final MRContainer[] keys_ = new MRContainer[n]; final MRContainer[] values_ = new MRContainer[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { keys_[i] = new MRContainer(); values_[i] = new MRContainer(); } ; return new Bag(new BagIterator() { int min = 0; boolean first = true; final MRContainer[] keys = keys_; final MRContainer[] values = values_; final MRContainer key = new MRContainer(); final MRContainer value = new MRContainer(); public boolean hasNext() { if (first) try { first = false; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (readers[i].next(key, value)) { keys[i].set(; values[i].set(; } else { keys[i] = null; readers[i].close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error("Cannot merge values from an intermediate result"); } ; min = -1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (keys[i] != null && min < 0) min = i; else if (keys[i] != null && keys[i].compareTo(keys[min]) < 0) min = i; return min >= 0; } public MRData next() { try { MRData res = values[min].data(); if (readers[min].next(key, value)) { keys[min].set(; values[min].set(; } else { keys[min] = null; readers[min].close(); } ; return res; } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error("Cannot merge values from an intermediate result"); } } }); } /** The collect physical operator */ public final static Bag collect(final DataSet x, boolean strip) throws Exception { return Evaluator.evaluator.parsedInputFormat().newInstance().collect(x, strip); } /** The collect physical operator */ public final static Bag collect(final DataSet x) throws Exception { return collect(x, true); } /** the DataSet union physical operator */ public final static DataSet merge(final DataSet x, final DataSet y) throws IOException { DataSet res = x; res.source.addAll(y.source); return res; } final static MR_long counter_key = new MR_long(0); final static MRContainer counter_container = new MRContainer(counter_key); final static MRContainer value_container = new MRContainer(new MR_int(0)); /** The cache operator that dumps a bag into an HDFS file */ public final static DataSet fileCache(Bag s) throws IOException { String newpath = new_path(conf); Path path = new Path(newpath); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); SequenceFile.Writer writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(fs, conf, path, MRContainer.class, MRContainer.class); long i = 0; for (MRData e : s) { counter_key.set(i++); value_container.set(e); writer.append(counter_container, value_container); } ; writer.close(); return new DataSet(new BinaryDataSource(0, newpath, conf), 0, 0); } /** create a new PrintStream from the file */ final static PrintStream print_stream(String file) throws Exception { Path path = new Path(file); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); return new PrintStream(fs.create(path)); } }