Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mnemonic.service.computing; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.mnemonic.NonVolatileMemAllocator; import org.apache.mnemonic.RestorableAllocator; import org.apache.mnemonic.Durable; import org.apache.mnemonic.EntityFactoryProxy; import org.apache.mnemonic.Utils; import org.apache.mnemonic.DurableType; import org.apache.mnemonic.collections.DurableSinglyLinkedList; import org.apache.mnemonic.collections.DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory; import org.apache.mnemonic.ParameterHolder; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * A Test case suit, verify and demo the durable native computing services (DNCS) infra. * */ public class DurableSinglyLinkedListNGPrintTest { public static String uri = "./pobj_NodeValue_print.dat"; private long cKEYCAPACITY; private Random m_rand; private NonVolatileMemAllocator m_act; @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws IOException { m_rand = Utils.createRandom(); Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(uri)); m_act = new NonVolatileMemAllocator(Utils.getNonVolatileMemoryAllocatorService("pmalloc"), 1024 * 1024 * 1024, uri, true); cKEYCAPACITY = m_act.handlerCapacity(); for (long i = 0; i < cKEYCAPACITY; ++i) { m_act.setHandler(i, 0L); } } @AfterClass public void tearDown() { m_act.close(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(enabled = true) public void testDurableSinglyLinkedListWithPerson() { int elem_count = 10; DurableType listgftypes[] = { DurableType.DURABLE }; EntityFactoryProxy listefproxies[] = { new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; DurableSinglyLinkedList<Person<Long>> firstnv = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(m_act, listefproxies, listgftypes, false); DurableSinglyLinkedList<Person<Long>> nextnv = firstnv; Person<Long> person = null; long val; DurableSinglyLinkedList<Person<Long>> newnv; for (int i = 0; i < elem_count; ++i) { person = (Person<Long>) listefproxies[0].create(m_act, null, null, false); person.setAge((short) m_rand.nextInt(50)); person.setName(String.format("Name: [%s]", Utils.genRandomString()), true); nextnv.setItem(person, false); if (i + 1 == elem_count) { break; } newnv = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(m_act, listefproxies, listgftypes, false); nextnv.setNext(newnv, false); nextnv = newnv; } Person<Long> eval; DurableSinglyLinkedList<Person<Long>> iternv = firstnv; System.out.printf(" -- Stage 1 Generated---\n"); while (null != iternv) { eval = iternv.getItem(); if (null != eval) { eval.testOutputAge(); } iternv = iternv.getNext(); } System.out.printf("\n"); long handler = firstnv.getHandler(); DurableSinglyLinkedList<Person<Long>> firstnv2 = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.restore(m_act, listefproxies, listgftypes, handler, false); System.out.printf("--- Stage 2 Restored--- \n"); for (Person<Long> eval2 : firstnv2) { if (null != eval2) { eval2.testOutputAge(); } } System.out.printf("\n"); GeneralComputingService gcsvr = Utils.getGeneralComputingService("print"); ValueInfo vinfo = new ValueInfo(); List<long[][]> objstack = new ArrayList<long[][]>(); objstack.add(firstnv.getNativeFieldInfo()); objstack.add(person.getNativeFieldInfo()); long[][] fidinfostack = { { 2L, 1L }, { 0L, 1L } }; vinfo.handler = handler; vinfo.transtable = m_act.getTranslateTable(); vinfo.dtype = DurableType.SHORT; vinfo.frames = Utils.genNativeParamForm(objstack, fidinfostack); ValueInfo[] vinfos = { vinfo }; gcsvr.perform(null, vinfos); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testDurableSinglyLinkedListValue() { int elem_count = 10; long slotKeyId = 10; DurableType[] elem_gftypes = { DurableType.DOUBLE }; EntityFactoryProxy[] elem_efproxies = null; DurableType linkedgftypes[] = { DurableType.DURABLE, DurableType.DOUBLE }; EntityFactoryProxy linkedefproxies[] = { new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(gfields, factoryproxys, 1); return DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.restore(allocator, dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), 1); return DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(gfields, factoryproxys, 1); return DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(allocator, dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), 1); return DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; DurableSinglyLinkedList<DurableSinglyLinkedList<Double>> nextnv = null, pre_nextnv = null; DurableSinglyLinkedList<Double> elem = null, pre_elem = null, first_elem = null; Long linkhandler = 0L; System.out.printf(" --- Stage 1 Generated --- \n"); pre_nextnv = null; Double val; for (int i = 0; i < elem_count; ++i) { first_elem = null; pre_elem = null; for (int v = 0; v < 3; ++v) { elem = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(m_act, elem_efproxies, elem_gftypes, false); val = m_rand.nextDouble(); elem.setItem(val, false); if (null == pre_elem) { first_elem = elem; } else { pre_elem.setNext(elem, false); } pre_elem = elem; System.out.printf("%f ", val); } nextnv = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.create(m_act, linkedefproxies, linkedgftypes, false); nextnv.setItem(first_elem, false); if (null == pre_nextnv) { linkhandler = nextnv.getHandler(); } else { pre_nextnv.setNext(nextnv, false); } pre_nextnv = nextnv; System.out.printf(" generated an item... \n"); } m_act.setHandler(slotKeyId, linkhandler); long handler = m_act.getHandler(slotKeyId); DurableSinglyLinkedList<DurableSinglyLinkedList<Double>> linkedvals = DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory .restore(m_act, linkedefproxies, linkedgftypes, handler, false); Iterator<DurableSinglyLinkedList<Double>> iter = linkedvals.iterator(); Iterator<Double> elemiter = null; System.out.printf(" --- Stage 2 Restored --- \n"); while (iter.hasNext()) { elemiter =; while (elemiter.hasNext()) { System.out.printf("%f ",; } System.out.printf(" Fetched an item... \n"); } GeneralComputingService gcsvr = Utils.getGeneralComputingService("print"); ValueInfo vinfo = new ValueInfo(); List<long[][]> objstack = new ArrayList<long[][]>(); objstack.add(linkedvals.getNativeFieldInfo()); objstack.add(linkedvals.getNativeFieldInfo()); long[][] fidinfostack = { { 2L, 1L }, { 2L, 1L } }; vinfo.handler = handler; vinfo.transtable = m_act.getTranslateTable(); vinfo.dtype = DurableType.DOUBLE; vinfo.frames = Utils.genNativeParamForm(objstack, fidinfostack); ValueInfo[] vinfos = { vinfo }; gcsvr.perform(null, vinfos); // Assert.assert, expected);(plist, plist2); } }