Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mnemonic.collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Random; import; import; import org.apache.mnemonic.Utils; import org.apache.mnemonic.RestorableAllocator; import org.apache.mnemonic.NonVolatileMemAllocator; import org.apache.mnemonic.OutOfHybridMemory; import org.apache.mnemonic.EntityFactoryProxy; import org.apache.mnemonic.DurableType; import org.apache.mnemonic.DurableBuffer; import org.apache.mnemonic.DurableChunk; import org.apache.mnemonic.Reclaim; import org.apache.mnemonic.Durable; import org.apache.mnemonic.ParameterHolder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.Assert; import sun.misc.Unsafe; /** * * */ public class DurableHashMapNGTest { private long cKEYCAPACITY; private NonVolatileMemAllocator m_act; private Random rand; private Unsafe unsafe; private long mInitialCapacity = 1; protected DurableBuffer<NonVolatileMemAllocator> genuptBuffer(NonVolatileMemAllocator act, Checksum cs, int size) { DurableBuffer<NonVolatileMemAllocator> ret = null; ret = act.createBuffer(size, false); if (null == ret) { throw new OutOfHybridMemory("Create Durable Buffer Failed."); } ret.get().clear(); byte[] rdbytes = RandomUtils.nextBytes(size); Assert.assertNotNull(rdbytes); ret.get().put(rdbytes); cs.update(rdbytes, 0, rdbytes.length); return ret; } protected DurableChunk<NonVolatileMemAllocator> genuptChunk(NonVolatileMemAllocator act, Checksum cs, long size) { DurableChunk<NonVolatileMemAllocator> ret = null; ret = act.createChunk(size, false); if (null == ret) { throw new OutOfHybridMemory("Create Durable Chunk Failed."); } byte b; for (int i = 0; i < ret.getSize(); ++i) { b = (byte) rand.nextInt(255); unsafe.putByte(ret.get() + i, b); cs.update(b); } return ret; } protected int genRandSize() { return rand.nextInt(1024 * 1024) + 1024 * 1024; } @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws Exception { rand = Utils.createRandom(); unsafe = Utils.getUnsafe(); m_act = new NonVolatileMemAllocator(Utils.getNonVolatileMemoryAllocatorService("pmalloc"), 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "./pobj_hashmaps.dat", true); cKEYCAPACITY = m_act.handlerCapacity(); m_act.setBufferReclaimer(new Reclaim<ByteBuffer>() { @Override public boolean reclaim(ByteBuffer mres, Long sz) { System.out.println(String.format("Reclaim Memory Buffer: %X Size: %s", System.identityHashCode(mres), null == sz ? "NULL" : sz.toString())); System.out.println(" String buffer " + mres.asCharBuffer().toString()); return false; } }); m_act.setChunkReclaimer(new Reclaim<Long>() { @Override public boolean reclaim(Long mres, Long sz) { System.out.println(String.format("Reclaim Memory Chunk: %X Size: %s", System.identityHashCode(mres), null == sz ? "NULL" : sz.toString())); return false; } }); for (long i = 0; i < cKEYCAPACITY; ++i) { m_act.setHandler(i, 0L); } } @AfterClass public void tearDown() { m_act.close(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testGetPutRemovePrimitives() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.INTEGER }; DurableHashMap<String, Integer> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, null, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); Long handler = map.getHandler(); Integer val = map.put("hello", 1); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.put("hello", 1); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, val.intValue()); val = map.put("world", 2); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.put("hello", 2); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(1, val.intValue()); val = map.put("hello", 3); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2, val.intValue()); val = map.get("hello"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(3, val.intValue()); val = map.get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2, val.intValue()); val = map.get("test"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.put("testing", 5); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.get("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(5, val.intValue()); val = map.remove("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(5, val.intValue()); val = map.get("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.remove("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.remove("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(2, val.intValue()); Iterator<MapEntry<String, Integer>> iter = map.iterator(); MapEntry<String, Integer> entry = null; int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 1); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(entry.getKey(), "hello"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(entry.getValue().intValue(), 3); DurableHashMap<String, Integer> restoredMap = DurableHashMapFactory.restore(m_act, null, gtypes, handler, false); val = restoredMap.get("hello"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(3, val.intValue()); val = restoredMap.get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = restoredMap.get("test"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.get("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = map.put("test", 4); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); val = restoredMap.get("test"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, val.intValue()); restoredMap.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testGetPutKeyDurable() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.DURABLE, DurableType.STRING }; EntityFactoryProxy efproxies[] = { new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; Person<Long> person = (Person<Long>) efproxies[0].create(m_act, null, null, false); person.setAge((short) 31); person.setName("Bob", true); Person<Long> anotherPerson = (Person<Long>) efproxies[0].create(m_act, null, null, false); anotherPerson.setAge((short) 30); anotherPerson.setName("Alice", true); DurableHashMap<Person<Long>, String> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, efproxies, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); String str = map.put(person, "hello"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(str); str = map.get(person); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "hello"); str = map.put(person, "world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "hello"); str = map.get(person); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "world"); str = map.put(anotherPerson, "testing"); AssertJUnit.assertNull(str); str = map.get(anotherPerson); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "testing"); str = map.get(person); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "world"); Person<Long> third = (Person<Long>) efproxies[0].create(m_act, null, null, false); third.setAge((short) 31); third.setName("Bob", true); str = map.get(third); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(str, "world"); third.destroy(); map.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testGetPutValueDurable() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.DURABLE }; EntityFactoryProxy efproxies[] = { null, new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; Person<Long> person = (Person<Long>) efproxies[1].create(m_act, null, null, false); person.setName("Alice", false); person.setAge((short) 31); DurableHashMap<String, Person<Long>> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, efproxies, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); map.put("hello", person); Person<Long> anotherPerson = (Person<Long>) efproxies[1].create(m_act, null, null, false); anotherPerson.setAge((short) 30); anotherPerson.setName("Bob", false); map.put("world", anotherPerson); Person<Long> per = map.get("hello"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(31, (int) per.getAge()); per = map.get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(30, (int) per.getAge()); Person<Long> third = (Person<Long>) efproxies[1].create(m_act, null, null, false); third.setAge((short) 29); third.setName("Frank", false); per = map.put("world", third); per.destroy(); per = map.get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(29, (int) per.getAge()); map.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testGetPutKeyValueDurable() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.DURABLE, DurableType.DURABLE }; EntityFactoryProxy efproxies[] = { new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } }, new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; Person<Long> person = (Person<Long>) efproxies[0].create(m_act, null, null, false); person.setAge((short) 31); person.setName("Bob", true); Person<Long> anotherPerson = (Person<Long>) efproxies[1].create(m_act, null, null, false); anotherPerson.setAge((short) 30); anotherPerson.setName("Alice", true); DurableHashMap<Person<Long>, Person<Long>> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, efproxies, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); map.put(person, anotherPerson); Person<Long> per = map.get(person); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(30, (int) per.getAge()); per = map.get(anotherPerson); AssertJUnit.assertNull(per); map.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testGetPutMapOfMapDurable() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.DURABLE }; EntityFactoryProxy efproxies[] = { null, new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; DurableType mapgtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.DURABLE, DurableType.STRING, DurableType.DURABLE }; EntityFactoryProxy mapefproxies[] = { null, new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(gfields, factoryproxys, 2); return DurableHashMapFactory.restore(allocator, dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), 2); return DurableHashMapFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(gfields, factoryproxys, 2); return DurableHashMapFactory.create(allocator, dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), mInitialCapacity, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Durable create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { Pair<DurableType[], EntityFactoryProxy[]> dpt = Utils.shiftDurableParams(ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), 2); return DurableHashMapFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), dpt.getRight(), dpt.getLeft(), mInitialCapacity, ph.getAutoReclaim()); } }, null, new EntityFactoryProxy() { @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, long phandler, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.restore(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, phandler, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> restore(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.restore(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getHandler(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(A allocator, EntityFactoryProxy[] factoryproxys, DurableType[] gfields, boolean autoreclaim) { return PersonFactory.create(allocator, factoryproxys, gfields, autoreclaim); } @Override public <A extends RestorableAllocator<A>> Person<Long> create(ParameterHolder<A> ph) { return PersonFactory.create(ph.getAllocator(), ph.getEntityFactoryProxies(), ph.getGenericTypes(), ph.getAutoReclaim()); } } }; Person<Long> person = PersonFactory.create(m_act, null, null, false); person.setAge((short) 31); person.setName("Bob", true); Person<Long> anotherPerson = PersonFactory.create(m_act, null, null, false); anotherPerson.setAge((short) 30); anotherPerson.setName("Alice", true); DurableHashMap<String, Person<Long>> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, efproxies, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); map.put("world", person); Person<Long> per = map.get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(31, (int) per.getAge()); DurableHashMap<String, DurableHashMap<String, Person<Long>>> bigMap = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, mapefproxies, mapgtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); bigMap.put("hello", map); per = bigMap.get("hello").get("world"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(31, (int) per.getAge()); bigMap.get("hello").put("testing", anotherPerson); per = bigMap.get("hello").get("testing"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Alice", per.getName()); bigMap.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testAutoResizeMaps() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.INTEGER }; DurableHashMap<String, Integer> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, null, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); Long handler = map.getHandler(); Iterator<MapEntry<String, Integer>> iter = null; MapEntry<String, Integer> entry = null; int count = 0; Integer val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { val = map.put("str" + i, i); AssertJUnit.assertNull(val); } iter = map.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 200); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.getSize(), 200); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.get("str" + i).intValue(), i); } DurableHashMap<String, Integer> restoredMap = DurableHashMapFactory.restore(m_act, null, gtypes, handler, false); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.getSize(), 200); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.get("str" + i).intValue(), i); } iter = restoredMap.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 200); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.remove("str" + i).intValue(), i); } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.getSize(), 100); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (i < 100) { AssertJUnit.assertNull(restoredMap.get("str" + i)); } else { AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.get("str" + i).intValue(), i); } } iter = restoredMap.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 100); iter = restoredMap.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; if (count > 50) { iter.remove(); } } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(restoredMap.getSize(), 50); iter = restoredMap.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 50); restoredMap.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testMapIterator() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.INTEGER }; DurableHashMap<String, Integer> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, null, gtypes, mInitialCapacity, false); Long handler = map.getHandler(); map.put("hello", 1); map.put("world", 2); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.getSize(), 2); Iterator<MapEntry<String, Integer>> iter = map.iterator(); MapEntry<String, Integer> entry = null; int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; if (entry.getKey().equals("world")) { iter.remove(); } } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 2); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.getSize(), 1); iter = map.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; iter.remove(); count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 1); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.getSize(), 0); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(entry.getKey(), "hello"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(entry.getValue().intValue(), 1); iter = map.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 0); map.put("hello", 1); map.put("world", 2); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.get("hello").intValue(), 1); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.get("world").intValue(), 2); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(map.getSize(), 2); iter = map.iterator(); count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { entry =; count++; } AssertJUnit.assertEquals(count, 2); map.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testMapValueBuffer() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.BUFFER }; DurableHashMap<String, DurableBuffer> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, null, gtypes, 1, false); long bufVal; Checksum bufferCheckSum = new CRC32(); bufferCheckSum.reset(); Long handler = map.getHandler(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { map.put("buffer" + i, genuptBuffer(m_act, bufferCheckSum, genRandSize())); } bufVal = bufferCheckSum.getValue(); bufferCheckSum.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DurableBuffer<NonVolatileMemAllocator> db = map.get("buffer" + i); Assert.assertNotNull(db); byte buf[] = new byte[db.get().capacity()]; db.get().get(buf); bufferCheckSum.update(buf, 0, buf.length); } Assert.assertEquals(bufferCheckSum.getValue(), bufVal); bufferCheckSum.reset(); DurableHashMap<String, DurableBuffer> restoredMap = DurableHashMapFactory.restore(m_act, null, gtypes, handler, false); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DurableBuffer<NonVolatileMemAllocator> db = restoredMap.get("buffer" + i); Assert.assertNotNull(db); byte buf[] = new byte[db.get().capacity()]; db.get().get(buf); bufferCheckSum.update(buf, 0, buf.length); } Assert.assertEquals(bufferCheckSum.getValue(), bufVal); restoredMap.destroy(); } @Test(enabled = true) public void testMapValueChunk() { DurableType gtypes[] = { DurableType.STRING, DurableType.CHUNK }; DurableHashMap<String, DurableChunk> map = DurableHashMapFactory.create(m_act, null, gtypes, 1, false); long chunkVal; Checksum chunkCheckSum = new CRC32(); chunkCheckSum.reset(); Long handler = map.getHandler(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { map.put("chunk" + i, genuptChunk(m_act, chunkCheckSum, genRandSize())); } chunkVal = chunkCheckSum.getValue(); chunkCheckSum.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DurableChunk<NonVolatileMemAllocator> dc = map.get("chunk" + i); for (int j = 0; j < dc.getSize(); ++j) { byte b = unsafe.getByte(dc.get() + j); chunkCheckSum.update(b); } } chunkVal = chunkCheckSum.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(chunkCheckSum.getValue(), chunkVal); chunkCheckSum.reset(); DurableHashMap<String, DurableChunk> restoredMap = DurableHashMapFactory.restore(m_act, null, gtypes, handler, false); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { DurableChunk<NonVolatileMemAllocator> dc = restoredMap.get("chunk" + i); for (int j = 0; j < dc.getSize(); ++j) { byte b = unsafe.getByte(dc.get() + j); chunkCheckSum.update(b); } } chunkVal = chunkCheckSum.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals(chunkCheckSum.getValue(), chunkVal); restoredMap.destroy(); } }