Java tutorial
/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.apache.metron.common.dsl.ErrorListener; import org.apache.metron.common.dsl.GrammarUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.dsl.ParseException; import org.apache.metron.common.dsl.Token; import org.apache.metron.common.utils.ConversionUtils; import org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowBaseListener; import org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowLexer; import org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser; import org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.predicates.DayPredicates; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty; /** * The WindowProcessor instance provides the parser callbacks for the Window selector language. This constructs * a Window object to be used to compute sparse window intervals across time. */ public class WindowProcessor extends WindowBaseListener { private Throwable throwable; private Deque<Token<?>> stack; private static final Token<Object> LIST_MARKER = new Token<>(null, Object.class); private static final Token<Object> SPECIFIER_MARKER = new Token<>(null, Object.class); private Window window; public WindowProcessor() { this.stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); this.window = new Window(); } /** * Retrieve the window constructed from the window selector statement. * @return */ public Window getWindow() { return window; } private void enterList() { stack.push(LIST_MARKER); } private List<Function<Long, Predicate<Long>>> getPredicates() { LinkedList<Function<Long, Predicate<Long>>> predicates = new LinkedList<>(); while (true) { Token<?> token = stack.pop(); if (token == LIST_MARKER) { break; } else { predicates.addFirst((Function<Long, Predicate<Long>>) token.getValue()); } } return predicates; } /** * If we see an identifier, an argument for an inclusion/exclusion predicate, then we want to just push it onto the * stack without its ':'. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitIdentifier(WindowParser.IdentifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } stack.push(new Token<>(ctx.getText().substring(1), String.class)); } /** * When we enter a specifier then we want to push onto the stack the specifier marker so we know when * the specifier parameters end. * @param ctx */ @Override public void enterSpecifier(WindowParser.SpecifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } stack.push(SPECIFIER_MARKER); } /** * Read the specifier params off the stack in FIFO order until we get to the specifier marker. Now we can * construct the specifier, which is a Function which constructs a Selector Predicate based on the args * passed to the selector e.g. holidays:us:nyc would have 2 args us and nyc. * * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitSpecifier(WindowParser.SpecifierContext ctx) { LinkedList<String> args = new LinkedList<>(); while (true) { Token<?> token = stack.pop(); if (token == SPECIFIER_MARKER) { break; } else { args.addFirst((String) token.getValue()); } } String specifier = args.removeFirst(); List<String> arg = args.size() > 0 ? args : new ArrayList<>(); Function<Long, Predicate<Long>> predicate = null; try { if (specifier.equals("THIS DAY OF THE WEEK") || specifier.equals("THIS DAY OF WEEK")) { predicate = now -> DayPredicates.dayOfWeekPredicate(DayPredicates.getDayOfWeek(now)); } else { final Predicate<Long> dayOfWeekPredicate = DayPredicates.create(specifier, arg); predicate = now -> dayOfWeekPredicate; } stack.push(new Token<>(predicate, Function.class)); } catch (Throwable t) { throwable = t; } } /** * Normalize the day specifier e.g. tuesdays -> tuesday and push onto the stack. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitDay_specifier(WindowParser.Day_specifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } String specifier = ctx.getText().toUpperCase(); if (specifier.length() == 0 && ctx.exception != null) { IllegalStateException ise = new IllegalStateException( "Invalid day specifier: " + ctx.getStart().getText(), ctx.exception); throwable = ise; throw ise; } if (specifier.endsWith("S")) { specifier = specifier.substring(0, specifier.length() - 1); } stack.push(new Token<>(specifier, String.class)); } /** * When we're beginning an exclusion specifier list, then we push the list token so we * know when we're done processing * @param ctx */ @Override public void enterExcluding_specifier(WindowParser.Excluding_specifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } enterList(); } /** * And when we're done with the exclusions specifier, then we set the exclusions * to the predicates we've put on the stack. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitExcluding_specifier(WindowParser.Excluding_specifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } window.setExcludes(getPredicates()); } /** * When we're beginning an inclusion specifier list, then we push the list token so we * know when we're done processing * @param ctx */ @Override public void enterIncluding_specifier(WindowParser.Including_specifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } enterList(); } /** * And when we're done with the inclusions specifier, then we set the exclusions * to the predicates we've put on the stack. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitIncluding_specifier(WindowParser.Including_specifierContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } window.setIncludes(getPredicates()); } private void setFromTo(long from, long to) { window.setEndMillis(now -> now - Math.min(to, from)); window.setStartMillis(now -> now - Math.max(from, to)); } /** * If we have a total time interval that we've specified, then we want to set the interval. * NOTE: the interval will be set based on the smallest to largest being the start and end time respectively. * Thus 'from 1 hour ago to 1 day ago' and 'from 1 day ago to 1 hour ago' are equivalent. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitFromToDuration( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.FromToDurationContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } Token<?> toInterval = stack.pop(); Token<?> fromInterval = stack.pop(); Long to = (Long) toInterval.getValue(); Long from = (Long) fromInterval.getValue(); setFromTo(from, to); } /** * When we've done specifying a from, then we want to set it. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitFromDuration( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.FromDurationContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } Token<?> timeInterval = stack.pop(); Long from = (Long) timeInterval.getValue(); setFromTo(from, 0); } /** * We've set a skip distance. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitSkipDistance( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.SkipDistanceContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } Token<?> timeInterval = stack.pop(); Long width = (Long) timeInterval.getValue(); window.setSkipDistance(width); } /** * We've set a window width. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitWindowWidth( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.WindowWidthContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } Token<?> timeInterval = stack.pop(); Long width = (Long) timeInterval.getValue(); window.setBinWidth(width); window.setStartMillis(now -> now - width); window.setEndMillis(now -> now); } /** * We've set a time interval, which is a value along with a unit. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitTimeInterval( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.TimeIntervalContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } Token<?> timeUnit = stack.pop(); Token<?> timeDuration = stack.pop(); long duration = ConversionUtils.convert(timeDuration.getValue(), Long.class); TimeUnit unit = (TimeUnit) timeUnit.getValue(); stack.push(new Token<>(unit.toMillis(duration), Long.class)); } /** * We've set a time amount, which is integral. * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitTimeAmount( org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.TimeAmountContext ctx) { if (checkForException(ctx)) { return; } if (ctx.getText().length() == 0) { throwable = new IllegalStateException("Unable to process empty string."); return; } long duration = Long.parseLong(ctx.getText()); stack.push(new Token<>(duration, Long.class)); } /** * We've set a time unit. We support the timeunits provided by java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit * @param ctx */ @Override public void exitTimeUnit(org.apache.metron.profiler.client.window.generated.WindowParser.TimeUnitContext ctx) { checkForException(ctx); switch (normalizeTimeUnit(ctx.getText())) { case "DAY": stack.push(new Token<>(TimeUnit.DAYS, TimeUnit.class)); break; case "HOUR": stack.push(new Token<>(TimeUnit.HOURS, TimeUnit.class)); break; case "MINUTE": stack.push(new Token<>(TimeUnit.MINUTES, TimeUnit.class)); break; case "SECOND": stack.push(new Token<>(TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit.class)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported time unit: " + ctx.getText() + ". Supported units are limited to: day, hour, minute, second " + "with any pluralization or capitalization."); } } private boolean checkForException(ParserRuleContext ctx) { if (throwable != null) { return true; } else if (ctx.exception != null) { return true; } return false; } private static String normalizeTimeUnit(String s) { String ret = s.toUpperCase().replaceAll("[^A-Z]", ""); if (ret.endsWith("S")) { return ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 1); } return ret; } private static TokenStream createTokenStream(String statement) { if (statement == null || isEmpty(statement.trim())) { return null; } statement = statement.trim(); ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(statement); WindowLexer lexer = new WindowLexer(input); lexer.removeErrorListeners(); lexer.addErrorListener(new ErrorListener()); TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); return tokens; } private static WindowParser createParser(TokenStream tokens, Optional<WindowProcessor> windowProcessor) { WindowParser parser = new WindowParser(tokens); if (windowProcessor.isPresent()) { parser.addParseListener(windowProcessor.get()); } parser.removeErrorListeners(); parser.addErrorListener(new ErrorListener()); return parser; } /** * Create a reusable Window object (parameterized by time) from a statement specifying the window intervals * conforming to the Window grammar. * * @param statement * @return * @throws ParseException */ public static Window process(String statement) throws ParseException { TokenStream tokens = createTokenStream(statement); if (tokens == null) { return null; } WindowProcessor treeBuilder = new WindowProcessor(); WindowParser parser = createParser(tokens, Optional.of(treeBuilder)); parser.window(); if (treeBuilder.throwable != null) { throw new ParseException(treeBuilder.throwable.getMessage(), treeBuilder.throwable); } return treeBuilder.getWindow(); } /** * Create a textual representation of the syntax tree. This is useful for those intrepid souls * who wish to extend the window selector language. God speed. * @param statement * @return A string representation of the syntax tree. */ public static String syntaxTree(String statement) { TokenStream tokens = createTokenStream(statement); if (tokens == null) { return null; } WindowParser parser = createParser(tokens, Optional.empty()); ParseTree tree = parser.window(); return GrammarUtils.toSyntaxTree(tree); } }