Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.metron.parsers.topology; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig; import org.apache.metron.common.Constants; import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.ConfigurationsUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.ParserConfigurations; import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.SensorParserConfig; import org.apache.metron.common.configuration.writer.ParserWriterConfiguration; import org.apache.metron.common.utils.KafkaUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.utils.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.metron.common.writer.BulkMessageWriter; import org.apache.metron.common.writer.MessageWriter; import org.apache.metron.parsers.bolt.ParserBolt; import org.apache.metron.parsers.bolt.WriterBolt; import org.apache.metron.parsers.bolt.WriterHandler; import org.apache.metron.parsers.filters.Filters; import org.apache.metron.parsers.interfaces.MessageFilter; import org.apache.metron.parsers.interfaces.MessageParser; import org.apache.metron.parsers.topology.config.ValueSupplier; import org.apache.metron.storm.kafka.flux.SimpleStormKafkaBuilder; import org.apache.metron.storm.kafka.flux.SpoutConfiguration; import org.apache.metron.storm.kafka.flux.StormKafkaSpout; import org.apache.metron.writer.AbstractWriter; import org.apache.metron.writer.kafka.KafkaWriter; import org.apache.storm.Config; import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpout; import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpoutConfig; import org.apache.storm.topology.BoltDeclarer; import org.apache.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * Builds a Storm topology that parses telemetry data received from a sensor. */ public class ParserTopologyBuilder { public static class ParserTopology { private TopologyBuilder builder; private Config topologyConfig; private ParserTopology(TopologyBuilder builder, Config topologyConfig) { this.builder = builder; this.topologyConfig = topologyConfig; } public TopologyBuilder getBuilder() { return builder; } public Config getTopologyConfig() { return topologyConfig; } } /** * Builds a Storm topology that parses telemetry data received from an external sensor. * * @param zookeeperUrl Zookeeper URL * @param brokerUrl Kafka Broker URL * @param sensorTypes Type of sensor * @param spoutParallelismSupplier Supplier for the parallelism hint for the spout * @param spoutNumTasksSupplier Supplier for the number of tasks for the spout * @param parserParallelismSupplier Supplier for the parallelism hint for the parser bolt * @param parserNumTasksSupplier Supplier for the number of tasks for the parser bolt * @param errorWriterParallelismSupplier Supplier for the parallelism hint for the bolt that handles errors * @param errorWriterNumTasksSupplier Supplier for the number of tasks for the bolt that handles errors * @param kafkaSpoutConfigSupplier Supplier for the configuration options for the kafka spout * @param securityProtocolSupplier Supplier for the security protocol * @param outputTopicSupplier Supplier for the output kafka topic * @param stormConfigSupplier Supplier for the storm config * @return A Storm topology that parses telemetry data received from an external sensor * @throws Exception */ public static ParserTopology build(String zookeeperUrl, Optional<String> brokerUrl, List<String> sensorTypes, ValueSupplier<List> spoutParallelismSupplier, ValueSupplier<List> spoutNumTasksSupplier, ValueSupplier<Integer> parserParallelismSupplier, ValueSupplier<Integer> parserNumTasksSupplier, ValueSupplier<Integer> errorWriterParallelismSupplier, ValueSupplier<Integer> errorWriterNumTasksSupplier, ValueSupplier<List> kafkaSpoutConfigSupplier, ValueSupplier<String> securityProtocolSupplier, ValueSupplier<String> outputTopicSupplier, ValueSupplier<String> errorTopicSupplier, ValueSupplier<Config> stormConfigSupplier) throws Exception { // fetch configuration from zookeeper ParserConfigurations configs = new ParserConfigurations(); Map<String, SensorParserConfig> sensorToParserConfigs = getSensorParserConfig(zookeeperUrl, sensorTypes, configs); Collection<SensorParserConfig> parserConfigs = sensorToParserConfigs.values(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Integer> spoutParallelism = (List<Integer>) spoutParallelismSupplier.get(parserConfigs, List.class); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Integer> spoutNumTasks = (List<Integer>) spoutNumTasksSupplier.get(parserConfigs, List.class); int parserParallelism = parserParallelismSupplier.get(parserConfigs, Integer.class); int parserNumTasks = parserNumTasksSupplier.get(parserConfigs, Integer.class); int errorWriterParallelism = errorWriterParallelismSupplier.get(parserConfigs, Integer.class); int errorWriterNumTasks = errorWriterNumTasksSupplier.get(parserConfigs, Integer.class); String outputTopic = outputTopicSupplier.get(parserConfigs, String.class); List<Map<String, Object>> kafkaSpoutConfig = kafkaSpoutConfigSupplier.get(parserConfigs, List.class); Optional<String> securityProtocol = Optional .ofNullable(securityProtocolSupplier.get(parserConfigs, String.class)); // create the spout TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); int i = 0; List<String> spoutIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<String, SensorParserConfig> entry : sensorToParserConfigs.entrySet()) { KafkaSpout kafkaSpout = createKafkaSpout(zookeeperUrl, entry.getKey(), securityProtocol, Optional.ofNullable(kafkaSpoutConfig.get(i)), entry.getValue()); String spoutId = sensorToParserConfigs.size() > 1 ? "kafkaSpout-" + entry.getKey() : "kafkaSpout"; builder.setSpout(spoutId, kafkaSpout, spoutParallelism.get(i)).setNumTasks(spoutNumTasks.get(i)); spoutIds.add(spoutId); ++i; } // create the parser bolt ParserBolt parserBolt = createParserBolt(zookeeperUrl, brokerUrl, sensorToParserConfigs, securityProtocol, configs, Optional.ofNullable(outputTopic)); BoltDeclarer boltDeclarer = builder.setBolt("parserBolt", parserBolt, parserParallelism) .setNumTasks(parserNumTasks); for (String spoutId : spoutIds) { boltDeclarer.localOrShuffleGrouping(spoutId); } // create the error bolt, if needed if (errorWriterNumTasks > 0) { String errorTopic = errorTopicSupplier.get(parserConfigs, String.class); WriterBolt errorBolt = createErrorBolt(zookeeperUrl, brokerUrl, sensorTypes.get(0), securityProtocol, configs, parserConfigs.iterator().next(), errorTopic); builder.setBolt("errorMessageWriter", errorBolt, errorWriterParallelism) .setNumTasks(errorWriterNumTasks).localOrShuffleGrouping("parserBolt", Constants.ERROR_STREAM); } return new ParserTopology(builder, stormConfigSupplier.get(parserConfigs, Config.class)); } /** * Create a spout that consumes tuples from a Kafka topic. * * @param zkQuorum Zookeeper URL * @param sensorType Type of sensor * @param kafkaConfigOptional Configuration options for the kafka spout * @param parserConfig Configuration for the parser * @return */ private static StormKafkaSpout<Object, Object> createKafkaSpout(String zkQuorum, String sensorType, Optional<String> securityProtocol, Optional<Map<String, Object>> kafkaConfigOptional, SensorParserConfig parserConfig) { Map<String, Object> kafkaSpoutConfigOptions = kafkaConfigOptional.orElse(new HashMap<>()); String inputTopic = parserConfig.getSensorTopic() != null ? parserConfig.getSensorTopic() : sensorType; kafkaSpoutConfigOptions.putIfAbsent(SpoutConfiguration.FIRST_POLL_OFFSET_STRATEGY.key,; kafkaSpoutConfigOptions.putIfAbsent(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, inputTopic + "_parser"); if (securityProtocol.isPresent()) { kafkaSpoutConfigOptions.putIfAbsent("security.protocol", KafkaUtils.INSTANCE.normalizeProtocol(securityProtocol.get())); } return SimpleStormKafkaBuilder.create(inputTopic, zkQuorum, Arrays.asList(SimpleStormKafkaBuilder.FieldsConfiguration.VALUE.getFieldName(), SimpleStormKafkaBuilder.FieldsConfiguration.KEY.getFieldName(), SimpleStormKafkaBuilder.FieldsConfiguration.TOPIC.getFieldName()), kafkaSpoutConfigOptions); } /** * Create a Kafka writer. * * @param broker An optional URL to the Kafka brokers. * @param zkQuorum The URL to Zookeeper. * @param securityProtocol An optional security protocol in use. * @return */ private static KafkaWriter createKafkaWriter(Optional<String> broker, String zkQuorum, Optional<String> securityProtocol) { KafkaWriter writer = new KafkaWriter(); // cluster URL; either broker or zookeeper if (broker.isPresent()) { writer.withBrokerUrl(broker.get()); } else { writer.withZkQuorum(zkQuorum); } // security protocol if (securityProtocol.isPresent()) { HashMap<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>(); config.put("security.protocol", securityProtocol.get()); writer.withProducerConfigs(config); } return writer; } /** * Create a bolt that parses input from a sensor. * * @param zookeeperUrl Zookeeper URL * @param brokerUrl Kafka Broker URL * @param sensorTypeToParserConfig * @param configs * @return A Storm bolt that parses input from a sensor */ private static ParserBolt createParserBolt(String zookeeperUrl, Optional<String> brokerUrl, Map<String, SensorParserConfig> sensorTypeToParserConfig, Optional<String> securityProtocol, ParserConfigurations configs, Optional<String> outputTopic) { Map<String, ParserComponents> parserBoltConfigs = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, SensorParserConfig> entry : sensorTypeToParserConfig.entrySet()) { String sensorType = entry.getKey(); SensorParserConfig parserConfig = entry.getValue(); // create message parser MessageParser<JSONObject> parser = ReflectionUtils.createInstance(parserConfig.getParserClassName()); parser.configure(parserConfig.getParserConfig()); // create message filter MessageFilter<JSONObject> filter = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(parserConfig.getFilterClassName())) { filter = Filters.get(parserConfig.getFilterClassName(), parserConfig.getParserConfig()); } // create a writer AbstractWriter writer; if (parserConfig.getWriterClassName() == null) { // if not configured, use a sensible default writer = createKafkaWriter(brokerUrl, zookeeperUrl, securityProtocol) .withTopic(outputTopic.orElse(Constants.ENRICHMENT_TOPIC)); } else { writer = ReflectionUtils.createInstance(parserConfig.getWriterClassName()); } // configure it writer.configure(sensorType, new ParserWriterConfiguration(configs)); // create a writer handler WriterHandler writerHandler = createWriterHandler(writer); ParserComponents components = new ParserComponents(parser, filter, writerHandler); parserBoltConfigs.put(sensorType, components); } return new ParserBolt(zookeeperUrl, parserBoltConfigs); } /** * Create a bolt that handles error messages. * * @param zookeeperUrl Kafka zookeeper URL * @param brokerUrl Kafka Broker URL * @param sensorType Type of sensor that is being consumed. * @param securityProtocol Security protocol used (if any) * @param configs * @param parserConfig The sensor's parser configuration. * @return A Storm bolt that handles error messages. */ private static WriterBolt createErrorBolt(String zookeeperUrl, Optional<String> brokerUrl, String sensorType, Optional<String> securityProtocol, ParserConfigurations configs, SensorParserConfig parserConfig, String errorTopic) { // create a writer AbstractWriter writer; if (parserConfig.getErrorWriterClassName() == null) { if (errorTopic == null) { errorTopic = (String) configs.getGlobalConfig().get(Constants.PARSER_ERROR_TOPIC_GLOBALS_KEY); } // if not configured, uses a sensible default writer = createKafkaWriter(brokerUrl, zookeeperUrl, securityProtocol).withTopic(errorTopic) .withConfigPrefix("error"); } else { writer = ReflectionUtils.createInstance(parserConfig.getWriterClassName()); } // configure it writer.configure(sensorType, new ParserWriterConfiguration(configs)); // create a writer handler WriterHandler writerHandler = createWriterHandler(writer); return new WriterBolt(writerHandler, configs, sensorType).withErrorType(Constants.ErrorType.PARSER_ERROR); } /** * Fetch the parser configuration from Zookeeper. * * @param zookeeperUrl Zookeeper URL * @param sensorTypes Types of sensor * @param configs * @return * @throws Exception */ private static Map<String, SensorParserConfig> getSensorParserConfig(String zookeeperUrl, List<String> sensorTypes, ParserConfigurations configs) throws Exception { Map<String, SensorParserConfig> parserConfigs = new HashMap<>(); try (CuratorFramework client = ConfigurationsUtils.getClient(zookeeperUrl)) { client.start(); ConfigurationsUtils.updateParserConfigsFromZookeeper(configs, client); for (String sensorType : sensorTypes) { SensorParserConfig parserConfig = configs.getSensorParserConfig(sensorType); if (parserConfig == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find the parser configuration in zookeeper for " + sensorType + "." + " Please check that it exists in zookeeper by using the ' -m DUMP' command."); } parserConfigs.put(sensorType, parserConfig); } } return parserConfigs; } /** * Creates a WriterHandler * * @param writer The writer. * @return A WriterHandler */ private static WriterHandler createWriterHandler(AbstractWriter writer) { if (writer instanceof BulkMessageWriter) { return new WriterHandler((BulkMessageWriter<JSONObject>) writer); } else if (writer instanceof MessageWriter) { return new WriterHandler((MessageWriter<JSONObject>) writer); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to create parser bolt: writer must be a MessageWriter or a BulkMessageWriter"); } } }