Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.metron.indexing.dao; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.CommentAddRemoveRequest; import org.apache.metron.indexing.dao.update.Document; public class MultiIndexDao implements IndexDao { private List<IndexDao> indices; public MultiIndexDao(IndexDao... composedDao) { indices = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(indices, composedDao); } public MultiIndexDao(Iterable<IndexDao> composedDao) { this.indices = new ArrayList<>(); Iterables.addAll(indices, composedDao); } public MultiIndexDao(Iterable<IndexDao> composedDao, Function<IndexDao, IndexDao> decoratorTransformation) { this(Iterables.transform(composedDao, x -> decoratorTransformation.apply(x))); } @Override public void update(final Document update, Optional<String> index) throws IOException { List<String> exceptions = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { dao.update(update, index); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return dao.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); } }).filter(e -> e != null).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (exceptions.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(exceptions)); } } @Override public void batchUpdate(Map<Document, Optional<String>> updates) throws IOException { List<String> exceptions = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { dao.batchUpdate(updates); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return dao.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); } }).filter(e -> e != null).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (exceptions.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(exceptions)); } } @Override public Map<String, FieldType> getColumnMetadata(List<String> in) throws IOException { for (IndexDao dao : indices) { Map<String, FieldType> r = dao.getColumnMetadata(in); if (r != null) { return r; } } return null; } @Override public void addCommentToAlert(CommentAddRemoveRequest request) throws IOException { Document latest = getLatest(request.getGuid(), request.getSensorType()); addCommentToAlert(request, latest); } @Override public void addCommentToAlert(CommentAddRemoveRequest request, Document latest) throws IOException { List<String> exceptions = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { dao.addCommentToAlert(request, latest); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return dao.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); } }).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (exceptions.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(exceptions)); } } @Override public void removeCommentFromAlert(CommentAddRemoveRequest request) throws IOException { Document latest = getLatest(request.getGuid(), request.getSensorType()); removeCommentFromAlert(request, latest); } @Override public void removeCommentFromAlert(CommentAddRemoveRequest request, Document latest) throws IOException { List<String> exceptions = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { dao.removeCommentFromAlert(request, latest); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return dao.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); } }).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (exceptions.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(exceptions)); } } private static class DocumentContainer { private Optional<Document> d = Optional.empty(); private Optional<Throwable> t = Optional.empty(); public DocumentContainer(Document d) { this.d = Optional.ofNullable(d); } public DocumentContainer(Throwable t) { this.t = Optional.ofNullable(t); } public Optional<Document> getDocument() { return d; } public Optional<Throwable> getException() { return t; } } private static class DocumentIterableContainer { private Optional<Iterable<Document>> d = Optional.empty(); private Optional<Throwable> t = Optional.empty(); public DocumentIterableContainer(Iterable<Document> d) { this.d = Optional.ofNullable(d); } public DocumentIterableContainer(Throwable t) { this.t = Optional.ofNullable(t); } public Optional<Iterable<Document>> getDocumentIterable() { return d; } public Optional<Throwable> getException() { return t; } } @Override public SearchResponse search(SearchRequest searchRequest) throws InvalidSearchException { for (IndexDao dao : indices) { SearchResponse s =; if (s != null) { return s; } } return null; } @Override public GroupResponse group(GroupRequest groupRequest) throws InvalidSearchException { for (IndexDao dao : indices) { GroupResponse s =; if (s != null) { return s; } } return null; } @Override public void init(AccessConfig config) { for (IndexDao dao : indices) { dao.init(config); } } @Override public Document getLatest(final String guid, String sensorType) throws IOException { Document ret = null; List<DocumentContainer> output = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { return new DocumentContainer(dao.getLatest(guid, sensorType)); } catch (Throwable e) { return new DocumentContainer(e); } }).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<String> error = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocumentContainer dc : output) { if (dc.getException().isPresent()) { Throwable e = dc.getException().get(); error.add(e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } else { if (dc.getDocument().isPresent()) { Document d = dc.getDocument().get(); if (ret == null || ret.getTimestamp() < d.getTimestamp()) { ret = d; } } } } if (error.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(error)); } return ret; } @Override public Iterable<Document> getAllLatest(List<GetRequest> getRequests) throws IOException { Iterable<Document> ret = null; List<DocumentIterableContainer> output = indices.parallelStream().map(dao -> { try { return new DocumentIterableContainer(dao.getAllLatest(getRequests)); } catch (Throwable e) { return new DocumentIterableContainer(e); } }).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<String> error = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocumentIterableContainer dc : output) { if (dc.getException().isPresent()) { Throwable e = dc.getException().get(); error.add(e.getMessage() + "\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } else { if (dc.getDocumentIterable().isPresent()) { Iterable<Document> documents = dc.getDocumentIterable().get(); if (ret == null) { ret = documents; } } } } if (error.size() > 0) { throw new IOException(Joiner.on("\n").join(error)); } return ret; } public List<IndexDao> getIndices() { return indices; } }