Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.metamodel.mongodb; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.metamodel.DataContext; import org.apache.metamodel.MetaModelException; import org.apache.metamodel.QueryPostprocessDataContext; import org.apache.metamodel.UpdateScript; import org.apache.metamodel.UpdateableDataContext; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.metamodel.query.FilterItem; import org.apache.metamodel.query.FromItem; import org.apache.metamodel.query.OperatorType; import org.apache.metamodel.query.Query; import org.apache.metamodel.query.SelectItem; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Column; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.ColumnType; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.ColumnTypeImpl; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.MutableColumn; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.MutableSchema; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.MutableTable; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Schema; import org.apache.metamodel.schema.Table; import org.apache.metamodel.util.SimpleTableDef; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; /** * DataContext implementation for MongoDB. * * Since MongoDB has no schema, a virtual schema will be used in this * DataContext. This implementation supports either automatic discovery of a * schema or manual specification of a schema, through the * {@link MongoDbTableDef} class. */ public class MongoDbDataContext extends QueryPostprocessDataContext implements UpdateableDataContext { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDbDataSet.class); private final DB _mongoDb; private final SimpleTableDef[] _tableDefs; private WriteConcernAdvisor _writeConcernAdvisor; private Schema _schema; /** * Constructor available for backwards compatibility * * @deprecated use {@link #MongoDbDataContext(DB, SimpleTableDef...)} * instead */ @Deprecated public MongoDbDataContext(DB mongoDb, MongoDbTableDef... tableDefs) { this(mongoDb, (SimpleTableDef[]) tableDefs); } /** * Constructs a {@link MongoDbDataContext}. This constructor accepts a * custom array of {@link MongoDbTableDef}s which allows the user to define * his own view on the collections in the database. * * @param mongoDb * the mongo db connection * @param tableDefs * an array of {@link MongoDbTableDef}s, which define the table * and column model of the mongo db collections. (consider using * {@link #detectSchema(DB)} or {@link #detectTable(DB, String)} * ). */ public MongoDbDataContext(DB mongoDb, SimpleTableDef... tableDefs) { _mongoDb = mongoDb; _tableDefs = tableDefs; _schema = null; } /** * Constructs a {@link MongoDbDataContext} and automatically detects the * schema structure/view on all collections (see {@link #detectSchema(DB)}). * * @param mongoDb * the mongo db connection */ public MongoDbDataContext(DB mongoDb) { this(mongoDb, detectSchema(mongoDb)); } /** * Performs an analysis of the available collections in a Mongo {@link DB} * instance and tries to detect the table's structure based on the first * 1000 documents in each collection. * * @param db * the mongo db to inspect * @return a mutable schema instance, useful for further fine tuning by the * user. * @see #detectTable(DB, String) */ public static SimpleTableDef[] detectSchema(DB db) { Set<String> collectionNames = db.getCollectionNames(); SimpleTableDef[] result = new SimpleTableDef[collectionNames.size()]; int i = 0; for (String collectionName : collectionNames) { SimpleTableDef table = detectTable(db, collectionName); result[i] = table; i++; } return result; } /** * Performs an analysis of an available collection in a Mongo {@link DB} * instance and tries to detect the table structure based on the first 1000 * documents in the collection. * * @param db * the mongo DB * @param collectionName * the name of the collection * @return a table definition for mongo db. */ public static SimpleTableDef detectTable(DB db, String collectionName) { final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName); final DBCursor cursor = collection.find().limit(1000); final SortedMap<String, Set<Class<?>>> columnsAndTypes = new TreeMap<String, Set<Class<?>>>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; Set<String> keysInObject = object.keySet(); for (String key : keysInObject) { Set<Class<?>> types = columnsAndTypes.get(key); if (types == null) { types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); columnsAndTypes.put(key, types); } Object value = object.get(key); if (value != null) { types.add(value.getClass()); } } } cursor.close(); final String[] columnNames = new String[columnsAndTypes.size()]; final ColumnType[] columnTypes = new ColumnType[columnsAndTypes.size()]; int i = 0; for (Entry<String, Set<Class<?>>> columnAndTypes : columnsAndTypes.entrySet()) { final String columnName = columnAndTypes.getKey(); final Set<Class<?>> columnTypeSet = columnAndTypes.getValue(); final Class<?> columnType; if (columnTypeSet.size() == 1) { columnType = columnTypeSet.iterator().next(); } else { columnType = Object.class; } columnNames[i] = columnName; if (columnType == ObjectId.class) { columnTypes[i] = ColumnType.ROWID; } else { columnTypes[i] = ColumnTypeImpl.convertColumnType(columnType); } i++; } return new SimpleTableDef(collectionName, columnNames, columnTypes); } @Override protected Schema getMainSchema() throws MetaModelException { if (_schema == null) { MutableSchema schema = new MutableSchema(getMainSchemaName()); for (SimpleTableDef tableDef : _tableDefs) { MutableTable table = tableDef.toTable().setSchema(schema); Column[] rowIdColumns = table.getColumnsOfType(ColumnType.ROWID); for (Column column : rowIdColumns) { if (column instanceof MutableColumn) { ((MutableColumn) column).setPrimaryKey(true); } } schema.addTable(table); } _schema = schema; } return _schema; } @Override protected String getMainSchemaName() throws MetaModelException { return _mongoDb.getName(); } @Override protected Number executeCountQuery(Table table, List<FilterItem> whereItems, boolean functionApproximationAllowed) { final DBCollection collection = _mongoDb.getCollection(table.getName()); final DBObject query = createMongoDbQuery(table, whereItems);"Executing MongoDB 'count' query: {}", query); final long count = collection.count(query); return count; } @Override protected Row executePrimaryKeyLookupQuery(Table table, List<SelectItem> selectItems, Column primaryKeyColumn, Object keyValue) { final DBCollection collection = _mongoDb.getCollection(table.getName()); List<FilterItem> whereItems = new ArrayList<FilterItem>(); SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem(primaryKeyColumn); FilterItem primaryKeyWhereItem = new FilterItem(selectItem, OperatorType.EQUALS_TO, keyValue); whereItems.add(primaryKeyWhereItem); final DBObject query = createMongoDbQuery(table, whereItems); final DBObject resultDBObject = collection.findOne(query); DataSetHeader header = new SimpleDataSetHeader(selectItems); Row row = MongoDBUtils.toRow(resultDBObject, header); return row; } @Override public DataSet executeQuery(Query query) { // Check for queries containing only simple selects and where clauses, // or if it is a COUNT(*) query. // if from clause only contains a main schema table List<FromItem> fromItems = query.getFromClause().getItems(); if (fromItems.size() == 1 && fromItems.get(0).getTable() != null && fromItems.get(0).getTable().getSchema() == _schema) { final Table table = fromItems.get(0).getTable(); // if GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY clauses are not specified if (query.getGroupByClause().isEmpty() && query.getHavingClause().isEmpty() && query.getOrderByClause().isEmpty()) { final List<FilterItem> whereItems = query.getWhereClause().getItems(); // if all of the select items are "pure" column selection boolean allSelectItemsAreColumns = true; List<SelectItem> selectItems = query.getSelectClause().getItems(); // if it is a // "SELECT [columns] FROM [table] WHERE [conditions]" // query. for (SelectItem selectItem : selectItems) { if (selectItem.getFunction() != null || selectItem.getColumn() == null) { allSelectItemsAreColumns = false; break; } } if (allSelectItemsAreColumns) { logger.debug("Query can be expressed in full MongoDB, no post processing needed."); // prepare for a non-post-processed query Column[] columns = new Column[selectItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { columns[i] = selectItems.get(i).getColumn(); } // checking if the query is a primary key lookup query if (whereItems.size() == 1) { final FilterItem whereItem = whereItems.get(0); final SelectItem selectItem = whereItem.getSelectItem(); if (!whereItem.isCompoundFilter() && selectItem != null && selectItem.getColumn() != null) { final Column column = selectItem.getColumn(); if (column.isPrimaryKey() && OperatorType.EQUALS_TO.equals(whereItem.getOperator())) { logger.debug( "Query is a primary key lookup query. Trying executePrimaryKeyLookupQuery(...)"); final Object operand = whereItem.getOperand(); final Row row = executePrimaryKeyLookupQuery(table, selectItems, column, operand); if (row == null) { logger.debug( "DataContext did not return any primary key lookup query results. Proceeding " + "with manual lookup."); } else { final DataSetHeader header = new SimpleDataSetHeader(selectItems); return new InMemoryDataSet(header, row); } } } } int firstRow = (query.getFirstRow() == null ? 1 : query.getFirstRow()); int maxRows = (query.getMaxRows() == null ? -1 : query.getMaxRows()); final DataSet dataSet = materializeMainSchemaTableInternal(table, columns, whereItems, firstRow, maxRows, false); return dataSet; } } } logger.debug("Query will be simplified for MongoDB and post processed."); return super.executeQuery(query); } private DataSet materializeMainSchemaTableInternal(Table table, Column[] columns, List<FilterItem> whereItems, int firstRow, int maxRows, boolean queryPostProcessed) { final DBCollection collection = _mongoDb.getCollection(table.getName()); final DBObject query = createMongoDbQuery(table, whereItems);"Executing MongoDB 'find' query: {}", query); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query); if (maxRows > 0) { cursor = cursor.limit(maxRows); } if (firstRow > 1) { final int skip = firstRow - 1; cursor = cursor.skip(skip); } return new MongoDbDataSet(cursor, columns, queryPostProcessed); } protected BasicDBObject createMongoDbQuery(Table table, List<FilterItem> whereItems) { assert _schema == table.getSchema(); final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); if (whereItems != null && !whereItems.isEmpty()) { for (FilterItem item : whereItems) { convertToCursorObject(query, item); } } return query; } private void convertToCursorObject(BasicDBObject query, FilterItem item) { if (item.isCompoundFilter()) { BasicDBList orList = new BasicDBList(); final FilterItem[] childItems = item.getChildItems(); for (FilterItem childItem : childItems) { BasicDBObject childObject = new BasicDBObject(); convertToCursorObject(childObject, childItem); orList.add(childObject); } query.put("$or", orList); } else { final Column column = item.getSelectItem().getColumn(); final String columnName = column.getName(); final Object operand = item.getOperand(); final String operatorName = getOperatorName(item); final BasicDBObject existingFilterObject = (BasicDBObject) query.get(columnName); if (existingFilterObject == null) { if (operatorName == null) { if (OperatorType.LIKE.equals(item.getOperator())) { query.put(columnName, turnOperandIntoRegExp(operand)); } else { query.put(columnName, operand); } } else { query.put(columnName, new BasicDBObject(operatorName, operand)); } } else { if (operatorName == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot retrieve records for a column with two EQUALS_TO operators"); } else { existingFilterObject.append(operatorName, operand); } } } } private String getOperatorName(FilterItem item) { final OperatorType operator = item.getOperator(); if (OperatorType.EQUALS_TO.equals(operator)) { return null; } if (OperatorType.LIKE.equals(operator)) { return null; } if (OperatorType.LESS_THAN.equals(operator)) { return "$lt"; } if (OperatorType.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL.equals(operator)) { return "$lte"; } if (OperatorType.GREATER_THAN.equals(operator)) { return "$gt"; } if (OperatorType.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL.equals(operator)) { return "$gte"; } if (OperatorType.DIFFERENT_FROM.equals(operator)) { return "$ne"; } if (OperatorType.IN.equals(operator)) { return "$in"; } throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported operator type: " + operator); } private Pattern turnOperandIntoRegExp(Object operand) { StringBuilder operandAsRegExp = new StringBuilder(replaceWildCardLikeChars(operand.toString())); operandAsRegExp.insert(0, "^").append("$"); return Pattern.compile(operandAsRegExp.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } private String replaceWildCardLikeChars(String operand) { return operand.replaceAll("%", ".*"); } @Override protected DataSet materializeMainSchemaTable(Table table, Column[] columns, int maxRows) { return materializeMainSchemaTableInternal(table, columns, null, 1, maxRows, true); } @Override protected DataSet materializeMainSchemaTable(Table table, Column[] columns, int firstRow, int maxRows) { return materializeMainSchemaTableInternal(table, columns, null, firstRow, maxRows, true); } /** * Executes an update with a specific {@link WriteConcernAdvisor}. */ public void executeUpdate(UpdateScript update, WriteConcernAdvisor writeConcernAdvisor) { MongoDbUpdateCallback callback = new MongoDbUpdateCallback(this, writeConcernAdvisor); try {; } finally { callback.close(); } } /** * Executes an update with a specific {@link WriteConcern}. */ public void executeUpdate(UpdateScript update, WriteConcern writeConcern) { executeUpdate(update, new SimpleWriteConcernAdvisor(writeConcern)); } @Override public void executeUpdate(UpdateScript update) { executeUpdate(update, getWriteConcernAdvisor()); } /** * Gets the {@link WriteConcernAdvisor} to use on * {@link #executeUpdate(UpdateScript)} calls. */ public WriteConcernAdvisor getWriteConcernAdvisor() { if (_writeConcernAdvisor == null) { return new DefaultWriteConcernAdvisor(); } return _writeConcernAdvisor; } /** * Sets a global {@link WriteConcern} advisor to use on * {@link #executeUpdate(UpdateScript)}. */ public void setWriteConcernAdvisor(WriteConcernAdvisor writeConcernAdvisor) { _writeConcernAdvisor = writeConcernAdvisor; } /** * Gets the {@link DB} instance that this {@link DataContext} is backed by. */ public DB getMongoDb() { return _mongoDb; } protected void addTable(MutableTable table) { if (_schema instanceof MutableSchema) { MutableSchema mutableSchema = (MutableSchema) _schema; mutableSchema.addTable(table); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Schema is not mutable"); } } }