Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Site;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement;
import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.EnvarBasedValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.MapBasedValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.ObjectBasedValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PrefixedObjectValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PrefixedPropertiesValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.RegexBasedInterpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;

 * Default implementation of the site tool.
 * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
@Component(role = SiteTool.class)
public class DefaultSiteTool extends AbstractLogEnabled implements SiteTool {
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Components
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The component that is used to resolve additional artifacts required.
    private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;

     * The component used for creating artifact instances.
    private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;

     * Internationalization.
    protected I18N i18n;

     * The component for assembling inheritance.
    protected DecorationModelInheritanceAssembler assembler;

     * Project builder (deprecated in Maven 3: should use ProjectBuilder, which will avoid
     * issues like DOXIASITETOOLS-166)
    protected MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Public methods
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Artifact getSkinArtifactFromRepository(ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List<ArtifactRepository> remoteArtifactRepositories, DecorationModel decoration)
            throws SiteToolException {
        checkNotNull("localRepository", localRepository);
        checkNotNull("remoteArtifactRepositories", remoteArtifactRepositories);
        checkNotNull("decoration", decoration);

        Skin skin = decoration.getSkin();

        if (skin == null) {
            skin = Skin.getDefaultSkin();

        String version = skin.getVersion();
        Artifact artifact;
        try {
            if (version == null) {
                version = Artifact.RELEASE_VERSION;
            VersionRange versionSpec = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec(version);
            artifact = artifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(skin.getGroupId(), skin.getArtifactId(),
                    versionSpec, "jar", null, null);

            artifactResolver.resolve(artifact, remoteArtifactRepositories, localRepository);
        } catch (InvalidVersionSpecificationException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("InvalidVersionSpecificationException: The skin version '" + version
                    + "' is not valid: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("ArtifactResolutionException: Unable to find skin", e);
        } catch (ArtifactNotFoundException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("ArtifactNotFoundException: The skin does not exist: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        return artifact;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Artifact getDefaultSkinArtifact(ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List<ArtifactRepository> remoteArtifactRepositories) throws SiteToolException {
        return getSkinArtifactFromRepository(localRepository, remoteArtifactRepositories, new DecorationModel());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getRelativePath(String to, String from) {
        checkNotNull("to", to);
        checkNotNull("from", from);

        URL toUrl = null;
        URL fromUrl = null;

        String toPath = to;
        String fromPath = from;

        try {
            toUrl = new URL(to);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            try {
                toUrl = new File(getNormalizedPath(to)).toURI().toURL();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
                getLogger().warn("Unable to load a URL for '" + to + "': " + e.getMessage());

        try {
            fromUrl = new URL(from);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            try {
                fromUrl = new File(getNormalizedPath(from)).toURI().toURL();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
                getLogger().warn("Unable to load a URL for '" + from + "': " + e.getMessage());

        if (toUrl != null && fromUrl != null) {
            // URLs, determine if they share protocol and domain info

            if ((toUrl.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase(fromUrl.getProtocol()))
                    && (toUrl.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(fromUrl.getHost()))
                    && (toUrl.getPort() == fromUrl.getPort())) {
                // shared URL domain details, use URI to determine relative path

                toPath = toUrl.getFile();
                fromPath = fromUrl.getFile();
            } else {
                // don't share basic URL information, no relative available

                return to;
        } else if ((toUrl != null && fromUrl == null) || (toUrl == null && fromUrl != null)) {
            // one is a URL and the other isn't, no relative available.

            return to;

        // either the two locations are not URLs or if they are they
        // share the common protocol and domain info and we are left
        // with their URI information

        String relativePath = getRelativeFilePath(fromPath, toPath);

        if (relativePath == null) {
            relativePath = to;

        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled() && !relativePath.toString().equals(to)) {
            getLogger().debug("Mapped url: " + to + " to relative path: " + relativePath);

        return relativePath;

    private static String getRelativeFilePath(final String oldPath, final String newPath) {
        // normalize the path delimiters

        String fromPath = new File(oldPath).getPath();
        String toPath = new File(newPath).getPath();

        // strip any leading slashes if its a windows path
        if (toPath.matches("^\\[a-zA-Z]:")) {
            toPath = toPath.substring(1);
        if (fromPath.matches("^\\[a-zA-Z]:")) {
            fromPath = fromPath.substring(1);

        // lowercase windows drive letters.
        if (fromPath.startsWith(":", 1)) {
            fromPath = Character.toLowerCase(fromPath.charAt(0)) + fromPath.substring(1);
        if (toPath.startsWith(":", 1)) {
            toPath = Character.toLowerCase(toPath.charAt(0)) + toPath.substring(1);

        // check for the presence of windows drives. No relative way of
        // traversing from one to the other.

        if ((toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))
                && (!toPath.substring(0, 1).equals(fromPath.substring(0, 1)))) {
            // they both have drive path element but they don't match, no
            // relative path

            return null;

        if ((toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && !fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))
                || (!toPath.startsWith(":", 1) && fromPath.startsWith(":", 1))) {

            // one has a drive path element and the other doesn't, no relative
            // path.

            return null;


        final String relativePath = buildRelativePath(toPath, fromPath, File.separatorChar);

        return relativePath.toString();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public File getSiteDescriptor(File siteDirectory, Locale locale) {
        checkNotNull("siteDirectory", siteDirectory);
        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? new Locale("") : locale;

        File siteDescriptor = new File(siteDirectory, "site_" + llocale.getLanguage() + ".xml");

        if (!siteDescriptor.isFile()) {
            siteDescriptor = new File(siteDirectory, "site.xml");
        return siteDescriptor;

     * Get a site descriptor from one of the repositories.
     * @param project the Maven project, not null.
     * @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
     * @param repositories the Maven remote repositories, not null.
     * @param locale the locale wanted for the site descriptor. If not null, searching for
     * <code>site_<i>localeLanguage</i>.xml</code>, otherwise searching for <code>site.xml</code>.
     * @return the site descriptor into the local repository after download of it from repositories or null if not
     * found in repositories.
     * @throws SiteToolException if any
    File getSiteDescriptorFromRepository(MavenProject project, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List<ArtifactRepository> repositories, Locale locale) throws SiteToolException {
        checkNotNull("project", project);
        checkNotNull("localRepository", localRepository);
        checkNotNull("repositories", repositories);

        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? new Locale("") : locale;

        try {
            return resolveSiteDescriptor(project, localRepository, repositories, llocale);
        } catch (ArtifactNotFoundException e) {
            getLogger().debug("ArtifactNotFoundException: Unable to locate site descriptor: " + e);
            return null;
        } catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException(
                    "ArtifactResolutionException: Unable to locate site descriptor: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("IOException: Unable to locate site descriptor: " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Read site descriptor content from Reader, adding support for deprecated <code>${reports}</code>,
     * <code>${parentProject}</code> and <code>${modules}</code> tags.
     * @param reader
     * @return the input content interpolated with deprecated tags 
     * @throws IOException
    private String readSiteDescriptor(Reader reader, String projectId) throws IOException {
        String siteDescriptorContent = IOUtil.toString(reader);

        // This is to support the deprecated ${reports}, ${parentProject} and ${modules} tags.
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put("reports", "<menu ref=\"reports\"/>");
        props.put("modules", "<menu ref=\"modules\"/>");
        props.put("parentProject", "<menu ref=\"parent\"/>");

        // warn if interpolation required
        for (Object prop : props.keySet()) {
            if (siteDescriptorContent.contains("$" + prop)) {
                getLogger().warn("Site descriptor for " + projectId + " contains $" + prop
                        + ": should be replaced with " + props.getProperty((String) prop));
            if (siteDescriptorContent.contains("${" + prop + "}")) {
                getLogger().warn("Site descriptor for " + projectId + " contains ${" + prop
                        + "}: should be replaced with " + props.getProperty((String) prop));

        return StringUtils.interpolate(siteDescriptorContent, props);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public DecorationModel getDecorationModel(File siteDirectory, Locale locale, MavenProject project,
            List<MavenProject> reactorProjects, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List<ArtifactRepository> repositories) throws SiteToolException {
        checkNotNull("project", project);
        checkNotNull("reactorProjects", reactorProjects);
        checkNotNull("localRepository", localRepository);
        checkNotNull("repositories", repositories);

        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? Locale.getDefault() : locale;

        getLogger().debug("Computing decoration model of " + project.getId() + " for locale " + llocale);

        Map.Entry<DecorationModel, MavenProject> result = getDecorationModel(0, siteDirectory, llocale, project,
                reactorProjects, localRepository, repositories);
        DecorationModel decorationModel = result.getKey();
        MavenProject parentProject = result.getValue();

        if (decorationModel == null) {
            getLogger().debug("Using default site descriptor");

            String siteDescriptorContent;

            Reader reader = null;
            try {
                // Note the default is not a super class - it is used when nothing else is found
                reader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/default-site.xml"));
                siteDescriptorContent = readSiteDescriptor(reader, "default-site.xml");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new SiteToolException("Error reading default site descriptor: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            } finally {

            decorationModel = readDecorationModel(siteDescriptorContent);

        // DecorationModel back to String to interpolate, then go back to DecorationModel
        String siteDescriptorContent = decorationModelToString(decorationModel);

        // "classical" late interpolation, after full inheritance
        siteDescriptorContent = getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent(project, siteDescriptorContent, false);

        decorationModel = readDecorationModel(siteDescriptorContent);

        if (parentProject != null) {
            populateParentMenu(decorationModel, llocale, project, parentProject, true);

        try {
            populateModulesMenu(decorationModel, llocale, project, reactorProjects, localRepository, true);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("Error while populating modules menu: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        if (decorationModel.getBannerLeft() == null) {
            // extra default to set
            Banner banner = new Banner();

        return decorationModel;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent(Map<String, String> props, MavenProject aProject,
            String siteDescriptorContent) throws SiteToolException {
        checkNotNull("props", props);

        // "classical" late interpolation
        return getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent(aProject, siteDescriptorContent, false);

    private String getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent(MavenProject aProject, String siteDescriptorContent,
            boolean isEarly) throws SiteToolException {
        checkNotNull("aProject", aProject);
        checkNotNull("siteDescriptorContent", siteDescriptorContent);

        RegexBasedInterpolator interpolator = new RegexBasedInterpolator();

        if (isEarly) {
            interpolator.addValueSource(new PrefixedObjectValueSource("this.", aProject));
            interpolator.addValueSource(new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource("this.", aProject.getProperties()));
        } else {
            interpolator.addValueSource(new ObjectBasedValueSource(aProject));
            interpolator.addValueSource(new MapBasedValueSource(aProject.getProperties()));

            try {
                interpolator.addValueSource(new EnvarBasedValueSource());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Prefer logging?
                throw new SiteToolException(
                        "IOException: cannot interpolate environment properties: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        try {
            // FIXME: this does not escape xml entities, see MSITE-226, PLXCOMP-118
            return interpolator.interpolate(siteDescriptorContent, isEarly ? null : "project");
        } catch (InterpolationException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("Cannot interpolate site descriptor: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public MavenProject getParentProject(MavenProject aProject, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
            ArtifactRepository localRepository) {
        checkNotNull("aProject", aProject);
        checkNotNull("reactorProjects", reactorProjects);
        checkNotNull("localRepository", localRepository);

        if (isMaven3OrMore()) {
            // no need to make voodoo with Maven 3: job already done
            return aProject.getParent();

        MavenProject parentProject = null;

        MavenProject origParent = aProject.getParent();
        if (origParent != null) {
            for (MavenProject reactorProject : reactorProjects) {
                if (reactorProject.getGroupId().equals(origParent.getGroupId())
                        && reactorProject.getArtifactId().equals(origParent.getArtifactId())
                        && reactorProject.getVersion().equals(origParent.getVersion())) {
                    parentProject = reactorProject;

                    getLogger().debug("Parent project " + origParent.getId() + " picked from reactor");

            if (parentProject == null && aProject.getBasedir() != null
                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aProject.getModel().getParent().getRelativePath())) {
                try {
                    String relativePath = aProject.getModel().getParent().getRelativePath();

                    File pomFile = new File(aProject.getBasedir(), relativePath);

                    if (pomFile.isDirectory()) {
                        pomFile = new File(pomFile, "pom.xml");
                    pomFile = new File(getNormalizedPath(pomFile.getPath()));

                    if (pomFile.isFile()) {
                        MavenProject mavenProject =, localRepository, null);

                        if (mavenProject.getGroupId().equals(origParent.getGroupId())
                                && mavenProject.getArtifactId().equals(origParent.getArtifactId())
                                && mavenProject.getVersion().equals(origParent.getVersion())) {
                            parentProject = mavenProject;

                            getLogger().debug("Parent project " + origParent.getId()
                                    + " loaded from a relative path: " + relativePath);
                } catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
                    getLogger().info("Unable to load parent project " + origParent.getId()
                            + " from a relative path: " + e.getMessage());

            if (parentProject == null) {
                try {
                    parentProject = mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository(aProject.getParentArtifact(),
                            aProject.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(), localRepository);

                    getLogger().debug("Parent project " + origParent.getId() + " loaded from repository");
                } catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
                    getLogger().warn("Unable to load parent project " + origParent.getId() + " from repository: "
                            + e.getMessage());

            if (parentProject == null) {
                // fallback to original parent, which may contain uninterpolated value (still need a unit test)

                parentProject = origParent;

                getLogger().debug("Parent project " + origParent.getId() + " picked from original value");
        return parentProject;

     * Populate the pre-defined <code>parent</code> menu of the decoration model,
     * if used through <code>&lt;menu ref="parent"/&gt;</code>.
     * @param decorationModel the Doxia Sitetools DecorationModel, not null.
     * @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
     * @param project a Maven project, not null.
     * @param parentProject a Maven parent project, not null.
     * @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
    private void populateParentMenu(DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale, MavenProject project,
            MavenProject parentProject, boolean keepInheritedRefs) {
        checkNotNull("decorationModel", decorationModel);
        checkNotNull("project", project);
        checkNotNull("parentProject", parentProject);

        Menu menu = decorationModel.getMenuRef("parent");

        if (menu == null) {

        if (keepInheritedRefs && menu.isInheritAsRef()) {

        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? Locale.getDefault() : locale;

        String parentUrl = getDistMgmntSiteUrl(parentProject);

        if (parentUrl != null) {
            if (parentUrl.endsWith("/")) {
                parentUrl += "index.html";
            } else {
                parentUrl += "/index.html";

            parentUrl = getRelativePath(parentUrl, getDistMgmntSiteUrl(project));
        } else {
            // parent has no url, assume relative path is given by site structure
            File parentBasedir = parentProject.getBasedir();
            // First make sure that the parent is available on the file system
            if (parentBasedir != null) {
                // Try to find the relative path to the parent via the file system
                String parentPath = parentBasedir.getAbsolutePath();
                String projectPath = project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
                parentUrl = getRelativePath(parentPath, projectPath) + "/index.html";

        // Only add the parent menu if we were able to find a URL for it
        if (parentUrl == null) {
            getLogger().warn("Unable to find a URL to the parent project. The parent menu will NOT be added.");
        } else {
            if (menu.getName() == null) {
                menu.setName(i18n.getString("site-tool", llocale, ""));

            MenuItem item = new MenuItem();

     * Populate the pre-defined <code>modules</code> menu of the decoration model,
     * if used through <code>&lt;menu ref="modules"/&gt;</code>.
     * @param decorationModel the Doxia Sitetools DecorationModel, not null.
     * @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
     * @param project a Maven project, not null.
     * @param reactorProjects the Maven reactor projects, not null.
     * @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
     * @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
     * @throws SiteToolException if any
     * @throws IOException 
    private void populateModulesMenu(DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale, MavenProject project,
            List<MavenProject> reactorProjects, ArtifactRepository localRepository, boolean keepInheritedRefs)
            throws SiteToolException, IOException {
        checkNotNull("project", project);
        checkNotNull("reactorProjects", reactorProjects);
        checkNotNull("localRepository", localRepository);
        checkNotNull("decorationModel", decorationModel);

        Menu menu = decorationModel.getMenuRef("modules");

        if (menu == null) {

        if (keepInheritedRefs && menu.isInheritAsRef()) {

        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? Locale.getDefault() : locale;

        // we require child modules and reactors to process module menu
        if (project.getModules().size() > 0) {
            if (menu.getName() == null) {
                menu.setName(i18n.getString("site-tool", llocale, ""));

            for (String module : (List<String>) project.getModules()) {
                MavenProject moduleProject = getModuleFromReactor(project, reactorProjects, module);

                if (moduleProject == null) {
                    getLogger().warn("Module " + module + " not found in reactor: loading locally");

                    File f = new File(project.getBasedir(), module + "/pom.xml");
                    if (f.exists()) {
                        try {
                            moduleProject =, localRepository, null);
                        } catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
                            throw new SiteToolException("Unable to read local module-POM", e);
                    } else {
                        getLogger().warn("No filesystem module-POM available");

                        moduleProject = new MavenProject();
                        moduleProject.setDistributionManagement(new DistributionManagement());
                        moduleProject.getDistributionManagement().setSite(new Site());

                String siteUrl = getDistMgmntSiteUrl(moduleProject);
                String itemName = (moduleProject.getName() == null) ? moduleProject.getArtifactId()
                        : moduleProject.getName();

                appendMenuItem(project, menu, itemName, siteUrl, moduleProject.getArtifactId());
        } else if (decorationModel.getMenuRef("modules").getInherit() == null) {
            // only remove if project has no modules AND menu is not inherited, see MSHARED-174

    private static MavenProject getModuleFromReactor(MavenProject project, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
            String module) throws IOException {
        File moduleBasedir = new File(project.getBasedir(), module).getCanonicalFile();

        for (MavenProject reactorProject : reactorProjects) {
            if (moduleBasedir.equals(reactorProject.getBasedir())) {
                return reactorProject;

        // module not found in reactor
        return null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void populateReportsMenu(DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale,
            Map<String, List<MavenReport>> categories) {
        checkNotNull("decorationModel", decorationModel);
        checkNotNull("categories", categories);

        Menu menu = decorationModel.getMenuRef("reports");

        if (menu == null) {

        final Locale llocale = (locale == null) ? Locale.getDefault() : locale;

        if (menu.getName() == null) {
            menu.setName(i18n.getString("site-tool", llocale, ""));

        boolean found = false;
        if (menu.getItems().isEmpty()) {
            List<MavenReport> categoryReports = categories.get(MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_INFORMATION);
            if (!isEmptyList(categoryReports)) {
                MenuItem item = createCategoryMenu(
                        i18n.getString("site-tool", llocale, ""),
                        "/project-info.html", categoryReports, llocale);
                found = true;

            categoryReports = categories.get(MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_REPORTS);
            if (!isEmptyList(categoryReports)) {
                MenuItem item = createCategoryMenu(
                        i18n.getString("site-tool", llocale, ""),
                        "/project-reports.html", categoryReports, llocale);
                found = true;
        if (!found) {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<Locale> getSiteLocales(String locales) {
        if (locales == null) {
            return Collections.singletonList(DEFAULT_LOCALE);

        String[] localesArray = StringUtils.split(locales, ",");
        List<Locale> localesList = new ArrayList<Locale>(localesArray.length);

        for (String localeString : localesArray) {
            Locale locale = codeToLocale(localeString);

            if (locale == null) {

            if (!Arrays.asList(Locale.getAvailableLocales()).contains(locale)) {
                if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) {
                            "The locale defined by '" + locale + "' is not available in this Java Virtual Machine ("
                                    + System.getProperty("java.version") + " from "
                                    + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + ") - IGNORING");

            // Default bundles are in English
            if ((!locale.getLanguage().equals(DEFAULT_LOCALE.getLanguage())) && (!i18n
                    .getBundle("site-tool", locale).getLocale().getLanguage().equals(locale.getLanguage()))) {
                if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) {
                    getLogger().warn("The locale '" + locale + "' (" + locale.getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH)
                            + ") is not currently supported by Maven Site - IGNORING."
                            + "\nContributions are welcome and greatly appreciated!"
                            + "\nIf you want to contribute a new translation, please visit "
                            + " for detailed instructions.");



        if (localesList.isEmpty()) {
            localesList = Collections.singletonList(DEFAULT_LOCALE);

        return localesList;

     * Converts a locale code like "en", "en_US" or "en_US_win" to a <code>java.util.Locale</code>
     * object.
     * <p>If localeCode = <code>default</code>, return the current value of the default locale for this instance
     * of the Java Virtual Machine.</p>
     * @param localeCode the locale code string.
     * @return a java.util.Locale object instanced or null if errors occurred
     * @see <a href="">java.util.Locale#getDefault()</a>
    private Locale codeToLocale(String localeCode) {
        if (localeCode == null) {
            return null;

        if ("default".equalsIgnoreCase(localeCode)) {
            return Locale.getDefault();

        String language = "";
        String country = "";
        String variant = "";

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(localeCode, "_");
        final int maxTokens = 3;
        if (tokenizer.countTokens() > maxTokens) {
            if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) {
                getLogger().warn("Invalid java.util.Locale format for '" + localeCode + "' entry - IGNORING");
            return null;

        if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            language = tokenizer.nextToken();
            if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                country = tokenizer.nextToken();
                if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    variant = tokenizer.nextToken();

        return new Locale(language, country, variant);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Protected methods
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @param path could be null.
     * @return the path normalized, i.e. by eliminating "/../" and "/./" in the path.
     * @see FilenameUtils#normalize(String)
    protected static String getNormalizedPath(String path) {
        String normalized = FilenameUtils.normalize(path);
        if (normalized == null) {
            normalized = path;
        return (normalized == null) ? null : normalized.replace('\\', '/');

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Private methods
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @param project not null
     * @param localRepository not null
     * @param repositories not null
     * @param locale not null
     * @return the resolved site descriptor
     * @throws IOException if any
     * @throws ArtifactResolutionException if any
     * @throws ArtifactNotFoundException if any
    private File resolveSiteDescriptor(MavenProject project, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List<ArtifactRepository> repositories, Locale locale)
            throws IOException, ArtifactResolutionException, ArtifactNotFoundException {
        File result;

        // TODO: this is a bit crude - proper type, or proper handling as metadata rather than an artifact in 2.1?
        Artifact artifact = artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier(project.getGroupId(),
                project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion(), "xml", "site_" + locale.getLanguage());

        boolean found = false;
        try {
            artifactResolver.resolve(artifact, repositories, localRepository);

            result = artifact.getFile();

            // we use zero length files to avoid re-resolution (see below)
            if (result.length() > 0) {
                found = true;
            } else {
                getLogger().debug("No site descriptor found for " + project.getId() + " for locale "
                        + locale.getLanguage() + ", trying without locale...");
        } catch (ArtifactNotFoundException e) {
            getLogger().debug("Unable to locate site descriptor for locale " + locale.getLanguage() + ": " + e);

            // we can afford to write an empty descriptor here as we don't expect it to turn up later in the remote
            // repository, because the parent was already released (and snapshots are updated automatically if changed)
            result = new File(localRepository.getBasedir(), localRepository.pathOf(artifact));

        if (!found) {
            artifact = artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(),
                    project.getVersion(), "xml", "site");
            try {
                artifactResolver.resolve(artifact, repositories, localRepository);
            } catch (ArtifactNotFoundException e) {
                // see above regarding this zero length file
                result = new File(localRepository.getBasedir(), localRepository.pathOf(artifact));

                throw e;

            result = artifact.getFile();

            // we use zero length files to avoid re-resolution (see below)
            if (result.length() == 0) {
                getLogger().debug("No site descriptor found for " + project.getId() + " without locale.");
                result = null;

        return result;

     * @param depth depth of project
     * @param siteDirectory, can be null if project.basedir is null, ie POM from repository
     * @param locale not null
     * @param project not null
     * @param reactorProjects not null
     * @param localRepository not null
     * @param repositories not null
     * @param origProps not null
     * @return the decoration model depending the locale and the parent project
     * @throws SiteToolException if any
    private Map.Entry<DecorationModel, MavenProject> getDecorationModel(int depth, File siteDirectory,
            Locale locale, MavenProject project, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
            ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> repositories) throws SiteToolException {
        // 1. get site descriptor File
        File siteDescriptor;
        if (project.getBasedir() == null) {
            // POM is in the repository: look into the repository for site descriptor
            try {
                siteDescriptor = getSiteDescriptorFromRepository(project, localRepository, repositories, locale);
            } catch (SiteToolException e) {
                throw new SiteToolException(
                        "The site descriptor cannot be resolved from the repository: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } else {
            // POM is in build directory: look for site descriptor as local file
            siteDescriptor = getSiteDescriptor(siteDirectory, locale);

        // 2. read DecorationModel from site descriptor File and do early interpolation (${this.*})
        DecorationModel decoration = null;
        Reader siteDescriptorReader = null;
        try {
            if (siteDescriptor != null && siteDescriptor.exists()) {
                getLogger().debug("Reading" + (depth == 0 ? "" : (" parent level " + depth))
                        + " site descriptor from " + siteDescriptor);

                siteDescriptorReader = ReaderFactory.newXmlReader(siteDescriptor);

                String siteDescriptorContent = readSiteDescriptor(siteDescriptorReader, project.getId());

                // interpolate ${this.*} = early interpolation
                siteDescriptorContent = getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent(project, siteDescriptorContent, true);

                decoration = readDecorationModel(siteDescriptorContent);
            } else {
                getLogger().debug("No" + (depth == 0 ? "" : (" parent level " + depth)) + " site descriptor.");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException(
                    "The site descriptor for " + project.getId() + " cannot be read from " + siteDescriptor, e);
        } finally {

        // 3. look for parent project
        MavenProject parentProject = getParentProject(project, reactorProjects, localRepository);

        // 4. merge with parent project DecorationModel
        if (parentProject != null && (decoration == null || decoration.isMergeParent())) {
                    "Looking for site descriptor of level " + depth + " parent project: " + parentProject.getId());

            File parentSiteDirectory = null;
            if (parentProject.getBasedir() != null) {
                // extrapolate parent project site directory
                String siteRelativePath = getRelativeFilePath(project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath(),

                parentSiteDirectory = new File(parentProject.getBasedir(), siteRelativePath);
                // notice: using same siteRelativePath for parent as current project; may be wrong if site plugin
                // has different configuration. But this is a rare case (this only has impact if parent is from reactor)

            DecorationModel parentDecoration = getDecorationModel(depth, parentSiteDirectory, locale, parentProject,
                    reactorProjects, localRepository, repositories).getKey();

            // MSHARED-116 requires an empty decoration model (instead of a null one)
            // MSHARED-145 requires us to do this only if there is a parent to merge it with
            if (decoration == null && parentDecoration != null) {
                // we have no site descriptor: merge the parent into an empty one
                decoration = new DecorationModel();

            String name = project.getName();
            if (decoration != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(decoration.getName())) {
                name = decoration.getName();

            // Merge the parent and child DecorationModels
            String projectDistMgmnt = getDistMgmntSiteUrl(project);
            String parentDistMgmnt = getDistMgmntSiteUrl(parentProject);
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Site decoration model inheritance: assembling child with level " + depth
                        + " parent: child = " + projectDistMgmnt + " and parent = "
                        + parentDistMgmnt);
            assembler.assembleModelInheritance(name, decoration, parentDecoration, projectDistMgmnt,
                    parentDistMgmnt == null ? projectDistMgmnt : parentDistMgmnt);

        return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<DecorationModel, MavenProject>(decoration, parentProject);

     * @param siteDescriptorContent not null
     * @return the decoration model object
     * @throws SiteToolException if any
    private DecorationModel readDecorationModel(String siteDescriptorContent) throws SiteToolException {
        try {
            return new DecorationXpp3Reader().read(new StringReader(siteDescriptorContent));
        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("Error parsing site descriptor", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("Error reading site descriptor", e);

    private String decorationModelToString(DecorationModel decoration) throws SiteToolException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

        try {
            new DecorationXpp3Writer().write(writer, decoration);
            return writer.toString();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SiteToolException("Error reading site descriptor", e);
        } finally {

    private static String buildRelativePath(final String toPath, final String fromPath, final char separatorChar) {
        // use tokenizer to traverse paths and for lazy checking
        StringTokenizer toTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(toPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));
        StringTokenizer fromTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(fromPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));

        int count = 0;

        // walk along the to path looking for divergence from the from path
        while (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens() && fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {
            if (separatorChar == '\\') {
                if (!fromTokeniser.nextToken().equalsIgnoreCase(toTokeniser.nextToken())) {
            } else {
                if (!fromTokeniser.nextToken().equals(toTokeniser.nextToken())) {


        // reinitialize the tokenizers to count positions to retrieve the
        // gobbled token

        toTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(toPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));
        fromTokeniser = new StringTokenizer(fromPath, String.valueOf(separatorChar));

        while (count-- > 0) {

        StringBuilder relativePath = new StringBuilder();

        // add back refs for the rest of from location.
        while (fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {


            if (fromTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

        if (relativePath.length() != 0 && toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

        // add fwd fills for whatever's left of to.
        while (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {

            if (toTokeniser.hasMoreTokens()) {
        return relativePath.toString();

     * @param project not null
     * @param menu not null
     * @param name not null
     * @param href could be null
     * @param defaultHref not null
    private void appendMenuItem(MavenProject project, Menu menu, String name, String href, String defaultHref) {
        String selectedHref = href;

        if (selectedHref == null) {
            selectedHref = defaultHref;

        MenuItem item = new MenuItem();

        String baseUrl = getDistMgmntSiteUrl(project);
        if (baseUrl != null) {
            selectedHref = getRelativePath(selectedHref, baseUrl);

        if (selectedHref.endsWith("/")) {
            item.setHref(selectedHref + "index.html");
        } else {
            item.setHref(selectedHref + "/index.html");

     * @param name not null
     * @param href not null
     * @param categoryReports not null
     * @param locale not null
     * @return the menu item object
    private MenuItem createCategoryMenu(String name, String href, List<MavenReport> categoryReports,
            Locale locale) {
        MenuItem item = new MenuItem();

        // MSHARED-172, allow reports to define their order in some other way?
        //Collections.sort( categoryReports, new ReportComparator( locale ) );

        for (MavenReport report : categoryReports) {
            MenuItem subitem = new MenuItem();
            subitem.setHref(report.getOutputName() + ".html");

        return item;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // static methods
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Convenience method.
     * @param list could be null
     * @return true if the list is <code>null</code> or empty
    private static boolean isEmptyList(List<?> list) {
        return list == null || list.isEmpty();

     * Return if defined, null otherwise.
     * @param project not null
     * @return could be null
    private static String getDistMgmntSiteUrl(MavenProject project) {
        return getDistMgmntSiteUrl(project.getDistributionManagement());

    private static String getDistMgmntSiteUrl(DistributionManagement distMgmnt) {
        if (distMgmnt != null && distMgmnt.getSite() != null && distMgmnt.getSite().getUrl() != null) {
            return urlEncode(distMgmnt.getSite().getUrl());

        return null;

    private static String urlEncode(final String url) {
        if (url == null) {
            return null;

        try {
            return new File(url).toURI().toURL().toExternalForm();
        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
            return url; // this will then throw somewhere else

    private void checkNotNull(String name, Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter '" + name + "' cannot be null.");

     * Check the current Maven version to see if it's Maven 3.0 or newer.
    private static boolean isMaven3OrMore() {
        return new DefaultArtifactVersion(getMavenVersion()).getMajorVersion() >= 3;

    private static String getMavenVersion() {
        // This relies on the fact that MavenProject is the in core classloader
        // and that the core classloader is for the maven-core artifact
        // and that should have a file
        // if this ever changes, we will have to revisit this code.
        final Properties properties = new Properties();
        final String corePomProperties = "META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven/maven-core/";
        final InputStream in = MavenProject.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(corePomProperties);
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return "";
        } finally {

        return properties.getProperty("version").trim();