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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.mahout.clustering.minhash;

import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.ArgumentBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder;

public final class MinhashOptionCreator {

    public static final String NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS = "numHashFunctions";
    public static final String KEY_GROUPS = "keyGroups";
    public static final String HASH_TYPE = "hashType";
    public static final String MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE = "minClusterSize";
    public static final String MIN_VECTOR_SIZE = "minVectorSize";
    public static final String NUM_REDUCERS = "numReducers";
    public static final String DEBUG_OUTPUT = "debugOutput";

    private MinhashOptionCreator() {

    public static DefaultOptionBuilder debugOutputOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(DEBUG_OUTPUT).withShortName("debug")
                .withDescription("Output the whole vectors for debugging");

    public static DefaultOptionBuilder numReducersOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(NUM_REDUCERS).withRequired(false).withShortName("r")
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(NUM_REDUCERS).withDefault("2").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("The number of reduce tasks. Defaults to 2");

     * Returns a default command line option for specifying the minimum cluster
     * size in MinHash clustering
    public static DefaultOptionBuilder minClusterSizeOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE).withRequired(false)
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE).withDefault("10").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("Minimum points inside a cluster").withShortName("mcs");

     * Returns a default command line option for specifying the type of hash to
     * use in MinHash clustering: Should one out of
     * ("linear","polynomial","murmur")
    public static DefaultOptionBuilder hashTypeOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(HASH_TYPE).withRequired(false)
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(HASH_TYPE).withDefault("murmur").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("Type of hash function to use. Available types: (linear, polynomial, murmur) ")

     * Returns a default command line option for specifying the min size of the
     * vector to hash Should one out of ("linear","polynomial","murmur")
    public static DefaultOptionBuilder minVectorSizeOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(MIN_VECTOR_SIZE).withRequired(false)
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(MIN_VECTOR_SIZE).withDefault("5").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("Minimum size of vector to be hashed").withShortName("mvs");

     * Returns a default command line option for specifying the number of hash
     * functions to be used in MinHash clustering
    public static DefaultOptionBuilder numHashFunctionsOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS).withRequired(false)
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS).withDefault("10").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("Number of hash functions to be used").withShortName("nh");

     * Returns a default command line option for specifying the number of key
     * groups to be used in MinHash clustering
    public static DefaultOptionBuilder keyGroupsOption() {
        return new DefaultOptionBuilder().withLongName(KEY_GROUPS).withRequired(false)
                .withArgument(new ArgumentBuilder().withName(KEY_GROUPS).withDefault("2").withMinimum(1)
                .withDescription("Number of key groups to be used").withShortName("kg");