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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.mahout.clustering.lda.cvb;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.mahout.common.commandline.DefaultOptionCreator;


 * CVB Configuration utilities. This class encapsulates all parameters required to invoke
 * {@link CVB0Driver}. Parameter names and default values are also defined here.
public class CVBConfig {
    // parameter names
    public static final String INPUT_PATH_PARAM = DefaultOptionCreator.INPUT_OPTION;
    public static final String DICTIONARY_PATH_PARAM = "dictionary";
    public static final String DOC_TOPIC_PRIOR_PATH_PARAM = "doc_topic_prior_path";
    public static final String MODEL_TEMP_PATH_PARAM = "topic_model_temp_dir";
    public static final String OUTPUT_PATH_PARAM = DefaultOptionCreator.OUTPUT_OPTION;
    public static final String DOC_TOPIC_OUTPUT_PATH_PARAM = "doc_topic_output";
    public static final String NUM_TOPICS_PARAM = "num_topics";
    public static final String NUM_TERMS_PARAM = "num_terms";
    public static final String DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM = "doc_topic_smoothing";
    public static final String TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM = "term_topic_smoothing";
    public static final String MAX_ITERATIONS_PARAM = DefaultOptionCreator.MAX_ITERATIONS_OPTION;
    public static final String CONVERGENCE_DELTA_PARAM = DefaultOptionCreator.CONVERGENCE_DELTA_OPTION;
    public static final String ITERATION_BLOCK_SIZE_PARAM = "iteration_block_size";
    public static final String RANDOM_SEED_PARAM = "random_seed";
    public static final String TEST_SET_FRACTION_PARAM = "test_set_fraction";
    public static final String NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_PARAM = "num_train_threads";
    public static final String NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_PARAM = "num_update_threads";
    public static final String MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM = "max_doc_topic_iters";
    public static final String MODEL_WEIGHT_PARAM = "prev_iter_mult";
    public static final String NUM_REDUCE_TASKS_PARAM = "num_reduce_tasks";
    public static final String PERSIST_INTERMEDIATE_DOCTOPICS_PARAM = "persist_intermediate_doctopics";
    public static final String BACKFILL_PERPLEXITY_PARAM = "backfill_perplexity";
    public static final String ONLY_LABELED_DOCS_PARAM = "labeled_only";
    public static final String MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_PARAM = "min_rel_perplexity_diff";
    public static final String MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM = "max_inf_doc_topic_iters";

    // default values
    public static final float DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_DEFAULT = 1e-5f;
    public static final float TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_DEFAULT = 1e-5f;
    public static final int MAX_ITERATIONS_DEFAULT = 30;
    public static final int ITERATION_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT = 5;
    public static final float CONVERGENCE_DELTA_DEFAULT = 1e-5f;
    public static final long RANDOM_SEED_DEFAULT = 1234l;
    public static final float TEST_SET_FRACTION_DEFAULT = 1e-2f;
    public static final int NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_DEFAULT = 4;
    public static final int NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_DEFAULT = 1;
    public static final int MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_DEFAULT = 10;
    public static final int NUM_REDUCE_TASKS_DEFAULT = 1;
    public static final float MODEL_WEIGHT_DEFAULT = 1f;
    public static final float MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_DEFAULT = 1e-8f;
    public static final int MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_DEFAULT = 100;

    // TODO: sensible defaults and/or checks for validity
    private Path inputPath;
    private Path dictionaryPath;
    private Path docTopicPriorPath;
    private Path modelTempPath;
    private Path outputPath;
    private Path docTopicOutputPath;
    private int numTopics;
    private int numTerms;
    private float alpha = DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_DEFAULT;
    private float eta = TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_DEFAULT;
    private int maxIterations = MAX_ITERATIONS_DEFAULT;
    private int iterationBlockSize = ITERATION_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT;
    private float convergenceDelta = CONVERGENCE_DELTA_DEFAULT;
    private boolean persistDocTopics;
    private long randomSeed = RANDOM_SEED_DEFAULT;
    private float testFraction = TEST_SET_FRACTION_DEFAULT;
    private int numTrainThreads = NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_DEFAULT;
    private int numUpdateThreads = NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_DEFAULT;
    private int maxItersPerDoc = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_DEFAULT;
    private int numReduceTasks = NUM_REDUCE_TASKS_DEFAULT;
    private boolean backfillPerplexity;
    private boolean useOnlyLabeledDocs;
    private float modelWeight = MODEL_WEIGHT_DEFAULT;
    private float minRelPreplexityDiff = MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_DEFAULT;
    private int maxInferenceItersPerDoc = MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_DEFAULT;

    public boolean isUseOnlyLabeledDocs() {
        return useOnlyLabeledDocs;

    public CVBConfig setUseOnlyLabeledDocs(boolean useOnlyLabeledDocs) {
        this.useOnlyLabeledDocs = useOnlyLabeledDocs;
        return this;

    public Path getInputPath() {
        return inputPath;

    public CVBConfig setInputPath(Path inputPath) {
        this.inputPath = inputPath;
        return this;

    public Path getDictionaryPath() {
        return dictionaryPath;

    public CVBConfig setDictionaryPath(Path dictionaryPath) {
        this.dictionaryPath = dictionaryPath;
        return this;

    public Path getDocTopicPriorPath() {
        return docTopicPriorPath;

    public CVBConfig setDocTopicPriorPath(Path docTopicPriorPath) {
        this.docTopicPriorPath = docTopicPriorPath;
        return this;

    public Path getModelTempPath() {
        return modelTempPath;

    public CVBConfig setModelTempPath(Path modelTempPath) {
        this.modelTempPath = modelTempPath;
        return this;

    public Path getOutputPath() {
        return outputPath;

    public CVBConfig setOutputPath(Path outputPath) {
        this.outputPath = outputPath;
        return this;

    public Path getDocTopicOutputPath() {
        return docTopicOutputPath;

     * @param docTopicOutputPath path for doc-topic distributions. If set, once the model is trained a
     * final inference job will be executed to produce p(topic|doc) estimates for input documents.
     * Defaults to {@code null}.
     * @return this.
    public CVBConfig setDocTopicOutputPath(Path docTopicOutputPath) {
        this.docTopicOutputPath = docTopicOutputPath;
        return this;

    public int getNumTopics() {
        return numTopics;

    public CVBConfig setNumTopics(int numTopics) {
        this.numTopics = numTopics;
        return this;

    public int getNumTerms() {
        return numTerms;

    public CVBConfig setNumTerms(int numTerms) {
        this.numTerms = numTerms;
        return this;

    public float getAlpha() {
        return alpha;

    public CVBConfig setAlpha(float alpha) {
        this.alpha = alpha;
        return this;

    public float getEta() {
        return eta;

    public CVBConfig setEta(float eta) {
        this.eta = eta;
        return this;

    public int getMaxIterations() {
        return maxIterations;

    public CVBConfig setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) {
        this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
        return this;

    public int getIterationBlockSize() {
        return iterationBlockSize;

    public CVBConfig setIterationBlockSize(int iterationBlockSize) {
        this.iterationBlockSize = iterationBlockSize;
        return this;

    public float getConvergenceDelta() {
        return convergenceDelta;

    public CVBConfig setConvergenceDelta(float convergenceDelta) {
        this.convergenceDelta = convergenceDelta;
        return this;

    public boolean isPersistDocTopics() {
        return persistDocTopics;

    public CVBConfig setPersistDocTopics(boolean persistDocTopics) {
        this.persistDocTopics = persistDocTopics;
        return this;

    public long getRandomSeed() {
        return randomSeed;

    public CVBConfig setRandomSeed(long randomSeed) {
        this.randomSeed = randomSeed;
        return this;

    public float getTestFraction() {
        return testFraction;

    public CVBConfig setTestFraction(float testFraction) {
        this.testFraction = testFraction;
        return this;

    public int getNumTrainThreads() {
        return numTrainThreads;

    public CVBConfig setNumTrainThreads(int numTrainThreads) {
        this.numTrainThreads = numTrainThreads;
        return this;

    public int getNumUpdateThreads() {
        return numUpdateThreads;

    public CVBConfig setNumUpdateThreads(int numUpdateThreads) {
        this.numUpdateThreads = numUpdateThreads;
        return this;

    public int getMaxItersPerDoc() {
        return maxItersPerDoc;

    public CVBConfig setMaxItersPerDoc(int maxItersPerDoc) {
        this.maxItersPerDoc = maxItersPerDoc;
        return this;

    public int getNumReduceTasks() {
        return numReduceTasks;

    public CVBConfig setNumReduceTasks(int numReduceTasks) {
        this.numReduceTasks = numReduceTasks;
        return this;

    public boolean isBackfillPerplexity() {
        return backfillPerplexity;

    public CVBConfig setBackfillPerplexity(boolean backfillPerplexity) {
        this.backfillPerplexity = backfillPerplexity;
        return this;

    public float getModelWeight() {
        return modelWeight;

    public CVBConfig setModelWeight(float modelWeight) {
        this.modelWeight = modelWeight;
        return this;

    public float getMinRelPreplexityDiff() {
        return minRelPreplexityDiff;

    public CVBConfig setMinRelPreplexityDiff(float minRelPreplexityDiff) {
        this.minRelPreplexityDiff = minRelPreplexityDiff;
        return this;

    public int getMaxInferenceItersPerDoc() {
        return maxInferenceItersPerDoc;

    public CVBConfig setMaxInferenceItersPerDoc(int maxInferenceItersPerDoc) {
        this.maxInferenceItersPerDoc = maxInferenceItersPerDoc;
        return this;

    public void write(Configuration conf) {
        conf.setInt(NUM_TOPICS_PARAM, numTopics);
        conf.setInt(NUM_TERMS_PARAM, numTerms);
        conf.setFloat(DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, alpha);
        conf.setFloat(TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, eta);
        conf.setLong(RANDOM_SEED_PARAM, randomSeed);
        conf.setFloat(TEST_SET_FRACTION_PARAM, testFraction);
        conf.setInt(NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_PARAM, numTrainThreads);
        conf.setInt(NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_PARAM, numUpdateThreads);
        conf.setInt(MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, maxItersPerDoc);
        conf.setFloat(MODEL_WEIGHT_PARAM, modelWeight);
        conf.setBoolean(ONLY_LABELED_DOCS_PARAM, useOnlyLabeledDocs);
        conf.setFloat(MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_PARAM, minRelPreplexityDiff);
        conf.setInt(MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, maxInferenceItersPerDoc);

    public CVBConfig read(Configuration conf) {
        setNumTopics(conf.getInt(NUM_TOPICS_PARAM, 0));
        setNumTerms(conf.getInt(NUM_TERMS_PARAM, 0));
        setAlpha(conf.getFloat(DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, 0));
        setEta(conf.getFloat(TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, 0));
        setRandomSeed(conf.getLong(RANDOM_SEED_PARAM, 0));
        setTestFraction(conf.getFloat(TEST_SET_FRACTION_PARAM, 0));
        setNumTrainThreads(conf.getInt(NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_PARAM, 0));
        setNumUpdateThreads(conf.getInt(NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_PARAM, 0));
        setMaxItersPerDoc(conf.getInt(MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, 0));
        setModelWeight(conf.getFloat(MODEL_WEIGHT_PARAM, 0));
        setUseOnlyLabeledDocs(conf.getBoolean(ONLY_LABELED_DOCS_PARAM, false));
        setMinRelPreplexityDiff(conf.getFloat(MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_PARAM, -1));
        setMaxInferenceItersPerDoc(conf.getInt(MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, 0));
        return this;

    public void check() {
        checkPositive(NUM_TOPICS_PARAM, numTopics);
        checkPositive(NUM_TERMS_PARAM, numTerms);
        checkGreater(NUM_TERMS_PARAM, numTerms, numTopics);
        checkPositive(DOC_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, alpha);
        checkPositive(TERM_TOPIC_SMOOTHING_PARAM, eta);
        checkPositive(RANDOM_SEED_PARAM, randomSeed);
        checkPositive(TEST_SET_FRACTION_PARAM, testFraction);
        checkPositive(NUM_TRAIN_THREADS_PARAM, numTrainThreads);
        checkPositive(NUM_UPDATE_THREADS_PARAM, numUpdateThreads);
        checkPositive(MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, maxItersPerDoc);
        checkGreaterOrEqual(MODEL_WEIGHT_PARAM, modelWeight, 1);
        checkGreaterOrEqual(MIN_RELATIVE_PERPLEXITY_DIFF_PARAM, minRelPreplexityDiff, 0);
        checkPositive(MAX_INFERENCE_ITERATIONS_PER_DOC_PARAM, maxInferenceItersPerDoc);

    protected void checkGreater(String param, Number value, Number threshold) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(value.doubleValue() > threshold.doubleValue(), "Expecting %s > %d but found %s",
                param, threshold, value);

    protected void checkGreaterOrEqual(String param, Number value, Number threshold) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(value.doubleValue() >= threshold.doubleValue(),
                "Expecting %s >= %d but found %s", param, threshold, value);

    protected void checkPositive(String param, Number value) {
        checkGreater(param, value, 0);