Java tutorial
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mahout.classifier.sequencelearning.hmm.hadoop; import*; import org.apache.commons.cli2.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli2.Group; import org.apache.commons.cli2.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionException; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.ArgumentBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.GroupBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.commandline.Parser; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.SequenceFileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.mahout.classifier.sequencelearning.hmm.HmmModel; import org.apache.mahout.common.AbstractJob; import org.apache.mahout.common.CommandLineUtil; import org.apache.mahout.common.HadoopUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Main class for launching iterative BaumWelch MapReduce training. * Baum-Welch, like K-Means is an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm which tries to estimate * model's parameters using maximum likelihood criterion, * <p/> * As shown by Andrew Ng et. al, EM algorithms fit nicely into the MapReduce framework. * <p/> * The training splits evenly between the mappers and reducers, with combiners reducing the network traffic. */ public class BaumWelchDriver extends AbstractJob { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaumWelchDriver.class); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Configuration(), new BaumWelchDriver(), args); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { DefaultOptionBuilder optionBuilder = new DefaultOptionBuilder(); ArgumentBuilder argumentBuilder = new ArgumentBuilder(); Option inputOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("input") .withDescription("Sequence file containing VectorWritables as training sequence").withShortName("i") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("path").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option outputOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("output") .withDescription("Output path to store the trained model encoded as Sequence Files") .withShortName("o") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("path").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option modelOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("model") .withDescription("Initial HmmModel encoded as a Sequence File. " + "Will be constructed with a random distribution if the 'buildRandom' option is set to true.") .withShortName("im") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("path").create()) .withRequired(false).create(); Option hiddenStateMapPath = optionBuilder.withLongName("hiddenStateToIDMap") .withDescription("Hidden states to ID map path.").withShortName("hmap") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("path").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option emitStateMapPath = optionBuilder.withLongName("emittedStateToIDMap") .withDescription("Emitted states to ID map path.").withShortName("smap") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("path").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option randomOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("buildRandom") .withDescription( "Optional argument to generate a random initial HmmModel and store it in 'model' directory") .withShortName("r") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("boolean").create()) .withRequired(false).create(); Option scalingOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("Scaling") .withDescription("Optional argument to invoke scaled training").withShortName("l") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("string").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option stateNumberOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("nrOfHiddenStates") .withDescription("Number of hidden states").withShortName("nh") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("number").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option observedStateNumberOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("nrOfObservedStates") .withDescription("Number of observed states").withShortName("no") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("number").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option epsilonOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("epsilon").withDescription("Convergence threshold") .withShortName("e") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("number").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Option iterationsOption = optionBuilder.withLongName("maxIterations") .withDescription("Maximum iterations number").withShortName("m") .withArgument(argumentBuilder.withMaximum(1).withMinimum(1).withName("number").create()) .withRequired(true).create(); Group optionGroup = new GroupBuilder().withOption(inputOption).withOption(outputOption) .withOption(modelOption).withOption(hiddenStateMapPath).withOption(emitStateMapPath) .withOption(randomOption).withOption(scalingOption).withOption(stateNumberOption) .withOption(observedStateNumberOption).withOption(epsilonOption).withOption(iterationsOption) .withName("Options").create(); try { Parser parser = new Parser(); parser.setGroup(optionGroup); CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(args); String input = (String) commandLine.getValue(inputOption); String output = (String) commandLine.getValue(outputOption); String modelIn = (String) commandLine.getValue(modelOption); String hiddenStateToIdMap = (String) commandLine.getValue(hiddenStateMapPath); String emittedStateToIdMap = (String) commandLine.getValue(emitStateMapPath); Boolean buildRandom = commandLine.hasOption(randomOption); String scaling = (String) commandLine.getValue(scalingOption); int numHidden = Integer.parseInt((String) commandLine.getValue(stateNumberOption)); int numObserved = Integer.parseInt((String) commandLine.getValue(observedStateNumberOption)); double convergenceDelta = Double.parseDouble((String) commandLine.getValue(epsilonOption)); int maxIterations = Integer.parseInt((String) commandLine.getValue(iterationsOption)); if (getConf() == null) { setConf(new Configuration()); } if (buildRandom) { BaumWelchUtils.buildRandomModel(numHidden, numObserved, new Path(modelIn), getConf()); } run(getConf(), new Path(input), new Path(modelIn), new Path(output), new Path(hiddenStateToIdMap), new Path(emittedStateToIdMap), numHidden, numObserved, convergenceDelta, scaling, maxIterations); } catch (OptionException e) { CommandLineUtil.printHelp(optionGroup); } return 0; } /** * Run the Baum-Welch Map Reduce algorithm using the supplied arguments * * @param conf the Configuration to use * @param input the Path to the directory containing input observed sequences * @param modelIn the Path to the HmmModel stored as a SequenceFile * @param output the Path to the output directory * @param hiddenStateToIdMap the Path to the map of hidden states to ids * @param emittedStateToIdMap the Path to the map of emitted states to ids * @param numHidden the number of Hidden states * @param numObserved the number of Observed states * @param convergenceDelta the convergence delta value * @param scaling use the log scaled version if set to true * @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedIOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static void run(Configuration conf, Path input, Path modelIn, Path output, Path hiddenStateToIdMap, Path emittedStateToIdMap, int numHidden, int numObserved, double convergenceDelta, String scaling, int maxIterations) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { //iterate until the model converges or until maxIterations String delta = Double.toString(convergenceDelta); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Input: {} Model In: {} Out: {}", new Object[] { input, modelIn, output });"convergence: {} max Iterations: {}", new Object[] { convergenceDelta, maxIterations }); } Path modelOut = runBaumWelchMR(conf, input, modelIn, output, hiddenStateToIdMap, emittedStateToIdMap, numHidden, numObserved, delta, scaling, maxIterations); } /** * Run the Baum-Welch Map Reduce algorithm using the supplied arguments * * @param conf the Configuration to use * @param input the Path to the directory containing input observed sequences * @param modelIn the Path to the HmmModel stored as a SequenceFile * @param output the Path to the output directory * @param hiddenStateToIdMap the Path to the map of hidden states to ids * @param emittedStateToIdMap the Path to the map of emitted states to ids * @param numHidden the number of Hidden states * @param numObserved the number of Observed states * @param delta the convergence delta value * @param scaling use the log scaled variant if set to true * @param maxIterations the maximum number of iterations * @return the path to the output model directory * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedIOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static Path runBaumWelchMR(Configuration conf, Path input, Path modelIn, Path output, Path hiddenStateToIdMap, Path emittedStateToIdMap, int numHidden, int numObserved, String delta, String scaling, int maxIterations) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { boolean converged = false; int iteration = 1; while (!converged && iteration <= maxIterations) {"Baum-Welch MR Iteration " + iteration); // point the output to a new directory per iteration Path modelOut = new Path(output, "model-" + iteration); converged = runIteration(conf, input, modelIn, modelOut, hiddenStateToIdMap, emittedStateToIdMap, numHidden, numObserved, scaling, delta); modelIn = modelOut; iteration++; } return new Path(output.toString() + "/model-" + --iteration); } /** * Run one iteration of the Baum-Welch Map Reduce algorithm using the supplied arguments * * @param conf the Configuration to use * @param input the Path to the directory containing input * @param modelIn the Path to the HmmModel * @param modelOut the Path to the output directory * @param hiddenStateToIdMap the Path to the map of hidden states to ids * @param emittedStateToIdMap the Path to the map of emitted states to ids * @param numHidden the number of Hidden states * @param numObserved the number of Observed states * @param scaling name of the scaling method * @param delta the convergence delta value * @return true or false depending on convergence check */ private static boolean runIteration(Configuration conf, Path input, Path modelIn, Path modelOut, Path hiddenStateToIdMap, Path emittedStateToIdMap, int numHidden, int numObserved, String scaling, String delta) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.EMITTED_STATES_MAP_PATH, emittedStateToIdMap.toString()); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.HIDDEN_STATES_MAP_PATH, hiddenStateToIdMap.toString()); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.SCALING_OPTION_KEY, scaling); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.MODEL_PATH_KEY, modelIn.toString()); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.NUMBER_OF_HIDDEN_STATES_KEY, ((Integer) numHidden).toString()); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.NUMBER_OF_EMITTED_STATES_KEY, ((Integer) numObserved).toString()); conf.set(BaumWelchConfigKeys.MODEL_CONVERGENCE_KEY, delta); Job job = new Job(conf, "Baum-Welch Driver running runIteration over modelIn: " + conf.get(BaumWelchConfigKeys.MODEL_PATH_KEY)); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(MapWritable.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(MapWritable.class); job.setInputFormatClass(SequenceFileInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormatClass(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); job.setMapperClass(BaumWelchMapper.class); job.setCombinerClass(BaumWelchCombiner.class); job.setReducerClass(BaumWelchReducer.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, input); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, modelOut); job.setJarByClass(BaumWelchDriver.class); HadoopUtil.delete(conf, modelOut); if (!job.waitForCompletion(true)) { throw new InterruptedException("Baum-Welch Iteration failed processing " + modelIn); } return isConverged(modelIn, modelOut, numHidden, numObserved, conf); } /** * Check for convergence of two Hmm models * * @param modelIn the Path to the HmmModel * @param modelOut the Path to the output directory * @param numHidden the number of Hidden states * @param numObserved the number of Observed states * @param conf the Configuration to use * @return true if converged, false otherwise */ private static boolean isConverged(Path modelIn, Path modelOut, int numHidden, int numObserved, Configuration conf) throws IOException {"-----------Checking Convergence----------"); HmmModel previousModel = BaumWelchUtils.createHmmModel(numHidden, numObserved, modelIn, conf); if (previousModel == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("HmmModel from previous iteration is empty!"); } HmmModel newModel = BaumWelchUtils.createHmmModel(numHidden, numObserved, modelOut, conf); if (newModel == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("HmmModel from current iteration is empty!"); } return BaumWelchUtils.checkConvergence(previousModel, newModel, Double.parseDouble(conf.get(BaumWelchConfigKeys.MODEL_CONVERGENCE_KEY))); } }