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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.List;

import org.apache.mahout.common.LongPair;

 * <p>
 * Interface implemented by "item-based" recommenders.
 * </p>
public interface ItemBasedRecommender extends Recommender {

     * @param itemID
     *          ID of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find
     * @return items most similar to the given item, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long itemID, int howMany) throws TasteException;

     * @param itemID
     *          ID of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find
     * @param rescorer
     *          {@link Rescorer} which can adjust item-item similarity estimates used to determine most similar
     *          items
     * @return itemss most similar to the given item, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long itemID, int howMany, Rescorer<LongPair> rescorer)
            throws TasteException;

     * @param itemIDs
     *          IDs of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find estimates used to determine most similar items
     * @return items most similar to the given items, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long[] itemIDs, int howMany) throws TasteException;

     * @param itemIDs
     *          IDs of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find
     * @param rescorer
     *          {@link Rescorer} which can adjust item-item similarity estimates used to determine most similar
     *          items
     * @return items most similar to the given items, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long[] itemIDs, int howMany, Rescorer<LongPair> rescorer)
            throws TasteException;

     * @param itemIDs
     *          IDs of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find
     * @param excludeItemIfNotSimilarToAll
     *          exclude an item if it is not similar to each of the input items
     * @return items most similar to the given items, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long[] itemIDs, int howMany, boolean excludeItemIfNotSimilarToAll)
            throws TasteException;

     * @param itemIDs
     *          IDs of item for which to find most similar other items
     * @param howMany
     *          desired number of most similar items to find
     * @param rescorer
     *          {@link Rescorer} which can adjust item-item similarity estimates used to determine most similar
     *          items
     * @param excludeItemIfNotSimilarToAll
     *          exclude an item if it is not similar to each of the input items
     * @return items most similar to the given items, ordered from most similar to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> mostSimilarItems(long[] itemIDs, int howMany, Rescorer<LongPair> rescorer,
            boolean excludeItemIfNotSimilarToAll) throws TasteException;

     * <p>
     * Lists the items that were most influential in recommending a given item to a given user. Exactly how this
     * is determined is left to the implementation, but, generally this will return items that the user prefers
     * and that are similar to the given item.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This returns a {@link List} of {@link RecommendedItem} which is a little misleading since it's returning
     * recommend<strong>ing</strong> items, but, I thought it more natural to just reuse this class since it
     * encapsulates an item and value. The value here does not necessarily have a consistent interpretation or
     * expected range; it will be higher the more influential the item was in the recommendation.
     * </p>
     * @param userID
     *          ID of user who was recommended the item
     * @param itemID
     *          ID of item that was recommended
     * @param howMany
     *          maximum number of items to return
     * @return {@link List} of {@link RecommendedItem}, ordered from most influential in recommended the given
     *         item to least
     * @throws TasteException
     *           if an error occurs while accessing the {@link}
    List<RecommendedItem> recommendedBecause(long userID, long itemID, int howMany) throws TasteException;
