Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.SingleTokenTokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryNode.NTypes; import; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchHandler; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.schema.FieldType; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.apache.solr.parser.QueryParser; public class PreAnalyzedQueryParser extends QParser { protected final IndexSchema schema; SolrQueryRequest req; /*** * Class Constructor * * @param qstr * @param localParams * @param params * @param req */ public PreAnalyzedQueryParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams, SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) { super(qstr, localParams, params, req); this.schema = this.getReq().getSchema(); this.req = req; } /*** * Transform a single token into its corresponding escaped JSON representation, * i.e. test => \{\"v\"\:\"1\"\,\"tokens\"\:\[\{\"t\"\:\"test\"\}\]\} * * @param term * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String transformTermToJSON(String term) { JSONObject jsonPreAnalizedField = new JSONObject(); jsonPreAnalizedField.put("v", "1"); JSONArray tokensArr = new JSONArray(); JSONObject tokenInfo = new JSONObject(); tokenInfo.put("t", term.toLowerCase()); tokensArr.add(tokenInfo); jsonPreAnalizedField.put("tokens", tokensArr); String qEscJSON = jsonPreAnalizedField.toJSONString().replace("{", "\\{").replace("[", "\\[") .replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("}", "\\}").replace("]", "\\]").replace(":", "\\:") .replace(",", "\\,"); return qEscJSON.toString(); } /*** * Transform a phrase term into its corresponding escaped JSON representation, * i.e. "early pionner" => {\"v\"\:\"1\",\"tokens\"\:[{\"t\"\:\"early\"},{\"t\"\:\"pioneer\"}]} * * @param phrase * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String transformTermToJSONArray(String phrase) { String[] terms = phrase.split(" "); JSONObject jsonPreAnalizedField = new JSONObject(); jsonPreAnalizedField.put("v", "1"); JSONArray tokensArr = new JSONArray(); for (String term : terms) { JSONObject tokenInfo = new JSONObject(); tokenInfo.put("t", term.toLowerCase()); tokensArr.add(tokenInfo); } jsonPreAnalizedField.put("tokens", tokensArr); String qEscJSON = jsonPreAnalizedField.toJSONString().replace("\"", "\\\"").replace(":", "\\:"); return qEscJSON.toString(); } /*** * Main entry that parses the "q" parameter value from every query, * overwrites the parse method from the Solr Query Class. * */ @Override public Query parse() throws SyntaxError { // Get list of params from request NamedList<Object> requestParams = this.params.toNamedList(); // Getting q param value from request String qryJO = requestParams.get("q").toString(); String finalQry = ""; if (requestParams.get("queryProcessing") == null) { // Get debug parameter from request Boolean debugQuery = Boolean.valueOf(params.get("debugQuery")); if (debugQuery == null) { debugQuery = false; } // Get lemma exp global param Boolean lemmaExp = Boolean.valueOf(params.get("lemma")); if (lemmaExp == null) { lemmaExp = false; } // Get synonym exp global param Boolean synExp = Boolean.valueOf(params.get("syn")); if (synExp == null) { synExp = false; } // Get accent removal global param Boolean accRem = Boolean.valueOf(params.get("accRem")); if (accRem == null) { accRem = false; } // Get language for the query terms, default to english String lang = params.get("language"); if (lang == null) { lang = "en"; } // Special param for lemmatizer testing Boolean showLemmas = params.getBool("showLemmas"); // Store debug messages String debugMessage = "<![CDATA["; String[] transOut = new String[2]; if (!qryJO.equals("*:*")) { // validates all docs wildcard query transOut = transformParamValue(qryJO, debugQuery, lang, synExp, lemmaExp, accRem); finalQry = transOut[0]; } else { // all docs wildcard query scenario finalQry = "*:*"; } // Print final transformed query if (debugQuery) { debugMessage += transOut[1]; debugMessage += "After PreAnalyzed transformation->" + finalQry + "]]>"; System.out.println(debugMessage); } // Get fq params from request List<Object> allFQs = requestParams.getAll("fq"); requestParams.removeAll("fq"); // Iterate over all fq params and apply transformations (tokenization, lemmatization, JSON format) for (Object fqValue : allFQs) { if (fqValue instanceof String[]) { for (String val : (String[]) fqValue) { String newFQ = transformParamValue(val, false, lang, synExp, lemmaExp, accRem)[0]; requestParams.add("fq", newFQ); } } else { String newFQ = transformParamValue(fqValue.toString(), false, lang, synExp, lemmaExp, accRem)[0]; requestParams.add("fq", newFQ); } } if (debugQuery) { requestParams.add("queryParserDebugProcess", debugMessage); } requestParams.add("queryProcessing", "True"); requestParams.remove("q"); requestParams.add("q", finalQry); this.req.setParams(SolrParams.toSolrParams(requestParams)); } else { finalQry = requestParams.get("q").toString(); } // Redirect the transform query to Solr Query Class QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(schema.getDefaultLuceneMatchVersion(), params.get("df"), this); Query qry = qp.parse(finalQry); return qry; } public String[] transformParamValue(String qryJO, Boolean debugQuery, String lang, Boolean synExp, Boolean lemmaExp, Boolean accRem) { String[] out = new String[2]; String debugMsg = ""; // Move q value to list of query nodes ArrayList<QueryNode> qryL = toQueryList(qryJO, schema); if (debugQuery) { debugMsg += "NodeList->" + nodeListToString(qryL) + "<br/>"; } // Tokenize recognized term query nodes qryL = tokenizeChildNodes(qryL, lang); if (debugQuery) { debugMsg += "After tokenization->" + nodeListToString(qryL) + "<br/>"; } // Perfom synonyms expansion of term query nodes qryL = synonymExpandChildNodes(qryL, synExp); if (debugQuery) { debugMsg += "After Synonym expansion->" + nodeListToString(qryL) + "<br/>"; } // Perform lemmatization expansion of term query nodes qryL = lemmaExpandChildNodes(qryL, lemmaExp); if (debugQuery) { debugMsg += "After Lemmatization expansion->" + nodeListToString(qryL) + "<br/>"; } // Perform accent removal to term query nodes qryL = accentRemovalChildNodes(qryL, accRem); if (debugQuery) { debugMsg += "After Accent reduction->" + nodeListToString(qryL) + "<br/>"; } // Transform term query nodes to its corresponding JSON Pre-Analyzed format qryL = toJSONPreAnalyzedFormat(qryL); String finalQuery = nodeListToString(qryL); out[0] = finalQuery; if (debugQuery) { out[1] = debugMsg; } return out; } /*** * Prints the content of the list of query nodes. * @param nodeList * @return */ private String nodeListToString(ArrayList<QueryNode> nodeList) { String nodeListStr = ""; String nodeFieldName = ""; for (QueryNode qryNode : nodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM)) { if (qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { nodeListStr += nodeFieldName + ":"; } } if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.FIELD)) { nodeFieldName = qryNode.getData(); if (!qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { nodeListStr += nodeFieldName + ":"; } } if (qryNode.getIsPhrase()) { nodeListStr += "\"" + qryNode.getData() + "\"" + " "; } else if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.OPERATOR) && (qryNode.getData().equals("+")) || qryNode.getData().equals("-")) { nodeListStr += qryNode.getData(); } else if ((!qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.FIELD)) && !qryNode.getData().equals(":")) { nodeListStr += qryNode.getData() + " "; } } return nodeListStr.trim(); } /*** * Expands the term query nodes, if local parameter "syn" is set to true for the specified * field query, i.e. {!syn=true} pre_analyzed_j_2:pixima * And adds the expansions as new nodes to the query node list. * @param term * @return */ private ArrayList<String> expandSynonyms(String term) { ArrayList<String> synonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); TokenStream ts = PreAnalyzedQParserPlugin.synFactory .create(new SingleTokenTokenStream(new Token(term, 0, term.length()))); CharTermAttribute termAtt = null; try { while (ts.incrementToken()) { termAtt = ts.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); if (!termAtt.toString().equals(term)) { synonyms.add(termAtt.toString()); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return synonyms; } /*** * Remove accent characters from a token, usign the MappingCharFilterFactory * from Solr. * @param term * @return */ private String removeAccents(String term) { List<String> synonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); Reader ts = PreAnalyzedQParserPlugin.mapCharFactory.create(new StringReader(term)); StringBuilder actualBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { // Now consume the actual mapFilter, somewhat randomly: while (true) { int ch; ch =; if (ch == -1) { break; } actualBuilder.append((char) ch); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return actualBuilder.toString(); } /*** * Perform tokenization and term analysis using the Solr analyzers defined in the Schema. * @param langCode * @param rawContent * @return * */ private ArrayList<String> getTokensArrayUsingFieldTypes(String langCode, String rawContent) { ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(); Boolean isPhrase = false; if ((rawContent.trim().startsWith("\"")) && (rawContent.trim().endsWith("\""))) { isPhrase = true; } try { // Build Solr field type based on language and get the respective analyzer String fieldTypeName = "text_" + langCode; FieldType fType = schema.getFieldTypeByName(fieldTypeName); //Analyzer an = fType.getAnalyzer(); Analyzer an = fType.getQueryAnalyzer(); // Apply the analyzer to the content TokenStream ts = null; ts = an.tokenStream("", new StringReader(rawContent)); ts.reset(); CharTermAttribute term = (CharTermAttribute) ts.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); int termsCount = 0; while (ts.incrementToken()) { // For each detected token if ((termsCount == 0) && isPhrase) { tokens.add("\"" + term.toString()); // preserve initial quote } else { String tok = term.toString(); if (rawContent.contains(tok + "*")) {// preserve trailing wildcard operator tok += "*"; } if (rawContent.contains("*" + tok)) {// preserve leading wildcard operator tok = "*" + tok; } tokens.add(tok); } termsCount++; } if (isPhrase) { // Adding final quote to last term from phrase tokens.set(tokens.size() - 1, tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1) + "\""); } // Close token stream ts.end(); ts.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } return tokens; } /*** * Moves the q parameter value into a list of query nodes * @param str * @return */ public ArrayList<QueryNode> toQueryList(String str, IndexSchema schema) { // Regular expression for query elements recognition /*** * * Matches: * 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z * 1995-12-31T23:59:59.9Z * 1995-12-31T23:59:59.99Z * 1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z */ String dateTimeRegEx = "\"?(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(\\.\\d{1}(\\d{1})?(\\d{1})?)?Z\"?"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(dateTimeRegEx + "|[(]|[)]|[\\[]|[\\]]|[\\p{L}|\\p{Pc}|\\p{N}]+|\\p{S}+|[{]|[}]|[\"]|[\"]|[:]|[*]|[?]|[=]|[+]|[-]|."); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str); Boolean isOpenLocalParamText = false; Boolean isPhrase = false; String localParamText = ""; String tempTerm = ""; String tempPhrase = ""; Boolean isWildcardTerm = false; Boolean isPreAnalyzed = false; ArrayList<QueryNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); String previousToken = ""; // Iterate over the set of recognized elements from the regular expression defined above while (m.find()) { String node1 =; // if debug mode ON print each recognized element /*if (PreAnalyzedQParserPlugin.debugOn) { }*/ if (node1.equals("{")) { // Open bracket for local param section isOpenLocalParamText = true; } else if (node1.equals("}")) {// Close bracket for local param section isOpenLocalParamText = false; } else if (node1.equals("(") || node1.equals("[")) {// Open parenthesis, add it to the list of nodes nodeList.add(new QueryNode(node1, NTypes.SYMBOL)); } else if (node1.equals("OR") || node1.equals("AND") || node1.equals("NOT") || node1.equals("+") || node1.equals("-") || (node1.equalsIgnoreCase("to") && !isPreAnalyzed)) {// Boolean operators if ((previousToken.trim().isEmpty()) && !isPhrase) { if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) {// If temporal term buffer not empty, create a node with this value and add it to the list of nodes QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempTerm.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempTerm = ""; //clean temporal term buffer } else if (!tempPhrase.isEmpty()) {// If temporal phrase buffer not empty, create a node with this value and add it to the list of nodes QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempPhrase.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); fieldNode.setIsPhrase(true); //set phrase flag to true nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempPhrase = ""; //clean temporal phrase buffer } nodeList.add(new QueryNode(node1, NTypes.OPERATOR)); // Add the operator to the list of query nodes } else { if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) { if (previousToken.trim().isEmpty()) { tempTerm = tempTerm + node1; } else { tempTerm = tempTerm.trim() + node1; } } else if (!tempPhrase.isEmpty()) { if (previousToken.trim().isEmpty()) { tempPhrase = tempPhrase + node1; } else { tempPhrase = tempPhrase.trim() + node1; } } } } else if (node1.equals(")") || node1.equals("]")) { // Close parenthesis, add it to the list of nodes if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) {// If temporal term buffer not empty, create a node with this value and add it to the list of nodes QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempTerm.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempTerm = ""; //clean temporal term buffer } else if (!tempPhrase.isEmpty()) { QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempPhrase.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); fieldNode.setIsPhrase(true); //set phrase flag to true nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempPhrase = ""; //clean temporal phrase buffer } nodeList.add(new QueryNode(node1, NTypes.SYMBOL)); // Add parenthesis to list of query nodes } else if (node1.equals(":") && !isPhrase) { // field name delimiter if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) { // If temporal term buffer not empty, create a node with this value and add it to the list of nodes as a FIELD type String fieldType = schema.getField(tempTerm.trim()).getType().getClassArg(); isPreAnalyzed = false; if (fieldType.contains("solr.PreAnalyzedField")) { isPreAnalyzed = true; } QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempTerm.trim(), NTypes.FIELD, isPreAnalyzed); if (!localParamText.isEmpty()) {// Add the local params if any fieldNode.setLocalParams(localParamText); } nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempTerm = ""; } nodeList.add(new QueryNode(node1, NTypes.SYMBOL)); // Add colon to list of query nodes } else if (node1.equals("*") || node1.equals("?") || // Other element like wildcard operators, accented characters and equals node1.equals("=") || node1.matches("\\p{S}")) { if (isOpenLocalParamText) { localParamText = localParamText.trim() + node1; // Keep adding to the local params buffer } else if (isPhrase) { tempPhrase += node1; } else { tempTerm += node1; // Keep adding to the term buffer } if ((node1.equals("*") || node1.equals("?")) && !isPhrase) { isWildcardTerm = true; } } else if (node1.trim().isEmpty()) { // Matches white spaces, help delimiting the scope of a wildcard operator to see if // is the end of a term or a part of it, in order to keep adding more element to the term buffer if (isWildcardTerm) { isWildcardTerm = false; } else if (isPhrase) { tempPhrase += node1; } else if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) { tempTerm += node1; } } else { // Any other recognized element, like words if (isOpenLocalParamText) { localParamText += node1 + " "; // Keep adding to the local params buffer } else if (node1.equals("\"")) { if (isPhrase) { isPhrase = false; tempPhrase = tempPhrase.trim(); // Keep adding to the phrase buffer } else { isPhrase = true; } } else { if (isPhrase) { tempPhrase += node1; // Keep adding to the phrase buffer } else { if ((tempTerm.trim().endsWith("*")) || // if term buffer ends with wildcard operators or accented characters (tempTerm.trim().endsWith("?")) || (tempTerm.trim().length() > 1)) { if (isWildcardTerm) { tempTerm = tempTerm.trim() + node1 + " "; // Keep adding to the term buffer, character should be part of term, not the end, i.e se?rch } else { tempTerm += node1; // Keep adding to the term buffer, character is the end of the term, i.e. sear* } } else { tempTerm += node1; // // Keep adding to the term buffer } } } } previousToken = node1; } if (!tempTerm.isEmpty()) { // If there's any term left on buffer, create a node and add it to the list QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempTerm.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempTerm = ""; } else if (!tempPhrase.isEmpty()) { // If there's any phrase left on buffer, create a node and add it to the list QueryNode fieldNode = new QueryNode(tempPhrase.trim(), NTypes.TERM, isPreAnalyzed); fieldNode.setIsPhrase(true); nodeList.add(fieldNode); tempPhrase = ""; } return nodeList; } /*** * Split the term query nodes into new nodes, depending on the output from the tokenization process * * @param langCode * @param rawContent * @return * */ public ArrayList<QueryNode> tokenizeChildNodes(ArrayList<QueryNode> qryNodeList, String langCode) { ArrayList<QueryNode> newQryNodeList = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); for (QueryNode qryNode : qryNodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM) && !qryNode.getIsPhrase() && qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { ArrayList<String> tokens = getTokensArrayUsingFieldTypes(langCode, qryNode.getData()); //Removing duplicates LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(); hs.addAll(tokens); tokens.clear(); tokens.addAll(hs); for (String token : tokens) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(token, NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } } else { newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } } return newQryNodeList; } public ArrayList<QueryNode> synonymExpandChildNodes(ArrayList<QueryNode> qryNodeList, Boolean synExp) { ArrayList<QueryNode> newQryNodeList = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); Boolean fieldClauseHasSynExp = false; for (QueryNode qryNode : qryNodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM) && !qryNode.getIsPhrase() && qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { if (fieldClauseHasSynExp) { ArrayList<String> synonyms = expandSynonyms(qryNode.getData()); //Removing duplicates LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(); hs.addAll(synonyms); synonyms.clear(); synonyms.addAll(hs); if (synonyms.size() > 0) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode("(", NTypes.SYMBOL)); } newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(qryNode.getData(), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); for (String syn : synonyms) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(syn, NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } if (synonyms.size() > 0) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(")", NTypes.SYMBOL)); } } else { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(qryNode.getData(), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } } else { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.FIELD)) { if (((qryNode.getLocalParams() != null) && (qryNode.getLocalParams().contains("syn=true"))) || synExp) { fieldClauseHasSynExp = true; } else { fieldClauseHasSynExp = false; } newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } else { newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } } } return newQryNodeList; } public ArrayList<QueryNode> lemmaExpandChildNodes(ArrayList<QueryNode> qryNodeList, Boolean lemmaExp) { ArrayList<QueryNode> newQryNodeList = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); Boolean fieldClauseHasLemmaExp = false; for (QueryNode qryNode : qryNodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM) && !qryNode.getIsPhrase() && qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { if (fieldClauseHasLemmaExp) { List<String> lemmas = PreAnalyzedQParserPlugin.lemmatizer.expand(qryNode.getData()); //Removing duplicates LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(); hs.addAll(lemmas); lemmas.clear(); lemmas.addAll(hs); if (lemmas.size() > 0) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode("(", NTypes.SYMBOL)); } newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(qryNode.getData(), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); for (String lemma : lemmas) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(lemma, NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } if (lemmas.size() > 0) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(")", NTypes.SYMBOL)); } } else { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(qryNode.getData(), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } } else { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.FIELD)) { if (((qryNode.getLocalParams() != null) && (qryNode.getLocalParams().contains("lemma=true"))) || lemmaExp) { fieldClauseHasLemmaExp = true; } else { fieldClauseHasLemmaExp = false; } newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } else { newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } } } return newQryNodeList; } public ArrayList<QueryNode> accentRemovalChildNodes(ArrayList<QueryNode> qryNodeList, Boolean accRem) { ArrayList<QueryNode> newQryNodeList = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); Boolean fieldClauseHasAccentRem = false; for (QueryNode qryNode : qryNodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM) && !qryNode.getIsPhrase() && qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { if (fieldClauseHasAccentRem) { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(removeAccents(qryNode.getData()), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } else { newQryNodeList.add(new QueryNode(qryNode.getData(), NTypes.TERM, qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed())); } } else { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.FIELD)) { if (((qryNode.getLocalParams() != null) && (qryNode.getLocalParams().contains("accRed=true"))) || accRem) { fieldClauseHasAccentRem = true; } else { fieldClauseHasAccentRem = false; } newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } else { newQryNodeList.add(qryNode); } } } return newQryNodeList; } public ArrayList<QueryNode> toJSONPreAnalyzedFormat(ArrayList<QueryNode> qryNodeList) { for (QueryNode qryNode : qryNodeList) { if (qryNode.getType().equals(NTypes.TERM)) { if (qryNode.getIsPreAnalyzed()) { if (qryNode.getIsPhrase()) { qryNode.setData(transformTermToJSONArray(qryNode.getData())); } else if (!(qryNode.getData().contains("*")) && !(qryNode.getData().contains("?"))) { qryNode.setData(transformTermToJSON(qryNode.getData())); } } } } return qryNodeList; } }