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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.analysis;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TermToBytesRefAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeFactory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CloseableThreadLocal;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;

 * An Analyzer builds TokenStreams, which analyze text.  It thus represents a
 * policy for extracting index terms from text.
 * <p>
 * In order to define what analysis is done, subclasses must define their
 * {@link TokenStreamComponents TokenStreamComponents} in {@link #createComponents(String)}.
 * The components are then reused in each call to {@link #tokenStream(String, Reader)}.
 * <p>
 * Simple example:
 * <pre class="prettyprint">
 * Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer() {
 *  {@literal @Override}
 *   protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
 *     Tokenizer source = new FooTokenizer(reader);
 *     TokenStream filter = new FooFilter(source);
 *     filter = new BarFilter(filter);
 *     return new TokenStreamComponents(source, filter);
 *   }
 *   {@literal @Override}
 *   protected TokenStream normalize(TokenStream in) {
 *     // Assuming FooFilter is about normalization and BarFilter is about
 *     // stemming, only FooFilter should be applied
 *     return new FooFilter(in);
 *   }
 * };
 * </pre>
 * For more examples, see the {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis Analysis package documentation}.
 * <p>
 * For some concrete implementations bundled with Lucene, look in the analysis modules:
 * <ul>
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-common/overview-summary.html">Common</a>:
 *       Analyzers for indexing content in different languages and domains.
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-icu/overview-summary.html">ICU</a>:
 *       Exposes functionality from ICU to Apache Lucene. 
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-kuromoji/overview-summary.html">Kuromoji</a>:
 *       Morphological analyzer for Japanese text.
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-morfologik/overview-summary.html">Morfologik</a>:
 *       Dictionary-driven lemmatization for the Polish language.
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-phonetic/overview-summary.html">Phonetic</a>:
 *       Analysis for indexing phonetic signatures (for sounds-alike search).
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-smartcn/overview-summary.html">Smart Chinese</a>:
 *       Analyzer for Simplified Chinese, which indexes words.
 *   <li><a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-stempel/overview-summary.html">Stempel</a>:
 *       Algorithmic Stemmer for the Polish Language.
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.1
public abstract class Analyzer implements Closeable {

    private final ReuseStrategy reuseStrategy;
    private Version version = Version.LATEST;

    // non final as it gets nulled if closed; pkg private for access by ReuseStrategy's final helper methods:
    CloseableThreadLocal<Object> storedValue = new CloseableThreadLocal<>();

     * Create a new Analyzer, reusing the same set of components per-thread
     * across calls to {@link #tokenStream(String, Reader)}. 
    public Analyzer() {

     * Expert: create a new Analyzer with a custom {@link ReuseStrategy}.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: if you just want to reuse on a per-field basis, it's easier to
     * use a subclass of {@link AnalyzerWrapper} such as 
     * <a href="{@docRoot}/../analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/miscellaneous/PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper.html">
     * PerFieldAnalyerWrapper</a> instead.
    public Analyzer(ReuseStrategy reuseStrategy) {
        this.reuseStrategy = reuseStrategy;

     * Creates a new {@link TokenStreamComponents} instance for this analyzer.
     * @param fieldName
     *          the name of the fields content passed to the
     *          {@link TokenStreamComponents} sink as a reader
     * @return the {@link TokenStreamComponents} for this analyzer.
    protected abstract TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName);

     * Wrap the given {@link TokenStream} in order to apply normalization filters.
     * The default implementation returns the {@link TokenStream} as-is. This is
     * used by {@link #normalize(String, String)}.
    protected TokenStream normalize(String fieldName, TokenStream in) {
        return in;

     * Returns a TokenStream suitable for <code>fieldName</code>, tokenizing
     * the contents of <code>reader</code>.
     * <p>
     * This method uses {@link #createComponents(String)} to obtain an
     * instance of {@link TokenStreamComponents}. It returns the sink of the
     * components and stores the components internally. Subsequent calls to this
     * method will reuse the previously stored components after resetting them
     * through {@link TokenStreamComponents#setReader(Reader)}.
     * <p>
     * <b>NOTE:</b> After calling this method, the consumer must follow the 
     * workflow described in {@link TokenStream} to properly consume its contents.
     * See the {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis Analysis package documentation} for
     * some examples demonstrating this.
     * <b>NOTE:</b> If your data is available as a {@code String}, use
     * {@link #tokenStream(String, String)} which reuses a {@code StringReader}-like
     * instance internally.
     * @param fieldName the name of the field the created TokenStream is used for
     * @param reader the reader the streams source reads from
     * @return TokenStream for iterating the analyzed content of <code>reader</code>
     * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
     * @see #tokenStream(String, String)
    public final TokenStream tokenStream(final String fieldName, final Reader reader) {
        TokenStreamComponents components = reuseStrategy.getReusableComponents(this, fieldName);
        final Reader r = initReader(fieldName, reader);
        if (components == null) {
            components = createComponents(fieldName);
            reuseStrategy.setReusableComponents(this, fieldName, components);
        return components.getTokenStream();

     * Returns a TokenStream suitable for <code>fieldName</code>, tokenizing
     * the contents of <code>text</code>.
     * <p>
     * This method uses {@link #createComponents(String)} to obtain an
     * instance of {@link TokenStreamComponents}. It returns the sink of the
     * components and stores the components internally. Subsequent calls to this
     * method will reuse the previously stored components after resetting them
     * through {@link TokenStreamComponents#setReader(Reader)}.
     * <p>
     * <b>NOTE:</b> After calling this method, the consumer must follow the 
     * workflow described in {@link TokenStream} to properly consume its contents.
     * See the {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis Analysis package documentation} for
     * some examples demonstrating this.
     * @param fieldName the name of the field the created TokenStream is used for
     * @param text the String the streams source reads from
     * @return TokenStream for iterating the analyzed content of <code>reader</code>
     * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
     * @see #tokenStream(String, Reader)
    public final TokenStream tokenStream(final String fieldName, final String text) {
        TokenStreamComponents components = reuseStrategy.getReusableComponents(this, fieldName);
        final ReusableStringReader strReader = (components == null || components.reusableStringReader == null)
                ? new ReusableStringReader()
                : components.reusableStringReader;
        final Reader r = initReader(fieldName, strReader);
        if (components == null) {
            components = createComponents(fieldName);
            reuseStrategy.setReusableComponents(this, fieldName, components);

        components.reusableStringReader = strReader;
        return components.getTokenStream();

     * Normalize a string down to the representation that it would have in the
     * index.
     * <p>
     * This is typically used by query parsers in order to generate a query on
     * a given term, without tokenizing or stemming, which are undesirable if
     * the string to analyze is a partial word (eg. in case of a wildcard or
     * fuzzy query).
     * <p>
     * This method uses {@link #initReaderForNormalization(String, Reader)} in
     * order to apply necessary character-level normalization and then
     * {@link #normalize(String, TokenStream)} in order to apply the normalizing
     * token filters.
    public final BytesRef normalize(final String fieldName, final String text) {
        try {
            // apply char filters
            final String filteredText;
            try (Reader reader = new StringReader(text)) {
                Reader filterReader = initReaderForNormalization(fieldName, reader);
                char[] buffer = new char[64];
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                for (;;) {
                    final int read =, 0, buffer.length);
                    if (read == -1) {
                    builder.append(buffer, 0, read);
                filteredText = builder.toString();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Normalization threw an unexpected exception", e);

            final AttributeFactory attributeFactory = attributeFactory(fieldName);
            try (TokenStream ts = normalize(fieldName,
                    new StringTokenStream(attributeFactory, filteredText, text.length()))) {
                final TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
                if (ts.incrementToken() == false) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("The normalization token stream is "
                            + "expected to produce exactly 1 token, but got 0 for analyzer " + this
                            + " and input \"" + text + "\"");
                final BytesRef term = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(termAtt.getBytesRef());
                if (ts.incrementToken()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("The normalization token stream is "
                            + "expected to produce exactly 1 token, but got 2+ for analyzer " + this
                            + " and input \"" + text + "\"");
                return term;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Normalization threw an unexpected exception", e);

     * Override this if you want to add a CharFilter chain.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns <code>reader</code>
     * unchanged.
     * @param fieldName IndexableField name being indexed
     * @param reader original Reader
     * @return reader, optionally decorated with CharFilter(s)
    protected Reader initReader(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
        return reader;

    /** Wrap the given {@link Reader} with {@link CharFilter}s that make sense
     *  for normalization. This is typically a subset of the {@link CharFilter}s
     *  that are applied in {@link #initReader(String, Reader)}. This is used by
     *  {@link #normalize(String, String)}. */
    protected Reader initReaderForNormalization(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
        return reader;

    /** Return the {@link AttributeFactory} to be used for
     *  {@link #tokenStream analysis} and
     *  {@link #normalize(String, String) normalization} on the given
     *  {@code FieldName}. The default implementation returns
     *  {@link TokenStream#DEFAULT_TOKEN_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY}. */
    protected AttributeFactory attributeFactory(String fieldName) {

     * Invoked before indexing a IndexableField instance if
     * terms have already been added to that field.  This allows custom
     * analyzers to place an automatic position increment gap between
     * IndexbleField instances using the same field name.  The default value
     * position increment gap is 0.  With a 0 position increment gap and
     * the typical default token position increment of 1, all terms in a field,
     * including across IndexableField instances, are in successive positions, allowing
     * exact PhraseQuery matches, for instance, across IndexableField instance boundaries.
     * @param fieldName IndexableField name being indexed.
     * @return position increment gap, added to the next token emitted from {@link #tokenStream(String,Reader)}.
     *         This value must be {@code >= 0}.
    public int getPositionIncrementGap(String fieldName) {
        return 0;

     * Just like {@link #getPositionIncrementGap}, except for
     * Token offsets instead.  By default this returns 1.
     * This method is only called if the field
     * produced at least one token for indexing.
     * @param fieldName the field just indexed
     * @return offset gap, added to the next token emitted from {@link #tokenStream(String,Reader)}.
     *         This value must be {@code >= 0}.
    public int getOffsetGap(String fieldName) {
        return 1;

     * Returns the used {@link ReuseStrategy}.
    public final ReuseStrategy getReuseStrategy() {
        return reuseStrategy;

     * Set the version of Lucene this analyzer should mimic the behavior for for analysis.
    public void setVersion(Version v) {
        version = v; // TODO: make write once?

     * Return the version of Lucene this analyzer will mimic the behavior of for analysis.
    public Version getVersion() {
        return version;

    /** Frees persistent resources used by this Analyzer */
    public void close() {
        if (storedValue != null) {
            storedValue = null;

     * This class encapsulates the outer components of a token stream. It provides
     * access to the source (a {@link Reader} {@link Consumer} and the outer end (sink), an
     * instance of {@link TokenFilter} which also serves as the
     * {@link TokenStream} returned by
     * {@link Analyzer#tokenStream(String, Reader)}.
    public static final class TokenStreamComponents {
         * Original source of the tokens.
        protected final Consumer<Reader> source;
         * Sink tokenstream, such as the outer tokenfilter decorating
         * the chain. This can be the source if there are no filters.
        protected final TokenStream sink;

        /** Internal cache only used by {@link Analyzer#tokenStream(String, String)}. */
        transient ReusableStringReader reusableStringReader;

         * Creates a new {@link TokenStreamComponents} instance.
         * @param source
         *          the source to set the reader on
         * @param result
         *          the analyzer's resulting token stream
        public TokenStreamComponents(final Consumer<Reader> source, final TokenStream result) {
            this.source = source;
            this.sink = result;

         * Creates a new {@link TokenStreamComponents} instance
         * @param tokenizer the analyzer's Tokenizer
         * @param result    the analyzer's resulting token stream
        public TokenStreamComponents(final Tokenizer tokenizer, final TokenStream result) {
            this(tokenizer::setReader, result);

         * Creates a new {@link TokenStreamComponents} from a Tokenizer
        public TokenStreamComponents(final Tokenizer tokenizer) {
            this(tokenizer::setReader, tokenizer);

         * Resets the encapsulated components with the given reader. If the components
         * cannot be reset, an Exception should be thrown.
         * @param reader
         *          a reader to reset the source component
        private void setReader(final Reader reader) {

         * Returns the sink {@link TokenStream}
         * @return the sink {@link TokenStream}
        public TokenStream getTokenStream() {
            return sink;

         * Returns the component's source
        public Consumer<Reader> getSource() {
            return source;

     * Strategy defining how TokenStreamComponents are reused per call to
     * {@link Analyzer#tokenStream(String,}.
    public static abstract class ReuseStrategy {

        /** Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.) */
        public ReuseStrategy() {

         * Gets the reusable TokenStreamComponents for the field with the given name.
         * @param analyzer Analyzer from which to get the reused components. Use
         *        {@link #getStoredValue(Analyzer)} and {@link #setStoredValue(Analyzer, Object)}
         *        to access the data on the Analyzer.
         * @param fieldName Name of the field whose reusable TokenStreamComponents
         *        are to be retrieved
         * @return Reusable TokenStreamComponents for the field, or {@code null}
         *         if there was no previous components for the field
        public abstract TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName);

         * Stores the given TokenStreamComponents as the reusable components for the
         * field with the give name.
         * @param fieldName Name of the field whose TokenStreamComponents are being set
         * @param components TokenStreamComponents which are to be reused for the field
        public abstract void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName,
                TokenStreamComponents components);

         * Returns the currently stored value.
         * @return Currently stored value or {@code null} if no value is stored
         * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
        protected final Object getStoredValue(Analyzer analyzer) {
            if (analyzer.storedValue == null) {
                throw new AlreadyClosedException("this Analyzer is closed");
            return analyzer.storedValue.get();

         * Sets the stored value.
         * @param storedValue Value to store
         * @throws AlreadyClosedException if the Analyzer is closed.
        protected final void setStoredValue(Analyzer analyzer, Object storedValue) {
            if (analyzer.storedValue == null) {
                throw new AlreadyClosedException("this Analyzer is closed");


     * A predefined {@link ReuseStrategy}  that reuses the same components for
     * every field.
    public static final ReuseStrategy GLOBAL_REUSE_STRATEGY = new ReuseStrategy() {

        public TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName) {
            return (TokenStreamComponents) getStoredValue(analyzer);

        public void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, TokenStreamComponents components) {
            setStoredValue(analyzer, components);

     * A predefined {@link ReuseStrategy} that reuses components per-field by
     * maintaining a Map of TokenStreamComponent per field name.
    public static final ReuseStrategy PER_FIELD_REUSE_STRATEGY = new ReuseStrategy() {

        public TokenStreamComponents getReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName) {
            Map<String, TokenStreamComponents> componentsPerField = (Map<String, TokenStreamComponents>) getStoredValue(
            return componentsPerField != null ? componentsPerField.get(fieldName) : null;

        public void setReusableComponents(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, TokenStreamComponents components) {
            Map<String, TokenStreamComponents> componentsPerField = (Map<String, TokenStreamComponents>) getStoredValue(
            if (componentsPerField == null) {
                componentsPerField = new HashMap<>();
                setStoredValue(analyzer, componentsPerField);
            componentsPerField.put(fieldName, components);

    private static final class StringTokenStream extends TokenStream {

        private final String value;
        private final int length;
        private boolean used = true;
        private final CharTermAttribute termAttribute = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
        private final OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute = addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);

        StringTokenStream(AttributeFactory attributeFactory, String value, int length) {
            this.value = value;
            this.length = length;

        public void reset() {
            used = false;

        public boolean incrementToken() {
            if (used) {
                return false;
            offsetAttribute.setOffset(0, length);
            used = true;
            return true;

        public void end() throws IOException {
            offsetAttribute.setOffset(length, length);