Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.lens.driver.jdbc; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.HQLParser; import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.TestQuery; import org.apache.lens.server.api.LensConfConstants; import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * The Class TestColumnarSQLRewriter. */ @Slf4j public class TestColumnarSQLRewriter { HiveConf hconf = new HiveConf(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ColumnarSQLRewriter qtest = new ColumnarSQLRewriter(); /** * Sets the of. * * @param args the args * @return the sets the */ private Set<String> setOf(String... args) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : args) { result.add(s.replaceAll("\\s+", "")); } return result; } /** * Sets the of. * * @param collection the collection * @return the sets the */ private Set<String> setOf(Collection<String> collection) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : collection) { result.add(s.replaceAll("\\s+", "")); } return result; } /** * Compare queries. * * @param expected the expected * @param actual the actual */ private void compareQueries(String actual, String expected) { assertEquals(new TestQuery(actual), new TestQuery(expected)); } /* * Star schema used for the queries below * * create table sales_fact (time_key integer, item_key integer, branch_key integer, location_key integer, * dollars_sold double, units_sold integer); * * create table time_dim ( time_key integer, day date); * * create table item_dim ( item_key integer, item_name varchar(500) ); * * create table branch_dim ( branch_key integer, branch_name varchar(100)); * * create table location_dim (location_key integer,location_name varchar(100)); */ /** * Creates the hive table. * * @param db the db * @param table the table * @param columns the columns * @throws Exception the exception */ void createHiveTable(String db, String table, List<FieldSchema> columns) throws Exception { Table tbl1 = new Table(db, table); tbl1.setFields(columns); Hive.get().createTable(tbl1); System.out.println("Created table : " + table); } /** * Setup. * * @throws Exception the exception */ @BeforeTest public void setup() throws Exception { conf.addResource("jdbcdriver-default.xml"); conf.addResource("drivers/jdbc/jdbc1/jdbcdriver-site.xml"); qtest.init(conf); hconf.addResource(conf); SessionState.start(hconf); List<FieldSchema> factColumns = new ArrayList<>(); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("item_key", "int", "")); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("branch_key", "int", "")); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("location_key", "int", "")); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("other_location_key", "int", "")); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("dollars_sold", "double", "")); factColumns.add(new FieldSchema("units_sold", "int", "")); List<FieldSchema> factPartColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); factPartColumns.add(new FieldSchema("time_key", "int", "")); List<FieldSchema> timedimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); timedimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("time_key", "int", "")); timedimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("day", "date", "")); List<FieldSchema> itemdimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); itemdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("item_key", "int", "")); itemdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("item_name", "string", "")); List<FieldSchema> branchdimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); branchdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("branch_key", "int", "")); branchdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("branch_name", "string", "")); List<FieldSchema> locationdimColumns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); locationdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("location_key", "int", "")); locationdimColumns.add(new FieldSchema("location_name", "string", "")); try { createHiveTable("default", "sales_fact", factColumns); createHiveTable("default", "time_dim", timedimColumns); createHiveTable("default", "item_dim", itemdimColumns); createHiveTable("default", "branch_dim", branchdimColumns); createHiveTable("default", "location_dim", locationdimColumns); } catch (HiveException e) { log.error("Encountered hive exception.", e); } } /** * Clean. * * @throws HiveException the hive exception */ @AfterTest public void clean() throws HiveException { try { Hive.get().dropTable("default.sales_fact"); Hive.get().dropTable("default.time_dim"); Hive.get().dropTable("default.item_dim"); Hive.get().dropTable("default.branch_dim"); Hive.get().dropTable("default.location_dim"); } catch (HiveException e) { log.error("Encountered hive exception", e); } } /** * Test no rewrite. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test // Testing multiple queries in one instance public void testNoRewrite() throws LensException { String query = "select count(distinct id) from location_dim"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select count( distinct id ) from location_dim "; compareQueries(actual, expected); String query2 = "select count(distinct id) from location_dim location_dim"; String actual2 = qtest.rewrite(query2, conf, hconf); String expected2 = "select count( distinct id ) from location_dim location_dim___location_dim"; compareQueries(expected2, actual2); String query3 = "select count(distinct from db.location_dim location_dim"; String actual3 = qtest.rewrite(query3, conf, hconf); String expected3 = "select count( distinct ( location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim . id )) " + "from db.location_dim location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim"; compareQueries(expected3, actual3); String query4 = "select count(distinct from db.location_dim location_dim " + "left outer join db.item_dim item_dim on = " + "right outer join time_dim time_dim on = "; String actual4 = qtest.rewrite(query4, conf, hconf); String expected4 = "select count( distinct ( location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim . id )) " + "from db.location_dim location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim left outer join (select id from db.item_dim) " + "item_dim__db_item_dim_item_dim on (( location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim . id ) = " + "( item_dim__db_item_dim_item_dim . id )) right outer join (select id from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( location_dim__db_location_dim_location_dim . id ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . id ))"; compareQueries(expected4, actual4); } @Test public void testPushDownFilterWithCommonDim() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key, time_dim.day_of_week, location_dim_a.location_name, " + "other_location_dim.location_name, sum(fact.dollars_sold) from sales_fact fact inner join " + "time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key inner join location_dim location_dim_a " + "on fact.location_key = location_dim_a.location_key inner join location_dim other_location_dim " + "on fact.other_location_key = other_location_dim.location_key where time_dim.time_key " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' and location_dim_a.location_key = 'some-loc' " + "group by fact.time_key, location_dim_a.location_key, other_location_dim.location_key"; qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "sales_fact___fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim " + "where (time_dim.time_key) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key from " + "location_dim where ((location_dim.location_key) = 'some-loc') ) and "; Assert.assertEquals(qtest.allSubQueries.toString().trim(), expected.trim()); } /** * Test join cond. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testJoinCond() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String rwq = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "inner join (select time_key, day_of_week, day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim " + "on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join (select location_key, location_name from location_dim) " + "location_dim___location_dim on " + "((( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) " + "and (( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' ))"; String actual = qtest.joinCondition.toString(); compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test all filter cond. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testAllFilterCond() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String rwq = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "[(( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = " + "'test123' ), , , ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + ", , ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ]"; String actual = qtest.rightFilter.toString(); compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test all agg column. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testAllAggColumn() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold, " + "sum(fact.units_sold),avg(fact.dollars_sold),min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold)" + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String rwq = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String actual = qtest.aggColumn.toString(); String expected = "[sum((sales_fact___fact.dollars_sold)) as alias1, " + "sum((sales_fact___fact.dollars_sold)) as alias2, " + "sum((sales_fact___fact.units_sold)) as alias3, " + "avg((sales_fact___fact.dollars_sold)) as alias4, min((sales_fact___fact.dollars_sold)) " + "as alias5, max((sales_fact___fact.dollars_sold)) as alias6]"; Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } /** * Test all fact keys. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testAllFactKeys() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key, " + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold, " + "sum(fact.units_sold),avg(fact.dollars_sold),min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold)" + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String rwq = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "sales_fact___fact.time_key,sales_fact___fact.location_key,sales_fact___fact.item_key,"; String actual = qtest.factKeys.toString(); compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test fact sub queries. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testFactSubQueries() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key, " + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold, " + "sum(fact.units_sold),avg(fact.dollars_sold),min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold)" + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String rwq = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "sales_fact___fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where " + "( time_dim. time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and sales_fact___fact.location_key in " + "( select location_dim .location_key from location_dim " + "where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) " + "and sales_fact___fact.item_key in ( select item_dim .item_key from " + "item_dim where (( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) and"; String actual = qtest.allSubQueries.toString(); compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test rewritten query. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testRewrittenQuery() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, weekofyear(, to_date(,item_dim.item_key, " + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold, " + "format_number(sum(fact.units_sold),4),format_number(avg(fact.dollars_sold),'##################.###')," + "min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold)" + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between date_add('2013-01-01', 1) and date_sub('2013-01-31',3) " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "week(( time_dim___time_dim . day )), " + "date((time_dim___time_dim . day )), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ), " + "case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) then 0.0 else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` , " + "format(sum(alias3), 4 ), format(avg(alias4), '##################.###' ), " + "min(alias5), max(alias6) from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key,sum(( sales_fact___fact . " + "dollars_sold )) as alias1, sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias2, " + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . units_sold )) as alias3, avg(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias4, min(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias5, max(( sales_fact___fact . " + "dollars_sold )) as alias6 from sales_fact sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key " + "in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) between " + "date_add( '2013-01-01' , interval 1 day) and date_sub( '2013-01-31' , interval 3 day) ) " + "and sales_fact___fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key from " + "location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) and " + "sales_fact___fact.item_key in ( select item_dim .item_key from item_dim where " + "(( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key) sales_fact___fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join " + "(select location_key,location_name from location_dim) location_dim___location_dim on " + "(( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) " + "inner join (select item_key,item_name from item_dim) item_dim___item_dim on " + "((( sales_fact___fact . item_key ) = ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key )) and " + "(( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) where " + "(( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between date_add( '2013-01-01' , interval 1 day) " + "and date_sub( '2013-01-31' , interval 3 day) and (( item_dim___item_dim . item_name ) = " + "'item_1' )) group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ) " + "order by dollars_sold asc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test union query. * * @throws LensException the lens exception */ @Test public void testUnionQuery() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-05' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold " + "union all " + "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-02-01' and '2013-02-05' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold " + "union all " + "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-03-01' and '2013-03-05' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) then 0.0 " + "else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key,sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias1, " + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias2 from sales_fact sales_fact___fact " + "where sales_fact___fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where " + "( time_dim. time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-05' ) and " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key from " + "location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) group by " + "sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key) sales_fact___fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim " + "on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name from location_dim) " + "location_dim___location_dim on ((( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = " + "( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) and (( location_dim___location_dim . " + "location_name ) = 'test123' )) where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-05' group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day ) " + "order by dollars_sold asc union all select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day ), " + "case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) then 0.0 else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` " + "from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key," + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias1, sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias2 from sales_fact sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) between " + " '2013-02-01' and '2013-02-05' ) and sales_fact___fact.location_key in (" + " select location_dim .location_key from location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) " + "= 'test123' ) ) group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key) " + "sales_fact___fact inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) " + "time_dim___time_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name from location_dim) location_dim___location_dim " + "on ((( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) " + "and (( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) where " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-02-01' and '2013-02-05' " + "group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ) order by dollars_sold asc union all select " + "( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) then 0.0 " + "else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key,sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias1, " + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias2 from sales_fact sales_fact___fact " + "where sales_fact___fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where " + "( time_dim. time_key ) between '2013-03-01' and '2013-03-05' ) " + "and sales_fact___fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key from " + "location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) " + "group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key) " + "sales_fact___fact inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) " + "time_dim___time_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join (select location_key,location_name " + "from location_dim) location_dim___location_dim on ((( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) " + "= ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) and " + "(( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) " + "where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-03-01' and '2013-03-05' " + "group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ) order by dollars_sold asc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testNoAggCol() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT distinct ( location_dim . id ) FROM location_dim " + "location_dim join time_dim time_dim on location_dim.time_id = " + "WHERE ( time_dim . full_date ) between '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and '2013-01-04 00:00:00' LIMIT 10 "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select distinct ( location_dim___location_dim . id ) " + "from location_dim location_dim___location_dim " + "inner join (select id, full_date from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( location_dim___location_dim . time_id ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . id )) " + "where ( time_dim___time_dim . full_date ) " + "between '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and '2013-01-04 00:00:00' limit 10"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testSkipExpression() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key, " + "sum(case when fact.dollars_sold = 0 then 0.0 else fact.dollars_sold end) dollars_sold, " + "round(sum(fact.units_sold),2),avg(fact.dollars_sold),min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold), " + "location_name from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ), sum(alias1) as `dollars_sold` , " + "round(sum(alias2), 2 ), avg(alias3), min(alias4), max(alias5), location_name " + "from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.item_key,sum( case when (( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold ) = 0 ) " + "then 0.0 else ( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold ) end ) as alias1, " + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . units_sold )) as alias2, " + "avg(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias3, " + "min(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias4, max(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias5 from sales_fact sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key " + "from location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) " + "and sales_fact___fact.item_key in ( select item_dim .item_key from " + "item_dim where (( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) " + "group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.item_key) sales_fact___fact inner join " + "(select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name from location_dim) " + "location_dim___location_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = " + "( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) inner join " + "(select item_key,item_name from item_dim) item_dim___item_dim on " + "((( sales_fact___fact . item_key ) = ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key )) " + "and (( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) " + "where (( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and (( item_dim___item_dim . item_name ) = 'item_1' )) " + "group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ) " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testAlias() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key, " + "sum(case when fact.dollars_sold = 0 then 0.0 end) as dollars_sold, " + "round(sum(fact.units_sold),2),avg(fact.dollars_sold) avg_dollars_sold," + "min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold) as max_dollars_sold, " + "location_name, avg(fact.dollars_sold)/1.0 from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ), " + "sum(alias1) as `dollars_sold` , round(sum(alias2), 2 ), avg(alias6) as `avg_dollars_sold` ," + " min(alias4), " + "max(alias5) as `max_dollars_sold` , location_name , (avg(alias6) / 1.0 ) from " + "(select sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.item_key,sum( case when (( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold ) = 0 ) " + "then 0.0 end ) as alias1, sum(( sales_fact___fact . units_sold )) as alias2, " + "avg(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias3, min(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias4, max(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias5, " + "avg(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias6 " + "from sales_fact sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and sales_fact___fact.location_key in " + "( select location_dim .location_key from location_dim where " + "(( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) and sales_fact___fact.item_key in " + "( select item_dim .item_key from item_dim where (( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) " + "group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key) " + "sales_fact___fact inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) " + "time_dim___time_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join (select location_key,location_name " + "from location_dim) location_dim___location_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) " + "= ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) inner join " + "(select item_key,item_name from item_dim) item_dim___item_dim on " + "((( sales_fact___fact . item_key ) = ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key )) " + "and (( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) " + "where (( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and (( item_dim___item_dim . item_name ) = 'item_1' )) group by " + "( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week )," + " ( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ) " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testFilter() throws LensException { String query = "select max(fact.dollars_sold) from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key and " + "inner join branch_dim branch_dim on branch_dim.branch_key = location_dim.location_key " + "and location_dim.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between date_add('2013-01-01', 1) and date_sub('2013-01-31',3) " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select max(alias1) from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, sales_fact___fact.location_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.item_key,max(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias1 from sales_fact " + "sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim " + "where ( time_dim. time_key ) between date_add( '2013-01-01' , interval 1 day) and " + "date_sub( '2013-01-31' , interval 3 day) ) and sales_fact___fact.location_key in " + "( select location_dim .location_key from location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) " + "= 'test123' ) ) and sales_fact___fact.item_key in ( select item_dim .item_key from item_dim " + "where (( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key) sales_fact___fact inner " + "join (select time_key from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join " + "(select location_key, location_name from location_dim) location_dim___location_dim on " + "(( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) " + "inner join (select item_key, item_name from item_dim) item_dim___item_dim " + "on ((( sales_fact___fact . item_key ) = " + "( item_dim___item_dim . item_key )) and inner ) inner join " + "(select branch_key from branch_dim) branch_dim___branch_dim on " + "((( branch_dim___branch_dim . branch_key ) = ( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) " + "and (( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) = 'test123' )) where " + "(( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between date_add( '2013-01-01' , interval 1 day) " + "and date_sub( '2013-01-31' , interval 3 day) and (( item_dim___item_dim . item_name ) = 'item_1' )) " + "group by ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ) order by dollars_sold asc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testCountReplace() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT count( FROM location_dim " + "location_dim join time_dim time_dim on location_dim.time_id = " + "WHERE ( time_dim . full_date ) between '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and '2013-01-04 00:00:00' LIMIT 10 "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select sum(alias1) from (select location_dim___location_dim.time_id," + "count(( location_dim___location_dim . name )) as alias1 from location_dim location_dim___location_dim " + "where location_dim___location_dim.time_id in ( select time_dim .id from time_dim where " + "( time_dim. full_date ) between '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and '2013-01-04 00:00:00' ) " + "group by location_dim___location_dim.time_id) location_dim___location_dim inner join " + "(select id, full_date from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on (( location_dim___location_dim . time_id ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . id )) where ( time_dim___time_dim . full_date ) " + "between '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and '2013-01-04 00:00:00' limit 10"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testReplaceAlias() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,," + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold " + "from db.sales_fact as fact " + "inner join time_dim as time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join db.location_dim ld on fact.location_key = ld.location_key " + "and ld.location_name = 'test123' " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) " + "then 0.0 else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` from (select sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact" + ".time_key, " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key,sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias1, sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollars_sold )) as alias2 from db.sales_fact " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact where sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key in " + "( select location_dim .location_key from location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) " + "= 'test123' ) ) group by sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key) sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name from db.location_dim) " + "location_dim__db_location_dim_ld on ((( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . location_key ) " + "= ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_key )) and (( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . " + "location_name ) = 'test123' )) where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between " + "'2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' group by ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day ) " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testSkipSnowflakeJoinFact() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT (dim1 . date) date , sum((f . msr1)) msr1 , (dim2 . name) dim2_name, " + "(dim3 . name) dim3_name , (dim4 . name) dim4_name " + "FROM fact f " + "INNER JOIN dim1 dim1 ON f.dim1_id = " + "INNER JOIN dim2 dim2 ON f.dim2_id = " + "INNER JOIN dim3 dim3 ON f.dim3_id = " + "INNER JOIN dim4 dim4 ON dim2.id_2 = dim4.id_2 " + "WHERE ((dim1 . date) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00') " + "GROUP BY (dim1 . date), (dim2 . name), (dim3 . name) , (dim4 . name) "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( dim1___dim1 . date ) as `date` , sum(alias1) as `msr1` , ( dim2___dim2 . name ) " + "as `dim2_name` , " + "( dim3___dim3 . name ) as `dim3_name` , ( dim4___dim4 . name ) as `dim4_name` " + "from (select fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.dim3_id,sum(( fact___f . msr1 )) " + "as alias1 from fact fact___f where fact___f.dim1_id in ( select dim1 .id from dim1 where " + "(( dim1. date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) ) " + "group by fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.dim3_id) " + "fact___f inner join (select id, date from dim1) " + "dim1___dim1 on (( fact___f . dim1_id ) = ( dim1___dim1 . id )) " + "inner join (select id, id_2, name from dim2) dim2___dim2 " + "on (( fact___f . dim2_id ) = ( dim2___dim2 . id )) " + "inner join (select id, name from dim3) dim3___dim3 on (( fact___f . dim3_id ) = ( dim3___dim3 . id )) " + "inner join (select id_2, name from dim4) dim4___dim4 on (( dim2___dim2 . id_2 ) = ( dim4___dim4 . id_2 )) " + "where (( dim1___dim1 . date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) " + "group by ( dim1___dim1 . date ), ( dim2___dim2 . name ), ( dim3___dim3 . name ), ( dim4___dim4 . name )"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testFactFilterPushDown() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT (dim1 . date) date , sum((f . msr1)) msr1 , (dim2 . name) dim2_name " + "FROM fact f INNER JOIN dim1 dim1 ON f.dim1_id = and f.m2 = '1234' " + "INNER JOIN dim2 dim2 ON f.dim2_id = and f.m3 > 3000 " + "WHERE ((dim1 . date) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00') and f.m4 is not null " + "GROUP BY (dim1 . date), (dim2 . name)"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( dim1___dim1 . date ) as `date` , sum(alias1) as `msr1` , ( dim2___dim2 . name ) " + "as `dim2_name` from (select fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.m3, fact___f.m4, " + "sum(( fact___f . msr1 )) as alias1 from fact fact___f where ( fact___f . m4 ) " + "is not null and (( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' ) and (( fact___f . m3 ) > 3000 ) and " + "fact___f.dim1_id in ( select dim1 .id from dim1 where (( dim1. date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) ) " + "group by fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.m3, fact___f.m4) fact___f " + "inner join (select id, date from dim1) dim1___dim1 on ((( fact___f . dim1_id ) = ( dim1___dim1 . id )) and " + "(( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' )) inner join (select id, name from dim2) " + "dim2___dim2 on ((( fact___f . dim2_id ) = " + "( dim2___dim2 . id )) and (( fact___f . m3 ) > 3000 )) where ((( dim1___dim1 . date )" + " = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) and ( fact___f . m4 ) is not null ) " + "group by ( dim1___dim1 . date ), ( dim2___dim2 . name )"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testOrderByAlias() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT (dim1 . date) dim1_date , sum((f . msr1)) msr1 , (dim2 . name) dim2_name " + "FROM fact f INNER JOIN dim1 dim1 ON f.dim1_id = and f.m2 = '1234' " + "INNER JOIN dim2 dim2 ON f.dim2_id = and f.m3 > 3000 " + "WHERE ((dim1 . date) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00') and f.m4 is not null " + "GROUP BY (dim1 . date), (dim2 . name) ORDER BY dim1_date"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( dim1___dim1 . date ) as `dim1_date` , sum(alias1) as `msr1` , " + "( dim2___dim2 . name ) as `dim2_name` " + "from (select fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.m3, fact___f.m4" + "sum(( fact___f . msr1 )) as alias1 from fact fact___f where ( fact___f . m4 ) " + "is not null and (( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' ) and (( fact___f . m3 ) > 3000 ) " + "and fact___f.dim1_id in ( select dim1 .id from dim1 where (( dim1. date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) ) " + "group by fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id, fact___f.m3, fact___f.m4) fact___f " + "inner join (select id, date from dim1) dim1___dim1 on ((( fact___f . dim1_id ) = ( dim1___dim1 . id )) " + "and (( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' )) inner join (select id, name from dim2) " + "dim2___dim2 on ((( fact___f . dim2_id ) " + "= ( dim2___dim2 . id )) and (( fact___f . m3 ) > 3000 )) " + "where ((( dim1___dim1 . date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) and ( fact___f . m4 ) is not null ) " + "group by ( dim1___dim1 . date ), ( dim2___dim2 . name ) order by dim1_date asc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testExcludeJoinFilterFromFactQuery() throws LensException { String query = "SELECT (dim1 . date) dim1_date , sum((f . msr1)) msr1 , (dim2 . name) dim2_name " + "FROM fact f INNER JOIN dim1 dim1 ON f.dim1_id = and f.m2 = '1234' " + "INNER JOIN dim2 dim2 ON f.dim2_id = and f.dim3_id = " + "WHERE ((dim1 . date) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00') and f.m4 is not null " + "GROUP BY (dim1 . date), (dim2 . name) ORDER BY dim1_date"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( dim1___dim1 . date ) as `dim1_date` , sum(alias1) as `msr1` , " + "( dim2___dim2 . name ) as `dim2_name` from (select fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id," + "fact___f.dim3_id, " + "fact___f.m4, sum(( fact___f . msr1 )) as alias1 from fact fact___f where ( fact___f . m4 ) " + "is not null and (( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' ) and fact___f.dim1_id in ( select dim1 .id from dim1 " + "where (( dim1. date ) = '2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) ) group by fact___f.dim1_id, fact___f.m2, fact___f.dim2_id," + "fact___f.dim3_id, fact___f.m4) fact___f inner join (select id, date from dim1) dim1___dim1 on " + "((( fact___f . dim1_id ) = ( dim1___dim1 . id )) and (( fact___f . m2 ) = '1234' )) " + "inner join (select id, name from dim2) dim2___dim2 on ((( fact___f . dim2_id ) = ( dim2___dim2 . id )) " + "and (( fact___f . dim3_id ) = ( dim2___dim2 . id ))) where ((( dim1___dim1 . date ) = " + "'2014-11-25 00:00:00' ) and ( fact___f . m4 ) is not null ) group by ( dim1___dim1 . date ), " + "( dim2___dim2 . name ) order by dim1_date asc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testFiltersWithComma() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key, " + "case when sum(fact.dollars_sold) = 0 then 0.0 else sum(fact.dollars_sold) end dollars_sold, " + "sum(fact.units_sold),avg(fact.dollars_sold),min(fact.dollars_sold),max(fact.dollars_sold)" + "from sales_fact fact " + "inner join time_dim time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join location_dim location_dim on fact.location_key = location_dim.location_key " + "inner join item_dim item_dim on fact.item_key = item_dim.item_key " + "and location_dim.location_name in ('test,123','test,456') " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and item_dim.item_name = 'item_1' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,,item_dim.item_key " + "order by dollars_sold desc "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ), " + "case when (sum(alias2) = 0 ) then 0.0 else sum(alias2) end as `dollars_sold` ," + " sum(alias3), avg(alias4), min(alias5), max(alias6) from (select sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key,sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias1, sum(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias2, " + "sum(( sales_fact___fact . units_sold )) as alias3, avg(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) " + "as alias4, min(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias5, " + "max(( sales_fact___fact . dollars_sold )) as alias6 from " + "sales_fact sales_fact___fact where sales_fact___fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and sales_fact___fact.location_key " + "in ( select location_dim .location_key from location_dim where " + "( location_dim. location_name ) in ( 'test,123' , 'test,456' ) ) " + "and sales_fact___fact.item_key in ( select item_dim .item_key from item_dim where " + "(( item_dim. item_name ) = 'item_1' ) ) group by sales_fact___fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact___fact.location_key, sales_fact___fact.item_key) sales_fact___fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact___fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name from location_dim) " + "location_dim___location_dim on (( sales_fact___fact . location_key ) = " + "( location_dim___location_dim . location_key )) inner join " + "(select item_key,item_name from item_dim) item_dim___item_dim on " + "((( sales_fact___fact . item_key ) = ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key )) " + "and ( location_dim___location_dim . location_name ) in ( 'test,123' , 'test,456' )) " + " where (( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "and (( item_dim___item_dim . item_name ) = 'item_1' )) group by " + "( sales_fact___fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ( item_dim___item_dim . item_key ) " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testRewriteWithExpressionsPass() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,, ((sum( fact . item_count ) + 0 ) + " + "(sum(fact . product_count ) + 0 )) as expr1, " + "(sum(case when fact.status_id is null then 0 when fact.status_id = 1 then fact.item_sold else 0 end)" + " * 1000) / sum(case when fact.status_id is null then 0 when fact.status_id = 2 " + "then fact.dollars_sold else 0 end) as expr2 from db.sales_fact as fact " + "inner join time_dim as time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key inner " + "join db.location_dim ld on fact.location_key = ld.location_key " + "and ld.location_name = 'test123' where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ((sum(alias1) + 0 ) + (sum(alias2) + 0 )) as `expr1` , " + "((sum(alias3) * 1000 ) / sum(alias4)) as `expr2` from " + "(select sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key, sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key," + "sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_count )) as alias1, " + "sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . product_count )) as alias2, " + "sum( case when ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) is null then 0 " + "when (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) = 1 ) then " + "( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_sold ) else 0 end ) as alias3, " + "sum( case when ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) is null " + "then 0 when (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) = 2 ) " + "then ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollars_sold ) else 0 end ) as " + "alias4 from db.sales_fact sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact where " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim " + "where ( time_dim. time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) " + "and sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key in ( select location_dim .location_key " + "from location_dim where (( location_dim. location_name ) = 'test123' ) ) " + "group by sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key, sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key) " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) " + "time_dim___time_dim on (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) = " + "( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) inner join (select location_key," + "location_name from db.location_dim) location_dim__db_location_dim_ld on " + "((( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . location_key ) = " + "( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_key )) and " + "(( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_name ) = 'test123' )) " + "where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + "group by ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ) order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testRewriteWithExpressionsFail() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,, ((sum( fact . item_count ) + 0 ) + " + "(sum(fact . product_count ) + 0 )) as expr1, (sum(case when ld.status_id is null then 0 " + "when ld.status_id = 1 then fact.item_sold else 0 end) * 1000) / sum(case when ld.status_id is null " + "then 0 when ld.status_id = 2 then fact.dollars_sold else 0 end) as expr2 from " + "db.sales_fact as fact inner join time_dim as time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "inner join db.location_dim ld on fact.location_key = ld.location_key and " + "ld.location_name = 'test123' where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and " + "'2013-01-31' group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ((sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_count )) + 0 ) + " + "(sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . product_count )) + 0 )) as `expr1` , " + "((sum( case when ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . status_id ) is null then 0 " + "when (( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . status_id ) = 1 ) then " + "( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_sold ) else 0 end ) * 1000 ) / sum( case " + "when ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . status_id ) is null then 0 " + "when (( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . status_id ) = 2 ) then " + "( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollars_sold ) else 0 end )) as `expr2` " + "from db.sales_fact sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact inner join " + "(select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "inner join (select location_key,location_name,status_id from db.location_dim) " + "location_dim__db_location_dim_ld on ((( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . location_key ) " + "= ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_key )) and (( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . " + "location_name ) = 'test123' )) where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between " + "'2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' group by ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day ) " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testEscapeQuote() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week,, ((sum( fact . item_count ) + 0 ) + " + "(sum(fact . product_count ) + 0 )) as expr1, " + "(sum(case when fact.status_id is null then 0 when fact.status_id = 1 then fact.item_sold else 0 end)" + " * 1000) / sum(case when fact.status_id is null then 0 when fact.status_id = 2 " + "then fact.dollars_sold else 0 end) as expr2 from db.sales_fact as fact " + "inner join time_dim as time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key inner " + "join db.location_dim ld on fact.location_key = ld.location_key " + " where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + " and ld.location_name in ('test\\'123') " + "group by fact.time_key,time_dim.day_of_week, " + "order by dollars_sold desc"; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week )," + " ( time_dim___time_dim . day ), ((sum(alias1) + 0 ) + (sum(alias2) + 0 )) as `expr1` , " + "((sum(alias3) * 1000 ) / sum(alias4)) as `expr2` from " + "(select sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key, sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact." + "location_key,sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_count )) as alias1, " + "sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . product_count )) as alias2, " + "sum( case when ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) is null " + "then 0 when (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) = 1 ) then " + "( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . item_sold ) else 0 end ) as alias3, " + "sum( case when ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) is null then 0 " + "when (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . status_id ) = 2 ) then " + "( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollars_sold ) else 0 end ) as" + " alias4 from db.sales_fact sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact where " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key in " + "( select time_dim .time_key from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) " + "between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) and " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key in ( select location_dim ." + "location_key from location_dim where ( location_dim. location_name ) in " + "( 'test\'123' ) ) group by sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key, " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.location_key) sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week,day from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim " + "on (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + " inner join (select location_key,location_name from db.location_dim)" + " location_dim__db_location_dim_ld on (( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . " + "location_key ) = ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_key )) " + " where (( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and " + "'2013-01-31' and ( location_dim__db_location_dim_ld . location_name ) " + "in ( 'test\'123' )) group by ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ), " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), ( time_dim___time_dim . day )" + " order by dollars_sold desc"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } @Test public void testHavingClause() throws LensException { String query = "select fact.time_key time_key, time_dim.day_of_week, " + "sum(fact.item_sold) as total_item_sold from db.sales_fact as fact " + "inner join time_dim as time_dim on fact.time_key = time_dim.time_key " + "where time_dim.time_key between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31'" + "group by fact.time_key " + "having sum(fact.dollar_sold) > 100 "; String actual = qtest.rewrite(query, conf, hconf); String expected = "select ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) as `time_key` , " + "( time_dim___time_dim . day_of_week ), sum(alias1) as `total_item_sold` from " + " (select sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key,sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact ." + " item_sold )) as alias1, sum(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . dollar_sold )) " + "as alias2 from db.sales_fact sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact where " + "sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key in ( select time_dim .time_key " + "from time_dim where ( time_dim. time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' ) " + "group by sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact.time_key) sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact " + "inner join (select time_key,day_of_week from time_dim) time_dim___time_dim on " + "(( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) = ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key )) " + "where ( time_dim___time_dim . time_key ) between '2013-01-01' and '2013-01-31' " + " group by ( sales_fact__db_sales_fact_fact . time_key ) " + "having (sum(alias2) > 100 )"; compareQueries(actual, expected); } /** * Test replace db name. * * @throws Exception the exception */ @Test public void testReplaceDBName() throws Exception { File jarDir = new File("target/testjars"); File testJarFile = new File(jarDir, "test.jar"); File serdeJarFile = new File(jarDir, "serde.jar"); URL[] serdeUrls = new URL[2]; serdeUrls[0] = new URL("file:" + testJarFile.getAbsolutePath()); serdeUrls[1] = new URL("file:" + serdeJarFile.getAbsolutePath()); URLClassLoader createTableClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(serdeUrls, hconf.getClassLoader()); ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(serdeUrls, SessionState.getSessionConf().getClassLoader()); SessionState.getSessionConf().setClassLoader(loader); // Create test table Database database = new Database(); database.setName("mydb"); try { Hive.get(hconf).createDatabase(database); SessionState.get().setCurrentDatabase("mydb"); createTable(hconf, "mydb", "mytable", "testDB", "testTable_1"); createTable(hconf, "mydb", "mytable_2", "testDB", "testTable_2"); createTable(hconf, "default", "mytable_3", "testDB", "testTable_3"); } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) { //pass } String query = "SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable t1 JOIN mytable_2 t2 ON t1.t2id = " + " left outer join default.mytable_3 t3 on t2.t3id = " + "WHERE A = 100"; ColumnarSQLRewriter rewriter = new ColumnarSQLRewriter(); rewriter.init(conf); rewriter.ast = HQLParser.parseHQL(query, hconf); rewriter.query = query; rewriter.analyzeInternal(conf, hconf); String joinTreeBeforeRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); System.out.println(joinTreeBeforeRewrite); // Rewrite rewriter.replaceWithUnderlyingStorage(hconf); String joinTreeAfterRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); System.out.println("joinTreeAfterRewrite:" + joinTreeAfterRewrite); // Tests assertTrue(joinTreeBeforeRewrite.contains("mydb")); assertTrue(joinTreeBeforeRewrite.contains("mytable") && joinTreeBeforeRewrite.contains("mytable_2") && joinTreeBeforeRewrite.contains("mytable_3")); assertFalse(joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("mydb")); assertFalse(joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("mytable") && joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("mytable_2") && joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("mytable_3")); assertTrue(joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("testdb")); assertTrue(joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_1") && joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_2") && joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_3")); // Rewrite one more query where table and db name is not set createTable(hconf, "mydb", "mytable_4", null, null); String query2 = "SELECT * FROM mydb.mytable_4 WHERE a = 100"; rewriter.ast = HQLParser.parseHQL(query2, hconf); rewriter.query = query2; rewriter.analyzeInternal(conf, hconf); joinTreeBeforeRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); System.out.println(joinTreeBeforeRewrite); // Rewrite rewriter.replaceWithUnderlyingStorage(hconf); joinTreeAfterRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); System.out.println(joinTreeAfterRewrite); // Rewrite should not replace db and table name since its not set assertEquals(joinTreeAfterRewrite, joinTreeBeforeRewrite); // Test a query with default db Hive.get().dropTable("mydb", "mytable"); database = new Database(); database.setName("examples"); Hive.get().createDatabase(database); createTable(hconf, "examples", "mytable", "default", null); String defaultQuery = "SELECT * FROM examples.mytable t1 WHERE A = 100"; rewriter.ast = HQLParser.parseHQL(defaultQuery, hconf); rewriter.query = defaultQuery; rewriter.analyzeInternal(conf, hconf); joinTreeBeforeRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); rewriter.replaceWithUnderlyingStorage(hconf); joinTreeAfterRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST); assertTrue(joinTreeBeforeRewrite.contains("examples"), joinTreeBeforeRewrite); assertFalse(joinTreeAfterRewrite.contains("examples"), joinTreeAfterRewrite); System.out.println("default case: " + joinTreeAfterRewrite); Hive.get().dropTable("examples", "mytable"); Hive.get().dropTable("mydb", "mytable_2"); Hive.get().dropTable("default", "mytable_3"); Hive.get().dropTable("mydb", "mytable_4"); Hive.get().dropDatabase("mydb", true, true, true); Hive.get().dropDatabase("examples", true, true, true); SessionState.get().setCurrentDatabase("default"); } /** * Test replace column mapping. * * @throws Exception the exception */ @Test public void testReplaceColumnMapping() throws Exception { String testDB = "testrcm"; // Create test table Database database = new Database(); database.setName(testDB); try { Hive.get(hconf).createDatabase(database); } catch (AlreadyExistsException ignored) { //ignore } try { SessionState.get().setCurrentDatabase(testDB); Map<String, String> columnMap = new HashMap<>(); columnMap.put("id", "id1"); columnMap.put("name", "name1"); createTable(hconf, testDB, "mytable", "testDB", "testTable_1", false, columnMap); columnMap.put("id", "id2"); columnMap.put("name", "name2"); createTable(hconf, testDB, "mytable_2", "testDB", "testTable_2", false, columnMap); columnMap.put("id", "id3"); columnMap.put("name", "name3"); createTable(hconf, "default", "mytable_3", "testDB", "testTable_3", false, columnMap); String query = "SELECT,,,,,, count(1) FROM " + testDB + ".mytable t1 JOIN mytable_2 t2 ON t1.t2id = left outer join default.mytable_3 t3 on t2.t3id =" + " WHERE = 100 GROUP BY HAVING count( > 2 ORDER BY"; ColumnarSQLRewriter rewriter = new ColumnarSQLRewriter(); rewriter.init(conf); rewriter.ast = HQLParser.parseHQL(query, hconf); rewriter.query = query; rewriter.analyzeInternal(conf, hconf); // Rewrite rewriter.replaceWithUnderlyingStorage(hconf); String fromStringAfterRewrite = HQLParser.getString(rewriter.fromAST);"fromStringAfterRewrite:{}", fromStringAfterRewrite); assertEquals(HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getSelectAST()).trim(), "(t1.id1), (t2.id2), (t3.id3)," + " (t1.name1), (t2.name2), (t3.name3), count(1)", "Found :" + HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getSelectAST())); assertEquals(HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getWhereAST()).trim(), "((t1.id1) = 100)", "Found: " + HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getWhereAST())); assertEquals(HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getGroupByAST()).trim(), "(t2.id2)", "Found: " + HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getGroupByAST())); assertEquals(HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getOrderByAST()).trim(), "t3.id3 asc", "Found: " + HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getOrderByAST())); assertEquals(HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getHavingAST()).trim(), "(count((t1.id1)) > 2)", "Found: " + HQLParser.getString(rewriter.getHavingAST())); assertTrue(fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("(t1.t2id) = (t2.id2)") && fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("(t2.t3id) = (t3.id3)"), fromStringAfterRewrite); assertFalse(fromStringAfterRewrite.contains(testDB), fromStringAfterRewrite); assertTrue(fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("testdb"), fromStringAfterRewrite); assertTrue( fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_1") && fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_2") && fromStringAfterRewrite.contains("testtable_3"), fromStringAfterRewrite); } finally { Hive.get().dropTable("default", "mytable_3", true, true); Hive.get().dropDatabase(testDB, true, true, true); SessionState.get().setCurrentDatabase("default"); } } void createTable(HiveConf conf, String db, String table, String udb, String utable) throws Exception { createTable(conf, db, table, udb, utable, true, null); } /** * Creates the table. * * @param db the db * @param table the table * @param udb the udb * @param utable the utable * @param setCustomSerde whether to set custom serde or not * @param columnMapping columnmapping for the table * * @throws Exception the exception */ void createTable(HiveConf conf, String db, String table, String udb, String utable, boolean setCustomSerde, Map<String, String> columnMapping) throws Exception { Table tbl1 = new Table(db, table); if (setCustomSerde) { tbl1.setSerializationLib("DatabaseJarSerde"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(udb)) { tbl1.setProperty(LensConfConstants.NATIVE_DB_NAME, udb); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(utable)) { tbl1.setProperty(LensConfConstants.NATIVE_TABLE_NAME, utable); } if (columnMapping != null && !columnMapping.isEmpty()) { tbl1.setProperty(LensConfConstants.NATIVE_TABLE_COLUMN_MAPPING, StringUtils.join(columnMapping.entrySet(), ","));"columnMapping property:{}", tbl1.getProperty(LensConfConstants.NATIVE_TABLE_COLUMN_MAPPING)); } List<FieldSchema> columns = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(); columns.add(new FieldSchema("id", "int", "col1")); columns.add(new FieldSchema("name", "string", "col2")); tbl1.setFields(columns); Hive.get(conf).createTable(tbl1); System.out.println("Created table " + table); } }