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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.lens.cube.parse;

import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.DateFactory.*;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.UpdatePeriod.*;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeQueryConfUtil.*;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeTestSetup.*;
import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.TestCubeRewriter.*;

import static org.testng.Assert.*;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.LensServerAPITestUtil;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException;

import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class TestUnionQueries extends TestQueryRewrite {

    private Configuration testConf;

    public void setupDriver() throws Exception {
        testConf = LensServerAPITestUtil.getConfiguration(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C0,C1,C2", DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS,
                false, ENABLE_STORAGES_UNION, true);

    public Configuration getConf() {
        return new Configuration(testConf);

    public void testUnionQueries() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = getConf();
        conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact,C2_testFact");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "DAILY,HOURLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "MONTHLY,DAILY");
        conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.ENABLE_STORAGES_UNION, false);
        ArrayList<String> storages = Lists.newArrayList("c1_testfact", "c2_testfact");
        try {
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY, DAILY));
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(MONTHLY));

            // Union query
            String hqlQuery;
            String expected;
            StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
                public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                    return getWhereForMonthlyDailyAndHourly2monthsUnionQuery(storage);
            try {
                rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` " + "from testCube where "
                        + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);
                fail("Union feature is disabled, should have failed");
            } catch (LensException e) {
            conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.ENABLE_STORAGES_UNION, true);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select ascii(cityname) as `City Name`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                    + "from testCube where ascii(cityname) = 'c' and cityname = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);
            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City Name`, sum(testcube.alias1) + max(testcube.alias2), "
                            + "case when sum(testcube.alias1) = 0 then 0 else sum(testcube.alias3)/sum(testcube.alias1) end "
                            + "as `Third Measure`",
                    null, "group by testcube.alias0",
                    "select ascii( as `alias0`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias1`, "
                            + "max(testcube.msr3) as `alias2`, "
                            + "sum(case when testcube.cityid = 'x' then testcube.msr21 else testcube.msr22 end) as `alias3`",
                    " join " + getDbName()
                            + "c1_citytable cubecity on testcube.cityid = and (cubecity.dt = 'latest')",
                    "ascii( = 'c' and = 'a' and testcube.zipcode = 'b'",
                    "group by ascii(");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);
            hqlQuery = rewrite("select asciicity as `City Name`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                    + "from testCube where asciicity = 'c' and cityname = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select ascii(cityid) as `City ID`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                    + "from testCube where ascii(cityid) = 'c' and cityid = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`, sum(testcube.alias1) + max(testcube.alias2), "
                            + "case when sum(testcube.alias1) = 0 then 0 else sum(testcube.alias3)/sum(testcube.alias1) end "
                            + "as `Third Measure`",
                    null, "group by testcube.alias0",
                    "select ascii(testcube.cityid) as `alias0`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias1`, "
                            + "max(testcube.msr3) as `alias2`, "
                            + "sum(case when testcube.cityid = 'x' then testcube.msr21 else testcube.msr22 end) as `alias3`",
                    "ascii(testcube.cityid) = 'c' and testcube.cityid = 'a' and testcube.zipcode = 'b'",
                    "group by ascii(testcube.cityid)");

            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                    + "from testCube where cityid = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS,

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`, sum(testcube.alias1) + max(testcube.alias2), "
                            + "case when sum(testcube.alias1) = 0 then 0 else sum(testcube.alias3)/sum(testcube.alias1) end "
                            + "as `Third Measure`",
                    null, "group by testcube.alias0",
                    "select testcube.cityid as `alias0`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias1`, "
                            + "max(testcube.msr3) as `alias2`, "
                            + "sum(case when testcube.cityid = 'x' then testcube.msr21 else testcube.msr22 end) as `alias3`",
                    "testcube.cityid = 'a' and testcube.zipcode = 'b'", "group by testcube.cityid");

            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr3 as `Third measure` from testCube where "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS + " having msr7 > 10", conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`, max(testcube.alias1) as `Third measure`", null,
                    "group by testcube.alias0 having "
                            + "(case when sum(testcube.alias2)=0 then 0 else sum(testcube.alias3)/sum(testcube.alias2) end > 10 )",
                    "SELECT testcube.cityid as `alias0`, max(testcube.msr3) as `alias1`, "
                            + "sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias2`, "
                            + "sum(case when testcube.cityid='x' then testcube.msr21 else testcube.msr22 end) as `alias3`",
                    null, "group by testcube.cityid");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr3 as `Third measure` from testCube where "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS + " having msr8 > 10", conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`, max(testcube.alias1) as `Third measure`", null,
                    "GROUP BY testcube.alias0 " + "HAVING (sum(testcube.alias2) + max(testcube.alias1)) > 10 ",
                    "SELECT testcube.cityid as `alias0`, max(testcube.msr3) as `alias1`, "
                            + "sum(testcube.msr2)as `alias2`",
                    null, "group by testcube.cityid");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select msr3 as `Measure 3` from testCube where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS
                    + " having msr2 > 10 and msr2 < 100", conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT max(testcube.alias0) as `Measure 3` ", null,
                    " HAVING sum(testcube.alias1) > 10 and sum(testcube.alias1) < 100",
                    "SELECT max(testcube.msr3) as `alias0`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias1`", null, null);
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            hqlQuery = rewrite("select zipcode, cityid as `City ID`, msr3 as `Measure 3`, msr4, "
                    + "SUM(msr2) as `Measure 2` from testCube where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS
                    + " having msr4 > 10 order by cityid desc limit 5", conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0, testcube.alias1 as `City ID`, max(testcube.alias2) as `Measure 3`, "
                            + "count(testcube.alias3), sum(testcube.alias4) as `Measure 2`",
                    "group by testcube.alias0, testcube.alias1 "
                            + " having count(testcube.alias3) > 10 order by testcube.alias1 desc limit 5",
                    "select testcube.zipcode as `alias0`, testcube.cityid as `alias1`, "
                            + "max(testcube.msr3) as `alias2`,count(testcube.msr4) as `alias3`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias4`",
                    null, "group by testcube.zipcode, testcube.cityid ");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

            conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.ENABLE_GROUP_BY_TO_SELECT, false);
            conf.setBoolean(ENABLE_SELECT_TO_GROUPBY, false);
            hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr3 as `Measure 3`, "
                    + "SUM(msr2) as `Measure 2` from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS
                    + " group by zipcode having msr4 > 10 order by cityid desc limit 5", conf);

            expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`,max(testcube.alias1) as `Measure 3`,sum(testcube.alias2) as `Measure 2` ",
                    "group by testcube.alias3 having count(testcube.alias4) > 10 order by testcube.alias0 desc limit 5",
                    "SELECT testcube.cityid as `alias0`, max(testcube.msr3) as `alias1`, "
                            + "sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias2`, testcube.zipcode as `alias3`, count(testcube .msr4) as `alias4` FROM ",
                    null, "GROUP BY testcube.zipcode");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);
        } finally {

    public void testDimAttrExpressionQuery() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = getConf();
        conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact,C2_testFact");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "DAILY,HOURLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "MONTHLY,DAILY");

        String hqlQuery = rewrite("select asciicity as `City Name`, cityAndState as citystate, isIndia as isIndia,"
                + " msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                + "from testCube where asciicity = 'c' and cityname = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and "
                + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);
        String joinExpr1 = " join " + getDbName()
                + "c1_statetable cubestate on testcube.stateid = and (cubestate.dt = 'latest') join"
                + getDbName()
                + "c1_citytable cubecity on testcube.cityid = and (cubecity.dt = 'latest')";
        String joinExpr2 = " join " + getDbName()
                + "c1_citytable cubecity on testcube.cityid = and (cubecity.dt = 'latest') join"
                + getDbName()
                + "c1_statetable cubestate on testcube.stateid = and (cubestate.dt = 'latest')";

        String expected1 = getExpectedQueryForDimAttrExpressionQuery(joinExpr1);
        String expected2 = getExpectedQueryForDimAttrExpressionQuery(joinExpr2);
                new TestQuery(hqlQuery).equals(new TestQuery(expected1))
                        || new TestQuery(hqlQuery).equals(new TestQuery(expected2)),
                "Actual :" + hqlQuery + " Expected1:" + expected1 + " Expected2 : " + expected2);

    private String getExpectedQueryForDimAttrExpressionQuery(String joinExpr) {
        try {
            ArrayList<String> storages = Lists.newArrayList("c1_testfact", "c2_testfact");
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY, DAILY));
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(MONTHLY));
            StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
                public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                    return getWhereForMonthlyDailyAndHourly2monthsUnionQuery(storage);
            return getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City Name`, testcube.alias1 as citystate, testcube.alias2 as isIndia, "
                            + "sum(testcube.alias3) + max(testcube.alias4), "
                            + "case when sum(testcube.alias3) = 0 then 0 else sum(testcube.alias5)/sum(testcube.alias3) end "
                            + "as `Third Measure`",
                    null, " group by testcube.alias0, testcube.alias1, testcube.alias2",
                    "select ascii( as `alias0`, concat(, \":\", as alias1,"
                            + " == 'DELHI' OR == 'KARNATAKA' OR == 'MAHARASHTRA' as alias2,"
                            + "sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias3`, max(testcube.msr3) as `alias4`, "
                            + "sum(case when testcube.cityid = 'x' then testcube.msr21 else testcube.msr22 end) as `alias5`",
                    joinExpr, "ascii( = 'c' and = 'a' and testcube.zipcode = 'b'",
                    " group by ascii(, concat(, \":\",,"
                            + " == 'DELHI' OR == 'KARNATAKA' OR == 'MAHARASHTRA'");
        } finally {

    public void testNonAggregateOverAggregateFunction() throws Exception {
        try {
            Configuration conf = getConf();
            conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact,C2_testFact");
            conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "DAILY,HOURLY");
            conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
            conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "MONTHLY,DAILY");
            ArrayList<String> storages = Lists.newArrayList("c1_testfact", "c2_testfact");
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY, DAILY));
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(MONTHLY));
            StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
                public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                    return getWhereForMonthlyDailyAndHourly2monthsUnionQuery(storage);
            String hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid as `City ID`, msr3 as `Measure 3`, "
                    + "round(SUM(msr2)) as `Measure 2` from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS
                    + " group by zipcode having msr4 > 10 order by cityid desc, stateid asc, zipcode "
                    + "asc limit 5", conf);
            String expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "SELECT testcube.alias0 as `City ID`,max(testcube.alias1) as `Measure 3`,round(sum(testcube.alias2)) as "
                            + "`Measure 2` ",
                    "group by testcube.alias3 having count(testcube.alias4) > 10 "
                            + "order by testcube.alias0 desc, testcube.alias5 asc, testcube.alias3 asc limit 5",
                    "SELECT testcube.cityid as `alias0`, max(testcube.msr3) as `alias1`, sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias2`, "
                            + "testcube.zipcode as `alias3`, count(testcube .msr4) as `alias4`, (testcube.stateid) as `alias5` FROM ",
                    null, "GROUP BY testcube.zipcode");
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);
        } finally {

    public void testMultiFactMultiStorage() throws ParseException, LensException {
        try {
            Configuration conf = LensServerAPITestUtil.getConfigurationWithParams(getConf(),
                    CubeQueryConfUtil.DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1,C2", getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"),
                    "C1_testFact,C2_testFact", getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "HOURLY",
                    getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "DAILY",
                    getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2_raw", "C1"), "YEARLY",
                    getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2_raw", "C2"), "YEARLY");
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY));
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(DAILY));
            String whereCond = "zipcode = 'a' and cityid = 'b' and (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_SPLIT_OVER_UPDATE_PERIODS
                    + ")";
            String hqlQuery = rewrite("select zipcode, count(msr4), sum(msr15) from testCube where " + whereCond,
            String possibleStart1 = "SELECT COALESCE(mq1.zipcode, mq2.zipcode) zipcode, mq1.expr2 `count(msr4)`,"
                    + " mq2.expr3 `sum(msr15)` FROM ";
            String possibleStart2 = "SELECT COALESCE(mq1.zipcode, mq2.zipcode) zipcode, mq2.expr2 `count(msr4)`,"
                    + " mq1.expr3 `sum(msr15)` FROM ";

            assertTrue(hqlQuery.startsWith(possibleStart1) || hqlQuery.startsWith(possibleStart2));
                    rewrite("select zipcode as `zipcode`, sum(msr15) as `expr3` from testcube where " + whereCond,
                    rewrite("select zipcode as `zipcode`, count(msr4) as `expr2` from testcube where " + whereCond,
            assertTrue(hqlQuery.endsWith("on mq1.zipcode <=> mq2.zipcode"));
            // No time_range_in should be remaining
            //TODO: handle having after LENS-813, also handle for order by and limit
        } finally {

    public void testCubeWhereQueryWithMultipleTables() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = getConf();
        conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.ENABLE_STORAGES_UNION, true);
        conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact,C2_testFact");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "DAILY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "HOURLY");

        getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(DAILY));
        getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY));
        StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
            public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                return getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storage);
        try {
            // Union query
            String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf);
            System.out.println("HQL:" + hqlQuery);

            String expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME,
                    Lists.newArrayList("c1_testfact", "c2_testfact"), provider, "select sum(testcube.alias0) ",
                    null, null, "select sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias0` from ", null, null);
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);
        } finally {

    public void testCubeWhereQueryWithMultipleTablesForMonth() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = getConf();
        conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1,C2,C3");
        conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "HOURLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2_raw", "C3"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "DAILY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C3"), "MONTHLY");

        getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY));
        getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(DAILY));
        getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c3_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(MONTHLY));
        StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
            public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                return getWhereForMonthlyDailyAndHourly2monthsUnionQuery(storage);
        try {
            // Union query
            String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS,
            System.out.println("HQL:" + hqlQuery);
            ArrayList<String> storages = Lists.newArrayList("c1_testfact", "c2_testfact", "c3_testfact");
            String expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider,
                    "select sum(testcube.alias0)", null, null, "select sum(testcube.msr2) as `alias0` from ", null,
            compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);
        } finally {

    public void testConvertDimFilterToFactFilterForMultiFact() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = getConf();
        conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact,C2_testFact");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "DAILY,HOURLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact2", "C1"), "YEARLY");
        conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "MONTHLY,DAILY");
        conf.setBoolean(REWRITE_DIM_FILTER_TO_FACT_FILTER, true);
        try {
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c1_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(HOURLY, DAILY));
            getStorageToUpdatePeriodMap().put("c2_testfact", Lists.newArrayList(MONTHLY));

            String hqlQuery = rewrite("select asciicity as `City Name`, msr8, msr7 as `Third measure` "
                    + "from testCube where asciicity = 'c' and cityname = 'a' and zipcode = 'b' and "
                    + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf);

            String filter1 = "testcube.cityid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c1_citytable cubecity "
                    + "where (ascii(( = 'c') and (cubecity.dt = 'latest') )";
            String filter2 = "testcube.cityid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c1_citytable cubecity "
                    + "where (( = 'a') and (cubecity.dt = 'latest') )";


        } finally {

    public void testSingleFactMultiStorage() throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = LensServerAPITestUtil.getConfigurationWithParams(getConf(),
                CubeQueryConfUtil.DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C3,C5", getValidFactTablesKey("testcube"), "testfact",
                getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C3"), "DAILY", getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C5"),
                "DAILY", FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false);

        String hqlQuery = rewrite("select count(msr4) from testCube where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_DAYS, conf);

        // No time_range_in should be remaining
        ArrayList<String> storages = Lists.newArrayList("c3_testfact", "c5_testfact");
        StoragePartitionProvider provider = new StoragePartitionProvider() {
            public Map<String, String> providePartitionsForStorage(String storage) {
                if (storage.contains("c3")) {
                    return getWhereForDays(storage, TWO_MONTHS_BACK, getDateWithOffset(DAILY, -10));
                } else if (storage.contains("c5")) {
                    return getWhereForDays(storage, getDateWithOffset(DAILY, -10), NOW);
                return null;
        String expected = getExpectedUnionQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, storages, provider, "select count(testcube.alias0)",
                null, null, "select count(testcube.msr4) as `alias0` from ", null, null);
        compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);