Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.lens.cube.parse; import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.DateFactory.*; import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.UpdatePeriod.*; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.CandidateTablePruneCode.*; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeQueryConfUtil.*; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeTestSetup.*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode; import org.apache.lens.cube.error.NoCandidateDimAvailableException; import org.apache.lens.cube.error.NoCandidateFactAvailableException; import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.*; import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.SkipStorageCause; import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.SkipStorageCode; import org.apache.lens.server.api.LensServerAPITestUtil; import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j public class TestCubeRewriter extends TestQueryRewrite { private Configuration conf; @BeforeTest public void setupDriver() throws Exception { conf = LensServerAPITestUtil.getConfiguration(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C0,C1,C2", DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, true, ENABLE_SELECT_TO_GROUPBY, true, ENABLE_GROUP_BY_TO_SELECT, true, DISABLE_AGGREGATE_RESOLVER, false); } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return new Configuration(conf); } @Test public void testQueryWithNow() throws Exception { LensException e = getLensExceptionInRewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + getTimeRangeString("NOW - 2DAYS", "NOW"), getConf()); assertEquals(e.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } @Test public void testQueryWithContinuousUpdatePeriod() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, "true"); conf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, BetweenTimeRangeWriter.class, TimeRangeWriter.class); DateFormat qFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss"); String timeRangeString; timeRangeString = getTimeRangeString(DAILY, -2, 0, qFmt); CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = rewriteCtx("select SUM(msr15) from testCube where " + timeRangeString, conf); String to = getDateStringWithOffset(DAILY, 0, CONTINUOUS); String from = getDateStringWithOffset(DAILY, -2, CONTINUOUS); String expected = "select SUM((testCube.msr15)) from TestQueryRewrite.c0_testFact_CONTINUOUS testcube" + " WHERE ((( testcube . dt ) between '" + from + "' and '" + to + "' ))"; System.out.println("rewrittenQuery.toHQL() " + rewrittenQuery.toHQL()); System.out.println("expected " + expected); compareQueries(rewrittenQuery.toHQL(), expected); //test with msr2 on different fact rewrittenQuery = rewriteCtx("select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + timeRangeString, conf); expected = "select SUM((testCube.msr2)) from TestQueryRewrite.c0_testFact testcube" + " WHERE ((( testcube . dt ) between '" + from + "' and '" + to + "' ))"; System.out.println("rewrittenQuery.toHQL() " + rewrittenQuery.toHQL()); System.out.println("expected " + expected); compareQueries(rewrittenQuery.toHQL(), expected); //from date 6 days back timeRangeString = getTimeRangeString(DAILY, -6, 0, qFmt); LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select SUM(msr15) from testCube where " + timeRangeString, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } @Test public void testCandidateTables() throws Exception { LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite( "select dim12, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); // this query should through exception because invalidMsr is invalid th = getLensExceptionInRewrite("SELECT cityid, invalidMsr from testCube " + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } @Test public void testCubeQuery() throws Exception { CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = rewriteCtx("select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(rewrittenQuery.toHQL(), expected); System.out.println("Non existing parts:" + rewrittenQuery.getNonExistingParts()); assertNotNull(rewrittenQuery.getNonExistingParts()); } @Test public void testMaxCoveringFact() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.class, TimeRangeWriter.class); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1,C2,C4"); CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext = rewriteCtx("select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + THIS_YEAR_RANGE, conf); PruneCauses<CubeFactTable> pruneCause = cubeQueryContext.getFactPruningMsgs(); int lessDataCauses = 0; for (Map.Entry<CubeFactTable, List<CandidateTablePruneCause>> entry : pruneCause.entrySet()) { for (CandidateTablePruneCause cause : entry.getValue()) { if (cause.getCause().equals(LESS_DATA)) { lessDataCauses++; } } } assertTrue(lessDataCauses > 0); } @Test public void testLightestFactFirst() throws Exception { // testFact is lighter than testFact2. String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); Configuration conf = getConfWithStorages("C1"); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, true); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.LIGHTEST_FACT_FIRST, true); LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); NoCandidateFactAvailableException ne = (NoCandidateFactAvailableException) th; PruneCauses.BriefAndDetailedError pruneCauses = ne.getJsonMessage(); int endIndex = MISSING_PARTITIONS.errorFormat.length() - 3; assertEquals(pruneCauses.getBrief().substring(0, endIndex), MISSING_PARTITIONS.errorFormat.substring(0, endIndex)); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("testfact").size(), 1); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("testfact").iterator().next().getCause(), MISSING_PARTITIONS); } @Test public void testDerivedCube() throws ParseException, LensException, HiveException, ClassNotFoundException { CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = rewriteCtx("select SUM(msr2) from derivedCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(derivedCube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(rewrittenQuery.toHQL(), expected); System.out.println("Non existing parts:" + rewrittenQuery.getNonExistingParts()); assertNotNull(rewrittenQuery.getNonExistingParts()); LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select SUM(msr4) from derivedCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); // test join Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); String hqlQuery; /* Accessing join chains from derived cubes are not supported yet. hqlQuery = rewrite("select, SUM(msr2) from derivedCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "select, sum(derivedCube.msr2) FROM ", " JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_testdim2tbl dim2chain ON derivedCube.dim2 = " + " and (dim2chain.dt = 'latest') ", null, "group by (", null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "c1_summary2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // Test that explicit join query passes with join resolver disabled conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, true); hqlQuery = rewrite("select, SUM(msr2) from derivedCube " + " inner join citydim on derivedCube.cityid = where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "select, sum(derivedCube.msr2) FROM ", " inner JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim ON derivedCube.cityid = and (citydim.dt = 'latest')", null, "group by (", null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(DERIVED_CUBE_NAME, "c1_summary2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);*/ } @Test public void testCubeInsert() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); String hqlQuery = rewrite("insert overwrite directory" + " 'target/test' select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); Map<String, String> wh = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact"); String expected = "insert overwrite directory 'target/test' " + getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, wh); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("insert overwrite directory" + " 'target/test' select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("insert overwrite local directory" + " 'target/test' select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); wh = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact"); expected = "insert overwrite local directory 'target/test' " + getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, wh); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("insert overwrite local directory" + " 'target/test' select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "insert overwrite table temp" + " select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); wh = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact"); expected = "insert overwrite table temp " + getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, wh); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "insert overwrite table temp" + " select SUM(msr2) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } static void compareQueries(String actual, String expected) { assertEquals(new TestQuery(actual), new TestQuery(expected)); } static void compareContains(String expected, String actual) { if (expected == null && actual == null) { return; } else if (expected == null) { fail(); } else if (actual == null) { fail("Rewritten query is null"); } String expectedTrimmed = expected.replaceAll("\\W", ""); String actualTrimmed = actual.replaceAll("\\W", ""); if (!actualTrimmed.toLowerCase().contains(expectedTrimmed.toLowerCase())) { String method = null; for (StackTraceElement trace : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) { if (trace.getMethodName().startsWith("test")) { method = trace.getMethodName() + ":" + trace.getLineNumber(); } } System.err.println( "__FAILED__ " + method + "\n\tExpected: " + expected + "\n\t---------\n\tActual: " + actual); } assertTrue(actualTrimmed.toLowerCase().contains(expectedTrimmed.toLowerCase()), "Expected:" + expected + "Actual:" + actual); } @Test public void testCubeWhereQuery() throws Exception { String hqlQuery, expected; hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // Test with partition existence Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, true); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false); // Tests for valid tables conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.getValidFactTablesKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME), "testFact"); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.getValidFactTablesKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME), "testFact"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1"); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.getValidFactTablesKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME), "testFact2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1"); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.getValidFactTablesKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME), "testFact2"); conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testFact2"), "C1_testFact2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.getValidFactTablesKey(TEST_CUBE_NAME), "testFact"); conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C1_testFact"); conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C1"), "HOURLY"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); conf.set(getValidStorageTablesKey("testfact"), "C2_testFact"); conf.set(getValidUpdatePeriodsKey("testfact", "C2"), "HOURLY"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // max interval test conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.QUERY_MAX_INTERVAL, "HOURLY"); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1,C2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testPartColAsQueryColumn() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C3"); conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); String hql, expected; hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region = 'asia' and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select, sum(testcube.msr2)" + " FROM ", " JOIN " + getDbName() + "c3_countrytable_partitioned cubecountry on and cubecountry.dt='latest'", "cubecountry.region='asia'", " group by ", null, getWhereForHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C3_testfact2_raw")); compareQueries(hql, expected); hql = rewrite("select, cubestate.countryid, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubestate.countryid = 5 and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select, cubestate.countryid, sum(testcube.msr2)" + " FROM ", " JOIN " + getDbName() + "c3_statetable_partitioned cubestate ON" + " testCube.stateid = and cubestate.dt = 'latest'", "cubestate.countryid=5", " group by, cubestate.countryid", null, getWhereForHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C3_testfact2_raw")); compareQueries(hql, expected); } @Test public void testCubeJoinQuery() throws Exception { // q1 Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join citydim on testCube.cityid =" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2)" + " FROM ", " INNER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c2_citytable citydim ON" + " testCube.cityid =", null, null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join citydim on cityid =" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join citydim on cityid = id" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // q2 hqlQuery = rewrite( "select, SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube" + " join citydim on testCube.cityid =" + " left outer join statedim on = citydim.stateid" + " right outer join zipdim on citydim.zipcode = zipdim.code" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", "INNER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim ON testCube.cityid = and citydim.dt='latest' LEFT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_statetable statedim" + " ON = citydim.stateid AND " + "(statedim.dt = 'latest') RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_ziptable" + " zipdim ON citydim.zipcode = zipdim.code and zipdim.dt='latest'", null, " group by" + " ", null, getWhereForHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // q3 hqlQuery = rewrite( "select, SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube TC" + " join citydim CT on TC.cityid =" + " left outer join statedim ST on = CT.stateid" + " right outer join zipdim ZT on CT.zipcode = ZT.code" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery("tc", "select," + " sum(tc.msr2) FROM ", " INNER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable ct ON" + " tc.cityid = and ct.dt='latest' LEFT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_statetable st" + " ON = ct.stateid and (st.dt = 'latest') " + "RIGHT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_ziptable" + " zt ON ct.zipcode = zt.code and zt.dt='latest'", null, " group by" + " ", null, getWhereForHourly2days("tc", "C1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // q4 hqlQuery = rewrite( "select, SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube" + " left outer join citydim on testCube.cityid =" + " left outer join zipdim on citydim.zipcode = zipdim.code" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim ON" + " testCube.cityid = and (citydim.dt = 'latest') " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_ziptable" + " zipdim ON citydim.zipcode = zipdim.code AND " + "(zipdim.dt = 'latest')", null, " group by" + " ", null, getWhereForHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join countrydim on testCube.countryid =" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_MONTH, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery( TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", " INNER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c1_countrytable countrydim ON testCube.countryid = " + "", null, null, null, getWhereForMonthly2months("c2_testfactmonthly")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select name, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join citydim" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by name", getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_JOIN_CONDITION_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } @Test public void testConvertDimFilterToFactFilterForSingleFact() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C3"); conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); conf.setBoolean(REWRITE_DIM_FILTER_TO_FACT_FILTER, true); // filter with = String hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region = 'asia' and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where ((cubecountry.region) = 'asia') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); // filter with or hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where (cubecountry.region = 'asia' " + "or cubecountry.region = 'europe') and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where (((cubecountry.region) = 'asia') or ((cubecountry.region) = 'europe')) " + "and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); //filter with in hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region in ('asia','europe') " + "and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where (cubecountry.region) in ('asia' , 'europe') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); //filter with not in hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region not in ('asia','europe') " + "and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where (cubecountry.region) not in ('asia' , 'europe') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); //filter with != hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region != 'asia' " + "and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where ((cubecountry.region) != 'asia') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); //filter with cube alias hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube as t" + " where cubecountry.region = 'asia' " + "and zipcode = 'x' and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "t.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where ((cubecountry.region) = 'asia') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); //filter with AbridgedTimeRangeWriter conf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.class, TimeRangeWriter.class); hql = rewrite("select, msr2 from" + " testCube" + " where cubecountry.region = 'asia' and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); filterSubquery = "testcube.countryid in ( select id from TestQueryRewrite.c3_countrytable_partitioned " + "cubecountry where ((cubecountry.region) = 'asia') and (cubecountry.dt = 'latest') )"; String timeKeyIn = "(testcube.dt) in"; assertTrue(hql.contains(timeKeyIn)); assertTrue(hql.contains(filterSubquery)); } @Test public void testCubeGroupbyWithConstantProjected() throws Exception { // check constants Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); String hqlQuery1 = rewrite( "select cityid, 99, \"placeHolder\", -1001, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected1 = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.cityid, 99, \"placeHolder\", -1001," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.cityid ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery1, expected1); // check constants with expression String hqlQuery2 = rewrite( "select cityid, case when stateid = 'za' then \"Not Available\" end, 99, \"placeHolder\", -1001, " + "SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected2 = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.cityid, case when testcube.stateid = 'za' then \"Not Available\" end, 99, \"placeHolder\"," + " -1001, sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.cityid, case when testcube.stateid = 'za' then \"Not Available\" end ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery2, expected2); // check expression with boolean and numeric constants String hqlQuery3 = rewrite( "select cityid,stateid + 99, 44 + stateid, stateid - 33, 999 - stateid, TRUE, FALSE, round(123.4567,2), " + "case when stateid='za' then 99 else -1001 end, " + "SUM(msr2), SUM(msr2 + 39), SUM(msr2) + 567 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected3 = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.cityid, testcube.stateid + 99, 44 + testcube.stateid, testcube.stateid - 33," + " 999 - testcube.stateid, TRUE, FALSE, round(123.4567,2), " + "case when testcube.stateid='za' then 99 else -1001 end," + " sum(testcube.msr2), sum(testcube.msr2 + 39), sum(testcube.msr2) + 567 FROM ", null, " group by testcube.cityid,testcube.stateid + 99, 44 + testcube.stateid, testcube.stateid - 33, " + "999 - testcube.stateid, " + " case when testcube.stateid='za' then 99 else -1001 end ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery3, expected3); } @Test public void testCubeGroupbyQuery() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); String hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube join citydim on testCube.cityid = where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", "INNER JOIN " + getDbName() + "c2_citytable citydim ON" + " testCube.cityid =", null, " group by ", null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " join citydim on testCube.cityid =" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by name", conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select cityid, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.cityid," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.cityid ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select round(cityid), SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select round(testcube.cityid)," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.cityid) ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + "group by round(zipcode)", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select round(testcube.zipcode)," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.zipcode) ", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select round(cityid), SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by zipcode", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " round(testcube.cityid), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.zipcode", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select round(cityid), SUM(msr2) from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " round(testcube.cityid), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.cityid)", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select cityid, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by round(zipcode)", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " testcube.cityid, sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.zipcode)", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by round(zipcode)", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select round(testcube.zipcode)," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.zipcode)", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select cityid, msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by round(zipcode)", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " testcube.cityid, sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by round(testcube.zipcode)", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select round(zipcode) rzc," + " msr2 from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by zipcode" + " order by rzc", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select round(testcube.zipcode) as `rzc`," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.zipcode order by rzc asc", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); //Dim attribute with aggregate function hqlQuery = rewrite("select countofdistinctcityid, zipcode from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " count(distinct (testcube.cityid)), (testcube.zipcode) FROM ", null, " group by (testcube.zipcode)", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); //Dim attribute with single row function hqlQuery = rewrite("select notnullcityid, zipcode from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select " + " distinct case when (testcube.cityid) is null then 0 " + "else (testcube.cityid) end, (testcube.zipcode) FROM ", null, "", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // rewrite with expressions conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1, C2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("SELECT AS g1," + " CASE WHEN'NULL' THEN 'NULL' " + " WHEN'X' THEN 'X-NAME' " + " WHEN'Y' THEN 'Y-NAME' " + " ELSE 'DEFAULT' END AS g2, " + " AS g3," + " AS g4, " + " cubezip.code!=1 AND " + " ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND (cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND " + " cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\" AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\")) " + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\" " + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" )) " + " OR ((cubezip.f1==\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\"))" + " AND ) AS g5," + " cubezip.code==1 AND " + " ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND (cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND " + " cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\" AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\")) " + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\" " + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" )) " + " OR ((cubezip.f1==\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\"))" + " AND ) AS g6, " + " cubezip.f1 AS g7, " + " format_number(SUM(msr1),\"##################.###\") AS a1," + " format_number(SUM(msr2),\"##################.###\") AS a2, " + " format_number(SUM(msr3),\"##################.###\") AS a3, " + " format_number(SUM(msr1)+SUM(msr2), \"##################.###\") AS a4," + " format_number(SUM(msr1)+SUM(msr3),\"##################.###\") AS a5," + " format_number(SUM(msr1)-(SUM(msr2)+SUM(msr3)),\"##################.###\") AS a6" + " FROM testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " HAVING (SUM(msr1) >=1000) AND (SUM(msr2)>=0.01)", conf); String actualExpr = "" + " join " + getDbName() + "c1_statetable cubestate on and " + "(cubestate.dt='latest')" + " join " + getDbName() + "c1_ziptable cubezip on testcube.zipcode = cubezip.code and (cubezip.dt = 'latest') " + " join " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable cubecity on testcube.cityid = and (cubecity.dt = 'latest')" + ""; expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "SELECT ( ) as `g1` ," + " case when (( ) == 'NULL' ) then 'NULL' when (( ) == 'X' )" + " then 'X-NAME' when (( ) == 'Y' ) then 'Y-NAME'" + " else 'DEFAULT' end as `g2` , ( ) as `g3` , ( ) as `g4` ," + " ((( cubezip.code ) != 1 ) and ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"xyz\" )" + " and (((( cubezip.f2 ) >= \"3\" ) and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"NULL\" ))" + " and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"uk\" ))) or (((( cubezip.f2 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"js\" ))" + " and ((( ) == \"X\" ) or (( ) == \"Y\" ))))" + " or ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"api\" )" + " or (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"uk\" )) or ((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) != \"js\" )))" + " and (( ) == 12 )))) as `g5` , ((( cubezip.code ) == 1 )" + " and ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"xyz\" ) and (((( cubezip.f2 ) >= \"3\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"NULL\" ))" + " and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"uk\" ))) or (((( cubezip.f2 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"js\" ))" + " and ((( ) == \"X\" ) or (( ) == \"Y\" ))))" + " or ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"api\" )" + " or (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"uk\" )) or ((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) != \"js\" )))" + " and (( ) == 12 )))) as `g6` , ( cubezip.f1 ) as `g7` ," + " format_number(sum(( testcube.msr1 )), \"##################.###\" ) as `a1` ," + " format_number(sum(( testcube.msr2 )), \"##################.###\" ) as `a2` ," + " format_number(sum(( testcube.msr3 )), \"##################.###\" ) as `a3`, " + " format_number((sum(( testcube.msr1 )) + sum(( testcube.msr2 ))), \"##################.###\" ) as `a4` ," + " format_number((sum(( testcube.msr1 )) + sum(( testcube.msr3 ))), \"##################.###\" ) as `a5` ," + " format_number((sum(( testcube.msr1 )) - (sum(( testcube.msr2 )) + sum(( testcube.msr3 )))), " + " \"##################.###\" ) as `a6`" + " FROM ", actualExpr, null, " GROUP BY ( ), case when (( ) == 'NULL' ) " + "then 'NULL' when (( ) == 'X' ) then 'X-NAME' when (( ) == 'Y' )" + " then 'Y-NAME' else 'DEFAULT' end, ( ), ( )," + " ((( cubezip.code ) != 1 ) and ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"xyz\" ) and (((( cubezip.f2 ) >= \"3\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"NULL\" )) and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"uk\" ))) or (((( cubezip.f2 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"js\" )) and ((( ) == \"X\" ) or (( ) == \"Y\"" + " ))))" + " or ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"api\" ) or (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"uk\" )) or ((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"adc\" )" + " and (( cubezip.f1 ) != \"js\" ))) and (( ) == 12 )))), ((( cubezip.code ) == 1 ) and" + " ((((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"xyz\" ) and (((( cubezip.f2 ) >= \"3\" ) and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"NULL\" ))" + " and (( cubezip.f2 ) != \"uk\" ))) or (((( cubezip.f2 ) == \"adc\" ) and (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"js\" ))" + " and ((( ) == \"X\" ) or (( ) == \"Y\" )))) or ((((( cubezip.f1 )==\"api\" )" + " or (( cubezip.f1 ) == \"uk\" )) or ((( cubezip.f1 ) == \"adc\" ) and (( cubezip.f1 ) != \"js\" )))" + " and (( ) == 12 )))), ( cubezip.f1 ) HAVING ((sum(( testcube.msr1 )) >= 1000 ) " + "and (sum(( testcube.msr2 )) >= 0.01 ))", null, getWhereForHourly2days("c1_testfact2_raw")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("SELECT AS g1," + " CASE WHEN'NULL' THEN 'NULL' " + " WHEN'X' THEN 'X-NAME' " + " WHEN'Y' THEN 'Y-NAME' " + " ELSE 'DEFAULT' END AS g2, " + " AS g3," + " AS g4, " + " cubezip.code!=1 AND " + " ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND (cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND " + " cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\" AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\")) " + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\" " + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" )) " + " OR ((cubezip.f1==\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\"))" + " AND ) AS g5," + " cubezip.code==1 AND " + " ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND (cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND " + " cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\" AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\")) " + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\" " + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" )) " + " OR ((cubezip.f1==\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\"))" + " AND ) AS g6, " + " cubezip.f1 AS g7, " + " format_number(SUM(msr1),\"##################.###\") AS a1," + " format_number(SUM(msr2),\"##################.###\") AS a2, " + " format_number(SUM(msr3),\"##################.###\") AS a3, " + " format_number(SUM(msr1)+SUM(msr2), \"##################.###\") AS a4," + " format_number(SUM(msr1)+SUM(msr3),\"##################.###\") AS a5," + " format_number(SUM(msr1)-(SUM(msr2)+SUM(msr3)),\"##################.###\") AS a6" + " FROM testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " group by, CASE WHEN'NULL' THEN 'NULL'" + " WHEN'X' THEN 'X-NAME' WHEN'Y' THEN 'Y-NAME'" + " ELSE 'DEFAULT' END,,, cubezip.code!=1 AND" + " ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND (cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\" AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\"))" + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\"" + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" ))" + " OR ((cubezip.f1==\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\"))" + " AND )," + " cubezip.code==1 AND ((cubezip.f1==\"xyz\" AND ( cubezip.f2 >= \"3\" AND cubezip.f2 !=\"NULL\"" + " AND cubezip.f2 != \"uk\"))" + " OR (cubezip.f2==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1==\"js\"" + " AND ( == \"X\" OR == \"Y\" ))" + " OR ((cubezip.f1=\"api\" OR cubezip.f1==\"uk\" OR (cubezip.f1==\"adc\" AND cubezip.f1!=\"js\")) AND" + "," + " cubezip.f1 " + "HAVING (SUM(msr1) >=1000) AND (SUM(msr2)>=0.01)", conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testSelectExprPromotionToGroupByWithSpacesInDimensionAliasAndWithAsKeywordBwColAndAlias() throws ParseException, LensException, HiveException { String inputQuery = "select name as `Alias With Spaces`, SUM(msr2) as `TestMeasure` from testCube join citydim" + " on testCube.cityid = where " + LAST_HOUR_TIME_RANGE; String expectedRewrittenQuery = "SELECT ( as `Alias With Spaces`, sum((testcube.msr2)) " + "as `TestMeasure` FROM TestQueryRewrite.c2_testfact testcube inner JOIN TestQueryRewrite.c2_citytable citydim " + "ON ((testcube.cityid) = ( WHERE ((((testcube.dt) = '" + getDateUptoHours(getDateWithOffset(HOURLY, -1)) + "'))) GROUP BY ("; String actualRewrittenQuery = rewrite(inputQuery, getConfWithStorages("C2")); assertEquals(actualRewrittenQuery, expectedRewrittenQuery); } @Test public void testSelectExprPromotionToGroupByWithSpacesInDimensionAliasAndWithoutAsKeywordBwColAndAlias() throws ParseException, LensException, HiveException { String inputQuery = "select name `Alias With Spaces`, SUM(msr2) as `TestMeasure` from testCube join citydim" + " on testCube.cityid = where " + LAST_HOUR_TIME_RANGE; String expectedRewrittenQuery = "SELECT ( as `Alias With Spaces`, sum((testcube.msr2)) " + "as `TestMeasure` FROM TestQueryRewrite.c2_testfact testcube inner JOIN TestQueryRewrite.c2_citytable citydim " + "ON ((testcube.cityid) = ( WHERE ((((testcube.dt) = '" + getDateUptoHours(getDateWithOffset(HOURLY, -1)) + "'))) GROUP BY ("; String actualRewrittenQuery = rewrite(inputQuery, getConfWithStorages("C2")); assertEquals(actualRewrittenQuery, expectedRewrittenQuery); } @Test public void testCubeQueryWithAilas() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) m2 from" + " testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) as `m2` FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube mycube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); expected = getExpectedQuery("mycube", "select sum(mycube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("mycube", "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(testCube.msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select mycube.msr2 m2 from testCube" + " mycube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); expected = getExpectedQuery("mycube", "select sum(mycube.msr2) as `m2` FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("mycube", "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select testCube.msr2 m2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C2")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) as `m2` FROM ", null, null, getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testCubeWhereQueryForMonth() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForMonthlyDailyAndHourly2months("C2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } /* The test is to check no failure on partial data when the flag FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA is not set */ @Test public void testQueryWithMeasureWithDataCompletenessTagWithNoFailureOnPartialData() throws ParseException, LensException { //In this query a measure is used for which dataCompletenessTag is set. Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setStrings(CubeQueryConfUtil.COMPLETENESS_CHECK_PART_COL, "dt"); String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr1) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube", "select sum(basecube.msr1) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_raw_base")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testQueryWithMeasureWithDataCompletenessPresentInMultipleFacts() throws ParseException, LensException { /*In this query a measure is used which is present in two facts with different %completeness. While resolving the facts, the fact with the higher dataCompletenessFactor gets picked up.*/ Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setStrings(CubeQueryConfUtil.COMPLETENESS_CHECK_PART_COL, "dt"); String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr9) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); String expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube", "select sum(basecube.msr9) FROM ", null, null, getWhereForHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact5_raw_base")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testCubeWhereQueryWithMeasureWithDataCompletenessAndFailIfPartialDataFlagSet() throws ParseException, LensException { /*In this query a measure is used for which dataCompletenessTag is set and the flag FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA is set. The partitions for the queried range are present but some of the them have incomplete data. So, the query throws NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE Exception*/ Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setStrings(CubeQueryConfUtil.COMPLETENESS_CHECK_PART_COL, "dt"); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, true); LensException e = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select SUM(msr9) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); assertEquals(e.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); NoCandidateFactAvailableException ne = (NoCandidateFactAvailableException) e; PruneCauses.BriefAndDetailedError pruneCauses = ne.getJsonMessage(); /*Since the Flag FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA is set, and the queried fact has incomplete data, hence, we expect the prune cause to be INCOMPLETE_PARTITION. The below check is to validate this.*/ assertEquals(pruneCauses.getBrief(), String.format(INCOMPLETE_PARTITION.errorFormat, "[msr9]")); } @Test public void testCubeWhereQueryForMonthWithNoPartialData() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, true); LensException e = getLensExceptionInRewrite( "select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS, conf); assertEquals(e.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); NoCandidateFactAvailableException ne = (NoCandidateFactAvailableException) e; PruneCauses.BriefAndDetailedError pruneCauses = ne.getJsonMessage(); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getBrief().substring(0, MISSING_PARTITIONS.errorFormat.length() - 3), MISSING_PARTITIONS.errorFormat.substring(0, MISSING_PARTITIONS.errorFormat.length() - 3), pruneCauses.getBrief()); Set<String> expectedSet = Sets .newTreeSet(Arrays.asList("summary1", "summary2", "testfact2_raw", "summary3", "testfact")); boolean missingPartitionCause = false; for (String key : pruneCauses.getDetails().keySet()) { Set<String> actualKeySet = Sets.newTreeSet(Splitter.on(',').split(key)); if (expectedSet.equals(actualKeySet)) { assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get(key).iterator().next().getCause(), MISSING_PARTITIONS); missingPartitionCause = true; } } assertTrue(missingPartitionCause, MISSING_PARTITIONS + " error does not occur for facttables set " + expectedSet + " Details :" + pruneCauses.getDetails()); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("testfactmonthly").iterator().next().getCause(), NO_FACT_UPDATE_PERIODS_FOR_GIVEN_RANGE); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("testfact2").iterator().next().getCause(), MISSING_PARTITIONS); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("cheapfact").iterator().next().getCause(), NO_CANDIDATE_STORAGES); CandidateTablePruneCause cheapFactPruneCauses = pruneCauses.getDetails().get("cheapfact").iterator().next(); assertEquals(cheapFactPruneCauses.getStorageCauses().get("c0").getCause(), SkipStorageCode.RANGE_NOT_ANSWERABLE); assertEquals(cheapFactPruneCauses.getStorageCauses().get("c99").getCause(), SkipStorageCode.UNSUPPORTED); assertEquals(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("summary4").iterator().next().getCause(), TIMEDIM_NOT_SUPPORTED); assertTrue(pruneCauses.getDetails().get("summary4").iterator().next().getUnsupportedTimeDims() .contains("d_time")); } @Test public void testCubeWhereQueryForMonthUptoMonths() throws Exception { // this should consider only two month partitions. String hqlQuery = rewrite( "select cityid, SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_MONTH, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.cityid," + " sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, "group by testcube.cityid", getWhereForMonthly2months("c2_testfact")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testNoCandidateDimAvailableExceptionCompare() throws Exception { //Max cause COLUMN_NOT_FOUND, Ordinal 9 PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable> pr1 = new PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable>(); pr1.addPruningMsg(new CubeDimensionTable(new Table("test", "citydim")), CandidateTablePruneCause.columnNotFound("test1", "test2", "test3")); NoCandidateDimAvailableException ne1 = new NoCandidateDimAvailableException(pr1); //Max cause EXPRESSION_NOT_EVALUABLE, Ordinal 6 PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable> pr2 = new PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable>(); pr2.addPruningMsg(new CubeDimensionTable(new Table("test", "citydim")), CandidateTablePruneCause.expressionNotEvaluable("testexp1", "testexp2")); NoCandidateDimAvailableException ne2 = new NoCandidateDimAvailableException(pr2); assertEquals(ne1.compareTo(ne2), 3); } @Test public void testDimensionQueryWithMultipleStorages() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from" + " citydim", getConf()); String expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); Configuration conf = getConf(); // should pick up c2 storage when 'fail on partial data' enabled conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, true); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from" + " citydim", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // state table is present on c1 with partition dumps and partitions added LensException e = getLensExceptionInRewrite("select name, capital from statedim ", conf); assertEquals(e.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_CANDIDATE_DIM_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); NoCandidateDimAvailableException ne = (NoCandidateDimAvailableException) e; assertEquals(ne.getJsonMessage(), new PruneCauses.BriefAndDetailedError(NO_CANDIDATE_STORAGES.errorFormat, new HashMap<String, List<CandidateTablePruneCause>>() { { put("statetable", Arrays.asList(CandidateTablePruneCause .noCandidateStorages(new HashMap<String, SkipStorageCause>() { { put("c1_statetable", new SkipStorageCause(SkipStorageCode.NO_PARTITIONS)); } }))); put("statetable_partitioned", Arrays.asList(CandidateTablePruneCause .noCandidateStorages(new HashMap<String, SkipStorageCause>() { { put("C3_statetable_partitioned", new SkipStorageCause(SkipStorageCode.UNSUPPORTED)); } }))); } })); conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.FAIL_QUERY_ON_PARTIAL_DATA, false); // non existing parts should be populated CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = rewriteCtx("select name, capital from statedim ", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("statedim", "select," + " from ", null, "c1_statetable", true); compareQueries(rewrittenQuery.toHQL(), expected); assertNotNull(rewrittenQuery.getNonExistingParts()); // run a query with time range function hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, TWO_DAYS_RANGE, null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // query with alias hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, c.stateid from citydim" + " c", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("c", "select, c.stateid from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // query with where clause hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, c.stateid from citydim" + " c where name != 'xyz' ", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("c", "select, c.stateid from ", null, " != 'xyz' ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // query with orderby hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, c.stateid from citydim" + " c where name != 'xyz' order by name", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("c", "select, c.stateid from ", null, " != 'xyz' ", " order by asc", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // query with where and orderby hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, c.stateid from citydim" + " c where name != 'xyz' order by name", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("c", "select, c.stateid from ", null, " != 'xyz' ", " order by asc ", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); // query with orderby with order specified hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, c.stateid from citydim" + " c where name != 'xyz' order by name desc ", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("c", "select, c.stateid from ", null, " != 'xyz' ", " order by desc", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, ""); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.VALID_STORAGE_DIM_TABLES, "C1_citytable"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, ""); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.VALID_STORAGE_DIM_TABLES, "C2_citytable"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", null, "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name n, count(1) from citydim" + " group by name order by n ", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select as `n`," + " count(1) from ", " group by order by n asc", "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name as `n`, count(1) from citydim" + " order by n ", conf); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select count(1) from citydim" + " group by name order by name ", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " count(1) from ", " group by order by asc ", "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testLimitQueryOnDimension() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); String hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from" + " citydim limit 100", conf); String expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", " limit 100", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim " + "limit 100", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + "citydim.stateid from ", " limit 100", "c2_citytable", false); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1"); hqlQuery = rewrite("select name, stateid from citydim" + " limit 100", conf); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " citydim.stateid from ", " limit 100", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testColumnAmbiguity() throws Exception { String query = "SELECT ambigdim1, sum(testCube.msr1) FROM testCube join" + " citydim on testcube.cityid = where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; LensException th = getLensExceptionInRewrite(query, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.AMBIGOUS_CUBE_COLUMN.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); String q2 = "SELECT ambigdim2 from citydim join" + " statedim on citydim.stateid = join countrydim on" + " statedim.countryid ="; th = getLensExceptionInRewrite(q2, getConf()); assertEquals(th.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.AMBIGOUS_DIM_COLUMN.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } @Test public void testAliasReplacer() throws Exception { String[] queries = { "SELECT cityid, t.msr2 FROM testCube t where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, "SELECT cityid, msr2 FROM testCube where cityid > 100 and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " HAVING msr2 < 1000", "SELECT cityid, testCube.msr2 FROM testCube where cityid > 100 and " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " HAVING msr2 < 1000 ORDER BY cityid", }; String[] expectedQueries = { getExpectedQuery("t", "SELECT t.cityid, sum(t.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by t.cityid", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("t", "C2_testfact")), getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "SELECT testCube.cityid, sum(testCube.msr2)" + " FROM ", " testcube.cityid > 100 ", " group by testcube.cityid having" + " sum(testCube.msr2) < 1000", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")), getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "SELECT testCube.cityid, sum(testCube.msr2)" + " FROM ", " testcube.cityid > 100 ", " group by testcube.cityid having" + " sum(testCube.msr2) < 1000 order by testCube.cityid asc", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C2_testfact")), }; Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C2"); for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { String hql = rewrite(queries[i], conf); compareQueries(hql, expectedQueries[i]); } } @Test public void testFactsWithInvalidColumns() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C1")); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, max(testcube.msr3), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_summary1")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select dim1, dim2, COUNT(msr4)," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C1")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, count(testcube.msr4)," + " sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_summary2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite( "select dim1, dim2, cityid, msr4," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE, getConfWithStorages("C1")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, testcube.cityid," + " count(testcube.msr4), sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2, testcube.cityid", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_summary3")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testFactsWithTimedDimension() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT, getConf()); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, max(testcube.msr3), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "it", "C2_summary1"), null); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, dim2, COUNT(msr4)," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, count(testcube.msr4)," + " sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "it", "C2_summary2"), null); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, dim2, cityid, count(msr4)," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT, getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, testcube.cityid," + " count(testcube.msr4), sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2, testcube.cityid", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "it", "C2_summary3"), null); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } // Disabling this as querying on part column directly is not allowed as of // now. // @Test public void testCubeQueryTimedDimensionFilter() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT + " OR it == 'default') AND dim1 > 1000", getConf()); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, max(testcube.msr3), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, "or (( ) == 'default')) and ((testcube.dim1) > 1000)" + " group by testcube.dim1", getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "it", "C2_summary1"), null); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " OR (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS + " AND dt='default')", getConf()); String expecteddtRangeWhere1 = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", TWODAYS_BACK, NOW) + " OR (" + getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", BEFORE_6_DAYS, BEFORE_4_DAYS) + ")"; expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " AND testcube.dt='default'", expecteddtRangeWhere1, "c2_testfact"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); String expecteddtRangeWhere2 = "(" + getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", TWODAYS_BACK, NOW) + " AND testcube.dt='dt1') OR " + getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", BEFORE_6_DAYS, BEFORE_4_DAYS); hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " AND dt='dt1') OR (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS + " AND dt='default')", getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " AND testcube.dt='default'", expecteddtRangeWhere2, "c2_testfact"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); String twoDaysPTRange = getTimeRangeString("pt", DAILY, -2, 0, HOURLY); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube where (" + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT + " OR (" + twoDaysPTRange + " and it == 'default')) AND dim1 > 1000", getConf()); String expectedITPTrange = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "it", TWODAYS_BACK, NOW) + " OR (" + getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "pt", TWODAYS_BACK, NOW) + ")"; expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, max(testcube.msr3), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, "AND == 'default' and testcube.dim1 > 1000 group by testcube.dim1", expectedITPTrange, "C2_summary1"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testLookAhead() throws Exception { Configuration conf = getConf(); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.PROCESS_TIME_PART_COL, "pt"); conf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.class, TimeRangeWriter.class); CubeQueryContext ctx = rewriteCtx( "select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT, conf); assertEquals(ctx.candidateFacts.size(), 1); CandidateFact candidateFact = ctx.candidateFacts.iterator().next(); Set<FactPartition> partsQueried = new TreeSet<>(candidateFact.getPartsQueried()); Date ceilDay = DAILY.getCeilDate(getDateWithOffset(DAILY, -2)); Date nextDay = DateUtils.addDays(ceilDay, 1); Date nextToNextDay = DateUtils.addDays(nextDay, 1); HashSet<String> storageTables = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String storageTable : candidateFact.getStorageTables()) { storageTables.add(storageTable.split("\\.")[1]); } TreeSet<FactPartition> expectedPartsQueried = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (TimePartition p : Iterables.concat( TimePartition.of(HOURLY, getDateWithOffset(DAILY, -2)).rangeUpto(TimePartition.of(HOURLY, ceilDay)), TimePartition.of(DAILY, ceilDay).rangeUpto(TimePartition.of(DAILY, nextDay)), TimePartition.of(HOURLY, nextDay).rangeUpto(TimePartition.of(HOURLY, NOW)))) { FactPartition fp = new FactPartition("it", p, null, storageTables); expectedPartsQueried.add(fp); } for (TimePartition it : TimePartition.of(HOURLY, ceilDay).rangeUpto(TimePartition.of(HOURLY, nextDay))) { for (TimePartition pt : TimePartition.of(HOURLY, nextDay) .rangeUpto(TimePartition.of(HOURLY, nextToNextDay))) { FactPartition ptPartition = new FactPartition("pt", pt, null, storageTables); FactPartition itPartition = new FactPartition("it", it, ptPartition, storageTables); expectedPartsQueried.add(itPartition); } } assertEquals(partsQueried, expectedPartsQueried); conf.setInt(CubeQueryConfUtil.LOOK_AHEAD_PT_PARTS_PFX, 3); ctx = rewriteCtx("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT, conf); partsQueried = new TreeSet<>(ctx.candidateFacts.iterator().next().getPartsQueried()); // pt does not exist beyond 1 day. So in this test, max look ahead possible is 3 assertEquals(partsQueried, expectedPartsQueried); } @Test public void testCubeQueryWithMultipleRanges() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select SUM(msr2) from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " OR " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS, getConfWithStorages("C2")); String expectedRangeWhere = getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", TWODAYS_BACK, NOW) + " OR " + getWhereForDailyAndHourly2daysWithTimeDim(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "dt", BEFORE_6_DAYS, BEFORE_4_DAYS); String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, null, expectedRangeWhere, "c2_testfact"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " OR " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS, getConfWithStorages("C1")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, max(testcube.msr3), sum(testcube.msr2) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1", expectedRangeWhere, "C1_summary1"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, dim2, COUNT(msr4)," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " OR " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS, getConfWithStorages("C1")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, count(testcube.msr4)," + " sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2", expectedRangeWhere, "C1_summary2"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select dim1, dim2, cityid, count(msr4)," + " SUM(msr2), msr3 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE + " OR " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_BEFORE_4_DAYS, getConfWithStorages("C1")); expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select testcube.dim1, testcube,dim2, testcube.cityid," + " count(testcube.msr4), sum(testcube.msr2), max(testcube.msr3) FROM ", null, " group by testcube.dim1, testcube.dim2, testcube.cityid", expectedRangeWhere, "C1_summary3"); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testDistinctColWithoutAlias() throws Exception { String hqlQuery = rewrite("select DISTINCT name, stateid" + " from citydim", getConf()); String expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select DISTINCT" + ", citydim.stateid from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select id, sum(distinct id) from" + " citydim group by id", getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select," + " sum(DISTINCT from ", "group by", "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); hqlQuery = rewrite("select count(distinct id) from" + " citydim", getConf()); expected = getExpectedQuery("citydim", "select count(DISTINCT" + " from ", null, "c1_citytable", true); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testJoinWithMultipleAliases() throws Exception { String cubeQl = "SELECT SUM(msr2) from testCube left outer join citydim c1 on testCube.cityid =" + " left outer join statedim s1 on c1.stateid =" + " left outer join citydim c2 on s1.countryid = where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; Configuration conf = getConfWithStorages("C1"); conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, true); String hqlQuery = rewrite(cubeQl, conf); String db = getDbName(); String expectedJoin = " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + db + "c1_citytable c1 ON (( testcube . cityid ) = ( c1 . id )) AND (c1.dt = 'latest') " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + db + "c1_statetable s1 ON (( c1 . stateid ) = ( s1 . id )) AND (s1.dt = 'latest') " + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + db + "c1_citytable c2 ON (( s1 . countryid ) = ( c2 . id )) AND (c2.dt = 'latest')"; String expected = getExpectedQuery(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "select sum(testcube.msr2)" + " FROM ", expectedJoin, null, null, null, getWhereForHourly2days(TEST_CUBE_NAME, "C1_testfact2")); compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected); } @Test public void testJoinPathColumnLifeValidation() throws Exception { HiveConf testConf = new HiveConf(new HiveConf(getConf(), HiveConf.class)); testConf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); // Set column life of dim2 column in testCube CubeMetastoreClient client = CubeMetastoreClient.getInstance(testConf); Cube cube = (Cube) client.getCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME); BaseDimAttribute col = (BaseDimAttribute) cube.getColumnByName("cdim2"); assertNotNull(col); final String query = "SELECT, msr2 FROM testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; try { CubeQueryContext context = rewriteCtx(query, testConf); fail("Expected query to fail because of invalid column life"); } catch (LensException exc) { assertEquals(exc.getErrorCode(), LensCubeErrorCode.NO_JOIN_PATH.getLensErrorInfo().getErrorCode()); } finally { // Add old column back cube.alterDimension(col); client.alterCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME, cube); } // Assert same query succeeds with valid column Date oneWeekBack = DateUtils.addDays(TWODAYS_BACK, -7); // Alter cube.dim2 with an invalid column life BaseDimAttribute newDim2 = new BaseDimAttribute(new FieldSchema(col.getName(), "string", "invalid col"), col.getDisplayString(), oneWeekBack, null, col.getCost(), null); cube.alterDimension(newDim2); client.alterCube(TEST_CUBE_NAME, cube); String hql = rewrite(query, testConf); assertNotNull(hql); } @Test public void testCubeQueryWithSpaceInAlias() throws Exception { String query = "SELECT sum(msr2) as `a measure` from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; try { String hql = rewrite(query, getConf()); assertNotNull(hql); // test that quotes are preserved assertTrue(hql.contains("`a measure`")); System.out.println("@@ hql: " + hql); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { log.error("Not expecting null pointer exception", npe); fail("Not expecting null pointer exception"); } } @Test public void testTimeDimensionAndPartCol() throws Exception { // Test if time dimension is replaced with partition column // Disabling conf should not replace the time dimension String query = "SELECT test_time_dim, msr2 FROM testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_TTD; HiveConf hconf = new HiveConf(getConf(), TestCubeRewriter.class); hconf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); hconf.set(DRIVER_SUPPORTED_STORAGES, "C1,C2,C3,C4"); hconf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.REPLACE_TIMEDIM_WITH_PART_COL, true); CubeQueryRewriter rewriter = new CubeQueryRewriter(hconf, hconf); CubeQueryContext context = rewriter.rewrite(query); String hql = context.toHQL(); System.out.println("@@" + hql); assertTrue(hql.contains("ttd") && hql.contains("full_hour")); assertTrue(context.shouldReplaceTimeDimWithPart()); String partCol = context.getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim("test_time_dim"); assertEquals("ttd", partCol); String timeDimCol = context.getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn("ttd"); assertEquals("test_time_dim".toLowerCase(), timeDimCol); // Rewrite with setting disabled hconf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.REPLACE_TIMEDIM_WITH_PART_COL, false); rewriter = new CubeQueryRewriter(hconf, hconf); context = rewriter.rewrite(query); hql = context.toHQL(); System.out.println("@@2 " + hql); assertTrue(!hql.contains("ttd") && hql.contains("full_hour")); } @Test public void testAliasNameSameAsColumnName() throws Exception { String query = "SELECT msr2 as msr2 from testCube WHERE " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; try { String hql = rewrite(query, getConf()); assertNotNull(hql); System.out.println("@@HQL " + hql); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fail(npe.getMessage()); log.error("Not expecting null pointer exception", npe); } } @Test public void testDimAttributeQueryWithFact() throws Exception { String query = "select count (distinct dim1) from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; String hql = rewrite(query, getConf()); assertTrue(hql.contains("summary1")); } @Test public void testFactColumnStartAndEndTime() throws Exception { // Start time for dim attribute user_id_added_in_past is 2016-01-01 String query1 = "select user_id_added_in_past from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; String hql1 = rewrite(query1, getConf()); assertTrue(hql1.contains("c1_testfact4_raw_base")); // Start time for dim attribute user_id_added_far_future is 2099-01-01 String query2 = "select user_id_added_far_future from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; LensException e1 = getLensExceptionInRewrite(query2, getConf()); assertTrue(e1.getMessage().contains("NO_FACT_HAS_COLUMN")); // End time for dim attribute user_id_deprecated is 2016-01-01 String query3 = "select user_id_deprecated from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; LensException e2 = getLensExceptionInRewrite(query3, getConf()); assertTrue(e2.getMessage().contains("NO_FACT_HAS_COLUMN")); // Start time for ref column user_id_added_far_future_chain is 2099-01-01 String query4 = "select from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; LensException e3 = getLensExceptionInRewrite(query4, getConf()); assertTrue(e3.getMessage().contains("NO_FACT_HAS_COLUMN")); } @Test public void testSelectDimonlyJoinOnCube() throws Exception { String query = "SELECT count (distinct from testCube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE; Configuration conf = new Configuration(getConf()); conf.setBoolean(DISABLE_AUTO_JOINS, false); String hql = rewrite(query, conf); System.out.println("@@ HQL = " + hql); assertNotNull(hql); } @Test public void testInTimeRangeWriterWithHQL() throws Exception { // For queries with large number of partitions, the where clause generated using // the ORTimeRangeWriter causes a stack overflow exception because the operator tree of the where clause // gets too deep. // In this test, we rewrite the query once with the InTimeRangeWriter and once with ORTimeRangeWriter // Explain extended for the query rewritten with IN clauses passes, while the OR query fails with // stack overflow. // Also, we can verify by printing the explain output that partitions are indeed getting identified with // the IN clause // Test 1 - check for contained part columns String query = "select dim1, max(msr3)," + " msr2 from testCube" + " where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE_IT; HiveConf conf = new HiveConf(getConf(), TestCubeRewriter.class); conf.set(CubeQueryConfUtil.PROCESS_TIME_PART_COL, "pt"); conf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.class.asSubclass(TimeRangeWriter.class), TimeRangeWriter.class); String hqlWithInClause = rewrite(query, conf); System.out.println("@@ HQL with IN and OR: " + hqlWithInClause); // Run explain on this command, it should pass successfully. CommandProcessorResponse inExplainResponse = runExplain(hqlWithInClause, conf); assertNotNull(inExplainResponse); assertTrue(hqlWithInClause.contains("in")); // Test 2 - check for single part column // Verify for large number of partitions, single column. This is just to check if we don't see // errors on explain of large conditions String largePartQuery = "SELECT msr1 from testCube WHERE " + TWO_MONTHS_RANGE_UPTO_HOURS; HiveConf largeConf = new HiveConf(getConf(), TestCubeRewriter.class); largeConf.setClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS, AbridgedTimeRangeWriter.class.asSubclass(TimeRangeWriter.class), TimeRangeWriter.class); String largePartRewrittenQuery = rewrite(largePartQuery, largeConf); CommandProcessorResponse response = runExplain(largePartRewrittenQuery, largeConf); assertNotNull(response); assertTrue(largePartRewrittenQuery.contains("in")); } private CommandProcessorResponse runExplain(String hql, HiveConf conf) throws Exception { Driver hiveDriver = new Driver(conf, "anonymous"); CommandProcessorResponse response ="EXPLAIN EXTENDED " + hql); hiveDriver.resetFetch(); hiveDriver.setMaxRows(Integer.MAX_VALUE); List<Object> explainResult = new ArrayList<Object>(); hiveDriver.getResults(explainResult); for (Object explainRow : explainResult) { // Print the following to stdout to check partition output. // Not parsing the output because it will slow down the test assertNotNull(explainRow.toString()); } return response; } }