Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.lens.cube.parse;

import static;

import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CubeQueryConfUtil.*;

import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.*;

import static;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode;
import org.apache.lens.cube.error.NoCandidateDimAvailableException;
import org.apache.lens.cube.error.NoCandidateFactAvailableException;
import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.*;
import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.join.TableRelationship;
import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.join.AutoJoinContext;
import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.join.JoinClause;
import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.join.JoinTree;
import org.apache.lens.cube.parse.join.JoinUtils;
import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;


import lombok.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class CubeQueryContext extends TracksQueriedColumns implements QueryAST, TrackDenormContext {
    static final String TIME_RANGE_FUNC = "time_range_in";
    public static final String NOW = "now";
    static final String DEFAULT_TABLE = "_default_";
    private final ASTNode ast;
    private final QB qb;
    private String clauseName = null;
    private final Configuration conf;

    private final List<TimeRange> timeRanges;

    // metadata
    private CubeInterface cube;
    // Dimensions accessed in the query, contains dimensions that are joinchain destinations
    // of the joinchains used.
    protected Set<Dimension> dimensions = new HashSet<Dimension>();
    // The dimensions accessed by name in the query directly, via tablename.columname
    protected Set<Dimension> nonChainedDimensions = new HashSet<Dimension>();
    // Joinchains accessed in the query
    protected Map<String, JoinChain> joinchains = new HashMap<String, JoinChain>();

    private final Set<String> queriedMsrs = new HashSet<String>();

    private final Set<String> queriedExprs = new HashSet<String>();

    private final Set<String> queriedTimeDimCols = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

    private final Set<String> queriedExprsWithMeasures = new HashSet<String>();

    // Mapping of a qualified column name to its table alias
    private final Map<String, String> colToTableAlias = new HashMap<>();

     * This is the set of working Candidates that gets updated during different phases of
     * query resolution. Each {@link ContextRewriter} may add/remove/update Candiadtes in
     * this working set and from the final set of Candidates single {@link #pickedCandidate}
     * is chosen.
    private final Set<Candidate> candidates = new HashSet<>();

    // would be added through join chains and de-normalized resolver
    protected Map<Aliased<Dimension>, OptionalDimCtx> optionalDimensionMap = new HashMap<>();

    // Alias to table object mapping of tables accessed in this query
    private final Map<String, AbstractCubeTable> cubeTbls = new HashMap<>();

    void addSelectPhrase(SelectPhraseContext sel) {

    boolean isColumnAnAlias(String col) {

    void addQueriedPhrase(QueriedPhraseContext qur) {
        qur.setPosition(queriedPhrases.size() - 1);

    private final List<SelectPhraseContext> selectPhrases = new ArrayList<>();

    private final List<QueriedPhraseContext> queriedPhrases = new ArrayList<>();

    // Join conditions used in all join expressions
    private final Map<QBJoinTree, String> joinConds = new HashMap<>();
    protected final Map<Dimension, Set<CandidateDim>> candidateDims = new HashMap<>();
    // query trees
    private ASTNode havingAST;
    private ASTNode selectAST;

    // Will be set after the Fact is picked and time ranges replaced
    private ASTNode whereAST;

    private ASTNode orderByAST;
    // Setter is used in promoting the select when promotion is on.
    private ASTNode groupByAST;
    private CubeMetastoreClient metastoreClient;
    private AutoJoinContext autoJoinCtx;
    private ExpressionResolver.ExpressionResolverContext exprCtx;
    private DenormalizationResolver.DenormalizationContext deNormCtx;
    private PruneCauses<Candidate> storagePruningMsgs = new PruneCauses<>();
    private Map<Dimension, PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable>> dimPruningMsgs = new HashMap<Dimension, PruneCauses<CubeDimensionTable>>();
    private String fromString;
    private TimeRangeWriter rangeWriter = null;

    public CubeQueryContext(ASTNode ast, QB qb, Configuration queryConf, HiveConf metastoreConf)
            throws LensException {
        this.ast = ast;
        this.qb = qb;
        this.conf = queryConf;
        this.clauseName = getClause();
        this.timeRanges = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            metastoreClient = CubeMetastoreClient.getInstance(metastoreConf);
        } catch (HiveException e) {
            throw new LensException(e);
        if (qb.getParseInfo().getWhrForClause(clauseName) != null) {
            this.whereAST = qb.getParseInfo().getWhrForClause(clauseName);
        if (qb.getParseInfo().getHavingForClause(clauseName) != null) {
            this.havingAST = qb.getParseInfo().getHavingForClause(clauseName);
        if (qb.getParseInfo().getOrderByForClause(clauseName) != null) {
            this.orderByAST = qb.getParseInfo().getOrderByForClause(clauseName);
        if (qb.getParseInfo().getGroupByForClause(clauseName) != null) {
            this.groupByAST = qb.getParseInfo().getGroupByForClause(clauseName);
        if (qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(clauseName) != null) {
            this.selectAST = qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(clauseName);

        this.rangeWriter = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(conf.getClass(CubeQueryConfUtil.TIME_RANGE_WRITER_CLASS,
                CubeQueryConfUtil.DEFAULT_TIME_RANGE_WRITER, TimeRangeWriter.class), conf);

    boolean hasCubeInQuery() {
        return cube != null;

    private void extractMetaTables() throws LensException {
        List<String> tabAliases = new ArrayList<String>(qb.getTabAliases());
        Set<String> missing = new HashSet<String>();
        for (String alias : tabAliases) {
            boolean added = addQueriedTable(alias);
            if (!added) {
        for (String alias : missing) {
            // try adding them as joinchains
            boolean added = addJoinChain(alias, false);
            if (!added) {
      "Queried tables do not exist. Missing table:{}", alias);
                throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.NEITHER_CUBE_NOR_DIMENSION.getLensErrorInfo());

    private boolean addJoinChain(String alias, boolean isOptional) throws LensException {
        boolean retVal = false;
        String aliasLowerCaseStr = alias.toLowerCase();
        JoinChain joinchain = null;

        if (getCube() != null) {
            JoinChain chainByName = getCube().getChainByName(aliasLowerCaseStr);
            if (chainByName != null) {
                joinchain = chainByName;
                retVal = true;

        if (!retVal) {
            for (Dimension table : dimensions) {
                JoinChain chainByName = table.getChainByName(aliasLowerCaseStr);
                if (chainByName != null) {
                    joinchain = chainByName;
                    retVal = true;

        if (retVal) {
            joinchains.put(aliasLowerCaseStr, new JoinChain(joinchain));
            String destTable = joinchain.getDestTable();
            boolean added = addQueriedTable(alias, destTable, isOptional, true);
            if (!added) {
      "Queried tables do not exist. Missing tables:{}", destTable);
                throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.NEITHER_CUBE_NOR_DIMENSION.getLensErrorInfo());
  "Added join chain for {}", destTable);
            return true;

        return false;

    boolean addQueriedTable(String alias) throws LensException {
        return addQueriedTable(alias, false);

    private boolean addQueriedTable(String alias, boolean isOptional) throws LensException {
        String tblName = qb.getTabNameForAlias(alias);
        if (tblName == null) {
            tblName = alias;
        boolean added = addQueriedTable(alias, tblName, isOptional, false);
        if (!added) {
            // try adding as joinchain
            added = addJoinChain(alias, isOptional);
        return added;

     * destination table  : a table whose columns are getting queried intermediate table : a table which is only used as a
     * link between cube and destination table
     * @param alias
     * @param tblName
     * @param isOptional         pass false when it's a destination table pass true when it's an intermediate table when
     *                           join chain destination is being added, this will be false.
     * @param isChainedDimension pass true when you're adding the dimension as a joinchain destination, pass false when
     *                           this table is mentioned by name in the user query
     * @return true if added
     * @throws LensException
    private boolean addQueriedTable(String alias, String tblName, boolean isOptional, boolean isChainedDimension)
            throws LensException {
        alias = alias.toLowerCase();
        if (cubeTbls.containsKey(alias)) {
            return true;
        try {
            if (metastoreClient.isCube(tblName)) {
                if (cube != null) {
                    if (!cube.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tblName)) {
                        throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.MORE_THAN_ONE_CUBE.getLensErrorInfo(),
                                cube.getName(), tblName);
                cube = metastoreClient.getCube(tblName);
                cubeTbls.put(alias, (AbstractCubeTable) cube);
            } else if (metastoreClient.isDimension(tblName)) {
                Dimension dim = metastoreClient.getDimension(tblName);
                if (!isOptional) {
                if (!isChainedDimension) {
                cubeTbls.put(alias, dim);
            } else {
                return false;
        } catch (LensException e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    boolean isAutoJoinResolved() {
        return autoJoinCtx != null && autoJoinCtx.isJoinsResolved();

    Cube getBaseCube() {
        return cube instanceof Cube ? (Cube) cube : ((DerivedCube) cube).getParent();

    Set<String> getPartitionColumnsQueried() {
        return getTimeRanges().stream().map(TimeRange::getPartitionColumn).collect(toSet());

    // map of ref column in query to set of Dimension that have the column - which are added as optional dims
    private Map<String, Set<Aliased<Dimension>>> refColToDim = Maps.newHashMap();

    private void updateRefColDim(String col, Aliased<Dimension> dim) {
        refColToDim.computeIfAbsent(col.toLowerCase(), k -> Sets.newHashSet()).add(dim);

    static class QueriedExprColumn {
        private String exprCol;
        private String alias;

    // map of expression column in query to set of Dimension that are accessed in the expression column - which are added
    // as optional dims
    private Map<QueriedExprColumn, Set<Aliased<Dimension>>> exprColToDim = Maps.newHashMap();

    private void updateExprColDim(String tblAlias, String col, Aliased<Dimension> dim) {
        exprColToDim.computeIfAbsent(new QueriedExprColumn(col, tblAlias), k -> Sets.newHashSet()).add(dim);

    // Holds the context of optional dimension
    // A dimension is optional if it is not queried directly by the user, but is
    // required by a candidate table to get a denormalized field from reference
    // or required in a join chain
    static class OptionalDimCtx {
        OptionalDimCtx() {

        Set<String> colQueried = new HashSet<String>();
        Set<CandidateTable> requiredForCandidates = new HashSet<CandidateTable>();
        boolean isRequiredInJoinChain = false;

    void addOptionalJoinDimTable(String alias, boolean isRequired) throws LensException {
        addOptionalDimTable(alias, null, isRequired, null, false, (String[]) null);

    void addOptionalExprDimTable(String dimAlias, String queriedExpr, String srcTableAlias,
            CandidateTable candidate, String... cols) throws LensException {
        addOptionalDimTable(dimAlias, candidate, false, queriedExpr, false, srcTableAlias, cols);

    void addOptionalDimTable(String alias, CandidateTable candidate, boolean isRequiredInJoin, String cubeCol,
            boolean isRef, String... cols) throws LensException {
        addOptionalDimTable(alias, candidate, isRequiredInJoin, cubeCol, isRef, null, cols);

    private void addOptionalDimTable(String alias, CandidateTable candidate, boolean isRequiredInJoin,
            String cubeCol, boolean isRef, String tableAlias, String... cols) throws LensException {
        alias = alias.toLowerCase();
        if (!addQueriedTable(alias, true)) {
            throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.QUERIED_TABLE_NOT_FOUND.getLensErrorInfo(), alias);
        Dimension dim = (Dimension) cubeTbls.get(alias);
        Aliased<Dimension> aliasedDim = Aliased.create(dim, alias);
        OptionalDimCtx optDim = optionalDimensionMap.computeIfAbsent(aliasedDim, k -> new OptionalDimCtx());
        if (cols != null && candidate != null) {
        if (cubeCol != null) {
            if (isRef) {
                updateRefColDim(cubeCol, aliasedDim);
            } else {
                updateExprColDim(tableAlias, cubeCol, aliasedDim);
        if (!optDim.isRequiredInJoinChain) {
            optDim.isRequiredInJoinChain = isRequiredInJoin;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Adding optional dimension:{} optDim:{} {} isRef:{}", aliasedDim, optDim,
                    (cubeCol == null ? "" : " for column:" + cubeCol), isRef);

    public AbstractCubeTable getCubeTableForAlias(String alias) {
        return cubeTbls.get(alias);

    private String getClause() {
        if (clauseName == null) {
            TreeSet<String> ks = new TreeSet<String>(qb.getParseInfo().getClauseNames());
            clauseName = ks.first();
        return clauseName;

    public Map<Dimension, Set<CandidateDim>> getCandidateDimTables() {
        return candidateDims;

    void addCandidatePruningMsg(Collection<Candidate> candidateCollection, CandidateTablePruneCause pruneCause) {
        for (Candidate c : candidateCollection) {
            addCandidatePruningMsg(c, pruneCause);

    void addCandidatePruningMsg(Candidate cand, CandidateTablePruneCause pruneCause) {
        if (cand instanceof SegmentationCandidate) {
            addStoragePruningMsg(cand, pruneCause);
        } else {
            Set<StorageCandidate> scs = CandidateUtil.getStorageCandidates(cand);
            for (StorageCandidate sc : scs) {
                addStoragePruningMsg(sc, pruneCause);

    void addStoragePruningMsg(Candidate sc, CandidateTablePruneCause... factPruningMsgs) {
        for (CandidateTablePruneCause factPruningMsg : factPruningMsgs) {
  "Pruning Storage {} with cause: {}", sc, factPruningMsg);
            storagePruningMsgs.addPruningMsg(sc, factPruningMsg);

    public void addDimPruningMsgs(Dimension dim, CubeDimensionTable dimtable, CandidateTablePruneCause msg) {
        dimPruningMsgs.computeIfAbsent(dim, k -> new PruneCauses<>()).addPruningMsg(dimtable, msg);

    public String getAliasForTableName(Named named) {
        return getAliasForTableName(named.getName());

    public String getAliasForTableName(String tableName) {
        for (String alias : qb.getTabAliases()) {
            String table = qb.getTabNameForAlias(alias);
            if (table != null && table.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) {
                return alias;
        // get alias from cubeTbls
        for (Map.Entry<String, AbstractCubeTable> cubeTblEntry : cubeTbls.entrySet()) {
            if (cubeTblEntry.getValue().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) {
                return cubeTblEntry.getKey();
        return tableName.toLowerCase();

    public void print() {
        if (!log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append("ASTNode:").append(ast.dump()).append("\n").append("QB:")
                .append("\n numJoins:").append(qb.getNumJoins()).append("\n numGbys:").append(qb.getNumGbys())
                .append("\n numSels:").append(qb.getNumSels()).append("\n numSelDis:").append(qb.getNumSelDi())
                .append("\n aliasToTabs:");
        Set<String> tabAliases = qb.getTabAliases();
        for (String alias : tabAliases) {
        builder.append("\n aliases:");
        for (String alias : qb.getAliases()) {
            builder.append(", ");
                .append("\n QBParseInfo");
        QBParseInfo parseInfo = qb.getParseInfo();
        builder.append("\n isSubQ: ").append(parseInfo.getIsSubQ()).append("\n alias: ")
        if (parseInfo.getJoinExpr() != null) {
            builder.append("\n joinExpr: ").append(parseInfo.getJoinExpr().dump());
        builder.append("\n hints: ").append(parseInfo.getHints());
        builder.append("\n aliasToSrc: ");
        for (String alias : tabAliases) {
            builder.append("\n\t").append(alias).append(": ").append(parseInfo.getSrcForAlias(alias).dump());
        TreeSet<String> clauses = new TreeSet<String>(parseInfo.getClauseNames());
        for (String clause : clauses) {
            builder.append("\n\t").append(clause).append(": ").append(parseInfo.getClauseNamesForDest());
        String clause = clauses.first();
        if (parseInfo.getWhrForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n whereexpr: ").append(parseInfo.getWhrForClause(clause).dump());
        if (parseInfo.getGroupByForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n groupby expr: ").append(parseInfo.getGroupByForClause(clause).dump());
        if (parseInfo.getSelForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n sel expr: ").append(parseInfo.getSelForClause(clause).dump());
        if (parseInfo.getHavingForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n having expr: ").append(parseInfo.getHavingForClause(clause).dump());
        if (parseInfo.getDestLimit(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n limit: ").append(parseInfo.getDestLimit(clause));
        if (parseInfo.getAllExprToColumnAlias() != null && !parseInfo.getAllExprToColumnAlias().isEmpty()) {
            builder.append("\n exprToColumnAlias:");
            for (Map.Entry<ASTNode, String> entry : parseInfo.getAllExprToColumnAlias().entrySet()) {
                builder.append("\n\t expr: ").append(entry.getKey().dump()).append(" ColumnAlias: ")
        if (parseInfo.getAggregationExprsForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n aggregateexprs:");
            for (Map.Entry<String, ASTNode> entry : parseInfo.getAggregationExprsForClause(clause).entrySet()) {
                builder.append("\n\t key: ").append(entry.getKey()).append(" expr: ")
        if (parseInfo.getDistinctFuncExprsForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n distinctFuncExprs:");
            for (ASTNode entry : parseInfo.getDistinctFuncExprsForClause(clause)) {
                builder.append("\n\t expr: ").append(entry.dump());

        if (qb.getQbJoinTree() != null) {
            builder.append("\n\n JoinTree");
            QBJoinTree joinTree = qb.getQbJoinTree();
            printJoinTree(joinTree, builder);

        if (qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(clause) != null) {
            builder.append("\n Destination:").append("\n\t dest expr:")

    private void printJoinTree(QBJoinTree joinTree, StringBuilder builder) {
        if (joinTree.getLeftAliases() != null) {
            builder.append("\n leftAliases:");
            for (String alias : joinTree.getLeftAliases()) {
                builder.append("\n\t ").append(alias);
        if (joinTree.getRightAliases() != null) {
            builder.append("\n rightAliases:");
            for (String alias : joinTree.getRightAliases()) {
                builder.append("\n\t ").append(alias);
        if (joinTree.getJoinSrc() != null) {
            builder.append("\n JoinSrc: {");
            printJoinTree(joinTree.getJoinSrc(), builder);
            builder.append("\n }");
        if (joinTree.getBaseSrc() != null) {
            builder.append("\n baseSrcs:");
            for (String src : joinTree.getBaseSrc()) {
                builder.append("\n\t ").append(src);
        builder.append("\n noOuterJoin: ").append(joinTree.getNoOuterJoin());
        builder.append("\n noSemiJoin: ").append(joinTree.getNoSemiJoin());
        builder.append("\n mapSideJoin: ").append(joinTree.isMapSideJoin());
        if (joinTree.getJoinCond() != null) {
            builder.append("\n joinConds:");
            for (JoinCond cond : joinTree.getJoinCond()) {
                builder.append("\n\t left: ").append(cond.getLeft()).append(" right: ").append(cond.getRight())
                        .append(" type:").append(cond.getJoinType()).append(" preserved:")

    public String getSelectString() {
        return HQLParser.getString(selectAST);

    public void setWhereString(String whereString) {
        //NO OP

    public String getWhereString() {
        if (whereAST != null) {
            return HQLParser.getString(whereAST);
        return null;

    public String getGroupByString() {
        if (groupByAST != null) {
            return HQLParser.getString(groupByAST);
        return null;

    public String getHavingString() {
        if (havingAST != null) {
            return HQLParser.getString(havingAST);
        return null;

    public ASTNode getJoinAST() {
        return qb.getParseInfo().getJoinExpr();

    public void setJoinAST(ASTNode node) {

    public String getOrderByString() {
        if (orderByAST != null) {
            return HQLParser.getString(orderByAST);
        return null;

    public Integer getLimitValue() {
        return qb.getParseInfo().getDestLimit(getClause());

    public void setLimitValue(Integer value) {
        qb.getParseInfo().setDestLimit(getClause(), 0, value);

    private String getStorageStringWithAlias(StorageCandidate candidate, Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery,
            String alias) {
        if (cubeTbls.get(alias) instanceof CubeInterface) {
            return candidate.getAliasForTable(alias);
        } else {
            return dimsToQuery.get(cubeTbls.get(alias)).getStorageString(alias);

    private String getWhereClauseWithAlias(Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery, String alias) {
        return StorageUtil.getWhereClause(dimsToQuery.get(cubeTbls.get(alias)), alias);

    String getQBFromString(StorageCandidate candidate, Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery)
            throws LensException {
        String fromString;
        if (getJoinAST() == null) {
            if (candidate != null) {
                if (dimensions.size() > 0) {
                    throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.NO_JOIN_CONDITION_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo());
                fromString = candidate.getAliasForTable(getAliasForTableName(cube.getName()));
            } else {
                if (dimensions.size() != 1) {
                    throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.NO_JOIN_CONDITION_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo());
                Dimension dim = dimensions.iterator().next();
                fromString = dimsToQuery.get(dim).getStorageString(getAliasForTableName(dim.getName()));
        } else {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            getQLString(qb.getQbJoinTree(), builder, candidate, dimsToQuery);
            fromString = builder.toString();
        return fromString;

    private void getQLString(QBJoinTree joinTree, StringBuilder builder, StorageCandidate candidate,
            Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery) throws LensException {
        List<String> joiningTables = new ArrayList<>();
        if (joinTree.getBaseSrc()[0] == null) {
            if (joinTree.getJoinSrc() != null) {
                getQLString(joinTree.getJoinSrc(), builder, candidate, dimsToQuery);
        } else { // (joinTree.getBaseSrc()[0] != null){
            String alias = joinTree.getBaseSrc()[0].toLowerCase();
            builder.append(getStorageStringWithAlias(candidate, dimsToQuery, alias));
        if (joinTree.getJoinCond() != null) {
            builder.append(" JOIN ");
        if (joinTree.getBaseSrc()[1] == null) {
            if (joinTree.getJoinSrc() != null) {
                getQLString(joinTree.getJoinSrc(), builder, candidate, dimsToQuery);
        } else { // (joinTree.getBaseSrc()[1] != null){
            String alias = joinTree.getBaseSrc()[1].toLowerCase();
            builder.append(getStorageStringWithAlias(candidate, dimsToQuery, alias));

        String joinCond = joinConds.get(joinTree);
        if (joinCond != null) {
            builder.append(" ON ");
            // joining tables will contain all tables involved in joins.
            // we need to push storage filters for Dimensions into join conditions, thus the following code
            // takes care of the same.
            for (String joiningTable : joiningTables) {
                if (cubeTbls.get(joiningTable) instanceof Dimension) {
                    DimOnlyHQLContext.appendWhereClause(builder, getWhereClauseWithAlias(dimsToQuery, joiningTable),
        } else {
            throw new LensException(LensCubeErrorCode.NO_JOIN_CONDITION_AVAILABLE.getLensErrorInfo());

    void setNonexistingParts(Map<String, Set<String>> nonExistingParts) throws LensException {
        if (!nonExistingParts.isEmpty()) {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();) {
                mapper.writeValue(out, nonExistingParts);
                conf.set(NON_EXISTING_PARTITIONS, out.toString("UTF-8"));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new LensException("Error writing non existing parts", e);
        } else {

    String getNonExistingParts() {
        return conf.get(NON_EXISTING_PARTITIONS);

    Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> pickCandidateDimsToQuery(Set<Dimension> dimensions) throws LensException {
        Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery = new HashMap<Dimension, CandidateDim>();
        if (!dimensions.isEmpty()) {
            for (Dimension dim : dimensions) {
                if (candidateDims.get(dim) != null && candidateDims.get(dim).size() > 0) {
                    CandidateDim cdim = candidateDims.get(dim).iterator().next();
          "Available candidate dims are:{}, picking up {} for querying.", candidateDims.get(dim),
                    dimsToQuery.put(dim, cdim);
                } else {
                    if (dimPruningMsgs.get(dim) != null && !dimPruningMsgs.get(dim).isEmpty()) {
                        try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
                            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                            mapper.writeValue(out, dimPruningMsgs.get(dim).getJsonObject());
                  "No candidate dim found because: {}", out.toString("UTF-8"));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            throw new LensException("Error writing dim pruning messages", e);
                    log.error("Query rewrite failed due to NO_CANDIDATE_DIM_AVAILABLE, Cause {}",
                    throw new NoCandidateDimAvailableException(dimPruningMsgs.get(dim));
        return dimsToQuery;

    Candidate pickCandidateToQuery() throws LensException {
        Candidate cand;
        if (hasCubeInQuery()) {
            Iterator<Candidate> iter = candidates.iterator();
            if (pickedCandidate == null && iter.hasNext()) {
                cand =;
      "Available Candidates:{}, picking up Candidate: {} for querying", candidates, cand);
                pickedCandidate = cand;
                // Answerable common measures in JoinCandidate should be answered by one of the children, otherwise
                // measure numbers will be added multiple times in the final union query.
                Set<Integer> measureIndices = getQueriedPhrases().stream().filter(x -> x.hasMeasures(this))
            if (pickedCandidate == null) {
        return pickedCandidate;

    void throwNoCandidateFactException() throws LensException {
        log.error("Query rewrite failed due to NO_CANDIDATE_FACT_AVAILABLE, Cause {}",
        throw new NoCandidateFactAvailableException(this);

    private QueryWriterContext queryWriterContext;
    private QueryWriter queryWriter;

    private Candidate pickedCandidate;
    private Collection<CandidateDim> pickedDimTables;

    void addRangeClauses(StorageCandidateHQLContext sc) throws LensException {
        if (sc != null) {
            // resolve timerange positions and replace it by corresponding where clause
            for (TimeRange range : getTimeRanges()) {
                String rangeWhere = sc.getStorageCandidate().getTimeRangeWhereClasue(rangeWriter, range);
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(rangeWhere)) {
                    ASTNode updatedRangeAST = HQLParser.parseExpr(rangeWhere, conf);
                    updateTimeRangeNode(sc.getQueryAst().getWhereAST(), range.getAstNode(), updatedRangeAST);

     * Find the appropriate time range node in the AST and update it with "updatedTimeRange".
     * Time Range node looks like this
     * time_range_in(dt, '2017', '2018') ->
     * TOK_FUNCTION [TOK_FUNCTION] (l5c2p37) {
     * time_range_in [Identifier] (l6c1p37)$
     * TOK_TABLE_OR_COL [TOK_TABLE_OR_COL] (l6c2p51) {
     * dt [Identifier] (l7c1p51)$
     * }
     * '2017' [StringLiteral] (l6c3p55)$
     * '2018' [StringLiteral] (l6c4p63)$
     * @param root
     * @param timeRangeFuncNode
     * @param updatedTimeRange
    private void updateTimeRangeNode(ASTNode root, ASTNode timeRangeFuncNode, ASTNode updatedTimeRange) {
        ASTNode childNode;
        if (root.getChildCount() == 0) {
        for (Node child : root.getChildren()) {
            childNode = (ASTNode) child;
            if (childNode.getType() == timeRangeFuncNode.getType()
                    && childNode.getChildCount() == timeRangeFuncNode.getChildCount()
                    && childNode.getChild(0).getText().equalsIgnoreCase(timeRangeFuncNode.getChild(0).getText())) {
                //Found the "time_range_in" function node. Check the details further as there can be more than one time ranges
                if (HQLParser.getString(timeRangeFuncNode).equalsIgnoreCase(HQLParser.getString(childNode))) {
                    //This is the correct time range node . Replace it with "updatedTimeRange"
                    childNode.getParent().setChild(childNode.getChildIndex(), updatedTimeRange);
            updateTimeRangeNode(childNode, timeRangeFuncNode, updatedTimeRange);

    public QueryWriterContext getQueryWriterContext(Candidate cand, Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery)
            throws LensException {
        if (cand == null) {
            return new DimOnlyHQLContext(dimsToQuery, this);
        } else {
            return cand.toQueryWriterContext(dimsToQuery, this);

    QueryWriter getQueryWriter() throws LensException {
        if (queryWriter == null) {
            Candidate cand = pickCandidateToQuery();
            Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery = pickCandidateDimsToQuery(dimensions);
  "Candidate: {}, DimsToQuery: {}", cand, dimsToQuery);
            queryWriterContext = getQueryWriterContext(cand, dimsToQuery);

            if (cand != null && autoJoinCtx != null) {
                // prune join paths for picked fact and dimensions
                autoJoinCtx.pruneAllPaths(cube, cand.getColumns(), dimsToQuery);
            // pick dimension tables required during expression expansion for the picked fact and dimensions
            // pick denorm tables for the picked fact and dimensions
            // Prune join paths once denorm tables are picked
            if (cand != null && autoJoinCtx != null) {
                // prune join paths for picked fact and dimensions
                autoJoinCtx.pruneAllPaths(cube, cand.getColumns(), dimsToQuery);
            pickedDimTables = dimsToQuery.values();

            //Set From string and time range clause
            //update dim filter with fact filter
            queryWriter = queryWriterContext.toQueryWriter();
        return queryWriter;

    private String asHQL = null;

    public String toHQL() throws LensException {
        if (asHQL == null) {
            asHQL = getQueryWriter().toHQL();
        return asHQL;

    public ASTNode toAST(Context ctx) throws LensException {
        String hql = toHQL();
        ParseDriver pd = new ParseDriver();
        ASTNode tree;
        try {
  "HQL:{}", hql);
            tree = pd.parse(hql, ctx);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new LensException(e);
        return ParseUtils.findRootNonNullToken(tree);

    Set<String> getColumnsQueriedForTable(String tblName) {
        return getColumnsQueried(getAliasForTableName(tblName));

    void addColumnsQueriedWithTimeDimCheck(QueriedPhraseContext qur, String alias, String timeDimColumn) {

        if (!shouldReplaceTimeDimWithPart()) {
            qur.addColumnsQueried(alias, timeDimColumn);

    boolean isCubeMeasure(String col) {
        if (col == null) {
            return false;

        col = col.trim();
        // Take care of brackets added around col names in HQLParsrer.getString
        if (col.startsWith("(") && col.endsWith(")") && col.length() > 2) {
            col = col.substring(1, col.length() - 1);

        String[] split = StringUtils.split(col, ".");
        if (split.length <= 1) {
            col = col.trim().toLowerCase();
            if (queriedExprs.contains(col)) {
                return exprCtx.getExpressionContext(col, getAliasForTableName(cube.getName())).hasMeasures();
            } else {
                return cube.getMeasureNames().contains(col);
        } else {
            String cubeName = split[0].trim().toLowerCase();
            String colName = split[1].trim().toLowerCase();
            if (cubeName.equalsIgnoreCase(cube.getName())
                    || cubeName.equals(getAliasForTableName(cube.getName()))) {
                if (queriedExprs.contains(colName)) {
                    return exprCtx.getExpressionContext(colName, cubeName).hasMeasures();
                } else {
                    return cube.getMeasureNames().contains(colName.toLowerCase());
            } else {
                return false;

    boolean isCubeMeasure(ASTNode node) {
        String tabname = null;
        String colname;
        int nodeType = node.getToken().getType();
        if (!(nodeType == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL || nodeType == HiveParser.DOT)) {
            return false;

        if (nodeType == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL) {
            colname = ((ASTNode) node.getChild(0)).getText();
        } else {
            // node in 'alias.column' format
            ASTNode tabident = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(node, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier);
            ASTNode colIdent = (ASTNode) node.getChild(1);

            colname = colIdent.getText();
            assert tabident != null;
            tabname = tabident.getText();

        String msrname = StringUtils.isBlank(tabname) ? colname : tabname + "." + colname;

        return isCubeMeasure(msrname);

    boolean hasAggregates() {
        if (getExprCtx().hasAggregates()) {
            return true;
        for (QueriedPhraseContext qur : queriedPhrases) {
            if (qur.isAggregate()) {
                return true;
        return false;

    void setJoinCond(QBJoinTree qb, String cond) {
        joinConds.put(qb, cond);

    public AbstractCubeTable getQueriedTable(String alias) {
        if (cube != null && cube.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(qb.getTabNameForAlias((alias)))) {
            return (AbstractCubeTable) cube;
        for (Dimension dim : dimensions) {
            if (dim.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(qb.getTabNameForAlias(alias))) {
                return dim;
        return null;

    String getInsertClause() {
        ASTNode destTree = qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(clauseName);
        if (destTree != null && ((ASTNode) (destTree.getChild(0))).getToken().getType() != TOK_TMP_FILE) {
            return "INSERT OVERWRITE " + HQLParser.getString(destTree) + " ";
        return "";

    Set<Aliased<Dimension>> getOptionalDimensions() {
        return optionalDimensionMap.keySet();

    public boolean shouldReplaceTimeDimWithPart() {

    boolean shouldReplaceDimFilterWithFactFilter() {

    String getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(String timeDimName) {
        return getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(cube, timeDimName);

    private static String getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(CubeInterface cube, String timeDimName) {
        if (cube == null) {
            return timeDimName;
        if (cube instanceof DerivedCube) {
            return ((DerivedCube) cube).getParent().getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(timeDimName);
        } else {
            return ((Cube) cube).getPartitionColumnOfTimeDim(timeDimName);

    String getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(String partCol) {
        return getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(cube, partCol);

    private static String getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(CubeInterface cube, String partCol) {
        if (cube == null) {
            return partCol;
        if (cube instanceof DerivedCube) {
            return ((DerivedCube) cube).getParent().getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(partCol);
        } else {
            return ((Cube) cube).getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(partCol);

    void addQueriedMsrs(Set<String> msrs) {

    void addQueriedExprs(Set<String> exprs) {

    void addQueriedExprsWithMeasures(Set<String> exprs) {

    void addQueriedTimeDimensionCols(final String timeDimColName) {


    ImmutableSet<String> getQueriedTimeDimCols() {
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(this.queriedTimeDimCols);

    String getWhere(StorageCandidateHQLContext sc, AutoJoinContext autoJoinCtx, ASTNode node, String cubeAlias,
            boolean shouldReplaceDimFilter, String storageTable, Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimToQuery)
            throws LensException {
        String whereString;
        if (autoJoinCtx != null && shouldReplaceDimFilter) {
            List<String> allfilters = new ArrayList<>();
            getAllFilters(node, cubeAlias, allfilters, autoJoinCtx.getJoinClause(sc.getStorageCandidate()),
            whereString = StringUtils.join(allfilters, " and ");
        } else {
            whereString = HQLParser.getString(sc.getQueryAst().getWhereAST());
        return whereString;

    private void getAllFilters(ASTNode node, String cubeAlias, List<String> allFilters, JoinClause joinClause,
            Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimToQuery) throws LensException {

        if (node.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.KW_AND) {
            // left child is and
            if (node.getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.KW_AND) {
                // take right corresponding to right
                String table = getTableFromFilterAST((ASTNode) node.getChild(1));
                allFilters.add(getFilter(table, cubeAlias, node, joinClause, 1, dimToQuery));
            } else if (node.getChildCount() > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    String table = getTableFromFilterAST((ASTNode) node.getChild(i));
                    allFilters.add(getFilter(table, cubeAlias, node, joinClause, i, dimToQuery));
        } else if (node.getParent() == null && node.getToken().getType() != HiveParser.KW_AND) {
            // if node is the only child
            allFilters.add(HQLParser.getString((ASTNode) node));
        for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
            ASTNode child = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i);
            getAllFilters(child, cubeAlias, allFilters, joinClause, dimToQuery);

    private String getFilter(String table, String cubeAlias, ASTNode node, JoinClause joinClause, int index,
            Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimToQuery) throws LensException {
        String filter;
        if (table != null && !table.equals(cubeAlias) && getStarJoin(joinClause, table) != null) {
            //rewrite dim filter to fact filter if its a star join with fact
            filter = buildFactSubqueryFromDimFilter(getStarJoin(joinClause, table), (ASTNode) node.getChild(index),
                    table, dimToQuery, cubeAlias);
        } else {
            filter = HQLParser.getString((ASTNode) node.getChild(index));
        return filter;

    private TableRelationship getStarJoin(JoinClause joinClause, String table) {
        for (Map.Entry<TableRelationship, JoinTree> entry : joinClause.getJoinTree().getSubtrees().entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getDepthFromRoot() == 1 && table.equals(entry.getValue().getAlias())) {
                return entry.getKey();
        return null;

    private String getTableFromFilterAST(ASTNode node) {

        if (node.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.DOT) {
            ASTNode n = HQLParser.findNodeByPath(node, TOK_TABLE_OR_COL, Identifier);
            assert n != null;
            return n.getText();
        } else {
            // recurse down
            for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
                ASTNode child = (ASTNode) node.getChild(i);
                String ret = getTableFromFilterAST(child);
                if (ret != null) {
                    return ret;
        return null;

    private String buildFactSubqueryFromDimFilter(TableRelationship tabRelation, ASTNode dimFilter, String dimAlias,
            Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimToQuery, String cubeAlias) throws LensException {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        CandidateDim dim = dimToQuery.get(tabRelation.getToTable());
        String storageClause = dim.getWhereClause();

        builder.append(cubeAlias).append(".").append(tabRelation.getFromColumn()).append(" in ( ").append("select ")
                .append(tabRelation.getToColumn()).append(" from ").append(dim.getStorageString(dimAlias))
                .append(" where ").append(HQLParser.getString(dimFilter));
        if (storageClause != null) {
            builder.append(" and ").append(String.format(storageClause, dimAlias)).append(" ) ");
        } else {
            builder.append(" ) ");

        return builder.toString();
