Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.lens.cube.metadata; import static org.apache.lens.cube.error.LensCubeErrorCode.EXPRESSION_NOT_PARSABLE; import static org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.MetastoreConstants.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ASTNode; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseDriver; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseUtils; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j public class MetastoreUtil { private MetastoreUtil() { } public static String getFactOrDimtableStorageTableName(String factName, String storageName) { return getStorageTableName(factName, Storage.getPrefix(storageName)); } public static String getStorageTableName(String cubeTableName, String storagePrefix) { return (storagePrefix + cubeTableName).toLowerCase(); } public static String getStorageClassKey(String name) { return getStorageEntityPrefix(name) + CLASS_SFX; } public static String getStorageEntityPrefix(String storageName) { return STORAGE_ENTITY_PFX + storageName.toLowerCase(); } // ////////////////////////// // Dimension properties /// // ///////////////////////// public static String getDimPrefix(String dimName) { return DIMENSION_PFX + dimName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getDimAttributeListKey(String dimName) { return getDimPrefix(dimName) + ATTRIBUTES_LIST_SFX; } public static String getDimTablePartsKey(String dimtableName) { return DIM_TABLE_PFX + dimtableName + PARTCOLS_SFX; } public static String getDimTimedDimensionKey(String dimName) { return getDimPrefix(dimName) + TIMED_DIMENSION_SFX; } // /////////////////////// // Dimension attribute properties// // /////////////////////// public static String getDimensionKeyPrefix(String dimName) { return DIM_KEY_PFX + dimName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getDimensionClassPropertyKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + CLASS_SFX; } public static String getInlineDimensionValuesKey(String name) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(name) + INLINE_VALUES_SFX; } public static String getDimTypePropertyKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + TYPE_SFX; } public static String getDimNumOfDistinctValuesPropertyKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + NUM_DISTINCT_VALUES; } public static String getHierachyElementKeyPFX(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + HIERARCHY_SFX; } public static String getHierachyElementKeyName(String dimName, int index) { return getHierachyElementKeyPFX(dimName) + index; } public static Integer getHierachyElementIndex(String dimName, String param) { return Integer.parseInt(param.substring(getHierachyElementKeyPFX(dimName).length())); } public static String getDimensionSrcReferenceKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + DIM_REFERS_SFX; } public static String getDimRefChainNameKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + CHAIN_NAME_SFX; } public static String getDimRefChainColumnKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + CHAIN_REF_COLUMN_SFX; } public static String getDimUseAsJoinKey(String dimName) { return getDimensionKeyPrefix(dimName) + IS_JOIN_KEY_SFX; } public static String getReferencesString(List<TableReference> references) { String[] toks = new String[references.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { TableReference reference = references.get(i); toks[i] = reference.getDestTable() + TABLE_COLUMN_SEPERATOR + reference.getDestColumn(); toks[i] += TABLE_COLUMN_SEPERATOR + reference.isMapsToMany(); } return StringUtils.join(toks, ','); } // //////////////////////// // Column properties // // //////////////////////// public static String getColumnKeyPrefix(String colName) { return COL_PFX + colName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getCubeColStartTimePropertyKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + START_TIME_SFX; } public static String getCubeColEndTimePropertyKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + END_TIME_SFX; } public static String getStoragetableStartTimesKey() { return STORAGE_PFX + "start.times"; } public static String getStoragetableEndTimesKey() { return STORAGE_PFX + "end.times"; } public static String getCubeColCostPropertyKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + COST_SFX; } public static String getCubeColDescriptionKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + DESC_SFX; } public static String getCubeColDisplayKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + DISPLAY_SFX; } public static String getCubeColTagKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + TAGS_PFX; } public static String getExprColumnKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + EXPR_SFX; } public static String getExprTypePropertyKey(String colName) { return getColumnKeyPrefix(colName) + TYPE_SFX; } public static String getExprEncodingPropertyKey(String colName) { return getExprColumnKey(colName) + BASE64_SFX; } //////////////////////////// // Join chain properties // //////////////////////////// public static String getCubeJoinChainKey(String colName) { return CUBE_KEY_PFX + JOIN_CHAIN_KEY + colName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getCubeJoinChainNumChainsKey(String colName) { return getCubeJoinChainKey(colName) + NUM_CHAINS_SFX; } public static String getCubeJoinChainFullChainKey(String colName, int index) { return getCubeJoinChainKey(colName) + FULL_CHAIN_KEY + index; } public static String getCubeJoinChainDescriptionKey(String colName) { return getCubeJoinChainKey(colName) + DESC_SFX; } public static String getCubeJoinChainDisplayKey(String colName) { return getCubeJoinChainKey(colName) + DISPLAY_SFX; } public static String getDimensionJoinChainKey(String colName) { return DIMENSION_PFX + JOIN_CHAIN_KEY + colName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getDimensionJoinChainNumChainsKey(String colName) { return getDimensionJoinChainKey(colName) + NUM_CHAINS_SFX; } public static String getDimensionJoinChainFullChainKey(String colName, int index) { return getDimensionJoinChainKey(colName) + FULL_CHAIN_KEY + index; } public static String getDimensionJoinChainDescriptionKey(String colName) { return getDimensionJoinChainKey(colName) + DESC_SFX; } public static String getDimensionJoinChainDisplayKey(String colName) { return getDimensionJoinChainKey(colName) + DISPLAY_SFX; } // //////////////////////// // Dimension table properties // // //////////////////////// public static String getDimensionTablePrefix(String dimTblName) { return DIM_TBL_PFX + dimTblName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getDimensionDumpPeriodKey(String dimTblName, String storage) { return getDimensionTablePrefix(dimTblName) + "." + storage.toLowerCase() + DUMP_PERIOD_SFX; } public static String getDimensionStorageListKey(String dimTblName) { return getDimensionTablePrefix(dimTblName) + STORAGE_LIST_SFX; } public static String getDimNameKey(String dimTblName) { return getDimensionTablePrefix(dimTblName) + DIM_NAME_SFX; } // ////////////////////////// // Measure properties /// // ///////////////////////// public static String getMeasurePrefix(String measureName) { return MEASURE_KEY_PFX + measureName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getMeasureClassPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + CLASS_SFX; } public static String getMeasureUnitPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + UNIT_SFX; } public static String getMeasureTypePropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + TYPE_SFX; } public static String getMeasureFormatPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + FORMATSTRING_SFX; } public static String getMeasureAggrPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + AGGR_SFX; } public static String getMeasureMinPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + MIN_SFX; } public static String getMeasureMaxPropertyKey(String measureName) { return getMeasurePrefix(measureName) + MAX_SFX; } public static String getExpressionListKey(String name) { return getBasePrefix(name) + EXPRESSIONS_LIST_SFX; } // ////////////////////////// // Cube properties /// // ///////////////////////// public static String getBasePrefix(String base) { return BASE_KEY_PFX + base.toLowerCase(); } public static String getCubePrefix(String cubeName) { return CUBE_KEY_PFX + cubeName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getCubeMeasureListKey(String cubeName) { return getCubePrefix(cubeName) + MEASURES_LIST_SFX; } public static String getCubeDimensionListKey(String cubeName) { return getCubePrefix(cubeName) + DIMENSIONS_LIST_SFX; } public static String getCubeTimedDimensionListKey(String cubeName) { return getCubePrefix(cubeName) + TIMED_DIMENSIONS_LIST_SFX; } public static String getCubeJoinChainListKey(String cubeName) { return getCubePrefix(cubeName) + JOIN_CHAIN_LIST_SFX; } public static String getDimensionJoinChainListKey(String dimName) { return getDimPrefix(dimName) + JOIN_CHAIN_LIST_SFX; } public static String getParentCubeNameKey(String cubeName) { return getCubePrefix(cubeName) + PARENT_CUBE_SFX; } public static String getCubeTableKeyPrefix(String tableName) { return CUBE_TABLE_PFX + tableName.toLowerCase(); } // ////////////////////////// // Fact properties /// // ///////////////////////// public static String getFactStorageListKey(String name) { return getFactKeyPrefix(name) + STORAGE_LIST_SFX; } public static String getFactKeyPrefix(String factName) { return FACT_KEY_PFX + factName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getFactUpdatePeriodKey(String name, String storage) { return getFactKeyPrefix(name) + "." + storage.toLowerCase() + UPDATE_PERIOD_SFX; } public static String getFactCubeNameKey(String name) { return getFactKeyPrefix(name) + CUBE_NAME_SFX; } public static String getSourceFactNameKey(String name) { return getFactKeyPrefix(name) + SOURCE_NAME_SFX; } public static String getValidColumnsKey(String name) { return getFactKeyPrefix(name) + VALID_COLUMNS_SFX; } public static String getCubeTableWeightKey(String name) { return getCubeTableKeyPrefix(name) + WEIGHT_KEY_SFX; } public static String getLatestPartTimestampKey(String partCol) { return STORAGE_PFX + partCol + LATEST_PART_TIMESTAMP_SFX; } // ////////////////////////// // Segmentation propertes /// // ///////////////////////// public static String getSegmentationKeyPrefix(String segName) { return SEGMENTATION_KEY_PFX + segName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getSegmentationCubeNameKey(String name) { return getSegmentationKeyPrefix(name) + CUBE_NAME_SFX; } public static String getSegmentsListKey(String name) { return getSegmentationKeyPrefix(name) + SEGMENTATION_CUBE_SEGMENT_SFX; } public static String getSegmentPropertyKey(String segName) { return getSegmentationKeyPrefix(segName) + SEGMENT_PROP_SFX; } // ////////////////////////// // Utils /// // ///////////////////////// public static Date getDateFromProperty(String prop, boolean relative, boolean start) { try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prop)) { if (relative) { return DateUtil.resolveRelativeDate(prop, new Date()); } else { return DateUtil.resolveAbsoluteDate(prop); } } } catch (LensException e) { log.error("unable to parse {} {} date: {}", relative ? "relative" : "absolute", start ? "start" : "end", prop); } return start ? DateUtil.MIN_DATE : DateUtil.MAX_DATE; } public static <E extends Named> String getNamedStr(Collection<E> set) { if (set == null) { return ""; } String sep = ""; StringBuilder valueStr = new StringBuilder(); for (E aSet : set) { valueStr.append(sep).append(aSet.getName()); sep = ","; } return valueStr.toString(); } static <E extends Named> List<String> getNamedStrs(Collection<E> set, int maxLength) { List<String> namedStrings = new ArrayList<>(); if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) { return namedStrings; } StringBuilder valueStr = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<E> it = set.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < (set.size() - 1); i++) { E next =; if (valueStr.length() + next.getName().length() >= maxLength) { namedStrings.add(valueStr.toString()); valueStr.setLength(0); } valueStr.append(next.getName()); valueStr.append(","); } E next =; if (valueStr.length() + next.getName().length() >= maxLength) { namedStrings.add(valueStr.toString()); valueStr.setLength(0); } valueStr.append(next.getName()); namedStrings.add(valueStr.toString()); return namedStrings; } private static final int MAX_PARAM_LENGTH = 3999; public static Set<Named> getNamedSetFromStringSet(Set<String> strings) { Set<Named> nameds = Sets.newHashSet(); for (final String s : strings) { nameds.add(new Named() { @Override public String getName() { return s; } }); } return nameds; } public static <E extends Named> void addNameStrings(Map<String, String> props, String key, Collection<E> set) { addNameStrings(props, key, set, MAX_PARAM_LENGTH); } public static <E extends Named> void addNameStrings(Map<String, String> props, String key, Collection<E> set, int maxLength) { List<String> namedStrings = getNamedStrs(set, maxLength); props.put(key + ".size", String.valueOf(namedStrings.size())); for (int i = 0; i < namedStrings.size(); i++) { props.put(key + i, namedStrings.get(i)); } } public static String getNamedStringValue(Map<String, String> props, String key) { if (props.containsKey(key + ".size")) { int size = Integer.parseInt(props.get(key + ".size")); StringBuilder valueStr = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { valueStr.append(props.get(key + i)); } return valueStr.toString(); } else if (props.containsKey(key)) { return props.get(key); } else { return null; } } public static String getObjectStr(Collection<?> set) { if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuilder valueStr = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<?> it = set.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < (set.size() - 1); i++) { valueStr.append(; valueStr.append(","); } valueStr.append(; return valueStr.toString(); } public static String getStr(Collection<String> set) { if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuilder valueStr = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> it = set.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < (set.size() - 1); i++) { valueStr.append(; valueStr.append(","); } valueStr.append(; return valueStr.toString(); } public static void addColumnNames(CubeDimAttribute dim, Set<String> cols) { if (dim instanceof HierarchicalDimAttribute) { HierarchicalDimAttribute h = (HierarchicalDimAttribute) dim; for (CubeDimAttribute d : h.getHierarchy()) { addColumnNames(d, cols); } } else { cols.add(dim.getName().toLowerCase()); } } public static String getPartitionInfoKeyPrefix(UpdatePeriod updatePeriod, String partCol) { return STORAGE_PFX + PARTITION_TIMELINE_CACHE + updatePeriod.getName() + "." + partCol + "."; } public static String getPartitionTimelineStorageClassKey(UpdatePeriod updatePeriod, String partCol) { return getPartitionInfoKeyPrefix(updatePeriod, partCol) + STORAGE_CLASS; } public static String getPartitionTimelineCachePresenceKey() { return STORAGE_PFX + PARTITION_TIMELINE_CACHE + "present"; } public static void filterPartitionsByUpdatePeriod(List<Partition> partitions, UpdatePeriod updatePeriod) { Iterator<Partition> iter = partitions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Partition part =; if (!UpdatePeriod.valueOf(part.getParameters().get(PARTITION_UPDATE_PERIOD)).equals(updatePeriod)) { iter.remove(); } } } public static List<Partition> filterPartitionsByNonTimeParts(List<Partition> partitions, Map<String, String> nonTimePartSpec, String latestPartCol) { ListIterator<Partition> iter = partitions.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Partition part =; boolean ignore = false; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry1 : part.getSpec().entrySet()) { if ((nonTimePartSpec == null || !nonTimePartSpec.containsKey(entry1.getKey())) && !entry1.getKey().equals(latestPartCol)) { try { UpdatePeriod.valueOf(part.getParameters().get(PARTITION_UPDATE_PERIOD)).format() .parse(entry1.getValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { ignore = true; } } } if (ignore) { iter.remove(); } } return partitions; } public static Date getLatestTimeStampFromPartition(Partition part, String partCol) throws HiveException { if (part != null) { String latestTimeStampStr = part.getParameters().get(MetastoreUtil.getLatestPartTimestampKey(partCol)); String latestPartUpdatePeriod = part.getParameters().get(PARTITION_UPDATE_PERIOD); UpdatePeriod latestUpdatePeriod = UpdatePeriod.valueOf(latestPartUpdatePeriod.toUpperCase()); try { return latestUpdatePeriod.parse(latestTimeStampStr); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new HiveException(e); } } return null; } static ASTNode parseExpr(String expr) throws LensException { ParseDriver driver = new ParseDriver(); ASTNode tree; try { tree = driver.parseExpression(expr); } catch (org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException e) { throw new LensException(EXPRESSION_NOT_PARSABLE.getLensErrorInfo(), e, e.getMessage(), expr); } return ParseUtils.findRootNonNullToken(tree); } public static ASTNode copyAST(ASTNode original) { return copyAST(original, x -> Pair.of(new ASTNode(x), true)); } public static ASTNode copyAST(ASTNode original, Function<ASTNode, Pair<ASTNode, Boolean>> overrideCopyFunction) { Pair<ASTNode, Boolean> copy1 = overrideCopyFunction.apply(original); ASTNode copy = copy1.getLeft(); if (copy1.getRight()) { if (original.getChildren() != null) { for (Node o : original.getChildren()) { copy.addChild(copyAST((ASTNode) o, overrideCopyFunction)); } } } return copy; } public static String getUpdatePeriodStoragePrefixKey(String factTableName, String storageName, String updatePeriod) { return MetastoreUtil.getFactKeyPrefix(factTableName) + "." + storageName + "." + updatePeriod; } public static ASTNode getStringLiteralAST(String literal) { return new ASTNode(new CommonToken(HiveParser.StringLiteral, literal)); } }