Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.algorithm; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; public class CuboidStatsUtil { /** * For generating mandatory cuboids, * a cuboid is mandatory if the expectation of rolling up count exceeds a threshold * */ public static Set<Long> generateMandatoryCuboidSet(Map<Long, Long> statistics, Map<Long, Long> hitFrequencyMap, Map<Long, Map<Long, Long>> rollingUpCountSourceMap, final long rollUpThresholdForMandatory) { Set<Long> mandatoryCuboidSet = Sets.newHashSet(); if (hitFrequencyMap == null || hitFrequencyMap.isEmpty() || rollingUpCountSourceMap == null || rollingUpCountSourceMap.isEmpty()) { return mandatoryCuboidSet; } long totalHitFrequency = 0L; for (long hitFrequency : hitFrequencyMap.values()) { totalHitFrequency += hitFrequency; } if (totalHitFrequency == 0) { return mandatoryCuboidSet; } for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> hitFrequency : hitFrequencyMap.entrySet()) { long cuboid = hitFrequency.getKey(); if (statistics.get(cuboid) != null) { continue; } if (rollingUpCountSourceMap.get(cuboid) == null || rollingUpCountSourceMap.get(cuboid).isEmpty()) { continue; } long totalEstScanCount = 0L; for (long estScanCount : rollingUpCountSourceMap.get(cuboid).values()) { totalEstScanCount += estScanCount; } totalEstScanCount /= rollingUpCountSourceMap.get(cuboid).size(); if ((hitFrequency.getValue() * 1.0 / totalHitFrequency) * totalEstScanCount >= rollUpThresholdForMandatory) { mandatoryCuboidSet.add(cuboid); } } return mandatoryCuboidSet; } /** * Complement row count for mandatory cuboids * with its best parent's row count * */ public static void complementRowCountForMandatoryCuboids(Map<Long, Long> statistics, long baseCuboid, Set<Long> mandatoryCuboidSet) { // Sort entries order by row count asc SortedSet<Map.Entry<Long, Long>> sortedStatsSet = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<Long, Long>>( new Comparator<Map.Entry<Long, Long>>() { public int compare(Map.Entry<Long, Long> o1, Map.Entry<Long, Long> o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } }); sortedStatsSet.addAll(statistics.entrySet()); for (Long cuboid : mandatoryCuboidSet) { if (statistics.get(cuboid) == null) { // Get estimate row count for mandatory cuboid long tmpRowCount = -1; for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : sortedStatsSet) { if (isDescendant(cuboid, entry.getKey())) { tmpRowCount = entry.getValue(); } } statistics.put(cuboid, tmpRowCount < 0 ? statistics.get(baseCuboid) : tmpRowCount); } } } public static Map<Long, List<Long>> createDirectChildrenCache(final Set<Long> cuboidSet) { /** * Sort the list by ascending order: * */ final List<Long> cuboidList = Lists.newArrayList(cuboidSet); Collections.sort(cuboidList); /** * Sort the list by ascending order: * 1. the more bit count of its value, the bigger * 2. the larger of its value, the bigger * */ List<Integer> layerIdxList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(cuboidList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < cuboidList.size(); i++) { layerIdxList.add(i); } Collections.sort(layerIdxList, new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer i1, Integer i2) { Long o1 = cuboidList.get(i1); Long o2 = cuboidList.get(i2); int nBitDiff = Long.bitCount(o1) - Long.bitCount(o2); if (nBitDiff != 0) { return nBitDiff; } return, o2); } }); /** * Construct an index array for pointing the position in layerIdxList * (layerCuboidList is for speeding up continuous iteration) * */ int[] toLayerIdxArray = new int[layerIdxList.size()]; final List<Long> layerCuboidList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(cuboidList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < layerIdxList.size(); i++) { int cuboidIdx = layerIdxList.get(i); toLayerIdxArray[cuboidIdx] = i; layerCuboidList.add(cuboidList.get(cuboidIdx)); } int[] previousLayerLastIdxArray = new int[layerIdxList.size()]; int currentBitCount = 0; int previousLayerLastIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < layerIdxList.size(); i++) { int cuboidIdx = layerIdxList.get(i); int nBits = Long.bitCount(cuboidList.get(cuboidIdx)); if (nBits > currentBitCount) { currentBitCount = nBits; previousLayerLastIdx = i - 1; } previousLayerLastIdxArray[i] = previousLayerLastIdx; } Map<Long, List<Long>> directChildrenCache = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < cuboidList.size(); i++) { Long currentCuboid = cuboidList.get(i); LinkedList<Long> directChildren = Lists.newLinkedList(); int lastLayerIdx = previousLayerLastIdxArray[toLayerIdxArray[i]]; /** * Choose one of the two scan strategies * 1. cuboids are sorted by its value, like 1,2,3,4,... * 2. cuboids are layered and sorted, like 1,2,4,8,...,3,5,... * */ if (i - 1 <= lastLayerIdx) { /** * 1. Adding cuboid by descending order * */ for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { checkAndAddDirectChild(directChildren, currentCuboid, cuboidList.get(j)); } } else { /** * 1. Adding cuboid by descending order * 2. Check from lower cuboid layer * */ for (int j = lastLayerIdx; j >= 0; j--) { checkAndAddDirectChild(directChildren, currentCuboid, layerCuboidList.get(j)); } } directChildrenCache.put(currentCuboid, directChildren); } return directChildrenCache; } private static void checkAndAddDirectChild(List<Long> directChildren, Long currentCuboid, Long checkedCuboid) { if (isDescendant(checkedCuboid, currentCuboid)) { boolean ifDirectChild = true; for (long directChild : directChildren) { if (isDescendant(checkedCuboid, directChild)) { ifDirectChild = false; break; } } if (ifDirectChild) { directChildren.add(checkedCuboid); } } } public static boolean isDescendant(long cuboidToCheck, long parentCuboid) { return (cuboidToCheck & parentCuboid) == cuboidToCheck; } }