Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kylin.cube; import static; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfig; import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfigExt; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.JsonSerializer; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.Serializer; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Dictionary; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Pair; import org.apache.kylin.cube.model.CubeDesc; import org.apache.kylin.cube.model.DictionaryDesc; import org.apache.kylin.dict.DictionaryInfo; import org.apache.kylin.dict.DictionaryManager; import org.apache.kylin.dict.lookup.LookupStringTable; import org.apache.kylin.dict.lookup.SnapshotManager; import org.apache.kylin.dict.lookup.SnapshotTable; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.MetadataManager; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.cachesync.Broadcaster; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.cachesync.Broadcaster.Event; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.cachesync.CaseInsensitiveStringCache; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.JoinDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.SegmentStatusEnum; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.Segments; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TableDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TblColRef; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectInstance; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectManager; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.IRealization; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.IRealizationConstants; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.IRealizationProvider; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationStatusEnum; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationType; import org.apache.kylin.source.IReadableTable; import org.apache.kylin.source.SourceFactory; import org.apache.kylin.source.SourcePartition; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * @author yangli9 */ public class CubeManager implements IRealizationProvider { private static String ALPHA_NUM = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private static int HBASE_TABLE_LENGTH = 10; public static final Serializer<CubeInstance> CUBE_SERIALIZER = new JsonSerializer<CubeInstance>( CubeInstance.class); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CubeManager.class); // static cached instances private static final ConcurrentMap<KylinConfig, CubeManager> CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<KylinConfig, CubeManager>(); public static CubeManager getInstance(KylinConfig config) { CubeManager r = CACHE.get(config); if (r != null) { return r; } synchronized (CubeManager.class) { r = CACHE.get(config); if (r != null) { return r; } try { r = new CubeManager(config); CACHE.put(config, r); if (CACHE.size() > 1) { logger.warn("More than one singleton exist"); for (KylinConfig kylinConfig : CACHE.keySet()) { logger.warn("type: " + kylinConfig.getClass() + " reference: " + System.identityHashCode(kylinConfig.base())); } } return r; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to init CubeManager from " + config, e); } } } public static void clearCache() { CACHE.clear(); } public static void clearCache(KylinConfig kylinConfig) { if (kylinConfig != null) CACHE.remove(kylinConfig); } // ============================================================================ private KylinConfig config; // cube name ==> CubeInstance private CaseInsensitiveStringCache<CubeInstance> cubeMap; // "table/column" ==> lookup table // private SingleValueCache<String, LookupStringTable> lookupTables = new SingleValueCache<String, LookupStringTable>(Broadcaster.TYPE.METADATA); // for generation hbase table name of a new segment private ConcurrentMap<String, String> usedStorageLocation = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private CubeManager(KylinConfig config) throws IOException {"Initializing CubeManager with config " + config); this.config = config; this.cubeMap = new CaseInsensitiveStringCache<CubeInstance>(config, "cube"); // touch lower level metadata before registering my listener loadAllCubeInstance(); Broadcaster.getInstance(config).registerListener(new CubeSyncListener(), "cube"); } private class CubeSyncListener extends Broadcaster.Listener { @Override public void onClearAll(Broadcaster broadcaster) throws IOException { clearCache(); } @Override public void onProjectSchemaChange(Broadcaster broadcaster, String project) throws IOException { for (IRealization real : ProjectManager.getInstance(config).listAllRealizations(project)) { if (real instanceof CubeInstance) { reloadCubeLocal(real.getName()); } } } @Override public void onEntityChange(Broadcaster broadcaster, String entity, Event event, String cacheKey) throws IOException { String cubeName = cacheKey; if (event == Event.DROP) removeCubeLocal(cubeName); else reloadCubeLocal(cubeName); for (ProjectInstance prj : ProjectManager.getInstance(config).findProjects(RealizationType.CUBE, cubeName)) { broadcaster.notifyProjectDataUpdate(prj.getName()); } } } public List<CubeInstance> listAllCubes() { return new ArrayList<CubeInstance>(cubeMap.values()); } public CubeInstance getCube(String cubeName) { cubeName = cubeName.toUpperCase(); return cubeMap.get(cubeName); } public CubeInstance getCubeByUuid(String uuid) { Collection<CubeInstance> copy = new ArrayList<CubeInstance>(cubeMap.values()); for (CubeInstance cube : copy) { if (uuid.equals(cube.getUuid())) return cube; } return null; } /** * Get related Cubes by cubedesc name. By default, the desc name will be * translated into upper case. * * @param descName CubeDesc name * @return */ public List<CubeInstance> getCubesByDesc(String descName) { descName = descName.toUpperCase(); List<CubeInstance> list = listAllCubes(); List<CubeInstance> result = new ArrayList<CubeInstance>(); Iterator<CubeInstance> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CubeInstance ci =; if (descName.equalsIgnoreCase(ci.getDescName())) { result.add(ci); } } return result; } public DictionaryInfo buildDictionary(CubeSegment cubeSeg, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable) throws IOException { CubeDesc cubeDesc = cubeSeg.getCubeDesc(); if (!cubeDesc.getAllColumnsNeedDictionaryBuilt().contains(col)) return null; String builderClass = cubeDesc.getDictionaryBuilderClass(col); DictionaryInfo dictInfo = getDictionaryManager().buildDictionary(cubeDesc.getModel(), col, inpTable, builderClass); saveDictionaryInfo(cubeSeg, col, dictInfo); return dictInfo; } public DictionaryInfo saveDictionary(CubeSegment cubeSeg, TblColRef col, IReadableTable inpTable, Dictionary<String> dict) throws IOException { CubeDesc cubeDesc = cubeSeg.getCubeDesc(); if (!cubeDesc.getAllColumnsNeedDictionaryBuilt().contains(col)) return null; DictionaryInfo dictInfo = getDictionaryManager().saveDictionary(cubeDesc.getModel(), col, inpTable, dict); saveDictionaryInfo(cubeSeg, col, dictInfo); return dictInfo; } private void saveDictionaryInfo(CubeSegment cubeSeg, TblColRef col, DictionaryInfo dictInfo) throws IOException { if (dictInfo != null) { Dictionary<?> dict = dictInfo.getDictionaryObject(); cubeSeg.putDictResPath(col, dictInfo.getResourcePath()); cubeSeg.getRowkeyStats().add(new Object[] { col.getIdentity(), dict.getSize(), dict.getSizeOfId() }); CubeUpdate update = new CubeUpdate(cubeSeg.getCubeInstance()); update.setToUpdateSegs(cubeSeg); updateCube(update); } } /** * return null if no dictionary for given column */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Dictionary<String> getDictionary(CubeSegment cubeSeg, TblColRef col) { DictionaryInfo info = null; try { DictionaryManager dictMgr = getDictionaryManager(); String dictResPath = cubeSeg.getDictResPath(col); if (dictResPath == null) return null; info = dictMgr.getDictionaryInfo(dictResPath); if (info == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No dictionary found by " + dictResPath + ", invalid cube state; cube segment" + cubeSeg + ", col " + col); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to get dictionary for cube segment" + cubeSeg + ", col" + col, e); } return (Dictionary<String>) info.getDictionaryObject(); } public SnapshotTable buildSnapshotTable(CubeSegment cubeSeg, String lookupTable) throws IOException { MetadataManager metaMgr = getMetadataManager(); SnapshotManager snapshotMgr = getSnapshotManager(); TableDesc tableDesc = new TableDesc(metaMgr.getTableDesc(lookupTable)); IReadableTable hiveTable = SourceFactory.createReadableTable(tableDesc); SnapshotTable snapshot = snapshotMgr.buildSnapshot(hiveTable, tableDesc); cubeSeg.putSnapshotResPath(lookupTable, snapshot.getResourcePath()); CubeUpdate cubeBuilder = new CubeUpdate(cubeSeg.getCubeInstance()); cubeBuilder.setToUpdateSegs(cubeSeg); updateCube(cubeBuilder); return snapshot; } // sync on update public CubeInstance dropCube(String cubeName, boolean deleteDesc) throws IOException {"Dropping cube '" + cubeName + "'"); // load projects before remove cube from project // delete cube instance and cube desc CubeInstance cube = getCube(cubeName); if (deleteDesc && cube.getDescriptor() != null) { CubeDescManager.getInstance(config).removeCubeDesc(cube.getDescriptor()); } // remove cube and update cache getStore().deleteResource(cube.getResourcePath()); cubeMap.remove(cube.getName()); // delete cube from project ProjectManager.getInstance(config).removeRealizationsFromProjects(RealizationType.CUBE, cubeName); if (listener != null) listener.afterCubeDelete(cube); return cube; } // sync on update public CubeInstance createCube(String cubeName, String projectName, CubeDesc desc, String owner) throws IOException {"Creating cube '" + projectName + "-->" + cubeName + "' from desc '" + desc.getName() + "'"); // save cube resource CubeInstance cube = CubeInstance.create(cubeName, desc); cube.setOwner(owner); updateCubeWithRetry(new CubeUpdate(cube), 0); ProjectManager.getInstance(config).moveRealizationToProject(RealizationType.CUBE, cubeName, projectName, owner); if (listener != null) listener.afterCubeCreate(cube); return cube; } public CubeInstance createCube(CubeInstance cube, String projectName, String owner) throws IOException {"Creating cube '" + projectName + "-->" + cube.getName() + "' from instance object. '"); // save cube resource cube.setOwner(owner); updateCubeWithRetry(new CubeUpdate(cube), 0); ProjectManager.getInstance(config).moveRealizationToProject(RealizationType.CUBE, cube.getName(), projectName, owner); if (listener != null) listener.afterCubeCreate(cube); return cube; } public CubeInstance updateCube(CubeUpdate update) throws IOException { CubeInstance cube = updateCubeWithRetry(update, 0); if (listener != null) listener.afterCubeUpdate(cube); return cube; } private CubeInstance updateCubeWithRetry(CubeUpdate update, int retry) throws IOException { if (update == null || update.getCubeInstance() == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); CubeInstance cube = update.getCubeInstance();"Updating cube instance '" + cube.getName() + "'"); Segments<CubeSegment> newSegs = (Segments) cube.getSegments().clone(); if (update.getToAddSegs() != null) newSegs.addAll(Arrays.asList(update.getToAddSegs())); List<String> toRemoveResources = Lists.newArrayList(); if (update.getToRemoveSegs() != null) { Iterator<CubeSegment> iterator = newSegs.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { CubeSegment currentSeg =; for (CubeSegment toRemoveSeg : update.getToRemoveSegs()) { if (currentSeg.getUuid().equals(toRemoveSeg.getUuid())) {"Remove segment " + currentSeg.toString()); toRemoveResources.add(currentSeg.getStatisticsResourcePath()); iterator.remove(); break; } } } } if (update.getToUpdateSegs() != null) { for (CubeSegment segment : update.getToUpdateSegs()) { for (int i = 0; i < newSegs.size(); i++) { if (newSegs.get(i).getUuid().equals(segment.getUuid())) { newSegs.set(i, segment); break; } } } } Collections.sort(newSegs); CubeValidator.validate(newSegs); cube.setSegments(newSegs); if (update.getStatus() != null) { cube.setStatus(update.getStatus()); } if (update.getOwner() != null) { cube.setOwner(update.getOwner()); } if (update.getCost() > 0) { cube.setCost(update.getCost()); } try { getStore().putResource(cube.getResourcePath(), cube, CUBE_SERIALIZER); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { logger.warn("Write conflict to update cube " + cube.getName() + " at try " + retry + ", will retry..."); if (retry >= 7) { logger.error("Retried 7 times till got error, abandoning...", ise); throw ise; } cube = reloadCubeLocal(cube.getName()); update.setCubeInstance(cube); retry++; cube = updateCubeWithRetry(update, retry); } if (toRemoveResources.size() > 0) { for (String resource : toRemoveResources) { try { getStore().deleteResource(resource); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Failed to delete resource " + toRemoveResources.toString()); } } } cubeMap.put(cube.getName(), cube); //this is a duplicate call to take care of scenarios where REST cache service unavailable ProjectManager.getInstance(cube.getConfig()).clearL2Cache(); return cube; } // append a full build segment public CubeSegment appendSegment(CubeInstance cube) throws IOException { return appendSegment(cube, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0, null, null); } public CubeSegment appendSegment(CubeInstance cube, long startDate, long endDate) throws IOException { return appendSegment(cube, startDate, endDate, 0, 0, null, null); } public CubeSegment appendSegment(CubeInstance cube, SourcePartition sourcePartition) throws IOException { return appendSegment(cube, sourcePartition.getStartDate(), sourcePartition.getEndDate(), sourcePartition.getStartOffset(), sourcePartition.getEndOffset(), sourcePartition.getSourcePartitionOffsetStart(), sourcePartition.getSourcePartitionOffsetEnd()); } CubeSegment appendSegment(CubeInstance cube, long startDate, long endDate, long startOffset, long endOffset, Map<Integer, Long> sourcePartitionOffsetStart, Map<Integer, Long> sourcePartitionOffsetEnd) throws IOException { checkBuildingSegment(cube); // fix start/end a bit if (cube.getModel().getPartitionDesc().isPartitioned()) { // if missing start, set it to where last time ends if (startDate == 0 && startOffset == 0 && cube.getLastSegment() != null) { CubeSegment last = cube.getLastSegment(); startDate = last.isSourceOffsetsOn() ? 0 : last.getDateRangeEnd(); startOffset = last.isSourceOffsetsOn() ? last.getSourceOffsetEnd() : 0; } } else { // full build startDate = startOffset = endOffset = 0; endDate = Long.MAX_VALUE; } CubeSegment newSegment = newSegment(cube, startDate, endDate, startOffset, endOffset); newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetStart(sourcePartitionOffsetStart); newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetEnd(sourcePartitionOffsetEnd); validateNewSegments(cube, newSegment); CubeUpdate cubeBuilder = new CubeUpdate(cube); cubeBuilder.setToAddSegs(newSegment); updateCube(cubeBuilder); return newSegment; } public CubeSegment refreshSegment(CubeInstance cube, long startDate, long endDate, long startOffset, long endOffset) throws IOException { checkBuildingSegment(cube); CubeSegment newSegment = newSegment(cube, startDate, endDate, startOffset, endOffset); Pair<Boolean, Boolean> pair = CubeValidator.fitInSegments(cube.getSegments(), newSegment); if (pair.getFirst() == false || pair.getSecond() == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new refreshing segment " + newSegment + " does not match any existing segment in cube " + cube); if (startOffset > 0 || endOffset > 0) { CubeSegment toRefreshSeg = null; for (CubeSegment cubeSegment : cube.getSegments()) { if (cubeSegment.getSourceOffsetStart() == startOffset && cubeSegment.getSourceOffsetEnd() == endOffset) { toRefreshSeg = cubeSegment; break; } } if (toRefreshSeg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "For streaming cube, only one segment can be refreshed at one time"); } newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetStart(toRefreshSeg.getSourcePartitionOffsetStart()); newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetEnd(toRefreshSeg.getSourcePartitionOffsetEnd()); } CubeUpdate cubeBuilder = new CubeUpdate(cube); cubeBuilder.setToAddSegs(newSegment); updateCube(cubeBuilder); return newSegment; } public CubeSegment mergeSegments(CubeInstance cube, long startDate, long endDate, long startOffset, long endOffset, boolean force) throws IOException { if (cube.getSegments().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cube " + cube + " has no segments"); if (startDate >= endDate && startOffset >= endOffset) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid merge range"); checkBuildingSegment(cube); checkCubeIsPartitioned(cube); boolean isOffsetsOn = cube.getSegments().get(0).isSourceOffsetsOn(); if (isOffsetsOn) { // offset cube, merge by date range? if (startOffset == endOffset) { Pair<CubeSegment, CubeSegment> pair = cube.getSegments(SegmentStatusEnum.READY) .findMergeOffsetsByDateRange(startDate, endDate, Long.MAX_VALUE); if (pair == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Find no segments to merge by date range " + startDate + "-" + endDate + " for cube " + cube); startOffset = pair.getFirst().getSourceOffsetStart(); endOffset = pair.getSecond().getSourceOffsetEnd(); } startDate = 0; endDate = 0; } else { // date range cube, make sure range is on dates if (startDate == endDate) { startDate = startOffset; endDate = endOffset; } startOffset = 0; endOffset = 0; } CubeSegment newSegment = newSegment(cube, startDate, endDate, startOffset, endOffset); List<CubeSegment> mergingSegments = cube.getMergingSegments(newSegment); if (mergingSegments.size() <= 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Range " + newSegment.getSourceOffsetStart() + "-" + newSegment.getSourceOffsetEnd() + " must contain at least 2 segments, but there is " + mergingSegments.size()); CubeSegment first = mergingSegments.get(0); CubeSegment last = mergingSegments.get(mergingSegments.size() - 1); if (newSegment.isSourceOffsetsOn()) { newSegment.setDateRangeStart(minDateRangeStart(mergingSegments)); newSegment.setDateRangeEnd(maxDateRangeEnd(mergingSegments)); newSegment.setSourceOffsetStart(first.getSourceOffsetStart()); newSegment.setSourceOffsetEnd(last.getSourceOffsetEnd()); newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetStart(first.getSourcePartitionOffsetStart()); newSegment.setSourcePartitionOffsetEnd(last.getSourcePartitionOffsetEnd()); } else { newSegment.setDateRangeStart(first.getSourceOffsetStart()); newSegment.setDateRangeEnd(last.getSourceOffsetEnd()); } if (force == false) { List<String> emptySegment = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CubeSegment seg : mergingSegments) { if (seg.getSizeKB() == 0) { emptySegment.add(seg.getName()); } } if (emptySegment.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Empty cube segment found, couldn't merge unless 'forceMergeEmptySegment' set to true: " + emptySegment); } } validateNewSegments(cube, newSegment); CubeUpdate cubeBuilder = new CubeUpdate(cube); cubeBuilder.setToAddSegs(newSegment); updateCube(cubeBuilder); return newSegment; } public static long minDateRangeStart(List<CubeSegment> mergingSegments) { long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (CubeSegment seg : mergingSegments) min = Math.min(min, seg.getDateRangeStart()); return min; } public static long maxDateRangeEnd(List<CubeSegment> mergingSegments) { long max = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (CubeSegment seg : mergingSegments) max = Math.max(max, seg.getDateRangeEnd()); return max; } public CubeSegment getLatestSegment(CubeInstance cube) { List<CubeSegment> existing = cube.getSegments(); if (existing.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return existing.get(existing.size() - 1); } } private void checkBuildingSegment(CubeInstance cube) { int maxBuldingSeg = cube.getConfig().getMaxBuildingSegments(); if (cube.getBuildingSegments().size() >= maxBuldingSeg) { throw new IllegalStateException( "There is already " + cube.getBuildingSegments().size() + " building segment; "); } } private void checkCubeIsPartitioned(CubeInstance cube) { if (cube.getDescriptor().getModel().getPartitionDesc().isPartitioned() == false) { throw new IllegalStateException( "there is no partition date column specified, only full build is supported"); } } /** * After cube update, reload cube related cache * * @param cubeName */ public CubeInstance reloadCubeLocal(String cubeName) { return reloadCubeLocalAt(CubeInstance.concatResourcePath(cubeName)); } public void removeCubeLocal(String cubeName) { CubeInstance cube = cubeMap.get(cubeName); if (cube != null) { for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { usedStorageLocation.remove(segment.getUuid()); } } cubeMap.removeLocal(cubeName); } public LookupStringTable getLookupTable(CubeSegment cubeSegment, JoinDesc join) { String tableName = join.getPKSide().getTableIdentity(); String[] pkCols = join.getPrimaryKey(); String snapshotResPath = cubeSegment.getSnapshotResPath(tableName); if (snapshotResPath == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No snaphot for table '" + tableName + "' found on cube segment" + cubeSegment.getCubeInstance().getName() + "/" + cubeSegment); try { SnapshotTable snapshot = getSnapshotManager().getSnapshotTable(snapshotResPath); TableDesc tableDesc = getMetadataManager().getTableDesc(tableName); return new LookupStringTable(tableDesc, pkCols, snapshot); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to load lookup table " + tableName + " from snapshot " + snapshotResPath, e); } } private CubeSegment newSegment(CubeInstance cube, long startDate, long endDate, long startOffset, long endOffset) { CubeSegment segment = new CubeSegment(); segment.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); segment.setName(CubeSegment.makeSegmentName(startDate, endDate, startOffset, endOffset)); segment.setCreateTimeUTC(System.currentTimeMillis()); segment.setDateRangeStart(startDate); segment.setDateRangeEnd(endDate); segment.setSourceOffsetStart(startOffset); segment.setSourceOffsetEnd(endOffset); segment.setStatus(SegmentStatusEnum.NEW); segment.setStorageLocationIdentifier(generateStorageLocation()); segment.setCubeInstance(cube); segment.validate(); return segment; } private String generateStorageLocation() { String namePrefix = IRealizationConstants.CubeHbaseStorageLocationPrefix; String tableName = ""; Random ran = new Random(); do { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(namePrefix); for (int i = 0; i < HBASE_TABLE_LENGTH; i++) { sb.append(ALPHA_NUM.charAt(ran.nextInt(ALPHA_NUM.length()))); } tableName = sb.toString(); } while (this.usedStorageLocation.containsValue(tableName)); return tableName; } public Pair<Long, Long> autoMergeCubeSegments(CubeInstance cube) throws IOException { return cube.autoMergeCubeSegments(); } public void promoteNewlyBuiltSegments(CubeInstance cube, CubeSegment newSegment) throws IOException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(newSegment.getStorageLocationIdentifier())) throw new IllegalStateException( "For cube " + cube + ", segment " + newSegment + " missing StorageLocationIdentifier"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(newSegment.getLastBuildJobID())) throw new IllegalStateException( "For cube " + cube + ", segment " + newSegment + " missing LastBuildJobID"); if (isReady(newSegment) == true) { logger.warn("For cube " + cube + ", segment " + newSegment + " state should be NEW but is READY"); } List<CubeSegment> tobe = cube.calculateToBeSegments(newSegment); if (tobe.contains(newSegment) == false) throw new IllegalStateException( "For cube " + cube + ", segment " + newSegment + " is expected but not in the tobe " + tobe); newSegment.setStatus(SegmentStatusEnum.READY); List<CubeSegment> toRemoveSegs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { if (!tobe.contains(segment)) toRemoveSegs.add(segment); } "Promoting cube " + cube + ", new segment " + newSegment + ", to remove segments " + toRemoveSegs); CubeUpdate cubeBuilder = new CubeUpdate(cube); cubeBuilder.setToRemoveSegs(toRemoveSegs.toArray(new CubeSegment[toRemoveSegs.size()])) .setToUpdateSegs(newSegment).setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum.READY); updateCube(cubeBuilder); } public void validateNewSegments(CubeInstance cube, CubeSegment newSegments) { List<CubeSegment> tobe = cube.calculateToBeSegments(newSegments); List<CubeSegment> newList = Arrays.asList(newSegments); if (tobe.containsAll(newList) == false) { throw new IllegalStateException("For cube " + cube + ", the new segments " + newList + " do not fit in its current " + cube.getSegments() + "; the resulted tobe is " + tobe); } } private boolean isReady(CubeSegment seg) { return seg.getStatus() == SegmentStatusEnum.READY; } private void loadAllCubeInstance() throws IOException { ResourceStore store = getStore(); List<String> paths = store.collectResourceRecursively(ResourceStore.CUBE_RESOURCE_ROOT, ".json");"Loading Cube from folder " + store.getReadableResourcePath(ResourceStore.CUBE_RESOURCE_ROOT)); int succeed = 0; int fail = 0; for (String path : paths) { CubeInstance cube = reloadCubeLocalAt(path); if (cube == null) { fail++; } else { succeed++; } }"Loaded " + succeed + " cubes, fail on " + fail + " cubes"); } private CubeInstance reloadCubeLocalAt(String path) { ResourceStore store = getStore(); CubeInstance cube; try { cube = store.getResource(path, CubeInstance.class, CUBE_SERIALIZER); checkNotNull(cube, "cube (at %s) not found", path); String cubeName = cube.getName(); checkState(StringUtils.isNotBlank(cubeName), "cube (at %s) name must not be blank", path); CubeDesc cubeDesc = CubeDescManager.getInstance(config).getCubeDesc(cube.getDescName()); checkNotNull(cubeDesc, "cube descriptor '%s' (for cube '%s') not found", cube.getDescName(), cubeName); if (!isSpecialTestCube(cubeName)) checkState(cubeDesc.getName().equals(cubeName), "cube name '%s' must be same as descriptor name '%s', but it is not", cubeName, cubeDesc.getName()); if (!cubeDesc.getError().isEmpty()) { cube.setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum.DESCBROKEN); logger.error("cube descriptor {} (for cube '{}') is broken", cubeDesc.getResourcePath(), cubeName); for (String error : cubeDesc.getError()) { logger.error("Error: {}", error); } } else if (cube.getStatus() == RealizationStatusEnum.DESCBROKEN) { cube.setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum.DISABLED);"cube {} changed from DESCBROKEN to DISABLED", cubeName); } cube.setConfig((KylinConfigExt) cubeDesc.getConfig()); cubeMap.putLocal(cubeName, cube); for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { usedStorageLocation.put(segment.getUuid(), segment.getStorageLocationIdentifier()); }"Reloaded cube {} being {} having {} segments", cubeName, cube, cube.getSegments().size()); return cube; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during load cube instance, skipping : " + path, e); return null; } } private boolean isSpecialTestCube(String cubeName) { return cubeName.equals("kylin_sales_cube") // || config.isDevEnv() && (cubeName.startsWith("test_kylin_cube") || cubeName.startsWith("test_streaming")); } private MetadataManager getMetadataManager() { return MetadataManager.getInstance(config); } private DictionaryManager getDictionaryManager() { return DictionaryManager.getInstance(config); } private SnapshotManager getSnapshotManager() { return SnapshotManager.getInstance(config); } private ResourceStore getStore() { return ResourceStore.getStore(this.config); } @Override public RealizationType getRealizationType() { return RealizationType.CUBE; } @Override public IRealization getRealization(String name) { return getCube(name); } // ============================================================================ public interface CubeChangeListener { void afterCubeCreate(CubeInstance cube); void afterCubeUpdate(CubeInstance cube); void afterCubeDelete(CubeInstance cube); } private CubeChangeListener listener; public void setCubeChangeListener(CubeChangeListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } /** * Get the columns which need build the dictionary from fact table. (the column exists on fact and is not fk) * @param cubeDesc * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<TblColRef> getAllDictColumnsOnFact(CubeDesc cubeDesc) throws IOException { List<TblColRef> factDictCols = new ArrayList<TblColRef>(); DictionaryManager dictMgr = DictionaryManager.getInstance(config); for (TblColRef col : cubeDesc.getAllColumnsNeedDictionaryBuilt()) { String scanTable = dictMgr.decideSourceData(cubeDesc.getModel(), col).getTable(); if (cubeDesc.getModel().isFactTable(scanTable)) { factDictCols.add(col); } } return factDictCols; } /** * Calculate the holes (gaps) in segments. * @param cubeName * @return */ public List<CubeSegment> calculateHoles(String cubeName) { List<CubeSegment> holes = Lists.newArrayList(); final CubeInstance cube = getCube(cubeName); Preconditions.checkNotNull(cube); final List<CubeSegment> segments = cube.getSegments();"totally " + segments.size() + " cubeSegments"); if (segments.size() == 0) { return holes; } Collections.sort(segments); boolean isOffsetOn = segments.get(0).isSourceOffsetsOn(); for (int i = 0; i < segments.size() - 1; ++i) { CubeSegment first = segments.get(i); CubeSegment second = segments.get(i + 1); if (first.getSourceOffsetEnd() == second.getSourceOffsetStart()) { continue; } else if (first.getSourceOffsetEnd() < second.getSourceOffsetStart()) { CubeSegment hole = new CubeSegment(); if (isOffsetOn == true) { hole.setSourceOffsetStart(first.getSourceOffsetEnd()); hole.setSourcePartitionOffsetStart(first.getSourcePartitionOffsetEnd()); hole.setSourceOffsetEnd(second.getSourceOffsetStart()); hole.setSourcePartitionOffsetEnd(second.getSourcePartitionOffsetStart()); } else { hole.setDateRangeStart(first.getDateRangeEnd()); hole.setDateRangeEnd(second.getDateRangeStart()); } hole.setName(CubeSegment.makeSegmentName(hole.getDateRangeStart(), hole.getDateRangeEnd(), hole.getSourceOffsetStart(), hole.getSourceOffsetEnd())); holes.add(hole); } } return holes; } private final String GLOBAL_DICTIONNARY_CLASS = "org.apache.kylin.dict.GlobalDictionaryBuilder"; //UHC (ultra high cardinality column): contain the ShardByColumns and the GlobalDictionaryColumns public int[] getUHCIndex(CubeDesc cubeDesc) throws IOException { List<TblColRef> factDictCols = getAllDictColumnsOnFact(cubeDesc); int[] uhcIndex = new int[factDictCols.size()]; //add GlobalDictionaryColumns List<DictionaryDesc> dictionaryDescList = cubeDesc.getDictionaries(); if (dictionaryDescList != null) { for (DictionaryDesc dictionaryDesc : dictionaryDescList) { if (dictionaryDesc.getBuilderClass() != null && dictionaryDesc.getBuilderClass().equalsIgnoreCase(GLOBAL_DICTIONNARY_CLASS)) { for (int i = 0; i < factDictCols.size(); i++) { if (factDictCols.get(i).equals(dictionaryDesc.getColumnRef())) { uhcIndex[i] = 1; break; } } } } } //add ShardByColumns Set<TblColRef> shardByColumns = cubeDesc.getShardByColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < factDictCols.size(); i++) { if (shardByColumns.contains(factDictCols.get(i))) { uhcIndex[i] = 1; } } return uhcIndex; } }