Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.kylin.common.persistence; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfig; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.DBUtils; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.HadoopUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class JDBCResourceDAO { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JDBCResourceDAO.class); private static final String META_TABLE_KEY = "META_TABLE_KEY"; private static final String META_TABLE_TS = "META_TABLE_TS"; private static final String META_TABLE_CONTENT = "META_TABLE_CONTENT"; private JDBCConnectionManager connectionManager; private JDBCSqlQueryFormat jdbcSqlQueryFormat; private String[] tableNames = new String[2]; private KylinConfig kylinConfig; // For test private long queriedSqlNum = 0; private FileSystem redirectFileSystem; public JDBCResourceDAO(KylinConfig kylinConfig, String metadataIdentifier) throws SQLException { this.kylinConfig = kylinConfig; this.connectionManager = JDBCConnectionManager.getConnectionManager(); this.jdbcSqlQueryFormat = JDBCSqlQueryFormatProvider .createJDBCSqlQueriesFormat(kylinConfig.getMetadataDialect()); this.tableNames[0] = metadataIdentifier; this.tableNames[1] = metadataIdentifier + "_log"; for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) { createTableIfNeeded(tableNames[i]); createIndex("IDX_" + META_TABLE_TS, tableNames[i], META_TABLE_TS); } try { redirectFileSystem = HadoopUtil.getReadFileSystem(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } public void close() { connectionManager.close(); } public JDBCResource getResource(final String resourcePath, final boolean fetchContent, final boolean fetchTimestamp) throws SQLException { return getResource(resourcePath, fetchContent, fetchTimestamp, false); } public JDBCResource getResource(final String resourcePath, final boolean fetchContent, final boolean fetchTimestamp, final boolean isAllowBroken) throws SQLException { final JDBCResource resource = new JDBCResource(); logger.trace("getResource method. resourcePath : {} , fetchConetent : {} , fetch TS : {}", resourcePath, fetchContent, fetchTimestamp); executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { String tableName = getMetaTableName(resourcePath); pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getKeyEqualSqlString(tableName, fetchContent, fetchTimestamp)); pstat.setString(1, resourcePath); rs = pstat.executeQuery(); if ( { resource.setPath(rs.getString(META_TABLE_KEY)); if (fetchTimestamp) resource.setTimestamp(rs.getLong(META_TABLE_TS)); if (fetchContent) { try { resource.setContent(getInputStream(resourcePath, rs)); } catch (Exception e) { if (!isAllowBroken) { throw new SQLException(e); } final BrokenEntity brokenEntity = new BrokenEntity(resourcePath, e.getMessage()); resource.setContent(new BrokenInputStream(brokenEntity)); logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } } }); if (resource.getPath() != null) { return resource; } else { return null; } } public boolean existResource(final String resourcePath) throws SQLException { JDBCResource resource = getResource(resourcePath, false, false); return (resource != null); } public long getResourceTimestamp(final String resourcePath) throws SQLException { JDBCResource resource = getResource(resourcePath, false, true); return resource == null ? 0 : resource.getTimestamp(); } //fetch primary key only public NavigableSet<String> listAllResource(final String folderPath, final boolean recursive) throws SQLException { final NavigableSet<String> allResourceName = new TreeSet<>(); executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { String tableName = getMetaTableName(folderPath); pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getListResourceSqlString(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, folderPath + "%"); rs = pstat.executeQuery(); while ( { String path = rs.getString(META_TABLE_KEY); Preconditions.checkState(path.startsWith(folderPath)); if (recursive) { allResourceName.add(path); } else { int cut = path.indexOf('/', folderPath.length()); String child = cut < 0 ? path : path.substring(0, cut); allResourceName.add(child); } } } }); return allResourceName; } public List<JDBCResource> getAllResource(final String folderPath, final long timeStart, final long timeEndExclusive, final boolean isAllowBroken) throws SQLException { final List<JDBCResource> allResource = Lists.newArrayList(); executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { String tableName = getMetaTableName(folderPath); pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getAllResourceSqlString(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, folderPath + "%"); pstat.setLong(2, timeStart); pstat.setLong(3, timeEndExclusive); rs = pstat.executeQuery(); while ( { String resPath = rs.getString(META_TABLE_KEY); if (checkPath(folderPath, resPath)) { JDBCResource resource = new JDBCResource(); resource.setPath(resPath); resource.setTimestamp(rs.getLong(META_TABLE_TS)); try { resource.setContent(getInputStream(resPath, rs)); } catch (Exception e) { if (!isAllowBroken) { throw new SQLException(e); } final BrokenEntity brokenEntity = new BrokenEntity(resPath, e.getMessage()); resource.setContent(new BrokenInputStream(brokenEntity)); logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } allResource.add(resource); } } } }); return allResource; } private boolean checkPath(String lookForPrefix, String resPath) { lookForPrefix = lookForPrefix.endsWith("/") ? lookForPrefix : lookForPrefix + "/"; assert resPath.startsWith(lookForPrefix); int cut = resPath.indexOf('/', lookForPrefix.length()); return (cut < 0); } private boolean isJsonMetadata(String resourcePath) { String trim = resourcePath.trim(); return trim.endsWith(".json") || trim.startsWith(ResourceStore.EXECUTE_RESOURCE_ROOT) || trim.startsWith(ResourceStore.EXECUTE_OUTPUT_RESOURCE_ROOT); } public void deleteResource(final String resourcePath) throws SQLException { boolean skipHdfs = isJsonMetadata(resourcePath); executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { String tableName = getMetaTableName(resourcePath); pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getDeletePstatSql(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, resourcePath); pstat.executeUpdate(); } }); if (!skipHdfs) { try { deleteHDFSResourceIfExist(resourcePath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } } private void deleteHDFSResourceIfExist(String resourcePath) throws IOException { Path redirectPath = bigCellHDFSPath(resourcePath); if (redirectFileSystem.exists(redirectPath)) { redirectFileSystem.delete(redirectPath, true); } } public void putResource(final JDBCResource resource) throws SQLException { executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { byte[] content = getResourceDataBytes(resource); synchronized (resource.getPath().intern()) { boolean existing = existResource(resource.getPath()); String tableName = getMetaTableName(resource.getPath()); if (existing) { pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getReplaceSql(tableName)); pstat.setLong(1, resource.getTimestamp()); pstat.setBlob(2, new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content))); pstat.setString(3, resource.getPath()); } else { pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getInsertSql(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, resource.getPath()); pstat.setLong(2, resource.getTimestamp()); pstat.setBlob(3, new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content))); } if (isContentOverflow(content, resource.getPath())) { logger.debug("Overflow! resource path: {}, content size: {}, timeStamp: {}", resource.getPath(), content.length, resource.getTimestamp()); if (existing) { pstat.setNull(2, Types.BLOB); } else { pstat.setNull(3, Types.BLOB); } writeLargeCellToHdfs(resource.getPath(), content); try { int result = pstat.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) throw new SQLException(); } catch (SQLException e) { rollbackLargeCellFromHdfs(resource.getPath()); throw e; } if (existing) { cleanOldLargeCellFromHdfs(resource.getPath()); } } else { pstat.executeUpdate(); } } } }); } public void checkAndPutResource(final String resPath, final byte[] content, final long oldTS, final long newTS) throws SQLException, WriteConflictException { logger.trace( "execute checkAndPutResource method. resPath : {} , oldTs : {} , newTs : {} , content null ? : {} ", resPath, oldTS, newTS, content == null); executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { synchronized (resPath.intern()) { String tableName = getMetaTableName(resPath); if (!existResource(resPath)) { if (oldTS != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "For not exist file. OldTS have to be 0. but Actual oldTS is : " + oldTS); } if (isContentOverflow(content, resPath)) { logger.debug("Overflow! resource path: {}, content size: {}", resPath, content.length); pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getInsertSqlWithoutContent(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, resPath); pstat.setLong(2, newTS); writeLargeCellToHdfs(resPath, content); try { int result = pstat.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) throw new SQLException(); } catch (SQLException e) { rollbackLargeCellFromHdfs(resPath); throw e; } } else { pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getInsertSql(tableName)); pstat.setString(1, resPath); pstat.setLong(2, newTS); pstat.setBlob(3, new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content))); pstat.executeUpdate(); } } else { // Note the checkAndPut trick: // update {0} set {1}=? where {2}=? and {3}=? pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getUpdateSqlWithoutContent(tableName)); pstat.setLong(1, newTS); pstat.setString(2, resPath); pstat.setLong(3, oldTS); int result = pstat.executeUpdate(); if (result != 1) { long realTime = getResourceTimestamp(resPath); throw new WriteConflictException("Overwriting conflict " + resPath + ", expect old TS " + oldTS + ", but it is " + realTime); } PreparedStatement pstat2 = null; try { // "update {0} set {1}=? where {3}=?" pstat2 = connection.prepareStatement(getUpdateContentSql(tableName)); if (isContentOverflow(content, resPath)) { logger.debug("Overflow! resource path: {}, content size: {}", resPath, content.length); pstat2.setNull(1, Types.BLOB); pstat2.setString(2, resPath); writeLargeCellToHdfs(resPath, content); try { int result2 = pstat2.executeUpdate(); if (result2 != 1) throw new SQLException(); } catch (SQLException e) { rollbackLargeCellFromHdfs(resPath); throw e; } cleanOldLargeCellFromHdfs(resPath); } else { pstat2.setBinaryStream(1, new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content))); pstat2.setString(2, resPath); pstat2.executeUpdate(); } } finally { JDBCConnectionManager.closeQuietly(pstat2); } } } } }); } private byte[] getResourceDataBytes(JDBCResource resource) throws SQLException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = null; try { bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(resource.getContent(), bout); return bout.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bout); } } private boolean isContentOverflow(byte[] content, String resPath) throws SQLException { if (kylinConfig.isJsonAlwaysSmallCell() && isJsonMetadata(resPath)) { int smallCellMetadataWarningThreshold = kylinConfig.getSmallCellMetadataWarningThreshold(); int smallCellMetadataErrorThreshold = kylinConfig.getSmallCellMetadataErrorThreshold(); if (content.length > smallCellMetadataWarningThreshold) { logger.warn( "A JSON metadata entry's size is not supposed to exceed kylin.metadata.jdbc.small-cell-meta-size-warning-threshold(" + smallCellMetadataWarningThreshold + "), resPath: " + resPath + ", actual size: " + content.length); } if (content.length > smallCellMetadataErrorThreshold) { throw new SQLException(new IllegalArgumentException( "A JSON metadata entry's size is not supposed to exceed kylin.metadata.jdbc.small-cell-meta-size-error-threshold(" + smallCellMetadataErrorThreshold + "), resPath: " + resPath + ", actual size: " + content.length)); } return false; } int maxSize = kylinConfig.getJdbcResourceStoreMaxCellSize(); if (content.length > maxSize) return true; else return false; } private void createTableIfNeeded(final String tableName) throws SQLException { executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if (checkTableExists(tableName, connection)) {"Table [{}] already exists", tableName); return; } pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getCreateIfNeededSql(tableName)); pstat.executeUpdate();"Create table [{}] success", tableName); } private boolean checkTableExists(final String tableName, final Connection connection) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(getCheckTableExistsSql(tableName)); final ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { while ( { if (tableName.equals(rs.getString(1))) { return true; } } } finally { DBUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DBUtils.closeQuietly(ps); } return false; } }); } private void createIndex(final String indexName, final String tableName, final String colName) { try { executeSql(new SqlOperation() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { pstat = connection.prepareStatement(getCreateIndexSql(indexName, tableName, colName)); pstat.executeUpdate(); } }); } catch (SQLException ex) {"Create index failed with message: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } abstract static class SqlOperation { PreparedStatement pstat = null; ResultSet rs = null; abstract public void execute(final Connection connection) throws SQLException; } private void executeSql(SqlOperation operation) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; try { connection = connectionManager.getConn(); operation.execute(connection); queriedSqlNum++; } finally { JDBCConnectionManager.closeQuietly(; JDBCConnectionManager.closeQuietly(operation.pstat); JDBCConnectionManager.closeQuietly(connection); } } private String getCheckTableExistsSql(final String tableName) { final String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getCheckTableExistsSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString(); return sql; } //sql queries private String getCreateIfNeededSql(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getCreateIfNeedSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_KEY, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_CONTENT }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } //sql queries private String getCreateIndexSql(String indexName, String tableName, String indexCol) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getCreateIndexSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { indexName, tableName, indexCol }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getKeyEqualSqlString(String tableName, boolean fetchContent, boolean fetchTimestamp) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getKeyEqualsSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { getSelectList(fetchContent, fetchTimestamp), tableName, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getDeletePstatSql(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getDeletePstatSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getListResourceSqlString(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getListResourceSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { META_TABLE_KEY, tableName, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getAllResourceSqlString(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getAllResourceSql(), Locale.ROOT).format( new Object[] { getSelectList(true, true), tableName, META_TABLE_KEY, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_TS }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)).toString(); return sql; } private String getReplaceSql(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getReplaceSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_CONTENT, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getInsertSql(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getInsertSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_KEY, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_CONTENT }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getReplaceSqlWithoutContent(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getReplaceSqlWithoutContent(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getInsertSqlWithoutContent(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getInsertSqlWithoutContent(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_KEY, META_TABLE_TS }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getUpdateSqlWithoutContent(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getUpdateSqlWithoutContent(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_TS, META_TABLE_KEY, META_TABLE_TS }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getUpdateContentSql(String tableName) { String sql = new MessageFormat(jdbcSqlQueryFormat.getUpdateContentSql(), Locale.ROOT) .format(new Object[] { tableName, META_TABLE_CONTENT, META_TABLE_KEY }, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0)) .toString(); return sql; } private String getSelectList(boolean fetchContent, boolean fetchTimestamp) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(META_TABLE_KEY); if (fetchTimestamp) sb.append("," + META_TABLE_TS); if (fetchContent) sb.append("," + META_TABLE_CONTENT); return sb.toString(); } private InputStream getInputStream(String resPath, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, IOException { if (rs == null) { return null; } InputStream inputStream = rs.getBlob(META_TABLE_CONTENT) == null ? null : rs.getBlob(META_TABLE_CONTENT).getBinaryStream(); if (inputStream != null) { return inputStream; } else { Path redirectPath = bigCellHDFSPath(resPath); return; } } private Path writeLargeCellToHdfs(String resPath, byte[] largeColumn) throws SQLException { boolean isResourceExist; FSDataOutputStream out = null; Path redirectPath = bigCellHDFSPath(resPath); Path oldPath = new Path(redirectPath.toString() + "_old"); try { isResourceExist = redirectFileSystem.exists(redirectPath); if (isResourceExist) { FileUtil.copy(redirectFileSystem, redirectPath, redirectFileSystem, oldPath, false, HadoopUtil.getCurrentConfiguration()); redirectFileSystem.delete(redirectPath, true); logger.debug("a copy of hdfs file {} is made", redirectPath); } out = redirectFileSystem.create(redirectPath); out.write(largeColumn); return redirectPath; } catch (Exception e) { try { rollbackLargeCellFromHdfs(resPath); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("fail to roll back resource " + resPath + " in hdfs", ex); } throw new SQLException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } public void rollbackLargeCellFromHdfs(String resPath) throws SQLException { Path redirectPath = bigCellHDFSPath(resPath); Path oldPath = new Path(redirectPath.toString() + "_old"); try { if (redirectFileSystem.exists(oldPath)) { FileUtil.copy(redirectFileSystem, oldPath, redirectFileSystem, redirectPath, true, true, HadoopUtil.getCurrentConfiguration());"roll back hdfs file {}", resPath); } else { redirectFileSystem.delete(redirectPath, true); logger.warn("no backup for hdfs file {} is found, clean it", resPath); } } catch (Exception e) { try { //last try to delete redirectPath, because we prefer a deleted rather than incomplete redirectFileSystem.delete(redirectPath, true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("fail to delete resource " + redirectPath + " in hdfs", ex); } throw new SQLException(e); } } private void cleanOldLargeCellFromHdfs(String resPath) throws SQLException { Path redirectPath = bigCellHDFSPath(resPath); Path oldPath = new Path(redirectPath.toString() + "_old"); try { if (redirectFileSystem.exists(oldPath)) { redirectFileSystem.delete(oldPath, true); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("error cleaning the backup file for " + redirectPath + ", leave it as garbage", e); } } public Path bigCellHDFSPath(String resPath) { String hdfsWorkingDirectory = this.kylinConfig.getHdfsWorkingDirectory(); Path redirectPath = new Path(hdfsWorkingDirectory, "resources-jdbc" + resPath); redirectPath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(redirectPath); return redirectPath; } public long getQueriedSqlNum() { return queriedSqlNum; } /** * Persist metadata to different SQL tables * @param resPath the metadata path key * @return the table name */ public String getMetaTableName(String resPath) { if (resPath.startsWith(ResourceStore.BAD_QUERY_RESOURCE_ROOT) || resPath.startsWith(ResourceStore.EXECUTE_OUTPUT_RESOURCE_ROOT) || resPath.startsWith(ResourceStore.TEMP_STATMENT_RESOURCE_ROOT)) { return tableNames[1]; } else { return tableNames[0]; } } }