Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.jclouds.examples.chef.basics; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.jclouds.compute.config.ComputeServiceProperties.TIMEOUT_SCRIPT_COMPLETE; import static org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.overrideLoginCredentials; import static org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.runScript; import static org.jclouds.compute.predicates.NodePredicates.TERMINATED; import static org.jclouds.compute.predicates.NodePredicates.inGroup; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.jclouds.ContextBuilder; import org.jclouds.apis.ApiMetadata; import org.jclouds.apis.Apis; import org.jclouds.chef.ChefApiMetadata; import org.jclouds.chef.ChefContext; import org.jclouds.chef.ChefService; import org.jclouds.chef.config.ChefProperties; import org.jclouds.chef.domain.BootstrapConfig; import org.jclouds.chef.util.RunListBuilder; import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService; import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext; import org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException; import org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ExecResponse; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.OsFamily; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.TemplateBuilder; import org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials; import org.jclouds.enterprise.config.EnterpriseConfigurationModule; import org.jclouds.logging.slf4j.config.SLF4JLoggingModule; import org.jclouds.providers.ProviderMetadata; import org.jclouds.providers.Providers; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.StatementList; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.chef.RunList; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.chef.ChefSolo; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.chef.InstallChefUsingOmnibus; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.git.CloneGitRepo; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.git.InstallGit; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.statements.login.AdminAccess; import org.jclouds.sshj.config.SshjSshClientModule; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Demonstrates the use of {@link ComputeService}. * <p/> * Usage is: {@code java MainApp provider identity credential groupName (add|chef|destroy)} if * {@code chef} is used, the following parameter is a list of recipes to be installed in the node * separated by commas. */ public class MainApp { public static enum Action { ADD, CHEF, SOLO, DESTROY; } public static final Map<String, ApiMetadata> allApis = Maps .uniqueIndex(Apis.viewableAs(ComputeServiceContext.class), Apis.idFunction()); public static final Map<String, ProviderMetadata> appProviders = Maps .uniqueIndex(Providers.viewableAs(ComputeServiceContext.class), Providers.idFunction()); public static final Set<String> allKeys = ImmutableSet .copyOf(Iterables.concat(appProviders.keySet(), allApis.keySet())); public static int PARAMETERS = 5; public static String INVALID_SYNTAX = "Invalid number of parameters. Syntax is: provider identity credential groupName (add|chef|solo|destroy)"; public static void main(final String[] args) { if (args.length < PARAMETERS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_SYNTAX); } String provider = args[0]; String identity = args[1]; String credential = args[2]; String groupName = args[3]; Action action = Action.valueOf(args[4].toUpperCase()); if ((action == Action.CHEF || action == Action.SOLO) && args.length < PARAMETERS + 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "please provide the list of recipes to install, separated by commas"); } String recipes = action == Action.CHEF || action == Action.SOLO ? args[5] : "apache2"; String minRam = System.getProperty("minRam"); // note that you can check if a provider is present ahead of time checkArgument(contains(allKeys, provider), "provider %s not in supported list: %s", provider, allKeys); LoginCredentials login = action != Action.DESTROY ? getLoginForCommandExecution(action) : null; ComputeService compute = initComputeService(provider, identity, credential); try { switch (action) { case ADD: System.out.printf(">> adding node to group %s%n", groupName); // Default template chooses the smallest size on an operating // system that tested to work with java TemplateBuilder templateBuilder = compute.templateBuilder(); templateBuilder.osFamily(OsFamily.UBUNTU); // If you want to up the ram and leave everything default, you // can just tweak minRam if (minRam != null) { templateBuilder.minRam(Integer.parseInt(minRam)); } // note this will create a user with the same name as you on the // node. ex. you can connect via ssh publicip Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard(); // to run commands as root, we use the runScript option in the // template. templateBuilder.options(runScript(bootInstructions)); NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement( compute.createNodesInGroup(groupName, 1,; System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", node.getId(), concat(node.getPrivateAddresses(), node.getPublicAddresses())); case SOLO: System.out.printf(">> installing [%s] on group %s as %s%n", recipes, groupName, login.identity); Iterable<String> recipeList = Splitter.on(',').split(recipes); ImmutableList.Builder<Statement> bootstrapBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); bootstrapBuilder.add(new InstallGit()); // Clone community cookbooks into the node for (String recipe : recipeList) { bootstrapBuilder.add(CloneGitRepo.builder() .repository("git://" + recipe + ".git") .directory("/var/chef/cookbooks/" + recipe) // .build()); } // Configure Chef Solo to bootstrap the selected recipes bootstrapBuilder.add(new InstallChefUsingOmnibus()); bootstrapBuilder.add(ChefSolo.builder() // .cookbookPath("/var/chef/cookbooks") // .runlist(RunList.builder().recipes(recipeList).build()) // .build()); // Build the statement that will perform all the operations above StatementList bootstrap = new StatementList(; // Run the script in the nodes of the group runScriptOnGroup(compute, login, groupName, bootstrap); break; case CHEF: // Create the connection to the Chef server ChefService chef = initChefService(System.getProperty("chef.client"), System.getProperty("chef.validator")); // Build the runlist for the deployed nodes System.out.println("Configuring node runlist in the Chef server..."); List<String> runlist = new RunListBuilder().addRecipes(recipes.split(",")).build(); BootstrapConfig config = BootstrapConfig.builder().runList(runlist).build(); chef.updateBootstrapConfigForGroup(groupName, config); Statement chefServerBootstrap = chef.createBootstrapScriptForGroup(groupName); // Run the script in the nodes of the group System.out.printf(">> installing [%s] on group %s as %s%n", recipes, groupName, login.identity); runScriptOnGroup(compute, login, groupName, chefServerBootstrap); break; case DESTROY: System.out.printf(">> destroying nodes in group %s%n", groupName); // you can use predicates to select which nodes you wish to // destroy. Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = compute.destroyNodesMatching(// Predicates.<NodeMetadata>and(not(TERMINATED), inGroup(groupName))); System.out.printf("<< destroyed nodes %s%n", destroyed); break; } } catch (RunNodesException e) { System.err.println("error adding node to group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage()); error = 1; } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) { System.err.println("error installing " + recipes + " on group " + groupName + ": " + e.getMessage()); error = 1; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("error: " + e.getMessage()); error = 1; } finally { compute.getContext().close(); System.exit(error); } } static int error = 0; private static void runScriptOnGroup(final ComputeService compute, final LoginCredentials login, final String groupName, final Statement command) throws RunScriptOnNodesException { // when you run commands, you can pass options to decide whether // to run it as root, supply or own credentials vs from cache, // and wrap in an init script vs directly invoke Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> execResponses = compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(// inGroup(groupName), // predicate used to select nodes command, // what you actually intend to run overrideLoginCredentials(login)); // use the local user & ssh key for (Entry<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> response : execResponses.entrySet()) { System.out.printf("<< node %s: %s%n", response.getKey().getId(), concat(response.getKey().getPrivateAddresses(), response.getKey().getPublicAddresses())); System.out.printf("<< %s%n", response.getValue()); } } private static ComputeService initComputeService(final String provider, final String identity, final String credential) { // example of specific properties, in this case optimizing image list to // only amazon supplied Properties properties = new Properties(); long scriptTimeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(20, TimeUnit.MINUTES); properties.setProperty(TIMEOUT_SCRIPT_COMPLETE, scriptTimeout + ""); // example of injecting a ssh implementation Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new SshjSshClientModule(), new SLF4JLoggingModule(), new EnterpriseConfigurationModule()); ContextBuilder builder = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider).credentials(identity, credential) .modules(modules).overrides(properties); System.out.printf(">> initializing %s%n", builder.getApiMetadata()); return builder.buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class).getComputeService(); } private static ChefService initChefService(final String client, final String validator) { try { Properties chefConfig = new Properties(); chefConfig.put(ChefProperties.CHEF_VALIDATOR_NAME, validator); chefConfig.put(ChefProperties.CHEF_VALIDATOR_CREDENTIAL, credentialForClient(validator)); ContextBuilder builder = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(new ChefApiMetadata()) // .credentials(client, credentialForClient(client)) // .modules(ImmutableSet.<Module>of(new SLF4JLoggingModule())) // .overrides(chefConfig); // System.out.printf(">> initializing %s%n", builder.getApiMetadata()); ChefContext context = builder.buildView(ChefContext.class); return context.getChefService(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("error reading private key " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); return null; } } private static LoginCredentials getLoginForCommandExecution(final Action action) { try { String user = System.getProperty(""); String privateKey = Files.toString(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.ssh/id_rsa"), UTF_8); return LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).privateKey(privateKey).authenticateSudo(true).build(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("error reading ssh key " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); return null; } } private static String credentialForClient(final String client) throws Exception { String pemFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.chef/" + client + ".pem"; return Files.toString(new File(pemFile), UTF_8); } }