Java tutorial
/**************************************************************** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * * distributed with this work for additional information * * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * * specific language governing permissions and limitations * * under the License. * ****************************************************************/ package org.apache.james.jmap.methods.integration.cucumber; import static org.apache.james.jmap.TestingConstants.ARGUMENTS; import static org.apache.james.jmap.TestingConstants.NAME; import static org.apache.james.jmap.TestingConstants.calmlyAwait; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.james.mailbox.MessageManager; import org.apache.james.mailbox.exception.UnsupportedRightException; import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxACL; import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxConstants; import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxId; import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.MailboxPath; import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.Message; import com.github.fge.lambdas.Throwing; import; import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext; import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath; import; import; import; import; @ScenarioScoped public class SetMailboxesMethodStepdefs { private final MainStepdefs mainStepdefs; private final UserStepdefs userStepdefs; private final HttpClient httpClient; @Inject private SetMailboxesMethodStepdefs(MainStepdefs mainStepdefs, UserStepdefs userStepdefs, HttpClient httpClient) { this.mainStepdefs = mainStepdefs; this.userStepdefs = userStepdefs; this.httpClient = httpClient; } @Given("^mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" with (\\d+) messages$") public void mailboxWithMessages(String mailboxName, int messageCount) { mainStepdefs.mailboxProbe.createMailbox("#private", userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(), mailboxName); MailboxPath mailboxPath = MailboxPath.forUser(userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(), mailboxName); IntStream.range(0, messageCount).forEach(Throwing.intConsumer(i -> appendMessage(mailboxPath, i)));; } private void appendMessage(MailboxPath mailboxPath, int i) throws Exception { mainStepdefs.mailboxProbe.appendMessage(userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(), mailboxPath, MessageManager.AppendCommand.from(Message.Builder.of().setSubject("test" + i) .setBody("testBody" + i, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).build())); } @Given("^\"([^\"]*)\" has a mailbox \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void createMailbox(String username, String mailbox) { mainStepdefs.mailboxProbe.createMailbox(MailboxConstants.USER_NAMESPACE, username, mailbox); } @Given("^\"([^\"]*)\" shares its mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" with rights \"([^\"]*)\" with \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void shareMailboxWithRight(String owner, String mailboxName, String rights, String shareTo) throws Throwable { userStepdefs.connectUser(owner); String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(owner, mailboxName).serialize(); String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"update\": {" + " \"" + mailboxId + "\" : {" + " \"sharedWith\" : { \"" + shareTo + "\" : " + rightsAsString(rights) + " }" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]";; } private String rightsAsString(String rights) throws UnsupportedRightException { return MailboxACL.Rfc4314Rights.fromSerializedRfc4314Rights(rights).list().stream() .map(MailboxACL.Right::asCharacter).map(String::valueOf).map(this::surroundWithDoubleQuotes) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[ ", " ]")); } private String surroundWithDoubleQuotes(String input) { return "\"" + input + "\""; } @Given("^\"([^\"]*)\" shares (?:his|her) mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" with \"([^\"]*)\" with \"([^\"]*)\" rights$") public void shareMailbox(String owner, String mailboxName, String shareTo, String rights) throws Throwable { shareMailboxWithRight(owner, mailboxName, rights, shareTo); } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" renames the mailbox, owned by \"([^\"]*)\", \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void renamingMailbox(String user, String mailboxOwner, String currentMailboxName, String newMailboxName) throws Throwable { MailboxId mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId("#private", mailboxOwner, currentMailboxName); userStepdefs.connectUser(user); renamingMailbox(mailboxId, newMailboxName); } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" moves the mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\", into mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void movingMailbox(String user, String mailboxName, String mailboxOwner, String newParentName, String newParentOwner) throws Throwable { String mailbox = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(mailboxOwner, mailboxName).serialize(); String newParent = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(newParentOwner, newParentName).serialize(); String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"update\": {" + " \"" + mailbox + "\" : {" + " \"parentId\" : \"" + newParent + "\"" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]"; userStepdefs.execWithUser(user, () ->; } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" moves the mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\" as top level mailbox$") public void movingMailboxAsTopLevel(String user, String mailboxName, String mailboxOwner) throws Throwable { String mailbox = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(mailboxOwner, mailboxName).serialize(); String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"update\": {" + " \"" + mailbox + "\" : {" + " \"parentId\" : null" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]"; userStepdefs.execWithUser(user, () ->; } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" creates mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" with creationId \"([^\"]*)\" in mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void createChildMailbox(String user, String mailboxName, String creationId, String parentMailboxName, String parentOwner) throws Throwable { String parentMailbox = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(parentOwner, parentMailboxName).serialize(); userStepdefs.execWithUser(user, () -> { String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"create\": {" + " \"" + creationId + "\" : {" + " \"name\" : \"" + mailboxName + "\"," + " \"parentId\" : \"" + parentMailbox + "\"" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]";; }); } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" renames (?:her|his) mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void renamingMailbox(String user, String actualMailboxName, String newMailboxName) throws Throwable { MailboxId mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(user, actualMailboxName); renamingMailbox(mailboxId, newMailboxName); } private void renamingMailbox(MailboxId mailboxId, String newMailboxName) throws Exception { String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"update\": {" + " \"" + mailboxId.serialize() + "\" : {" + " \"name\" : \"" + newMailboxName + "\"" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]";; } @When("^renaming mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\"") public void renamingMailbox(String actualMailboxName, String newMailboxName) throws Throwable { renamingMailbox(userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(), actualMailboxName, newMailboxName); } @When("^\"([^\"]*)\" deletes the mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void deletesMailbox(String user, String mailboxName, String owner) throws Throwable { String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(owner, mailboxName).serialize(); userStepdefs.connectUser(user); String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"destroy\": [ \"" + mailboxId + "\" ]" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]";; } @When("^moving mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void movingMailbox(String actualMailboxPath, String newParentMailboxPath) throws Throwable { String username = userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(); String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(username, actualMailboxPath).serialize(); String parentId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(username, newParentMailboxPath).serialize(); String requestBody = "[" + " [ \"setMailboxes\"," + " {" + " \"update\": {" + " \"" + mailboxId + "\" : {" + " \"parentId\" : \"" + parentId + "\"" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"#0\"" + " ]" + "]";; } @Then("^mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" contains (\\d+) messages$") public void mailboxContainsMessages(String mailboxName, int messageCount) { String username = userStepdefs.getConnectedUser(); String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(username, mailboxName).serialize(); calmlyAwait.until(() -> { String requestBody = "[[\"getMessageList\", {\"filter\":{\"inMailboxes\":[\"" + mailboxId + "\"]}}, \"#0\"]]";; assertThat(httpClient.response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200); DocumentContext jsonPath = JsonPath.parse(httpClient.response.getEntity().getContent()); assertThat(jsonPath.<String>read(NAME)).isEqualTo("messageList"); return jsonPath.<List<String>>read(ARGUMENTS + ".messageIds").size() == messageCount; }); } @Then("^\"([^\"]*)\" receives not updated on mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" with kind \"([^\"]*)\" and message \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void assertNotUpdatedWithGivenProperties(String userName, String mailboxName, String type, String message) { String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(userName, mailboxName).serialize(); assertThat(httpClient.response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(200); assertThat(httpClient.jsonPath.<String>read(NAME)).isEqualTo("mailboxesSet"); Map<String, Map<String, String>> notUpdated = httpClient.jsonPath .<Map<String, Map<String, String>>>read(ARGUMENTS + ".notUpdated"); assertThat(notUpdated).hasSize(1); Map<String, String> parameters = notUpdated.get(mailboxId); assertThat(parameters).contains(Maps.immutableEntry("type", type), Maps.immutableEntry("description", message)); } @Then("^mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\" is not updated") public void assertNotUpdated(String mailboxName, String owner) { String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(owner, mailboxName).serialize(); assertThat(httpClient.jsonPath.<Map<String, String>>read("[0][1].notUpdated")).containsOnlyKeys(mailboxId); } @Then("^mailbox \"([^\"]*)\" owned by \"([^\"]*)\" is not destroyed$") public void assertNotDestroyed(String mailboxName, String owner) { String mailboxId = mainStepdefs.getMailboxId(owner, mailboxName).serialize(); assertThat(httpClient.jsonPath.<Map<String, String>>read("[0][1].notDestroyed")) .containsOnlyKeys(mailboxId); } @Then("^mailbox with creationId \"([^\"]*)\" is not created") public void assertNotCreated(String creationId) { assertThat(httpClient.jsonPath.<Map<String, String>>read("[0][1].notCreated")).containsOnlyKeys(creationId); } }