Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Type; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.memory.PropertyStates; import; import static; /** * Internal representation of JCR privileges. */ public final class PrivilegeBits implements PrivilegeConstants { private static final long NO_PRIVILEGE = 0; private static final long READ_NODES = 1; private static final long READ_PROPERTIES = READ_NODES << 1; private static final long ADD_PROPERTIES = READ_PROPERTIES << 1; private static final long ALTER_PROPERTIES = ADD_PROPERTIES << 1; private static final long REMOVE_PROPERTIES = ALTER_PROPERTIES << 1; private static final long ADD_CHILD_NODES = REMOVE_PROPERTIES << 1; private static final long REMOVE_CHILD_NODES = ADD_CHILD_NODES << 1; private static final long REMOVE_NODE = REMOVE_CHILD_NODES << 1; private static final long READ_AC = REMOVE_NODE << 1; private static final long MODIFY_AC = READ_AC << 1; private static final long NODE_TYPE_MNGMT = MODIFY_AC << 1; private static final long VERSION_MNGMT = NODE_TYPE_MNGMT << 1; private static final long LOCK_MNGMT = VERSION_MNGMT << 1; private static final long LIFECYCLE_MNGMT = LOCK_MNGMT << 1; private static final long RETENTION_MNGMT = LIFECYCLE_MNGMT << 1; private static final long WORKSPACE_MNGMT = RETENTION_MNGMT << 1; private static final long NODE_TYPE_DEF_MNGMT = WORKSPACE_MNGMT << 1; private static final long NAMESPACE_MNGMT = NODE_TYPE_DEF_MNGMT << 1; private static final long PRIVILEGE_MNGMT = NAMESPACE_MNGMT << 1; private static final long USER_MNGMT = PRIVILEGE_MNGMT << 1; private static final long INDEX_DEFINITION_MNGMT = USER_MNGMT << 1; private static final long READ = READ_NODES | READ_PROPERTIES; private static final long MODIFY_PROPERTIES = ADD_PROPERTIES | ALTER_PROPERTIES | REMOVE_PROPERTIES; private static final long WRITE = MODIFY_PROPERTIES | ADD_CHILD_NODES | REMOVE_CHILD_NODES | REMOVE_NODE; private static final long WRITE2 = WRITE | NODE_TYPE_MNGMT; public static final PrivilegeBits EMPTY = new PrivilegeBits(UnmodifiableData.EMPTY); public static final Map<String, PrivilegeBits> BUILT_IN = new HashMap<String, PrivilegeBits>(); static { BUILT_IN.put(REP_READ_NODES, getInstance(READ_NODES)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_READ_PROPERTIES, getInstance(READ_PROPERTIES)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_ADD_PROPERTIES, getInstance(ADD_PROPERTIES)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_ALTER_PROPERTIES, getInstance(ALTER_PROPERTIES)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_REMOVE_PROPERTIES, getInstance(REMOVE_PROPERTIES)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES, getInstance(ADD_CHILD_NODES)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_REMOVE_CHILD_NODES, getInstance(REMOVE_CHILD_NODES)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_REMOVE_NODE, getInstance(REMOVE_NODE)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_READ_ACCESS_CONTROL, getInstance(READ_AC)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_MODIFY_ACCESS_CONTROL, getInstance(MODIFY_AC)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_NODE_TYPE_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(NODE_TYPE_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_VERSION_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(VERSION_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_LOCK_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(LOCK_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_LIFECYCLE_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(LIFECYCLE_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_RETENTION_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(RETENTION_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_WORKSPACE_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(WORKSPACE_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(NODE_TYPE_DEF_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_NAMESPACE_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(NAMESPACE_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_PRIVILEGE_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(PRIVILEGE_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_USER_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(USER_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_INDEX_DEFINITION_MANAGEMENT, getInstance(INDEX_DEFINITION_MNGMT)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_READ, PrivilegeBits.getInstance(READ)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_MODIFY_PROPERTIES, PrivilegeBits.getInstance(MODIFY_PROPERTIES)); BUILT_IN.put(JCR_WRITE, PrivilegeBits.getInstance(WRITE)); BUILT_IN.put(REP_WRITE, PrivilegeBits.getInstance(WRITE2)); } public static final PrivilegeBits NEXT_AFTER_BUILT_INS = getInstance(INDEX_DEFINITION_MNGMT).nextBits(); private final Data d; /** * Private constructor. * * @param d The data that backs this instance. */ private PrivilegeBits(Data d) { this.d = d; } /** * Creates a mutable instance of privilege bits. * * @return a new instance of privilege bits. */ public static PrivilegeBits getInstance() { return new PrivilegeBits(new ModifiableData()); } /** * Creates a mutable instance of privilege bits. * * @param base The base for this mutable instance. * @return a new instance of privilege bits. */ @Nonnull public static PrivilegeBits getInstance(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits... base) { PrivilegeBits bts = getInstance(); for (PrivilegeBits baseBits : base) { bts.add(baseBits); } return bts; } /** * Get or create an instance of privilege bits for a specific property that * stores privileges. * * @param property The property state storing privilege bits information. * @return an instance of {@code PrivilegeBits} */ @Nonnull public static PrivilegeBits getInstance(@Nullable PropertyState property) { if (property == null) { return EMPTY; } int size = property.count(); if (size == 1) { return getInstance(property.getValue(Type.LONG, 0)); } else { long[] longs = new long[size]; for (int i = 0; i < longs.length; i++) { longs[i] = property.getValue(Type.LONG, i); } return getInstance(longs); } } /** * Get or create an instance of privilege bits for a privilege definition. * * @param tree A privilege definition tree or the privileges root. * @return an instance of {@code PrivilegeBits} */ @Nonnull public static PrivilegeBits getInstance(@Nullable Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { return EMPTY; } String privName = tree.getName(); if (BUILT_IN.containsKey(privName)) { return BUILT_IN.get(privName); } else if (REP_PRIVILEGES.equals(privName)) { return getInstance(tree.getProperty(REP_NEXT)); } else { return getInstance(tree.getProperty(REP_BITS)); } } /** * Internal method to get or create an instance of privilege bits for the * specified long value. * * @param bits A long value. * @return an instance of {@code PrivilegeBits} */ @Nonnull private static PrivilegeBits getInstance(long bits) { if (bits == NO_PRIVILEGE) { return EMPTY; } else { checkArgument(bits > NO_PRIVILEGE); return new PrivilegeBits(new UnmodifiableData(bits)); } } /** * Internal method to create a new instance of {@code PrivilegeBits}. * * @param bits A long array. * @return an instance of {@code PrivilegeBits} */ @Nonnull private static PrivilegeBits getInstance(long[] bits) { return new PrivilegeBits(new UnmodifiableData(bits)); } /** * Calculate the granted permissions by evaluating the given privileges. Note, * that only built-in privileges can be mapped to permissions. Any other * privileges will be ignored. * * @param bits The set of privileges present at given tree. * @param parentBits The privileges present on the parent tree. These are * required in order to determine permissions that include a modification * of the parent tree (add_child_nodes, remove_child_nodes). * @param isAllow {@code true} if the privileges are granted; {@code false} * otherwise. * @return the resulting permissions. */ public static long calculatePermissions(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits bits, @Nonnull PrivilegeBits parentBits, boolean isAllow) { long privs = bits.d.longValue(); long parentPrivs = parentBits.d.longValue(); long perm = Permissions.NO_PERMISSION; if ((privs & READ) == READ) { perm |= Permissions.READ; } else { if ((privs & READ_NODES) == READ_NODES) { perm |= Permissions.READ_NODE; } else if (((privs & READ_PROPERTIES) == READ_PROPERTIES)) { perm |= Permissions.READ_PROPERTY; } } if ((privs & MODIFY_PROPERTIES) == MODIFY_PROPERTIES) { perm |= Permissions.SET_PROPERTY; } else { if ((privs & ADD_PROPERTIES) == ADD_PROPERTIES) { perm |= Permissions.ADD_PROPERTY; } if ((privs & ALTER_PROPERTIES) == ALTER_PROPERTIES) { perm |= Permissions.MODIFY_PROPERTY; } if ((privs & REMOVE_PROPERTIES) == REMOVE_PROPERTIES) { perm |= Permissions.REMOVE_PROPERTY; } } // add_node permission is granted through privilege on the parent. if ((parentPrivs & ADD_CHILD_NODES) == ADD_CHILD_NODES) { perm |= Permissions.ADD_NODE; } /* remove_node is allowed: only if remove_child_nodes privilege is present on the parent AND remove_node is present on the node itself denied : if either remove_child_nodes is denied on the parent OR remove_node is denied on the node itself. */ if (isAllow) { if ((parentPrivs & REMOVE_CHILD_NODES) == REMOVE_CHILD_NODES && (privs & REMOVE_NODE) == REMOVE_NODE) { perm |= Permissions.REMOVE_NODE; } } else { if ((parentPrivs & REMOVE_CHILD_NODES) == REMOVE_CHILD_NODES || (privs & REMOVE_NODE) == REMOVE_NODE) { perm |= Permissions.REMOVE_NODE; } } // modify_child_node_collection permission if ((privs & ADD_CHILD_NODES) == ADD_CHILD_NODES && (privs & REMOVE_CHILD_NODES) == REMOVE_CHILD_NODES) { perm |= Permissions.MODIFY_CHILD_NODE_COLLECTION; } // the remaining (special) permissions are simply defined on the node if ((privs & READ_AC) == READ_AC) { perm |= Permissions.READ_ACCESS_CONTROL; } if ((privs & MODIFY_AC) == MODIFY_AC) { perm |= Permissions.MODIFY_ACCESS_CONTROL; } if ((privs & LIFECYCLE_MNGMT) == LIFECYCLE_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.LIFECYCLE_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & LOCK_MNGMT) == LOCK_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.LOCK_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & NODE_TYPE_MNGMT) == NODE_TYPE_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.NODE_TYPE_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & RETENTION_MNGMT) == RETENTION_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.RETENTION_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & VERSION_MNGMT) == VERSION_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.VERSION_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & WORKSPACE_MNGMT) == WORKSPACE_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.WORKSPACE_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & NODE_TYPE_DEF_MNGMT) == NODE_TYPE_DEF_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.NODE_TYPE_DEFINITION_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & NAMESPACE_MNGMT) == NAMESPACE_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.NAMESPACE_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & PRIVILEGE_MNGMT) == PRIVILEGE_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.PRIVILEGE_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & USER_MNGMT) == USER_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.USER_MANAGEMENT; } if ((privs & INDEX_DEFINITION_MNGMT) == INDEX_DEFINITION_MNGMT) { perm |= Permissions.INDEX_DEFINITION_MANAGEMENT; } return perm; } /** * Returns {@code true} if this privilege bits includes no privileges * at all. * * @return {@code true} if this privilege bits includes no privileges * at all; {@code false} otherwise. * @see */ public boolean isEmpty() { return d.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable instance. * * @return an unmodifiable {@code PrivilegeBits} instance. */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits unmodifiable() { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { if (d.isSimple()) { return getInstance(d.longValue()); } else { long[] bits = d.longValues(); long[] copy = new long[bits.length]; System.arraycopy(bits, 0, copy, 0, bits.length); return getInstance(copy); } } else { return this; } } @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits modifiable() { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { return this; } else { return getInstance(this); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if all privileges defined by the specified * {@code otherBits} are present in this instance. * * @param otherBits * @return {@code true} if all privileges defined by the specified * {@code otherBits} are included in this instance; {@code false} * otherwise. */ public boolean includes(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits otherBits) { return d.includes(otherBits.d); } /** * Adds the other privilege bits to this instance. * * @param other The other privilege bits to be added. * @return The updated instance. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this instance is immutable. */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits add(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits other) { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { ((ModifiableData) d).add(other.d); return this; } else { throw unsupported(); } } /** * Subtracts the other PrivilegeBits from the this.<br> * If the specified bits do not intersect with this, it isn't modified.<br> * If {@code this} is included in {@code other} {@link #EMPTY empty} * privilege bits is returned. * * @param other The other privilege bits to be subtracted from this instance. * @return The updated instance. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this instance is immutable. */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits diff(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits other) { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { ((ModifiableData) d).diff(other.d); return this; } else { throw unsupported(); } } /** * Subtracts the {@code b} from {@code a} and adds the result (diff) * to this instance. * * @param a An instance of privilege bits. * @param b An instance of privilege bits. * @return The updated instance. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this instance is immutable. */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits addDifference(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits a, @Nonnull PrivilegeBits b) { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { ((ModifiableData) d).addDifference(a.d, b.d); return this; } else { throw unsupported(); } } /** * Retains the elements in this {@code PrivilegeBits} that are contained in * the specified other {@code PrivilegeBits}. * * @param other Other privilege bits. * @return This modifiable instance of privilege bits modified such it contains * only privileges that were also contained in the {@code other} instance. */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits retain(@Nonnull PrivilegeBits other) { if (d instanceof ModifiableData) { ((ModifiableData) d).retain(other.d); return this; } else { throw unsupported(); } } @Nonnull public PropertyState asPropertyState(String name) { return PropertyStates.createProperty(name, Longs.asList(d.longValues()), Type.LONGS); } /** * Method to calculate the next privilege bits associated with this instance. * * @return an new instance of {@code PrivilegeBits} */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits nextBits() { if (this == EMPTY) { return EMPTY; } else { return new PrivilegeBits(; } } /** * Write this instance as property to the specified tree. * * @param tree The target tree. */ public void writeTo(@Nonnull Tree tree) { String name = (REP_PRIVILEGES.equals(tree.getName())) ? REP_NEXT : REP_BITS; tree.setProperty(asPropertyState(name)); } private static UnsupportedOperationException unsupported() { return new UnsupportedOperationException("immutable privilege bits"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------< Object >--- @Override public int hashCode() { return d.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (o instanceof PrivilegeBits) { return d.equals(((PrivilegeBits) o).d); } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("PrivilegeBits: "); if (d.isSimple()) { sb.append(d.longValue()); } else { sb.append(Arrays.toString(d.longValues())); } return sb.toString(); } //------------------------------------------------------< inner classes >--- /** * Base class for the internal privilege bits representation and handling. */ private abstract static class Data { abstract boolean isEmpty(); abstract long longValue(); abstract long[] longValues(); abstract boolean isSimple(); abstract Data next(); abstract boolean includes(Data other); /** * Checks if all {@code otherBits} is already included in {@code bits}. * <p> * Truth table: * <pre> * | b\o | 0 | 1 | * | 0 | 1 | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | * </pre> * @param bits the super set of bits * @param otherBits the bits to check against * @return {@code true} if all other bits are included in bits. */ static boolean includes(long bits, long otherBits) { return (bits | ~otherBits) == -1; } /** * Checks if all {@code otherBits} is already included in {@code bits}. * <p> * Truth table: * <pre> * | b\o | 0 | 1 | * | 0 | 1 | 0 | * | 1 | 1 | 1 | * </pre> * @param bits the super set of bits * @param otherBits the bits to check against * @return {@code true} if all other bits are included in bits. */ static boolean includes(long[] bits, long[] otherBits) { if (otherBits.length <= bits.length) { // test for each long if is included for (int i = 0; i < otherBits.length; i++) { if ((bits[i] | ~otherBits[i]) != -1) { return false; } } return true; } else { // otherbits array is longer > cannot be included in bits return false; } } } /** * Immutable Data object */ private static final class UnmodifiableData extends Data { private static final long MAX = Long.MAX_VALUE / 2; private static final UnmodifiableData EMPTY = new UnmodifiableData(NO_PRIVILEGE); private final long bits; private final long[] bitsArr; private final boolean isSimple; private UnmodifiableData(long bits) { this.bits = bits; bitsArr = new long[] { bits }; isSimple = true; } private UnmodifiableData(long[] bitsArr) { bits = NO_PRIVILEGE; this.bitsArr = bitsArr; isSimple = false; } @Override boolean isEmpty() { return this == EMPTY; } @Override long longValue() { return bits; } @Override long[] longValues() { return bitsArr; } @Override boolean isSimple() { return isSimple; } @Override Data next() { if (this == EMPTY) { return EMPTY; } else if (isSimple) { if (bits < MAX) { long b = bits << 1; return new UnmodifiableData(b); } else { return new UnmodifiableData(new long[] { bits }).next(); } } else { long[] bts; long last = bitsArr[bitsArr.length - 1]; if (last < MAX) { bts = new long[bitsArr.length]; System.arraycopy(bitsArr, 0, bts, 0, bitsArr.length); bts[bts.length - 1] = last << 1; } else { bts = new long[bitsArr.length + 1]; bts[bts.length - 1] = 1; } return new UnmodifiableData(bts); } } @Override boolean includes(Data other) { if (isSimple) { return (other.isSimple()) && includes(bits, other.longValue()); } else { return includes(bitsArr, other.longValues()); } } //---------------------------------------------------------< Object >--- @Override public int hashCode() { return (isSimple) ? Long.valueOf(bits).hashCode() : Arrays.hashCode(bitsArr); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (o instanceof UnmodifiableData) { UnmodifiableData d = (UnmodifiableData) o; if (isSimple != d.isSimple) { return false; } if (isSimple) { return bits == d.bits; } else { return Arrays.equals(bitsArr, d.bitsArr); } } else { return false; } } } /** * Mutable implementation of the Data base class. */ private static final class ModifiableData extends Data { private long[] bits; private ModifiableData() { bits = new long[] { NO_PRIVILEGE }; } @Override boolean isEmpty() { return bits.length == 1 && bits[0] == NO_PRIVILEGE; } @Override long longValue() { return (bits.length == 1) ? bits[0] : NO_PRIVILEGE; } @Override long[] longValues() { return bits; } @Override boolean isSimple() { return bits.length == 1; } @Override Data next() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented."); } @Override boolean includes(Data other) { if (bits.length == 1) { return other.isSimple() && includes(bits[0], other.longValue()); } else { return includes(bits, other.longValues()); } } /** * Add the other Data to this instance. * * @param other */ private void add(Data other) { if (other != this) { if (bits.length == 1 && other.isSimple()) { bits[0] |= other.longValue(); } else { or(other.longValues()); } } } /** * Subtract the other Data from this instance. * * @param other */ private void diff(Data other) { if (bits.length == 1 && other.isSimple()) { bits[0] = bits[0] & ~other.longValue(); } else { bits = diff(bits, other.longValues()); } } /** * Add the diff between the specified Data a and b. * * @param a * @param b */ private void addDifference(Data a, Data b) { if (a.isSimple() && b.isSimple()) { bits[0] |= a.longValue() & ~b.longValue(); } else { long[] diff = diff(a.longValues(), b.longValues()); or(diff); } } private void or(long[] b) { if (b.length > bits.length) { // enlarge the array long[] res = new long[b.length]; System.arraycopy(bits, 0, res, 0, bits.length); bits = res; } for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { bits[i] |= b[i]; } } private void retain(Data other) { if (isSimple()) { bits[0] &= other.longValue(); } else { long[] lvs = longValues(); long[] bLvs = other.longValues(); long[] res = (lvs.length <= bLvs.length) ? new long[lvs.length] : new long[bLvs.length]; int compactSize = -1; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = (lvs[i] & bLvs[i]); if (res[i] == 0) { if (compactSize == -1) { compactSize = i + 1; } } else { compactSize = -1; } } if (compactSize != -1 && res.length > compactSize) { bits = Arrays.copyOfRange(res, 0, compactSize); } else { bits = res; } } } private static long[] diff(long[] a, long[] b) { int index = -1; long[] res = new long[((a.length > b.length) ? a.length : b.length)]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { if (i < a.length && i < b.length) { res[i] = a[i] & ~b[i]; } else { res[i] = (i < a.length) ? a[i] : 0; } // remember start of trailing 0 array entries if (res[i] != 0) { index = -1; } else if (index == -1) { index = i; } } switch (index) { case -1: // no need to remove trailing 0-long from the array return res; case 0: // array consisting of one or multiple 0 return new long[] { NO_PRIVILEGE }; default: // remove trailing 0-long entries from the array long[] r2 = new long[index]; System.arraycopy(res, 0, r2, 0, index); return r2; } } } }