Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.configuration.nodestate; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Type; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.configuration.OakSolrConfiguration; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.configuration.OakSolrConfigurationDefaults; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.query.SolrQueryIndex; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.query.Filter; import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState; /** * An {@link OakSolrConfiguration} specified via a given {@link org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState}. * For each of the supported properties a default is provided if either the * property doesn't exist in the node or if the value is <code>null</code> */ public class OakSolrNodeStateConfiguration implements OakSolrConfiguration { private final NodeState definition; public OakSolrNodeStateConfiguration(NodeState definition) { this.definition = definition; if (!definition.hasProperty("type") || !(SolrQueryIndex.TYPE.equals(definition.getProperty("type").getValue(Type.STRING)))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing or wrong 'type' property in " + definition); } } @Override public String getFieldNameFor(Type<?> propertyType) { Iterable<String> typeMappings = getStringValuesFor(Properties.TYPE_MAPPINGS); if (typeMappings != null) { for (String typeMapping : typeMappings) { String[] mapping = typeMapping.split("="); if (mapping.length == 2 && mapping[0] != null && mapping[1] != null) { Type<?> type = Type.fromString(mapping[0]); if (type != null && type.tag() == propertyType.tag()) { return mapping[1]; } } } } return null; } @Nonnull @Override public String getPathField() { return getStringValueFor(Properties.PATH_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PATH_FIELD_NAME); } @CheckForNull @Override public String getFieldForPathRestriction(Filter.PathRestriction pathRestriction) { String fieldName = null; switch (pathRestriction) { case ALL_CHILDREN: { fieldName = getStringValueFor(Properties.DESCENDANTS_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.DESC_FIELD_NAME); break; } case DIRECT_CHILDREN: { fieldName = getStringValueFor(Properties.CHILDREN_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.CHILD_FIELD_NAME); break; } case EXACT: { fieldName = getStringValueFor(Properties.PATH_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PATH_FIELD_NAME); break; } case PARENT: { fieldName = getStringValueFor(Properties.PARENT_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.ANC_FIELD_NAME); break; } case NO_RESTRICTION: break; default: break; } return fieldName; } @Override public String getCatchAllField() { return getStringValueFor(Properties.CATCHALL_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.CATCHALL_FIELD); } @Override public String getFieldForPropertyRestriction(Filter.PropertyRestriction propertyRestriction) { Iterable<String> propertyMappings = getStringValuesFor(Properties.PROPERTY_MAPPINGS); if (propertyMappings != null) { for (String propertyMapping : propertyMappings) { String[] mapping = propertyMapping.split("="); if (mapping.length == 2 && mapping[0] != null && mapping[1] != null) { if (propertyRestriction.propertyName.equals(mapping[0])) { return mapping[1]; } } } } return null; } @Nonnull @Override public CommitPolicy getCommitPolicy() { return CommitPolicy .valueOf(getStringValueFor(Properties.COMMIT_POLICY, CommitPolicy.SOFT.toString()).toUpperCase()); } @Override public int getRows() { return getIntValueFor(Properties.ROWS, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.ROWS); } @Override public boolean useForPropertyRestrictions() { return getBooleanValueFor(Properties.PROPERTY_RESTRICIONS, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PROPERTY_RESTRICTIONS); } @Override public boolean useForPrimaryTypes() { return getBooleanValueFor(Properties.PRIMARY_TYPES, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PRIMARY_TYPES); } @Override public boolean useForPathRestrictions() { return getBooleanValueFor(Properties.PATH_RESTRICTIONS, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PATH_RESTRICTIONS); } @Nonnull @Override public Collection<String> getIgnoredProperties() { Collection<String> ignoredProperties; Iterable<String> ignoredPropertiesValues = getStringValuesFor(Properties.IGNORED_PROPERTIES); if (ignoredPropertiesValues != null) { ignoredProperties = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String ignoredProperty : ignoredPropertiesValues) { ignoredProperties.add(ignoredProperty); } } else { ignoredProperties = OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.IGNORED_PROPERTIES; } return ignoredProperties; } @Nonnull @Override public Collection<String> getUsedProperties() { Collection<String> usedProperties; Iterable<String> usedPropertiesValues = getStringValuesFor(Properties.USED_PROPERTIES); if (usedPropertiesValues != null) { usedProperties = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String usedProperty : usedPropertiesValues) { usedProperties.add(usedProperty); } } else { usedProperties = Collections.emptyList(); } return usedProperties; } @Override public boolean collapseJcrContentNodes() { return getBooleanValueFor(Properties.COLLAPSE_JCR_CONTENT_NODES, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.COLLAPSE_JCR_CONTENT_NODES); } @Nonnull @Override public String getCollapsedPathField() { return getStringValueFor(Properties.COLLAPSED_PATH_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.COLLAPSED_PATH_FIELD); } @Nonnull @Override public String getPathDepthField() { return getStringValueFor(Properties.DEPTH_FIELD, OakSolrConfigurationDefaults.PATH_DEPTH_FIELD); } private boolean getBooleanValueFor(String propertyName, boolean defaultValue) { boolean value = defaultValue; PropertyState property = definition.getProperty(propertyName); if (property != null) { value = property.getValue(Type.BOOLEAN); } return value; } private int getIntValueFor(String propertyName, int defaultValue) { long value = defaultValue; PropertyState property = definition.getProperty(propertyName); if (property != null) { value = property.getValue(Type.LONG); } return (int) value; } private String getStringValueFor(String propertyName, String defaultValue) { String value = defaultValue; PropertyState property = definition.getProperty(propertyName); if (property != null) { value = property.getValue(Type.STRING); } return value; } private Iterable<String> getStringValuesFor(String propertyName) { Iterable<String> values = null; PropertyState property = definition.getProperty(propertyName); if (property != null && property.isArray()) { values = property.getValue(Type.STRINGS); } return values; } @Override public String toString() { return "OakSolrNodeStateConfiguration{" + "definitionChildren=" + Iterables.toString(definition.getChildNodeNames()) + '}'; } /** * Properties that may be retrieved from the configuration {@link org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState}. */ public final class Properties { // --> oak solr config properties <-- public static final String PATH_FIELD = "pathField"; public static final String COLLAPSED_PATH_FIELD = "pathField"; public static final String PARENT_FIELD = "parentField"; public static final String CHILDREN_FIELD = "childrenField"; public static final String DESCENDANTS_FIELD = "descendantsField"; public static final String CATCHALL_FIELD = "catchAllField"; public static final String COMMIT_POLICY = "commitPolicy"; public static final String ROWS = "rows"; public static final String PROPERTY_RESTRICIONS = "propertyRestrictions"; public static final String PRIMARY_TYPES = "primaryTypes"; public static final String PATH_RESTRICTIONS = "pathRestrictions"; public static final String IGNORED_PROPERTIES = "ignoredProperties"; public static final String TYPE_MAPPINGS = "typeMappings"; public static final String PROPERTY_MAPPINGS = "propertyMappings"; public static final String USED_PROPERTIES = "usedProperties"; public static final String COLLAPSE_JCR_CONTENT_NODES = "collapseJcrContentNodes"; public static final String DEPTH_FIELD = "depthField"; } }