Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionImpl; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name; import; import org.jahia.settings.SettingsBean; import javax.jcr.*; import javax.jcr.query.qom.PropertyValue; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Handle results count */ public class CountHandler { /** * Class for setting information about wanted count type */ public static class CountType { private boolean approxCount; private boolean skipChecks; private int approxCountLimit = SettingsBean.getInstance().getQueryApproxCountLimit(); /** * Initializes an instance of CountType. */ public CountType() { super(); } /** * Is approximate or exact count required * @return true for approximate count and false for exact count */ public boolean isApproxCount() { return approxCount; } /** * Sets whether approximate or exact count is required * @param approxCount true for approximate count and flase for exact count */ public void setApproxCount(boolean approxCount) { this.approxCount = approxCount; } /** * Should ACL, visibility, publication checks be skipped for the count * @return true if all checks should be skipped and false if not */ public boolean isSkipChecks() { return skipChecks; } /** * Sets whether ACL, visibility, publication checks should be skipped for the count * @param skipChecks true if all checks should be skipped and false if not */ public void setSkipChecks(boolean skipChecks) { this.skipChecks = skipChecks; } /** * If approximate count is used, return how many results should be really iterated through to * then calculate the approximate number of further results * @return how many results should be iterated through before calculating approximate number of further results */ public int getApproxCountLimit() { return approxCountLimit; } /** * Sets how many results should be iterated through before calculating approximate number of further results. * If not explicitly set, the queryApproxCountLimit from jahia configuration will be taken. * @param approxCountLimit how many results should be iterated through before calculating approximate number of further results */ public void setApproxCountLimit(int approxCountLimit) { this.approxCountLimit = approxCountLimit; } } /** * The name of the facet function without prefix but with left parenthesis. */ private static final String COUNT_FUNC_LPAR = "count("; /** * The start Name for the rep:count function: rep:count( */ private static final Name REP_COUNT_LPAR = NameFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(Name.NS_REP_URI, COUNT_FUNC_LPAR); /** * Regexp pattern for an optional setting of the apprximate count limit */ private static final Pattern APPROX_COUNT_LIMIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*approxCountLimit=(\\d*).*"); /** * Checks if there is a count function in the column names and return the count type based on its parameters. * @param columns * @param session * @return the count type */ public static CountType hasCountFunction(Map<String, PropertyValue> columns, SessionImpl session) { CountType countType = null; try { String repCount = session.getJCRName(REP_COUNT_LPAR); for (String column : columns.keySet()) { if (column.trim().startsWith(repCount)) { countType = new CountType(); String countSettings = StringUtils.substringBetween(column, repCount, ")"); if (countSettings.contains("skipChecks=1")) { countType.setSkipChecks(true); } if (countSettings.contains("approximate=1")) { countType.setApproxCount(true); } Matcher matcher = APPROX_COUNT_LIMIT_PATTERN.matcher(countSettings); if (matcher.matches()) { countType.setApproxCount(true); countType.setApproxCountLimit(Integer.parseInt(; } break; } } } catch (NamespaceException e) { } return countType; } /** * Wrap a count result in a fake query result row * @param count * @return the row */ public static CountRow createCountRow(long count, boolean wasApproxLimitReached) { return new CountRow(count, wasApproxLimitReached); } }