Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ivory.cli; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.ivory.client.IvoryCLIException; import org.apache.ivory.client.IvoryClient; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; public class IvoryCLI { public static PrintStream ERR_STREAM = System.err; public static PrintStream OUT_STREAM = System.out; public static final String IVORY_URL = "IVORY_URL"; public static final String URL_OPTION = "url"; public static final String VERSION_OPTION = "version"; public static final String ADMIN_CMD = "admin"; public static final String HELP_CMD = "help"; private static final String VERSION_CMD = "version"; public static final String ENTITY_CMD = "entity"; public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_OPT = "type"; public static final String ENTITY_NAME_OPT = "name"; public static final String FILE_PATH_OPT = "file"; public static final String SUBMIT_OPT = "submit"; public static final String UPDATE_OPT = "update"; public static final String SCHEDULE_OPT = "schedule"; public static final String SUSPEND_OPT = "suspend"; public static final String RESUME_OPT = "resume"; public static final String DELETE_OPT = "delete"; public static final String SUBMIT_AND_SCHEDULE_OPT = "submitAndSchedule"; public static final String VALIDATE_OPT = "validate"; public static final String STATUS_OPT = "status"; public static final String DEFINITION_OPT = "definition"; public static final String DEPENDENCY_OPT = "dependency"; public static final String LIST_OPT = "list"; public static final String INSTANCE_CMD = "instance"; public static final String START_OPT = "start"; public static final String END_OPT = "end"; public static final String RUNNING_OPT = "running"; public static final String KILL_OPT = "kill"; public static final String RERUN_OPT = "rerun"; public static final String RUNID_OPT = "runid"; /** * Entry point for the Ivory CLI when invoked from the command line. Upon * completion this method exits the JVM with '0' (success) or '-1' * (failure). * * @param args * options and arguments for the Ivory CLI. */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.exit(new IvoryCLI().run(args)); } // TODO help and headers private static final String[] IVORY_HELP = { "the env variable '" + IVORY_URL + "' is used as default value for the '-" + URL_OPTION + "' option", "custom headers for Ivory web services can be specified using '-D" + IvoryClient.WS_HEADER_PREFIX + "NAME=VALUE'" }; /** * Run a CLI programmatically. * <p/> * It does not exit the JVM. * <p/> * A CLI instance can be used only once. * * @param args * options and arguments for the Oozie CLI. * @return '0' (success), '-1' (failure). */ public synchronized int run(String[] args) { CLIParser parser = new CLIParser("ivory", IVORY_HELP); parser.addCommand(ADMIN_CMD, "", "admin operations", createAdminOptions(), true); parser.addCommand(HELP_CMD, "", "display usage", new Options(), false); parser.addCommand(VERSION_CMD, "", "show client version", new Options(), false); parser.addCommand(ENTITY_CMD, "", "Entity opertions like submit, suspend, resume, delete, status, defintion, submitAndSchedule", entityOptions(), false); parser.addCommand(INSTANCE_CMD, "", "Process instances operations like running, status, kill, suspend, resume, rerun", instanceOptions(), false); try { CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args); if (command.getName().equals(HELP_CMD)) { parser.showHelp(); } else if (command.getName().equals(ADMIN_CMD)) { adminCommand(command.getCommandLine()); } else if (command.getName().equals(ENTITY_CMD)) { entityCommand(command.getCommandLine()); } else if (command.getName().equals(INSTANCE_CMD)) { instanceCommand(command.getCommandLine()); } return 0; } catch (IvoryCLIException ex) { ERR_STREAM.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage()); return -1; } catch (ParseException ex) { ERR_STREAM.println("Invalid sub-command: " + ex.getMessage()); ERR_STREAM.println(); ERR_STREAM.println(parser.shortHelp()); return -1; } catch (ClientHandlerException ex) { ERR_STREAM.print( "Unable to connect to Ivory server, please check if the URL is correct and Ivory server is up and running\n"); ERR_STREAM.println(ex.getMessage()); return -1; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); ERR_STREAM.println(ex.getMessage()); return -1; } } private void instanceCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IvoryCLIException, IOException { String ivoryUrl = validateIvoryUrl(commandLine); IvoryClient client = new IvoryClient(ivoryUrl); Set<String> optionsList = new HashSet<String>(); for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) { optionsList.add(option.getOpt()); } String result = null; String type = commandLine.getOptionValue(ENTITY_TYPE_OPT); String entity = commandLine.getOptionValue(ENTITY_NAME_OPT); String start = commandLine.getOptionValue(START_OPT); String end = commandLine.getOptionValue(END_OPT); String filePath = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILE_PATH_OPT); String runid = commandLine.getOptionValue(RUNID_OPT); validateInstanceCommands(optionsList, entity, type, start, end, filePath); if (optionsList.contains(RUNNING_OPT)) { result = client.getRunningInstances(type, entity); } else if (optionsList.contains(STATUS_OPT)) { result = client.getStatusOfInstances(type, entity, start, end, runid); } else if (optionsList.contains(KILL_OPT)) { result = client.killInstances(type, entity, start, end); } else if (optionsList.contains(SUSPEND_OPT)) { result = client.suspendInstances(type, entity, start, end); } else if (optionsList.contains(RESUME_OPT)) { result = client.resumeInstances(type, entity, start, end); } else if (optionsList.contains(RERUN_OPT)) { result = client.rerunInstances(type, entity, start, end, filePath); } else { throw new IvoryCLIException("Invalid command"); } OUT_STREAM.println(result); } private void validateInstanceCommands(Set<String> optionsList, String entity, String type, String start, String end, String filePath) throws IvoryCLIException { if (entity == null || entity.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: name"); } if (type == null || entity.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: type"); } if (!optionsList.contains(RUNNING_OPT)) { if (start == null || start.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: start"); } } } private void entityCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IvoryCLIException, IOException { String ivoryUrl = validateIvoryUrl(commandLine); IvoryClient client = new IvoryClient(ivoryUrl); Set<String> optionsList = new HashSet<String>(); for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) { optionsList.add(option.getOpt()); } String result = null; String entityType = commandLine.getOptionValue(ENTITY_TYPE_OPT); String entityName = commandLine.getOptionValue(ENTITY_NAME_OPT); String filePath = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILE_PATH_OPT); validateEntityType(optionsList, entityType); if (optionsList.contains(SUBMIT_OPT)) { validateFilePath(optionsList, filePath); result = client.submit(entityType, filePath); } else if (optionsList.contains(UPDATE_OPT)) { validateFilePath(optionsList, filePath); validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.update(entityType, entityName, filePath); } else if (optionsList.contains(SUBMIT_AND_SCHEDULE_OPT)) { validateFilePath(optionsList, filePath); result = client.submitAndSchedule(entityType, filePath); } else if (optionsList.contains(VALIDATE_OPT)) { validateFilePath(optionsList, filePath); result = client.validate(entityType, filePath); } else if (optionsList.contains(SCHEDULE_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.schedule(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(SUSPEND_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.suspend(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(RESUME_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.resume(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(DELETE_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.delete(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(STATUS_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.getStatus(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(DEFINITION_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.getDefinition(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(DEPENDENCY_OPT)) { validateEntityName(optionsList, entityName); result = client.getDependency(entityType, entityName); } else if (optionsList.contains(LIST_OPT)) { result = client.getEntityList(entityType); } else if (optionsList.contains(HELP_CMD)) { OUT_STREAM.println("Ivory Help"); } else { throw new IvoryCLIException("Invalid command"); } OUT_STREAM.println(result); } private void validateFilePath(Set<String> optionsList, String filePath) throws IvoryCLIException { if (filePath == null || filePath.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: file"); } } private void validateEntityName(Set<String> optionsList, String entityName) throws IvoryCLIException { if (entityName == null || entityName.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: name"); } } private void validateEntityType(Set<String> optionsList, String entityType) throws IvoryCLIException { if (entityType == null || entityType.equals("")) { throw new IvoryCLIException("Missing argument: type"); } } // TODO private void versionCommand() { OUT_STREAM.println("Apache Ivory version: 1.0"); } private Options createAdminOptions() { Options adminOptions = new Options(); Option url = new Option(URL_OPTION, true, "Ivory URL"); adminOptions.addOption(url); OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup(); // Option status = new Option(STATUS_OPTION, false, // "show the current system status"); Option version = new Option(VERSION_OPTION, false, "show Ivory server build version"); Option help = new Option("help", false, "show Ivory help"); group.addOption(version); group.addOption(help); adminOptions.addOptionGroup(group); return adminOptions; } private Options entityOptions() { Options entityOptions = new Options(); Option submit = new Option(SUBMIT_OPT, false, "Submits an entity xml to Ivory"); Option update = new Option(UPDATE_OPT, false, "Updates an existing entity xml"); Option schedule = new Option(SCHEDULE_OPT, false, "Schedules a submited entity in Ivory"); Option suspend = new Option(SUSPEND_OPT, false, "Suspends a running entity in Ivory"); Option resume = new Option(RESUME_OPT, false, "Resumes a suspended entity in Ivory"); Option delete = new Option(DELETE_OPT, false, "Deletes an entity in Ivory, and kills its instance from workflow engine"); Option submitAndSchedule = new Option(SUBMIT_AND_SCHEDULE_OPT, false, "Submits and entity to Ivory and schedules it immediately"); Option validate = new Option(VALIDATE_OPT, false, "Validates an entity based on the entity type"); Option status = new Option(STATUS_OPT, false, "Gets the status of entity"); Option definition = new Option(DEFINITION_OPT, false, "Gets the Definition of entity"); Option dependency = new Option(DEPENDENCY_OPT, false, "Gets the dependencies of entity"); Option list = new Option(LIST_OPT, false, "List entities registerd for a type"); OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup(); group.addOption(submit); group.addOption(update); group.addOption(schedule); group.addOption(suspend); group.addOption(resume); group.addOption(delete); group.addOption(submitAndSchedule); group.addOption(validate); group.addOption(status); group.addOption(definition); group.addOption(dependency); group.addOption(list); Option url = new Option(URL_OPTION, true, "Ivory URL"); Option entityType = new Option(ENTITY_TYPE_OPT, true, "Entity type, can be cluster, feed or process xml"); Option filePath = new Option(FILE_PATH_OPT, true, "Path to entity xml file"); Option entityName = new Option(ENTITY_NAME_OPT, true, "Entity type, can be cluster, feed or process xml"); entityOptions.addOption(url); entityOptions.addOptionGroup(group); entityOptions.addOption(entityType); entityOptions.addOption(entityName); entityOptions.addOption(filePath); return entityOptions; } private Options instanceOptions() { Options instanceOptions = new Options(); Option running = new Option(RUNNING_OPT, false, "Gets running process instances for a given process"); Option status = new Option(STATUS_OPT, false, "Gets status of process instances for a given process in the range start time and optional end time"); Option kill = new Option(KILL_OPT, false, "Kills active process instances for a given process in the range start time and optional end time"); Option suspend = new Option(SUSPEND_OPT, false, "Suspends active process instances for a given process in the range start time and optional end time"); Option resume = new Option(RESUME_OPT, false, "Resumes suspended process instances for a given process in the range start time and optional end time"); Option rerun = new Option(RERUN_OPT, false, "Reruns process instances for a given process in the range start time and optional end time and overrides properties present in file"); OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup(); group.addOption(running); group.addOption(status); group.addOption(kill); group.addOption(resume); group.addOption(suspend); group.addOption(resume); group.addOption(rerun); Option url = new Option(URL_OPTION, true, "Ivory URL"); Option start = new Option(START_OPT, true, "Start time is required for commands, status, kill, suspend, resume and re-run"); Option end = new Option(END_OPT, true, "End time is optional for commands, status, kill, suspend, resume and re-run; if not specified then current time is considered as end time"); Option runid = new Option(RUNID_OPT, true, "Instance runid is optional and user can specify the runid, defaults to 0"); Option filePath = new Option(FILE_PATH_OPT, true, "Path to file is required for rerun command, it should contain name=value pair for properties to override for rerun"); Option entityType = new Option(ENTITY_TYPE_OPT, true, "Entity type, can be feed or process xml"); Option entityName = new Option(ENTITY_NAME_OPT, true, "Entity type, can be feed or process xml"); instanceOptions.addOption(url); instanceOptions.addOptionGroup(group); instanceOptions.addOption(start); instanceOptions.addOption(end); instanceOptions.addOption(filePath); instanceOptions.addOption(entityType); instanceOptions.addOption(entityName); instanceOptions.addOption(runid); return instanceOptions; } protected String validateIvoryUrl(CommandLine commandLine) throws IvoryCLIException { String url = commandLine.getOptionValue(URL_OPTION); if (url == null) { try { InputStream input = IvoryCLI.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); if (input == null) { ERR_STREAM.println(" file does not exist, Ivory URL is " + "neither available in command option nor in the file"); throw new IvoryCLIException("Ivory URL not specified"); } Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(input); if (prop.containsKey("ivory.url")) url = prop.getProperty("ivory.url"); else { throw new IvoryCLIException("ivory.url property not present in"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return url; } private void adminCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IvoryCLIException { validateIvoryUrl(commandLine); Set<String> optionsList = new HashSet<String>(); for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) { optionsList.add(option.getOpt()); } if (optionsList.contains(VERSION_OPTION)) { OUT_STREAM.println("Ivory server build version: 1.0"); } else if (optionsList.contains(HELP_CMD)) { OUT_STREAM.println("Ivory Help"); } } }