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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.

package org.apache.impala.planner;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.impala.analysis.AggregateInfo;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalyticInfo;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BaseTableRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BinaryPredicate;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.CollectionTableRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Expr;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.ExprId;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.ExprSubstitutionMap;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.InlineViewRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.JoinOperator;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.NullLiteral;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.QueryStmt;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SingularRowSrcTableRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotId;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TableRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleId;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleIsNullPredicate;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.UnionStmt;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.UnionStmt.UnionOperand;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ColumnStats;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.DataSourceTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HBaseTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsPartition;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.KuduTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.ImpalaException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import org.apache.impala.common.RuntimeEnv;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * Constructs a non-executable single-node plan from an analyzed parse tree.
 * The single-node plan does not contain data exchanges or data-reduction optimizations
 * such as local aggregations that are important for distributed execution.
 * The single-node plan needs to be wrapped in a plan fragment for it to be executable.
public class SingleNodePlanner {
    private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SingleNodePlanner.class);

    private final PlannerContext ctx_;

    public SingleNodePlanner(PlannerContext ctx) {
        ctx_ = ctx;

     * Generates and returns the root of the single-node plan for the analyzed parse tree
     * in the planner context. The planning process recursively walks the parse tree and
     * performs the following actions.
     * In the top-down phase over query statements:
     * - Materialize the slots required for evaluating expressions of that statement.
     * - Migrate conjuncts from parent blocks into inline views and union operands.
     * In the bottom-up phase generate the plan tree for every query statement:
     * - Generate the plan for the FROM-clause of a select statement: The plan trees of
     *   absolute and uncorrelated table refs are connected via JoinNodes. The relative
     *   and correlated table refs are associated with one or more SubplanNodes.
     * - A new SubplanNode is placed on top of an existing plan node whenever the tuples
     *   materialized by that plan node enable evaluation of one or more relative or
     *   correlated table refs, i.e., SubplanNodes are placed at the lowest possible point
     *   in the plan, often right after a ScanNode materializing the (single) parent tuple.
     * - The right-hand side of each SubplanNode is a plan tree generated by joining a
     *   SingularRowSrcTableRef with those applicable relative and correlated refs.
     *   A SingularRowSrcTableRef represents the current row being processed by the
     *   SubplanNode from its input (first child).
     * - Connecting table ref plans via JoinNodes is done in a cost-based fashion
     *   (join-order optimization). All materialized slots, including those of tuples
     *   materialized inside a SubplanNode, must be known for an accurate estimate of row
     *   sizes needed for cost-based join ordering.
     * - The remaining aggregate/analytic/orderby portions of a select statement are added
     *   on top of the FROM-clause plan.
     * - Whenever a new node is added to the plan tree, assign conjuncts that can be
     *   evaluated at that node and compute the stats of that node (cardinality, etc.).
     * - Apply combined expression substitution map of child plan nodes; if a plan node
     *   re-maps its input, set a substitution map to be applied by parents.
    public PlanNode createSingleNodePlan() throws ImpalaException {
        QueryStmt queryStmt = ctx_.getQueryStmt();
        // Use the stmt's analyzer which is not necessarily the root analyzer
        // to detect empty result sets.
        Analyzer analyzer = queryStmt.getAnalyzer();
        ctx_.getAnalysisResult().getTimeline().markEvent("Equivalence classes computed");

        // Mark slots referenced by output exprs as materialized, prior to generating the
        // plan tree.
        // We need to mark the result exprs of the topmost select block as materialized, so
        // that PlanNode.init() can compute the final mem layout of materialized tuples
        // (the byte size of tuples is needed for cost computations).
        // TODO: instead of materializing everything produced by the plan root, derive
        // referenced slots from destination fragment and add a materialization node
        // if not all output is needed by destination fragment
        // TODO 2: should the materialization decision be cost-based?
        if (queryStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs() != null) {

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("desctbl: " + analyzer.getDescTbl().debugString());
        PlanNode singleNodePlan = createQueryPlan(queryStmt, analyzer,
        return singleNodePlan;

     * Checks that the given single-node plan is executable:
     * - It may not contain right or full outer joins with no equi-join conjuncts that
     *   are not inside the right child of a SubplanNode.
     * - MT_DOP > 0 is not supported for plans with base table joins or table sinks.
     * Throws a NotImplementedException if plan validation fails.
    public void validatePlan(PlanNode planNode) throws NotImplementedException {
        if (ctx_.getQueryOptions().isSetMt_dop() && ctx_.getQueryOptions().mt_dop > 0
                && !RuntimeEnv.INSTANCE.isTestEnv() && (planNode instanceof JoinNode || ctx_.hasTableSink())) {
            throw new NotImplementedException(
                    "MT_DOP not supported for plans with base table joins or table sinks.");

        // As long as MT_DOP is unset or 0 any join can run in a single-node plan.
        if (ctx_.isSingleNodeExec()
                && (!ctx_.getQueryOptions().isSetMt_dop() || ctx_.getQueryOptions().mt_dop == 0)) {

        if (planNode instanceof NestedLoopJoinNode) {
            JoinNode joinNode = (JoinNode) planNode;
            JoinOperator joinOp = joinNode.getJoinOp();
            if ((joinOp.isRightSemiJoin() || joinOp.isFullOuterJoin() || joinOp == JoinOperator.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN)
                    && joinNode.getEqJoinConjuncts().isEmpty()) {
                throw new NotImplementedException(String.format(
                        "Error generating a valid " + "execution plan for this query. A %s type with no equi-join "
                                + "predicates can only be executed with a single node plan.",

        if (planNode instanceof SubplanNode) {
            // Right and full outer joins with no equi-join conjuncts are ok in the right
            // child of a SubplanNode.
        } else {
            for (PlanNode child : planNode.getChildren()) {

     * Creates an EmptyNode that 'materializes' the tuples of the given stmt.
     * Marks all collection-typed slots referenced in stmt as non-materialized because
     * they are never unnested, and therefore the corresponding parent scan should not
     * materialize them.
    private PlanNode createEmptyNode(QueryStmt stmt, Analyzer analyzer) {
        ArrayList<TupleId> tupleIds = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (tupleIds.isEmpty()) {
            // Constant selects do not have materialized tuples at this stage.
            Preconditions.checkState(stmt instanceof SelectStmt,
                    "Only constant selects should have no materialized tuples");
            SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) stmt;
            tupleIds.add(createResultTupleDescriptor(selectStmt, "empty", analyzer).getId());
        EmptySetNode node = new EmptySetNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tupleIds);
        // Set the output smap to resolve exprs referencing inline views within stmt.
        // Not needed for a UnionStmt because it materializes its input operands.
        if (stmt instanceof SelectStmt) {
            node.setOutputSmap(((SelectStmt) stmt).getBaseTblSmap());
        return node;

     * Mark all collection-typed slots in stmt as non-materialized.
    private void unmarkCollectionSlots(QueryStmt stmt) {
        List<TableRef> tblRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (TableRef ref : tblRefs) {
            if (!ref.isRelative())
            Preconditions.checkState(ref instanceof CollectionTableRef);
            CollectionTableRef collTblRef = (CollectionTableRef) ref;
            Expr collExpr = collTblRef.getCollectionExpr();
            Preconditions.checkState(collExpr instanceof SlotRef);
            SlotRef collSlotRef = (SlotRef) collExpr;

     * Create plan tree for single-node execution. Generates PlanNodes for the
     * Select/Project/Join/Union [All]/Group by/Having/Order by clauses of the query stmt.
    private PlanNode createQueryPlan(QueryStmt stmt, Analyzer analyzer, boolean disableTopN)
            throws ImpalaException {
        if (analyzer.hasEmptyResultSet())
            return createEmptyNode(stmt, analyzer);

        PlanNode root;
        if (stmt instanceof SelectStmt) {
            SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) stmt;
            root = createSelectPlan(selectStmt, analyzer);

            // insert possible AnalyticEvalNode before SortNode
            if (((SelectStmt) stmt).getAnalyticInfo() != null) {
                AnalyticInfo analyticInfo = selectStmt.getAnalyticInfo();
                AnalyticPlanner analyticPlanner = new AnalyticPlanner(analyticInfo, analyzer, ctx_);
                List<Expr> inputPartitionExprs = Lists.newArrayList();
                AggregateInfo aggInfo = selectStmt.getAggInfo();
                root = analyticPlanner.createSingleNodePlan(root,
                        aggInfo != null ? aggInfo.getGroupingExprs() : null, inputPartitionExprs);
                if (aggInfo != null && !inputPartitionExprs.isEmpty()) {
                    // analytic computation will benefit from a partition on inputPartitionExprs
        } else {
            Preconditions.checkState(stmt instanceof UnionStmt);
            root = createUnionPlan((UnionStmt) stmt, analyzer);

        // Avoid adding a sort node if the sort tuple has no materialized slots.
        boolean sortHasMaterializedSlots = false;
        if (stmt.evaluateOrderBy()) {
            for (SlotDescriptor sortSlotDesc : stmt.getSortInfo().getSortTupleDescriptor().getSlots()) {
                if (sortSlotDesc.isMaterialized()) {
                    sortHasMaterializedSlots = true;

        if (stmt.evaluateOrderBy() && sortHasMaterializedSlots) {
            long limit = stmt.getLimit();
            // TODO: External sort could be used for very large limits
            // not just unlimited order-by
            boolean useTopN = stmt.hasLimit() && !disableTopN;
            root = new SortNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), root, stmt.getSortInfo(), useTopN, stmt.getOffset());
        } else {

        return root;

     * If there are unassigned conjuncts that are bound by tupleIds or if there are slot
     * equivalences for tupleIds that have not yet been enforced, returns a SelectNode on
     * top of root that evaluates those conjuncts; otherwise returns root unchanged.
     * TODO: change this to assign the unassigned conjuncts to root itself, if that is
     * semantically correct
    private PlanNode addUnassignedConjuncts(Analyzer analyzer, List<TupleId> tupleIds, PlanNode root) {
        // No point in adding SelectNode on top of an EmptyNode.
        if (root instanceof EmptySetNode)
            return root;
        // Gather unassigned conjuncts and generate predicates to enfore
        // slot equivalences for each tuple id.
        List<Expr> conjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(root);
        for (TupleId tid : tupleIds) {
            analyzer.createEquivConjuncts(tid, conjuncts);
        if (conjuncts.isEmpty())
            return root;
        // evaluate conjuncts in SelectNode
        SelectNode selectNode = new SelectNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), root, conjuncts);
        // init() marks conjuncts as assigned
        return selectNode;

     * Return the cheapest plan that materializes the joins of all TableRefs in
     * parentRefPlans and the subplans of all applicable TableRefs in subplanRefs.
     * Assumes that parentRefPlans are in the order as they originally appeared in
     * the query.
     * For this plan:
     * - the plan is executable, ie, all non-cross joins have equi-join predicates
     * - the leftmost scan is over the largest of the inputs for which we can still
     *   construct an executable plan
     * - from bottom to top, all rhs's are in increasing order of selectivity (percentage
     *   of surviving rows)
     * - outer/cross/semi joins: rhs serialized size is < lhs serialized size;
     *   enforced via join inversion, if necessary
     * - SubplanNodes are placed as low as possible in the plan tree - as soon as the
     *   required tuple ids of one or more TableRefs in subplanRefs are materialized
     * Returns null if we can't create an executable plan.
    private PlanNode createCheapestJoinPlan(Analyzer analyzer, List<Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>> parentRefPlans,
            List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs) throws ImpalaException {
        if (parentRefPlans.size() == 1)
            return parentRefPlans.get(0).second;

        // collect eligible candidates for the leftmost input; list contains
        // (plan, materialized size)
        ArrayList<Pair<TableRef, Long>> candidates = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> entry : parentRefPlans) {
            TableRef ref = entry.first;
            JoinOperator joinOp = ref.getJoinOp();

            // Avoid reordering outer/semi joins which is generally incorrect.
            // TODO: Allow the rhs of any cross join as the leftmost table. This needs careful
            // consideration of the joinOps that result from such a re-ordering (IMPALA-1281).
            if (joinOp.isOuterJoin() || joinOp.isSemiJoin() || joinOp.isCrossJoin())

            PlanNode plan = entry.second;
            if (plan.getCardinality() == -1) {
                // use 0 for the size to avoid it becoming the leftmost input
                // TODO: Consider raw size of scanned partitions in the absence of stats.
                candidates.add(new Pair(ref, new Long(0)));
                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    LOG.trace("candidate " + ref.getUniqueAlias() + ": 0");
            long materializedSize = (long) Math.ceil(plan.getAvgRowSize() * (double) plan.getCardinality());
            candidates.add(new Pair(ref, new Long(materializedSize)));
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("candidate " + ref.getUniqueAlias() + ": " + Long.toString(materializedSize));
        if (candidates.isEmpty())
            return null;

        // order candidates by descending materialized size; we want to minimize the memory
        // consumption of the materialized hash tables required for the join sequence
        Collections.sort(candidates, new Comparator<Pair<TableRef, Long>>() {
            public int compare(Pair<TableRef, Long> a, Pair<TableRef, Long> b) {
                long diff = b.second - a.second;
                return (diff < 0 ? -1 : (diff > 0 ? 1 : 0));

        for (Pair<TableRef, Long> candidate : candidates) {
            PlanNode result = createJoinPlan(analyzer, candidate.first, parentRefPlans, subplanRefs);
            if (result != null)
                return result;
        return null;

     * Returns a plan with leftmostRef's plan as its leftmost input; the joins
     * are in decreasing order of selectiveness (percentage of rows they eliminate).
     * Creates and adds subplan nodes as soon as the tuple ids required by at least one
     * subplan ref are materialized by a join node added during plan generation.
    private PlanNode createJoinPlan(Analyzer analyzer, TableRef leftmostRef,
            List<Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>> refPlans, List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs) throws ImpalaException {

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("createJoinPlan: " + leftmostRef.getUniqueAlias());
        // the refs that have yet to be joined
        List<Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>> remainingRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
        PlanNode root = null; // root of accumulated join plan
        for (Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> entry : refPlans) {
            if (entry.first == leftmostRef) {
                root = entry.second;
            } else {

        // Maps from a TableRef in refPlans with an outer/semi join op to the set of
        // TableRefs that precede it refPlans (i.e., in FROM-clause order).
        // The map is used to place outer/semi joins at a fixed position in the plan tree
        // (IMPALA-860), s.t. all the tables appearing to the left/right of an outer/semi
        // join in the original query still remain to the left/right after join ordering.
        // This prevents join re-ordering across outer/semi joins which is generally wrong.
        Map<TableRef, Set<TableRef>> precedingRefs = Maps.newHashMap();
        List<TableRef> tmpTblRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> entry : refPlans) {
            TableRef tblRef = entry.first;
            if (tblRef.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin() || tblRef.getJoinOp().isSemiJoin()) {
                precedingRefs.put(tblRef, Sets.newHashSet(tmpTblRefs));

        // Refs that have been joined. The union of joinedRefs and the refs in remainingRefs
        // are the set of all table refs.
        Set<TableRef> joinedRefs = Sets.newHashSet(leftmostRef);
        long numOps = 0;
        int i = 0;
        while (!remainingRefs.isEmpty()) {
            // We minimize the resulting cardinality at each step in the join chain,
            // which minimizes the total number of hash table lookups.
            PlanNode newRoot = null;
            Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> minEntry = null;
            for (Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> entry : remainingRefs) {
                TableRef ref = entry.first;
                JoinOperator joinOp = ref.getJoinOp();

                // Place outer/semi joins at a fixed position in the plan tree.
                Set<TableRef> requiredRefs = precedingRefs.get(ref);
                if (requiredRefs != null) {
                    Preconditions.checkState(joinOp.isOuterJoin() || joinOp.isSemiJoin());
                    // If the required table refs have not been placed yet, do not even consider
                    // the remaining table refs to prevent incorrect re-ordering of tables across
                    // outer/semi joins.
                    if (!requiredRefs.equals(joinedRefs))

                PlanNode candidate = createJoinNode(root, entry.second, ref, analyzer);
                if (candidate == null)
                if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    LOG.trace("cardinality=" + Long.toString(candidate.getCardinality()));

                // Use 'candidate' as the new root; don't consider any other table refs at this
                // position in the plan.
                if (joinOp.isOuterJoin() || joinOp.isSemiJoin()) {
                    newRoot = candidate;
                    minEntry = entry;

                // Always prefer Hash Join over Nested-Loop Join due to limited costing
                // infrastructure.
                if (newRoot == null
                        || (candidate.getClass().equals(newRoot.getClass())
                                && candidate.getCardinality() < newRoot.getCardinality())
                        || (candidate instanceof HashJoinNode && newRoot instanceof NestedLoopJoinNode)) {
                    newRoot = candidate;
                    minEntry = entry;
            if (newRoot == null) {
                // Could not generate a valid plan.
                return null;

            // we need to insert every rhs row into the hash table and then look up
            // every lhs row
            long lhsCardinality = root.getCardinality();
            long rhsCardinality = minEntry.second.getCardinality();
            numOps += lhsCardinality + rhsCardinality;
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace(Integer.toString(i) + " chose " + minEntry.first.getUniqueAlias() + " #lhs="
                        + Long.toString(lhsCardinality) + " #rhs=" + Long.toString(rhsCardinality) + " #ops="
                        + Long.toString(numOps));
            root = newRoot;
            // Create a Subplan on top of the new root for all the subplan refs that can be
            // evaluated at this point.
            // TODO: Once we have stats on nested collections, we should consider the join
            // order in conjunction with the placement of SubplanNodes, i.e., move the creation
            // of SubplanNodes into the join-ordering loop above.
            root = createSubplan(root, subplanRefs, false, analyzer);
            // assign node ids after running through the possible choices in order to end up
            // with a dense sequence of node ids
            if (root instanceof SubplanNode)

        return root;

     * Return a plan with joins in the order of parentRefPlans (= FROM clause order).
     * Adds coalesced SubplanNodes based on the FROM-clause order of subplanRefs.
    private PlanNode createFromClauseJoinPlan(Analyzer analyzer, List<Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>> parentRefPlans,
            List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs) throws ImpalaException {
        // create left-deep sequence of binary hash joins; assign node ids as we go along
        PlanNode root = parentRefPlans.get(0).second;
        for (int i = 1; i < parentRefPlans.size(); ++i) {
            TableRef innerRef = parentRefPlans.get(i).first;
            PlanNode innerPlan = parentRefPlans.get(i).second;
            root = createJoinNode(root, innerPlan, innerRef, analyzer);
            if (root != null)
                root = createSubplan(root, subplanRefs, false, analyzer);
            if (root instanceof SubplanNode)
        return root;

     * Create tree of PlanNodes that implements the Select/Project/Join/Group by/Having
     * of the selectStmt query block.
    private PlanNode createSelectPlan(SelectStmt selectStmt, Analyzer analyzer) throws ImpalaException {
        // no from clause -> materialize the select's exprs with a UnionNode
        if (selectStmt.getTableRefs().isEmpty()) {
            return createConstantSelectPlan(selectStmt, analyzer);

        // Slot materialization:
        // We need to mark all slots as materialized that are needed during the execution
        // of selectStmt, and we need to do that prior to creating plans for the TableRefs
        // (because createTableRefNode() might end up calling computeMemLayout() on one or
        // more TupleDescriptors, at which point all referenced slots need to be marked).
        // For non-join predicates, slots are marked as follows:
        // - for base table scan predicates, this is done directly by ScanNode.init(), which
        //   can do a better job because it doesn't need to materialize slots that are only
        //   referenced for partition pruning, for instance
        // - for inline views, non-join predicates are pushed down, at which point the
        //   process repeats itself.

        ArrayList<TupleId> rowTuples = Lists.newArrayList();
        // collect output tuples of subtrees
        for (TableRef tblRef : selectStmt.getTableRefs()) {

        // If the selectStmt's select-project-join portion returns an empty result set
        // create a plan that feeds the aggregation of selectStmt with an empty set.
        // Make sure the slots of the aggregation exprs and the tuples that they reference
        // are materialized (see IMPALA-1960). Marks all collection-typed slots referenced
        // in this select stmt as non-materialized because they are never unnested. Note that
        // this creates extra unused space in the tuple since the mem layout has already been
        // computed.
        if (analyzer.hasEmptySpjResultSet()) {
            PlanNode emptySetNode = new EmptySetNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), rowTuples);
            return createAggregationPlan(selectStmt, analyzer, emptySetNode);

        AggregateInfo aggInfo = selectStmt.getAggInfo();
        // For queries which contain partition columns only, we may use the metadata instead
        // of table scans. This is only feasible if all materialized aggregate expressions
        // have distinct semantics. Please see createHdfsScanPlan() for details.
        boolean fastPartitionKeyScans = analyzer
                .getQueryCtx().client_request.query_options.optimize_partition_key_scans && aggInfo != null
                && aggInfo.hasAllDistinctAgg();

        // Separate table refs into parent refs (uncorrelated or absolute) and
        // subplan refs (correlated or relative), and generate their plan.
        List<TableRef> parentRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
        computeParentAndSubplanRefs(selectStmt.getTableRefs(), analyzer.isStraightJoin(), parentRefs, subplanRefs);
        PlanNode root = createTableRefsPlan(parentRefs, subplanRefs, fastPartitionKeyScans, analyzer);
        // add aggregation, if any
        if (aggInfo != null)
            root = createAggregationPlan(selectStmt, analyzer, root);

        // All the conjuncts_ should be assigned at this point.
        // TODO: Re-enable this check here and/or elswehere.
        return root;

     * Holds a table ref that must be evaluated inside a subplan (i.e., a relative or
     * correlated ref), along with the materialized tuple ids and table ref ids that
     * are required for this table ref to be correctly evaluated inside a SubplanNode.
     * Required materialized tuple ids:
     * These ensure that the SubplanNode evaluating this table ref is placed only once all
     * root tuples needed by this table ref or relative refs contained in this table ref
     * are materialized.
     * Required table ref ids:
     * These ensure that the SubplanNode evaluating this table ref is placed correctly
     * with respect to join ordering, in particular, that the SubplanNode is not ordered
     * across semi/outer joins.
    private static class SubplanRef {
        // Relative or correlated table ref.
        public final TableRef tblRef;

        // List of tuple ids that must be materialized before 'tblRef' can be
        // correctly evaluated inside a SubplanNode.
        public final List<TupleId> requiredTids;

        // List of table ref ids that a plan tree must contain before 'tblRef'
        // can be correctly evaluated inside a SubplanNode.
        public final List<TupleId> requiredTblRefIds;

        public SubplanRef(TableRef tblRef, List<TupleId> requiredTids, List<TupleId> requiredTblRefIds) {
            Preconditions.checkState(tblRef.isRelative() || tblRef.isCorrelated());
            this.tblRef = tblRef;
            this.requiredTids = requiredTids;
            this.requiredTblRefIds = requiredTblRefIds;

     * Separates tblRefs into the following two lists.
     * parentRefs:
     * Uncorrelated and non-relative table refs. These are the 'regular' table refs whose
     * plans are connected by join nodes, and are not placed inside a Subplan. The returned
     * parentRefs are self-contained with respect to TableRef linking, i.e., each returned
     * TableRef has its left TableRef link set to the TableRef preceding it in parentRefs.
     * subplanRefs:
     * Correlated and relative table refs. The plan of such refs must be put inside a
     * Subplan. See SubplanRef for details. The left TableRef link of the TableRefs in
     * returned SubplanRefs are set to null.
     * If isStraightJoin is true, then the required tuple ids and table ref ids of a
     * correlated or relative ref are simply those of all table refs preceding it in
     * the FROM-clause order.
     * If this function is called when generating the right-hand side of a SubplanNode,
     * then correlated and relative table refs that require only tuples produced by the
     * SubplanNode's input are placed inside parentRefs.
    private void computeParentAndSubplanRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs, boolean isStraightJoin,
            List<TableRef> parentRefs, List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs) {
        // List of table ref ids materialized so far during plan generation, including those
        // from the subplan context, if any. We append the ids of table refs placed into
        // parentRefs to this list to satisfy the ordering requirement of subsequent
        // table refs that should also be put into parentRefs. Consider this example:
        // FROM t, (SELECT ... FROM t.c1 LEFT JOIN t.c2 ON(...) JOIN t.c3 ON (...)) v
        // Table ref t.c3 has an ordering dependency on t.c2 due to the outer join, but t.c3
        // must be placed into the subplan that materializes t.c1 and t.c2.
        List<TupleId> planTblRefIds = Lists.newArrayList();

        // List of materialized tuple ids in the subplan context, if any. This list must
        // remain constant in this function because the subplan context is fixed. Any
        // relative or correlated table ref that requires a materialized tuple id produced
        // by an element in tblRefs should be placed into subplanRefs because it requires
        // a new subplan context. Otherwise, it should be placed into parentRefs.
        List<TupleId> subplanTids = Collections.emptyList();

        if (ctx_.hasSubplan()) {
            // Add all table ref ids from the subplan context.
            subplanTids = Collections.unmodifiableList(ctx_.getSubplan().getChild(0).getTupleIds());

        // Table ref representing the last outer or semi join we have seen.
        TableRef lastSemiOrOuterJoin = null;
        for (TableRef ref : tblRefs) {
            boolean isParentRef = true;
            if (ref.isRelative() || ref.isCorrelated()) {
                List<TupleId> requiredTids = Lists.newArrayList();
                List<TupleId> requiredTblRefIds = Lists.newArrayList();
                if (ref.isCorrelated()) {
                } else {
                    CollectionTableRef collectionTableRef = (CollectionTableRef) ref;
                // Add all plan table ref ids as an ordering dependency for straight_join.
                if (isStraightJoin)
                if (lastSemiOrOuterJoin != null) {
                    // Prevent incorrect join re-ordering across outer/semi joins by requiring all
                    // table ref ids to the left and including the last outer/semi join.
                    // TODO: Think about when we can allow re-ordering across semi/outer joins
                    // in subplans.
                if (!subplanTids.containsAll(requiredTids)) {
                    isParentRef = false;
                    // Outer and semi joins are placed at a fixed position in the join order.
                    // They require that all tables to their left are materialized.
                    if (ref.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin() || ref.getJoinOp().isSemiJoin()) {
                    subplanRefs.add(new SubplanRef(ref, requiredTids, requiredTblRefIds));
            if (isParentRef) {
            if (ref.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin() || ref.getJoinOp().isSemiJoin()) {
                lastSemiOrOuterJoin = ref;
        Preconditions.checkState(tblRefs.size() == parentRefs.size() + subplanRefs.size());

        // Fix the chain of parent table refs and set the left table of all subplanRefs to
        // null. This step needs to be done outside of the loop above because the left links
        // are required for getAllTupleIds() used for determining the requiredTblRefIds.
        for (int i = 1; i < parentRefs.size(); ++i) {
            parentRefs.get(i).setLeftTblRef(parentRefs.get(i - 1));
        for (SubplanRef subplanRef : subplanRefs)

     * Returns a plan tree for evaluating the given parentRefs and subplanRefs.
     * 'fastPartitionKeyScans' indicates whether to try to produce slots with
     * metadata instead of table scans.
    private PlanNode createTableRefsPlan(List<TableRef> parentRefs, List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs,
            boolean fastPartitionKeyScans, Analyzer analyzer) throws ImpalaException {
        // create plans for our table refs; use a list here instead of a map to
        // maintain a deterministic order of traversing the TableRefs during join
        // plan generation (helps with tests)
        List<Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>> parentRefPlans = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (TableRef ref : parentRefs) {
            PlanNode root = createTableRefNode(ref, fastPartitionKeyScans, analyzer);
            root = createSubplan(root, subplanRefs, true, analyzer);
            parentRefPlans.add(new Pair<TableRef, PlanNode>(ref, root));
        // save state of conjunct assignment; needed for join plan generation
        for (Pair<TableRef, PlanNode> entry : parentRefPlans) {

        PlanNode root = null;
        if (!analyzer.isStraightJoin()) {
            Set<ExprId> assignedConjuncts = analyzer.getAssignedConjuncts();
            root = createCheapestJoinPlan(analyzer, parentRefPlans, subplanRefs);
            // If createCheapestJoinPlan() failed to produce an executable plan, then we need
            // to restore the original state of conjunct assignment for the straight-join plan
            // to not incorrectly miss conjuncts.
            if (root == null)
        if (analyzer.isStraightJoin() || root == null) {
            // we didn't have enough stats to do a cost-based join plan, or the STRAIGHT_JOIN
            // keyword was in the select list: use the FROM clause order instead
            root = createFromClauseJoinPlan(analyzer, parentRefPlans, subplanRefs);
        return root;

     * Places a SubplanNode on top of 'root' that evaluates all the subplan refs that can
     * be correctly evaluated from 'root's materialized tuple ids. Returns 'root' if there
     * are no applicable subplan refs.
     * Assigns the returned SubplanNode a new node id unless assignId is false.
     * If applicable, the SubplanNode is created as follows:
     * - 'root' is the input of the SubplanNode (first child)
     * - the second child is the plan tree generated from these table refs:
     *   1. a SingularRowSrcTableRef that represents the current row being processed
     *      by the SubplanNode to be joined with
     *   2. all applicable subplan refs
     * - the second child plan tree is generated as usual with createTableRefsPlan()
     * - the plans of the applicable subplan refs are generated as usual, without a
     *   SingularRowSrcTableRef
     * - nested SubplanNodes are generated recursively inside createTableRefsPlan() by
     *   passing in the remaining subplanRefs that are not applicable after 'root'; some
     *   of those subplanRefs may become applicable inside the second child plan tree of
     *   the SubplanNode generated here
    private PlanNode createSubplan(PlanNode root, List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs, boolean assignId, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws ImpalaException {
        List<TableRef> applicableRefs = extractApplicableRefs(root, subplanRefs);
        if (applicableRefs.isEmpty())
            return root;

        // Prepend a SingularRowSrcTableRef representing the current row being processed
        // by the SubplanNode from its input (first child).
        Preconditions.checkState(applicableRefs.get(0).getLeftTblRef() == null);
        applicableRefs.add(0, new SingularRowSrcTableRef(root));

        // Construct an incomplete SubplanNode that only knows its input so we can push it
        // into the planner context. The subplan is set after the subplan tree has been
        // constructed.
        SubplanNode subplanNode = new SubplanNode(root);
        if (assignId)

        // Push the SubplanNode such that UnnestNodes and SingularRowSrcNodes can pick up
        // their containing SubplanNode. Also, further plan generation relies on knowing
        // whether we are in a subplan context or not (see computeParentAndSubplanRefs()).
        PlanNode subplan = createTableRefsPlan(applicableRefs, subplanRefs, false, analyzer);
        return subplanNode;

     * Returns a new list with all table refs from subplanRefs that can be correctly
     * evaluated inside a SubplanNode placed after the given plan root.
     * The returned table refs have their left-table links properly set, and the
     * corresponding SubplanRefs are removed from subplanRefs.
    private List<TableRef> extractApplicableRefs(PlanNode root, List<SubplanRef> subplanRefs) {
        // List of table ref ids in 'root' as well as the table ref ids of all table refs
        // placed in 'subplanRefs' so far.
        List<TupleId> tblRefIds = Lists.newArrayList(root.getTblRefIds());
        List<TableRef> result = Lists.newArrayList();
        Iterator<SubplanRef> subplanRefIt = subplanRefs.iterator();
        TableRef leftTblRef = null;
        while (subplanRefIt.hasNext()) {
            SubplanRef subplanRef =;
            // Ensure that 'root' materializes all required tuples (first condition), and that
            // correct join ordering is obeyed (second condition).
            if (root.getTupleIds().containsAll(subplanRef.requiredTids)
                    && tblRefIds.containsAll(subplanRef.requiredTblRefIds)) {
                leftTblRef = subplanRef.tblRef;
                // Add the table ref id such that other subplan refs that can be evaluated inside
                // the same SubplanNode but only after this ref are returned as well.
        return result;

     * Returns a new AggregationNode that materializes the aggregation of the given stmt.
     * Assigns conjuncts from the Having clause to the returned node.
    private PlanNode createAggregationPlan(SelectStmt selectStmt, Analyzer analyzer, PlanNode root)
            throws ImpalaException {
        Preconditions.checkState(selectStmt.getAggInfo() != null);
        // add aggregation, if required
        AggregateInfo aggInfo = selectStmt.getAggInfo();
        root = new AggregationNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), root, aggInfo);
        // if we're computing DISTINCT agg fns, the analyzer already created the
        // 2nd phase agginfo
        if (aggInfo.isDistinctAgg()) {
            ((AggregationNode) root).unsetNeedsFinalize();
            // The output of the 1st phase agg is the 1st phase intermediate.
            ((AggregationNode) root).setIntermediateTuple();
            root = new AggregationNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), root, aggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo());
        // add Having clause
        return root;

     * Returns a UnionNode that materializes the exprs of the constant selectStmt.
     * Replaces the resultExprs of the selectStmt with SlotRefs into the materialized tuple.
    private PlanNode createConstantSelectPlan(SelectStmt selectStmt, Analyzer analyzer) throws InternalException {
        List<Expr> resultExprs = selectStmt.getResultExprs();
        // Create tuple descriptor for materialized tuple.
        TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = createResultTupleDescriptor(selectStmt, "union", analyzer);
        UnionNode unionNode = new UnionNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tupleDesc.getId());
        // Analysis guarantees that selects without a FROM clause only have constant exprs.

        // Replace the select stmt's resultExprs with SlotRefs into tupleDesc.
        for (int i = 0; i < resultExprs.size(); ++i) {
            SlotRef slotRef = new SlotRef(tupleDesc.getSlots().get(i));
            resultExprs.set(i, slotRef);
        // UnionNode.init() needs tupleDesc to have been initialized
        return unionNode;

     * Create tuple descriptor that can hold the results of the given SelectStmt, with one
     * slot per result expr.
    private TupleDescriptor createResultTupleDescriptor(SelectStmt selectStmt, String debugName,
            Analyzer analyzer) {
        TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = analyzer.getDescTbl().createTupleDescriptor(debugName);

        List<Expr> resultExprs = selectStmt.getResultExprs();
        List<String> colLabels = selectStmt.getColLabels();
        for (int i = 0; i < resultExprs.size(); ++i) {
            Expr resultExpr = resultExprs.get(i);
            String colLabel = colLabels.get(i);
            SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.addSlotDescriptor(tupleDesc);
        return tupleDesc;

     * Transform '=', '<[=]' and '>[=]' comparisons for given slot into
     * ValueRange. Also removes those predicates which were used for the construction
     * of ValueRange from 'conjuncts_'. Only looks at comparisons w/ string constants
     * (ie, the bounds of the result can be evaluated with Expr::GetValue(NULL)).
     * HBase row key filtering works only if the row key is mapped to a string column and
     * the expression is a string constant expression.
     * If there are multiple competing comparison predicates that could be used
     * to construct a ValueRange, only the first one from each category is chosen.
    private ValueRange createHBaseValueRange(SlotDescriptor d, List<Expr> conjuncts) {
        ListIterator<Expr> i = conjuncts.listIterator();
        ValueRange result = null;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Expr e =;
            if (!(e instanceof BinaryPredicate))
            BinaryPredicate comp = (BinaryPredicate) e;
            if ((comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.NE)
                    || (comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.DISTINCT_FROM)
                    || (comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.NOT_DISTINCT)) {
            Expr slotBinding = comp.getSlotBinding(d.getId());
            if (slotBinding == null || !slotBinding.isConstant() || !slotBinding.getType().equals(Type.STRING)) {

            if (comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ) {
                return ValueRange.createEqRange(slotBinding);

            if (result == null)
                result = new ValueRange();

            // TODO: do we need copies here?
            if (comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.GT || comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.GE) {
                if (result.getLowerBound() == null) {
                    result.setLowerBoundInclusive(comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.GE);
            } else {
                if (result.getUpperBound() == null) {
                    result.setUpperBoundInclusive(comp.getOp() == BinaryPredicate.Operator.LE);
        return result;

     * Returns plan tree for an inline view ref:
     * - predicates from the enclosing scope that can be evaluated directly within
     *   the inline-view plan are pushed down
     * - predicates that cannot be evaluated directly within the inline-view plan
     *   but only apply to the inline view are evaluated in a SelectNode placed
     *   on top of the inline view plan
     * - all slots that are referenced by predicates from the enclosing scope that cannot
     *   be pushed down are marked as materialized (so that when computeMemLayout() is
     *   called on the base table descriptors materialized by the inline view it has a
     *   complete picture)
    private PlanNode createInlineViewPlan(Analyzer analyzer, InlineViewRef inlineViewRef) throws ImpalaException {
        // If possible, "push down" view predicates; this is needed in order to ensure
        // that predicates such as "x + y = 10" are evaluated in the view's plan tree
        // rather than a SelectNode grafted on top of that plan tree.
        // This doesn't prevent predicate propagation, because predicates like
        // "x = 10" that get pushed down are still connected to equivalent slots
        // via the equality predicates created for the view's select list.
        // Include outer join conjuncts here as well because predicates from the
        // On-clause of an outer join may be pushed into the inline view as well.
        migrateConjunctsToInlineView(analyzer, inlineViewRef);

        // Turn a constant select into a UnionNode that materializes the exprs.
        // TODO: unify this with createConstantSelectPlan(), this is basically the
        // same thing
        QueryStmt viewStmt = inlineViewRef.getViewStmt();
        if (viewStmt instanceof SelectStmt) {
            SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) viewStmt;
            if (selectStmt.getTableRefs().isEmpty()) {
                if (inlineViewRef.getAnalyzer().hasEmptyResultSet()) {
                    PlanNode emptySetNode = createEmptyNode(viewStmt, inlineViewRef.getAnalyzer());
                    // Still substitute exprs in parent nodes with the inline-view's smap to make
                    // sure no exprs reference the non-materialized inline view slots. No wrapping
                    // with TupleIsNullPredicates is necessary here because we do not migrate
                    // conjuncts into outer-joined inline views, so hasEmptyResultSet() cannot be
                    // true for an outer-joined inline view that has no table refs.
                    return emptySetNode;
                // Analysis should have generated a tuple id into which to materialize the exprs.
                Preconditions.checkState(inlineViewRef.getMaterializedTupleIds().size() == 1);
                // we need to materialize all slots of our inline view tuple
                UnionNode unionNode = new UnionNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(),
                if (analyzer.hasEmptyResultSet())
                    return unionNode;
                return unionNode;

        PlanNode rootNode = createQueryPlan(inlineViewRef.getViewStmt(), inlineViewRef.getAnalyzer(), false);
        // TODO: we should compute the "physical layout" of the view's descriptor, so that
        // the avg row size is available during optimization; however, that means we need to
        // select references to its resultExprs from the enclosing scope(s)

        // The output smap is the composition of the inline view's smap and the output smap
        // of the inline view's plan root. This ensures that all downstream exprs referencing
        // the inline view are replaced with exprs referencing the physical output of the
        // inline view's plan.
        ExprSubstitutionMap outputSmap = ExprSubstitutionMap.compose(inlineViewRef.getSmap(),
                rootNode.getOutputSmap(), analyzer);
        if (analyzer.isOuterJoined(inlineViewRef.getId())) {
            // Exprs against non-matched rows of an outer join should always return NULL.
            // Make the rhs exprs of the output smap nullable, if necessary. This expr wrapping
            // must be performed on the composed smap, and not on the the inline view's smap,
            // because the rhs exprs must first be resolved against the physical output of
            // 'planRoot' to correctly determine whether wrapping is necessary.
            List<Expr> nullableRhs = TupleIsNullPredicate.wrapExprs(outputSmap.getRhs(), rootNode.getTupleIds(),
            outputSmap = new ExprSubstitutionMap(outputSmap.getLhs(), nullableRhs);
        // Set output smap of rootNode *before* creating a SelectNode for proper resolution.

        // If the inline view has a LIMIT/OFFSET or unassigned conjuncts due to analytic
        // functions, we may have conjuncts that need to be assigned to a SELECT node on
        // top of the current plan root node.
        // TODO: This check is also repeated in migrateConjunctsToInlineView() because we
        // need to make sure that equivalences are not enforced multiple times. Consolidate
        // the assignment of conjuncts and the enforcement of equivalences into a single
        // place.
        if (!canMigrateConjuncts(inlineViewRef)) {
            rootNode = addUnassignedConjuncts(analyzer, inlineViewRef.getDesc().getId().asList(), rootNode);
        return rootNode;

     * Migrates unassigned conjuncts into an inline view. Conjuncts are not
     * migrated into the inline view if the view has a LIMIT/OFFSET clause or if the
     * view's stmt computes analytic functions (see IMPALA-1243/IMPALA-1900).
     * The reason is that analytic functions compute aggregates over their entire input,
     * and applying filters from the enclosing scope *before* the aggregate computation
     * would alter the results. This is unlike regular aggregate computation, which only
     * makes the *output* of the computation visible to the enclosing scope, so that
     * filters from the enclosing scope can be safely applied (to the grouping cols, say).
    public void migrateConjunctsToInlineView(Analyzer analyzer, InlineViewRef inlineViewRef)
            throws ImpalaException {
        List<Expr> unassignedConjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(inlineViewRef.getId().asList(), true);
        if (!canMigrateConjuncts(inlineViewRef)) {
            // mark (fully resolve) slots referenced by unassigned conjuncts as
            // materialized
            List<Expr> substUnassigned = Expr.substituteList(unassignedConjuncts, inlineViewRef.getBaseTblSmap(),
                    analyzer, false);

        List<Expr> preds = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Expr e : unassignedConjuncts) {
            if (analyzer.canEvalPredicate(inlineViewRef.getId().asList(), e)) {
        // Generate predicates to enforce equivalences among slots of the inline view
        // tuple. These predicates are also migrated into the inline view.
        analyzer.createEquivConjuncts(inlineViewRef.getId(), preds);

        // create new predicates against the inline view's unresolved result exprs, not
        // the resolved result exprs, in order to avoid skipping scopes (and ignoring
        // limit clauses on the way)
        List<Expr> viewPredicates = Expr.substituteList(preds, inlineViewRef.getSmap(), analyzer, false);

        // Remove unregistered predicates that reference the same slot on
        // both sides (e.g. a = a). Such predicates have been generated from slot
        // equivalences and may incorrectly reject rows with nulls (IMPALA-1412/IMPALA-2643).
        Predicate<Expr> isIdentityPredicate = new Predicate<Expr>() {
            public boolean apply(Expr expr) {
                return org.apache.impala.analysis.Predicate.isEquivalencePredicate(expr)
                        && ((BinaryPredicate) expr).isInferred() && expr.getChild(0).equals(expr.getChild(1));
        Iterables.removeIf(viewPredicates, isIdentityPredicate);

        // Migrate the conjuncts by marking the original ones as assigned, and
        // re-registering the substituted ones with new ids.
        // Unset the On-clause flag of the migrated conjuncts because the migrated conjuncts
        // apply to the post-join/agg/analytic result of the inline view.
        for (Expr e : viewPredicates)

        // mark (fully resolve) slots referenced by remaining unassigned conjuncts as
        // materialized
        List<Expr> substUnassigned = Expr.substituteList(unassignedConjuncts, inlineViewRef.getBaseTblSmap(),
                analyzer, false);

     * Checks if conjuncts can be migrated into an inline view.
    private boolean canMigrateConjuncts(InlineViewRef inlineViewRef) {
        return !inlineViewRef.getViewStmt().hasLimit() && !inlineViewRef.getViewStmt().hasOffset()
                && (!(inlineViewRef.getViewStmt() instanceof SelectStmt)
                        || !((SelectStmt) inlineViewRef.getViewStmt()).hasAnalyticInfo());

     * Create a node to materialize the slots in the given HdfsTblRef.
     * If 'hdfsTblRef' only contains partition columns and 'fastPartitionKeyScans'
     * is true, the slots may be produced directly in this function using the metadata.
     * Otherwise, a HdfsScanNode will be created.
    private PlanNode createHdfsScanPlan(TableRef hdfsTblRef, boolean fastPartitionKeyScans, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws ImpalaException {
        TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = hdfsTblRef.getDesc();

        // Get all predicates bound by the tuple.
        List<Expr> conjuncts = Lists.newArrayList();

        // Also add remaining unassigned conjuncts
        List<Expr> unassigned = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(tupleDesc.getId().asList());

        analyzer.createEquivConjuncts(tupleDesc.getId(), conjuncts);

        // Do partition pruning before deciding which slots to materialize,
        // We might end up removing some predicates.
        HdfsPartitionPruner pruner = new HdfsPartitionPruner(tupleDesc);
        List<HdfsPartition> partitions = pruner.prunePartitions(analyzer, conjuncts, false);

        // Mark all slots referenced by the remaining conjuncts as materialized.

        // If the optimization for partition key scans with metadata is enabled,
        // try evaluating with metadata first. If not, fall back to scanning.
        if (fastPartitionKeyScans && tupleDesc.hasClusteringColsOnly()) {
            HashSet<List<Expr>> uniqueExprs = new HashSet<List<Expr>>();

            for (HdfsPartition partition : partitions) {
                // Ignore empty partitions to match the behavior of the scan based approach.
                if (partition.isDefaultPartition() || partition.getSize() == 0) {
                List<Expr> exprs = Lists.newArrayList();
                for (SlotDescriptor slotDesc : tupleDesc.getSlots()) {
                    // UnionNode.init() will go through all the slots in the tuple descriptor so
                    // there needs to be an entry in 'exprs' for each slot. For unmaterialized
                    // slots, use dummy null values. UnionNode will filter out unmaterialized slots.
                    if (!slotDesc.isMaterialized()) {
                    } else {
                        int pos = slotDesc.getColumn().getPosition();

            // Create a UNION node with all unique partition keys.
            UnionNode unionNode = new UnionNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tupleDesc.getId());
            for (List<Expr> exprList : uniqueExprs) {
            return unionNode;
        } else {
            ScanNode scanNode = new HdfsScanNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tupleDesc, conjuncts, partitions,
            return scanNode;

     * Create node for scanning all data files of a particular table.
     * 'fastPartitionKeyScans' indicates whether to try to produce the slots with
     * metadata instead of table scans. Only applicable to HDFS tables.
     * Throws if a PlanNode.init() failed or if planning of the given
     * table ref is not implemented.
    private PlanNode createScanNode(TableRef tblRef, boolean fastPartitionKeyScans, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws ImpalaException {
        ScanNode scanNode = null;
        Table table = tblRef.getTable();
        if (table instanceof HdfsTable) {
            return createHdfsScanPlan(tblRef, fastPartitionKeyScans, analyzer);
        } else if (table instanceof DataSourceTable) {
            scanNode = new DataSourceScanNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tblRef.getDesc());
            return scanNode;
        } else if (table instanceof HBaseTable) {
            // HBase table
            scanNode = new HBaseScanNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tblRef.getDesc());
        } else if (tblRef.getTable() instanceof KuduTable) {
            scanNode = new KuduScanNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), tblRef.getDesc());
            return scanNode;
        } else {
            throw new NotImplementedException("Planning not implemented for table ref class: " + tblRef.getClass());
        // TODO: move this to HBaseScanNode.init();
        Preconditions.checkState(scanNode instanceof HBaseScanNode);

        List<Expr> conjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(scanNode);
        // mark conjuncts_ assigned here; they will either end up inside a
        // ValueRange or will be evaluated directly by the node
        List<ValueRange> keyRanges = Lists.newArrayList();
        // determine scan predicates for clustering cols
        for (int i = 0; i < tblRef.getTable().getNumClusteringCols(); ++i) {
            SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.getColumnSlot(tblRef.getDesc(),
            if (slotDesc == null || !slotDesc.getType().isStringType()) {
                // the hbase row key is mapped to a non-string type
                // (since it's stored in ascii it will be lexicographically ordered,
                // and non-string comparisons won't work)
            } else {
                // create ValueRange from conjuncts_ for slot; also removes conjuncts_ that were
                // used as input for filter
                keyRanges.add(createHBaseValueRange(slotDesc, conjuncts));

        ((HBaseScanNode) scanNode).setKeyRanges(keyRanges);

        return scanNode;

     * Returns all applicable conjuncts for join between two plan trees 'materializing' the
     * given left-hand and right-hand side table ref ids. The conjuncts either come from
     * the analyzer or are generated based on equivalence classes, if necessary. The
     * returned conjuncts are marked as assigned.
     * The conjuncts can be used for hash table lookups.
     * - for inner joins, those are equi-join predicates in which one side is fully bound
     *   by lhsTblRefIds and the other by rhsTblRefIds
     * - for outer joins: same type of conjuncts as inner joins, but only from the
     *   ON or USING clause
     * Predicates that are redundant based on equivalence classes are intentionally
     * returneded by this function because the removal of redundant predicates and the
     * creation of new predicates for enforcing slot equivalences go hand-in-hand
     * (see analyzer.createEquivConjuncts()).
    private List<BinaryPredicate> getHashLookupJoinConjuncts(List<TupleId> lhsTblRefIds, List<TupleId> rhsTblRefIds,
            Analyzer analyzer) {
        List<BinaryPredicate> result = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<Expr> candidates = analyzer.getEqJoinConjuncts(lhsTblRefIds, rhsTblRefIds);
        for (Expr e : candidates) {
            if (!(e instanceof BinaryPredicate))
            BinaryPredicate normalizedJoinConjunct = getNormalizedEqPred(e, lhsTblRefIds, rhsTblRefIds, analyzer);
            if (normalizedJoinConjunct == null)
        if (!result.isEmpty())
            return result;

        // Construct join conjuncts derived from equivalence class membership.
        for (TupleId rhsId : rhsTblRefIds) {
            TableRef rhsTblRef = analyzer.getTableRef(rhsId);
            for (SlotDescriptor slotDesc : rhsTblRef.getDesc().getSlots()) {
                SlotId rhsSid = slotDesc.getId();
                // List of slots that participate in a value transfer with rhsSid and are belong
                // to a tuple in lhsTblRefIds. The value transfer is not necessarily mutual.
                List<SlotId> lhsSlotIds = analyzer.getEquivSlots(rhsSid, lhsTblRefIds);
                for (SlotId lhsSid : lhsSlotIds) {
                    // A mutual value transfer between lhsSid and rhsSid is required for correctly
                    // generating an inferred predicate. Otherwise, the predicate might incorrectly
                    // eliminate rows that would have been non-matches of an outer or anti join.
                    if (analyzer.hasMutualValueTransfer(lhsSid, rhsSid)) {
                        // construct a BinaryPredicates in order to get correct casting;
                        // we only do this for one of the equivalent slots, all the other implied
                        // equalities are redundant
                        BinaryPredicate pred = analyzer.createInferredEqPred(lhsSid, rhsSid);
        return result;

     * Returns a normalized version of a binary equality predicate 'expr' where the lhs
     * child expr is bound by some tuple in 'lhsTids' and the rhs child expr is bound by
     * some tuple in 'rhsTids'. Returns 'expr' if this predicate is already normalized.
     * Returns null in any of the following cases:
     * 1. It is not an equality predicate
     * 2. One of the operands is a constant
     * 3. Both children of this predicate are the same expr
     * 4. Cannot be normalized
    public static BinaryPredicate getNormalizedEqPred(Expr expr, List<TupleId> lhsTids, List<TupleId> rhsTids,
            Analyzer analyzer) {
        if (!(expr instanceof BinaryPredicate))
            return null;
        BinaryPredicate pred = (BinaryPredicate) expr;
        if (!pred.getOp().isEquivalence() && pred.getOp() != Operator.NULL_MATCHING_EQ) {
            return null;
        if (pred.getChild(0).isConstant() || pred.getChild(1).isConstant())
            return null;

        Expr lhsExpr = Expr.getFirstBoundChild(pred, lhsTids);
        Expr rhsExpr = Expr.getFirstBoundChild(pred, rhsTids);
        if (lhsExpr == null || rhsExpr == null || lhsExpr == rhsExpr)
            return null;

        BinaryPredicate result = new BinaryPredicate(pred.getOp(), lhsExpr, rhsExpr);
        return result;

     * Creates a new node to join outer with inner. Collects and assigns join conjunct
     * as well as regular conjuncts. Calls init() on the new join node.
     * Throws if the JoinNode.init() fails.
    private PlanNode createJoinNode(PlanNode outer, PlanNode inner, TableRef innerRef, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws ImpalaException {
        // get eq join predicates for the TableRefs' ids (not the PlanNodes' ids, which
        // are materialized)
        List<BinaryPredicate> eqJoinConjuncts = getHashLookupJoinConjuncts(outer.getTblRefIds(),
                inner.getTblRefIds(), analyzer);
        // Outer joins should only use On-clause predicates as eqJoinConjuncts.
        if (!innerRef.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin()) {
            analyzer.createEquivConjuncts(outer.getTblRefIds(), inner.getTblRefIds(), eqJoinConjuncts);
        if (!eqJoinConjuncts.isEmpty() && innerRef.getJoinOp() == JoinOperator.CROSS_JOIN) {

        List<Expr> otherJoinConjuncts = Lists.newArrayList();
        if (innerRef.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin()) {
            // Also assign conjuncts from On clause. All remaining unassigned conjuncts
            // that can be evaluated by this join are assigned in createSelectPlan().
            otherJoinConjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedOjConjuncts(innerRef);
        } else if (innerRef.getJoinOp().isSemiJoin()) {
            // Unassigned conjuncts bound by the invisible tuple id of a semi join must have
            // come from the join's On-clause, and therefore, must be added to the other join
            // conjuncts to produce correct results.
            // TODO This doesn't handle predicates specified in the On clause which are not
            // bound by any tuple id (e.g. ON (true))
            List<TupleId> tblRefIds = Lists.newArrayList(outer.getTblRefIds());
            otherJoinConjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(tblRefIds, false);
            if (innerRef.getJoinOp().isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin()) {
                boolean hasNullMatchingEqOperator = false;
                // Keep only the null-matching eq conjunct in the eqJoinConjuncts and move
                // all the others in otherJoinConjuncts. The BE relies on this
                // separation for correct execution of the null-aware left anti join.
                Iterator<BinaryPredicate> it = eqJoinConjuncts.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    BinaryPredicate conjunct =;
                    if (!conjunct.isNullMatchingEq()) {
                    } else {
                        // Only one null-matching eq conjunct is allowed
                        hasNullMatchingEqOperator = true;

        // Use a nested-loop join if there are no equi-join conjuncts, or if the inner
        // (build side) is a singular row src. A singular row src has a cardinality of 1, so
        // a nested-loop join is certainly cheaper than a hash join.
        JoinNode result = null;
                !innerRef.getJoinOp().isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin() || !(inner instanceof SingularRowSrcNode));
        if (eqJoinConjuncts.isEmpty() || inner instanceof SingularRowSrcNode) {
            result = new NestedLoopJoinNode(outer, inner, analyzer.isStraightJoin(), innerRef.getDistributionMode(),
                    innerRef.getJoinOp(), otherJoinConjuncts);
        } else {
            result = new HashJoinNode(outer, inner, analyzer.isStraightJoin(), innerRef.getDistributionMode(),
                    innerRef.getJoinOp(), eqJoinConjuncts, otherJoinConjuncts);
        return result;

     * Create a tree of PlanNodes for the given tblRef, which can be a BaseTableRef,
     * CollectionTableRef or an InlineViewRef.
     * 'fastPartitionKeyScans' indicates whether to try to produce the slots with
     * metadata instead of table scans. Only applicable to BaseTableRef which is also
     * an HDFS table.
     * Throws if a PlanNode.init() failed or if planning of the given
     * table ref is not implemented.
    private PlanNode createTableRefNode(TableRef tblRef, boolean fastPartitionKeyScans, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws ImpalaException {
        PlanNode result = null;
        if (tblRef instanceof BaseTableRef) {
            result = createScanNode(tblRef, fastPartitionKeyScans, analyzer);
        } else if (tblRef instanceof CollectionTableRef) {
            if (tblRef.isRelative()) {
                result = new UnnestNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), ctx_.getSubplan(), (CollectionTableRef) tblRef);
            } else {
                result = createScanNode(tblRef, false, analyzer);
        } else if (tblRef instanceof InlineViewRef) {
            result = createInlineViewPlan(analyzer, (InlineViewRef) tblRef);
        } else if (tblRef instanceof SingularRowSrcTableRef) {
            result = new SingularRowSrcNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), ctx_.getSubplan());
        } else {
            throw new NotImplementedException("Planning not implemented for table ref class: " + tblRef.getClass());
        return result;

     * Create a plan tree corresponding to 'unionOperands' for the given unionStmt.
     * The individual operands' plan trees are attached to a single UnionNode.
     * If unionDistinctPlan is not null, it is expected to contain the plan for the
     * distinct portion of the given unionStmt. The unionDistinctPlan is then added
     * as a child of the returned UnionNode.
    private UnionNode createUnionPlan(Analyzer analyzer, UnionStmt unionStmt, List<UnionOperand> unionOperands,
            PlanNode unionDistinctPlan) throws ImpalaException {
        UnionNode unionNode = new UnionNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), unionStmt.getTupleId(),
                unionStmt.getUnionResultExprs(), ctx_.hasSubplan());
        for (UnionOperand op : unionOperands) {
            if (op.getAnalyzer().hasEmptyResultSet()) {
            QueryStmt queryStmt = op.getQueryStmt();
            if (queryStmt instanceof SelectStmt) {
                SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) queryStmt;
                if (selectStmt.getTableRefs().isEmpty()) {
            PlanNode opPlan = createQueryPlan(queryStmt, op.getAnalyzer(), false);
            // There may still be unassigned conjuncts if the operand has an order by + limit.
            // Place them into a SelectNode on top of the operand's plan.
            opPlan = addUnassignedConjuncts(analyzer, opPlan.getTupleIds(), opPlan);
            if (opPlan instanceof EmptySetNode)
            unionNode.addChild(opPlan, op.getQueryStmt().getResultExprs());

        if (unionDistinctPlan != null) {
            Preconditions.checkState(unionDistinctPlan instanceof AggregationNode);
            unionNode.addChild(unionDistinctPlan, unionStmt.getDistinctAggInfo().getGroupingExprs());
        return unionNode;

     * Returns plan tree for unionStmt:
     * - distinctOperands' plan trees are collected in a single UnionNode
     *   and duplicates removed via distinct aggregation
     * - the output of that plus the allOperands' plan trees are collected in
     *   another UnionNode which materializes the result of unionStmt
     * - if any of the union operands contains analytic exprs, we avoid pushing
     *   predicates directly into the operands and instead evaluate them
     *   *after* the final UnionNode (see createInlineViewPlan() for the reasoning)
     *   TODO: optimize this by still pushing predicates into the union operands
     *   that don't contain analytic exprs and evaluating the conjuncts in Select
     *   directly above the AnalyticEvalNodes
     * TODO: Simplify the plan of unions with empty operands using an empty set node.
     * TODO: Simplify the plan of unions with only a single non-empty operand to not
     *       use a union node (this is tricky because a union materializes a new tuple).
    private PlanNode createUnionPlan(UnionStmt unionStmt, Analyzer analyzer) throws ImpalaException {
        List<Expr> conjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(unionStmt.getTupleId().asList(), false);
        if (!unionStmt.hasAnalyticExprs()) {
            // Turn unassigned predicates for unionStmt's tupleId_ into predicates for
            // the individual operands.
            // Do this prior to creating the operands' plan trees so they get a chance to
            // pick up propagated predicates.
            for (UnionOperand op : unionStmt.getOperands()) {
                List<Expr> opConjuncts = Expr.substituteList(conjuncts, op.getSmap(), analyzer, false);
        } else {
            // mark slots referenced by the yet-unassigned conjuncts
        // mark slots after predicate propagation but prior to plan tree generation

        PlanNode result = null;
        // create DISTINCT tree
        if (unionStmt.hasDistinctOps()) {
            result = createUnionPlan(analyzer, unionStmt, unionStmt.getDistinctOperands(), null);
            result = new AggregationNode(ctx_.getNextNodeId(), result, unionStmt.getDistinctAggInfo());
        // create ALL tree
        if (unionStmt.hasAllOps()) {
            result = createUnionPlan(analyzer, unionStmt, unionStmt.getAllOperands(), result);

        if (unionStmt.hasAnalyticExprs()) {
            result = addUnassignedConjuncts(analyzer, unionStmt.getTupleId().asList(), result);
        return result;