Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharSet; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.value.ITypeTraits; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hyracks.util.string.UTF8StringUtil; public final class UTF8StringPointable extends AbstractPointable implements IHashable, IComparable { // These values are cached to speed up the length data access. // Since we are using the variable-length encoding, we can save the repeated decoding efforts. // WARNING: must call the resetConstants() method after each reset(). private int utf8Length; private int metaLength; private int hashValue; private int stringLength; /** * reset those meta length. * Since the {@code utf8Length} and the {@code metaLength} are often used, we compute those two values in advance. * As for the {@code stringLength} and the {@code hashValue}, they will be lazily initialized after the first call. */ @Override protected void afterReset() { utf8Length = UTF8StringUtil.getUTFLength(bytes, start); metaLength = UTF8StringUtil.getNumBytesToStoreLength(getUTF8Length()); hashValue = 0; stringLength = -1; } public static final ITypeTraits TYPE_TRAITS = new ITypeTraits() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public boolean isFixedLength() { return false; } @Override public int getFixedLength() { return 0; } }; public static final IPointableFactory FACTORY = new IPointableFactory() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public IPointable createPointable() { return new UTF8StringPointable(); } @Override public ITypeTraits getTypeTraits() { return TYPE_TRAITS; } }; public static UTF8StringPointable generateUTF8Pointable(String string) { byte[] bytes; bytes = UTF8StringUtil.writeStringToBytes(string); UTF8StringPointable ptr = new UTF8StringPointable(); ptr.set(bytes, 0, bytes.length); return ptr; } /** * Returns the character at the given byte offset. The caller is responsible for making sure that * the provided offset is within bounds and points to the beginning of a valid UTF8 character. * * @param offset * - Byte offset * @return Character at the given offset. */ public char charAt(int offset) { return UTF8StringUtil.charAt(bytes, start + offset); } public int charSize(int offset) { return UTF8StringUtil.charSize(bytes, start + offset); } /** * Gets the length of the string in characters. * The first time call will need to go through the entire string, the following call will just return the pre-caculated result * * @return length of string in characters */ public int getStringLength() { if (stringLength < 0) { stringLength = UTF8StringUtil.getStringLength(bytes, start); } return stringLength; } /** * Gets the length of the UTF-8 encoded string in bytes. * * @return length of UTF-8 encoded string in bytes */ public int getUTF8Length() { return utf8Length; } public int getMetaDataLength() { return metaLength; } public int getCharStartOffset() { return getStartOffset() + getMetaDataLength(); } @Override public int compareTo(IPointable pointer) { return compareTo(pointer.getByteArray(), pointer.getStartOffset(), pointer.getLength()); } @Override public int compareTo(byte[] bytes, int start, int length) { return UTF8StringUtil.compareTo(this.bytes, this.start, bytes, start); } @Override public int hash() { if (hashValue == 0) { hashValue = UTF8StringUtil.hash(this.bytes, this.start); } return hashValue; } public void toString(StringBuilder buffer) { UTF8StringUtil.toString(buffer, bytes, start); } @Override public String toString() { return new String(this.bytes, this.getCharStartOffset(), this.getUTF8Length(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } /**** * String functions */ public int ignoreCaseCompareTo(UTF8StringPointable other) { return UTF8StringUtil.lowerCaseCompareTo(this.getByteArray(), this.getStartOffset(), other.getByteArray(), other.getStartOffset()); } public int find(UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return find(this, pattern, ignoreCase); } /** * @param src, * the source string. * @param pattern, * the pattern string. * @param ignoreCase, * to ignore case or not. * @return the byte offset of the first character of the matching string. Not including the MetaLength. */ public static int find(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return find(src, pattern, ignoreCase, 0); } /** * @param src, * the source string. * @param pattern, * the pattern string. * @param ignoreCase, * to ignore case or not. * @param startMatch, * the start offset. * @return the byte offset of the first character of the matching string after <code>startMatchPos}</code>. * Not including the MetaLength. */ public static int find(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase, int startMatch) { int startMatchPos = startMatch; final int srcUtfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); final int pttnUtfLen = pattern.getUTF8Length(); final int srcStart = src.getMetaDataLength(); final int pttnStart = pattern.getMetaDataLength(); int maxStart = srcUtfLen - pttnUtfLen; while (startMatchPos <= maxStart) { int c1 = startMatchPos; int c2 = 0; while (c1 < srcUtfLen && c2 < pttnUtfLen) { char ch1 = src.charAt(srcStart + c1); char ch2 = pattern.charAt(pttnStart + c2); if (ch1 != ch2) { if (!ignoreCase || ignoreCase && Character.toLowerCase(ch1) != Character.toLowerCase(ch2)) { break; } } c1 += src.charSize(srcStart + c1); c2 += pattern.charSize(pttnStart + c2); } if (c2 == pttnUtfLen) { return startMatchPos; } startMatchPos += src.charSize(srcStart + startMatchPos); } return -1; } public boolean contains(UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return contains(this, pattern, ignoreCase); } public static boolean contains(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return find(src, pattern, ignoreCase) >= 0; } public boolean startsWith(UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return startsWith(this, pattern, ignoreCase); } public static boolean startsWith(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { int utflen1 = src.getUTF8Length(); int utflen2 = pattern.getUTF8Length(); if (utflen2 > utflen1) { return false; } int s1Start = src.getMetaDataLength(); int s2Start = pattern.getMetaDataLength(); int c1 = 0; int c2 = 0; while (c1 < utflen1 && c2 < utflen2) { char ch1 = src.charAt(s1Start + c1); char ch2 = pattern.charAt(s2Start + c2); if (ch1 != ch2) { if (!ignoreCase || ignoreCase && Character.toLowerCase(ch1) != Character.toLowerCase(ch2)) { break; } } c1 += src.charSize(s1Start + c1); c2 += pattern.charSize(s2Start + c2); } return (c2 == utflen2); } public boolean endsWith(UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { return endsWith(this, pattern, ignoreCase); } public static boolean endsWith(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable pattern, boolean ignoreCase) { int len1 = src.getUTF8Length(); int len2 = pattern.getUTF8Length(); if (len2 > len1) { return false; } int s1Start = src.getMetaDataLength(); int s2Start = pattern.getMetaDataLength(); int c1 = len1 - len2; int c2 = 0; while (c1 < len1 && c2 < len2) { char ch1 = src.charAt(s1Start + c1); char ch2 = pattern.charAt(s2Start + c2); if (ch1 != ch2) { if (!ignoreCase || ignoreCase && Character.toLowerCase(ch1) != Character.toLowerCase(ch2)) { break; } } c1 += src.charSize(s1Start + c1); c2 += pattern.charSize(s2Start + c2); } return (c2 == len2); } public void concat(UTF8StringPointable next, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { concat(this, next, builder, out); } public static void concat(UTF8StringPointable first, UTF8StringPointable next, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { int firstUtfLen = first.getUTF8Length(); int nextUtfLen = next.getUTF8Length(); builder.reset(out, firstUtfLen + nextUtfLen); builder.appendUtf8StringPointable(first); builder.appendUtf8StringPointable(next); builder.finish(); } public void substr(int charOffset, int charLength, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { substr(this, charOffset, charLength, builder, out); } public static void substr(UTF8StringPointable src, int charOffset, int charLength, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { // Really don't understand why we need to support the charOffset < 0 case. // At this time, usually there is mistake on user side, we'd better give him a warning. // assert charOffset >= 0; if (charOffset < 0) { charOffset = 0; } if (charLength < 0) { charLength = 0; } int utfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); int chIdx = 0; int byteIdx = 0; while (byteIdx < utfLen && chIdx < charOffset) { byteIdx += src.charSize(src.getMetaDataLength() + byteIdx); chIdx++; } if (byteIdx >= utfLen) { // Again, why do we tolerant this kind of mistakes? // throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(charOffset); builder.reset(out, 0); builder.finish(); return; } builder.reset(out, Math.min(utfLen - byteIdx, (int) (charLength * 1.0 * byteIdx / chIdx))); chIdx = 0; while (byteIdx < utfLen && chIdx < charLength) { builder.appendChar(src.charAt(src.getMetaDataLength() + byteIdx)); chIdx++; byteIdx += src.charSize(src.getMetaDataLength() + byteIdx); } builder.finish(); } public void substrBefore(UTF8StringPointable match, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { substrBefore(this, match, builder, out); } /** * Write the substring before the given pattern. It will write a empty string if the matching fails. * * @param src * @param match * @param builder * @param out * @throws IOException */ public static void substrBefore(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable match, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { int byteOffset = find(src, match, false); if (byteOffset < 0) { builder.reset(out, 0); builder.finish(); return; } final int srcMetaLen = src.getMetaDataLength(); builder.reset(out, byteOffset); for (int idx = 0; idx < byteOffset;) { builder.appendChar(src.charAt(srcMetaLen + idx)); idx += src.charSize(srcMetaLen + idx); } builder.finish(); } public void substrAfter(UTF8StringPointable match, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { substrAfter(this, match, builder, out); } /** * Write the substring after the given pattern. It will write a empty string if the matching fails. * * @param src * @param match * @param builder * @param out */ public static void substrAfter(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringPointable match, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { int byteOffset = find(src, match, false); if (byteOffset < 0) { builder.reset(out, 0); builder.finish(); return; } final int srcUtfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); final int matchUtfLen = match.getUTF8Length(); final int resultLen = srcUtfLen - byteOffset - matchUtfLen; builder.reset(out, resultLen); builder.appendUtf8StringPointable(src, src.getCharStartOffset() + byteOffset + matchUtfLen, resultLen); builder.finish(); } public void lowercase(UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { lowercase(this, builder, out); } /** * Generates a lower case string of an input string. * * @param src * , the input source string. * @param builder * , a builder for the resulting string. * @param out * , the storage for a result string. * @throws IOException */ public static void lowercase(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { final int srcUtfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); final int srcStart = src.getMetaDataLength(); builder.reset(out, srcUtfLen); int byteIndex = 0; while (byteIndex < srcUtfLen) { builder.appendChar(Character.toLowerCase(src.charAt(srcStart + byteIndex))); byteIndex += src.charSize(srcStart + byteIndex); } builder.finish(); } public void uppercase(UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { uppercase(this, builder, out); } /** * Generates an upper case string of an input string. * * @param src * , the input source string. * @param builder * , a builder for the resulting string. * @param out * , the storage for a result string. * @throws IOException */ public static void uppercase(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { final int srcUtfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); final int srcStart = src.getMetaDataLength(); builder.reset(out, srcUtfLen); int byteIndex = 0; while (byteIndex < srcUtfLen) { builder.appendChar(Character.toUpperCase(src.charAt(srcStart + byteIndex))); byteIndex += src.charSize(srcStart + byteIndex); } builder.finish(); } public void initCap(UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { initCap(this, builder, out); } /** * Generates a "title" format string from an input source string, i.e., the first letter of each word * is in the upper case while the other letter is in the lower case. * * @param src * , the input source string. * @param builder * , a builder for the resulting string. * @param out * , the storage for a result string. * @throws IOException */ public static void initCap(UTF8StringPointable src, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out) throws IOException { final int srcUtfLen = src.getUTF8Length(); final int srcStart = src.getMetaDataLength(); builder.reset(out, srcUtfLen); boolean toUpperCase = true; int byteIndex = 0; while (byteIndex < srcUtfLen) { char originalChar = src.charAt(srcStart + byteIndex); boolean isLetter = Character.isLetter(originalChar); // Make the first character into upper case while the later ones into lower case. char resultChar = toUpperCase && isLetter ? Character.toUpperCase(originalChar) : (isLetter ? Character.toLowerCase(originalChar) : originalChar); builder.appendChar(resultChar); byteIndex += src.charSize(srcStart + byteIndex); // Whether the next letter needs to switch to the upper case. toUpperCase = !isLetter; } builder.finish(); } public void trim(UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out, boolean left, boolean right, CharSet charSet) throws IOException { trim(this, builder, out, left, right, charSet); } /** * Generates a trimmed string of an input source string. * * @param srcPtr * , the input source string. * @param builder * , the result string builder. * @param out * , the storage for the output string. * @param left * , whether to trim the left side. * @param right * , whether to trim the right side. * @param charSet * , the chars that should be trimmed. * @throws IOException */ public static void trim(UTF8StringPointable srcPtr, UTF8StringBuilder builder, GrowableArray out, boolean left, boolean right, CharSet charSet) throws IOException { final int srcUtfLen = srcPtr.getUTF8Length(); final int srcStart = srcPtr.getMetaDataLength(); // Finds the start Index (inclusive). int startIndex = 0; if (left) { while (startIndex < srcUtfLen) { char ch = srcPtr.charAt(srcStart + startIndex); if (!charSet.contains(ch)) { break; } startIndex += srcPtr.charSize(srcStart + startIndex); } } // Finds the end index (exclusive). int endIndex = srcUtfLen; if (right) { endIndex = startIndex; int cursorIndex = startIndex; while (cursorIndex < srcUtfLen) { char ch = srcPtr.charAt(srcStart + cursorIndex); cursorIndex += srcPtr.charSize(srcStart + cursorIndex); if (!charSet.contains(ch)) { endIndex = cursorIndex; } } } // Outputs the desired substring. int len = endIndex - startIndex; builder.reset(out, len); builder.appendUtf8StringPointable(srcPtr, srcPtr.getStartOffset() + srcStart + startIndex, len); builder.finish(); } }