Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.hyracks.control.common.config; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.multimap.ArrayListValuedHashMap; import org.apache.hyracks.api.config.IApplicationConfig; import org.apache.hyracks.api.config.IConfigManager; import org.apache.hyracks.api.config.IConfigurator; import org.apache.hyracks.api.config.IOption; import org.apache.hyracks.api.config.Section; import org.apache.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksException; import org.apache.hyracks.control.common.application.ConfigManagerApplicationConfig; import org.ini4j.Ini; import org.ini4j.Profile; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import org.kohsuke.args4j.OptionHandlerFilter; public class ConfigManager implements IConfigManager, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ConfigManager.class.getName()); private HashSet<IOption> registeredOptions = new HashSet<>(); private HashMap<IOption, Object> definedMap = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap<IOption, Object> defaultMap = new HashMap<>(); private CompositeMap<IOption, Object> configurationMap = new CompositeMap<>(definedMap, defaultMap, new NoOpMapMutator()); private EnumMap<Section, Map<String, IOption>> sectionMap = new EnumMap<>(Section.class); private TreeMap<String, Map<IOption, Object>> nodeSpecificMap = new TreeMap<>(); private transient ArrayListValuedHashMap<IOption, IConfigSetter> optionSetters = new ArrayListValuedHashMap<>(); private final String[] args; private ConfigManagerApplicationConfig appConfig = new ConfigManagerApplicationConfig(this); private Set<String> allSections = new HashSet<>(); private transient Collection<Consumer<List<String>>> argListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private transient Collection<IOption> iniPointerOptions = new ArrayList<>(); private transient Collection<Section> cmdLineSections = new ArrayList<>();; private transient OptionHandlerFilter usageFilter; private transient SortedMap<Integer, List<IConfigurator>> configurators = new TreeMap<>(); private boolean configured; private String versionString = "version undefined"; public ConfigManager() { this(null); } public ConfigManager(String[] args) { this.args = args; for (Section section : Section.values()) { allSections.add(section.sectionName()); } addConfigurator(ConfiguratorMetric.PARSE_INI_POINTERS, this::extractIniPointersFromCommandLine); addConfigurator(ConfiguratorMetric.PARSE_INI, this::parseIni); addConfigurator(ConfiguratorMetric.PARSE_COMMAND_LINE, this::processCommandLine); addConfigurator(ConfiguratorMetric.APPLY_DEFAULTS, this::applyDefaults); } @Override public void addConfigurator(int metric, IConfigurator configurator) { configurators.computeIfAbsent(metric, metric1 -> new ArrayList<>()).add(configurator); } private void addConfigurator(ConfiguratorMetric metric, IConfigurator configurator) { addConfigurator(metric.metric(), configurator); } @Override public void addIniParamOptions(IOption... options) { Stream.of(options).forEach(iniPointerOptions::add); } @Override public void addCmdLineSections(Section... sections) { Stream.of(sections).forEach(cmdLineSections::add); } @Override public void setUsageFilter(OptionHandlerFilter usageFilter) { this.usageFilter = usageFilter; } @Override public void register(IOption... options) { for (IOption option : options) { if (option.section() == Section.VIRTUAL || registeredOptions.contains(option)) { continue; } if (configured) { throw new IllegalStateException("configuration already processed"); } LOGGER.fine("registering option: " + option.toIniString()); Map<String, IOption> optionMap = sectionMap.computeIfAbsent(option.section(), section -> new HashMap<>()); IOption prev = optionMap.put(option.ini(), option); if (prev != null) { if (prev != option) { throw new IllegalStateException("An option cannot be defined multiple times: " + option.toIniString() + ": " + Arrays.asList(option.getClass(), prev.getClass())); } } else { registeredOptions.add(option); optionSetters.put(option, (node, value, isDefault) -> correctedMap(node, isDefault).put(option, value)); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { optionSetters.put(option, (node, value, isDefault) -> LOGGER .fine((isDefault ? "defaulting" : "setting ") + option.toIniString() + " to " + value)); } } } } private Map<IOption, Object> correctedMap(String node, boolean isDefault) { return node == null ? (isDefault ? defaultMap : definedMap) : nodeSpecificMap.computeIfAbsent(node, this::createNodeSpecificMap); } public void registerVirtualNode(String nodeId) { LOGGER.fine("registerVirtualNode: " + nodeId); nodeSpecificMap.computeIfAbsent(nodeId, this::createNodeSpecificMap); } private Map<IOption, Object> createNodeSpecificMap(String nodeId) { LOGGER.fine("createNodeSpecificMap: " + nodeId); return new HashMap<>(); } @Override @SafeVarargs public final void register(final Class<? extends IOption>... optionClasses) { for (Class<? extends IOption> optionClass : optionClasses) { register(optionClass.getEnumConstants()); } } @Override public void setVersionString(String versionString) { this.versionString = versionString; } public IOption lookupOption(String section, String key) { Map<String, IOption> map = getSectionOptionMap(Section.parseSectionName(section)); return map == null ? null : map.get(key); } public void processConfig() throws CmdLineException, IOException { if (!configured) { for (List<IConfigurator> configuratorList : configurators.values()) { for (IConfigurator configurator : configuratorList) {; } } configured = true; } } private void processCommandLine() throws CmdLineException { List<String> appArgs = processCommandLine(cmdLineSections, usageFilter, this::cmdLineSet); // now propagate the app args to the listeners... argListeners.forEach(l -> l.accept(appArgs)); } private void extractIniPointersFromCommandLine() throws CmdLineException { Map<IOption, Object> cmdLineOptions = new HashMap<>(); processCommandLine(cmdLineSections, usageFilter, cmdLineOptions::put); for (IOption option : iniPointerOptions) { if (cmdLineOptions.containsKey(option)) { set(option, cmdLineOptions.get(option)); } } } private void cmdLineSet(IOption option, Object value) { invokeSetters(option, option.type().parse(String.valueOf(value)), null); } private void invokeSetters(IOption option, Object value, String nodeId) { optionSetters.get(option).forEach(setter -> setter.set(nodeId, value, false)); } @SuppressWarnings({ "squid:S106", "squid:S1147" }) // use of System.err, System.exit() private List<String> processCommandLine(Collection<Section> sections, OptionHandlerFilter usageFilter, BiConsumer<IOption, Object> setAction) throws CmdLineException { final Args4jBean bean = new Args4jBean(); CmdLineParser cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser(bean); final List<String> appArgs = new ArrayList<>(); List<IOption> commandLineOptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Section, Map<String, IOption>> sectionMapEntry : sectionMap.entrySet()) { if (!sections.contains(sectionMapEntry.getKey())) { continue; } for (IOption option : sectionMapEntry.getValue().values()) { if (option.section() != Section.VIRTUAL) { commandLineOptions.add(option); } } } commandLineOptions.sort(Comparator.comparing(IOption::cmdline)); commandLineOptions.forEach(option -> cmdLineParser.addOption(new Args4jSetter(option, setAction, false), new Args4jOption(option, this, option.type().targetType()))); if (!argListeners.isEmpty()) { cmdLineParser.addArgument(new Args4jSetter(o -> appArgs.add(String.valueOf(o)), true, String.class), new Args4jArgument()); } LOGGER.fine("parsing cmdline: " + Arrays.toString(args)); if (args == null || args.length == 0) {"no command line args supplied"); return appArgs; } try { cmdLineParser.parseArgument(args); } catch (CmdLineException e) { if (! { ConfigUtils.printUsage(e, usageFilter, System.err); throw e; } else { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Ignoring parse exception due to -help", e); } } if ( { ConfigUtils.printUsage(cmdLineParser, usageFilter, System.err); System.exit(0); } else if (bean.version) { System.err.println(versionString); System.exit(0); } return appArgs; } private void parseIni() throws IOException { Ini ini = null; for (IOption option : iniPointerOptions) { Object pointer = get(option); if (pointer instanceof String) { ini = ConfigUtils.loadINIFile((String) pointer); } else if (pointer instanceof URL) { ini = ConfigUtils.loadINIFile((URL) pointer); } else if (pointer != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "config file pointer options must be of type String (for file) or " + "URL, instead of " + option.type().targetType()); } } if (ini == null) {"no INI file specified; skipping parsing"); return; }"parsing INI file: " + ini); for (Profile.Section section : ini.values()) { allSections.add(section.getName()); final Section rootSection = Section.parseSectionName( section.getParent() == null ? section.getName() : section.getParent().getName()); String node; if (rootSection == Section.EXTENSION) { parseExtensionIniSection(section); continue; } else if (rootSection == Section.NC) { node = section.getName().equals(section.getSimpleName()) ? null : section.getSimpleName(); } else if (Section.parseSectionName(section.getName()) != null) { node = null; } else { throw new HyracksException("Unknown section in ini: " + section.getName()); } Map<String, IOption> optionMap = getSectionOptionMap(rootSection); for (Map.Entry<String, String> iniOption : section.entrySet()) { String name = iniOption.getKey(); final IOption option = optionMap == null ? null : optionMap.get(name); if (option == null) { handleUnknownOption(section, name); return; } final String value = iniOption.getValue(); LOGGER.fine("setting " + option.toIniString() + " to " + value); final Object parsed = option.type().parse(value); invokeSetters(option, parsed, node); } } } private void parseExtensionIniSection(Profile.Section section) { // TODO(mblow): parse extensions } private void handleUnknownOption(Profile.Section section, String name) throws HyracksException { Set<String> matches = new HashSet<>(); for (IOption registeredOption : registeredOptions) { if (registeredOption.ini().equals(name)) { matches.add(registeredOption.section().sectionName()); } } if (!matches.isEmpty()) { throw new HyracksException("Section mismatch for [" + section.getName() + "] " + name + ", expected section(s) " + matches); } else { throw new HyracksException("Unknown option in ini: [" + section.getName() + "] " + name); } } private void applyDefaults() { LOGGER.fine("applying defaults"); for (Map.Entry<Section, Map<String, IOption>> entry : sectionMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == Section.NC) { entry.getValue().values().forEach(option -> getNodeNames() .forEach(node -> getOrDefault(getNodeEffectiveMap(node), option, node))); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<IOption, Object>> nodeMap : nodeSpecificMap.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().values() .forEach(option -> getOrDefault( new CompositeMap<>(nodeMap.getValue(), definedMap, new NoOpMapMutator()), option, nodeMap.getKey())); } } else { entry.getValue().values().forEach(option -> getOrDefault(configurationMap, option, null)); } } } private Object getOrDefault(Map<IOption, Object> map, IOption option, String nodeId) { if (map.containsKey(option)) { return map.get(option); } else { Object value = resolveDefault(option, new ConfigManagerApplicationConfig(this) { @Override public Object getStatic(IOption option) { return getOrDefault(map, option, nodeId); } }); if (value != null && optionSetters != null) { optionSetters.get(option).forEach(setter -> setter.set(nodeId, value, true)); } return value; } } public Object resolveDefault(IOption option, IApplicationConfig applicationConfig) { final Object value = option.defaultValue(); if (value instanceof IOption) { return applicationConfig.get((IOption) value); } else if (value instanceof Supplier) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Supplier<?>) value).get(); } else if (value instanceof Function) { //noinspection unchecked return ((Function<IApplicationConfig, ?>) value).apply(applicationConfig); } else { return value; } } @Override public Set<Section> getSections(Predicate<Section> predicate) { return; } @Override public Set<Section> getSections() { return getSections(section -> true); } public Set<String> getSectionNames() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(allSections); } public Set<String> getOptionNames(String sectionName) { Set<String> optionNames = new HashSet<>(); Section section = Section.parseSectionName(sectionName); for (IOption option : getSectionOptionMap(section).values()) { optionNames.add(option.ini()); } return optionNames; } @Override public Set<IOption> getOptions(Section section) { return getSectionOptionMap(section).values().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet()); } private Map<String, IOption> getSectionOptionMap(Section section) { final Map<String, IOption> map = sectionMap.get(section); return map != null ? map : Collections.emptyMap(); } public List<String> getNodeNames() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(nodeSpecificMap.keySet())); } public IApplicationConfig getNodeEffectiveConfig(String nodeId) { final Map<IOption, Object> nodeMap = nodeSpecificMap.computeIfAbsent(nodeId, this::createNodeSpecificMap); Map<IOption, Object> nodeEffectiveMap = getNodeEffectiveMap(nodeId); return new ConfigManagerApplicationConfig(this) { @Override public Object getStatic(IOption option) { if (!nodeEffectiveMap.containsKey(option)) { // we need to calculate the default the the context of the node specific map... nodeMap.put(option, getOrDefault(nodeEffectiveMap, option, nodeId)); } return nodeEffectiveMap.get(option); } }; } private CompositeMap<IOption, Object> getNodeEffectiveMap(String nodeId) { return new CompositeMap<>(nodeSpecificMap.get(nodeId), definedMap, new NoOpMapMutator()); } public Ini toIni(boolean includeDefaults) { Ini ini = new Ini(); for (Map.Entry<IOption, Object> entry : (includeDefaults ? configurationMap : definedMap).entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { final IOption option = entry.getKey(); ini.add(option.section().sectionName(), option.ini(), option.type().serializeToIni(entry.getValue())); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<IOption, Object>> nodeMapEntry : nodeSpecificMap.entrySet()) { String section = Section.NC.sectionName() + "/" + nodeMapEntry.getKey(); for (Map.Entry<IOption, Object> entry : nodeMapEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { final IOption option = entry.getKey(); ini.add(section, option.ini(), option.type().serializeToIni(entry.getValue())); } } } return ini; } public void set(IOption option, Object value) { set(null, option, value); } public void set(String nodeId, IOption option, Object value) { invokeSetters(option, value, nodeId); } public Object get(IOption option) { if (!registeredOptions.contains(option)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Option not registered with ConfigManager: " + option.toIniString() + "(" + option.getClass() + "." + option + ")"); } else if (option.section() == Section.NC) { LOGGER.warning( "NC option " + option.toIniString() + " being accessed outside of NC-scoped configuration."); } return getOrDefault(configurationMap, option, null); } public Set<IOption> getOptions() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(registeredOptions); } @Override public IApplicationConfig getAppConfig() { return appConfig; } public void registerArgsListener(Consumer<List<String>> argListener) { argListeners.add(argListener); } String getUsage(IOption option) { final String description = option.description(); StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); if (description != null && !"".equals(description)) { usage.append(description).append(" "); } else { LOGGER.warning("missing description for option: " + option.getClass().getName().substring(option.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + "." +; } usage.append("(default: "); usage.append(defaultTextForUsage(option, IOption::cmdline)); usage.append(")"); return usage.toString(); } public String defaultTextForUsage(IOption option, Function<IOption, String> optionPrinter) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String override = option.usageDefaultOverride(appConfig, optionPrinter); if (override != null) { buf.append(override); } else { final Object value = option.defaultValue(); if (value instanceof IOption) { buf.append("same as ").append(optionPrinter.apply((IOption) value)); } else if (value instanceof Function) { // TODO(mblow): defer usage calculation to enable evaluation of function buf.append("<function>"); } else if (value == null) { buf.append("<undefined>"); } else { buf.append(option.type().serializeToHumanReadable(resolveDefault(option, appConfig))); } } return buf.toString(); } private static class NoOpMapMutator implements CompositeMap.MapMutator<IOption, Object> { @Override public Object put(CompositeMap<IOption, Object> compositeMap, Map<IOption, Object>[] maps, IOption iOption, Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mutations are not allowed"); } @Override public void putAll(CompositeMap<IOption, Object> compositeMap, Map<IOption, Object>[] maps, Map<? extends IOption, ?> map) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mutations are not allowed"); } @Override public void resolveCollision(CompositeMap<IOption, Object> compositeMap, Map<IOption, Object> map, Map<IOption, Object> map1, Collection<IOption> collection) { // no-op } } private static class Args4jBean { @Option(name = "-help", help = true) boolean help; @Option(name = "-version", help = true) boolean version; } }