Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.hyracks.api.constraints.expressions.LValueConstraintExpression; import org.apache.hyracks.api.constraints.expressions.PartitionCountExpression; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.ActivityId; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.ConnectorDescriptorId; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.IConnectorDescriptor; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.OperatorDescriptorId; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.TaskId; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.connectors.IConnectorPolicy; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.connectors.IConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy; import org.apache.hyracks.api.dataflow.connectors.PipeliningConnectorPolicy; import org.apache.hyracks.api.exceptions.HyracksException; import org.apache.hyracks.api.job.ActivityCluster; import org.apache.hyracks.api.job.ActivityClusterGraph; import org.apache.hyracks.api.partitions.PartitionId; import; import; import; import; import; import; class ActivityClusterPlanner { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ActivityClusterPlanner.class.getName()); private final JobExecutor executor; private final Map<PartitionId, TaskCluster> partitionProducingTaskClusterMap; ActivityClusterPlanner(JobExecutor newJobExecutor) { this.executor = newJobExecutor; partitionProducingTaskClusterMap = new HashMap<>(); } ActivityClusterPlan planActivityCluster(ActivityCluster ac) throws HyracksException { JobRun jobRun = executor.getJobRun(); Map<ActivityId, ActivityPartitionDetails> pcMap = computePartitionCounts(ac); Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap = buildActivityPlanMap(ac, jobRun, pcMap); assignConnectorPolicy(ac, activityPlanMap); TaskCluster[] taskClusters = computeTaskClusters(ac, jobRun, activityPlanMap); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Plan for " + ac);"Built " + taskClusters.length + " Task Clusters"); for (TaskCluster tc : taskClusters) {"Tasks: " + Arrays.toString(tc.getTasks())); } } return new ActivityClusterPlan(taskClusters, activityPlanMap); } private Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> buildActivityPlanMap(ActivityCluster ac, JobRun jobRun, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPartitionDetails> pcMap) { Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap = new HashMap<>(); Set<ActivityId> depAnIds = new HashSet<>(); for (ActivityId anId : ac.getActivityMap().keySet()) { depAnIds.clear(); getDependencyActivityIds(depAnIds, anId, ac); ActivityPartitionDetails apd = pcMap.get(anId); Task[] tasks = new Task[apd.getPartitionCount()]; ActivityPlan activityPlan = new ActivityPlan(apd); for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) { TaskId tid = new TaskId(anId, i); tasks[i] = new Task(tid, activityPlan); for (ActivityId danId : depAnIds) { ActivityCluster dAC = ac.getActivityClusterGraph().getActivityMap().get(danId); ActivityClusterPlan dACP = jobRun.getActivityClusterPlanMap().get(dAC.getId()); assert dACP != null : "IllegalStateEncountered: Dependent AC is being planned without a plan for " + "dependency AC: Encountered no plan for ActivityID " + danId; Task[] dATasks = dACP.getActivityPlanMap().get(danId).getTasks(); assert dATasks != null : "IllegalStateEncountered: Dependent AC is being planned without a plan for" + " dependency AC: Encountered no plan for ActivityID " + danId; assert dATasks.length == tasks.length : "Dependency activity partitioned differently from " + "dependent: " + dATasks.length + " != " + tasks.length; Task dTask = dATasks[i]; TaskId dTaskId = dTask.getTaskId(); tasks[i].getDependencies().add(dTaskId); dTask.getDependents().add(tid); } } activityPlan.setTasks(tasks); activityPlanMap.put(anId, activityPlan); } return activityPlanMap; } private TaskCluster[] computeTaskClusters(ActivityCluster ac, JobRun jobRun, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap) { Set<ActivityId> activities = ac.getActivityMap().keySet(); Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> taskConnectivity = computeTaskConnectivity(jobRun, activityPlanMap, activities); TaskCluster[] taskClusters = ac.getActivityClusterGraph().isUseConnectorPolicyForScheduling() ? buildConnectorPolicyAwareTaskClusters(ac, activityPlanMap, taskConnectivity) : buildConnectorPolicyUnawareTaskClusters(ac, activityPlanMap); for (TaskCluster tc : taskClusters) { Set<TaskCluster> tcDependencyTaskClusters = tc.getDependencyTaskClusters(); for (Task ts : tc.getTasks()) { TaskId tid = ts.getTaskId(); List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>> cInfoList = taskConnectivity.get(tid); if (cInfoList != null) { for (Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId> p : cInfoList) { Task targetTS = activityPlanMap.get(p.getLeft().getActivityId()).getTasks()[p.getLeft() .getPartition()]; TaskCluster targetTC = targetTS.getTaskCluster(); if (targetTC != tc) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = p.getRight(); PartitionId pid = new PartitionId(jobRun.getJobId(), cdId, tid.getPartition(), p.getLeft().getPartition()); tc.getProducedPartitions().add(pid); targetTC.getRequiredPartitions().add(pid); partitionProducingTaskClusterMap.put(pid, tc); } } } for (TaskId dTid : ts.getDependencies()) { TaskCluster dTC = getTaskCluster(dTid); dTC.getDependentTaskClusters().add(tc); tcDependencyTaskClusters.add(dTC); } } } return taskClusters; } private TaskCluster[] buildConnectorPolicyUnawareTaskClusters(ActivityCluster ac, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap) { List<Task> taskStates = new ArrayList<>(); for (ActivityId anId : ac.getActivityMap().keySet()) { ActivityPlan ap = activityPlanMap.get(anId); Task[] tasks = ap.getTasks(); taskStates.addAll(Arrays.asList(tasks)); } TaskCluster tc = new TaskCluster(new TaskClusterId(ac.getId(), 0), ac, taskStates.toArray(new Task[taskStates.size()])); for (Task t : tc.getTasks()) { t.setTaskCluster(tc); } return new TaskCluster[] { tc }; } private Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> computeTaskConnectivity(JobRun jobRun, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap, Set<ActivityId> activities) { Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> taskConnectivity = new HashMap<>(); ActivityClusterGraph acg = jobRun.getActivityClusterGraph(); BitSet targetBitmap = new BitSet(); for (ActivityId ac1 : activities) { ActivityCluster ac = acg.getActivityMap().get(ac1); Task[] ac1TaskStates = activityPlanMap.get(ac1).getTasks(); int nProducers = ac1TaskStates.length; List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputConns = ac.getActivityOutputMap().get(ac1); if (outputConns == null) { continue; } for (IConnectorDescriptor c : outputConns) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = c.getConnectorId(); ActivityId ac2 = ac.getConsumerActivity(cdId); Task[] ac2TaskStates = activityPlanMap.get(ac2).getTasks(); int nConsumers = ac2TaskStates.length; if (c.allProducersToAllConsumers()) { List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>> cInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < nConsumers; j++) { TaskId targetTID = ac2TaskStates[j].getTaskId(); cInfoList.add(Pair.of(targetTID, cdId)); } for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { taskConnectivity.put(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId(), cInfoList); } continue; } for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { c.indicateTargetPartitions(nProducers, nConsumers, i, targetBitmap); List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>> cInfoList = taskConnectivity .get(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId()); if (cInfoList == null) { cInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); taskConnectivity.put(ac1TaskStates[i].getTaskId(), cInfoList); } for (int j = targetBitmap.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = targetBitmap.nextSetBit(j + 1)) { TaskId targetTID = ac2TaskStates[j].getTaskId(); cInfoList.add(Pair.of(targetTID, cdId)); } } } } return taskConnectivity; } private TaskCluster[] buildConnectorPolicyAwareTaskClusters(ActivityCluster ac, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> activityPlanMap, Map<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> taskConnectivity) { Map<TaskId, Set<TaskId>> taskClusterMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ActivityId anId : ac.getActivityMap().keySet()) { ActivityPlan ap = activityPlanMap.get(anId); Task[] tasks = ap.getTasks(); for (Task t : tasks) { Set<TaskId> cluster = new HashSet<>(); TaskId tid = t.getTaskId(); cluster.add(tid); taskClusterMap.put(tid, cluster); } } JobRun jobRun = executor.getJobRun(); Map<ConnectorDescriptorId, IConnectorPolicy> connectorPolicies = jobRun.getConnectorPolicyMap(); for (Map.Entry<TaskId, List<Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId>>> e : taskConnectivity.entrySet()) { Set<TaskId> cluster = taskClusterMap.get(e.getKey()); for (Pair<TaskId, ConnectorDescriptorId> p : e.getValue()) { IConnectorPolicy cPolicy = connectorPolicies.get(p.getRight()); if (cPolicy.requiresProducerConsumerCoscheduling()) { cluster.add(p.getLeft()); } } } /* * We compute the transitive closure of this (producer-consumer) relation to find the largest set of * tasks that need to be co-scheduled. */ int counter = 0; TaskId[] ordinalList = new TaskId[taskClusterMap.size()]; Map<TaskId, Integer> ordinalMap = new HashMap<>(); for (TaskId tid : taskClusterMap.keySet()) { ordinalList[counter] = tid; ordinalMap.put(tid, counter); ++counter; } int n = ordinalList.length; BitSet[] paths = new BitSet[n]; for (Map.Entry<TaskId, Set<TaskId>> e : taskClusterMap.entrySet()) { int i = ordinalMap.get(e.getKey()); BitSet bsi = paths[i]; if (bsi == null) { bsi = new BitSet(n); paths[i] = bsi; } for (TaskId ttid : e.getValue()) { int j = ordinalMap.get(ttid); paths[i].set(j); BitSet bsj = paths[j]; if (bsj == null) { bsj = new BitSet(n); paths[j] = bsj; } bsj.set(i); } } for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) { for (int i = paths[k].nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = paths[k].nextSetBit(i + 1)) { for (int j = paths[i].nextClearBit(0); j < n && j >= 0; j = paths[i].nextClearBit(j + 1)) { paths[i].set(j, paths[k].get(j)); paths[j].set(i, paths[i].get(j)); } } } BitSet pending = new BitSet(n); pending.set(0, n); List<List<TaskId>> clusters = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = pending.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = pending.nextSetBit(i)) { List<TaskId> cluster = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = paths[i].nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = paths[i].nextSetBit(j + 1)) { cluster.add(ordinalList[j]); pending.clear(j); } clusters.add(cluster); } List<TaskCluster> tcSet = new ArrayList<>(); counter = 0; for (List<TaskId> cluster : clusters) { List<Task> taskStates = new ArrayList<>(); for (TaskId tid : cluster) { taskStates.add(activityPlanMap.get(tid.getActivityId()).getTasks()[tid.getPartition()]); } TaskCluster tc = new TaskCluster(new TaskClusterId(ac.getId(), counter++), ac, taskStates.toArray(new Task[taskStates.size()])); tcSet.add(tc); for (TaskId tid : cluster) { activityPlanMap.get(tid.getActivityId()).getTasks()[tid.getPartition()].setTaskCluster(tc); } } return tcSet.toArray(new TaskCluster[tcSet.size()]); } private TaskCluster getTaskCluster(TaskId tid) { JobRun run = executor.getJobRun(); ActivityCluster ac = run.getActivityClusterGraph().getActivityMap().get(tid.getActivityId()); ActivityClusterPlan acp = run.getActivityClusterPlanMap().get(ac.getId()); Task[] tasks = acp.getActivityPlanMap().get(tid.getActivityId()).getTasks(); Task task = tasks[tid.getPartition()]; assert task.getTaskId().equals(tid); return task.getTaskCluster(); } private void getDependencyActivityIds(Set<ActivityId> depAnIds, ActivityId anId, ActivityCluster ac) { Set<ActivityId> blockers = ac.getBlocked2BlockerMap().get(anId); if (blockers != null) { depAnIds.addAll(blockers); } } private void assignConnectorPolicy(ActivityCluster ac, Map<ActivityId, ActivityPlan> taskMap) { Map<ConnectorDescriptorId, IConnectorPolicy> cPolicyMap = new HashMap<>(); Set<ActivityId> activities = ac.getActivityMap().keySet(); BitSet targetBitmap = new BitSet(); for (ActivityId a1 : activities) { Task[] ac1TaskStates = taskMap.get(a1).getTasks(); int nProducers = ac1TaskStates.length; List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputConns = ac.getActivityOutputMap().get(a1); if (outputConns == null) { continue; } for (IConnectorDescriptor c : outputConns) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = c.getConnectorId(); ActivityId a2 = ac.getConsumerActivity(cdId); Task[] ac2TaskStates = taskMap.get(a2).getTasks(); int nConsumers = ac2TaskStates.length; int[] fanouts = new int[nProducers]; if (c.allProducersToAllConsumers()) { for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { fanouts[i] = nConsumers; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nProducers; ++i) { c.indicateTargetPartitions(nProducers, nConsumers, i, targetBitmap); fanouts[i] = targetBitmap.cardinality(); } } IConnectorPolicy cp = assignConnectorPolicy(ac, c, nProducers, nConsumers, fanouts); cPolicyMap.put(cdId, cp); } } executor.getJobRun().getConnectorPolicyMap().putAll(cPolicyMap); } private IConnectorPolicy assignConnectorPolicy(ActivityCluster ac, IConnectorDescriptor c, int nProducers, int nConsumers, int[] fanouts) { IConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy cpap = ac.getConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy(); if (cpap != null) { return cpap.getConnectorPolicyAssignment(c, nProducers, nConsumers, fanouts); } cpap = ac.getActivityClusterGraph().getConnectorPolicyAssignmentPolicy(); if (cpap != null) { return cpap.getConnectorPolicyAssignment(c, nProducers, nConsumers, fanouts); } return new PipeliningConnectorPolicy(); } private Map<ActivityId, ActivityPartitionDetails> computePartitionCounts(ActivityCluster ac) throws HyracksException { PartitionConstraintSolver solver = executor.getSolver(); Set<LValueConstraintExpression> lValues = new HashSet<>(); for (ActivityId anId : ac.getActivityMap().keySet()) { lValues.add(new PartitionCountExpression(anId.getOperatorDescriptorId())); } solver.solve(lValues); Map<OperatorDescriptorId, Integer> nPartMap = new HashMap<>(); for (LValueConstraintExpression lv : lValues) { Object value = solver.getValue(lv); if (value == null) { throw new HyracksException("No value found for " + lv); } if (!(value instanceof Number)) { throw new HyracksException( "Unexpected type of value bound to " + lv + ": " + value.getClass() + "(" + value + ")"); } int nParts = ((Number) value).intValue(); if (nParts <= 0) { throw new HyracksException("Unsatisfiable number of partitions for " + lv + ": " + nParts); } nPartMap.put(((PartitionCountExpression) lv).getOperatorDescriptorId(), nParts); } Map<ActivityId, ActivityPartitionDetails> activityPartsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ActivityId anId : ac.getActivityMap().keySet()) { int nParts = nPartMap.get(anId.getOperatorDescriptorId()); int[] nInputPartitions = null; List<IConnectorDescriptor> inputs = ac.getActivityInputMap().get(anId); if (inputs != null) { nInputPartitions = new int[inputs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < nInputPartitions.length; ++i) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = inputs.get(i).getConnectorId(); ActivityId aid = ac.getProducerActivity(cdId); Integer nPartInt = nPartMap.get(aid.getOperatorDescriptorId()); nInputPartitions[i] = nPartInt; } } int[] nOutputPartitions = null; List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputs = ac.getActivityOutputMap().get(anId); if (outputs != null) { nOutputPartitions = new int[outputs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < nOutputPartitions.length; ++i) { ConnectorDescriptorId cdId = outputs.get(i).getConnectorId(); ActivityId aid = ac.getConsumerActivity(cdId); Integer nPartInt = nPartMap.get(aid.getOperatorDescriptorId()); nOutputPartitions[i] = nPartInt; } } ActivityPartitionDetails apd = new ActivityPartitionDetails(nParts, nInputPartitions, nOutputPartitions); activityPartsMap.put(anId, apd); } return activityPartsMap; } Map<PartitionId, TaskCluster> getPartitionProducingTaskClusterMap() { return partitionProducingTaskClusterMap; } }