Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hoya.yarn.client;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.launcher.RunService;
import org.apache.hoya.Constants;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaExitCodes;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.HoyaXmlConfKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.api.ClusterDescription;
import org.apache.hoya.api.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.hoya.api.HoyaClusterProtocol;
import org.apache.hoya.api.OptionKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.api.ResourceKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.api.proto.Messages;
import org.apache.hoya.core.conf.AggregateConf;
import org.apache.hoya.core.conf.ConfTree;
import org.apache.hoya.core.conf.ConfTreeOperations;
import org.apache.hoya.core.conf.MapOperations;
import org.apache.hoya.core.launch.AppMasterLauncher;
import org.apache.hoya.core.launch.CommandLineBuilder;
import org.apache.hoya.core.launch.LaunchedApplication;
import org.apache.hoya.core.launch.RunningApplication;
import org.apache.hoya.core.persist.ConfPersister;
import org.apache.hoya.core.persist.LockAcquireFailedException;
import org.apache.hoya.core.registry.ServiceRegistryClient;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.BadClusterStateException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.BadCommandArgumentsException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.BadConfigException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.ErrorStrings;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.HoyaException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.NoSuchNodeException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.UnknownClusterException;
import org.apache.hoya.exceptions.WaitTimeoutException;
import org.apache.hoya.providers.AbstractClientProvider;
import org.apache.hoya.providers.HoyaProviderFactory;
import org.apache.hoya.providers.agent.AgentKeys;
import org.apache.hoya.providers.hoyaam.HoyaAMClientProvider;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.Arguments;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.HoyaActions;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.appmaster.rpc.RpcBinder;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionAMSuicideArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionCreateArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionEchoArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionFlexArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionFreezeArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionGetConfArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionKillContainerArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionStatusArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ActionThawArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.ClientArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.HoyaAMArgs;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.params.LaunchArgsAccessor;
import org.apache.hoya.yarn.service.CompoundLaunchedService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

 * Client service for Hoya

public class HoyaClient extends CompoundLaunchedService
        implements RunService, HoyaExitCodes, HoyaKeys, ErrorStrings {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HoyaClient.class);

    private ClientArgs serviceArgs;
    public ApplicationId applicationId;

    private String deployedClusterName;
     * Cluster opaerations against the deployed cluster -will be null
     * if no bonding has yet taken place
    private HoyaClusterOperations hoyaClusterOperations;

    private HoyaFileSystem hoyaFileSystem;

     * Yarn client service
    private HoyaYarnClientImpl yarnClient;
    private ServiceRegistryClient serviceRegistryClient;
    private AggregateConf launchedInstanceDefinition;

     * Constructor
    public HoyaClient() {
        // make sure all the yarn configs get loaded
        new YarnConfiguration();
        log.debug("Hoya constructed");

    // Service
    public String getName() {
        return "Hoya";

    public Configuration bindArgs(Configuration config, String... args) throws Exception {
        config = super.bindArgs(config, args);
        log.debug("Binding Arguments");
        serviceArgs = new ClientArgs(args);
        // yarn-ify
        YarnConfiguration yarnConfiguration = new YarnConfiguration(config);
        return HoyaUtils.patchConfiguration(yarnConfiguration);

    protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
        Configuration clientConf = HoyaUtils.loadHoyaClientConfigurationResource();
        ConfigHelper.mergeConfigurations(conf, clientConf, CLIENT_RESOURCE);
        // init security with our conf
        if (HoyaUtils.isClusterSecure(conf)) {
        //create the YARN client
        yarnClient = new HoyaYarnClientImpl();


        //here the superclass is inited; getConfig returns a non-null value
        hoyaFileSystem = new HoyaFileSystem(conf);
        serviceRegistryClient = new ServiceRegistryClient(yarnClient, getUsername(), conf);

     * this is where the work is done.
     * @return the exit code
     * @throws Throwable anything that went wrong
    public int runService() throws Throwable {

        // choose the action
        String action = serviceArgs.getAction();
        int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        String clusterName = serviceArgs.getClusterName();
        // actions
        if (HoyaActions.ACTION_BUILD.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionBuild(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionBuildArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_CREATE.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionCreate(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionCreateArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_FREEZE.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionFreeze(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFreezeArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_THAW.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionThaw(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionThawArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_DESTROY.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionDestroy(clusterName);
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_EMERGENCY_FORCE_KILL.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionEmergencyForceKill(clusterName);
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_EXISTS.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionExists(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionExistsArgs().live);
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_FLEX.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionFlex(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionFlexArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_GETCONF.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionGetConf(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionGetConfArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_HELP.equals(action) || HoyaActions.ACTION_USAGE.equals(action)) {

        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_KILL_CONTAINER.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionKillContainer(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionKillContainerArgs());

        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_AM_SUICIDE.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionAmSuicide(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionAMSuicideArgs());

        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_LIST.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionList(clusterName);
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_STATUS.equals(action)) {
            exitCode = actionStatus(clusterName, serviceArgs.getActionStatusArgs());
        } else if (HoyaActions.ACTION_VERSION.equals(action)) {

            exitCode = actionVersion();
        } else {
            throw new HoyaException(EXIT_UNIMPLEMENTED, "Unimplemented: " + action);

        return exitCode;

     * Destroy a cluster. There's two race conditions here
     * #1 the cluster is started between verifying that there are no live
     * clusters of that name.
    public int actionDestroy(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException {
        // verify that a live cluster isn't there
        //no=op, it is now mandatory. 

        // create the directory path
        Path clusterDirectory = hoyaFileSystem.buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        // delete the directory;
        boolean exists = hoyaFileSystem.getFileSystem().exists(clusterDirectory);
        if (exists) {
  "Application Instance {} found at {}: destroying", clustername, clusterDirectory);
        } else {
  "Application Instance {} already destroyed", clustername);
        boolean deleted = hoyaFileSystem.getFileSystem().delete(clusterDirectory, true);
        if (!deleted) {
            log.warn("Filesystem returned false from delete() operation");

        List<ApplicationReport> instances = findAllLiveInstances(clustername);
        // detect any race leading to cluster creation during the check/destroy process
        // and report a problem.
        if (!instances.isEmpty()) {
            throw new HoyaException(EXIT_APPLICATION_IN_USE,
                    clustername + ": " + E_DESTROY_CREATE_RACE_CONDITION + " :" + instances.get(0));
        }"Destroyed cluster {}", clustername);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Force kill a yarn application by ID. 
    public int actionEmergencyForceKill(String appId) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * AM to commit an asynchronous suicide
    public int actionAmSuicide(String clustername, ActionAMSuicideArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException {
        HoyaClusterOperations clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clustername);
        clusterOperations.amSuicide(args.message, args.exitcode, args.waittime);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Get the provider for this cluster
     * @param provider the name of the provider
     * @return the provider instance
     * @throws HoyaException problems building the provider
    private AbstractClientProvider createClientProvider(String provider) throws HoyaException {
        HoyaProviderFactory factory = HoyaProviderFactory.createHoyaProviderFactory(provider);
        return factory.createClientProvider();

     * Create the cluster -saving the arguments to a specification file first
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @return the status code
     * @throws YarnException Yarn problems
     * @throws IOException other problems
     * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException bad arguments.
    public int actionCreate(String clustername, ActionCreateArgs createArgs) throws YarnException, IOException {

        actionBuild(clustername, createArgs);
        return startCluster(clustername, createArgs);

     * Build up the cluster specification/directory
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @param buildInfo the arguments needed to build the cluster
     * @throws YarnException Yarn problems
     * @throws IOException other problems
     * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException bad arguments.
    public int actionBuild(String clustername, AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs buildInfo)
            throws YarnException, IOException {

        buildInstanceDefinition(clustername, buildInfo);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Build up the AggregateConfiguration for an application instance then
     * persiste it
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @param buildInfo the arguments needed to build the cluster
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException

    public void buildInstanceDefinition(String clustername, AbstractClusterBuildingActionArgs buildInfo)
            throws YarnException, IOException {
        // verify that a live cluster isn't there
        Configuration conf = getConfig();

        Path appconfdir = buildInfo.getConfdir();
        requireArgumentSet(Arguments.ARG_CONFDIR, appconfdir);
        // Provider
        String providerName = buildInfo.getProvider();
        requireArgumentSet(Arguments.ARG_PROVIDER, providerName);
        HoyaAMClientProvider hoyaAM = new HoyaAMClientProvider(conf);
        AbstractClientProvider provider = createClientProvider(providerName);
        InstanceBuilder builder = new InstanceBuilder(hoyaFileSystem, getConfig(), clustername);

        AggregateConf instanceDefinition = new AggregateConf();
        ConfTreeOperations appConf = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations();
        ConfTreeOperations resources = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations();
        ConfTreeOperations internal = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations();
        //initial definition is set by the providers 

        //load in any specified on the command line
        if (buildInfo.resources != null) {
            try {

            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new BadConfigException(e, "incorrect argument to %s: \"%s\" : %s ", Arguments.ARG_RESOURCES,
                        buildInfo.resources, e.toString());
        if (buildInfo.template != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new BadConfigException(e, "incorrect argument to %s: \"%s\" : %s ", Arguments.ARG_TEMPLATE,
                        buildInfo.template, e.toString());

        //get the command line options
        ConfTree cmdLineAppOptions = buildInfo.buildAppOptionsConfTree();
        ConfTree cmdLineResourceOptions = buildInfo.buildResourceOptionsConfTree();


        // put the role counts into the resources file
        Map<String, String> argsRoleMap = buildInfo.getComponentMap();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> roleEntry : argsRoleMap.entrySet()) {
            String count = roleEntry.getValue();
            String key = roleEntry.getKey();
            log.debug("{} => {}", key, count);
            resources.getOrAddComponent(key).put(ResourceKeys.COMPONENT_INSTANCES, count);

        //all CLI role options
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> appOptionMap = buildInfo.getCompOptionMap();

        //internal picks up core. values only
        internal.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "hoya.");
        internal.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "slider.");
        internal.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "internal.");

        //copy over role. and yarn. values ONLY to the resources
            resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "component.");
            resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "role.");
            resources.propagateGlobalKeys(appConf, "yarn.");
            resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "component.", true);
            resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "yarn.", true);
            resources.mergeComponentsPrefix(appOptionMap, "role.", true);

        // resource component args

        builder.init(appconfdir, provider.getName(), instanceDefinition);
        builder.setImageDetails(buildInfo.getImage(), buildInfo.getAppHomeDir());

        String zookeeperRoot = buildInfo.getAppZKPath();
        if (isUnset(zookeeperRoot)) {
            zookeeperRoot = "/yarnapps_" + getAppName() + "_" + getUsername() + "_" + clustername;
        builder.addZKPaths(buildInfo.getZKhosts(), zookeeperRoot, buildInfo.getZKport());

        //then propagate any package URI
        if (buildInfo.packageURI != null) {
            appConf.set(AgentKeys.PACKAGE_PATH, buildInfo.packageURI.toString());

        // provider to validate what there is
        try {
        } catch (HoyaException e) {
            //problem, reject it
  "Error {} validating application instance definition ", e.toString());
            log.debug("Error {} validating application instance definition ", e);
            throw e;
        try {
        } catch (LockAcquireFailedException e) {
            log.warn("Failed to get a Lock on {} : {}", builder, e);
            throw new BadClusterStateException("Failed to save " + clustername + ": " + e);


    public FsPermission getClusterDirectoryPermissions(Configuration conf) {
        return new FsPermission(clusterDirPermsOct);

     * Verify that the Resource MAnager is configured, if not fail
     * with a useful error message
     * @throws BadCommandArgumentsException the exception raised on an invalid config
    public void verifyManagerSet() throws BadCommandArgumentsException {
        InetSocketAddress rmAddr = HoyaUtils.getRmAddress(getConfig());
        if (!HoyaUtils.isAddressDefined(rmAddr)) {
            throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("No valid Resource Manager address provided in the argument "
                    + Arguments.ARG_MANAGER + " or the configuration property " + YarnConfiguration.RM_ADDRESS
                    + " value :" + rmAddr);

     * Load and start a cluster specification.
     * This assumes that all validation of args and cluster state
     * have already taken place
     * @param clustername name of the cluster.
     * @param launchArgs launch arguments
     * @return the exit code
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    private int startCluster(String clustername, LaunchArgsAccessor launchArgs) throws YarnException, IOException {
        Path clusterDirectory = hoyaFileSystem.buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(clustername, clusterDirectory);

        LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = launchApplication(clustername, clusterDirectory,
                instanceDefinition, serviceArgs.isDebug());
        applicationId = launchedApplication.getApplicationId();

        return waitForAppAccepted(launchedApplication, launchArgs.getWaittime());

     * Load the instance definition. It is not resolved at this point
     * @param name
     * @param clusterDirectory cluster dir
     * @return the loaded configuration
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws HoyaException
     * @throws UnknownClusterException if the file is not found
    private AggregateConf loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(String name, Path clusterDirectory)
            throws IOException, HoyaException {

        try {
            AggregateConf definition = InstanceIO.loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(hoyaFileSystem,
            return definition;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw UnknownClusterException.unknownCluster(name, e);

     * @param clustername
     * @param clusterDirectory
     * @param instanceDefinition
     * @param debugAM
     * @return the launched application
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public LaunchedApplication launchApplication(String clustername, Path clusterDirectory,
            AggregateConf instanceDefinition, boolean debugAM) throws YarnException, IOException {

        deployedClusterName = clustername;
        Configuration config = getConfig();
        boolean clusterSecure = HoyaUtils.isClusterSecure(config);
        //create the Hoya AM provider -this helps set up the AM
        HoyaAMClientProvider hoyaAM = new HoyaAMClientProvider(config);

        launchedInstanceDefinition = instanceDefinition;

        ConfTreeOperations internalOperations = instanceDefinition.getInternalOperations();
        MapOperations internalOptions = internalOperations.getGlobalOptions();
        ConfTreeOperations resourceOperations = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations();
        ConfTreeOperations appOperations = instanceDefinition.getAppConfOperations();
        Path generatedConfDirPath = createPathThatMustExist(
        Path snapshotConfPath = createPathThatMustExist(

        // cluster Provider
        AbstractClientProvider provider = createClientProvider(
        // make sure the conf dir is valid;

        // now build up the image path
        // TODO: consider supporting apps that don't have an image path
        Path imagePath = HoyaUtils.extractImagePath(hoyaFileSystem, internalOptions);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        MapOperations hoyaAMResourceComponent = resourceOperations.getOrAddComponent(HoyaKeys.COMPONENT_AM);
        AppMasterLauncher amLauncher = new AppMasterLauncher(clustername, HoyaKeys.APP_TYPE, config, hoyaFileSystem,
                yarnClient, clusterSecure, hoyaAMResourceComponent);

        ApplicationId appId = amLauncher.getApplicationId();
        // set the application name;

        amLauncher.setMaxAppAttempts(config.getInt(KEY_AM_RESTART_LIMIT, DEFAULT_AM_RESTART_LIMIT));

        Path tempPath = hoyaFileSystem.createHoyaAppInstanceTempPath(clustername, appId.toString() + "/am");
        String libdir = "lib";
        Path libPath = new Path(tempPath, libdir);
        log.debug("FS={}, tempPath={}, libdir={}", hoyaFileSystem.toString(), tempPath, libPath);
        // set local resources for the application master
        // local files or archives as needed
        // In this scenario, the jar file for the application master is part of the local resources
        Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = amLauncher.getLocalResources();
        // conf directory setup
        Path remoteConfPath = null;
        String relativeConfDir = null;
        String confdirProp = System.getProperty(HoyaKeys.PROPERTY_CONF_DIR);
        if (confdirProp == null || confdirProp.isEmpty()) {
            log.debug("No local configuration directory provided as system property");
        } else {
            File confDir = new File(confdirProp);
            if (!confDir.exists()) {
                throw new BadConfigException(HOYA_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND, confDir);
            Path localConfDirPath = HoyaUtils.createLocalPath(confDir);
            log.debug("Copying AM configuration data from {}", localConfDirPath);
            remoteConfPath = new Path(clusterDirectory, HoyaKeys.SUBMITTED_CONF_DIR);
            HoyaUtils.copyDirectory(config, localConfDirPath, remoteConfPath, null);
        // the assumption here is that minimr cluster => this is a test run
        // and the classpath can look after itself

        if (!getUsingMiniMRCluster()) {

            log.debug("Destination is not a MiniYARNCluster -copying full classpath");

            // insert conf dir first
            if (remoteConfPath != null) {
                relativeConfDir = HoyaKeys.SUBMITTED_CONF_DIR;
                Map<String, LocalResource> submittedConfDir = hoyaFileSystem.submitDirectory(remoteConfPath,
                HoyaUtils.mergeMaps(localResources, submittedConfDir);

            log.debug("Copying JARs from local filesystem");
            // Copy the application master jar to the filesystem
            // Create a local resource to point to the destination jar path

            HoyaUtils.putJar(localResources, hoyaFileSystem, this.getClass(), tempPath, libdir, SLIDER_JAR);
        // build up the configuration 
        // IMPORTANT: it is only after this call that site configurations
        // will be valid.

        propagatePrincipals(config, instanceDefinition);
        Configuration clientConfExtras = new Configuration(false);
        // then build up the generated path.
        FsPermission clusterPerms = getClusterDirectoryPermissions(config);
        HoyaUtils.copyDirectory(config, snapshotConfPath, generatedConfDirPath, clusterPerms);

        // add AM and provider specific artifacts to the resource map
        Map<String, LocalResource> providerResources;
        // standard AM resources
        hoyaAM.prepareAMAndConfigForLaunch(hoyaFileSystem, config, amLauncher, instanceDefinition, snapshotConfPath,
                generatedConfDirPath, clientConfExtras, libdir, tempPath);
        //add provider-specific resources
        provider.prepareAMAndConfigForLaunch(hoyaFileSystem, config, amLauncher, instanceDefinition,
                snapshotConfPath, generatedConfDirPath, clientConfExtras, libdir, tempPath);

        // now that the site config is fully generated, the provider gets
        // to do a quick review of them.
        log.debug("Preflight validation of cluster configuration");

        hoyaAM.preflightValidateClusterConfiguration(hoyaFileSystem, clustername, config, instanceDefinition,
                clusterDirectory, generatedConfDirPath, clusterSecure);

        provider.preflightValidateClusterConfiguration(hoyaFileSystem, clustername, config, instanceDefinition,
                clusterDirectory, generatedConfDirPath, clusterSecure);

        // now add the image if it was set
        if (hoyaFileSystem.maybeAddImagePath(localResources, imagePath)) {
            log.debug("Registered image path {}", imagePath);

        // build the environment
        String classpath = HoyaUtils.buildClasspath(relativeConfDir, libdir, getConfig(), getUsingMiniMRCluster());
        amLauncher.setEnv("CLASSPATH", classpath);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("AM classpath={}", classpath);
            log.debug("Environment Map:\n{}", HoyaUtils.stringifyMap(amLauncher.getEnv()));
            log.debug("Files in lib path\n{}", hoyaFileSystem.listFSDir(libPath));

        // rm address

        InetSocketAddress rmSchedulerAddress = null;
        try {
            rmSchedulerAddress = HoyaUtils.getRmSchedulerAddress(config);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new BadConfigException("%s Address invalid: %s", YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS,

        String rmAddr = NetUtils.getHostPortString(rmSchedulerAddress);

        CommandLineBuilder commandLine = new CommandLineBuilder();
        // insert any JVM options);
        hoyaAM.addJVMOptions(instanceDefinition, commandLine);
        // enable asserts if the text option is set
        // add the hoya AM sevice entry point

        // create action and the cluster name

        // debug
        if (debugAM) {

        // set the cluster directory path

        if (!isUnset(rmAddr)) {

        if (serviceArgs.getFilesystemURL() != null) {

        if (clusterSecure) {
            // if the cluster is secure, make sure that
            // the relevant security settings go over
            propagateConfOption(commandLine, config, HoyaXmlConfKeys.KEY_SECURITY_ENABLED);
            propagateConfOption(commandLine, config, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY);
        // write out the path output
        commandLine.addOutAndErrFiles(STDOUT_AM, STDERR_AM);

        String cmdStr =;"Completed setting up app master command {}", cmdStr);


        // the Hoya AM gets to configure the AM requirements, not the custom provider
        hoyaAM.prepareAMResourceRequirements(hoyaAMResourceComponent, amLauncher.getResource());

        // Set the priority for the application master

        int amPriority = config.getInt(KEY_YARN_QUEUE_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_YARN_QUEUE_PRIORITY);


        // Set the queue to which this application is to be submitted in the RM
        // Queue for App master
        String amQueue = config.get(KEY_YARN_QUEUE, DEFAULT_HOYA_YARN_QUEUE);


        // Submit the application to the applications manager
        // SubmitApplicationResponse submitResp = applicationsManager.submitApplication(appRequest);
        // Ignore the response as either a valid response object is returned on success
        // or an exception thrown to denote some form of a failure

        // submit the application
        LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = amLauncher.submitApplication();
        return launchedApplication;

     * Wait for the launched app to be accepted
     * @param waittime time in millis
     * @return exit code
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public int waitForAppAccepted(LaunchedApplication launchedApplication, int waittime)
            throws YarnException, IOException {
        assert launchedApplication != null;
        int exitCode;
        // wait for the submit state to be reached
        ApplicationReport report = launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.ACCEPTED,
                new Duration(Constants.ACCEPT_TIME));

        // may have failed, so check that
        if (HoyaUtils.hasAppFinished(report)) {
            exitCode = buildExitCode(report);
        } else {
            // exit unless there is a wait
            exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;

            if (waittime != 0) {
                // waiting for state to change
                Duration duration = new Duration(waittime * 1000);
                report = launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, duration);
                if (report != null && report.getYarnApplicationState() == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) {
                    exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
                } else {

                    exitCode = buildExitCode(report);
        return exitCode;

     * Propagate any critical principals from the current site config down to the HBase one.
     * @param clusterSpec cluster spec
     * @param config config to read from
    private void propagatePrincipals(ClusterDescription clusterSpec, Configuration config) {
        String dfsPrincipal = config.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY);
        if (dfsPrincipal != null) {
            String siteDfsPrincipal = OptionKeys.SITE_XML_PREFIX + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY;
            clusterSpec.setOptionifUnset(siteDfsPrincipal, dfsPrincipal);

     * Propagate any critical principals from the current site config down to the HBase one.
     * @param config config to read from
     * @param clusterSpec cluster spec
    private void propagatePrincipals(Configuration config, AggregateConf clusterSpec) {
        String dfsPrincipal = config.get(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY);
        if (dfsPrincipal != null) {
            String siteDfsPrincipal = OptionKeys.SITE_XML_PREFIX + DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_USER_NAME_KEY;
            clusterSpec.getAppConfOperations().getGlobalOptions().putIfUnset(siteDfsPrincipal, dfsPrincipal);

    private void propagateConfOption(CommandLineBuilder cmdLine, Configuration conf, String key) {
        String val = conf.get(key);
        if (val != null) {
            cmdLine.add(key + "=" + val);

     * Create a path that must exist in the cluster fs
     * @param uri uri to create
     * @return the path
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the path does not exist
    public Path createPathThatMustExist(String uri) throws HoyaException, IOException {
        return hoyaFileSystem.createPathThatMustExist(uri);

     * verify that a live cluster isn't there
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @throws HoyaException with exit code EXIT_CLUSTER_LIVE
     * if a cluster of that name is either live or starting up.
    public void verifyNoLiveClusters(String clustername) throws IOException, YarnException {
        List<ApplicationReport> existing = findAllLiveInstances(clustername);

        if (!existing.isEmpty()) {
            throw new HoyaException(EXIT_APPLICATION_IN_USE,
                    clustername + ": " + E_CLUSTER_RUNNING + " :" + existing.get(0));

    public String getUsername() throws IOException {
        return UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName();

     * Get the name of any deployed cluster
     * @return the cluster name
    public String getDeployedClusterName() {
        return deployedClusterName;

    public void setDeployedClusterName(String deployedClusterName) {
        this.deployedClusterName = deployedClusterName;

     * ask if the client is using a mini MR cluster
     * @return true if they are
    private boolean getUsingMiniMRCluster() {
        return getConfig().getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.IS_MINI_YARN_CLUSTER, false);

     * Get the application name used in the zookeeper root paths
     * @return an application-specific path in ZK
    private String getAppName() {
        return "hoya";

     * Wait for the app to start running (or go past that state)
     * @param duration time to wait
     * @return the app report; null if the duration turned out
     * @throws YarnException YARN or app issues
     * @throws IOException IO problems
    public ApplicationReport monitorAppToRunning(Duration duration) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, duration);

     * Build an exit code for an application Id and its report.
     * If the report parameter is null, the app is killed
     * @param appId app
     * @param report report
     * @return the exit code
    private int buildExitCode(ApplicationReport report) throws IOException, YarnException {
        if (null == report) {
            forceKillApplication("Reached client specified timeout for application");
            return EXIT_TIMED_OUT;

        YarnApplicationState state = report.getYarnApplicationState();
        FinalApplicationStatus dsStatus = report.getFinalApplicationStatus();
        switch (state) {
        case FINISHED:
            if (FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED == dsStatus) {
      "Application has completed successfully");
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            } else {
      "Application finished unsuccessfully."
                        + "YarnState = {}, DSFinalStatus = {} Breaking monitoring loop", state, dsStatus);

        case KILLED:
  "Application did not finish. YarnState={}, DSFinalStatus={}", state, dsStatus);
            return EXIT_YARN_SERVICE_KILLED;

        case FAILED:
  "Application Failed. YarnState={}, DSFinalStatus={}", state, dsStatus);
            return EXIT_YARN_SERVICE_FAILED;
            //not in any of these states
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Monitor the submitted application for reaching the requested state.
     * Will also report if the app reaches a later state (failed, killed, etc)
     * Kill application if duration!= null & time expires. 
     * Prerequisite: the applicatin was launched.
     * @param desiredState desired state.
     * @param duration how long to wait -must be more than 0
     * @return the application report -null on a timeout
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public ApplicationReport monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState desiredState, Duration duration)
            throws YarnException, IOException {
        LaunchedApplication launchedApplication = new LaunchedApplication(applicationId, yarnClient);
        return launchedApplication.monitorAppToState(desiredState, duration);

     * Get the report of a this application
     * @return the app report or null if it could not be found.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws YarnException
    public ApplicationReport getApplicationReport() throws IOException, YarnException {
        return getApplicationReport(applicationId);

     * Kill the submitted application by sending a call to the ASM
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public boolean forceKillApplication(String reason) throws YarnException, IOException {
        if (applicationId != null) {
            new LaunchedApplication(applicationId, yarnClient).forceKill(reason);
            return true;
        return false;

     * List Hoya instances belonging to a specific user
     * @param user user: "" means all users
     * @return a possibly empty list of Hoya AMs
    public List<ApplicationReport> listHoyaInstances(String user) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return serviceRegistryClient.listInstances();

     * Implement the list action: list all nodes
     * @return exit code of 0 if a list was created
    public int actionList(String clustername) throws IOException, YarnException {

        String user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
        List<ApplicationReport> instances = listHoyaInstances(user);

        if (clustername == null || clustername.isEmpty()) {
  "Hoya instances for {}: {}", (user != null ? user : "all users"), instances.size());
            for (ApplicationReport report : instances) {
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            log.debug("Listing cluster named {}", clustername);
            ApplicationReport report = findClusterInInstanceList(instances, clustername);
            if (report != null) {
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            } else {
                throw unknownClusterException(clustername);

     * Log the application report at INFO
     * @param report report to log
    public void logAppReport(ApplicationReport report) {, "\n"));

     * Implement the islive action: probe for a cluster of the given name existing
     * @return exit code
    public int actionFlex(String name, ActionFlexArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException {
        log.debug("actionFlex({})", name);
        Map<String, Integer> roleInstances = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        Map<String, String> roleMap = args.getComponentMap();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> roleEntry : roleMap.entrySet()) {
            String key = roleEntry.getKey();
            String val = roleEntry.getValue();
            try {
                roleInstances.put(key, Integer.valueOf(val));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Requested count of role %s" + " is not a number: \"%s\"",
                        key, val);
        return flex(name, roleInstances);

     * Test for a cluster existing probe for a cluster of the given name existing
     * in the filesystem. If the live param is set, it must be a live cluster
     * @return exit code
    public int actionExists(String name, boolean live) throws YarnException, IOException {
        log.debug("actionExists({}, {})", name, live);

        //initial probe for a cluster in the filesystem
        Path clusterDirectory = hoyaFileSystem.buildHoyaClusterDirPath(name);
        if (!hoyaFileSystem.getFileSystem().exists(clusterDirectory)) {
            throw unknownClusterException(name);

        //test for liveness if desired

        if (live) {
            ApplicationReport instance = findInstance(name);
            if (instance == null) {
      "cluster {} not running", name);
                return EXIT_FALSE;
            } else {
                // the app exists, but it may be in a terminated state
                HoyaUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier report = new HoyaUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier(instance);
                YarnApplicationState state = instance.getYarnApplicationState();
                if (state.ordinal() >= YarnApplicationState.FINISHED.ordinal()) {
                    //cluster in the list of apps but not running
          "Cluster {} found but is in state {}", name, state);
                    log.debug("State {}", report);
                    return EXIT_FALSE;
      "Cluster {} is running:\n{}", name, report);
        } else {
  "Cluster {} exists but is not running", name);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Kill a specific container of the cluster
     * @param name cluster name
     * @param args arguments
     * @return exit code
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public int actionKillContainer(String name, ActionKillContainerArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException {
        String id =;
        if (HoyaUtils.isUnset(id)) {
            throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Missing container id");
        }"killingContainer {}:{}", name, id);
        HoyaClusterOperations clusterOps = new HoyaClusterOperations(bondToCluster(name));
        try {
        } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) {
            throw new BadClusterStateException("Container %s not found in cluster %s", id, name);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Echo operation (not currently wired up to command line)
     * @param name cluster name
     * @param args arguments
     * @return the echoed text
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public String actionEcho(String name, ActionEchoArgs args) throws YarnException, IOException {
        String message = args.message;
        if (message == null) {
            throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("missing message");
        HoyaClusterOperations clusterOps = new HoyaClusterOperations(bondToCluster(name));
        return clusterOps.echo(message);

     * Get at the service registry operations
     * @return registry client -valid after the service is inited.
    public ServiceRegistryClient getServiceRegistryClient() {
        return serviceRegistryClient;

     * Find an instance of a hoya application belong to the current user
     * @param appname application name
     * @return the app report or null if none is found
     * @throws YarnException YARN issues
     * @throws IOException IO problems
    private ApplicationReport findInstance(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return serviceRegistryClient.findInstance(appname);

    private RunningApplication findApplication(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException {
        ApplicationReport applicationReport = findInstance(appname);
        return applicationReport != null ? new RunningApplication(yarnClient, applicationReport) : null;


     * find all live instances of a specific app -if there is >1 in the cluster,
     * this returns them all. State should be running or less
     * @param appname application name
     * @return the list of all matching application instances
    private List<ApplicationReport> findAllLiveInstances(String appname) throws YarnException, IOException {

        return serviceRegistryClient.findAllLiveInstances(appname);

    public ApplicationReport findClusterInInstanceList(List<ApplicationReport> instances, String appname) {
        return yarnClient.findClusterInInstanceList(instances, appname);

     * Connect to a Hoya AM
     * @param app application report providing the details on the application
     * @return an instance
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    private HoyaClusterProtocol connect(ApplicationReport app) throws YarnException, IOException {

        try {
            return RpcBinder.getProxy(getConfig(), yarnClient.getRmClient(), app, Constants.CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new HoyaException(HoyaExitCodes.EXIT_TIMED_OUT, e,
                    "Interrupted waiting for communications with the HoyaAM");

     * Status operation
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @param outfile filename : if not null indicates output is to be saved
     * to this file
     * @return 0 -for success, else an exception is thrown
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public int actionStatus(String clustername, ActionStatusArgs statusArgs) throws YarnException, IOException {
        String outfile = statusArgs.getOutput();
        ClusterDescription status = getClusterDescription(clustername);
        String text = status.toJsonString();
        if (outfile == null) {
        } else {
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Version Details
     * @return exit code
    public int actionVersion() {
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Freeze the cluster
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @param freezeArgs arguments to the freeze
     * @return EXIT_SUCCESS if the cluster was not running by the end of the operation
    public int actionFreeze(String clustername, ActionFreezeArgs freezeArgs) throws YarnException, IOException {
        int waittime = freezeArgs.getWaittime();
        String text = freezeArgs.message;
        boolean forcekill = freezeArgs.force;
        log.debug("actionFreeze({}, reason={}, wait={}, force={})", clustername, text, waittime, forcekill);

        //is this actually a known cluster?
        ApplicationReport app = findInstance(clustername);
        if (app == null) {
            // exit early
  "Cluster {} not running", clustername);
            // not an error to freeze a frozen cluster
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        log.debug("App to freeze was found: {}:\n{}", clustername, new HoyaUtils.OnDemandReportStringifier(app));
        if (app.getYarnApplicationState().ordinal() >= YarnApplicationState.FINISHED.ordinal()) {
  "Cluster {} is a terminated state {}", clustername, app.getYarnApplicationState());
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        LaunchedApplication application = new LaunchedApplication(yarnClient, app);
        applicationId = application.getApplicationId();

        if (forcekill) {
            //escalating to forced kill
            application.kill("Forced freeze of " + clustername + ": " + text);
        } else {
            try {
                HoyaClusterProtocol appMaster = connect(app);
                Messages.StopClusterRequestProto r = Messages.StopClusterRequestProto.newBuilder().setMessage(text)

                log.debug("Cluster stop command issued");

            } catch (YarnException e) {
                log.warn("Exception while trying to terminate {}: {}", clustername, e);
                return EXIT_FALSE;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.warn("Exception while trying to terminate {}: {}", clustername, e);
                return EXIT_FALSE;

        //wait for completion. We don't currently return an exception during this process
        //as the stop operation has been issued, this is just YARN.
        try {
            if (waittime > 0) {
                ApplicationReport applicationReport = application.monitorAppToState(YarnApplicationState.FINISHED,
                        new Duration(waittime * 1000));
                if (applicationReport == null) {
          "application did not shut down in time");
                    return EXIT_FALSE;
        } catch (YarnException e) {
            log.warn("Exception while waiting for the cluster {} to shut down: {}", clustername, e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Exception while waiting for the cluster {} to shut down: {}", clustername, e);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Creates a site conf with entries from clientProperties of ClusterStatus
     * @param desc ClusterDescription, can be null
     * @param clustername, can be null
     * @return site conf
    public Configuration getSiteConf(ClusterDescription desc, String clustername)
            throws YarnException, IOException {
        if (desc == null) {
            desc = getClusterDescription();
        if (clustername == null) {
            clustername = getDeployedClusterName();
        String description = "Hoya cluster " + clustername;

        Configuration siteConf = new Configuration(false);
        for (String key : desc.clientProperties.keySet()) {
            siteConf.set(key, desc.clientProperties.get(key), description);
        return siteConf;

     * get the cluster configuration
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @return the cluster name

    @SuppressWarnings({ "UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr", "IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed" })
    public int actionGetConf(String clustername, ActionGetConfArgs confArgs) throws YarnException, IOException {
        File outfile = null;

        if (confArgs.getOutput() != null) {
            outfile = new File(confArgs.getOutput());

        String format = confArgs.getFormat();
        ClusterDescription status = getClusterDescription(clustername);
        Writer writer;
        boolean toPrint;
        if (outfile != null) {
            writer = new FileWriter(outfile);
            toPrint = false;
        } else {
            writer = new StringWriter();
            toPrint = true;
        try {
            String description = "Hoya cluster " + clustername;
            if (format.equals(Arguments.FORMAT_XML)) {
                Configuration siteConf = getSiteConf(status, clustername);
            } else if (format.equals(Arguments.FORMAT_PROPERTIES)) {
                Properties props = new Properties();
      , description);
            } else {
                throw new BadCommandArgumentsException("Unknown format: " + format);
        } finally {
            // data is written.
            // close the file
        // then, if this is not a file write, print it
        if (toPrint) {
            // not logged
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Restore a cluster
    public int actionThaw(String clustername, ActionThawArgs thaw) throws YarnException, IOException {
        // see if it is actually running and bail out;

        //start the cluster
        return startCluster(clustername, thaw);

     * Implement flexing
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @param roleInstances map of new role instances
     * @return EXIT_SUCCESS if the #of nodes in a live cluster changed
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public int flex(String clustername, Map<String, Integer> roleInstances) throws YarnException, IOException {
        Path clusterDirectory = hoyaFileSystem.buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        AggregateConf instanceDefinition = loadInstanceDefinitionUnresolved(clustername, clusterDirectory);

        ConfTreeOperations resources = instanceDefinition.getResourceOperations();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : roleInstances.entrySet()) {
            String role = entry.getKey();
            int count = entry.getValue();
            if (count < 0) {
                throw new BadCommandArgumentsException(
                        "Requested number of " + role + " instances is out of range");
            resources.getOrAddComponent(role).put(ResourceKeys.COMPONENT_INSTANCES, Integer.toString(count));

            log.debug("Flexed cluster specification ( {} -> {}) : \n{}", role, count, resources);
        int exitCode = EXIT_FALSE;
        // save the specification
        try {
            InstanceIO.updateInstanceDefinition(hoyaFileSystem, clusterDirectory, instanceDefinition);
        } catch (LockAcquireFailedException e) {
            // lock failure
            log.debug("Failed to lock dir {}", clusterDirectory, e);
            log.warn("Failed to save new resource definition to {} : {}", clusterDirectory, e.toString());


        // now see if it is actually running and tell it about the update if it is
        ApplicationReport instance = findInstance(clustername);
        if (instance != null) {
  "Flexing running cluster");
            HoyaClusterProtocol appMaster = connect(instance);
            HoyaClusterOperations clusterOps = new HoyaClusterOperations(appMaster);
            if (clusterOps.flex(instanceDefinition.getResources())) {
      "Cluster size updated");
                exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
            } else {
      "Requested size is the same as current size: no change");
        } else {
  "No running instance to update");
        return exitCode;

     * Load the persistent cluster description
     * @param clustername name of the cluster
     * @return the description in the filesystem
     * @throws IOException any problems loading -including a missing file
    public AggregateConf loadPersistedClusterDescription(String clustername)
            throws IOException, HoyaException, LockAcquireFailedException {
        Path clusterDirectory = hoyaFileSystem.buildHoyaClusterDirPath(clustername);
        ConfPersister persister = new ConfPersister(hoyaFileSystem, clusterDirectory);
        AggregateConf instanceDescription = new AggregateConf();
        return instanceDescription;

     * Connect to a live cluster and get its current state
     * @param clustername the cluster name
     * @return its description
    public ClusterDescription getClusterDescription(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException {
        HoyaClusterOperations clusterOperations = createClusterOperations(clustername);
        return clusterOperations.getClusterDescription();

     * Connect to the cluster and get its current state
     * @return its description
    public ClusterDescription getClusterDescription() throws YarnException, IOException {
        return getClusterDescription(getDeployedClusterName());

     * List all node UUIDs in a role
     * @param role role name or "" for all
     * @return an array of UUID strings
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws YarnException
    public String[] listNodeUUIDsByRole(String role) throws IOException, YarnException {
        return createClusterOperations().listNodeUUIDsByRole(role);

     * List all nodes in a role. This is a double round trip: once to list
     * the nodes in a role, another to get their details
     * @param role
     * @return an array of ContainerNode instances
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws YarnException
    public List<ClusterNode> listClusterNodesInRole(String role) throws IOException, YarnException {
        return createClusterOperations().listClusterNodesInRole(role);

     * Get the details on a list of uuids
     * @param uuids
     * @return a possibly empty list of node details
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws YarnException
    public List<ClusterNode> listClusterNodes(String[] uuids) throws IOException, YarnException {

        if (uuids.length == 0) {
            // short cut on an empty list
            return new LinkedList<ClusterNode>();
        return createClusterOperations().listClusterNodes(uuids);

     * Get a node from the AM
     * @param uuid uuid of node
     * @return deserialized node
     * @throws IOException IO problems
     * @throws NoSuchNodeException if the node isn't found
    public ClusterNode getNode(String uuid) throws IOException, YarnException {
        return createClusterOperations().getNode(uuid);

     * Get the instance definition from the far end
    public AggregateConf getLiveInstanceDefinition() throws IOException, YarnException {
        return createClusterOperations().getInstanceDefinition();

     * Bond to a running cluster
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @return the AM RPC client
     * @throws HoyaException if the cluster is unkown
    private HoyaClusterProtocol bondToCluster(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException {
        if (clustername == null) {
            throw unknownClusterException("(undefined)");
        ApplicationReport instance = findInstance(clustername);
        if (null == instance) {
            throw unknownClusterException(clustername);
        return connect(instance);

     * Create a cluster operations instance against a given cluster
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @return a bonded cluster operations instance
     * @throws YarnException YARN issues
     * @throws IOException IO problems
    private HoyaClusterOperations createClusterOperations(String clustername) throws YarnException, IOException {
        HoyaClusterProtocol hoyaAM = bondToCluster(clustername);
        return new HoyaClusterOperations(hoyaAM);

     * Create a cluster operations instance against the active cluster
     * -returning any previous created one if held.
     * @return a bonded cluster operations instance
     * @throws YarnException YARN issues
     * @throws IOException IO problems
    public HoyaClusterOperations createClusterOperations() throws YarnException, IOException {
        if (hoyaClusterOperations == null) {
            hoyaClusterOperations = createClusterOperations(getDeployedClusterName());
        return hoyaClusterOperations;

     * Wait for an instance of a named role to be live (or past it in the lifecycle)
     * @param role role to look for
     * @param timeout time to wait
     * @return the state. If still in CREATED, the cluster didn't come up
     * in the time period. If LIVE, all is well. If >LIVE, it has shut for a reason
     * @throws IOException IO
     * @throws HoyaException Hoya
     * @throws WaitTimeoutException if the wait timed out
    public int waitForRoleInstanceLive(String role, long timeout)
            throws WaitTimeoutException, IOException, YarnException {
        return createClusterOperations().waitForRoleInstanceLive(role, timeout);

     * Generate an exception for an unknown cluster
     * @param clustername cluster name
     * @return an exception with text and a relevant exit code
    public UnknownClusterException unknownClusterException(String clustername) {
        return UnknownClusterException.unknownCluster(clustername);

    public String toString() {
        return "HoyaClient in state " + getServiceState() + " and cluster name " + deployedClusterName;

     * Get all YARN applications
     * @return a possibly empty list
     * @throws YarnException
     * @throws IOException
    public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications() throws YarnException, IOException {
        return yarnClient.getApplications();

    public ApplicationReport getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId) throws YarnException, IOException {
        return new LaunchedApplication(appId, yarnClient).getApplicationReport();


     * The configuration used for deployment (after resolution)
     * @return
    public AggregateConf getLaunchedInstanceDefinition() {
        return launchedInstanceDefinition;