Source code

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 * Copyright 2010 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.apache.helix.manager.zk.zookeeper;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.DataUpdater;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ExceptionUtil;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.IZkChildListener;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.IZkConnection;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.IZkDataListener;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.IZkStateListener;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkConnection;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkLock;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkBadVersionException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkInterruptedException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNoNodeException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNodeExistsException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkTimeoutException;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.serialize.ZkSerializer;
import org.apache.helix.HelixException;
import org.apache.helix.ZNRecord;
import org.apache.helix.manager.zk.BasicZkSerializer;
import org.apache.helix.manager.zk.PathBasedZkSerializer;
import org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZkAsyncCallbacks;
import org.apache.helix.manager.zk.zookeeper.ZkEventThread.ZkEvent;
import org.apache.helix.monitoring.mbeans.ZkClientMonitor;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.ConnectionLossException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionExpiredException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Op;
import org.apache.zookeeper.OpResult;
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Abstracts the interaction with zookeeper and allows permanent (not just one time) watches on nodes in ZooKeeper.
 * WARN: Do not use this class directly, use {@link org.apache.helix.manager.zk.ZkClient} instead.
public class ZkClient implements Watcher {
    private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZkClient.class);

    protected final IZkConnection _connection;
    protected final long operationRetryTimeoutInMillis;
    private final Map<String, Set<IZkChildListener>> _childListener = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<IZkDataListener>> _dataListener = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private final Set<IZkStateListener> _stateListener = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
    private KeeperState _currentState;
    private final ZkLock _zkEventLock = new ZkLock();
    private boolean _shutdownTriggered;
    private ZkEventThread _eventThread;
    // TODO PVo remove this later
    private Thread _zookeeperEventThread;
    private volatile boolean _closed;
    private PathBasedZkSerializer _pathBasedZkSerializer;
    private ZkClientMonitor _monitor;

    protected ZkClient(IZkConnection zkConnection, int connectionTimeout, long operationRetryTimeout,
            PathBasedZkSerializer zkSerializer, String monitorType, String monitorKey, String monitorInstanceName,
            boolean monitorRootPathOnly) {
        if (zkConnection == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Zookeeper connection is null!");
        _connection = zkConnection;
        _pathBasedZkSerializer = zkSerializer;
        this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis = operationRetryTimeout;
        connect(connectionTimeout, this);

        // initiate monitor
        try {
            if (monitorKey != null && !monitorKey.isEmpty() && monitorType != null && !monitorType.isEmpty()) {
                _monitor = new ZkClientMonitor(monitorType, monitorKey, monitorInstanceName, monitorRootPathOnly);
            } else {
      "ZkClient monitor key or type is not provided. Skip monitoring.");
        } catch (JMException e) {
            LOG.error("Error in creating ZkClientMonitor", e);

    public List<String> subscribeChildChanges(String path, IZkChildListener listener) {
        synchronized (_childListener) {
            Set<IZkChildListener> listeners = _childListener.get(path);
            if (listeners == null) {
                listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
                _childListener.put(path, listeners);
        return watchForChilds(path);

    public void unsubscribeChildChanges(String path, IZkChildListener childListener) {
        synchronized (_childListener) {
            final Set<IZkChildListener> listeners = _childListener.get(path);
            if (listeners != null) {

    public void subscribeDataChanges(String path, IZkDataListener listener) {
        Set<IZkDataListener> listeners;
        synchronized (_dataListener) {
            listeners = _dataListener.get(path);
            if (listeners == null) {
                listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
                _dataListener.put(path, listeners);
        LOG.debug("Subscribed data changes for " + path);

    public void unsubscribeDataChanges(String path, IZkDataListener dataListener) {
        synchronized (_dataListener) {
            final Set<IZkDataListener> listeners = _dataListener.get(path);
            if (listeners != null) {
            if (listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty()) {

    public void subscribeStateChanges(final IZkStateListener listener) {
        synchronized (_stateListener) {

    public void unsubscribeStateChanges(IZkStateListener stateListener) {
        synchronized (_stateListener) {

    public void unsubscribeAll() {
        synchronized (_childListener) {
        synchronized (_dataListener) {
        synchronized (_stateListener) {

    // </listeners>

     * Create a persistent node.
     * @param path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createPersistent(String path)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        createPersistent(path, false);

     * Create a persistent node and set its ACLs.
     * @param path
     * @param createParents
     *            if true all parent dirs are created as well and no {@link ZkNodeExistsException} is thrown in case the
     *            path already exists
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createPersistent(String path, boolean createParents)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        createPersistent(path, createParents, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE);

     * Create a persistent node and set its ACLs.
     * @param path
     * @param acl
     *            List of ACL permissions to assign to the node
     * @param createParents
     *            if true all parent dirs are created as well and no {@link ZkNodeExistsException} is thrown in case the
     *            path already exists
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createPersistent(String path, boolean createParents, List<ACL> acl)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        try {
            create(path, null, acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
        } catch (ZkNodeExistsException e) {
            if (!createParents) {
                throw e;
        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
            if (!createParents) {
                throw e;
            String parentDir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
            createPersistent(parentDir, createParents, acl);
            createPersistent(path, createParents, acl);

     * Create a persistent node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createPersistent(String path, Object data)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        create(path, data, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);

     * Create a persistent node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @param acl
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createPersistent(String path, Object data, List<ACL> acl) {
        create(path, data, acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);

     * Create a persistent, sequental node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @return create node's path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String createPersistentSequential(String path, Object data)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        return create(path, data, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL);

     * Create a persistent, sequential node and set its ACL.
     * @param path
     * @param acl
     * @param data
     * @return create node's path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String createPersistentSequential(String path, Object data, List<ACL> acl)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        return create(path, data, acl, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL);

     * Create an ephemeral node.
     * @param path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createEphemeral(final String path)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        create(path, null, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

     * Create an ephemeral node and set its ACL.
     * @param path
     * @param acl
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createEphemeral(final String path, final List<ACL> acl)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        create(path, null, acl, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

     * Create a node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @param mode
     * @return create node's path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String create(final String path, Object data, final CreateMode mode)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        return create(path, data, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, mode);

     * Create a node with ACL.
     * @param path
     * @param datat
     * @param acl
     * @param mode
     * @return create node's path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String create(final String path, Object datat, final List<ACL> acl, final CreateMode mode)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, ZkException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Path must not be null.");
        if (acl == null || acl.size() == 0) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Missing value for ACL");
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            final byte[] data = datat == null ? null : serialize(datat, path);
            String actualPath = retryUntilConnected(new Callable<String>() {
                public String call() throws Exception {
                    return _connection.create(path, data, acl, mode);
            record(path, data, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
            return actualPath;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("create, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

     * Create an ephemeral node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createEphemeral(final String path, final Object data)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        create(path, data, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

     * Create an ephemeral node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @param acl
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public void createEphemeral(final String path, final Object data, final List<ACL> acl)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        create(path, data, acl, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);

     * Create an ephemeral, sequential node.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @return created path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String createEphemeralSequential(final String path, final Object data)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        return create(path, data, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);

     * Create an ephemeral, sequential node with ACL.
     * @param path
     * @param data
     * @param acl
     * @return created path
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs
    public String createEphemeralSequential(final String path, final Object data, final List<ACL> acl)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, ZkException, RuntimeException {
        return create(path, data, acl, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);

    public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
        LOG.debug("Received event: " + event);
        _zookeeperEventThread = Thread.currentThread();

        boolean stateChanged = event.getPath() == null;
        boolean znodeChanged = event.getPath() != null;
        boolean dataChanged = event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeDataChanged
                || event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeDeleted || event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeCreated
                || event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged;

        try {

            // We might have to install child change event listener if a new node was created
            if (getShutdownTrigger()) {
                LOG.debug("ignoring event '{" + event.getType() + " | " + event.getPath()
                        + "}' since shutdown triggered");
            if (stateChanged) {
            if (dataChanged) {
        } finally {
            if (stateChanged) {

                // If the session expired we have to signal all conditions, because watches might have been removed and
                // there is no guarantee that those
                // conditions will be signaled at all after an Expired event
                // TODO PVo write a test for this
                if (event.getState() == KeeperState.Expired) {
                    // We also have to notify all listeners that something might have changed
            if (znodeChanged) {
            if (dataChanged) {

            // update state change counter.
            recordStateChange(stateChanged, dataChanged);

            LOG.debug("Leaving process event");

    private void fireAllEvents() {
        for (Entry<String, Set<IZkChildListener>> entry : _childListener.entrySet()) {
            fireChildChangedEvents(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        for (Entry<String, Set<IZkDataListener>> entry : _dataListener.entrySet()) {
            fireDataChangedEvents(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    public List<String> getChildren(String path) {
        return getChildren(path, hasListeners(path));

    protected List<String> getChildren(final String path, final boolean watch) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            List<String> children = retryUntilConnected(new Callable<List<String>>() {
                public List<String> call() throws Exception {
                    return _connection.getChildren(path, watch);
            record(path, null, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            return children;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("getChildren, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

     * Counts number of children for the given path.
     * @param path
     * @return number of children or 0 if path does not exist.
    public int countChildren(String path) {
        try {
            return getChildren(path).size();
        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
            return 0;

    public boolean exists(final String path) {
        return exists(path, hasListeners(path));

    protected boolean exists(final String path, final boolean watch) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            boolean exists = retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                    return _connection.exists(path, watch);
            record(path, null, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            return exists;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("exists, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

    public Stat getStat(final String path) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            Stat stat = retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Stat>() {
                public Stat call() throws Exception {
                    Stat stat = ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().exists(path, false);
                    return stat;
            record(path, null, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            return stat;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("exists, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

    private void processStateChanged(WatchedEvent event) {"zookeeper state changed (" + event.getState() + ")");
        if (getShutdownTrigger()) {
        if (event.getState() == KeeperState.Expired) {
            try {
            } catch (final Exception e) {
      "Unable to re-establish connection. Notifying consumer of the following exception: ", e);

    private void fireNewSessionEvents() {
        for (final IZkStateListener stateListener : _stateListener) {
            _eventThread.send(new ZkEvent("New session event sent to " + stateListener) {

                public void run() throws Exception {

    private void fireStateChangedEvent(final KeeperState state) {
        for (final IZkStateListener stateListener : _stateListener) {
            _eventThread.send(new ZkEvent("State changed to " + state + " sent to " + stateListener) {

                public void run() throws Exception {

    private void fireSessionEstablishmentError(final Throwable error) {
        for (final IZkStateListener stateListener : _stateListener) {
            _eventThread.send(new ZkEvent("Session establishment error(" + error + ") sent to " + stateListener) {

                public void run() throws Exception {

    private boolean hasListeners(String path) {
        Set<IZkDataListener> dataListeners = _dataListener.get(path);
        if (dataListeners != null && dataListeners.size() > 0) {
            return true;
        Set<IZkChildListener> childListeners = _childListener.get(path);
        if (childListeners != null && childListeners.size() > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean deleteRecursive(String path) {
        List<String> children;
        try {
            children = getChildren(path, false);
        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
            return true;

        for (String subPath : children) {
            if (!deleteRecursive(path + "/" + subPath)) {
                return false;

        return delete(path);

    private void processDataOrChildChange(WatchedEvent event) {
        final String path = event.getPath();

        if (event.getType() == EventType.NodeChildrenChanged || event.getType() == EventType.NodeCreated
                || event.getType() == EventType.NodeDeleted) {
            Set<IZkChildListener> childListeners = _childListener.get(path);
            if (childListeners != null && !childListeners.isEmpty()) {
                fireChildChangedEvents(path, childListeners);

        if (event.getType() == EventType.NodeDataChanged || event.getType() == EventType.NodeDeleted
                || event.getType() == EventType.NodeCreated) {
            Set<IZkDataListener> listeners = _dataListener.get(path);
            if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) {
                fireDataChangedEvents(event.getPath(), listeners);

    private void fireDataChangedEvents(final String path, Set<IZkDataListener> listeners) {
        for (final IZkDataListener listener : listeners) {
            _eventThread.send(new ZkEvent("Data of " + path + " changed sent to " + listener) {

                public void run() throws Exception {
                    // reinstall watch
                    exists(path, true);
                    try {
                        Object data = readData(path, null, true);
                        listener.handleDataChange(path, data);
                    } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {

    private void fireChildChangedEvents(final String path, Set<IZkChildListener> childListeners) {
        try {
            // reinstall the watch
            for (final IZkChildListener listener : childListeners) {
                _eventThread.send(new ZkEvent("Children of " + path + " changed sent to " + listener) {

                    public void run() throws Exception {
                        try {
                            // if the node doesn't exist we should listen for the root node to reappear
                            List<String> children = getChildren(path);
                            listener.handleChildChange(path, children);
                        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
                            listener.handleChildChange(path, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to fire child changed event. Unable to getChildren.  ", e);

    public boolean waitUntilExists(String path, TimeUnit timeUnit, long time) throws ZkInterruptedException {
        Date timeout = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + timeUnit.toMillis(time));
        LOG.debug("Waiting until znode '" + path + "' becomes available.");
        if (exists(path)) {
            return true;
        try {
            while (!exists(path, true)) {
                boolean gotSignal = getEventLock().getZNodeEventCondition().awaitUntil(timeout);
                if (!gotSignal) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);
        } finally {

    protected Set<IZkDataListener> getDataListener(String path) {
        return _dataListener.get(path);

    public IZkConnection getConnection() {
        return _connection;

    public void waitUntilConnected() throws ZkInterruptedException {
        waitUntilConnected(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public boolean waitUntilConnected(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws ZkInterruptedException {
        return waitForKeeperState(KeeperState.SyncConnected, time, timeUnit);

    public boolean waitForKeeperState(KeeperState keeperState, long time, TimeUnit timeUnit)
            throws ZkInterruptedException {
        if (_zookeeperEventThread != null && Thread.currentThread() == _zookeeperEventThread) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be done in the zookeeper event thread.");
        Date timeout = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + timeUnit.toMillis(time));

        LOG.debug("Waiting for keeper state " + keeperState);
        try {
            boolean stillWaiting = true;
            while (_currentState != keeperState) {
                if (!stillWaiting) {
                    return false;
                stillWaiting = getEventLock().getStateChangedCondition().awaitUntil(timeout);
            LOG.debug("State is " + _currentState);
            return true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);
        } finally {

    private void acquireEventLock() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);

     * @param <T>
     * @param callable
     * @return result of Callable
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if operation was interrupted, or a required reconnection got interrupted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if called from anything except the ZooKeeper event thread
     * @throws ZkException
     *             if any ZooKeeper exception occurred
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any other exception occurs from invoking the Callable
    public <T> T retryUntilConnected(final Callable<T> callable) throws IllegalArgumentException, ZkException {
        if (_zookeeperEventThread != null && Thread.currentThread() == _zookeeperEventThread) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be done in the zookeeper event thread.");
        final long operationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (true) {
            if (_closed) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("ZkClient already closed!");
            try {
                final ZkConnection zkConnection = (ZkConnection) getConnection();
                // Validate that the connection is not null before trigger callback
                if (zkConnection == null || zkConnection.getZookeeper() == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "ZkConnection is in invalid state! Please close this ZkClient and create new client.");
            } catch (ConnectionLossException e) {
                // we give the event thread some time to update the status to 'Disconnected'
            } catch (SessionExpiredException e) {
                // we give the event thread some time to update the status to 'Expired'
            } catch (KeeperException e) {
                throw ZkException.create(e);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw ExceptionUtil.convertToRuntimeException(e);
            // before attempting a retry, check whether retry timeout has elapsed
            if (this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis > -1
                    && (System.currentTimeMillis() - operationStartTime) >= this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis) {
                throw new ZkTimeoutException("Operation cannot be retried because of retry timeout ("
                        + this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis + " milli seconds)");

    private void waitForRetry() {
        if (this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis < 0) {
        this.waitUntilConnected(this.operationRetryTimeoutInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public void setCurrentState(KeeperState currentState) {
        try {
            _currentState = currentState;
        } finally {

     * Returns a mutex all zookeeper events are synchronized aginst. So in case you need to do something without getting
     * any zookeeper event interruption synchronize against this mutex. Also all threads waiting on this mutex object
     * will be notified on an event.
     * @return the mutex.
    public ZkLock getEventLock() {
        return _zkEventLock;

    public boolean delete(final String path) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean success;
        try {
            try {
                retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {

                    public Object call() throws Exception {
                        return null;
                success = true;
            } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
                success = false;
                LOG.warn("Failed to delete path " + path + ", znode does not exist!");
            record(path, null, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("delete, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");
        return success;

    public void setZkSerializer(ZkSerializer zkSerializer) {
        _pathBasedZkSerializer = new BasicZkSerializer(zkSerializer);

    public void setZkSerializer(PathBasedZkSerializer zkSerializer) {
        _pathBasedZkSerializer = zkSerializer;

    public PathBasedZkSerializer getZkSerializer() {
        return _pathBasedZkSerializer;

    public byte[] serialize(Object data, String path) {
        return _pathBasedZkSerializer.serialize(data, path);

    public <T extends Object> T deserialize(byte[] data, String path) {
        if (data == null) {
            return null;
        return (T) _pathBasedZkSerializer.deserialize(data, path);

    public <T extends Object> T readData(String path) {
        return (T) readData(path, false);

    public <T extends Object> T readData(String path, boolean returnNullIfPathNotExists) {
        T data = null;
        try {
            data = (T) readData(path, null);
        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
            if (!returnNullIfPathNotExists) {
                throw e;
        return data;

    public <T extends Object> T readData(String path, Stat stat) {
        return (T) readData(path, stat, hasListeners(path));

    public <T extends Object> T readData(final String path, final Stat stat, final boolean watch) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        byte[] data = null;
        try {
            data = retryUntilConnected(new Callable<byte[]>() {

                public byte[] call() throws Exception {
                    return _connection.readData(path, stat, watch);
            record(path, data, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            return (T) deserialize(data, path);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.READ);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("getData, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

    public <T extends Object> T readDataAndStat(String path, Stat stat, boolean returnNullIfPathNotExists) {
        T data = null;
        try {
            data = readData(path, stat);
        } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
            if (!returnNullIfPathNotExists) {
                throw e;
        return data;

    public void writeData(String path, Object object) {
        writeData(path, object, -1);

     * Updates data of an existing znode. The current content of the znode is passed to the {@link DataUpdater} that is
     * passed into this method, which returns the new content. The new content is only written back to ZooKeeper if
     * nobody has modified the given znode in between. If a concurrent change has been detected the new data of the
     * znode is passed to the updater once again until the new contents can be successfully written back to ZooKeeper.
     * @param <T>
     * @param path
     *            The path of the znode.
     * @param updater
     *            Updater that creates the new contents.
    public <T extends Object> void updateDataSerialized(String path, DataUpdater<T> updater) {
        Stat stat = new Stat();
        boolean retry;
        do {
            retry = false;
            try {
                T oldData = (T) readData(path, stat);
                T newData = updater.update(oldData);
                writeData(path, newData, stat.getVersion());
            } catch (ZkBadVersionException e) {
                retry = true;
        } while (retry);

    public void writeData(final String path, Object datat, final int expectedVersion) {
        writeDataReturnStat(path, datat, expectedVersion);

    public Stat writeDataReturnStat(final String path, Object datat, final int expectedVersion) {
        long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            final byte[] data = serialize(datat, path);
            final Stat stat = (Stat) retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
                public Object call() throws Exception {
                    return _connection.writeDataReturnStat(path, data, expectedVersion);
            record(path, data, startT, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
            return stat;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            recordFailure(path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType.WRITE);
            throw e;
        } finally {
            long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("setData, path: " + path + ", time: " + (endT - startT) + " ms");

    public Stat writeDataGetStat(final String path, Object datat, final int expectedVersion) {
        return writeDataReturnStat(path, datat, expectedVersion);

    public void asyncCreate(final String path, Object datat, final CreateMode mode,
            final ZkAsyncCallbacks.CreateCallbackHandler cb) {
        final long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final byte[] data = (datat == null ? null : serialize(datat, path));
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().create(path, data, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
                        // Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_ACL),
                        mode, cb, new ZkAsyncCallbacks.ZkAsyncCallContext(_monitor, startT,
                                data == null ? 0 : data.length, false));
                return null;

    // Async Data Accessors
    public void asyncSetData(final String path, Object datat, final int version,
            final ZkAsyncCallbacks.SetDataCallbackHandler cb) {
        final long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final byte[] data = serialize(datat, path);
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().setData(path, data, version, cb,
                        new ZkAsyncCallbacks.ZkAsyncCallContext(_monitor, startT, data == null ? 0 : data.length,
                return null;

    public void asyncGetData(final String path, final ZkAsyncCallbacks.GetDataCallbackHandler cb) {
        final long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().getData(path, null, cb,
                        new ZkAsyncCallbacks.ZkAsyncCallContext(_monitor, startT, 0, true));
                return null;

    public void asyncExists(final String path, final ZkAsyncCallbacks.ExistsCallbackHandler cb) {
        final long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().exists(path, null, cb,
                        new ZkAsyncCallbacks.ZkAsyncCallContext(_monitor, startT, 0, true));
                return null;

    public void asyncDelete(final String path, final ZkAsyncCallbacks.DeleteCallbackHandler cb) {
        final long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper().delete(path, -1, cb,
                        new ZkAsyncCallbacks.ZkAsyncCallContext(_monitor, startT, 0, false));
                return null;

    private void checkDataSizeLimit(byte[] data) {
        if (data != null && data.length > ZNRecord.SIZE_LIMIT) {
            LOG.error("Data size larger than 1M, will not write to zk. Data (first 1k): "
                    + new String(data).substring(0, 1024));
            throw new HelixException("Data size larger than 1M");

    public void watchForData(final String path) {
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                _connection.exists(path, true);
                return null;

     * Installs a child watch for the given path.
     * @param path
     * @return the current children of the path or null if the zk node with the given path doesn't exist.
    public List<String> watchForChilds(final String path) {
        if (_zookeeperEventThread != null && Thread.currentThread() == _zookeeperEventThread) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be done in the zookeeper event thread.");
        return retryUntilConnected(new Callable<List<String>>() {
            public List<String> call() throws Exception {
                exists(path, true);
                try {
                    return getChildren(path, true);
                } catch (ZkNoNodeException e) {
                    // ignore, the "exists" watch will listen for the parent node to appear
                return null;

     * Add authentication information to the connection. This will be used to identify the user and check access to
     * nodes protected by ACLs
     * @param scheme
     * @param auth
    public void addAuthInfo(final String scheme, final byte[] auth) {
        retryUntilConnected(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                _connection.addAuthInfo(scheme, auth);
                return null;

     * Connect to ZooKeeper.
     * @param maxMsToWaitUntilConnected
     * @param watcher
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
     *             if the connection timed out due to thread interruption
     * @throws ZkTimeoutException
     *             if the connection timed out
     * @throws IllegalStateException
     *             if the connection timed out due to thread interruption
    public void connect(final long maxMsToWaitUntilConnected, Watcher watcher)
            throws ZkInterruptedException, ZkTimeoutException, IllegalStateException {
        boolean started = false;
        try {
            _eventThread = new ZkEventThread(_connection.getServers());

            LOG.debug("Awaiting connection to Zookeeper server");
            if (!waitUntilConnected(maxMsToWaitUntilConnected, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
                throw new ZkTimeoutException(
                        "Unable to connect to zookeeper server within timeout: " + maxMsToWaitUntilConnected);
            started = true;
        } finally {

            // we should close the zookeeper instance, otherwise it would keep
            // on trying to connect
            if (!started) {

    public long getCreationTime(String path) {
        try {
            return _connection.getCreateTime(path);
        } catch (KeeperException e) {
            throw ZkException.create(e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);
        } finally {

    public String getServers() {
        return _connection.getServers();

     * Close the client.
     * @throws ZkInterruptedException
    public void close() throws ZkInterruptedException {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            StackTraceElement[] calls = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
            LOG.trace("closing a zkclient. callStack: " + Arrays.asList(calls));
        try {
            if (_connection == null || _closed) {
  "Closing zkclient: " + ((ZkConnection) _connection).getZookeeper());
            _closed = true;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
             * Workaround for HELIX-264: calling ZkClient#close() in its own eventThread context will
             * throw ZkInterruptedException and skip ZkConnection#close()
            if (_connection != null) {
                try {
                     * ZkInterruptedException#construct() honors InterruptedException by calling
                     * Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); clear it first, so we can safely close the
                     * zk-connection
                     * restore interrupted status of current thread
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                    throw new ZkInterruptedException(e1);
        } finally {
            if (_monitor != null) {
  "Closed zkclient");

    public boolean isClosed() {
        return (_connection == null || !_connection.getZookeeperState().isAlive());

    private void reconnect() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ZkInterruptedException(e);
        } finally {

    public void setShutdownTrigger(boolean triggerState) {
        _shutdownTriggered = triggerState;

    public boolean getShutdownTrigger() {
        return _shutdownTriggered;

    public int numberOfListeners() {
        int listeners = 0;
        for (Set<IZkChildListener> childListeners : _childListener.values()) {
            listeners += childListeners.size();
        for (Set<IZkDataListener> dataListeners : _dataListener.values()) {
            listeners += dataListeners.size();
        listeners += _stateListener.size();

        return listeners;

    public List<OpResult> multi(final Iterable<Op> ops) throws ZkException {
        if (ops == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("ops must not be null.");

        return retryUntilConnected(new Callable<List<OpResult>>() {

            public List<OpResult> call() throws Exception {
                return _connection.multi(ops);

    // operations to update monitor's counters
    private void record(String path, byte[] data, long startTimeMilliSec, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType accessType) {
        if (_monitor != null) {
            int dataSize = (data != null) ? data.length : 0;
            _monitor.record(path, dataSize, startTimeMilliSec, accessType);

    private void recordFailure(String path, ZkClientMonitor.AccessType accessType) {
        if (_monitor != null) {
            _monitor.recordFailure(path, accessType);

    private void recordStateChange(boolean stateChanged, boolean dataChanged) {
        // update state change counter.
        if (_monitor != null) {
            if (stateChanged) {
            if (dataChanged) {