Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.Arrays;

import static*;

 * This class represents a GPDB record in the form of
 * a Java object.
public class GPDBWritable implements Writable {
     * GPDBWritable is using the following serialization form:
    * Total Length | Version | Error Flag | # of columns | Col type |...| Col type | Null Bit array            |   Col val...
     * 4 byte      | 2 byte  |   1 byte     |   2 byte     |  1 byte  |...|  1 byte  | ceil(# of columns/8) byte |   Fixed or Var length
     * For fixed length type, we know the length.
     * In the col val, we align pad according to the alignment requirement of the type.
     * For var length type, the alignment is always 4 byte.
     * For var length type, col val is <4 byte length><payload val>

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GPDBWritable.class);
    private static final int EOF = -1;

     * Enum of the Database type
    private enum DBType {
        BIGINT(8, 8), BOOLEAN(1, 1), FLOAT8(8, 8), INTEGER(4, 4), REAL(4, 4), SMALLINT(2, 2), BYTEA(4, -1), TEXT(4,

        private final int typelength; // -1 means var length
        private final int alignment;

        DBType(int align, int len) {
            this.typelength = len;
            this.alignment = align;

        public int getTypeLength() {
            return typelength;

        public boolean isVarLength() {
            return typelength == -1;

        // return the alignment requirement of the type
        public int getAlignment() {
            return alignment;

     * Constants
    private static final int PREV_VERSION = 1;
    private static final int VERSION = 2; /* for backward compatibility */
    private static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8";

     * Local variables
    protected int[] colType;
    protected Object[] colValue;
    protected int alignmentOfEightBytes = 8;
    protected byte errorFlag = 0;
    protected int pktlen = EOF;

    public int[] getColType() {
        return colType;

     * An exception class for column type definition and
     * set/get value mismatch.
    public class TypeMismatchException extends IOException {
        public TypeMismatchException(String msg) {

     * Empty Constructor
    public GPDBWritable() {

     * Constructor to build a db record. colType defines the schema
     * @param columnType the table column types
    public GPDBWritable(int[] columnType) {
        colType = columnType;
        colValue = new Object[columnType.length];

     * Constructor to build a db record from a serialized form.
     * @param data a record in the serialized form
     * @throws IOException if the data is malformatted.
    public GPDBWritable(byte[] data) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis);


     * Read first 4 bytes, and verify it's a valid packet length.
     * Upon error returns EOF.
    private int readPktLen(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        pktlen = EOF;

        try {
            pktlen = in.readInt();
        } catch (EOFException e) {
            LOG.debug("Reached end of stream (EOFException)");
            return EOF;
        if (pktlen == EOF) {
            LOG.debug("Reached end of stream (returned -1)");

        return pktlen;

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
         * extract pkt len.
        * GPSQL-1107:
        * The DataInput might already be empty (EOF), but we can't check it beforehand.
        * If that's the case, pktlen is updated to -1, to mark that the object is still empty.
        * (can be checked with isEmpty()).
        pktlen = readPktLen(in);
        if (isEmpty()) {

        /* extract the version and col cnt */
        int version = in.readShort();
        int curOffset = 4 + 2;
        int colCnt;

        /* !!! Check VERSION !!! */
        if (version != GPDBWritable.VERSION && version != GPDBWritable.PREV_VERSION) {
            throw new IOException("Current GPDBWritable version(" + GPDBWritable.VERSION
                    + ") does not match input version(" + version + ")");

        if (version == GPDBWritable.VERSION) {
            errorFlag = in.readByte();
            curOffset += 1;

        colCnt = in.readShort();
        curOffset += 2;

        /* Extract Column Type */
        colType = new int[colCnt];
        DBType[] coldbtype = new DBType[colCnt];
        for (int i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) {
            int enumType = (in.readByte());
            curOffset += 1;
            if (enumType == DBType.BIGINT.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = BIGINT.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.BIGINT;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.BOOLEAN.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = BOOLEAN.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.BOOLEAN;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.FLOAT8.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = FLOAT8.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.FLOAT8;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.INTEGER.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = INTEGER.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.INTEGER;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.REAL.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = REAL.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.REAL;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.SMALLINT.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = SMALLINT.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.SMALLINT;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.BYTEA.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = BYTEA.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.BYTEA;
            } else if (enumType == DBType.TEXT.ordinal()) {
                colType[i] = TEXT.getOID();
                coldbtype[i] = DBType.TEXT;
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Unknown GPDBWritable.DBType ordinal value");

        /* Extract null bit array */
        byte[] nullbytes = new byte[getNullByteArraySize(colCnt)];
        curOffset += nullbytes.length;
        boolean[] colIsNull = byteArrayToBooleanArray(nullbytes, colCnt);

        /* extract column value */
        colValue = new Object[colCnt];
        for (int i = 0; i < colCnt; i++) {
            if (!colIsNull[i]) {
                /* Skip the alignment padding */
                int skipbytes = roundUpAlignment(curOffset, coldbtype[i].getAlignment()) - curOffset;
                for (int j = 0; j < skipbytes; j++) {
                curOffset += skipbytes;

                /* For fixed length type, increment the offset according to type type length here.
                     * For var length type (BYTEA, TEXT), we'll read 4 byte length header and the
                 * actual payload.
                int varcollen = -1;
                if (coldbtype[i].isVarLength()) {
                    varcollen = in.readInt();
                    curOffset += 4 + varcollen;
                } else {
                    curOffset += coldbtype[i].getTypeLength();

                switch (DataType.get(colType[i])) {
                case BIGINT: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readLong();
                case BOOLEAN: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readBoolean();
                case FLOAT8: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readDouble();
                case INTEGER: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readInt();
                case REAL: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readFloat();
                case SMALLINT: {
                    colValue[i] = in.readShort();

                /* For BYTEA column, it has a 4 byte var length header. */
                case BYTEA: {
                    colValue[i] = new byte[varcollen];
                    in.readFully((byte[]) colValue[i]);
                /* For text formatted column, it has a 4 byte var length header
                 * and it's always null terminated string.
                * So, we can remove the last "\0" when constructing the string.
                case TEXT: {
                    byte[] data = new byte[varcollen];
                    in.readFully(data, 0, varcollen);
                    colValue[i] = new String(data, 0, varcollen - 1, CHARSET);

                    throw new IOException("Unknown GPDBWritable ColType");

        /* Skip the ending alignment padding */
        int skipbytes = roundUpAlignment(curOffset, 8) - curOffset;
        for (int j = 0; j < skipbytes; j++) {
        curOffset += skipbytes;

        if (errorFlag != 0) {
            throw new IOException("Received error value " + errorFlag + " from format");

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        int numCol = colType.length;
        boolean[] nullBits = new boolean[numCol];
        int[] colLength = new int[numCol];
        byte[] enumType = new byte[numCol];
        int[] padLength = new int[numCol];
        byte[] padbytes = new byte[8];

         * Compute the total payload and header length
         * header = total length (4 byte), Version (2 byte), Error (1 byte), #col (2 byte)
         * col type array = #col * 1 byte
         * null bit array = ceil(#col/8)
        int datlen = 4 + 2 + 1 + 2;
        datlen += numCol;
        datlen += getNullByteArraySize(numCol);

        for (int i = 0; i < numCol; i++) {
            /* Get the enum type */
            DBType coldbtype;
            switch (DataType.get(colType[i])) {
            case BIGINT:
                coldbtype = DBType.BIGINT;
            case BOOLEAN:
                coldbtype = DBType.BOOLEAN;
            case FLOAT8:
                coldbtype = DBType.FLOAT8;
            case INTEGER:
                coldbtype = DBType.INTEGER;
            case REAL:
                coldbtype = DBType.REAL;
            case SMALLINT:
                coldbtype = DBType.SMALLINT;
            case BYTEA:
                coldbtype = DBType.BYTEA;
                coldbtype = DBType.TEXT;
            enumType[i] = (byte) (coldbtype.ordinal());

            /* Get the actual value, and set the null bit */
            if (colValue[i] == null) {
                nullBits[i] = true;
                colLength[i] = 0;
            } else {
                nullBits[i] = false;

                     * For fixed length type, we get the fixed length.
                 * For var len binary format, the length is in the col value.
                 * For text format, we must convert encoding first.
                if (!coldbtype.isVarLength()) {
                    colLength[i] = coldbtype.getTypeLength();
                } else if (!isTextForm(colType[i])) {
                    colLength[i] = ((byte[]) colValue[i]).length;
                } else {
                    colLength[i] = ((String) colValue[i]).getBytes(CHARSET).length;

                /* calculate and add the type alignment padding */
                padLength[i] = roundUpAlignment(datlen, coldbtype.getAlignment()) - datlen;
                datlen += padLength[i];

                /* for variable length type, we add a 4 byte length header */
                if (coldbtype.isVarLength()) {
                    datlen += 4;
            datlen += colLength[i];

         * Add the final alignment padding for the next record
        int endpadding = roundUpAlignment(datlen, 8) - datlen;
        datlen += endpadding;

        /* Construct the packet header */

        /* Write col type */
        for (int i = 0; i < numCol; i++) {

        /* Nullness */
        byte[] nullBytes = boolArrayToByteArray(nullBits);

        /* Column Value */
        for (int i = 0; i < numCol; i++) {
            if (!nullBits[i]) {
                /* Pad the alignment byte first */
                if (padLength[i] > 0) {
                    out.write(padbytes, 0, padLength[i]);

                /* Now, write the actual column value */
                switch (DataType.get(colType[i])) {
                case BIGINT:
                    out.writeLong(((Long) colValue[i]));
                case BOOLEAN:
                    out.writeBoolean(((Boolean) colValue[i]));
                case FLOAT8:
                    out.writeDouble(((Double) colValue[i]));
                case INTEGER:
                    out.writeInt(((Integer) colValue[i]));
                case REAL:
                    out.writeFloat(((Float) colValue[i]));
                case SMALLINT:
                    out.writeShort(((Short) colValue[i]));

                /* For BYTEA format, add 4byte length header at the beginning  */
                case BYTEA:
                    out.write((byte[]) colValue[i]);

                /* For text format, add 4byte length header. string is already '\0' terminated */
                default: {
                    byte[] data = ((String) colValue[i]).getBytes(CHARSET);

        /* End padding */
        out.write(padbytes, 0, endpadding);

     * Private helper to convert boolean array to byte array
    private static byte[] boolArrayToByteArray(boolean[] data) {
        int len = data.length;
        byte[] byts = new byte[getNullByteArraySize(len)];

        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 7; i < data.length; i++) {
            byts[j] |= (data[i] ? 1 : 0) << k--;
            if (k < 0) {
                k = 7;
        return byts;

     * Private helper to determine the size of the null byte array
    private static int getNullByteArraySize(int colCnt) {
        return (colCnt / 8) + (colCnt % 8 != 0 ? 1 : 0);

     * Private helper to convert byte array to boolean array
    private static boolean[] byteArrayToBooleanArray(byte[] data, int colCnt) {
        boolean[] bools = new boolean[colCnt];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 7; i < bools.length; i++) {
            bools[i] = ((data[j] >> k--) & 0x01) == 1;
            if (k < 0) {
                k = 7;
        return bools;

     * Private helper to round up alignment for the given length
    private int roundUpAlignment(int len, int align) {
        int commonAlignment = align;
        if (commonAlignment == 8) {
            commonAlignment = alignmentOfEightBytes;
        return (((len) + ((commonAlignment) - 1)) & ~((commonAlignment) - 1));

     * Getter/Setter methods to get/set the column value

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setLong(int colIdx, Long val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BIGINT, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setBoolean(int colIdx, Boolean val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BOOLEAN, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setBytes(int colIdx, byte[] val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BYTEA, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setString(int colIdx, String val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(TEXT, colIdx, true);
        if (val != null) {
            colValue[colIdx] = val + "\0";
        } else {
            colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setFloat(int colIdx, Float val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(REAL, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setDouble(int colIdx, Double val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(FLOAT8, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setInt(int colIdx, Integer val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(INTEGER, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Sets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @param val    the value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public void setShort(int colIdx, Short val) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(SMALLINT, colIdx, true);
        colValue[colIdx] = val;

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Long getLong(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BIGINT, colIdx, false);
        return (Long) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Boolean getBoolean(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BOOLEAN, colIdx, false);
        return (Boolean) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public byte[] getBytes(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(BYTEA, colIdx, false);
        return (byte[]) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public String getString(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(TEXT, colIdx, false);
        return (String) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Float getFloat(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(REAL, colIdx, false);
        return (Float) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Double getDouble(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(FLOAT8, colIdx, false);
        return (Double) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Integer getInt(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(INTEGER, colIdx, false);
        return (Integer) colValue[colIdx];

     * Gets the column value of the record.
     * @param colIdx the column index
     * @return column value
     * @throws TypeMismatchException the column type does not match
    public Short getShort(int colIdx) throws TypeMismatchException {
        checkType(SMALLINT, colIdx, false);
        return (Short) colValue[colIdx];

     * Sets the error field.
     * @param errorVal the error value
    public void setError(boolean errorVal) {
        errorFlag = errorVal ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;

     * Returns a string representation of the object.
    public String toString() {
        if (colType == null) {
            return null;
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < colType.length; i++) {
            result.append("Column ").append(i).append(":");
            if (colValue[i] != null) {
                result.append(colType[i] == BYTEA.getOID() ? byteArrayInString((byte[]) colValue[i]) : colValue[i]);
        return result.toString();

     * Helper printing function
    private static String byteArrayInString(byte[] data) {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (Byte b : data) {
            result.append(b.intValue()).append(" ");
        return result.toString();

     * Private Helper to check the type mismatch
     * If the expected type is stored as string, then it must be set
     * via setString.
     * Otherwise, the type must match.
    private void checkType(DataType inTyp, int idx, boolean isSet) throws TypeMismatchException {
        if (idx < 0 || idx >= colType.length) {
            throw new TypeMismatchException("Column index is out of range");

        int exTyp = colType[idx];

        if (isTextForm(exTyp)) {
            if (inTyp != TEXT) {
                throw new TypeMismatchException(formErrorMsg(inTyp.getOID(), TEXT.getOID(), isSet));
        } else if (inTyp != DataType.get(exTyp)) {
            throw new TypeMismatchException(formErrorMsg(inTyp.getOID(), exTyp, isSet));

    private String formErrorMsg(int inTyp, int colTyp, boolean isSet) {
        return isSet ? "Cannot set " + getTypeName(inTyp) + " to a " + getTypeName(colTyp) + " column"
                : "Cannot get " + getTypeName(inTyp) + " from a " + getTypeName(colTyp) + " column";

     * Private Helper routine to tell whether a type is Text form or not
     * @param type the type OID that we want to check
    private boolean isTextForm(int type) {
        return !Arrays.asList(BIGINT, BOOLEAN, BYTEA, FLOAT8, INTEGER, REAL, SMALLINT).contains(DataType.get(type));

     * Helper to get the type name.
     * If a given oid is not in the commonly used list, we
     * would expect a TEXT for it (for the error message).
     * @param oid type OID
     * @return type name
    public static String getTypeName(int oid) {
        switch (DataType.get(oid)) {
        case BOOLEAN:
            return "BOOLEAN";
        case BYTEA:
            return "BYTEA";
        case CHAR:
            return "CHAR";
        case BIGINT:
            return "BIGINT";
        case SMALLINT:
            return "SMALLINT";
        case INTEGER:
            return "INTEGER";
        case TEXT:
            return "TEXT";
        case REAL:
            return "REAL";
        case FLOAT8:
            return "FLOAT8";
        case BPCHAR:
            return "BPCHAR";
        case VARCHAR:
            return "VARCHAR";
        case DATE:
            return "DATE";
        case TIME:
            return "TIME";
        case TIMESTAMP:
            return "TIMESTAMP";
        case NUMERIC:
            return "NUMERIC";
            return "TEXT";

     * Get alignment from command line to match to the alignment
     * the C code uses (see gphdfs/src/protocol_formatter/common.c).
    private void initializeEightByteAlignment() {
        String alignment = System.getProperty("greenplum.alignment");
        if (alignment == null) {
        alignmentOfEightBytes = Integer.parseInt(alignment);

     * Returns if the writable object is empty,
     * based on the pkt len as read from stream.
     * -1 means nothing was read (eof).
     * @return whether the writable object is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return pktlen == EOF;