Java tutorial
package org.apache.hawq.pxf.plugins.hive; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.*; import; import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.utilities.InputData; import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.utilities.Plugin; import org.apache.hawq.pxf.plugins.hdfs.utilities.HdfsUtilities; import org.apache.hawq.pxf.service.utilities.Utilities; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.JavaUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.*; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.*; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import static*; /** * Class HiveResolver handles deserialization of records that were serialized * using Hadoop's Hive serialization framework. */ /* * TODO - remove SupressWarning once Hive resolves the problem described below * This line and the change of the deserialiazer member to Object instead of the * original Deserializer...., All this changes stem from the same issue. In * 0.11.0 The API changed and all Serde types extend a new interface - * AbstractSerde. But this change was not adopted by the OrcSerde (which was * also introduced in Hive 0.11.0). In order to cope with this inconsistency... * this bit of juggling has been necessary. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class HiveResolver extends Plugin implements ReadResolver { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HiveResolver.class); private static final String MAPKEY_DELIM = ":"; private static final String COLLECTION_DELIM = ","; private SerDe deserializer; private List<OneField> partitionFields; private String serdeName; private String propsString; private String collectionDelim; private String mapkeyDelim; String partitionKeys; char delimiter; String nullChar = "\\N"; private Configuration conf; private String hiveDefaultPartName; /** * Constructs the HiveResolver by parsing the userdata in the input and * obtaining the serde class name, the serde properties string and the * partition keys. * * @param input contains the Serde class name, the serde properties string * and the partition keys * @throws Exception if user data was wrong or serde failed to be * instantiated */ public HiveResolver(InputData input) throws Exception { super(input); conf = new Configuration(); hiveDefaultPartName = HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DEFAULTPARTITIONNAME); LOG.debug("Hive's default partition name is " + hiveDefaultPartName); parseUserData(input); initPartitionFields(); initSerde(input); } @Override public List<OneField> getFields(OneRow onerow) throws Exception { Object tuple = deserializer.deserialize((Writable) onerow.getData()); // Each Hive record is a Struct StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) deserializer.getObjectInspector(); List<OneField> record = traverseStruct(tuple, soi, false); /* * We follow Hive convention. Partition fields are always added at the * end of the record */ record.addAll(partitionFields); return record; } /* Parses user data string (arrived from fragmenter). */ void parseUserData(InputData input) throws Exception { final int EXPECTED_NUM_OF_TOKS = 5; String userData = new String(input.getFragmentUserData()); String[] toks = userData.split(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_UD_DELIM); if (toks.length != EXPECTED_NUM_OF_TOKS) { throw new UserDataException( "HiveResolver expected " + EXPECTED_NUM_OF_TOKS + " tokens, but got " + toks.length); } serdeName = toks[1]; propsString = toks[2]; partitionKeys = toks[3]; collectionDelim = input.getUserProperty("COLLECTION_DELIM") == null ? COLLECTION_DELIM : input.getUserProperty("COLLECTION_DELIM"); mapkeyDelim = input.getUserProperty("MAPKEY_DELIM") == null ? MAPKEY_DELIM : input.getUserProperty("MAPKEY_DELIM"); } /* * Gets and init the deserializer for the records of this Hive data * fragment. */ void initSerde(InputData inputData) throws Exception { Properties serdeProperties; Class<?> c = Class.forName(serdeName, true, JavaUtils.getClassLoader()); deserializer = (SerDe) c.newInstance(); serdeProperties = new Properties(); ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(propsString.getBytes()); serdeProperties.load(inStream); deserializer.initialize(new JobConf(conf, HiveResolver.class), serdeProperties); } /* * The partition fields are initialized one time base on userData provided * by the fragmenter. */ void initPartitionFields() { partitionFields = new LinkedList<>(); if (partitionKeys.equals(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_NO_PART_TBL)) { return; } String[] partitionLevels = partitionKeys.split(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_PARTITIONS_DELIM); for (String partLevel : partitionLevels) { String[] levelKey = partLevel.split(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_1_PART_DELIM); String type = levelKey[1]; String val = levelKey[2]; DataType convertedType; Object convertedValue = null; boolean isDefaultPartition = false; LOG.debug("Partition type: " + type + ", value: " + val); // check if value is default partition isDefaultPartition = isDefaultPartition(type, val); // ignore the type's parameters String typeName = type.replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", ""); switch (typeName) { case serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = TEXT; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : val; break; case serdeConstants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = BOOLEAN; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Boolean.valueOf(val); break; case serdeConstants.TINYINT_TYPE_NAME: case serdeConstants.SMALLINT_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = SMALLINT; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Short.parseShort(val); break; case serdeConstants.INT_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = INTEGER; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Integer.parseInt(val); break; case serdeConstants.BIGINT_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = BIGINT; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Long.parseLong(val); break; case serdeConstants.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = REAL; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Float.parseFloat(val); break; case serdeConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = FLOAT8; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Double.parseDouble(val); break; case serdeConstants.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = TIMESTAMP; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Timestamp.valueOf(val); break; case serdeConstants.DATE_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = DATE; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : Date.valueOf(val); break; case serdeConstants.DECIMAL_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = NUMERIC; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : HiveDecimal.create(val).bigDecimalValue().toString(); break; case serdeConstants.VARCHAR_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = VARCHAR; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : val; break; case serdeConstants.CHAR_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = BPCHAR; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : val; break; case serdeConstants.BINARY_TYPE_NAME: convertedType = BYTEA; convertedValue = isDefaultPartition ? null : val.getBytes(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedTypeException("Unsupported partition type: " + type); } addOneFieldToRecord(partitionFields, convertedType, convertedValue); } } /* * The partition fields are initialized one time based on userData provided * by the fragmenter. */ int initPartitionFields(StringBuilder parts) { if (partitionKeys.equals(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_NO_PART_TBL)) { return 0; } String[] partitionLevels = partitionKeys.split(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_PARTITIONS_DELIM); for (String partLevel : partitionLevels) { String[] levelKey = partLevel.split(HiveDataFragmenter.HIVE_1_PART_DELIM); String type = levelKey[1]; String val = levelKey[2]; parts.append(delimiter); if (isDefaultPartition(type, val)) { parts.append(nullChar); } else { // ignore the type's parameters String typeName = type.replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", ""); switch (typeName) { case serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME: case serdeConstants.VARCHAR_TYPE_NAME: case serdeConstants.CHAR_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(val); break; case serdeConstants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Boolean.parseBoolean(val)); break; case serdeConstants.TINYINT_TYPE_NAME: case serdeConstants.SMALLINT_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Short.parseShort(val)); break; case serdeConstants.INT_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Integer.parseInt(val)); break; case serdeConstants.BIGINT_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Long.parseLong(val)); break; case serdeConstants.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Float.parseFloat(val)); break; case serdeConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Double.parseDouble(val)); break; case serdeConstants.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Timestamp.valueOf(val)); break; case serdeConstants.DATE_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(Date.valueOf(val)); break; case serdeConstants.DECIMAL_TYPE_NAME: parts.append(HiveDecimal.create(val).bigDecimalValue()); break; case serdeConstants.BINARY_TYPE_NAME: Utilities.byteArrayToOctalString(val.getBytes(), parts); break; default: throw new UnsupportedTypeException("Unsupported partition type: " + type); } } } return partitionLevels.length; } /** * Returns true if the partition value is Hive's default partition name * (defined in * * @param partitionType partition field type * @param partitionValue partition value * @return true if the partition value is Hive's default partition */ private boolean isDefaultPartition(String partitionType, String partitionValue) { boolean isDefaultPartition = false; if (hiveDefaultPartName.equals(partitionValue)) { LOG.debug("partition " + partitionType + " is hive default partition (value " + partitionValue + "), converting field to NULL"); isDefaultPartition = true; } return isDefaultPartition; } /* * If the object representing the whole record is null or if an object * representing a composite sub-object (map, list,..) is null - then * BadRecordException will be thrown. If a primitive field value is null, * then a null will appear for the field in the record in the query result. */ private void traverseTuple(Object obj, ObjectInspector objInspector, List<OneField> record, boolean toFlatten) throws IOException, BadRecordException { ObjectInspector.Category category = objInspector.getCategory(); if ((obj == null) && (category != ObjectInspector.Category.PRIMITIVE)) { throw new BadRecordException("NULL Hive composite object"); } switch (category) { case PRIMITIVE: resolvePrimitive(obj, (PrimitiveObjectInspector) objInspector, record, toFlatten); break; case LIST: List<OneField> listRecord = traverseList(obj, (ListObjectInspector) objInspector); addOneFieldToRecord(record, TEXT, String.format("[%s]", HdfsUtilities.toString(listRecord, collectionDelim))); break; case MAP: List<OneField> mapRecord = traverseMap(obj, (MapObjectInspector) objInspector); addOneFieldToRecord(record, TEXT, String.format("{%s}", HdfsUtilities.toString(mapRecord, collectionDelim))); break; case STRUCT: List<OneField> structRecord = traverseStruct(obj, (StructObjectInspector) objInspector, true); addOneFieldToRecord(record, TEXT, String.format("{%s}", HdfsUtilities.toString(structRecord, collectionDelim))); break; case UNION: List<OneField> unionRecord = traverseUnion(obj, (UnionObjectInspector) objInspector); addOneFieldToRecord(record, TEXT, String.format("[%s]", HdfsUtilities.toString(unionRecord, collectionDelim))); break; default: throw new UnsupportedTypeException("Unknown category type: " + objInspector.getCategory()); } } private List<OneField> traverseUnion(Object obj, UnionObjectInspector uoi) throws BadRecordException, IOException { List<OneField> unionRecord = new LinkedList<>(); List<? extends ObjectInspector> ois = uoi.getObjectInspectors(); if (ois == null) { throw new BadRecordException("Illegal value NULL for Hive data type Union"); } traverseTuple(uoi.getField(obj), ois.get(uoi.getTag(obj)), unionRecord, true); return unionRecord; } private List<OneField> traverseList(Object obj, ListObjectInspector loi) throws BadRecordException, IOException { List<OneField> listRecord = new LinkedList<>(); List<?> list = loi.getList(obj); ObjectInspector eoi = loi.getListElementObjectInspector(); if (list == null) { throw new BadRecordException("Illegal value NULL for Hive data type List"); } for (Object object : list) { traverseTuple(object, eoi, listRecord, true); } return listRecord; } private List<OneField> traverseStruct(Object struct, StructObjectInspector soi, boolean toFlatten) throws BadRecordException, IOException { List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); List<Object> structFields = soi.getStructFieldsDataAsList(struct); if (structFields == null) { throw new BadRecordException("Illegal value NULL for Hive data type Struct"); } List<OneField> structRecord = new LinkedList<>(); List<OneField> complexRecord = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < structFields.size(); i++) { if (toFlatten) { complexRecord .add(new OneField(TEXT.getOID(), String.format("\"%s\"", fields.get(i).getFieldName()))); } traverseTuple(structFields.get(i), fields.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector(), complexRecord, toFlatten); if (toFlatten) { addOneFieldToRecord(structRecord, TEXT, HdfsUtilities.toString(complexRecord, mapkeyDelim)); complexRecord.clear(); } } return toFlatten ? structRecord : complexRecord; } private List<OneField> traverseMap(Object obj, MapObjectInspector moi) throws BadRecordException, IOException { List<OneField> complexRecord = new LinkedList<>(); List<OneField> mapRecord = new LinkedList<>(); ObjectInspector koi = moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector(); ObjectInspector voi = moi.getMapValueObjectInspector(); Map<?, ?> map = moi.getMap(obj); if (map == null) { throw new BadRecordException("Illegal value NULL for Hive data type Map"); } else if (map.isEmpty()) { traverseTuple(null, koi, complexRecord, true); traverseTuple(null, voi, complexRecord, true); addOneFieldToRecord(mapRecord, TEXT, HdfsUtilities.toString(complexRecord, mapkeyDelim)); } else { for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { traverseTuple(entry.getKey(), koi, complexRecord, true); traverseTuple(entry.getValue(), voi, complexRecord, true); addOneFieldToRecord(mapRecord, TEXT, HdfsUtilities.toString(complexRecord, mapkeyDelim)); complexRecord.clear(); } } return mapRecord; } private void resolvePrimitive(Object o, PrimitiveObjectInspector oi, List<OneField> record, boolean toFlatten) throws IOException { Object val; switch (oi.getPrimitiveCategory()) { case BOOLEAN: { val = (o != null) ? ((BooleanObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, BOOLEAN, val); break; } case SHORT: { val = (o != null) ? ((ShortObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, SMALLINT, val); break; } case INT: { val = (o != null) ? ((IntObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, INTEGER, val); break; } case LONG: { val = (o != null) ? ((LongObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, BIGINT, val); break; } case FLOAT: { val = (o != null) ? ((FloatObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, REAL, val); break; } case DOUBLE: { val = (o != null) ? ((DoubleObjectInspector) oi).get(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, FLOAT8, val); break; } case DECIMAL: { String sVal = null; if (o != null) { HiveDecimal hd = ((HiveDecimalObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o); if (hd != null) { BigDecimal bd = hd.bigDecimalValue(); sVal = bd.toString(); } } addOneFieldToRecord(record, NUMERIC, sVal); break; } case STRING: { val = (o != null) ? ((StringObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, TEXT, toFlatten ? String.format("\"%s\"", val) : val); break; } case VARCHAR: val = (o != null) ? ((HiveVarcharObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, VARCHAR, toFlatten ? String.format("\"%s\"", val) : val); break; case CHAR: val = (o != null) ? ((HiveCharObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, BPCHAR, toFlatten ? String.format("\"%s\"", val) : val); break; case BINARY: { byte[] toEncode = null; if (o != null) { BytesWritable bw = ((BinaryObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o); toEncode = new byte[bw.getLength()]; System.arraycopy(bw.getBytes(), 0, toEncode, 0, bw.getLength()); } addOneFieldToRecord(record, BYTEA, toEncode); break; } case TIMESTAMP: { val = (o != null) ? ((TimestampObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, TIMESTAMP, val); break; } case DATE: val = (o != null) ? ((DateObjectInspector) oi).getPrimitiveJavaObject(o) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, DATE, val); break; case BYTE: { /* TINYINT */ val = (o != null) ? new Short(((ByteObjectInspector) oi).get(o)) : null; addOneFieldToRecord(record, SMALLINT, val); break; } default: { throw new UnsupportedTypeException( oi.getTypeName() + " conversion is not supported by " + getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } private void addOneFieldToRecord(List<OneField> record, DataType gpdbWritableType, Object val) { record.add(new OneField(gpdbWritableType.getOID(), val)); } /* * Gets the delimiter character from the URL, verify and store it. Must be a * single ascii character (same restriction as Hawq's). If a hex * representation was passed, convert it to its char. */ void parseDelimiterChar(InputData input) { String userDelim = input.getUserProperty("DELIMITER"); if (userDelim == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DELIMITER is a required option"); } final int VALID_LENGTH = 1; final int VALID_LENGTH_HEX = 4; if (userDelim.startsWith("\\x")) { // hexadecimal sequence if (userDelim.length() != VALID_LENGTH_HEX) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hexdecimal value for delimiter (got" + userDelim + ")"); } delimiter = (char) Integer.parseInt(userDelim.substring(2, VALID_LENGTH_HEX), 16); if (!CharUtils.isAscii(delimiter)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid delimiter value. Must be a single ASCII character, or a hexadecimal sequence (got non ASCII " + delimiter + ")"); } return; } if (userDelim.length() != VALID_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid delimiter value. Must be a single ASCII character, or a hexadecimal sequence (got " + userDelim + ")"); } if (!CharUtils.isAscii(userDelim.charAt(0))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid delimiter value. Must be a single ASCII character, or a hexadecimal sequence (got non ASCII " + userDelim + ")"); } delimiter = userDelim.charAt(0); } }