Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hama.bsp.BSP;
import org.apache.hama.bsp.BSPPeer;
import org.apache.hama.bsp.sync.SyncException;
import org.apache.hama.commons.math.DenseDoubleMatrix;
import org.apache.hama.commons.math.DenseDoubleVector;
import org.apache.hama.commons.math.DoubleMatrix;
import org.apache.hama.commons.math.DoubleVector;

public class OnlineTrainBSP extends BSP<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> {

    protected static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OnlineTrainBSP.class);

    private String inputPreferenceDelim = null;
    private String inputUserDelim = null;
    private String inputItemDelim = null;

    private int ITERATION = 0;
    private int MATRIX_RANK = 0;
    private int SKIP_COUNT = 0;

    // randomly generated depending on matrix rank,
    // will be computed runtime and represents trained model
    // userId, factorized value
    private HashMap<String, VectorWritable> usersMatrix = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();
    // itemId, factorized value
    private HashMap<String, VectorWritable> itemsMatrix = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();
    // matrixRank, factorized value
    private DoubleMatrix userFeatureMatrix = null;
    private DoubleMatrix itemFeatureMatrix = null;

    // obtained from input data
    // will not change during execution
    private HashMap<String, VectorWritable> inpUsersFeatures = null;
    private HashMap<String, VectorWritable> inpItemsFeatures = null;

    private OnlineUpdate.Function function = null;

    // Input Preferences
    private ArrayList<Preference<String, String>> preferences = new ArrayList<Preference<String, String>>();
    private ArrayList<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    Random rnd = new Random();

    public void setup(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {

        Configuration conf = peer.getConfiguration();

        ITERATION = conf.getInt(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_ITERATION_COUNT, OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_ITERATION_COUNT);
        MATRIX_RANK = conf.getInt(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_MATRIX_RANK, OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MATRIX_RANK);
        SKIP_COUNT = conf.getInt(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_SKIP_COUNT, OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_SKIP_COUNT);

        inputItemDelim = conf.get(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_INPUT_ITEM_DELIM, OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_ITEM_DELIM);
        inputUserDelim = conf.get(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_INPUT_USER_DELIM, OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_USER_DELIM);
        inputPreferenceDelim = conf.get(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_INPUT_PREFERENCES_DELIM,

        Class<?> cls = conf.getClass(OnlineCF.Settings.CONF_ONLINE_UPDATE_FUNCTION, null);
        try {
            function = (OnlineUpdate.Function) (cls.newInstance());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // set default function

    public void bsp(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException { + ") collecting input data");
        // input partitioning begin,
        // because we used one file for all input data
        // and input data are different type
        HashSet<Text> requiredUserFeatures = null;
        HashSet<Text> requiredItemFeatures = null;
        collectInput(peer, requiredUserFeatures, requiredItemFeatures);
        // since we have used some delimiters for 
        // keys, HashPartitioner cannot partition
        // as we want, take user preferences and 
        // broadcast user features and item features
        askForFeatures(peer, requiredUserFeatures, requiredItemFeatures);

        requiredUserFeatures = null;
        requiredItemFeatures = null;

        collectFeatures(peer); + ") collected: " + this.usersMatrix.size() + " users, "
                + this.itemsMatrix.size() + " items, " + this.preferences.size() + " preferences");
        // input partitioning end

        // calculation steps
        for (int i = 0; i < ITERATION; i++) {
            if ((i + 1) % SKIP_COUNT == 0) {


    private void normalizeWithBroadcastingValues(
            BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {
        // normalize item factorized values
        // normalize user/item feature matrix

        if (itemFeatureMatrix != null) {
            // item feature factorized values should be normalized
            normalizeMatrix(peer, itemFeatureMatrix, OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_FEATURE_MATRIX, true);

        if (userFeatureMatrix != null) {
            // user feature factorized values should be normalized
            normalizeMatrix(peer, userFeatureMatrix, OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_USER_FEATURE_MATRIX, true);

    private DoubleMatrix normalizeMatrix(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            DoubleMatrix featureMatrix, IntWritable msgFeatureMatrix, boolean broadcast)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {
        // send to master peer
        MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();
        MatrixWritable mtx = new MatrixWritable(featureMatrix);
        msg.put(msgFeatureMatrix, mtx);
        String master = peer.getPeerName(peer.getNumPeers() / 2);
        peer.send(master, msg);

        // normalize
        DoubleMatrix res = null;
        if (peer.getPeerName().equals(master)) {
            res = new DenseDoubleMatrix(featureMatrix.getRowCount(), featureMatrix.getColumnCount(), 0);
            int incomingMsgCount = 0;
            while ((msg = peer.getCurrentMessage()) != null) {
                MatrixWritable tmp = (MatrixWritable) msg.get(msgFeatureMatrix);

        if (broadcast) {
            if (peer.getPeerName().equals(master)) {
                // broadcast to all
                msg = new MapWritable();
                msg.put(msgFeatureMatrix, new MatrixWritable(res));
                // send to all
                for (String peerName : peer.getAllPeerNames()) {
                    peer.send(peerName, msg);
            // receive normalized value from master
            msg = peer.getCurrentMessage();
            featureMatrix = ((MatrixWritable) msg.get(msgFeatureMatrix)).getMatrix();
        return res;

    private VectorWritable convertMatrixToVector(DoubleMatrix mat) {
        DoubleVector res = new DenseDoubleVector(mat.getRowCount() * mat.getColumnCount() + 1);
        int idx = 0;
        res.set(idx, MATRIX_RANK);
        for (int i = 0; i < mat.getRowCount(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mat.getColumnCount(); j++) {
                res.set(idx, mat.get(i, j));
        return new VectorWritable(res);

    private void normalizeItemFactorizedValues(
            BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {
        // send item factorized matrices to selected peers

        // receive item factorized matrices if this peer is selected and normalize them
        HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>> senderList = new HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>>();
        HashMap<Text, DoubleVector> normalizedValues = new HashMap<Text, DoubleVector>();
        getNormalizedItemFactorizedValues(peer, normalizedValues, senderList);

        // send back normalized values to senders
        sendTo(peer, senderList, normalizedValues);

        // receive already normalized and synced data

    private void sendTo(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>> senderList, HashMap<Text, DoubleVector> normalizedValues)
            throws IOException {

        for (Map.Entry<Text, DoubleVector> e : normalizedValues.entrySet()) {
            MapWritable msgTmp = new MapWritable();
            // send to interested peers
            msgTmp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_MATRIX, e.getKey());
            msgTmp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE, new VectorWritable(e.getValue()));
            Iterator<IntWritable> iter = senderList.get(e.getKey()).iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                peer.send(peer.getPeerName(, msgTmp);

    private void getNormalizedItemFactorizedValues(
            BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            HashMap<Text, DoubleVector> normalizedValues, HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>> senderList)
            throws IOException {

        HashMap<Text, Integer> normalizedValueCount = new HashMap<Text, Integer>();
        Text itemId = null;
        VectorWritable value = null;
        IntWritable senderId = null;
        MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();

        while ((msg = peer.getCurrentMessage()) != null) {
            itemId = (Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_MATRIX);
            value = (VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE);
            senderId = (IntWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_SENDER_ID);

            if (normalizedValues.containsKey(itemId) == false) {
                DenseDoubleVector tmp = new DenseDoubleVector(MATRIX_RANK, 0.0);
                normalizedValues.put(itemId, tmp);
                normalizedValueCount.put(itemId, 0);
                senderList.put(itemId, new LinkedList<IntWritable>());

            normalizedValues.put(itemId, normalizedValues.get(itemId).add(value.getVector()));
            normalizedValueCount.put(itemId, normalizedValueCount.get(itemId) + 1);

        // normalize
        for (Map.Entry<Text, DoubleVector> e : normalizedValues.entrySet()) {
            double count = normalizedValueCount.get(e.getKey());
            e.setValue(e.getValue().multiply(1.0 / count));

    private void receiveSyncedItemFactorizedValues(
            BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer) throws IOException {

        MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();
        Text itemId = null;
        // messages are arriving take them
        while ((msg = peer.getCurrentMessage()) != null) {
            itemId = (Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_MATRIX);
            itemsMatrix.put(itemId.toString(), (VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE));

    private void sendItemFactorizedValues(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {
        int peerCount = peer.getNumPeers();
        // item factorized values should be normalized
        IntWritable peerId = new IntWritable(peer.getPeerIndex());

        for (Map.Entry<String, VectorWritable> item : itemsMatrix.entrySet()) {
            MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();
            msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_MATRIX, new Text(item.getKey()));
            msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE, item.getValue());
            msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_SENDER_ID, peerId);
            peer.send(peer.getPeerName(item.getKey().hashCode() % peerCount), msg);

    private void computeValues() {
        // shuffling indexes
        int idx = 0;
        int idxValue = 0;
        int tmp = 0;
        for (int i = indexes.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            idx = Math.abs(rnd.nextInt()) % i;
            idxValue = indexes.get(idx);
            tmp = indexes.get(i - 1);
            indexes.set(i - 1, idxValue);
            indexes.set(idx, tmp);

        // compute values
        OnlineUpdate.InputStructure inp = new OnlineUpdate.InputStructure();
        OnlineUpdate.OutputStructure out = null;
        Preference<String, String> pref = null;
        for (Integer prefIdx : indexes) {
            pref = preferences.get(prefIdx);

            VectorWritable userFactorizedValues = usersMatrix.get(pref.getUserId());
            VectorWritable itemFactorizedValues = itemsMatrix.get(pref.getItemId());
            VectorWritable userFeatures = (inpUsersFeatures != null) ? inpUsersFeatures.get(pref.getUserId())
                    : null;
            VectorWritable itemFeatures = (inpItemsFeatures != null) ? inpItemsFeatures.get(pref.getItemId())
                    : null;

            inp.user = userFactorizedValues;
            inp.item = itemFactorizedValues;
            inp.expectedScore = pref.getValue();
            inp.userFeatures = userFeatures;
            inp.itemFeatures = itemFeatures;
            inp.userFeatureFactorized = userFeatureMatrix;
            inp.itemFeatureFactorized = itemFeatureMatrix;

            out = function.compute(inp);

            usersMatrix.put(pref.getUserId(), out.userFactorized);
            itemsMatrix.put(pref.getItemId(), out.itemFactorized);
            userFeatureMatrix = out.userFeatureFactorized;
            itemFeatureMatrix = out.itemFeatureFactorized;

    private void saveModel(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {

        // save user information + ") saving " + usersMatrix.size() + " users");
        for (Map.Entry<String, VectorWritable> user : usersMatrix.entrySet()) {
            peer.write(new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_USER_DELIM + user.getKey()), user.getValue());

        // broadcast item values, normalize and save

        HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>> senderList = new HashMap<Text, LinkedList<IntWritable>>();
        HashMap<Text, DoubleVector> normalizedValues = new HashMap<Text, DoubleVector>();
        getNormalizedItemFactorizedValues(peer, normalizedValues, senderList);

        saveItemFactorizedValues(peer, normalizedValues);

        // broadcast item and user feature matrix
        // normalize and save
        if (itemFeatureMatrix != null) {
            // save item features
            for (Map.Entry<String, VectorWritable> feature : inpItemsFeatures.entrySet()) {
                peer.write(new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_ITEM_FEATURES_DELIM + feature.getKey()),
            // item feature factorized values should be normalized
            DoubleMatrix res = normalizeMatrix(peer, itemFeatureMatrix, OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_FEATURE_MATRIX,

            if (res != null) {
                Text key = new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_ITEM_MTX_FEATURES_DELIM
                        + OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_ITEM_FEATURE_MATRIX.toString());
                peer.write(key, convertMatrixToVector(res));

        if (userFeatureMatrix != null) {
            // save user features
            // save item features
            for (Map.Entry<String, VectorWritable> feature : inpUsersFeatures.entrySet()) {
                peer.write(new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_USER_FEATURES_DELIM + feature.getKey()),
            // user feature factorized values should be normalized
            DoubleMatrix res = normalizeMatrix(peer, userFeatureMatrix, OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_USER_FEATURE_MATRIX,

            if (res != null) {
                Text key = new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_USER_MTX_FEATURES_DELIM
                        + OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_USER_FEATURE_MATRIX.toString());
                peer.write(key, convertMatrixToVector(res));

    private void saveItemFactorizedValues(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            HashMap<Text, DoubleVector> normalizedValues) throws IOException { + ") saving " + normalizedValues.size() + " items");
        for (Map.Entry<Text, DoubleVector> item : normalizedValues.entrySet()) {
            peer.write(new Text(OnlineCF.Settings.DFLT_MODEL_ITEM_DELIM + item.getKey().toString()),
                    new VectorWritable(item.getValue()));

    private void sendRequiredFeatures(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {

        MapWritable msg = null;
        int senderId = 0;

        while ((msg = peer.getCurrentMessage()) != null) {
            senderId = ((IntWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_SENDER_ID)).get();
            MapWritable resp = new MapWritable();
            if (msg.containsKey(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES)) {
                // send item feature
                String itemId = ((Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES)).toString().substring(1);
                resp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES, new Text(itemId));
                resp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE, inpItemsFeatures.get(itemId));
            } else if (msg.containsKey(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES)) {
                // send user feature
                String userId = ((Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES)).toString().substring(1);
                resp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES, new Text(userId));
                resp.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE, inpUsersFeatures.get(userId));
            peer.send(peer.getPeerName(senderId), resp);

    private void collectFeatures(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer)
            throws IOException {
        // remove all features,
        // since we will get necessary features via messages
        inpItemsFeatures = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();
        inpUsersFeatures = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();

        MapWritable msg = null;
        int userFeatureSize = 0;
        int itemFeatureSize = 0;
        while ((msg = peer.getCurrentMessage()) != null) {
            if (msg.containsKey(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES)) {
                // send item feature
                String itemId = ((Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES)).toString();
                inpItemsFeatures.put(itemId, (VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE));
                itemFeatureSize = ((VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE)).getVector().getLength();
            } else if (msg.containsKey(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES)) {
                // send user feature
                String userId = ((Text) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES)).toString();
                inpUsersFeatures.put(userId, (VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE));
                userFeatureSize = ((VectorWritable) msg.get(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_VALUE)).getVector().getLength();
        if (inpItemsFeatures.size() > 0) {
            itemFeatureMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix(MATRIX_RANK, itemFeatureSize, rnd);
        if (inpUsersFeatures.size() > 0) {
            userFeatureMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix(MATRIX_RANK, userFeatureSize, rnd);

    private void askForFeatures(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            HashSet<Text> requiredUserFeatures, HashSet<Text> requiredItemFeatures)
            throws IOException, SyncException, InterruptedException {
        int peerCount = peer.getNumPeers();
        int peerId = peer.getPeerIndex();

        if (requiredUserFeatures != null) {
            Iterator<Text> iter = requiredUserFeatures.iterator();
            Text key = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();
                key =;
                msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_USER_FEATURES, key);
                msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_SENDER_ID, new IntWritable(peerId));
                peer.send(peer.getPeerName(key.hashCode() % peerCount), msg);

        if (requiredItemFeatures != null) {
            Iterator<Text> iter = requiredItemFeatures.iterator();
            Text key = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                MapWritable msg = new MapWritable();
                key =;
                msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_INP_ITEM_FEATURES, key);
                msg.put(OnlineCF.Settings.MSG_SENDER_ID, new IntWritable(peerId));
                peer.send(peer.getPeerName(key.hashCode() % peerCount), msg);

    private void collectInput(BSPPeer<Text, VectorWritable, Text, VectorWritable, MapWritable> peer,
            HashSet<Text> requiredUserFeatures, HashSet<Text> requiredItemFeatures) throws IOException {
        Text key = new Text();
        VectorWritable value = new VectorWritable();
        int counter = 0;

        requiredUserFeatures = new HashSet<Text>();
        requiredItemFeatures = new HashSet<Text>();

        while (peer.readNext(key, value)) {
            // key format: (0, 1..n)
            //  0 - delimiter, for type of key
            //  1..n - actaul key value
            String firstSymbol = key.toString().substring(0, 1);
            String actualId = key.toString().substring(1);

            if (firstSymbol.equals(inputPreferenceDelim)) {
                // parse as <k:userId, v:(itemId, score)>
                String itemId = Long.toString((long) value.getVector().get(0));
                String score = Double.toString(value.getVector().get(1));

                if (usersMatrix.containsKey(actualId) == false) {
                    DenseDoubleVector vals = new DenseDoubleVector(MATRIX_RANK);
                    for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_RANK; i++) {
                        vals.set(i, rnd.nextDouble());
                    VectorWritable rndValues = new VectorWritable(vals);
                    usersMatrix.put(actualId, rndValues);

                if (itemsMatrix.containsKey(itemId) == false) {
                    DenseDoubleVector vals = new DenseDoubleVector(MATRIX_RANK);
                    for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_RANK; i++) {
                        vals.set(i, rnd.nextDouble());
                    VectorWritable rndValues = new VectorWritable(vals);
                    itemsMatrix.put(itemId, rndValues);
                preferences.add(new Preference<String, String>(actualId, itemId, Double.parseDouble(score)));

                // since we used HashPartitioner, 
                // in order to ask for input feature we need peer index
                // we can obtain peer index by using actual key
                requiredUserFeatures.add(new Text(inputUserDelim + actualId));
                requiredItemFeatures.add(new Text(inputItemDelim + itemId));
            } else if (firstSymbol.equals(inputUserDelim)) {
                // parse as <k:userId, v:(ArrayOfFeatureValues)>
                if (inpUsersFeatures == null) {
                    inpUsersFeatures = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();
                inpUsersFeatures.put(actualId, value);

            } else if (firstSymbol.equals(inputItemDelim)) {
                // parse as <k:itemId, v:(ArrayOfFeatureValues)>
                if (inpItemsFeatures == null) {
                    inpItemsFeatures = new HashMap<String, VectorWritable>();
                inpItemsFeatures.put(actualId, value);

            } else {
                // just skip, maybe we should throw exception
